' ' ' T ' v I I I'KICE ONE DOLLAR PER VOL. III. JNO. W. WOOO. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW practices counties; in Bertie and adjo ning n9 6m WILLIAMS HOUSE, LEWISTON, N. C, - j. p; WILLIAMS, Prop. - Travelers accommodated at low rate. fable supplied with the best the market affords, j . . ' ' - , '- Conveyances furnished on applw ti'.n- .au3tfn THE HANCOCK HOUSE, LEWISTON, N. C. table supplied with the best the mar ket aft'orp. Every v attention paid to the comfort of the guests: Livery at tached. A. F. Hancock, Prop. ; PUSWS DRUG 'EMPORIUM, WINDSOR, N. C. Where jyou can flud choice Paints, Dross land Oils, Druggists' Sundries, : 'Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per fumery, & Fishing Tackle. John Stratum's Musical Ins tru menta and Strings. , , - , . Robert Buisfs Field and Garden Seed Full line of Fine Stationery always on Dand. i felStfn DR. F D.STEVENS, SURGEON DENTIS,T, V- WINDSOR, N. C. - . Teeth extracted without pain. Filling partly decaped teeth a special ty. All york warranted. . T.S.TODD. E. TODD. ; 7. $". TODD & BRO, DEALERS III : GENERAL MERCHANDISlU. Fine llress Goods, Drv Goods, Notions. and Fanty Articles. Groceries of ev ry (bi-nptijon. lJoots, staple sdofls. Shoes and other V oc-26 tfn ATTENTION FARMERS ! INI )I A' WOOD WHEEL FACTORY I am now manuifcctuvmgcurw v ui, n . : d 1 tlT 1 Kims. Hbbs and Spoke from native tim- bers which I will sell from $3.50 to $5.25 Ver pair of wheels. A discount will be Mowed if as many as-tea pairs are tak- en by one party. All work warranted. pecial terms to Coachmakers. Ship ments F( O. 13., at Couiot lauuing on lloanoke river. . - - Address P.RASCOE, auglO 12m. - Windsor, N. C. poomgtronem ine.muMa. will be at snoairom iuv. " - froir. 10 a.m. to4D.m. - uvzuu " - . 71 H.ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW A "KT'I" I SOLICITOR OF m Street, WASHINGTON (ESTABLISHED 1857.) vftroiL 0ta nrnpnrpfl Caveats, ioreicn patents procureu, Trade Marks and Labels registereo. x-xpert examinations n . . J AtMn. 1 ions relatin aud scope of p: DR. F. A. WALKE, WALKE & WILLIAMS, DEALERS IN" DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS. 'Wads worth UID PAINTS I I K2mU?,out question the Leading .. . -xuume market, and tnc most omical., ri-..:. s KEH WATER STREET itOANOKE SQUARE, ' M. - ' exemplar, wnose arm kept a mil- bdtwmDk peopleiwill very soon follow suit. eld. It looks strange, but let PaATlfQ hon otmen at bay through the KVb ker During the next twenty'or tome of our secretaries look over JL clttJll t&s smoke of an hundred battlehelds, VY ' 10 lDe WO, ;YorKer' thirty i years the South will give their minutes und sea if they have ' : and then wbeu Hope furled her ' nBawtv llrulf -hL-;nr .n not nezlected iust this verv im g to infringements, jauuuj wuua m.gui uean.wuru u urowj . Wow what witti thwir iron mines, mates pnro. b!ool. anil impart atents given, bena ior m at lat, lett.his memory a gitt to would nnd that all tneir troupies and their coal mines, and then the rich bloom ot health and vi- PTlt.inn tnlS Dal3er.. - Lll ItumnnUiT, riiim S lion ti., I fmnm Uf inonJmn nf tnPIPI ' t f - I. 1 . .... " - i n iiumau.ij. vi 'ii it wc.i aiuD w 1 new jueinoos oi agriculture, arm i or to the wnoio body. said: kidnevs or liver. If they would UhoU Kmttrr) Antnmrun nrA thmirl - - . , J. N. WILLIAMS. uW, - fnfnrA hifltATMAn nf anr.li limpa t.aki Dr. .T. H. :Mck Zl-i A.l..J ' u.ll U NORFOLK, VAr YEAR, INVABLxB Y IN ADVANCE WINDSORj BERTIE & , BEHEATH THE PINES. BY HAMLIN GARLAND. O sunless deeps cf northern pines! 