IMttCE ONE DOLLAR PkR YEAH, INVABIaU .Y ADVANCE ...our mu ttoi mt;u i;r Mo.v.Diiotr. UKNJ, II. KY,l.S OW.NIilt AND r.ifli'nti vol. in, WIND JNQ, w wood, - ATTORNEY AND OCUNSELLOR AT LAW rmetieei iu Hertle and aaiaminff - . .. n w mums home, mhvjhton, x; c., ; 1 travel t'W ftfflmrafietatsfl allmv ? iihio supplUtl with the het the market I ConvevaiK'ei furnished en -npplU t,l . - au3tfn mii HAmOBK HOUSE, TnUo pupplletl with the best th mftr to i, imwa. mvy, nuwulou paid to t!u ;ni left Of-tliS SUflitif. Livery n f. A, P. Hancock, Prp, mi, r, d. btevbsh , SUUCIEQN' DjBXTIHT, Teeth extrneted without fftln,- . I'llUnj: partly tteeaned teath a srf ouu 4 11 trn ....... J. J - T, htoop, e. maun. I.S.TQDB&BRQ, DSAfclftg IN GENERATE MERCHANDISE. iFIneDresR Goods. Dry 0ocl. 33 etlonii end Fnnuy Article? Groceries of evry (tiTlpt!on. lootr-ghees' and other ATTENTION FABMEUB! JXWAN WOQp WHEEL FACTORY I nm now manufacturing Cart Whielp, Wins. iU'b andBpokes from native tira whfdi I will iell from $3.50 to $5,25 yev pair of wheels. A discount will 4)6 nlJowed If as .many u teii imirs nra' tak. rnlv one party. Allwork warranted. rpft-itu firms- to -uoaehnrnkers. mm . ..... r . ' ...r.a - , .Address V, 11ASCOE, piiglplSra. 1 Windsor, X. C. . IT. LKIGII, IliiB recently! hfid hi hon fitted hp In Hi't ulu i vIm lor- the eovfiiiiencn flf imtroiiR. Hl-avini?. hahvntthiii and ham poiMUMjnoQ ,n wfui nwrt artistly manner. w m he at fmopffom 7.00 to Or. m and S?m iu a. m. to 4 p. m. n?2 tfn t. h. Mxan Jer, : " BOLXCITOli Of Patent! 7th StreeMWASlflXGTOV in C. (KSTABLIgilBD 157.) foreign fml&ht iwoeurfxl. iTfftveals. Tjule Mat'k and .Xahtdr registered, pi'i-t't pxaminfttions made," nd opto relating to In frmgementi, validity m mm of patents given, &nd for mv .i-nH-wjir ant mention this paper, MILL SUPPLIES ; I. K. Thrower. Endneer and Ma el, Uiftt, Manufactured flirmfc ler En. fivory u rption lo th eynnties of Jler J'f Knrthaviptoii and Hertford, Prlees w and mtlfetlo guaranteed. - . - tVXNDStJIt, X. 0, . ' ; '4 F A, WALKS, J, Jf, TMlEtAim, WALKE& WILLIAMS, DEALERS W y . - , tynUGS 'AIM OILS - c?teEli , WATER STHEBT HQ A HOEB 8QUABE-" 'iXfcFkmjv vu a AlQEFOLK, VA 13 a TM's' AIM. J Aim for the htautlful and lirlght, ' : Aim tor the gecupmd imt .' Aim'as the lark soars in its flight s . -And ftowers reaeh lor the dew. ' Affi thenW Ihy way he in the ntoiit. ' tlll aim with liftedeyej : fek for the hidden stars whose light Bhmes in the darkest sky, , Aim, though in. lowest depths thy way. Thy path lie tin'owih the mlref ' " Aim yet to reaeh kh p thy vay With hopes that hever tire, : - ti'ftvely go and upward reaehr - -And eft tlnmgh thou may fhlt. ! : -Eaeh trial sweeter hope shall teaeh it tneu hut heed the ill. . Then take unto thy heart this thonsht Twill be thy leading stai" ' If faith he thine eaeh trial's wrought . ! With heauty ten afar. Aia upwaru t& ttie realms that blest. .Th.en walk with soul of truti In skies ahove go seek thy rest Kot low, within the dast. THBTOBACCO TAX. The Nmv. York Bun, reoantlv. in nn oluboruto editorial entitled "Abolish the.Tobaeon Thx," tells iu that Great Britain taxes Amer lean tobac? heavily . and that, tliererorf , we, shoald . Immedlateiv proceeds to nbolish onr -Interiial re von a tax on tobauoo. The Run does not explain the' eotineetion between the action oftlie