. WINDSOR RFRTT rn,.pTY r. -rnrT-n , , r-T-rT. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW LEWIS I ON, N. CV: Practices : in Bertie puid adjo nin counties. v " -rr rn& 6m WILLIAMS hOUSE, J. Q. WltLTAHSrop.; f C Travelers aceoniniodated at low rates, 'fable supplied with the best the market -Affords.-. Conveyances furnished on applk , the ha nc DCchouse LEYVISTON, lC. CONSCIENCE. BY ARTHUR k DOWELL. : Tis sad toCthink 'That 3 . c. -S- Table supplied with the bettfimarw tet affords. Every attention paid to Uie comiorc 01 the guests. Liverv at- laci itu. jx. . xi ANCOCK, iTOpJ when oar days ale nnml i shall see V . , i Our wcricnnilonAn C&l 3 ' ; " -.- . will be Ti-: -.i?.Tf ; Our moused opportunities will rile -Again in, memory's vision, filled with iQabsel bu, jorancc whtch -thought wlse r-s':: M ; -rrr ft ! )e?eby. ordered and jiirrVcd tnat uo auni greater than $16 Will W Wi .ta the, lut, taker ': of imr. J?T?hip except .ind-or nnd vli? s 9 anu nt more than $23 aGu thcn: ho niiKea to tho nctrspapef arAl -pott In hir ad Tertuemcn!- iWhen tbe-det!! sca- 8Qii pett nloriff ' andf t hero is no we PUSH'S DRUG EMPORIUM, vv jj uQuti ;i jn u. Where you can find choice -Paints Dnirs nnd Oils. Dniwiata o 7 -o-'v,ijuiiujico. Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per fumery, & Fishing Tackle. jonn r fetratton's Musical Instru ments and btrmgs. . r Robert Buist's FFeld and Garden Seed. Full line of Fine Stationery always on DR1 F.D. STEVENS, StIKGEON DENTI S.T v WINDSOR, N. C. Teeth extracted without painl i 4 Filling partly decaped teeth a snpcwl- jty. All work warranted, . T. S. TODD. 5 ' "R. TfiTi " 7.f. TODD&BRO, rf DEALERS IN" " ; GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Fine Dress Goods. Drv Goods' Motions and Fancy Articles. Groceries of evi-.rv flescription. Boots, Shoes .and I other staple goons. lie iroicle of conscience ielHng sad : and clear - . . . Iiourent'sttoo .far tlus, thou t & shirk'st duty heie,V - " And will not take excuse, and not be r liusJied by fear. s f And at the last r " " Whenlifeiwithia ure fleet. '. - 1 -Is ended, can we, fruitless hopo to meet " ' v . , ; Forgiveness, peace and res t,' from -ercy; sweet. -That thus 'twill be - I fin nnf Inr mir J a. m ' . . . T v. .vuvnr, ttuu jet, io stnve and But good m others, lovliest cliaritv, aii else lorgivmg, we forgiv'n will be ? n''!ar 20 to Uoleraine. trad .U l,e trbn ti to "wll . roods On moUoa tboBpardadjonnvcdlsaU 'lib can't oav Lii,' SiSW'r: ' " - Mi -avWH.ement, That -1 .JtiMsW 't?mte ,of them do, bat occa. a eedenjarjr character, often 'hare 10a.,,Jn lel headed merchaut feeling of being iiterallj won pQts Wr'e tnd ecoopi rat ana are' reminded very forci- aI1 tho basi,,eM Wle hu ntigh bl of decHn making ! mortea to they knew what ailed them, ther -WM' The6 are timet would find that allVheir tronhiea ?en 30u cooldu't' (op people arofe from the innotinn wr .i, fr9. ' bimnir everTthinrr in fh kidneys or, liver.