t , ..y ?,...... 1 " - -. ,-.. j.f . j ... .. . " - ..r;- . -.. . . ' ,,. if in i - li T; MICE ONE DOLLAR PKRYEAR, INYAbl'.Y IN AlWj ; i .: v v! - . UUlt MOTTO;' DIKU KT MOS DKOIT." ' 111 1 1 1 1 imrn "i "- "' ' .... " " "" ' bkxj: ii.sy;l o'v::ei: a.nd kditoi;. VOL HI; v ;,ii'r ...--. --e- - .. . . . . " s, - n - : : : . .-. ' : - . ' - ' .... , . . ... . JNO. W. WOOD. ATTORNEY. AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW I lewis roxx. c. Tpctices in Iiertic land i-adjSninjr ua6m WILL!AMShQUSE, LEWIbTOS, J. G. WILLIAMS, Prop. Travelers accommodated allow Table supplied with the best the market JGSsT Conveyances furnished on .applk 11 lli ... au3lfn THE HANCamHQlfSE, LEWISTON, N. C. Table supplied with the best the mar- auorua. jvery attention paid to tnc comrort ot the jruests. livery at- iucuuii j?v liAXCOCK, Trop. PUGH'S DRUB EMPORIUM, WINDSOR, N. C. Where 3'ou can find choice Paints, Drugs and Oils, Druggists' Sundries, riavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per- " fumer3', & Pishing Tackle. John P . Stratton's 'Musical Instra mcnt.4 and Stnnis. .' Robert Buist's Pield and Garden Seed. Full line of Fine Stationery always on Mini. . ' : v -fe18 tfn DR. P. D. STEVENS, x SURGEON DENTIST, WINDSOR, N. C. Teeth extracted without fcain. Filling partly decaped teeth a special ty. All work wan-anted. y T.S.TODD. E. TODD. i.S.TODD&BRO, DEALERS I1T ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Fine Dress Goods Dry Goods,"Notions and Fancy- Articles. '-y Groceries of every description. Doot, Shoes and other staplegoods. : oc2Gtfn , ATTENTION FARMERS ! INDIAN WOOD WHEEI FACTORY I am now manufacturing Cart Wheels, ll'mis, llrbs and Spokes from native tim liers which I will sell from $3.50 t $5.25 trair 'of wheels. A discount will be allowed if as many as ten pairs are tak ni by one j)art3'. All work warranted. Special terms to Coachmakers. Ship ments P. O. 15., at Coniot lauding on llcuiokc river. 1 . j Address P. RASCOE, aui0 12m. Windsor. N. C. TpNSORIAL ARTIST, W.IT.LEIGIT, lias recently had his shop- fitted up in lirstclasp slyle for ther corenienceof patron?, j Sliaving, haircutting and ham rooingdone in the most artistic manner. Will be at sliop from 7.30 to 9 a. m., and frorr, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. no2 tfn r. H. ALEXANDER, AITORNEY-AT-LAW AND SOLICITOR OF atents, Tth Street, WASHINGTON, 1. C. (established 1857.) m . D" J-'V.IS T f-xptrt examinations made, ?ind opin luns relating to infrmgements, validity sepec; of patents given. Send for my tuhr Ulu mention this paper. - -r- : rRp. a. WALKE. J. N. AVILL.IAMS. walke & Williams; DEALERS IF PAINTS, OILS. FADS VORTH'S PTTRE T JO- UID '.PAINTS" altU;?u1 question the Leading It i domical aricet' &m tuc mo.st IEU Watt?.!? tdt?i? U ONOKE SQUARE, ' , ' ' "'L:'-.' ' '..' J0RPOLK,VA. ' THE OLD AND NEW. BY HENRY JE. ORR. Old radiant faces are the? bestl ? I H However good the new, ; j 1 The; first haveTTspiUe4 and stood the teLt - vi suaujryears review. . ; '- : '- "' ." ;.? - - "' . t ,' Old voices yield the" richest song, ; Though dark. "the clouds above, " Their echoings are &;weet and long I Vl With changeless notes of love.' Old ljps thrill with a inonotonc, f Qt ieart&1ir4 teauy beats, ? Their fashioning was in the zone Of truth, and not deceits. Old eyes glow with a steady light W hen new ones turn away, Old hands return their youthful might In sorrow's darkest d;y. So I will cling to. friendships old, And stand always for right. Inconstant hearts can never hold A solace for life's night. Norfolk Virginian. ; "JACKSON AND HIS MEN. Iu modern times no army ever made better use of "Its legs not in retreat, but in contiuuoa9 at tack thau the UOOt naval- ry" of Stonewall Jackson fn 18G1 and 1862. The following descrip tion of the men: by whose aid Stonewall Jackson drove three federal armie?, unclcr ,Gei;cral3 Shields, Freeman' .