0 broad, juow-ladcn arms of fir! Dioi aisles where wolves slip to and fro, - And noiseiess wild deer swiftlykirr! O home of wind songs wild and grand, . As suits thy mighty strains! O harp On which the north wind lays his hand! 1 walk thy pungent glooms once more -And shout amid thy stormful roar. As in deep seas a haven is found. No wintrtempest stirs, though high As hilts the marching wares upbound And break; In hissing foam, stf I Vall:;hm4jerjotifiir aWe ; r The storm king with his train of snows Sweeps downward from the bitter north, And shouts hoare fury as he goes. ' I laugh in tones of chiming glee To sec the shaking of his hair, An.l hear f rom out his cloud of beard His yoi;e imperial sweeps fie air.' The dark pines lower their lofly crests. As ivarriors bow whei chieftain grim Rides by and shouts his stern behests, And with switt answers echo him. A BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTE. - The parlors of the Y. M. C. A. in Raleigh were comfortably filled on Monday night the 9th inst. to hear the first of a series ot leo tures to bo delivered under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. . Dr. Eugene Gridspnv was the first lec turer. His subject was "Mental Hygiene " He had an - audience that was not large in ; number, but one which in point of intel lect could not be surpassed in North Carolina. All present ex pressed themselves as well pleased with Dr. GrissomV lecture. Ti c Chronicle will undertake ho syn opsis, "as iio condensation We could make would do Dr Qrissom jus tice. "We heard one of tle brainiest . -vr f vrl:iltt etl tu, " . the tribute to Lee, which : ronsti- tu tec 1 the close ot the lecture, was he finest !m jie,m)t e h id e er read or In closing Dr. Grissom said most eloquently: loung men of North Carolina, who are constantly teaching by precept Hid example, how niuc'n hangs Ujon the perforrnanre of your par! It is your- privilejre ..VI -r. : , . . .,: u, u, .gut uu suri.ua v in he vour reward, if it - t vonr" -mi . lot to lead the youn awy trom ii .an juuii the naths that tattr rim.n npnv DARKNESS Up the CELESTIAL HEIGHTS I rM3.ti? k nv rl cn.urnnn.nni, tt.t i... i.u A i Shall I point you to a grander - - I oosom, 10 teixn ine cnnuren or . t l l t l - " I . : . , A - - f i lt1t, ... moPMi arptnnaa jit Lptiikt. IliCll 11HU ICU IIIUIO mWCI ftil lAfl niorfi tOWOP-I flags forever, buried his country's Many whose occupations are i Before the war. you know thev portant notation. Ex. , 1). C. sorrow and his own grief in his a. sedentary character, often hare neVer dreamed of stnoniii"-) fori vrhon, it maue' . .v.: :u.. i..i.t... :1u.,i.Jn,.v tn tchnt nilpd them, thev -""V euini; vunua uuu u.oim f unuur luij Liinu jiiaiii;ciiiii fill 1 ic comes to survey bis character, he win nnu u rising-- use a nuge - .:7.. - ....f, rilmn nt hnmnmtv. and he will i inn iii.hiii niiuvnc i tin tiiiiiiiiniiiiy 1- Ii' k... .tins tninnwl Hanw. uave io mi uio c u'uuiu AjLt - en to catch its summit. :Hepos sessed every virtue oft ;the great commanders, without their vices. He was a Csesar, without bis ami- bition; a Frederick, without his tyranny a xiapoieon,wiinoui uis -XT 1 - i. i r semshi ana arvvasningr without his reward. TTa rra as hhedientto anthnr jaw ag Socrates, and grand in bat- Ui. -ui n -f; i r .auu""' : i tT" V'"',"::":" "IL, waicoea tue iusi eirucio ui u handful of men, iu the iiual hour, cried, "God bless JNoeth Uabo- LINA; ' Ked I say it was Robert E. Leu State Chronicle. . s . - ity as a servant, and as loyal in lower line. . At the right ; of. the Fever;Cure, it will agreeably and ' : : - aority as a iru,. raain door of the structure is an "r B.M.r-.T- . , . Oeatine ! AMERICAN UUtxSTx. man cfista in anir: suDmisaiTe iu uiuo - aoiui i . 