ijk.n'j. 11. s.VAix, ov:;Er. a.vd u i ro::. VOL IH, WIWD$0R;,BRtiE.C008 -N0. . OUU MUf TOr DIBU';-:r MU.s DUOLIV jyq. w:vooo. , . mORNEY AKD COUNSELLOR AT LAW LEWIS 1 ON, N. C. - v practices in Bertie and adjoning countiep. n9 foi MUAm r house; LEWISTONrN. CM , : J. G. WILLIA MS, Prop. Travelers accommodated at low rate. Tablc. supplied with tho best the market affords. -jConvcvances furnished on appli- tfcn. , auSlfu - 7f HANCOCK HOUSE, LEWISTON,.N, C. Table supplied with the best tho mart-PL nfl'ords. Every attention paid to tiie comfort of the guests.- Livery at iachetl A . i? . 11 akcock, crop. HUGH'S DRUG EMPORIUM, . WINDSOR, N. C. WTicre you enn fiud choice Paints, Prus and Uils, Lrug?sts-biinnries, Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per fumery, & Fishing Tackle. , John F Stratton's Musical Instru ments and Struts. . , p'- Kobert Buist's Field and Garden Seed. Full line of Fine Stationery always on uand. . fel tfh DK. F. D. STEVENS, .. SURGEON DENTIST, WINDSOR, N. C. " j - Teeth extracted without fain. -Filling partly decaped teeth a special ty. All work warranted. v ' : tr T. S.TODD. E. TODD. T.S.TODD &BRO, " DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Fine-Drews Goods. Drv Goods, Notions 'and Fancy Articles. Groceries bfrev.ry description. IJoots, Shoes and yother staple soorts. or26 tin -. v 1 ATTENTION FARM EU ! INDIAN WOOD WHEEL FACTpHY i - - .. ' . . -J i ' ':!,: .. t y : I am now manufacturing Carl Wlieel, Il-'ims. II "I s anr Spoke from native tim ers which I will ell from $3.50 to $5.25 rr tiniv of uhof-ls. A discount will be flowed if an many as tail ;airs are tak linlv one - party. - Allwork warranted, fecial terms to Coach maw. Ship hditsF. 0. B., at Coniot landing on llo moke river. Address P. RASCOE, auulO 12m. - Windsor. N. C. ' o T(;N0RIAL ARTIST, W.II. LEIGH, lias reccntlv had his shoo fitted up in first class stylo for the eovenience of ntrons. Shavms, hairciuting and snam- ooinsdone in the most artistic manner. Will be at shop from 7.30 to 9 a. m., and ronr. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. no2 tin L H. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW AKD , SOLICriOROF atents, Car 7th Street, WASHINGTON, 1. C (established 1857.). . Foi'p.iorn nnt.pnt.a nrneured. Caveats 'rado Marks and Labels registered Expert exnminatinna made, and opin ina relatinff to infrmgements, validity M tcooe of patents given. Send for my t itular raid mention this paper. , HR. F. A. WALKE. J. N. WILLIAMS WALKE & WILLIAMS, DEALEItS IF DRUG PAINT OILS, WATER STREET AU H0A KOKE SQUARE, MY KIRfiOR, Between the orchard and the mill The brooklet of its laughing tires: Its waters there grew deep" and still About the piers, pld and mossgrown Beneath the little bridge of stone - Clasped here and tbere, with wildrose briers i . t - -' - I '.vas a vain ycung country maid. Each day at noon sent to the mil, And used to loiter in t 'e shade, ': . . . J And lean abovelhn jaggctT pier, : Beyond tire wild rose creeping near, ; And peer into the phi cid rill. V 'Twas not the water lilies there, " " Nor pale green cresses that I sought; Bui back to ine bright eyes and hair, -Sun-tangled, frameel in shadowy ' green, f . , : Ketiected, threw their glamorous - - "fheen : . : - And kept me longer than the3 ought. One day I lingered, looking down, , Long past the sunshine of mid-day, When close -beside me, big and brown, v: Two eyes, so full of laughter met . My-own. within the rivulet, My eyes drooped low and turned away. You see, 'twas father's' harvester "Our John,", we al ays called the lad; Like to his own nvy parents Wore, i - And I 1 canuot rightly tell " . By what strange chance