J PKICE ONE-DOLLAR PKR YEAR, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE OUR MOTTO: DIElt ET MO.S DROIT. BENJ.1I. SWAIN, OWNUR AND EDI 1 01'. VOL. III. JNO. W. WOOD. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT. LAW I lewis roNrx.c. - . Practices hi Bertie - and iadjo.ning founties. n9 6m WILLIAMS HOUSE, LT5WiaT0N,N.C J:.. ' J. G. WILLIAMS, Prop I .Travelers accommodated at low rates. Table supplied with the best the market -affords.- (., - ' jBSrCoiivevances furnished on applU ti n. I ' - ..." auStfn THE HANCOCK HOUSE, LEWISTON, N. C. t ! - - - " " - I Table supplied with the best the mar ket affords. Every attention paid ; to the comfort of the guests. Livery at tached . j" A. F, Hancock, Prop. PUBHfS DRUG EMPQRIUAf, WINDSOR, N. C.V Where you can find choice Paints, Drugs and Oils, Druggists' Sundries, Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per j fumery, & Fishing Tackle. John F Stratton's Musical 'Instru ments and Strings. . ; ' Robert Buis t's Field and G arden Seed. ' Full line of Fine Stationery always on hand. - iel8 tfn .: . DR. F.D.STEVENS, SURGEON DENTIS.T, WINDSOR, N. C. Teeth extracted without rain. Filling partly decaped teeth a special ty. All work -warranted. - T. S. TODD. ' E. TODD. 7. if. TODD & BRO, . I DEALERS IN " GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Fine Dress Goods. Drv Goods, H otions aiu) Fancy Articles. Groceries of evi-ry iltsViiption. Uoots, Shoes and other staple goods. . or26tfn ATTENTION FARMERS ! INDIAN WOOD YIIEEL FAlTOItY I am now manufacturing Cart Wheels, llims, Ilrbs aridSpoke from native tim lers which 1 will sell from $3.50 to $5.25 ;er pair of wheels. A: discount will be allowed if as' many as ten" pairs are tak i q by one party.- Allwork warranted. Special terms to: Coachmakers. ; Ship ments FJ O. B., . at Couiot lauding on lto:in(;kc river. "- . ... Address P. 11 ASCOT?, ' " an'10 12m. Windsor. N. C. o - i j TONSORIAL ARTIST, " ; AV. II. LKIGII, 1T,i recentlv had his shoo fitted up in first cla&'s stylo for the coveuiente of patrons.! Shaving, haircutting and .sham pooing done in the most artistic manner. Will be at shop from 7.30 to 9 a. m.,and from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. - noattn L H. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW I SOLICITOR OF AND Patents, 607 7th Street, WASHINGTON, IK C. (established 1857.) Forfiiirn nnl.pnts nrocured. Caveats, Trade Marks and Labels registered Expert examinations made, and opin ions relating to infringements, validity and scone of patents given. Send for my circular anti mention tnis paper. - DB. F. A. WALKE. J. N. WILIilAMS WALKE & WILLIAMS, DEALERS IF , DRUGS, ;:; PAINTS, OILS. it, 'WADS WORTH'S PURE LI Q- ? U1D PAINTS - It h without question the Leading J AiNTon the market, "and ; the most ""vuumicai. CORNER . WATER STREET KUAJNUJIE b4UAKi, TTAMH4S 0 ' 4 ' - NORFOLK, VA. VJ INBSOft, A WILD ROSE. -BY ALFKED AUSTIN.; The first wild rose in a wayside hedge This year I wandering see, ; I pluck and send it as a ple&gef ?3 S My own Wild Rose to thee. - - For when my gaze first felt thy gaze, ; We were knee deep ia June; The nights were oidy dreamier. days, , And all the hours in tune. , I found, thee like the elegantine, Sweet; simple and apart, And from that hour thy smile hath been - The flower that scents my heart. : " And ever now when June doth grace Fresh copse or weathered bole With roses, stright I see thy face, And gaze into thy soulT . A natural bud of love thou art, AVheie, bending down, I view, Deep-hidden in thy fragrant heart, A drop of heavenly dew. . Go, wild rose, to my Wild Rose dear ; fid her come swift and soon, O, would that She were always here It then were always June. