Htt-fe 02?K DOLLAR rBR YE Ajt, INyARIAY iN A&?AKC QUR MOTTO; DlKU KT MO.N DUOlK' I BKXJ. II. SWAIN, 0V2vEIl AND KDl'J ()!;. VOL. II. ., S2!id!HN 22 1888 ). W. WOOD. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW LEWIS I OX, X. C. practices in Bertie and ad joining counties. n9 6m WILLIAMS HOUSE, LEWISTOX, K. C., - --. J. g; WILUAMS, Prop. - Travelers ac2omraoda ted at low rates. Table supplied with the best, the market affords. , '" . ' " " jgrConyevances furnished on applK ti:n. au3tfn The HANCOGK HOUSE, LEWISTON, N. a " ii Table supplied with the best the mar ket affords. Every attention paid to the comfort of the quests. Livery at tached. A. F. Hancock, Prop. I)li.j(F. D. STEVENS, SUHGEOX DENTIST, f WINDSOR, N. C. Teeth extracted without pain, l'illing partly decaped teeth a spccUl ty. All work warranted. ' f , ; T. S, TODD. K. TODD. 7. s. todd & brq, DEALERS IN " GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Fine Dress Goods. Dry Goods, Notions and Fancy Articles. Groceries of evrry description. Boots, Shoes and other staple goods. or.2Gtfn ATTENTION FARMERS! IXDIAX WOOD WHEEL FACTORY I am now manufacturing Cart Wheels, Kims, Ifrbs and Spoke from native tim bers which 1 will sell fronf 63.50 to $5.25 j cr pair of wheels. A discount will be allowed if as many as ten pairs are tak en by one part y. All work warranted. Special terms to Coachinakers. Ship ments F. O. B., at Couiot landing on Ko:mokc river. Address P. RASCOE, anglO 12m. Windsor. X. C. TONSORIAL ARTIST, W. II.. LEIGH, Has recently had his shop fitted up in First class siyiH lor the covetiieute - of patrons. Shaving, haircuUmg and sham poo :ncr done in the most artistic manner. Will l,e nt shop from 7.30 to 9 a. m., and fronr. I'.' a. m. to 4 p. m. no2 tfn T. H. ALEXANDER; ATTORNEY-AT- L AW SOLICITOR OF AND atents, C07 7th Street, WASHIXGTOX, D. C (established 1857.) Foreign patents procured, Caveats, Trade Marks and Labels , registered. Expert examinations made, aTid opin tons. relating to infringements, validity aiid score of patents given. Send for my circular and mention this paper. MILL SUPPLIES II. E. Thrower, Engineer and Ma d.ii ist. Manufacturer's a sent lor En gines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Circuler Saws, Ice Machines, Fire Hand Grenades. ill ej-cct and repair machinery of veiy description in the counties ot Jser Jie, Northampton and Hertford. Prices low and Satisfaction guaranteed. WINDSOR, X. C. DR. F. A. WALKE. -J. N. WILLIAMS. WALKE & WILLIAMS, DEALERS'IN DRUG a, PAINTS. OILS. 90RNEB WAT17.R AI HOAJJOKB SQUAUE, NORFOLK, VA; ' .-h.:"r:".'' ...... - t " - " ""'' . I uuiurrn rniriiAA . , hi iirn hNiiv a . . . - i. '.,. ; - . . . : - . CORA LINN DANIELS. As winds that flowerets scatter To gain their perfect scents, As pools that soffi flatter The gazer's lineaments; . As bumble-beess, who gather - Sweets wit& ruthless sting, Then leave the bloom to wither. a. torn knd bleedm Iff tlilrtrr. a w""5) . Aft A litiivv-i.. ..i.j t i ... t.; Which turn to sudden frrist:: As seas in smootlj beguiling ; Soon high are tempest-tossed! ' As some false gem dotlglitter, T And Folly's sparkle fends; So and alas! so bitterr7 ? Like these are "Summer friends..' T il-n r , . . itibo in uuuie givinor Like earth and fire and skv. Like sunshiue for all livin, - -And peace for all who die; - Like poets' wondrous pages. Like music's mystic power; Like deeds of other ages Grown greater to this hour: v Like. Chanty, forgetting - j And loving more through pain; Like joy with no regretting, And sorrow not in Vain: ke sf me, str011S word that, flowing Straight to the scul- transeends All others in bestowing True good are winter friends. - Then ho! ye friends of Summer, , Be pledged in frDth ot wine! To love a trifling coiner " ' As lightly go fronvmine! But, friends of Winter, never -. From my true souLdepart, But drink With