itc'erbefel His coming made me always glad. How shallow seemed the brooklet then After the glance of eyes like his! I slowly raised ray own jagain And found him gazing slyly dowu I never knew that eyes of brown Were lull of such sweet mysteries! For. looking up, how Oould I piiess To find my imaged features there? A mirror full of tenderness His dark eyes made: the rivulef, In all my loiteringst never yet. . Had made me seem one-half so fair! Hie wild rose blossoms all are dead; And where the water lilies were," The brook sleeps in its froze n led. Unheeded let t'le'winters pass; 1 have a truer looking-glass .. The brown eyes of my harvester! i HOME, SWEET HOME. (ieorge Melville jis known to fame principally as- one of the nrvivors ot the ill-futel JeanPtte Polar 'expedit ou. vIIi3 return to America lrom . thatenib e voy- ige was ono of tho inspiring causes that led the. rich Washinir- i.,u, . vv r n.4... . - i . Maxe brought back to Amer ca the remains of the sweet song w ri tor, Joh n II o wa rd Pay .. e. It happened this way: ; . When Lieuteuant Melville and his companions reached Wash ington after their "rescuo thev were given a reception by the principal citizens of the Capital. An escort met them at the depot on their arrival, an d be aded by the famous Marine Band that fur nishos tho music at y the Kbit' House, the procession stai ted op Pennsylvania avenue. It was a bright, sunny day and the wide stree was crowded.' When the ban d m o vc d al on g t h e a ven u e i t played the hearts-touching tuuo of ''liome. bweet Home, -and it filled the air with the old timed music that has found an echo in every ncart ior so4many ears. In the nrst carriage rode Liieu- te u a nt Melville, and with hi m th e rich v banker. Mr 1 Corcoran had known and befriended John Howard Payne in the struggling davs of the song maker, and the tune cwoke old memories in tne rich maivs heart and suffused I113 eves with tears, lie thought of tho man whose Under lines aud wee t ni usic h ad brought ioy to so many breasts, and remembered that tis bones lay mouiaermg in a foreign land, homeless even in death. - Then and, there be- resolved that al) that was mortal of John Howurd Payn should find an abiding place here at home. , That night he wrote to Secretary Fre linghuysen about the matter, and the Government lent ita aid through the United States Consu at Tunis, near which place the al most forgotten grave was located Tho details wero eoon perfected, and op 0 i -i gli l Ju n o 1 ay i u -188C, the ri'maitia of the dead pout ur Hved in this countrv and wero given 'a resting plnco in tho land ho loved so well. . - - . . ;Mr. Corcjiran core all tho ex pense attached to the transfer, Hiid it.wai tho old- familiar tune ringing out along the avpnue on that pleasant day when -Melville c-arne home that first awaked in hia -Jieait the. rtsnlvo to give a lasting ; burial place to tho poet's remains. -Ex. -"" n - ! I ! Disease lie in ambush for 'the weak, a feeble constitution is ill adapted to encoDnter n malarious atmosphere or aud len changesof temperature, a!id the len?t robust are usually the -easiest victims: Dr. J. U. :McL an's Strenjrthen ing ConiiaUaud Blood Puiitier will give tone and vitality and strength to your eut:ro body ". ElFECT OF DIME NOVET. For several veeks complaints have reached the police of people being garrotcd and robbed on Pine fitreet, fcan Francisco, Cal., ami an sfficcr"stationed. .to ItoK out after tho foot pads, saw a man coming along soon after midnight and tui n offUic gas' in the lamp on the block where the robberies have , occurred. He followed the fellow, who suspected he wag be iug watched and t o ok a ro und about