7 , . . , s UUR M SOUTHERN PINE. The vala of Soothefn pine can nof po83i bly be overe3tiraaWdfof where cau yoa find a place where timber .for , buijd.hg purposes is better adapted? : If roni the hovel to the palace, tbero is no place but that it cau be used to give sirengtn, stability and ornament. Ihen to these qualities me must ncv It SS' nency. It Jasu wh,le most other umoers iaii ana nave oiten.to be renewed. Its strength . Is . second I only to the oak. 1 andc it ;is - fast worKinj us way i into ,te. place . . i sively. Many of our finest- ves eis are now ximnerea and plank- ed, inside and out with yellow pine. The size and length of tim- hers which can be sawed-from , . . it make it the most available tim. bers for buildings of all kinds. In the construction of trutss of heavy roofs, there is'no timber so well adapted,' and the length's we revered on this spot. New York cau get without splicing-peculiar Tribune.! . - ly adapt it to this special purpose. "T7: r . In timber for railroad cars there Sickness -conies uninvited," and is 7 nothing equal to it" 8ills, in- strong men and women are fore side and out, plates, studding,and ed to eraDloy means to restore freit their health and strength. iThe cZt tsuccessMofallkiwnrem Tm atnri,i;., Js. t G&es for weakneeh, the or cin of fee Vea LfhvPU SrK 8,1 di9eaie- Dr- McLean which they-are made is not half as strong as Southern pine select- yocMinnj tur. iiiui worts, v er tical grain Southern pine I con sider is much stronger ahi firmer than most of the studding used in pasienger coaches. For frames o houses it has no equal for strength uuu uuraoiury, ana everj part ol iw tijuBc, irum parrel 10 cellar. t ri a Wftrt,T " p V- i " i A this wood. Lven tor. fin uh there Sii.n.uvtina tr... w !..... 1 v iiwiu U mill . C'IUI 1 in beauty any kind of wood that grows. Shingles, but no person in c.ty residences, no matter, how small and-insiiznifiL'iiiit mcrht b Railroads are usinb- it ixteii- sivelv for tie oii irnn hrM ntul in tlie .gencial construction oi woodeii bridges where iron is not used.- 1 consider it the best and most economical timber for all . . c I A u .... r CU. UIH vv till UUIIUO Ul !f! vu ..,.,n VMl SU Ul IV. JL lV O IIIUI I I nieces make the r.vA e a.- - ,HI ,tV -,,,laV .s.k.:,. nMAm , . .-..i i; ......- -.vv.wV. : . l ." S"" ...a. i . - . ifi 10 00 seven-eighths , inch , stocic of any " 1, i 61 j - ' "Ui4MUU OI WDJU.. JMUCll h Wore might be said in of this wood thata lare inia wouu, iiiui a isr ,e niHttaa the feehujr of bemff literally worn . . : . . . r ouc, ana are reminueu verv jurci- vJ' uwt woum uin criect ctJO'ii ' -v , ..li 1 i 4u . c .ul.. w r r tt tr r' .1 . - . Lean's Liver' and Kidney 13alm,u0 raw our belts a little tighter wouiu agaur ieei iuo i hiiciivlh ui uiaLUiiLia, . - ..r - 0 , I - . 11 1 ltrtTV!)T I)Lm?D mnUVH II A I 1 H. 1 iiivjii .jAJiu vvwi. ' : HIS MONEY. -' v ; ---- ; . :ihere is an unpietentious lour- 8tory brick building in Burling- fiiin;bearioff a sisn which reads: . . . . . I r " O. . , tQl and riro. The take at once "W ind Wire" occupvinif 'a and Neaf s Foot -Oil Theae - v, - .11:.j ;.!.,j::aiB J oro are scauereu , juuuo. down the Sign, ana .xreici rF . . n . er". Wluo cactory ;. i,rUuuCu. m xne -aueuu sign Deiween mu ewuu Btories presents "Refined Isiti- inB"q "' Over tho main door ara sign Detweco mo 8econuuu OTTO; d)I EU ET MON I) KOI IV . the:i wordi Cooper & Hewitt" -in plain, i rniasaomio; black. This is the bciiiiiess whicli , made , hia tortane and w.here . his boh" . nnd aon in-Iarr have contiuued opera tions atlthe old stand. -. v : Insidefthe hou.e remains just as it wasiiu Peter Cooper's day, save where Wltf were backed-Jnfor loading