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAItD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE11S. Windsor, N. C, May 7, '88. The Board met at 0:30 a. m Members present J. C. Freeman, chairman: W. A. Capehart, J. B. Stokes and A: J; Dunning?1 ' - . .Min utes of last meeting read and approved. . ' On motion the Board adjourned until Wednesdfy morning at 10 o'clock. II. W. Lyon, Clerk. - Wednefday, May 9, 1888. The Board met at 10 iu m. Members present J. C. Freeman. chairman; W. A. Capehart, A. J. Dunning, Pcer Rascoe und J. B. Stokes. Ordered that J. S. G a skins and D. G. W. Harrel! he and they are hereby relieved from the pay ment of double poll tax. The Shenfr presented his iiifoI- ven t list for 1 887 amounting to $643.43 u hich was n ceived. Ordered that T. J. Ileckstall be and he is j hereby ordered t present to the County Treasurer all of his County bonds -that are not due for payment and the Treasurer is instructed to pay the same. . The fbllowiner-accounts were anriitcd Anil nrderp.d n?fL tnwit; Svlvia Phelps support outside poor house 5 1 M Bettte Fierce same Abram Phelps same Patience Hodges Paurina Jones u K.R. Hopgard Edwards & Broughton blank books, etc. for.Reg ister of Deeds . v , J. C. Blair stationary etc. for Clerk S. Court " Sol Cherry Jr sheriffs cost State vs W T White G H. White solicitors fees insolv't State casts : W L Lyon C S C samd 2.00 2 00 1.00 l.oa 4.0a 29.40 ; 6.25 5.00 14.50 -tin-aa 117.26 R W Askew 0 if " Chas Bond " 1 "J E Mitchell - ( .44 -4.401 115 6 20 on? 44- it .vw J J Jacocks conveying ,W R Tyler to l Asylum ' r rv S9 'Jet x watling convejing J E Moore to Bertie jail ; C C Jackson conveying Jordan W right to same C C Jackson conveying Wni Dempsey. tsaml i IO 4A Jb ThTOwer services as supt new court house - . O.VU A. J irntcnaru repairs on Windsor bridge Perrv Newer n and eth ers building Cricket B'ge 89 30 C Pitman making coffin for pauper -; 8.00 E S Dail same 2 comns i 6 ThosBonlhac hurrying" Catharine Bowen 1.00 B II Swam publishing minutes of Commission- erfl and annual statement ; 12.50 W L AVilliam8 assisting settlement with Sheriff TT T n.jmm myrretB.aa 2.00 of jail tor April " bame as per aucouut, A J Dunning services US VUIUlUIMW"v h V. A Capehart fame : BERTIE CQUgYv,C.:;MDiSDA YLIAY 23, 1C00. It is hereby ordered and agreed tUat B H Swaio. continue .to. do the 'Coqntjprlptins at the -earae priceas heretolore given-him. -. Oil 'motion the .f Boards ad journed. r ; "s : r:';r i (,', .j- H. W. Lton, Clerk; , " If you find indications of ma- " . 4 , . 4 lar laxa your Bjatem take at once ucf J. H. .McLean's : Chilly- and H ertr Cure, it will agreeably and ellectualjy eradicate ; the poison from yonr svstera: 50 centa rer I bottle, warranted; , L DID N0W-HE.;WAS:PUESI. V:f":?;:;f-;.;.?ENT, -J When Charles Crocker was at P.-irtland on his mkA tnm hvpf the California and Oregon, an in7 cidcnt bccurred which is Vliustra tire of, the bewi'dering rnagm tude of the railway" iuterests ot tbat gentleman. He received a call at the Esmond ' bousa from gonian railway, a little narrow gauge" formerly nnder the control . . 