vol, in. , BE-VJ. ll. tj.VAKV, OW:.-Ei: A.ND KUU'O!;. . ..v..',' ' -.?, ' . "- - - :-".' -- -- . .. " w V. I'j 1 All I S I 1 I ' f 1 I P I JNO. W. WOOD. ATTORNEY tND COUNSELLOR AT LAW j LEWIS I ON, X. C. Practices iu Bertie and adjoning counties. . nb 6m WILLIAMS HOUSEf '.! lewiston, n. c, : J. G. WILLIAMS, Prop. ' Travelers accommodated allow rates. Tablf supplied with the best the market alibnls. i "... ' . . ; , , SrConve vances furnished on' applK ti I " . " : :' au3tfh .- THE HANCOOkToUSE LEWISTON, N. C. Table supplied -with the best the mar ket allords. Every attention paid to the comfort ot the guests. Livery at tached A. F. Hancock, Prop. TlJBH'S DRUG EMPORIUM, YVllNlSUJtv, JN. U. Where you can fiud choice Paints lrii!s ana uus, Jjiiugists- Sundries, Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per fumery, & Fishing Tackle. - John F Stratton-s Musical - Instru ments and htrmgs. ' . " ' : Robert Buist's Field and Garden Seed. Full line ot 1 me Stationery always on Hand. fel8 tfn - DK. F. D. HTEVKXS, SURGEON DENTIST. WINDSOR, N. C. Teeth extracted Muthout pain, l illing partly decaped teeth a special ty. All work warranted. . r T.S.TODD. E.T01)D; T. S. TODD & BRO, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Fine Dress Goods. Dry Goods; N-otions i iucy xvriicics. lirocenes or ev. ry (kcriptjon. Boots Shoes and other staple gHHls. oc26tihx WHY? AMELIE RIVES.- Heart of me, vhy do you sh9 ' Why droop your eyelids, pa?e and shy Like snowflakes thatch violets lie t Wh' do you sigh, my heart?. : Sweeting; wlieretore do you wee " Till thejWrs that May winds steep, VVi.en the day has sunk ta'slgep: . Seem Trom heads o" dew to peep? Wliy do you weep, my sweet? ' v'. y' 0, my love, whence comes thy gl0 w -Like the sunset on the snow, ' -: " " Which on your fan.-face doth show? Why do you blush, my queen? . Must I speak y.ur answer dear? T i J . . .. - ' iceu, tne.i, and you will hear ' - im " . . " .... wn you -sigh,- and weep and blush, Wfty, e'en uow you bid me hush; Siu, O sing, ye winds that be, ALswert music of the sea; . -Spin, old earth of melody; For my one-love loveth me Doth she not, my heart? Harper's for May. wretch has' not bCeu -ont! n ranco ior seventeen Tyears, and a sbtofa bit of the world, even though. Umr bit -was no more cheerful or attrar.iirA ... VIIMU 1111 tTe umveVi(y with .the farm- ersT?n$titute3. Under a recent act of th6 Je8ratQre:,farmcr in etitnes ,hay been organized; and couit rooni filled !,;vi,r , Decn ora'zeu; and With WMjMte S,e Iu00' W$ Wnivo of tbo mi te'P"-to .elocrt State abmt Mt? '"v uisarms ouj vriiuenuent o control them Hb jnt Mi8? Robinson and kissed Te farmers, therefore wl ilo her ftfrventlVi aa a-nW, nnnii. -J- reL Q ' 1,0 "ot QUEER -AMUSEMENT.