and ! nioaa),nf ,Ua3 been ."evened up" stai1eadins to the offices or, the fCC00-d flriorre lho 8hnple8l Uillll of old.fashion.d afiairs which one will see in" cbuu try mills, with no DacK octweeji consecutive stepn. T - - ... . f ti run stvia ttrkoiim i.mtri tn it ill r. i . r a . r . i s r. n w . . n w m . -: r c , erode old style, with whitewash, apparently, tor the only coat to cover the partitions. The deske, fal,ings, and ?all the ;;fixings,, htZl w d?ie f er Co?r,a time, even the windows being composed of paoes of elas of ye ancient proportions. It is . clear trom all the 8iirroundinirs that lne 'memory ' of Peter Cooper is COTTON MILLS IN THE SOUTn i The.New Encland cotton mill owners must keep their weather eye open and waich a new move ment In the Southwest. The people down . vonder are heinninor to rpnsnii nmrm.- tl..-in I 3 - - w--- - They say, in substance, , L L" V. , rpw the. coton ud Pen ! it " ' np North to bo made into cloth Then they put their thinking cap oh and! ask, Why can't we build I'm - e L ... . iiiiiuh in niir iiwii iiiui iiiinicir run Tlie answer came in the two well" equipped estah'iih- " wneurp. ai wan an rjeperiruent, of course, and tl.e i.u . . i umiars weiu nun mi speculation with some timidity. - But the snirit ot comnetition was vivror oui and the lore of nn honest U . . . nennr hotiestlv earned nrevai led. J "t.. - "... r Then a h i? but diiicr was nut tin- in Wesson. Miss.", for the samo ' ' T Wti th nnrnnift. will r r ruu ... e venture was an ad- rabble success in botb tnstaneai. -?tiJ The Wesson company is going to pat up another mill because the demand tor its product has fcreat- t . strinni the race, and we had it all mur I 9 l T .... U . J . 1 ""8f"- uuu. uo men ui mo . jwn. ha.n Ahnn nnn iriih I i sn and strike a livelier eait. or 1 t a i i m nnr rr vvr 'iniaiAfiiwAni , ,uv v ... 1 nrA a ,nl jf luio, mere is room enougit iori onerous rivalry to. cet u crood I . . . . I m deal of exerc:so and make a pood deal 0f money. New York Her ! w . I al(L ; I . m . . . . . e yon Und indications ot ma- Df- McLean!s Chills and American travelers have a good . , in rtalv. 8o. at least. . nfl(fnrt(i;. Ncw Yoric: re- f "c . ; Tbo kccpcrS ar() w ju lug t0 trust oven strangers, never doubtintr that the money in tho doubting . - come to hand. Dr. 0s BKXJ. 11. SWAIN, OWNER AND EDITOR. .-.,.' j . . good gavo some illustrations from his own experience. , At Rome and Geneva one U most tempted to make purchmcs, and at both places you enr? do well at the best stores I was amazed at their rcadiue.n to nc commodate Americansi. At Ge ne va a I h rge dealer in watches and jewols said in reply to my re mark that I bad little mnupy to pend: ( ' "Thg money, sir, is of no con seruenco. You can havo any thing you want, and pay loir if in New York."1. On my expregin): i0.rPri3e sucli confidence in a strancerf lie faid: , Yoo must allow us to belicrc that we understand our buninc?s." "In Rotno I.was rcpeatedlv told to take anything that I wi4liad tt ray hotel, and pay when conven ient; and once, alter asking ilie lady proprietor of a rich mo3rtie establishment to reserve for mo a choice piece of Byzantine -mosaic until I had filled my parse," she saiu: . . 