-. If-(hey wohld r?T? f yo.n Pftnfd a cannon bt- ouuu .times. iaict Ur, J. II A!f . MW uuuli "lai ie me lieau'a Liver and' Kiduev Balm J " . :A A OMAK-S OPIVSITIOX. It 11 tad that "a nrcttv wnmr. TTitlrhar-) eye, ond aun kuicdl e or Dretor,J of San Francnco, .p tho the canto 1 canto oL tho opposition io Mnjxir Hath boneY confirmation na ConaoU General to Parit. . " ' It i fiiscrtt) by Mr. T-o Bre ton f anpportcTt that ho withdrew from the fight ,for the noviilnn ftTith th fandcretandinir that ML or Hatbboro vrpulJ appuint'bim Vice ' Cosnl-nrI, 4 t: Rathbono' received t ho appoint mcntf. bat when informed of the agreement made the ad Vertifiemonf in DAiit would aMin fl oat on it8 holr mission: Ikm. r"" "ajc W. friend strength of maturitv.- r Hgbtwork f..r tho advertitomcnt-t ,M Bre," l'e repa Jiat.d iL y ' . - : ; , ' ?r ? .Calk 8tfrn on tho sidewalk M WLVSTOX & WILLI Anc?j(Ys AK3 cc::;:eilc:: LAW IVacLiee m T?- . . . 1. Wixusxm c. fl3 t:a STTOnt'EY'AT-LAiy, . - WINDSOR. K. a iciit::! I rt. Lo Breton at onre w?nt iHh TUTORED AXD PHILOSOPH. ; conld do all that was needed and rP0,11 ,ho warpath, and. it aprcarf . .:, ivnuii;,. "u uu-iuay six Uar4 in . . vu"uluruo, Uoct. . She the week, but who wants to favor l0Ju h.cr ctrj to Senator llonm ent. They are Wilt ?r Alabama, and he haa gi0Ce 4oc26tfn , ATTENTION FARMERS ! INDIAN WOOD WHEEL FACTORY I am now manufacturing Cart Wheels, Jims, Ilubs.and Spoke from native tinv. ters which 1 will sell from $3.50 to '95.25 j er pair of wheels. - A discount will be allowed if as many as te4.airsnre tak en by one party. AH work warranted, fecial terms to Coachmak'era; ; Ship- nicuix. w. i ai ton'.oi laiiaiDir on lo uioke river. - Address P. KASCOE, augl012m. Windsor. N. C. TONS 0 RIAL A RTIST, W. II. LEIGH, . ; v I Has recently had his shoo fitted "up in first cla&S Sl vi fnr . tliA p.AVtnpn - nf jwtrons. Shaving, haircuttinc and sham- pooras: done in the most artistic manner. mil be at shop from 7.30 to 9 a. mM and rom io a. m. to 4 p. m. no2 tfn T.H.ALEXANDER, ATTORNE Y-AT-L A."W .AND jsoLicrroK of Patents, 607 7th Street, WASHINGTON, 1). C. (established 1857.) y irade Marks and Labels registered, f xPert examinations made, nnd opinr J0 relating to infnngeraente, validity ana scodc of patents ven. Send for my gtplar and mention this paper. J. N. 'WILLIAMS. f R. F. A. WALKE. WALKE i I'ILLIAf.iS, DEALERS IF DRUGS, . PAINTS, OILS, . ADS WORTH'S PURE LIQ UID paints" ; ni11!?111 estion the-Leading ical. ouomCi ie mwket,--and' the most C5vnER WATER 1 STREET AI ROANOKE SQUARE, NORFOLK, VA. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BO AKD OF UUUKTYiCOMMISSIONERS. : Windsor, N.. C, April 2. '88. -Ihe Bpardi.met atIOi a. ml Members present J C. Freeman. ciiairman; i -W A. Capehart, A. J. L)aimitig9 Peter Rascoe and J. 13. Stokes. - T .. iil"te8 of la6t meeting' read an d, approved, v v ; s v ; v Ordered that YW B.MIarrell, Wiley Gilbert "and ji,OI) bo a nd they are h ereby r el i e ved from tho payment fcf poll ;tax on account of infirmities and that W. L. Valentine be relieved from onci haltoflhis unlisted poll tax Ordered tliat J. R. Robertsmi be allowed to continue his retail liquor business at Roxobel until the ixpi ration of hia licnse. r X B. Stokes ami P. Rascoe the committee jappoihted to investi-' gate the condition of the :lVr House make the following report towitr 'VVo- the .undeisigucd committee I in accordance wi th our appointment n.et at the Poor House in jRertio county, K. C, on :x t ne - btn ot M a rcb, 1888. Houses