- presses hirri moat is the : coniiction of tTie ?uiiivppii t :k ti- r : "At V10 eoort- of the AJI.mitc u,in mero still .esUtu n few white noblemen who hold office in the senifflio. Thov about fire in nutnber-.rnn-! microscopic creature?. They, are I. lin,. aim Kissea j-iu farmer, therefore wli!l rtfJ. i ""w r SS " Spi,re:Iation ."f -"the "'Mlrectlj itistracted t Tl ,,CaI Jokct-- 0,,u "'cc co, .VUV iiilmeans ot the sum- to-thia wnrlr nr,,1 i nl r nif.i m 1 . duh contains a eott ofnic!.; m-i,Iol NO. 11. WINSTON t WILLIAMS, ATTORNEYS AKD COUNSELLORS AT LAW, rr-.cl.ee :a IJ,rt.e and tn-c? toSa let. ji-o!Lx.c: fcl3 t.a. tll'vrv i. t.t...TT pi cardboard, in which the d.vurfi ATTORNEY-AT. I 4rs '? coHcealoJ, ' and tin etenini,, ' tYATlAli nee is then noured nn i.--.r . " 4 '""".y. C. I . orouud ih i'u ti ... .i- a eel before the gucMf; but ihi ATTENTION FARM E US ! LI)IA' WOOD WHEEL FACTORY I am now mnnufhcturing Carl WJieels, Kims; Ilrhs and Spokes from native tim- i ' t -ii ii . . . utrs wnicn i win sen irom d.ou to 5.25 !er Dilll br Avhftf'la- A rlmrrmnf will : Ur IIoh1 5f as many as tea pairs are tak- im uiie i;iri . j uwoik ".wan an tea. pfcci:il terms to Coachmakers. Shn ments F. O. 15., at Coniot landing on wuiokc river. I Address P. RASCOE, auilO 12m. Windsor. N. C. tons o rial artist, ! W. II. LEIGH, IIiS rePP.nt.lv linrl lus'slinn fiffnrl n-n Tn J J " " t vvu Frtf P i.l. . -r X r- tvi.i Mui; iur me coveuieuce oi Pntl'OnsJ 8havinr. h:iirrriif.t.incr nnrl shnm- Wl be lat shop from 7.30 to 9 a. m., and in. to p. m. noztm -t T. H. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW AND 4 RnTrrrrrrw atents, - 7th Street, WASHINGTON, 1. C. established 1857.), Foreiirn nale.nts nrocured. Caveats, 'Hide Marks nnrl Lnhp.ls'- resristered. Expert examinations made, and opin- JU relalinjr to mlrmgements, vanaity scone of patents given. Send for. my !jr and mention this paper. P-P. A. WALKE. J. If. WIIJLIAMS. WALKE & WILLIAMS, DEALERS IF ; ". ; RUG I PAINTS OILS. ADS WORTH'S PURE LIQ- uuj FAINTS"- V k8TVltll?ut question the v Leading paiical market and the most SR WATER STREET rD Roanoke square;: NORPOLK, vA; AKEODOTE OF HORACE GREELY WVliin T .lt. -"- " "" U CUD DftcIC in the thirties I was Hying with my iuuiner,ana step father in Brook lyn. One day I was sent nvr f -New York to deliver 'an impos ing srone to the firm of Gro & Wiiiehester, who were then pub- i i . . . . inning trie Mew World. T un told not to deliver the stone nn- less I got my. money. When I arrived at Horace Greely's ofiiee he immediately ordered his men to hoist the stono to the third story with a block and tackle, and it was hoisted. I had insisted with Mr. Greely that I could not leave the stone without the mon ey, but he simply answered me Jy saying, "My son, the atone is in the third story; how are ypn going to-get it .down? -Yon come over Saturday and I will pay you tor- the stone." I told him if I went back without the money I a ul which, by the way, I unqnes' tioiiiibly got. .. I went LacK Saturday and Mr. Greely wanted to put me ofiiwaiii I told him