course. Finally the man r. turned to Pine fetreet and loiter ed around in the doorway. Tn; officer stepped up and paid: 'Throw: up youi hands.' In ro spouse the man d ew Ida hand from his" pocket and wiih it pistol, whiclr he ii-ed, the bul'ct t?tri ihis Dull in the thigh. Tne otlicer, .j la Jiad hia revolwr drawn, ; tired ai.d per - n bull through! thei mau'R bend, killing him " instantly. Tho otIiicr'B wound, IfhoUijIr p:nu!ut,: ia uof dangerous. At first the police thought the, robber wa mii ix convict,! but la'cr tht-y discovervd he was Al Jert P-.tiTS"n. a xoiin Swede whcaoe tlicro ab.ut fi.ui years ago, then disapp?arcl and came b;ck (nly a few no ks ayo. lie foomei with fellow Swith named Iiuborst.' Inhort .iid Peterson had a mania fr feadin dime novels; and stories about Iftgh wavTiien. lie fpent his day in his ro -in devouring this liter aiurr, aim wncn tnent- came in . . - . orcteo in ri?u;ii citiiiieH lliu vveiii out, saying lie had a night job at Meulooi Park-Ex. 1 For, pliysical ailments, epeciaU t'thode incident to declining ears, mere, is no remedy winch iroduces such satisractory results a Dr. JIIMcLeau Liver aud Kidnov Balm, its genial. and-in visrorating enect on Liiver and Kidneys is remarkable. ' -1 A MODERN WOOLLY HORSE. Louis J.."Vyman, of Roxbury', Mass., owns a horee which is dressed in a filll suit of wool in stead of beiris: clothed iu a coat of hair like; the ordiuary every day horse. The wod is an inch long and of a reddish brown shadei 1IIU UHIIC1 j BIIUMB l UUIIUlU All yarn made ,; from it and says he has enough; to make a suit of clothes for the nian who will ex hibit the horse. -Mr. Wyrnau bought :r the animal from E. B: Rhoder, f. planter and stock raiser of Spartanburg, SC. . Tho horse was bred ; by thoroughbred Ken tucky horses aud is perfect in form, 14 J hands high aud weighs from 850 to 875 pounds. It ar rived on the Gate City from ba- vannah Ga.i receutly, and has since been rccuperattug from the effects of his sea voyage." The covering ot the animal seem to bo- veritable , :wooi, and - has so been; pronounced by a number ot wool " dealers in liostou." The horse has ho foretop or mane only a somewhat uhickcr growth of wool where theso apptiuhi should be. Hia tail, as well r -tho rest of liim, id covered;; with tho wool, and singuhiiy, di, hangs limply down bct . ccn tlu legs, exactly asafbci-pj tail decs. Anothor mark of the 'sheep is -tlio . horsed dispoition to lmtan ot-j leuHivenperniion wnicn he rpaorta to . frequently. Ilartford Times. Ladies who "experience h fenne of-Aveakness, and sometimea lame nps nt the back should use Dr. T 'tt- .J0, b4ck.e 1"lQld.e ?r. will . supply tbo mnch needo.i;0 ?UttU' atrength and overcome all weak- emng irregularities, . MANNING'S MEMORY. Ouo thiigrwhicli pave Mr. Manning; an advantage over most men waa hia wonderful memory. One winter at Nassau a banker from CheUen, Mass., - came into the room,- saying ho - had just found an 'old book containing a piece he used to recite nt school. Mr. Manning nsked to hear it, and then to hear it a second time. After tho second recital Mr. Man ning said: "You do not repeat it the same." Some little discus sion tn?nng, Mr. Manning con tinued, "I give yoa my word as n man Pve never heard tho tiling before, yet if Mr. Ulino will read it twice aloud, Pi I wager you I can repeat it better than von Tho pice was read, and then Mr. Manning repeated it with ab solute correctness, syllable for syllable. "When , the banker expressed some doubt about Maiming' not having heard it before, tho latter 'cffered to repeat any piece that the banker tninht chooo of the same length, after it had been rend threo times. Ai.d what i. more, be ccconudished tho font. Thi mental trait enabled Mr. Manning to recall, almost verba tim, at any time, reports, motion, rolutio. ijd anvthin i h;:d rend month before. Ex To nihiv paiin subdue infla ; c tion, heal foul fores and ulcers, the mo-d pr-trnpt und Matiatactcry ipsidu arc obtained by ming that ohl ndialibi leincdv. Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. ONLY TWO QUISTIONS.. A Boston iiciilleman cimel .ometho other evening rather ato fir dinner. lie. had had a rather fatiguing day in his bui- ncss and was by ho means in thelliJ h-d known on earth. Tiiey ni06t serene of temper, and hia pirita were by no means rased xvheu he discovered that a water . . , it. pipe had burst and that it was nccespary for him to go at once hia children, who were alive, to procure a plumb t. As ho was Hi name, he said, seemed par putting on hia overcoat in the lun craved. Ho told a wondrous oVn.l nl lit-, nlli... v..? .... . - ? . . hall he heard tho voice of his six vearoldd.m-hter calling to him m iirrt f,nmu i.0ii Papo." .he crie.3, -I want to 1 ' SC yOU. Inm coirc ont "- ho called back, "ana l am in a great Lur- "t . " i 4 i "Ba " l,o JP"'''t:; . Yes, if you II bo quick." 'May I isk you two questions?" iV-. ;r a...II u...... tmi , L . i t i ewer them when I como back: . . ' , . ' (i nil r Tnn ifin.M nrii nkk iiifirn irinn two." 4Well, papa," continued the shrill tones from above. "I want to know how - they make cou- densed milk, aud how Christ did his miracles ?" The depnainnrr father mve groan and rushed out of tho house to nnci me piumoer. ino.ii.ann. : Tr : 'Z . . . , If you aro suffering with weak! rinrtmd avm nr mnnl,tnl eyelids, you can be quickly cured bv; usitiff Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening Eyo Salve, cents a box. - 25 JSIIEP.MAN SAVED JOE JEFFEK- SOSLIFE. Two plainly dressed men stood at the clerk's dcak in the Fifth Avenuo hotel receutly. Every body recognized them, for their naraei and faces arc familiar ev erywhere. The one was tall and erect, with grizzled beard, old derbj hat; and carelessly nrrn.s-i d necktie; the other xtixi amo ft!,. faced, witii regular features, mer ry sparkling eje, and jet bbek hair combed to points that pro ject over bia ear. Thv were WlllumTecumscl. Sherm,.. . lattiug gailv and evident Iv rr themselves ' The fan c,,-Jln ona soldier and ocu.alor tclllltrv fifnrlna Tnrni.uf In n t party .in the grotip hu said: "One - 4ngeroi: p!.cc wj a punlo to of the most valiant achievements the licr nntil. ufii-r mm? tVr of my life, whicli I look back up- !8cru,,,l,:i,-'. the mrc w furthwV on with uuallpyed .pleasure, whs explored, rc.-iMiu.; uj t dicv the saving uf-Joo'a life.- . It ks er.v $ti a u !t !, r.c'c ibnvu curred last summer. We r.cici u"hch n ropjludder ivn uiii 1 both in the pnrlor upntairj trlk-!c,i ltuu a irwf t:.ut-p. 0:: c r ing to some ladiea. .Toe hal i, .'of the oHictra Lud in turnnti c Wave early, and excused himc!f. Oictjvet e-I aiiothcr b"t?r n ar After bo went out I noticed u ; vvhicb was cone rded a ruh tub bundle ot manuscript on the ."f3.50 galbtna enp city. All ihco floor. I thought at hrt it be . "tenMU wro ditroeJ on the Iongea to m, but finding mine nafe I hurried out to the elcvutor after Joe. But he had cone down bv wnv of. tho stairs. I imllofil Joe, Joe," but ho did nut hear me. I ran down alter him two steps at a time. I finally cjught up with him, und, handing htm the manuscript, said: "Here, Joe, you've forgotten something." A serious expre,-a:oti spread over hia face a he took it und ?aid in a tremulously solemn and im pressive voice: "My heavens, you've saved 1113' life! It'was hia uutobiorcpr, which he was engage upon at tiie time. New York Sun. A GLIMPSE OF HEAVEN. There la coisi.lcrab-o -excitement in u ruburb vnuu mi ch oui ovt r the death of A. D. S:nltb. Last Monday he died, to u!l p. pearrncca, after cilmly .bid Uvg ndieu ti Lta hrart !iricki !i ri!r. lie was tlicn drccd i"r the grave, uud on Tuesday prepara tion were mado for I:. 