of bedding were in f ii condition. rWe foiind 9 paupers, 2 males and! 7 females, wlio were uvuuiuiug w our nuuing aeserv- mg public sympathy." Thev said 'they had plenty to eat.' We have no improvement to suggest excepting the xost of its keeping, which in our opinion ought to be done for $5 per head Tor each in mate and recommend that the County Commissioners . in vesti gate.8aid matter. v ;t J. B. Stokes, n . A P: Rascoe, V?ommittee This 2nd April, lSSS.'' . O rd ered th a 1 1 h e Treasurer par the following Orders towit: Sarah A. Byrnm help outside poor house, ' ; g $ 00 .MntUda Outland 'same, 10 00 Abby Butler ' Lenny Ward u Sharper Wite " W. . Byrd coffin for Jesse Brown, 1 liman Avers, comn for James Mitchell, . . - C Geo H. White; Solicitors fees -insolvent State cases, :- W. Jj. liyon, . coal and freight and drayage, V'; , W . W. Hughes, error in taxes for 1887; poll, W. J. My ere, rails ; for-. ,r county road, r , 75 H, J. God wm.sei vices as jailor, . ; : 1 . : 28 99 J. C. J reeman, services ; as County Co ra missioner,1 25 60 Ordered that the followinc: be and they ara hereby appointed as the Tax last Takers for their re- spective townships, viz.: '"Wind sor, J. E. Mitchell; Indian Woods. T. C.:Bond; Mitchell's, A. Jen- kiu8j Roxobel, J. X. Andrews: Whjte G W; Cobb; Snake Bite, J.rW.'Cherry; WoodviHe, T.. F. Leej Colerame, J. H. -Whitej Merry Hill, J. W. Smith. yesterday afternoon a prema- an dvartisen mreiyoia and shrivelled Piute - work amI 8W le MCC" "cr niest clumpion. Soii- was'; sunning himself "on a rock ""J Ut I" the duU da8 "P a r,.Betir-lIftt0"' Blrtbu. near his wickn1 hrl iV1 cu.8onler l knocked $down Voorliccd, and others wero told dumrf c;he"- with: hard facts, and kicked in- ?cr;wW iher "thosa of uump. . vvith rnotionlefs form sensible Kith bankrupt reductions !ie H'J. and they took her uu grim, sooer visaeo, he sat Kfna "ragged m with irresiatable 1C;, 1eterday, hen Maj.ir pensively eying the' distant, snow- 8 anKhter of prices before to will Pthbno nomination came tip capped! fountains;: Ajiparedtly ; , ' TalVT he" wai ovirlinniin W . 1 j ,Abal the aim and end of an er. ppoke. again H him- and Re past, and advertisement, my' son, nnd if arCed , him will, dishnn'orable minting ot L the many clonous Tou ever onen a stnrAM.m'r condoct m refuiinP' to rr ATTQRtEr-AT-lAVA tri.NDHJIUc. - ... if.E.JOUfTAm, rjU.rji is 1 Gaoci;;:n' reats ofvalor he had' long ago et; them to come when they are ltco,,tractt r fgents, m, performed hv ' already stickinp onr tliA howed telesrama ami in. i . I clows, bnt cive them vourndrir-i ,rora ,m o prove 'that I ot bW diflerent- a La' ThJ . !.. WY GOODS. . . I I vmii orusiiii, uiivj you win i:, . " - v -""ccici uun : o , uuiu . vjjat COl'Fr.r-S, :a;K-KTa - WINK.S. - ' WlllSKrKS, GINri. TOriACCO, CIGARS. u'txpsoit. :c, c. fctr R: C- BAZEMQRE, . OKXKHAL MFJtCIIAKDisK. and own a tat horiie. - mm. iney ai .rcn vnnwW . U 1 f . ... t I 1 ' I viu iiien, ueiore tne tricky pale unu peruana bo ablo tii smoko tt face :iad sneaked in and gobbled ft)0! ci-ar oncc or lwce n yciif. up the poor Piute-'s birthright I rite this down where you'll full : A San Francisco lady a,Td n- Trnlr 'L 'u T,le li,,,cw . -v " ",,u V draw business is when yon wan! tlmau were