t f the be iting which my stenfaiher had seenied fo doubt it,' so 1 pulled off jauKec iinu snowed linn how black and blue" - m v 1 . . J tm VVhen he saw the marks h a.t;,i. "My-: God! what a brute a mm'. must be to beat a '"-child in that manner. Sit down. Til get the money, although I'll have to bor row" it." In five minutes It re turned with some apples and trin- ger cake for me, and Then he went out and was gone for an hour, when he appeared with the money. When I refpintrrl thk uiu ijtj uanuta me on p. r n r saying: '"This-w. tnkft a liftl of the pain out of your bacic, and. u ever you want a friend ai.d J ca I serve von. come and spa mo ' I did not meet Greely again for seveju years., wnen I met him in Washington. I tvas in need of a friend then, and 1 7 w t'MUVVVI me to Ilenrv Clav and D Webster, and did all he could to r . '" . . ... unner my interests, wtrch by he wav. was mv first snfppcR Fn l stepping stone in lite.Ex. V mons to thn i.r.. . i .uiii- j " "S"1 - W,!K ona tn money has The . i, . "JJC,J- eca f0nu. nuic cut to.Duv the aBn P er wh0 w senior t-ouii- sa'uriels of the Sbperfnten jint e natnmll, ; felt called and- his assiMantf mTtho Tex upon to .defeiid. AHq. '.s , .'" '-u mo ex- uues.'UOt confer- n nn ct . .. . v. AU tbe etrenh t h," " "V1 C"'!.". ?a U,M '""..y6" thew e. before the ,,,!: I,, tie., when the i S itat s' 1? . fn l'" ,.,Jfmer "j thoy c,I bit' wrath' ami hrn..S.ed ! .. "fe- rae""K 279 morsel thnn there U ,.U.... ' te.?r ' e rte eommittees, and everv. ebor " .Cfe i',?:U"Pc'; "hfl n14.:.LVi' " . ...w vy.,i. - rl'VVVI V dill IO 111 rf.t,a " T the nctifl tv nftl.t. i:t.iM r .i. . . 3 tlr A TT QRNEY'AT'LAI'A : . wiXDjn, k. c. rr.ictUcIo lkrtie.n: Ja.! jo ex uti lr-itf ... ; t .-. --.v..' Mill i,;c ifurrji ycn:v. . ,,A Or!Ivv Minnie 1 1'1.:., . f .it. .( , influence ot woman in hVco r r"0" I1 w" o fore- ;lur'K or tiftcrn "minute, room,, the Mail, or wherPVAr ,u vu lu ptoy means to restore "'.u.r me not ncu he- robm,. the . jail, or wherever . ' emP'y "jeans o restore f, Zl 3 UuJ,r ,,le ,mt ri may find herself. No doubt the their hialtb, Mrength. The Tark&hth nXp'rlnCi convict is from that day a changed n'?8t 8D--e8sfQl ofall known rem- 1UfKIS" ''ath.Oima,, Dev. . o' "v io uuu im ouerut to . VMU"vo, wnmn oi im 11. - . ' . O ' nil flm.. - T w . v 1 MO U,,,UB 8lor naa absolutelv no o u,0e' " vr4 j. a. McLeair moral whatevpr " otrencthduini? OorHinl nn,i Ftir rliiiioM!n ...! . Mu urease, is Ur, J. II. McLean's "v, m ucuraiic Strengthening Cordial and lilood rTan,3 ruh in Dr- J- AlcLcunV Purifier. Volcaidn Oil T.;.,:... .. ... : - I "I . I "'IMICIll. TI1I1 IVlll Sidney and bladder troubles Tm, . ...Lt,.- ' "ot " lon?..lmt will be cr-ti- oduceu feeling of utler de.,- ' VOMATTOX APPLETltEE. ficd with.a .oecdy' a,l ndeii2v. -A frpniot n ' ... . ' - care. W. E. AfOUWAW, iGnoCKi'JIE: SUGA1IS. iLoui:. i;tc: WINKS. GIN'S. T()i: A rco. CIGAHS. prod pondeii2y. -A genial stimulenj General Grant wrote a follows Zt :"?',,aid ? .MlJng rem- to a gentleman in Philadelphi: OXK MAX'S UUAYKIty. edv fi.i. il .cm- in riniaaelpln: "-MJ . rZ..,f,r. nL8,Uro",''eaJ .'