me forever ; The nectar of the heart. PROCEEDIXGS QF THE BOARD OF COUXTY COMMISSIOXERS. Windsor, N; C, Jan. 2, '88. The Bofsrd met at 10 a. rn. Members present J. C. Freeman, chairman; W. A. Capehart, A. J. D u n n i n g, Ft-1 e r Kascoe a n d J. li. Stokes. Minutes of last meetini? lead and approved. Ordered that Mrs. E R. Gil larn lie and she -hereby is relieved Ironi the payment of 30.80, it biing theCountypaft of her taxes as returned by tlie hoard' of as sessors as unlisted, and it is fur thtr ordered that the clerk of this Hoard shall tnrnish her with a certified copy of this order that she may have refunded the sum of $13 69, it being the State part of said unlisted taxes. "Ordered that the following persons he relieved from poll tax for 1887,t to wit: T. P. Evans, J no. T. Terry, K K Howard, W. D. Harrtll, Dolly Williams, Annis Williams, JosRuflin. Ordered that II. W. Lyon pro ceed to make a copy, of Record of DeedN" and that he shall re ceive for said work not (exceed insr zo cents ior eacn instramcnt cop- led. . .r--;- . ?; Primus Outlaw presented his official bond as constable for Windsor township, which was accepted. t X 7 Ordered that the Sheriff isue to each, of the persons, to wit: W. E. Mountain, C. Mountain, J. L Bowers, Wm. Holloman, a retail liquor license for five months from date upon payment of the legal taxes. The following accounts were audited and ordered paid: Jarred Peele, error in taxes for 1887, land, : $ 6 50 Henry Sutton, ; same, county part, 1 45 50 2 37 3 00 3 00 - 50 57 316 20 84 30 "163 48 22 10 45 20 44 93 47 09 Jjewis Williams, same, W: H: sTavIoeViJ.i P. cost Insolv't. State cases, A. 13. Phelps,comn for Daniel Hagins, ; S. M Pear ce, same for W i n n y Jo n es, ; f '," J. P. Rascoe & Son, mdse for poor house, T. J. HeckstalP', mdse for and Supt. of P. IL, -' !Norman & i Everett pork for poor house, : : H. W. ;Ly 6 n , ser vices as Register DeedsJ etc.', . s John Hughes, holding inquest overM. Bond'; II. J. Godwin, jail ex penses, ,;- ':: . t II. J. Godwin, convey ing Saml Hall to Halifax, . Edwards & Brbughtbn blank bpojes, etc., . uuimuq por Mouse, ; 3 J 2 00 : JTauhy Ann HiU9eame ' 2 00 On motion the Board adjourn e4 it you are snftermg with eakJ toa, -arejhat the T stream of 'iuimi inttamed eyei,. or i grauulatetUgralion "yill increase rather Uian eyelids,' yon can be quick I v cured by; U8ingrJBr.i'J, H. McLean's btrengthenihg! Eye ; Salve. 25 cents a box; ? : ' : r . , l THE MARRIAGE BELLS. 'The St. Paul Globe says: Young men, the large majority of you are hovering: arouud the verse of raatrimony,shiyering like a mouse colored terrier, mid afraid to step -xiicreat majority , oi you know where you can put your finger on a girl who would marry jyou at a fecond's notice but .'you are afraid .that you couldn't sat isfy the landlords, coal dealers and milliners that a man always wecis when , he marries a woman. You are not men! You are sim ple cowardi, who set apprize hanging; above? your heads, and have not tho moral courage to as certain if ypur! arms are- long enough and strong . enough to pluck it. My advice to you is, if you have ajoband earning fair wages to get married and go to housekeeping if yon have to be gin with an oil stove, a candle and a lounge. This jnay ssem to you to be a small beginning, and to it is, butj once married, V the money that you now throw awav in yon r endeavors to quiet , your restless soul will go into furni ture md little nionacks, and you will soon wake up to the tact that you are: the owner of a home,and that word means a great, deal to a young fellow who has been swimming around in the occan ot life ever sinco he was big oiioush to shave himself, '.with hi. chin just above ithe water. Jus: as poon as a man can stand, up he fore the wdrld, point to u pleas ant homo presided over by a wife, who makes a harness of smile with. which her. husband