1. of a Scotch company -Mr. Crock- er regarded the isit as purely complimentary, - but wheu :the narrow gauge? manager began; to was I carried through. all the three talk about the 'prospecU of hi stagfes, namely, the Austrian: Con line, the need of repairs at certain solale at ConstHntinopley theiSu -points, and gave the magnate the perior Court of .Trieste and the assurance that ; it . was a fairly Superior Court of Vienna Ans? proeperoa8 concern lDlr. Crocker's tria Tbe engineer was award led mind became cloudy. He clearly $16 ki month by . all the courts, did " tiot know; what the man was because his loss 'of health .was driving at. Still the official went caused by a mishap beyond his on until he was.tnterruptcdliy a power to control, itnd'tqr which, friend who happened to be prca- therefore, .' the- company m'ut be ent, and who said. held responsible. Chicago Hur- Mr. Crocker doesn t under- stand what all this is about." "Oh, I gue&s he does,"; said "the general ; manager, with a confix den t air. " I gu ess t hat he k 11 owe tha-hc is pendent of this rai .n 1 i - . . 1 mat!. - , ; :,. t : I "Bat Tm-- if l.e 'm. aid Mr. Crocker, "until you said so fi. J TIT SnciJe.,t crcafd ripple of merriment among tbe run road men who happened to be present, at d tome of the 1 ortlamLmai nates who heard the 8wy thought a great ceaHessof their railroad . , t interests when they reflected . on the tact that here was a man who was presiaent of a railroad and didn't know it. Kidney and. bladder - troubles produce a feeling of utter - des- pondency. - A genial -stimulenj ard tonic, and an unfailin? rem- Uvlr fnr all nnk tronld mnv K"V" found in Di: J. H. McLean's Ltv- ft'r ond TCidnftv "Ralm ' . V ' EXTRACT !f ROM MB. CONKLING'S lulUXZt. ,Tr pn. ,f h0t Mr. Conkling might be- de. scribed asa well groomed man. No ono .could be more fastidious mnn Tever saw have his fintfer naiU manicure His hand was , n . i j k j white and shapely, aad he wished :.k- . Ua.. KAnt:A' 'TU rK am M A w b I mw L H a i a w wm m aw m Sunday before Mr. Conkling died iMined; with; friend: in whose ka Vk.- ft ft tnLnnnp nd iv-- : as the host Was a Warm fnend . Of nf- ( -a ' ' Sniif i A: i i e - jur. vuuMiug uo wiuucm wiu 4k KAnm " AnH vot fha Hniltr papers were iceiuiug vuu iuv : - mm mwmm. m M. A-mm mmm S-k .At-k.A wuiwiv wi.wo .ww; -Miwyuvw,.,y 1 . 4k -n-'a tU tbA trntl.? Tt was better for the man not to be misunderstood or taken for a hypocrite. All in timates of the Conkling family 00 knew they hadn't lived together for Cover ; twenty years, but Mr Conkhng had toormoch pride trouble with a divorce, so his wile lived in Utica and her supported . . -. . .. - her.T.There never werertwoj iia tures moro'opposed.- Mrs. Conk ting disliked ja public career her husband, one naa no inier 10 8A the sick room as to the condition ful. . Another.-considerationi which whole weight ot six tons u t;mst. choice dzars. arc spccUltic. - of the patient;- .The answer. came makes this the more probable' U ed at a speed tbat makes the head ll rcntly "oJ ff;a to ha t s 1' 4ijv tttmiI : Wo oaV ?f that scarcely ever are the horns swim, the time occupied in min dows cat down W Cocr. IVab.c p. 12.90 back: "lie would be .easier it c f . , . , . . . around Uie hotcli onlv Ws wife would atay out of t Jonng.ttaR d.acovered, bc.ug, fall car being only l.ttlc over VtiyiXe flt' for U;.J c;, 46.26 est in bis advancement, in fact, 16.00 she considered -it father a detri- ':Z toeht;- She didn't care to ;,Iiyo in o.uo Yabuiugion, uuu aa K.ou wisnes were coucerueu- xvubcou y kQ r,w nnti tk imn! ConkMng would, norcr liavo been more than a country lavfjer. Jast think' oLit! ;Ono , raiszht . at vr ell ask the eagle not; to toar. I I """ . v Natn i re u in al Ijr " rnakea gal 1 an t fight against difCAse, and when lr - i? n t , n, n i Strengthening CoHial nnd Blood Funfier, will eradicate iffrom the helped, ,by Dr.!, J, IL IcLeanU Uystem . ;:" ) WAGES FOUUFE. i ' Ilocoraptve : engineei er, on a train entering tfjc city of . Cen- itanUnopIe, . Turkeyf . 