.v be "When I reached Am.nn.nHnJ ' .. erVnd Ky" Bii,? $ L,V- W W bc L1'"11 l-rform. a nnhlo ...... J it..;J t. - i. - : tleed the wlm! 1.1 : - ""tm io eurc iu McLean's5 houso fni- ,n, 1 e . w , tftlU lilllll. . All there of :. ICi,m otlf Wo all know ih, , 'iv )l illiu liri" . . . -' ' - storv is this: V! T .. $fnr Mr Phdip Stdncr. wl.rv n)a3ter . werp ..... . .. .! -r .. WIilmi rr.nrtiit t......t . t verv fonil ni ' : ,1 T ,I?,4U iron ee ing to ineef me " MU,,i,:,, ?avc dntU r r:nM ftt rPto.L; where: he th, ? S f? Jo -Uier. h. V. C. I litlil 1 . 1 ' : T " A VIE DOG. JLJruno and his 'Tliy imcciwiry is gre iter -r - . . I Z:tVlt. n . , . wat j. sent hun a note snrin.r T - 1 vuv uvciiwi'Mnev mar e a i . ' If hm t.. T. : .. .. " MVOUIU Dl Sprft HQ QAn,, (1J ,v -m IDC Ordmnrr ofc",, 1U UOWI1 . ailU tell USlPPn i i . llirrnnnnll.. . tt;...., . i cnam on tho hillside onnoiih. .''J 'A"". ol cqnaiiy no- aj.cH uie evening in u,,'. ,, 1 I'cr eXamMe. a Xntr 'ivmii j. iiiiii.r v v i ri Tik.K iv- - ...epar;or. W hen it was.fi.ue to v;ii:ce of fieu'ji nni.v- i.T. I i7.!i,...i o-' r'"t!''"-T ..flhc nam, go home, ,ho maslcr. lo-t his when' the white cn ,' i,- " ?" r f dog and wen. home wttht hinu 'A faini)r.,ml i '.T" " P rC,a,cJ But in the momin. ., ni, the hilhlir.,,,,.1, .ho ..'r. l i 2 ., ? . 0 C1R ."' n i" ""J R-CBAZEMORE, GF.XEKAL MKKCHAXnKV:" i:o::k!:ii.;. CUTLKISV. TOHACCO. CIGARS. SNUFK. BOOT, .Hhet price ru,l for jto.! JAOOCKS, Many whose occupations are of a sedentary character, often have the feeling of being literally worn out, and are reminded very forci bly ot declining years, , when il they knew. what ailed them, they would find that all their troubles arose from the inaction of their kidnPVR nr livpr. Tf tlipv tvrtnlrl at such times take l3r. J. II. Mc Lean's Liver and "Kidney Balm, wouiu again reel -the vigor and strength of maturity. - . . J- '-' THE .CONVICT'S 'KISS, A more or less amusiner inci dent is told at the expense of Miss Lela Kobinson, a woman, who lias had some notoriety in the ranks of, the legal fraternity ofVMassa chu setts, -She was assistant coun sel iu a case n which n an import ant witness was a man who is.in the Massachusetts" State -jprison OU a luc sentence ne unb But in the niorning, almOrt the "P'the hill tliroujfh t first tiling in c;w tl..ia i.,. . l phikes where treei M i.rrt tt ... , V lo the ..cl track on tho niit.nr jul. .I'll.. T .1 .11 v 1 1 v( '. n I a 1 1 mo roots har been cut oiTbv being con'iuuallv run over. 1 his loll n lnu between the rond and tieessocnt When tin? ofiite (Gen. O. E Babcock) jwho bore my r.'tdy tu t UP the hill ,lir,h .ho r W , V C. 0, C1R!."' n "-erylw,.!, In Llifte. vherL. Iron, -...; i. i "V ,r""' !l Mr.cW . 