draws her daily cares, ami saj !they are m?ne,n he jerks hishcad, up iii the air about six inchea and s:es prnncinr about , like a yearlni colt in a. new pasture. Get mar Tied youngs man, and if you use common seme in. picking out a wife. yon are sure to make a suc Ccf8 ;ofi the;venture. The world owes yon a living, but it ihii't go ingr to press it upon -you.M .Yon will find that it is just as easy to feed two m6u ths as one, pro vi d -ing the extra month is owned - by your, wife.i i Tbero w nothing this side of Heaven that can i smooth out the wrinkles in a man's disposition or knock dowji the obstructioha that get in his path as he tramps alou through this i brief, probation of life, so perfectly as as the sympathy and affection of, a true, noble, i self sacrificing womtiij andI am e centric enough to believe that the majority of women are built ;that way. State Chronicle, i j . t . : - t . " . ' For physical ailments, especial those incident to declining: years, mere is no remedy which produces such satisractory results as Dr. J. H. (McLean's Liver and Kidney : Balm,J its genial and in vigorating effect on -Liver -aiid Kidneys is remarkable. CHARACTElt OF IMMIGRATIOX; Ot the immigrants nearly nine tenths are ndw'unskilled laborers, and that has probably been the case from the.begiuning of the activity of iramigratibn.Between 1872 antl 1887, out of a total of r5,396,416, only 587,349. were skilled labor ers, and nearly one-half, or 2, 596,188, were without occupation; the1 great 'part .coming; here to pick up such work asthoy could at such prices as were obtainable. It is apparent, therelore, howjn superable are the obstacles tothe maintenance of ai standard of wages for unskilled' labor satisfaq-, tory to an organization' like r the Knights jpf. Labor? tor not oulvjs there,, the competition ; of f .work men already hero who uro onteido if the : organization, bntthern i Utsoypteady inliox of. nearly a Hwariurw u minion aiinunimrom abroad.. r;.Thq present iudiculion. 4ini(inisn in vqiume,,at least, dur- Sick headache is tho bane of muny IiVitocnf o ' and. prevent this annovinif comnlmnt'tisn. Tie J.-HIIcteaa's Little, Liver and Kidney Pillots.; They are Hgfee- able to take, and gentle in' -their action., : : ; . 4 , , FOR TARIFF REFORM. The averigo -Tarhee'' is a piece of , humanity, but neither, his stubbornness nor love of "old North Carolina corn", has icuuuca mis uencr juugmeiit or broad patriotisnVso tar as to'fuWr :the repeal of tho tax on whiskey and tobacco in preference to the reform, of the tariff., Wet.are- strangely and unjustly misrepre sented, in this ; matter by both Northern ami Southern newspa pers. The position of every loyal Democrat , in .North Carolina ia this; He prefers cheap blankets, cheap iron, cheap pbugli traces, and cheap woolen goods to cheap whiskey and cheap tobaccoi He is for tariff reform and GrOver." And while ho considers the prs ent )tem of collecting internal revuuue as ohnoxiousliml erronc ous, yet in his bi: itart he cannot let thefow'burdeiisof hisownSiutu imped f tho reformation, 4 h ii tt Icnal evil. Such s tho imiitiuii ol the Democratic North S ate, and all oiier statements to. the con trary are false from bac t Ikhc, Thu -.Blair bill has been laid at our i dorr as being favorably en irtHined. This ii another cliatirc la so in .mot aud bmuclu We have money eiicmgh to educate our children and then can "' " ' V .- Piv; uuiiuu! cuucaio . poor Blair's iiliteratf s, too. if need b?. The South is not a cakliug ui on iti motherV breast.' 1 She is able1 to stand al.ine in this matter and seeks no outside - aid. ! Let : Senators who daro dally with their high trust, feeling ecuro in the ignorance f of their,, fcoiutitUr ents, but lend their, uid and -vtc to passing the Blair bill, and they will awake to a Sense ot their mis, take whetf a "little too late' to ret turn to Wasl'iington.