walking by the cam- busing, nnd ,mt ul.onw, "1. poodle on their way to inspect the n,nrc "u"ineB than you can ut- vyiiHiurnia mill. Alter t hoy had tf"'1 aireaaj-. lrnij:qort passed about a rod 4 beyond:, the 7, , dusky bid muser h'uVuddeniv're ' cr i """ "iiiiocii, aim vociieratcd a new comes uninvitel. ami strong men and womcti arc fore ine-.ms io rcs'ore :ii. nvi, i " i . mrsi successrnl of all kn.i oiu)cki:ii QUKKNSWAW; . IlAKInVAHFl CUTLKRY. TOUACCO, cigai:s. ' " IiOOT. JA COCKS, and.Fu dr Whr" how do yc,u "V.V',4',i" .hii kiiowii rem Io, sirl ; and evidently much s 1 die-ise i- 1 f if i r "lam Lo, said the Indian. ! ' . . ' . , r ... s 10 00 200 -2 00 8 00 800 5 00 20 80 1 95 I niu II. T i uti . "-iur. uowj I1), you are an Indian, aren't you?" i 'Yes, 'madam, a man of 'untu tored niiud.' " - j You astonish me!' What are you doing here?" i Here seated here. I nee POWER OF A MUSTACHE. Oakey Hi ll was n uificant illuitrntion of the tvnver nf a - - mustache, ne wore when maor of the city a long, 'drooping, be. uod in the cloud and .hear Htni com,nS r"nRfache.-: In an evil in the wifid. ' f . I hoar he was induced to go upon "Are. looking &s I- 1 ca leJ "Tho Pruc.ble , hicb told "the old Plate, and he turned aid er Per'cntly hit own atoty, walked away, leaving the lady -V nwing n parellel botw'cen his siareai mm in wonder. ; course as a servant of the city and Li?0 O'wpkW thatofan-nnjustlj suspected and sent East about thirty years aro i : u i t , . to he educated, an who spebt erk, who was three or four years, at Oberlm faUo,y cnrged with stealing from College, Ohio. When he carao bank in whiwh he wa cashier, back to Nevada he at once settled no first act Mr. Hall appealed doyvn again into the shiftless 88 wa9 custom; with his mus ways of his people 'His home'is tacf- In tho next act ho, was a at br near Wadsworth, but he oc- convicted prisoner, . in convict's casionally strays up this way for tIrP, face clean shaven. The a change of cold grub. . The inci Parkjhcatre had never seen an dent related above was witnessed audience such as was thero that by twoorthree employes of the niKD" AUfthe judge?, all Mr. Con. ; Cal. and Virginia, , who V?,Pa Var associatesalj liis po greatly enjoyed the surprise of Htical friends and .social cburan, tho lady from the Bay. She will eVflr7 Aew8PaPcr an of promi doubtless return to San Frapcisco nenco and a great -army qf society with high notions ot the. mental fov Every one wished tha ac acquireraenU of ourrnirfred "Chil- .torrweII. Ercry one applauded dren of the -Deserts.' Vircinja 83 the curtain felt on the firt act, City Enterprise. . ; 1 ';-. - THE UJ2ASON WHY." i ! iPtPrr nnn frlf K. t. For sick lieadache,'foraafe tror Uuer? a. plpmmtt . in ' tho sea, bles, neuralgic pains in the I head 7&?fffil$Xi " ; , t tt c t , T rro them, tho lines aboot his takeDr. J.H,r McLean's Little mOoth indicating tho very arony Liver ami Jvidney PiHet&. 25 eta. of hia Rnnl. TT nnp toif. rail ih 8 Vial.. j'lTliryVil rn nnn r.r,i m ...1 -k-.-.!