1 at home. How do you suppose ut? got merer lie did not wake t ill late in the nignr, wnen the house was still- uui men wnen De iound that no. uooy came to let him out, he jumped through the window and broke out all the glass. The nois we luaue waKeu every body in the t.wuac, mm uiey an. got up and came downstairs to see what was me matter. , Some weeks after, the gentle- uu wiicu again on the same lamiiy, and Uruno with him. lie uui ihio ne nar nr no - r uuiutc. and sentBrnno intn th i,fw. TIr. - -. AltbUCU. v nen it was time to go home. iuo master i nat anrl aaha apa missniff. He looked v-vrwvi, lil-lf- -klllrl . A. j 1 . ' vvtw wum lui una tnem any- - At last. 80mebodv hiinnrtnorl f go into the kitchen, and there lay J,UHU unuer me table, last as'eep. 1 he cane lay by his side, and one of his great paws was ou the-hat. His master was called out to look at him, and everybodv laughed heartily at Bruno's fornth and planning. : . . m xie am not mean to be lett be hind again, and he knew that if his master forgot his dog, , he would not forsret hia iiHf Jinrl ninp -Ex. - . ' . - If you find indications of ma 'aria in your system take at once Dr. J. H; McLean's Chills and Fever Cure; it will agreeably and eueumaiiy eraaicate the poison from your system. , 50 cents per uuinv, warraniea. . vREVOLUTION IN FARMING. In Harper's Magazine; ATr. Chas. Dudley .Warner has a re- markably .interesting article en titled; 'Stbdies rof.'- the - Great .West' V ' 1 -. : v v -' . s -: - " . Speaking of the Stato UnVvp sity oi : .Wisconsin, Mr. "Warner praises its agricultural "-'-Mepart- ment in . High terras; but tyhat irn- ener.I Leo reached him, ha was seated on j-one ot those embank- ihi ui icui in mo road and his back against tho tiee. IL was then invited to rinRa tfiprvn.vl. our liucs to n house to await mv arrival." &x. 1 Nature usually makes a yall nt ' . 1 i ' . T " nght against disease " and when helped: bvU Dr. J TT f Strengthening Conia! and Blood Purifier will eradicate it from th system. ! WOMAN ABROAD AND ATI10ME. 4,0h, wq 1 airwoman!" shrieked an- orator ( iu a speech tho other nignt, 'thou art tho lizht. the life, the salvation of the world! I shudder when I think of what this world would bo without thv geutle, refining, tnnobling influ- " T . - 1 ' r . ence. 1 now at thv ahrmn knowledging thy Purit v andtrnth. There -is nothingo beantilnl, so glorious, so' true, so perfect, as u woman! 1 reverenco and lmw down beforo thee!'' 