BntUlr laws and the proposed .poller of fhiu government, and we eonfes that we are nnable to gee why. "the one net'eWaarily fvdlowg tho other, Hreat Britain, in pnrsnHnw o( its peliey ol levying n tariff tor rvunoe only, tuxs tt,baeet t?s luxury all that it wdl lmr, In (r ikr and, fur tho only rmQ!i thnt It nuiy brini? intt tho treu?nry u nmu - money as powlMr Thfrt )9 no t rotetJtiun in it- No tnlmL'i'it U f rown ii tho United Kingdom F ,nu Ui 'or and yut so tdiulr It is oi no eonuoMi to H lmw t" twlh him pluuk a 11 rnnah 'Great B unm tax. our to huij m the'duiiei sin levies are not nbovo lha revenm point, nnd sin? U very uaryful not Ur nMwh over tlnit. - The British tariff on tobaeeo doe'not onuern uh bat'ai!fo the lritbb consumer pay the 'taxes to liii own government. If mi toms dmies wvre paid by ihiJm porter as Senator Fryo says, and as tho gun appears to Insin'unte it would be quite another matter, the British consumer pays th tax, whether fifty nr. three hundred per eeut , and tik s ail the tobaeo bo 'ean consume, it matters notbintr to us, VVnshine ton Post. , . ; : : : i"? ; Diseasy lie in ambssb for tbe weak, a i'mbte constitution fs III adapted to encoojitor a malarious atmosphere or sudden changes of tmnpmmrQf and the lea.!- robust aro ttsuallv tb faiet victims Br, J. If, McLtan's Strengthen- Oordml mid Blood Pb tiller will civo ton end vitality and strength to your entire body - mum iwmw AMK11ICA, IN A Valnablo addltioft. has been J -otflde to lh ; feoerat gtock oi heavy draft horses In th United States by th importation of B gitsh bhire horses, m common wtth" othr brcedsofKngllsb draft horm they are btlicved to imr defcendfd from th heavy Flem ish race. In tho nMdio age, when the knight and their hor$f irtnt into battle clad in heavy horses were Jargejy nsed for mil itary pnrposes i rWhen defenve armor was laid uM, in eom0 qmmo of the general ni ol fire arm, the heavy horses were rele gated to the pursuits of peaeefnl mdtmtry, f hey had beeeme wide ly scattered through the British England several quite distinct ureeas nave gprnng rom uw N?ngina wgk ih mmss wave tbefr hme in YortoWw; and with CJydesJHle mia.oAier draft eommoii, ttud groat impraveiniit qmilijler. lu -awn und othtu Mn,ut the best ipealinoiii evei f "ggeiU m mmtfom dash o Hwryiighbred bloed. -Having at tulned hsmurpo, Udi system o erosinir hu- now gMK': mnlutalned, mid - -the oinrei i .are. ured strlutly puro Ameriuan "AgrleuUuruliit, . lir'nhipilonl tillmanta narnI..K Jiy .--fliOM jlneiilent to deghittuff ' I,lrQ, U n? rfemey .wliluli j?-00,? 'SW,M, WulU KLJ Mi811 8 vep V iti.eiimi mill li. LIUI,?J? ? remarKHUie, OLEVfiLAXfi'd GALLANTRY, . A Chicago lady. " reeentlv re mm oenily returned J ram Washington ahi, Ponle Imve asked me II I (net tho President and his w.fe and II they ueted like other newly married fol:?s. At the White House vou would never know but what tluy had been' mnrried twenty yeari. But I avlil tell you somejtldnif. I oooanled a room in LtDo vlohilty of the mansion nnd ft overlooked the conservatory. r rom a corner m my room' and with (he ud of a lortfnelte J eould tie a gun! . deul whluli tho visitor eouliin t ?Qt I never could ra sia the temphitlon to level my glansee nt-the President mill 'Mm. Ulevelnndfwhen thev used turnout otit among the resen, us they sup postd, nnob'etved, X think, a