3 l uri d. I'l the liiidat of llie i rvicii r. t'.umping on t 'C rtl.t ;v.t; hear I, tho cover u tii burft off, and Mr. S. Bnt np, 3Uing grct tostteni ati.n iod itiamuv. He r-4 al once removed to hii bed at f.nmi. and in n few houra scorned iue l lc nMr;? 1 nn Mraue vxr.- . . . -v- y- ha. some- ol tbem Irieuda wi .,. 8,10 ,K inc:r iicatis m :o,Ter to . 8 nwiH-ns and lui.r.cd t a I 1. ; .? v u ' I u't4 riiw wriiico iitcru inc naluca of hia wife, bim,e!f and ! V' . . l'!r" . o,u, a, u ,u eau. drew scores of curtail r-arckcra to "T,0" K " ou': !''c"'!" and bac' tlead. Ilia wife was l.rfnt1."tnt .u..tv.l ni tt.t- .. r ' -v " c,.""" l" "cr ""1": M.Vii lelectric battery was onii-ied. In; , ho doctor C.Zlly duc.Je.l '!, v KIIIUIoiiw! t lit tat tho man wai indeed dead ihU time. Lnst night tho griff trn!; en wife left her old Gciiu l o ne ncar Atlanta, with the bodv. ' , . - . AuguMmo currejiK3udcut hnotn- . rcr. A SMUGGLT'drS DKN The revenuo ofllcera Luvo du ooverctl unoibcr ingcuiously con- a c:aiea muieni 'Dotliv in athralhcarr-m, Rojs-hire, S :.t t4nd In ihcir search the oftic ra followed tho : gorge of a stream ...- . - r . pviucu uowa in u acrid oi cacaoes through a rocky chasm iu crcut depth. Hero, twenty feet lnni fl.ft hntfnm nf thn rnrlv ll.rvl VrVrrp IU. la tn 1 Jv J-T.crt. found one of tho nioJt artfutlv conttructcd bothica evar accu At first it appeared to be a care, but on entering it waa M en that it had becw-scooped out of tho rock aud loofed with strong planks, over which booldcra a;:d sliingica bad been thrown in a haphazard way, uaiflhowbolo wero a masi r.f debris from the rocka overhead. Thc water channel to and from it!je h ifl 1 bmiMrr ' w;i aU covered rs i:i t.icf, theru n nnth - to to induato th.t ac!i a p'. exited except that the r..V nbove were bl.ckcnetl with trnnke. In the bothy ere found a inai .lob ot 2o0 gnlloim capacity, a. rc Seciror of nr. my ci:i, rVp,tir- 1 "f'1'. n imjH,r?-nt t f " 1 - Mack ro). mai-lcH to Fit ' f I lot l F. 1. WINi.M.. T. U WILLIAM WINrON L WILLIAMS, ATT0H.SLY3 AM? C-J'JNSEILCIIS AT LAW. . j 1nv-;,c lu-rn tu J arj.. :n!u;rcu:i j WINL IU N f" t , . I lNSTOX, ATTORNEY-AT-LA', wi.aon,x.c. . Pr.icttccn In Pcrtur at.J a.!!o na - ccuu- lie. iiicxi: v p. pcuii, ATTQRNEY'AT-LAV, U'INl).H)H,X. C. lractkcf lu z U.q ttcit ..... f- c. Jlir.l t u.!li;,r. KltZ sin 1 1. .Tc l.;r 9 a. m. to .. p. m. i;.2 n. IHL B. MDUtnAtN, g 2 : : i : n a l m k n r n s in y oi.orKim:, COPPKES, kloui:. i;rc. wivi;. AViii5Ki::5, GINS. Tu!L(rco, CIGAI. v.tNDor:. v. r ? 6'. QAZ-MJSE, m:t-::.t ix nRVoor!)5 oi:or.i:?M'. lIACDWAUn. CUTLKUV. TO H A CCO, CIG P.S. UO T. SHOES, l"!c wiNirson. n. c. tezz tr i JACOSHS, Il.ir.l tlx. Cuilttt. : ue of lUcLl'crr O ? . r-: U.i WINDER. N.C. iMEaicis noise, WINDSOR, N. C. li t anorl. Kir np l'a! with rika Vincf Ii i-t. Ci'-' an 1 T-.rrii. The ml r f.r V1..j . n tr, :. r - nd cotiif irtah!- :e la I r'tr. MAmrricxu H-uv" ao.1 Ih'.i V.." trvnrrr.n- u r.)onTi; nn'Mr.l dow, rtU n U :: l.c r - w arul u r , , . htii J. IL M(H)IV. In STEAMER CURIUTUCK. ami win:- :u IraT-n ; Nf V txtry M n 'jj T!;urLjT. Rrturr.u: : w M lca-.rV: rtrry Tvi - i.y a'v 1 S-.l;,ry. urcl! ni..-.J. nl .Ai-' rLC - iLiLto ui: .:i, lit. i, iti!i nr.d H .n: rr-r.r I V ! All U :'-t tJir. I'.c-l carr . J r . I ti incJlfa J. J. JON US -' '

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