'December 19 1883, orTreachmg the "depot wa8 ifr!ghtend to see a number of, freight cars :on tho track; He W ny: of terror, but coededin stopping the locomo- . w prcvuiu misuap. In consequence of . the terrible excitement he 'afifered he fell ill ??u Pc." continue ma utrupuuu. 1 no. company discbarredv him. He bioncrht n suit of damages against the com, puny for payment ot his full wages V: ; 01 a V5th dQnn bl8.: !te 'nM p06ited with the court; f The suit aid. Sickness comet uninvited, nnd strong men and womet. arc fnrc ed to employ- menni to rca'o thcr ntVl ond ,trcnslhl ,..T, re iiiit ,.iirnni tt lilt niiciiiii. ' xiir . - rl ..r "II 1.. . '. "SlI: v ' , """1". Atonn ;. f ir t r nil disease, is Dr. J 4 II. McLean i - I t M t wnAT BKCOMES OF ANTLEir. ; It has been observed that in n j;0L,t,f .'.,,' lV, t district woere several thousand , , , . f,erp. aro wherc en ise- Q.nentljt there must be huudrcdn . ol 'stags who every year cast off . a couple ; of homt. each, only now und tben is a suecimen ot theso forays, amonir Salmon and n.i 7 .i.:. . onty of one familiar with I the animal, I .... m " .''I They either bury their horns or destroy them with their teeth. TTV 4k- k k .! IP deer at the period of sprinc, wheu , , . f. J . fr;'n,1nJ them down in- the moist soil of thb peat bois". which areto no: they were so employed he baa nndant broof, for ne than once, aftr thus.- disturbing tho deer, he haebne to the snot and - . ' t . A mi m mm mm mm a. mt mm m at nrv k n mm m. mm mtm. mm mm, m. m m- half buried and broken np, the fragments Ihavingtbe marks of teeth uponrtbem. Though it may be thought that tho horns nro of :,k0forf korrl tkt ,.t I nuuoMMiwv wv umiu iui vino, j w I tne jawsoi aeer are very power v course, " lrom their size, moreta minute. The uotytng anu low. '' . t .1 A I VW 4k . WWMVV W . W W x i - - ... , . - - L - I ..iT?? . thartic mils.' Dr. J. II. McLean's Little Liver and . Kid uev PelleU are more aereeablo and . effective. TTJRKISII LACK. OF CUntOSITY. j : ;: r , . - to r t w nne exploring xne ruins oi Ninevah. Kavark wrote to .i . ...... - Tnrblsh Cadi: "Oh Cadi! Can n:f?,rrt-ft th x - . n.-.v, for ;no a"J '! . - - uo . u " fuak "'uul,,('3 they lve?" The Turk, ana iwercd: "Oh Etlcndi!" Joy of my Liver! Tho thiljg Vou? want to Icnow is difficult to find out, and asclei nor numbered tho men, and as n what Mbi man loads on hia carnel, or ..that man hides in his tent, it K no concern of mine Oh, my 8onrs light! Joy of my Jucr! Shall we say . behold thU star ppinneth nbove the atarf Let it spin! Or shall wo srtr, Ln that tar with a tail comcth nud'gocth in 804 many days? Let it go! Amen The inonisitire Ameri can does not understand this in diQerohcc.' -Tbera is nothim; nn der the sun or in the sun itself that ;wa dojnot meddle with. t The blood most be pare if tie i body would be m perfect condi- cuui yuntiai ana jjioou 1'Qriner jnaiccs pnro blood, and imparts t a r t t- sue-JV hf aIlb and v5 .or to the whole lydy. , , , - POWER IN COAli. : An xntcreitirig calculation has been lately made by I'rof.Rners, of Vashington. Ho twlls ua that the dynamic power of a pound of good stefrra coal is equivalent to the work of a man" for one din; threo ions "of the same coal will represent a man's labor for ttTenty years," an'd one fiqunrb mtle of a seam J of 'coal haviiig a depth of fonr ;feet,'only will represent an much work ai 1,000,000 men can perform in twenty )Cara. Such calculations as thedo may serve to reuiiud us .how vry wasteful our nethod Vif burning fuel mut be, in pHe of all that hai been ihitie by cnifuieor in the way f ccou orny. Chamber Journal. .!,' ' , Fvir -rheuinitic and. ticaralic pains,:riil in Dr. J; II. McLean's Volcimic Oil Lininieiit,'you will not su'dVr lou. but wtll bo grati fied w.tli y u-cIy and ' flcclive cure. : DOMVIA M1N1IUAL W2ALTII. U divia is doubtls thi richest in miucra.f oi any lain! on mc globe, and inilli'tnn ip u million of precioiiH metals Inve been tak cn out ofher liiiiitj by t!iu prim. Hive, proce wlucli ft! I cxtti ana mnn cx.t uuiii rui nati are roust racted -to enrrr ni.