-and Banks- each of them stronger numeri cally and infinitely better armed nd found than his ovn out of the Valley 6fvVn "i nia in 1 861, was written from Stonewall Jack sou's headquarters by an'Endish eye-witness, who Iwas Vccpmpau ied by Lord; trleii -Cult Wulseley: 6iAs we advaneetl, the road was thickly crowded by the refluent tide ier8 famisl shoeless and hatlts-t. almost all in rags, the flame of life burnt down to the socket, the eyes deep sunk en an iustrcless, iLe hair matted and tangled like a wild beast's, it had never been my fortune to en counter before on earth. Suffer iug, hungry, thirsty and reduced as thj poor fallows were, not one famt?heartedrtiinid or complain ing, word issued trohr their .lips." With men of this stamp Stone wall Jackson held the Valley of Virginia securely month alter mouth, against armies collectively outnumbering his in the ratio ol eight, or ten to one, and w-th them he marched over hi. Is aud across rivers, by; niht audlbv day, until no federal general la down to sleep without a misgiv iug tb at when tomorrow's dawn broke Stonewall JacKson - might burst on his' fiauk or centre and strike panic into the hearts of the iavaders of Virginia. With them Stonewall Jackson Te3cenced with Vstouishing rapidity from the Blue Ridge aud joined Gen eral Lee before the seven days battle, around Richmond iu 1862, which 'ended in the total discom fiture of Geueral McCUllau; IIow it will be asked, were Stunewall Jackson's uloot cavalry "equip ped? ; Not ia the same manner as the English infautry which oh j une 17, 1775, attacked the raw American levies posted ou Bun ker's hill, War BbstDnVdiid car. Tied their works with tremendous loss to the assailants, who, ac cording to Mr. Charles Ross, the biographer of Lord Coruwallis, "moved to the attack in heavy marchiug order, with three da-s' provisions iu their knapsacks, and carried altogether a weight of 125 pounds." Bunker's Hill was fought ou a fearfully hot day, the climax of the torrid summer of America, aud the British, reg ulars ot those days" wore the .lea ther strap or neckcloth, which even in: the temperate climate of E ngla n d , no one wo uld regard otherwise than ais mi instrument of torture. - Very different was the equipment of Stonewall Jack sou's men.. A loose jacket, a soft and, umbrageous felt hat, a blan ket rolled up an d si uug " diagon ally over the shoulder and a t ti water bottle such was the pre Af To? AI. ilVl j (. ..1 ..".1 .1 : ji u s i fl! . Soch ga,. . Wan, bimy. ,ed Skeie,o, of .Kcc lh paratipn .for battle, for skirmish !ng. ?or climbing, hills and ford ing ru-ers wiihiwhich the Virgin Jans, North Carolinians Georgi ans and Alabammns who consTi- t uted-the CStbne wall1 !Briir:,de' achieved , wonders to wbii h fn.v iorj.,Qt war London Tele - .. . - OX," Many, whose occupations are of ovucuiary qnaracter, otten have the feqlfng .0f;berng literally worn out, and are-reminded very forci bly of declining years, nvhen if they knew what ailed them, they would find that all their troublR arope from the inaction of their moneys or liver. If they wonld at such limes take I)r .T TT in. -L.ean s Liver and Kidney Balm, would again feel the vigo? ; and strength of maturity. -FLATTERY SAVED THE AKTIST. The other day a man was walk- mg slowly up Miami avenue and encountered a man walking hur riedly down. They ran into each other, both drew off and apolo- gizea, tben -the one in a hurrv aaued: . 