-l-Wf H.;i;. MeLtturiu in Courier Journal. -' Ladies who experience a sense of weakness, and boraetimes lament pess of the back should ! uab Dr. 'J. II.13 McLean's Sfrchgtlicuing Cordial 'and, 'Blood Purifier; it will -supply- the much; needed strength and overcome all weak ening irregularities, JI .,nj, ; PARTIXG1N AXGER, '.. K ' ' The morning after I lectured in' Wilkesbarre there was a creat colliery explosion, j Hundreds of Cornish miners were- killed- and their corpses lay at the mouth i of the coal mine , for ; recognition; Wives were wringing their hands and children were crying and n wail of desolation filled thif'oVr." Sitting ,at the mouth, by a pale corpse; 4 was r a -young wife.1 She looked at her husband,' but' utter - cd no cry; her eyes were.dry. She rocked herself to and fro, her face white with anguish. : : "Oh, that LEadspoka, fair to him at the. end!" she moaaed. 'Oh, that he would come to life que mi uutej thai I could !sayi 'Jimmy, forgiye'me!'?bot nothing will- help , roe i nqwv Oh, I could bear, it all Vf 1 iiad only spoke fair to him at the end!" , And then at last, the story came I he v h ad bee u ma rn cd a. year she. and Jimand they both "had tempers' but Jim' : Was always ug iu4remainingtyear3,'tqf, tms ,IW u?" Ptmfniyv.tne; prospect being. that ; ; rounj!,at Unless Checked, ltiwill . brrnnp to! o us manytmpre.than 5,000,000 ad-lKnow Joa ,ove nie, and we won't ditionalj foreigners before 1900 isjPart in tH-blood." reached.-r-Nev York Sun. V ' " Jimmy, I don't love you," . ',' - I said, petulantly. tho.tirt ,to make up. And this very morning they had had trou- It began because breakfast wasn't ready, and tho firo w.mldn'f burn; and they had said hard words; both ot them. But at the very last, though breatcfact had htto eat, Jim had turned tho door and said: me a kis. lass. Tan petulantly I "Gi'e me a kiss, lass." rdennVd J lf"tjy. , 1 No.not one! and nria ancV then tbojears rushed fo her eves- With avvrdl adba she Hung uer nrms 'around the corpee. j ."Darling Jimmy! DirliugJim. y, Bpeaic to me mm mourned. Sav ron foririvo mtV p - w . sue "Do not grieve so hnpelesily," r,v 'v.iuij ciiimny Knows what you feel now." ,Br?l lIle ourner8 cars were deaf to all comfort, and the wail hig cry came aain: 0h, ifl had only spoke to "fin iair ac ii.e last." " .It id not an uncommon story, this. f We quarrel with those we IoTC an J part, and meet and makeup-again; and death is mer- SlWVa" VTalU ti,! we aro a peace. now possible is just such an expenenc i to any of u. who parts mu .siiiiic near one in angrr, or who lets the sun go down upon their wrath! : Buf it is always the nohlct nature, the most loyal luart.wlnch U tho firft to cry, 'I was wroii"; forgive m." Kli IVnt.iw i News and Obprvnr . T, nilay pain. PutTduo inflame lion, Leal fuiiLsorci and nlcora .the limit iirofti!if "f-" i1 IIOUIVM'I lewults are idjiaint-d hv intiii' flint "hi. ridiahto icniLwlv. Ir tl McLean! .Volcanic 6d Liniment. IX A SAD LIGHT. A gentleman who was invited out to dine t a I K-l.i'.v.-ir.. n v. resilience Intehv-hfervid that the cuaiiUcier over tint ilmm m... table was d ii p.c iliur cotii-truc- itMii, so tint there wa a liifht over the bend id each guest. Tho globes were of v.iriom colors, 80n,e, !her,80hic red,orne blue. "AVIiat.u tho ohjrct of having tho globes: ofdifilTent colois? ' the guest askvd his hos'e. "Why, b?c, when one gives a dinner or Yea oho muit invite some pco-P-VYhomono perfectly hates. Pwf JAt luesUay I gave ft sup- pir, . and ;I had to invite two wo- nicif'- whom I despise. But I had to in'vitothemVor some of the yo'nn men I wanted would not come. Iliad my revenge on my hiir' jeuemics, however. I placed eachpf theso two women nnder qnoj of tho?o pa'o blue light at the table. They'ro usually con sidered beautiful women, but un der, that light they bad tho most ghastly look you ever