'Take it with.you,uand on my expressing aurprue at her couti- dence in u tola1 siraoger, fho said: Uli, sir, hare no scrnp'es. we never lose auythinsr bvthn Amer- 1T . .. icans aim rnnsn. iKidney and bladder troubles produce a feeling of utter des pondency. , A genial stimuleiu ard.tonic. ami an unfailing rem edy for.a1! euch troubles, mar be found iij)r. J. II. McLean's Liv er unci Kidney Balm. VALUABLE HINT TO SECKETAR Recently I had occasion to look up somo old, PMociatiou rceirds that -(hitiMl back- a number of earn, uul ,lt ni-eur-ed to nic.mticli to mysuqirise I must coufeshow s.imoof themut comrnonplncc data is overlooked by men who ho'd iiiyli Hid-responsible pii tious ai actTetiiries or cUrki of iuVt.tuti'Uiji. Take for instance one item: Ti:e av ciation bail luring the curc id several vcars made chatigcs'iu iu quurteri. und - . . . . . .. i u whi liuponani to Kn-.w t he ex I tft tliifi fli-if i.ir'iiiii l.iil.li...d v , ' "-s were occupied. Tuero xva, noth. P" - reor l, nut even in the act date that 'ccrtnin hutldii muiuiep, losiiniv wiierc Hie meet- I . . a,, i . . nc,u Aimwi inviinn I I. .1 . i ll ..Tt. "y rccora woum optrn "inn asaocjKiiuo niei in regmar seJiKjii, president eo and so in tho chair and tho following members pre- enL tha members bad to be hunted ajv ana in lour or hvo cases I di-pnte would arise as to whetherf Up n..A t.-.i k ..... I HIM UHIIUIBI 1 1 Uk I'M I : TI, Mnm! mn.t Unnn if tU I w w.-.w I. . i . Uon ur-i. u. -MCL.ean s siren 2 n I 1..1 1 1 1 -. .1 if ir Last July ." Farmer Hathaway, of Sierra county, Uai panic an ' I Ul LUJIUU "lli Jk k M w . V -' I M V 3 feet he ftfrncl: TTter which flowed at tho rate of 200 gallon - U minute: but it was hot wa'er hot enough to cooc an eg; in thred minutci. Tho water from tho well flows for half a nnlo over tho sandy desert, then forms a pond several feet in depth and sinks into tho sand. Th other day one of Mr. Hata way's child ren told him that tho pmd wa full of fiih. ner father laughed, bat tho child .was rihL Ibe pond emtaiued hundreds raounlam trout trora ona to tnrco iuclies loig. Where they came from is a problem. -All the wa- ter. thatflows; into the pond is t)oihng hot as it comes from the irronnd: there is no spring any where near tho pond, and io ono All fr!;V.t fi- 1 . . has .locked it. waters tiitb .maJI " t i.'iuVru...- iry. li. no. 9. V. D..WI.VSTOX. V. L. WILLIAMS WINSTON k WILLIAMS, ATTOHHEYS AND COU.SSEILCRS AT LAV. - t VricOcc ta Ecrt:c r.cj tdjoltln- cocn Aviyi;oi:.K.c. l. C. WINSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAiy, rractkts in LVrtlc ai'd aljo'nin t Uc- frig tfn . JibNirv j-. pugh, ATTORNEY AT LAV, I Metiers hrril t:c u crtt-rf llm 'UJltV. 0"Wo hour- 9 a. m. t .'. p. t. tntiZ I'Af.E. MOUNTAIN, CnOCEJJIES, ' ' SUGARS, coffi:ks, FLOUR. ETC. WINES, WHISKIES, GINS. TOBACCO, CIGARS. WINDSOR. N. C. fc23 tf . R-Cr BAZEAfORE, " !n:An:rt ix GENERAL MERCHANDISE. dry goods, guockiues. - qui:exsw.re, HARDWARE, CUTLERY. TOBACCO, CIGARS. SNUFF. BOOTS. SHOES, Etc. tGUhcji rrxe rnll for fTtiJcc. WIN D0IL N. C. fc23 t;i . J. 1AC0CKS, i. M!' - - r , , - s Hardware, CutUrr, Cau; fure, ulrurl Imp!ecn: an 1 la:rr.lcnr.cn' utti t . Rain u an ! IVj ; O ! . A full tine or ilachh rry OH. ' U2Z ifa WlNDyJlUN.C. G.G.JERNISAN, " . (J. J. ntrrr'f UM SUnd.) DILVLSn XX THiVR?r A?- LlViu TEAS. LARD. BACON, CANDIED CAKES ETC. WINDSOR, N. C. mzhZS r IMERIC1X HOUSE, WINDSOR, N, C. TAl-le fcp;:icJ w.Ci the t t tLe rrur ! alfords. lUr aprlic.l with cl.o!co WbcJ, U iir. Ci"4r ;i 1 Tobacco. The only rjK!-. ImivH'w, frca aiul ci:iifortit ! h-T.ct la I-3 city. choice cUin. are fvUIUe . i;o-n recently rfnoral r.r. i uoiTs cat co--a to f.or. aroiy.d the l.oicli lnrat lttis roon for I ca e; tcJTrtc H.ick to rn: Si'-vtif rt. 1 n o.-.i a:i2c:.e i. t J. MOODV. Pro?. felc.: i 0. P. SHELL, TKOTUVrtQZ LKWISTON DRUG 8T0RC. vrfumcry n I conftctU5r.rr$. tOrPrcJcrirti- srcuraUly c .r.p -;r. I td nihVcr day. STEAMER CURUITUCIC ot TwoTniw a vrrrM rirrwi rxrcon: wl-lk SJ LriTlnNorfV.k cytt !! .-, !ir er I T?.u:?.Iit. Ucrnb-111 UzeYL nJfA iuifi Drc t'u'j v,. v. v , . r uu-ar..l ..i; r. - : '