'Tve been po mad all the morn ing that I co uldn't see straight." "JNothing seriou?, I hope." " Well my wife had some pho tos, taken and the nrliat made;a botch job. -I am now on my way to punch his bead." uCan I see them?" v ! They were exhibited and after a careful inspection the 'gentled man said: 1 1 ' 4 "My friend you are away off The work; is welf done, and you ought to be proud of your wile's look'' ' ' " ' - ; - 4tDo yon-fnean it?" 1 f 4 ("Certainly. There ara u;ot-' teji bo more than satisu'edl" uWdl, I tleclan ! I guc?s I've been too hasty and I'll drop the matter rigbt here Glad I didrfl punch the photographer head." "Yes, so am I,"'said'the other to; himself, as he went his way. I It was-' the artist liihiseliV I)'- troit'Frec Tressl ' If you find inIieations ofi ma laria iu your system take at once Lr. J..H. McLean's ' Chilli 'and Fever; Cure, it will arecably aud efiectually , eradicate v the poison from your system. ; 50 cents per bottle, warranted., . r ; j J I TABLE ETIQUETTE. ! : Never smack the lips while eat- Never pick your . teeth at the tible. ,;,,. . , , -r ! ; ; '. i ' Neyer propose a conundrnfn or whisper 'at table. V:t :''"r Never drum with y oar fingers on the table. . . , Never 'put your kuifc ix your 'mouth. 1 '' ; Never put your elbows on the tab'e. j v;'.: ; : ' .' v Never carry fiuit or boubous away from the table. Never scrape your, plate or tilt it to get the last drop of anything it contains; or wipe out witb a piece ot bread. ; :. Never play with your knife aud fork or- salt cellar, or balance a spoou on your glass. - Never watch the dishes as they are uncovered, or make any ex clamation when they are revealed Never tuck your napkin, bib fashion, under your shirt collar. Unfold it aud lay it across your lap. r , ;. . Never say or doT anything - at table that is liable to produce dia- gUSt. " ,;.: : Never stretch your feet under the table so as to touch : the, feet of your vis a vis! , : Never bite fruit.' An apple, pear or peach should be peeled. The dangers of a malarial at mo?phere may bo averted if you will - occasionally take a dose of Ljr. d. II. McLeau's Chills and Fever Cure. 50 cents, warrauted. Vkl I OA 1 Ll.tl. I HIIIIII III ...... I - ' CaptJilohti trious engineer was born!in .WcrriidiId, Scdet T I r- f '-m-.-y. . . ' It. uniy.ei; and at ihtf-agVpf a windratUanrd' hi pi if cngi'n the creative orkilhal he bHakl cphtinncfitthe age ;of 'eigllty' fohr." Ilii father was n "ml herpfo- prietcr, and the boy's taHicstex penencc was with machinery.1 At twelve ho was made a cadet of raechauical engineers,4 and at 'sev enteen he had entered the Swe dish army as an. ensign, .lie tap: idly reached a Hen tenancy in con.. seqneuce r of - tho beauty of - his military maps, which . attracted the attention of Iviui? Chsrl donn (i5ernadotte). In 3826 T . '. . ' . ' wiiiic in jjqmirm on leave of ab. Fccnco to introduce a flamo en gine, in?; sent his resignation home. It was accepted, alter he nau nrst ueen promoted to4 .the rank ot captain, llo. never re turned to Sweden" but- his native country h. s sent him'many hon ors and dec6raifpns; and in 1868 a great granite .inQnumcnt was erected in- front of his father'. house by the hiiuere, bearing the simple inscription, Jolin Erics son was born hero in 1803." "Ho is living quietly in New York, aud 13 s still, an iiuh fjtitrMbU worker. Ex. .Ill - . i Ixidncy rand bladder troubles produce a feeling of utter dei found in Dr. J. H.' McLean's Li- cr and Kidney Balmj.i ' .-. -r .