a wwmu who li?,s bad love rnnde to her In the most Hpproved stvle, that I can m the Pruaiilent U u diarmiu lover, llo was so tral- ;mit to her ami yut so tender. I tled towateh him uliiuk u llmvup tifid tfun bold it mndiiit hyi l'h faeu 4 if hy cmpirison. Wasn't thut 110. ? i And then be would tfh'Q Iw the yently.r, lettdvmsl touch! ifmler the. ehort libs and sbe wpuhKiook up to him com fidliiylv . you Know how a wo. mnn ;can j do -that with a man whom: he honor. I am ti re publican, but I tell yoa it usad to puM my faith to watch that Dam ocratio i'resident and his wife making love. I know it was nn an ; of me to do if. It a man should do that he would be mean, but I couldn't blame blm If he did. I coofess to you that is one reason why I gave up that roami" To allay pal ns subdue infla i a tion, heal foul sores and ulcers, the moit prompt and satlstacfory results are obtained by. using fhat old reliable t emady, JDr, J. JI, McLean's Volcatdc Oil Liniment, . 1118 BUT1'. . Military discipline Implies a sacrifice ofjall the1 natural emo tions,! A man who follows the profession if arms mut;not oiily be prepared to -leave home and friends at the call of duty, but tie mut Ircnounce rt the outset all thoughts of hte own comfort or vellbtlng, r He Is no longer a free Individual; lie fs the servant ot the State. ; . , , Purlrig the siege - of. Olbraltf r, Us governor, General Klllott, was one day making a tour of Inspee tlon, when became upon a Qt man soldier, who, though stand ing at his post, nel ther presented rrnf nor even held his muskef "Jo you know m, sentioel lEquired the general. "Why do you nlest your duty?" .J v lunmr you well, and my duty also," was the repl j; but within the last few minutes two , of- the fingers of my right hand have been shot o and I am enable to hold my mmk$U? Why don't you o and have them bound?" , ' "Bi&msoAri Germany a roan is forbidden to leave bis post! until - "WMMWI h U .relieved bv unother." v' ' I'lio ttviierdf iuManlly dU mounted, - - : - . "Nmvr my fneud ?n!d be, "flive mo your musket, nnd I will relkve yon. On and' hava yoar wounds ilivgnvclt'1 . The lohlir filieyed,': but : went first to tho tinrv9i guard hoiuv. where he reponml that the unu pral . was standlmf mi ilntv t :djico. 1IU injnry .untlUed him wuetlve.ftervlu.f-, but thestnry of tis enurne renoheil V!imlnmK he wfti made nn nffluer.Kx. . Indies who 'experietVee n sense ur weakness, flnd eomelime ianun newflnue bauk ihnuld 'use Br, J. II. MeLean's fitrfnatlunlmr GorUlttl nitU Blood PurllW, ll will Bnpply-Jhe much needed stretijtlh and nvereome all wtak eiiuitf.irreguIarllUg, wnAVin5Di8tigviuui, ' A hhndi?omely;dred young woman enteral a crowded itreot t?nr. A loii wlihikered old ful. law, wetirlnir a diny ulnuuh bat and honiQpun milt of clothe got up and suldi -.'MI?!,' take. my peat. I ifnn't look i theiu -here - gentlemen'1-'-nmldlnif tit leveral men..,ni I've djklv.ttre(i that I've got more poiitenesi " The young woman, eat down wiihout ovmi .thanking the old iwiiuw, nun siyiy winking at n woman whom ihe knew, whU pyrnu 'IIOW do VOU HUa mv uullnnt cnuulry hoilerT Don't von think ho would uut finitu i. t! dime museumi" . M,Mlv." Enid tho olil iMhiiv tvllli a smile that ulearly bi;.iiink,j liw igmiramiM ut tlm iiuhidynkn rhh cnhvl bl uv I lwf I mv rmukct book thar on tlr mt, vnn