-- drawn from Bympatbctic eyes by the vividness of the angoish de My: .there's nothing on hXa" ST earth so (mysteriously funny es n months, but had been hidden by newspaper advcrtisem en t. . Tho his Joncr mustache. New York primerfirst, last and all the tim'e fiaD",:t. ; ' ... V object: of on adveitisement is tc . . - ; ; drawcristom.i It is tiot was not; , W"t bo pure if tic and never will Vbe designed for dU in .perfect, condi. .......... . - linn II. I .11 1 f JT O t il. any other ; human purpose. bo . , tho merchant waiU til the busy 3 " Trr i --- - --- . - . . majces pnro biooI, and imparts reason - comes . and bis store is bo tbc rich bloom t.t l.ltfrnn.i f nil of custom 4ia can't get his hatJ or lo the whole body. bCALLU fx . ILtnlrnrr. Cut!n. r:--,. v. WISrHO!t.N.r. tiii4 nppointinent. They fay tht Jklthbone slimiM tifher liavn -r m. at W'"-''V ncii oot Ins c-ntract c r rr; l nun ic wu iiiiwiirtsht mean ' i rvac Hie hniMml nfa tirctii- woiiinn u ho tre-itiHl L ltrt.. O . . mm Ot'ltaior Ilearnt t.,a tt... ....i. - -HIV fillll ueiiioi raticb nntor rl 1 1 f 1 . . . - i uiey un i Wilder. - trunldct prntlucw a fechtu: of utter dc- pMi.l-Miry. A t-i,.l atiui ik-nt nril tti:c and an uitf tiling rem- ciiy lor n'l ?uch tnablci, in.iy o fmiid in Dr..). If. McU-a:i'M er an wi.irnti it ,!,, mtm m vt.w foi: iKcoit.vri.Nu. a. r 1 1 1 17 ew l.irk Gmphic r.m: (toifir- into a taxidermist stud;o n day nrjno since fo buy n ja;r of tvV eyes they can U had f rr fr.m uuy (ii i-y tvilM. MCTOrtJing to the cxprefuiti ui,il el for I no ticed many elegant fart fyititr its heaps npon the floor. Ttry arc used. ior decorafve ptirH38es,jiU iuwuii uiimwi mncii itir Vt'orn upon tho streets of Washington. T asked the prmrietor to Hvo me a lew of bis prices. Here," ho said, Dointinz to a magfiiflcent polar bearskin ten fect ii nr. 'i a mg, handsomely monntcd, for wmcn l asj; 0U. I bad a lorclv Oorcau tixrer skin the other dar for which I got 5500. The ure rare.- A Udy wno riited my studio and saw this skin remarked that it moil have been a pretiv lrgo buffalo! A rural Boitrli tiger skia will .ell fur trum 100 to pitV. Tho mmic nx ikin which a few years oo nold $35 slcishins robe I hro an elder h.c.ani'TnS ' ' down qailtf cicht fjet long by fivo iraiy f-riUi. hr.:ir. A . . , w worth 1W. A g.od I cotU 5400. An a i-ora ro T . . . ... .1 rr.. J f. . I juii mounieu as a ran torn tajh-l T. JERNIBAffi lUrrj-tOllSUi l.) Tolmccn nnd Cikiir. CoffvC4. L r i. 1JCM , " Cidii?t Cakes. IMEniCJS WINDSOR. .V. c. I . .V V I -rJ!,., tf ... ion nij; I rhr,' -i r! . f,f . at canl Ioorrx rr-rni! r,,.t ? . ... ui"toii lady ii btaoltful monkev skin. It rests on mM i.lnth. . . . . . . ' ncr ii a IotcIt rvindcr skin which Qrcely carried with him to tho North Pole. It came from Norway, and can ba had for $10." - BUGAIMIA1S1NG.' IViratc X U. MCK)IJV. IV-t. 1. 1 0. P. SHELL, . rxormrros LHWISTON DRUG bTOIli;. Tho practialility of. makinrL.! 'r1 "-r t: t rt; .u.wiuw.w BUr iroiu r or-i i rescript Scat texxnu!? c ' - gonra isaitciy to nave a latufac- JlL tory test,-the cnteq'ri.in- people ' STEAMER CQiniiTUCir. it coltaro lt Antomn. Tho lalct TtS.iT,: 'l'-.";?;:. iTv.:,r:' report lays luai hJ liou - arranrrf mem omery rticsr tr: t - - ito been completed fc.r tho crcc- H;?13 at Am: , ; c . in Gardnn Citr. 1dm nf v" . .7 : n- ' - 8u-ar raill at a co,t off 100.030 All ft - - A, - ' i - Citizcni Bub-cribo half tho I to C k' 'T'- " ! t.5 I ; v r. d pay a l.c:i c i o J C .0 C 1.