-chinery there, i-vcrr otmce nf oro that mm w fm It its wu) iint of the Aodes is Ihin.a. and the ouurts U crtiibcd I.V ff.11 1,1,3 mclno,i Bolivia exports from 12,000,000 -to 15,000,000 of the. ' ntput would be fabulous if mod. I orn machinery could bo taken in to the mines. Harper's Ma;a- . t . T . zmc- ' For ,ick headache, female trou- blcs, neuralgic Pains in the. bend tnL-n Dr. X McLoan'n Trttilo Liver and Kidney FilleU. 2.5 ctJ. IN THE BLACK EAUTII. The deeDe8t coal mine In Amcr- - ica is in PotUrille. The shaft U 1,576 feet deep. From its . bot tom,"- almost a third of n mile . ' onA . , ,.Jr. UWMMJ vaia 1VU ,U,,B each, nro lilted cvorv dav. Tncv i i v I ... . .. - 1 are run u pon a platform end the W . I W 4 V W W 4W i. - , . , . . . , . c. . 1 n.. IUUU UUIY IUI Uti t Li.- y uc. AN ANCIENT UMBRELLA Ari umbrella that was brought to this country from Holland in trrrcri?t:ons accurately conir-?ur. J JL.. 1 cd nWit or iby. . a Albany; N. Y.' It bears the nanio i of a Italian make. It has . been TwoTnn-s a wont Dimvinr u.:: of asserted that umbrellas arc a later inventiori than "1C30 and that an Englishman first appeared in the streets of London in the last ecu tury witlkonc to protect him from the rain. The fuct i, however, tbat umbrellas were in ua by Ibe Egyptians 4,000 years ao. 110.13. rt n. WI5ST0X. Vr. u wiuu WILLIAMS, AHCHJiEYS m CGU.NSLLCP.S AT LAVA IYscUcc in I!rrt:c nr.d colnir:-ctvn i. a winston; ATTQRNEY'AT'LAIY, WlNDST)i:,X.C. Practices in Ikrtit-atij n.!jorc!r- tcra ti!: : fc 1 H tin iikn'i:y i 1'U;h77 ATTORNEY AT LA 17. WiMwn- r v - i . nica ui :h v.c civil rt I'r rt!? Oflice. Mrr.r,tc L;;;'.!ln . Kr. trtft. I'Af.B..fOUWAIV, D tx Lira i;j GROCKittKS, sugai:. COl-l-r.KS, FLOUI;. KTC. WINES, WHISKIES, GI.WS. TOBACCO, wtNnsort.N.c. wy? if R- C BAZEMORE, nrALvrt in G KN EH AL M Ell CM A 1C Jil-I :. DHV GOOIK-. . GHOCKUIES (2U;;ENSVAUEf HAianvAKE, CUTLEIIV, TOBACCO, CIGAU3. tjXUFE, OOOT, . shoes, Etc; tQUTtett price rnLI for rroJuce. WINDOIL N. C. fc23 tfa . JA COCKS, ORALCHTX- ILmlwnre, Cutlcrr. Gun. nnware. tl:.vl Too. HanK-f, Ari--ultunil Im;le:araH an 1 IAlab:mKn, KiUlt. I'ainU and IVat ViU. A full fc23t:a c. WINDSOK.N. u. JCnfrblf, . ,r TUrrv.. nU ? v -dealehix- 1TOBACCO CIGARS. I r- . r- - jr'v t CANNED GOOUS, COttLES, TEA 8, tSLTGAR.'?, LAUD. BACON, CANDIES. CAKES ETC. WINDSOR. N. C. mc!i23 y American iioosc, WINDSOR, N, C. VaIAc lUprUcd wi'Jj tbe bct the rrtxr MujnwM wlCiclc WLncs, lii- s ut. Ctrurs anJToMocn. Tlio only rirst-clx, homMiV?, f.T5 l..tw .r i.i I. 1..1 in n, , r: i anl cooiittal'Ie hotel m l w cir. ..Atncrxan Hue- snl -Hats O V i stairs I - Bm mmf mm A. r t . J. IL MOODV, Prep. fel? ... 0. P. SHELL, rnorniinor. LEWISTON DRUG STORE. Dru., patent tncixucj, toilet perfumery ond ccacclioJirxs. ill STEAMER CUURITUCI J and wixrn. Ixraria; Xorfolk crrrr M-n hy I nmrvlaj. llctcml. Bill 3- re '.V! . I every Vc !.ty ar. 1 Jvit-r I y. V -i:ccl'.oa mv!e at Ax tin C. II. ILlUto IrTSuUni. Ml. U'.ivr. Ix itn nrJ nil l.Tnt rm.hr ! l? t r '.. All fr-l-M Inn V.e l w.t , i v. v; : r,: inStfa ,- ' , . t . . . . . m a Jt J . "