plt-u.e git up H MiiultrM . f 1 .... . MW m aiiw "uug-womHii got up, Tin old ftdlmv mi down, nil I trnkiu uim wninKeri, rcniiirkeili Uy III kctMr uu nvlllns ty. MIjw, I Mood tin ut itin h it thf iliuiu iuiiv-um lutit iiiiM' hat I'm mmer lirvd. I'vu gut n ittio mure iailittfiiMtf i 1 1 it 1 1 iiOntlHiniMi, bnt Tvu dlkivyry.l nut i nliri gni-iiu mutih uhV1 Rick hadayheli Ibo nl nany liwsf to cure and prviui his aiiiiMvifiif ma )f. T. IL MfJiin a Mitly fdver urn) Kidney Pilhdi. Thiy ore. iigrwr?. nbly to take and gently in their nuuon, AMOvKuvrinmn. ... A Dublin piper talis an arnue ng story of how a monkey was cured of nocturnal ueitrlanlsm, A gentleman who owned a very flne stood of hunters found that the horses -did - not appear prop erly refreshed by their tdtfhtly rot. One ot the groom?, on be mg oesirea to Ksep a strict watch. discovered. - that a tame monkey belonging to. the house was ae customed to ride on the Innes' backs nImof all night, prareut- ug them from taking sullldent rest, Ills master, on dfeeoverinff ds penchant for riding, and lVe log averse to killing the monkay on account of his horsemansilp, succeeded In curitts him ef.-t, uaily ot bis. love for horses, The next time that the hounds met he had the monkey put Into a fall hunting 'suit, and secured by a etrap to the ddJe of his mojt spirited mntrf and took him awy to the meet,. When the fox was found the horse pricked up his ears at the well-known toond, and starte4 oiT at once. The chasff hajpened to be a partlcu Jarlylong and severe mi e, the monkey, of urs, from his Jtebt weight, being for ahea4 of th legitimate huntsmen, A iun' trymnn wtiowtwMmUigt'rom the (Urvtlon the had taken wsi Interrogated: by pome of the port im so fobo had been thrown out as to fb mUloii of the hunt and fold that the fo wai looking tired, but that-none f tho hunts men--were near ett a tlftla I gentleman in a yellow jkt wh took Hum Uauilf.tlly. Hu the tleaih t t i menm nnprfGhUe th Imimr, Af. lerihe Inx had W Mil d ihrrp wwiilnntfrldu lmine 4111, by I lift Hll tyf t, !.!..!. J . .t 1 . f ...e vini wi u ill VII IHitU HIM IIimiKPV ' 't"IIIIF II V II Ik. I Mill. Knoffiittimminia mra n,ti... ' 'IfXVireeiinfvirIiii; with "wenk or Inuamctl pj. or ur.tnuhU'd went : von can hi nnirUu lu . . . . . t t . "V1 j" V'ltii hu ii'iiuH IV oiirt'ii Htrenyth CQItti . ' - m?it .... ' Oyalere cannot be Kept ivlilmut fV ,n -v nihorouch knnwleitf ur Ihelrrlitt mb. Imhlli, They (e,d t f a ,bv ! ni1 ""'I.-immu,,. ll III m.l.i A.- I ' - - I I If m a-Ptf or iweuiv-rnur iioiirtfrtttit n cu uit nt that PIlllneM prei'rilingihu turn ol thy lide. At- no other lime, except when felini', d, thry open thrir uinuth Whop lakrn nut of the wmor they nn? nrnlly atiempt tn leed Rt rryuhr Interv. and ai ftoon r,4 thpir inouth'i are open the Injunr U nil loit, the nir take If " place, and Ihe oyster U covared with u thkk wonting or itllmp, Thii UlbeHrn tag8 or dnmpi'Mlioti, nHer which the oyster U td mi ucimnf. JtHt o long m iu inoiith Ii but II u lit to et, and n mrain by' winan uiis can liy nv:oriidht?iei bin In on tha Uy nCmiing nler prNing men lor u n'ui 1 Vnibb? hmuth or lime. In JHMI p. a. A, Krymun, ir I'MboU-Ii-hia. -i.i,... ..i ,.. i .i , r 1 inpprn in !' nver, i;u.t ome oysters ttiih tmr m..ntb i.mvnrd by tut'Mi hi i it ti ui;., tiriiu V.i ikw id itli-p,nf Upiu Ihi ir i.mvui tu ii.ii inrtPf li v iho nyters wvre npjiivd nuj r,nn rf b in uu eh'.iul e'lite of pr.twr- ui im, Mr, Prewnmi Immrdhiiily t$ about Ihiiling mu d vim b5 iMiiiilipMuuii bun. V.i.ikr'. elothipiu, Uu I) i-illy f ,i i ..pun m prinliy.ibNplau. W ,n Mjumh ii I'll 111 fii'lifr .I..