-'1 :if!. r --JSngli tb'Vciibtian bTlmU are ic coming Very ?fa:hioiutbIo Yn tliis coutitry. Outside Venetian shade? have always been in use, particuJ ariv t) keep put the hot. rays p he snmrneiVsuii. . The tlii-dish Venetian blinds xire. made of s!a!t sin.ilar to the outic!e?thiUU; but are arranged with' cords; si :.t Imf they can bo drawn Up or lowered 'i ;. l( ' ' . at will just a a umm nhado can. They are Imoio expensive tlinn the linen jibhadcs, but they lait lonirer; Linen shades hold ' the dust and j fade; but the Veuctiaii blinds dn not. These blind 'are mado'of thin wooden slat about two and a half inches wide; and about 'an eighth bt 'an inch iii thickness.;; Thy are sapportcd by tapes arrai Wed like ladder. 'A cord runs through a hole in cjcli slat, and 'by this means they ate drawh aji.; Tlicy arc ' made' of whiio . pine, ? bass, cherry; oak or ash, and arc stained or varnished any Bhade or wdor that is wanted.' They fco?t- from' eighteen cents' 'to' tweuty-sii 'cents a Fouaro foot. The: most fashionable' colors" iihw are-'gray,1 plain oak pr grcent-i- 1 ' ' Sickness cornea nlii nvitcd, and strong men' and women are" fore ed to'empioy incana , o. restore their health and. strength.;! The most successful of all knowirrcnJ edies for weaknceb, the origiu - ol all disease,' is Dr.- J.. II. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier; i . , . - v . INDIAN JUSTICE.: ; ' -'' . " M ,',4 I .; ,' Iu the early ' history of ?,this countr Appalachco was - for a time the dividiug lino between tho whites and thoCh'crokeea. There wa3 constant ;troublo be tween (ho two races. that required friendly adjudication to : prevent bloodshed;, there was a Justice on duty named Tumliu to whom these issues Were generally sub mitted. He goon got tired of iho frivolous complaints , of J tho Im dians, and - 'concluded that he would have au .Indian justice and baliff to settle their disputes. Ho accordingly had ono appointed who williugly undertook t5 dis. penso justice. Sjmctimo afler ward Tumliu met the Indian r. r?ftw" v ., Vlln.",w; tl,c Indian rcnliod 'aihl.iiiVeir(ir,vhotlricVi hnt'imu rL.l?. A. t -'..' ' , - - t w-'" - J BllllllJItfll ard toif'Cv'and an unfailing rcni-J edy for a' I snch troubles. Yna v. b'v u .-M ' .V "liniaining tho di-miv cf What was your decuiou?:'" in quidTumliu. - ' "I stm'lcnccd the piainlifl to rJ ceive fifty lashes aud the ilcfrnd-j antOffvV and made Uio bilifi imv' tho:co8l" . 1 ! ! n'-'r 41.:.. T. "'. . jvn 1.1UUK ujai was nrnir asKedthowhite. j:' ".9ihr grunted thcT LTvngc mn-istrate, "no more can. R io trr.":-Guinett (Ga.) Herald. Tho blood must be pure if t' e' I.I. Ii-(.nl,l I.. ... I bodv von!d ha I. m " - - m l.uiiii i I lie rich bloom ot health and vi or to the whole body. to -LUCKY STUOKCS IN MISINC5. or, joiiu a inino in Summit county. Col., was purchased fif- tc?n years ago by an E'lglih n. ilicato ,fors $700,000. Near tho mine was loetted a maguifc -i t caatle which was only uvd to accomraolato the directors dur ing "their annual vinit Today l.h.?r9..,. from 3 000,000 to 55, 000,000. jn VigLt.; The Colorado Ccntral minc has been vorl:cd twceii.200 and im men." The 'n,o'h!.alrcaily paid $7,000,0CO in dividend imlatnnntl ba ijt been f sunk intb the uiountnin PtPOfeV to hicilitute-thit work, nator II car r, wht jijiiitrrtcd in near.y all the principal mine in the Wosf,'lm HirioKt a dollar in liiiniu in Gflt i-n ye.iry. T wo niinors jhtateil 'the ' CciiU'o iuiue, ni:d cavo :t t'l'ttru 1'cniw sylrauia . oil men for a dubt o! $S00 whicli they .owed. The oil men did not wnt io lake i:. bc- eacii3o thiy did.not be'icvc it to nc of any arcounL Lm than four month? ix 'o owners r'- fiied $00VO0 for it, nr! tohiv tnerc 75,000 itl Hii;ht Tbe Tj idy'I'V.uiklin mine wii origin ally hoM lorSJS.O-iO, ant! a very sl.