saw. Thoy were perfect scarecrows. They 'seemed to have aged 20 year the minute that they-sat down. The men , noticed it, of course, but thy did not divine whit caused it. They wero quite taken aback and awfully glurn at first. But finally, one of them with a sigh .turned and began talking to a real f homely little thing tint was sitting under a ruby colored Ikdit. Why, she was perfectly charming under it. So, you see, that when I want people to look perfectly hideous I put them under the blublights. "I k'M everything." : THoiienfferaan looked un. He was.ucder a Jilue light Bufialo Courier. , ' 'y, m , i pisease lies in ambuih for itie weak, a feeble constitution is ill adapted to encounter a malarious atmosphcro,orf sudden changes of temperature, and the lca?t robust are usually the . easiest victims: Dr, J.jH.; McLean's Strengtheu Jng.Corial, aqd' Blood Purifier W1,l tgiye.tono, and vitality and strength, . to your entire body. inSubicribo to this paper. Only 1 pcrycarin pdynqce. N0.26. 1 mm r. d. wi.varox. W. U WILLIAMS WI.VSTON WILLIAMS. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLOHS J JcCUcc m B:e nna a.ljoua c..t::, i;T, f"l" tin 1. C WINSTON. A TT QRjEY'AT'LA't WlNIOIl,X.C. Prcl:ccs In lUnW ai d a.!jo:n!: cnun-' . Tel tfn IIEXIIY J. PDoTl ATT QRNEY'AT'LAl'A . c. PUSH'S DRUG EMPORIUM, WINDSOB, N". C. ' WIjm-c Ymi an fnrl Urn? amIOit c.orc Pa:a!. id Oil. Pm.-r-tv vIninV ' Flavor! funipry, mm - John l- StraJia'jt menu an.lStnn.. Kolcrt JinUl-; Ki ! ! r.u.I GnnVn Sen!. ' OH Itfi G. iy.-SifPSO.V, IKALi:it.S IN . Orocrrtr vrry Lm- for i -h. General M.nUt More. felS uV WINDOH. x. C. R-CBAZEJORE, i mULER IN Dry (;ood Groocnc. Torero. l.T ejrf, f;ru:r. arr. C:t!m Ih-j-, Queen s war-. Root, SJios. Ha!f a"n j CG3uIIisTiC9t price jtiil fi.r puxl xr. .WIXDSOiu X. C. kUtta . JACOCKS, " !,l t '. 4 DEaLCU in IlartbTane. Cutlerv. Ga. S:nrc f Hawarf. YAz Toot. - ultcral Implements aii-l fi nuVica miai. l-ainu ntvl l.i!ut 0;!.- A f ill .nc ufMAcIiber Oils. r21tf:i MILLINERY GOi')!)-; A tiKxlalty at the oil BALTIMORE MILLINERY "MjtS Lizzie lirLLrt t . . W inctur with a lu'.t and t- r Goodj. A UxtU lot or . Siil or HaU, ato all the novclilM i:i iyk and colors hi la Jiia and chi! h eua tlrxw anlFeUIIaU. VckfttfUuanl HJU nets mule to onler. city vrork an I stile at low prices. Uaulsr. Ua.ubar, Ho siery. Glows, Lfidic Aleriuo Vet CV.--sct. JcrAcjjt, Uuciilns Co!! U ;n I Cus, ltib!uuj. Whets, i'lui'j.-. rcx. tilers, J'Iunci. Orunmcals 11 rc r, etc. etc Indies fn:n a dlti:ic; vU inz Wmd-or will ad ii Ueir i uUrot t call. Polite attention I vn ic:iie'.r icr i.vnei. i tnm cau OxxU. and small prolix. i:e 1 1 V WIXDSOR, N, C. fable ftipplied w'.tli t!ic bct Vie mr vl affoni. KirsnppHed with cnico Vi:ir, Iiq n.r. Cinrs and Tobacco. The only f:rs:-cU, ho'ii?-!i :, frr and comfortable ho;el in Vu dir. "American I I mc and HaU 0:Tt' choice cli rs, arc jveh 1 tic . ItDomt recently renovate I nnd win dows cut down to fijor. Boub!e p:i..ta around Ujc hotel, Prirate Utin , room for I.idic stairs - rdFrce Hack to ru"iStratner. PTTclegnip'i attached. J:1L MOODV. IVoti. GRAND EMPORIUM OF FASHION. ilrs. S-C. IlArrethaJ Jutt from New York with an crant line of Spring cood. Cooiistinjof u.iUinf r of all kind. The latest no-vcUie rf 'V. scasonlnllat uud ltonncH. FAN'CV GOODS Her Kotion'are unnqi UltKS-i UUOUSTl.e latest nuv, !t In styles and hade. Trirntr:n t respond. FJcnnt lice of rc.n; ! Tr..n mlnsand I'anelhfor M.Ikt. F;:u ; :.c cf Silks la mttcnii. handiotue Vtht ' , s . 4 , IUPDII 1.11 bill Evcrytliin? tlat pcruius M Waut;:v ladies. Gire me a call, will curi:itrr prices and styles s'.iall uit the mt fas tidious, t tlunk my friend fr patronage and hpe to ice my n! Ici--.!. mcrs and a number ot new. "(; r ,, come all. and sc? the. hanJo.urt liac c ool la Windsor. 1J.M. BATCH UL'JR.

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