-..I . 1.. upon Inu li'pMr nt iliu liii, mh-I! Mill Mi'p Hiu Itf i nifi intblr Itriigtii ot liuir, i'r.PiiMii'. plfl l l bi?VI. lIlM'VflPl fv curtly urifiiu I V v m..ui'li nit'i jtoiil wir Thi4 U d mi by ill hand and a pjir id pinoT, mi M It emi htfihrnv ver riif-diy, iomi ipiMiiiMiyf nr tvirw i tin'y diy, Air kn.'oiiiiih In t.i.iim Ii4isd Ut Oxr,(r,l 'i'.ilhot thy Ameiciiii I'atiit Itk 0)tpr U'tmpuiiy, with benbpiarter nt Oxford Nnd olliuat I'hinidtflphla, Already be has iblpped curloadi to Dytroit, rjau ItmwUwi uud other tittes with sMtijfuGtry r iiilts, and some are ovhi on the way to Loudon J J h tin ctiui pietlng urrjugemsnf io ffinl iwt smjson hipmwi,4 to i'nrU, Home, and other citiei iiml If lfa attempt proves UKfduff ibe Ameriojii oyster will ha tuttm ui iM tmtnra ooudiiiin and nltb mu'di xnaui nil ovr the world, J.iitimore Atarnmn, .... ft is not generally known that tbwt peirl fishing Is carried on In the rivers of foxony, A fomil by the nan.ti of s-bn9flfr has ( generations bad the monjdy l folbiiviug this pursuit forth'hn elit of tlw fare, The : Yit YArttr nnd Ifs Ifibuiarie4,fornlfh e l last yir WO jr js. Vwnw I. Ibe yield wa iuoh zr4rt In the .'sixteuih whtiiry ' pwl fifhiu wnWel iu ,uouy of rather mord ImporlauY ih.n the mining indnatry, UK MfM Tilt', AMI',): - Adrummsr who 14 JnH ar rived from Arizona wa in town h)t mk faking orders for shirts Ife sy the re are bid mtn do t rf, Thi ewhoys hot I rf blm and wanted to biy bli am ptg; lie replied I hat h'i yoiiUn'f Ml Ihem for any pffc, VV i't, e'r eifd a .bystander. "VVdl, N 0.1. a tvH, elm nTT I h h? n,Ml .i I I. '- - -'tTI I I I fill 1 P!.l!ll.!.'';,"nllM!...: rflr.'n-.l 1.... . . . . 1 1 M i rf r i f llllltl il II Iirilll'.l K . 4 1 1 ' 1 1 ' I I I J 1 ..' 'niM!:,-r 1U tuvii nic n -i i i V ":ur " i i uif nrc i Ihr.t 1M4 nvf- nnf.ti i, A'- 1111 ih' $ n rs ill I f.UllCh i-! nil4 u i.i u . 1 1 j ..... i nr.inii. il... ..... i . "'.U' ' 1 i -,frd !0 . fft?l; !l 1 ,!f.!..f, . ' . I... . I .i '" in i I I, rf n,,, Hfl4 fjif rnrrUMI !...!!.. f A MiiM4.htfvM ifjfifr!r"n n 1 rhjm i . lu-t:,l,1Mjirrh nno,1 lnnMviflft.HuiJ.l!!5H,i;,r I" Nl prop- ply n h,?n nUcll,UV I ! I :l b'lfikrh I? . 1 1 . . -i.i.-. iyr inn. nn t r i'i t;i , lIUlliMiit,-.,1. I! r i a ...... Wi.VKiOX WIMilAMw. AIIOWEYS AW C!U.aUl0il9 AT lAVi D i ( V J N h T O tV , TTQRWATlAV9 lVtr?rrh liffjr,; U Ij , nTf ? f - , ATTfWMSV, sr. i a i www w , , i r f nf'4.1 U7,V0i,jjt;Ne, ' WIN)rf:iHf ,V, c( 7 X-r' )rt fM ri. i!V pv.!,,!),.,..,,.,; fV'.li-f, lt;r.I.,i,.t r;lhM, .rtt. t.lfiiVt pM r-r p.i-f.. JI 5S- , 1AQ00KS, ljfdf. .hfT fci'-t.,. nn;rii i.i4,ijf mm t ,; Mtm, p4i;iuai-l Tf ij ,t. WIrtlt.?iM. iiiEiiioifnioir -- vi,miofi,,v,v fIUiljpj llJ fh t?ui :l f M fifT'fd, Hir ffit-t-'d vtr'M-;, ut tVi'i . t'r- f , I'V. tr c) 4 't'"'rp bPv.i.f ( jt,tJ r(f ) i ,Ul, It'n fA-t fr',i- fcf.J d?!f tn i' ft ', J -; pi, f7 t ti7f-4 fX,yf?i f 4,- V f' f i tf;'' i. , f VH t'ii'tV";' in '-. f,,s,i s A f.- . I: f ! f ,.i j f j t - , f , i .; -) 1 1 t Ail r,?,! t.w-ti. j ? . : 1, ''it- ' '-- V. " . -- .."'J