'Aud when ho Went hnmr said to tno' woman whn tvn utifortunato aa to hn hia 'What'did von lt t?m Rr so lo-v for?;:! You knew Td como uonie nait iroze. .You're iust ike tho rest of th haveu't a thought beyond your wwoc. -oururuunu ana. fet mo n ii for with ftmullnox HI II I a drink ot wafer, Mr. Bernheimcr reni ro inrii and ussua .c.J thirst, snyinjr. "Vhnt m worth when comparod with help- ..... ,.ww, ivuuu. jiravoac tiom liko thin cel that tho world i not quite so -v 4n buiuu pefsunists wuuld iau us ociieve. rjpoch. Tho blood must be puro if the . "n,,Ju ue ,n perlect coudi- i.u r.0. u. Aicuenn' Stren-th-ening Cordial and Blood Paniicr ... t. tt jii.iu-3 iiirn niomi nn. ;.t. tho rich bloom of health and vie r t rv lln ...1. I . t t da vi tv iuu UUIO noLiy. STRANGE PHENOMENON. lhern is c tr.un:o phenofno non onuectnd with tho TTf.o T..1 T i . nr-u river, x nave several tim,, knnn'tlMnJml I... 1 .... . vv.it oiiaiiutu ur nw tnn ... the Upper Ked, say 500 miles be low 'the ' flonrci Ivlnfr steamboat for weck . .awaiting lain illld ll ri8C Wl innt - v. . Mil ram in mu vicmiiy oi where tho uuaw wa5 x uavj seen t m Htr-r como up twenty feet or more in one night 1 figure out tho phe- niut.i:u ix Hardware. licrr r?,...- mware.l-ul.rrJT.ift!. if . . rt 1 ? ,,U J1,1 l'-l!n A full :uc of Machirrry Oils. f,. 1 niNDQtN.C. g.g. jernisah; '(J.J. IUrryt ou SUa 1.) -!n.vu:jt ix TOBACCO .V CIGAK3, TE vs. SUGARS, LAUD, BACON. CAN DIE. CAKES ETC. WINDSOR N. C. ,n; r V IMEBIMX-nODSE WINDOK, N. C. RirfnnrliedwiL'icIlc Wines. Ii-u- r Ci.nni axi.l To!,.imi. ml vOaifortALIr Llc hi Le dtr. .vincncin Il.ravo' ftoJ -UaU 03;,, iiui.iuiiuu in mis. wav; TIiol.r i ... sources of the Pd nv irrr""1""-. . uiu Ajiiuiu ii3iacauo oi iicw .Mex u f coi eiowu to t!x)r. Double rtari. icu, uiju me rams laiiin' iirmn Trv,lti, "gw'i I I I . . f . a - " ' " IkA.Il A JT 1 1 . V 11 thejo great plains pour down into Lj' tno headwaters of the river, ami the water ionics rndiint Jr... many hundreds of mile, where 1. t. : . . uieru uavo oeen no rains for week, ami thus result in t! in tin looked for swell in ti ------ ... MW MUkVIl Ulobo liemocrat. Pvriyte I Lit V to rnisrt Stvim rs. ;. 7. P. SHELL, r no micro?. LEWISTON DRUG STOHH. . fc A. A - . . Tho BnnsWnc of life i. ma,!. J JSZZ?.?. f iVL10" aii -. very, little; beams that are WPffmiptlnas aruraui -1 cv: oi. Tory, little; 'beams that are WPre jwriptlna nnirnt an the time. Tn mt-n n J nitor cur . I V t w " cop or not tea, can't you? Bcoll H,,H,K7,u.K,T,n P i1' STEMPP PlTliTTiTrM' vou- can do that i.r. r.i '' prevent nuh:inmi,c5: -lo yield. CUMJTUCk. low. Td just like to kniivr wh. tlwhcn Ic"thig will chafe" and TWOTnnAXrc,r-J.u::roLK you, women think vou're dlIrcJ .;cra; to go a little around . . . wwn"r or. anvhoAvr" Ky . , . a"u cuine airainu another -., ."r.. crrrr Moniir i i.t.-wu .tu in i cm in. nrnrrim U'nr - ' - ... c . r. ii l.-..i .. . SnrtTfftTn.M.'ir.nl v,...i - - m j tt--vu tu in iwin; or n crosf wor I - " :Noncedt6'takothb3e: bi- cl Jty ?lhcr thin rc-ont or rb- ol? V thartic pills, J)r. J. II. MeLenr'n! .. .r!-, J . 4 a? t!)C Wa in )Uto Irrr ' - Little Liver and Iuducy Pellets .w muiv uiiwuuiu aim ci;ccuvi-. Which cloud.-! and atormi : in aa-l nil ir.'ntir-i !? ofi; and a p!en?r.nt and rtc-J v -jn- 'Vt Tru'i.1-- -: ' rhino :cui 1 !- " " r -w r. :. - . , . !5T. o:;r . i . .