-trrt lime .ago vthc pnrcln-xers bld nneliul-.ifrit for $200,000. lliu j'rush h.-p mbc discov ered by two: buy 9 ud wiiAtdevel bpcil by ' their ' lUJMcIe. It now pay n; annua) dWidcfid of 70, 000. Tho Vir-ini'n mine at Kiugatoii win owned by CharlcV AYatlace. UW wifp turned tho diiil i.r him until they struck it rich and sold out f ir 125,000 cash. ICanas Oify rnnie4. ' i ;ForrhcuciAtiu and nenndic riiins, rub in Dr. J. II. McLean's .Volcanic Oil Liniment, you will not suifcr long, but will bo grati fied with a ncedy and oUcctivc culro.. , , , J IMMENSE TOMAHAWK. f A carious and historic Indi n tomahawk has. been unearthed on the. buuk-i of Uieldand creek, in Grcec , county, Ga. Itc hiiiuric interest . cosists the fact that it has been identified by old settlers as tho ono wielded by. Cnstur geo,"ouo or tho most dreadful In dian, braves, who resisted the ad vnuco of iho whites into this sec tion of : tho country. In size this tomahawk h as lare :j an ordU nary axe, . but is much thicker through and beavicr, yet Cja. tuCO is said to have wiel led it aith'jugli it were a mere toy. U tapers down gently to an edge, which; although years have paed since it wa made; is still keon On top tho rock is hewn as eqaare as th head of a hatchet, and ju-d below is hewn a groove liko hoe where. the handle was crooked arouud it and tied. ,As piece of workmanship it is perfect. It ia a block of quartz rock, and is cut smooth in every respect. ,Tho axo .weighs three tioii..I)rJ;H.McW Strength J,u. c " -r ening Cordial and B!,ml Purilier 1 j;"k'c l u. Kin maces puro blood, and irniiMrt rtl,Un-w-to5-r-!- ' hi pbunJs, and there would bo noUTVI lV ! u " . , '"TimrsLiy. itefnm wilt i".ue ni l- trouble m c.eavmg a man d hedNfrt-TeryTuUjnn i .u Uv. c :,- ih two witb ir. I: wai fonud fn tho bank of Richbnd crctk, sunk deep in the cartb, whero it has Iain certainly for fifty ycr.rs. Ci li ci :ii n ti K r. n n i r c r . N0.12. WI.Vh-TOX. ti tvir VriNSTON k WILLIAMS, ATTORNEYS AND CuUhSELLCHS AT 1. a WINSTON, A TT ORNEY'AT'LAV, 'Wi.vriMjjx.c. ties liM.VRY I'. 1TGH, A TTOR NEY'AT'LAV, Wl.lic-o::,N;;. I tK-.Z "... - m a imw i rw 'v im v . . . l'Jlf. E. AfOUfTAW, AL; Gfmoi::ui;.s, SUGAUS. COFKKKS, u Ki-iiui:. :;tc: WINKS,. TO 11 A CCO, . n-C-BAZEMORE, rirLf..n ix GKWKIJAL MKKCIIANHISI DKVGOOD.v C'fOCrK! Qir-KN'SWAHE, HAlfDWAIUL CUTLKUV. TOUACCO, CIGAILS. SNUFF. HOOTS. isiioi;s, Ktc; CG.IItirf I jTxc rt!d t tcxIkc. -TVINIQlN. c. f tSn ' A CO exs; 1- DVUI:it IN nrorare. Wptl ToW llanir-M,. Agri cultural ItnplcmcnU r.nd 7xnlrnun- will. VauxU and Paint Oil; A full fail tfn G.D. JERK 12 AN, (L J. IimSOld.Un l ) UKAIXH M TOiiACCO.V CIOAItS CANXKI) GOOU COFFKl, TKAS, LA!it), - BAfOX. CANDiKis, caicks irrc. noise, - WIXDSOH, N. C. li!!e applied wiU tlc K it the inxr lei aJvrd. Rir fiiir.'IH xtC tLoIc Wine, Ii - The in!y tlr-t !. li?-1V(r, trcs nikmjfrrtaljJ boicl in cilv. "American Ibnt-r" and "IlaU O.T," choice cvrirR, rtr 4tcIa1L1. IVm rrcTiitly mfvaUd rad wn J'jtv cut il'.mii to i!ojr. Ioul!c luzza. aruand the hoU-i; lViraUi silting rouoi fur Lvll; up stair rJ"Kn?c 11m k to ta.rtS.ar!Krs. Tclr;7ai cr.TA 4 Uk i . J. 1L MOODY. IVy. UUiui 0. P. SHELL, rnoraisToa LEWISTOX DltUG STOHE. Drrjr.i, j n lent nvali-r-icr, t-Viltt .vupi, ivxfuintry and crHifcCrt-uTr. Uiirrrrscri;Uk.n3 xuaL lr corr.p-tinJ-cd ni!it or d.iy. V STHAMKU CUUUITUC1C AND Wl.tli.iU. jifcUrrs taulc nt Auti j v,".t!, ( '. .'w l. ILILta Dri-rVSutbrj. Ml. Oiv, Is rc. Utirtj ami nil ' its r-zv 1 I . t'. r . !. au r.vt Lxr..t:-.d :u : -." : :-.: y . r"r Vrr zJ