1 u 1 ' I 1 mCE ONE DOlAR PKR MO.V DROIT. uexj. h.-vain, ov:cEn and kditoi:. VOL. III. W IN DSQR, B E RTIE COU N TY-, N . C j, W ED N ES D A Y j H AY 3 6. 1 8 8 8. NO. U. JNO. W. WOOD, vr ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW LEWIS TON, X. C. , Practices iu ,Bertie and oadjoining counties.! ' , . n9 6m . WILLIAMS HOUSE; ! LEWISTON, N. 0MV " ; ': J. G. WILLIAMS, Prop'.: ' Travelers accommodated at low rates. Table supplied; with the best the market 'iirtbrds. u. ; ' , - jCConycvances furnished on applK ti.n. r " r ' - - ; -. au3tfn " THE HANCOGKHOUSE, LEWISTON.'N." C. " ' ; Table supplied with the best the mar ket affords. -Every ' alien tion paid to the comfort of the" guests. Livery at tached. A. F.' Hancock, Prop. MRS. FANNIE MITCHELL ,JZY A. L: B. For the Ledger. She has passed away-.. 1 : Like a gentle breath, .1 And her eyes are closed with the sleep r of death."-- - . Trie'leaves oti the trees will 'flutter Tmd - fan, 0 ; ; . , - And the drifting slows will coverall, v But sha.will peacefully, calmly .rest, Forever hf pp'y, - ' ; . . " - By angels .blest. - " , v .-v. - Tender and loving, wise and jrood; r Ah! too-good for. the sinM:oarihT Only thehsels knew her worth, . So they called her unto them, , Decking her brow - - ' - With a diadem.- - : PUSH'S DRUG EMPORIUM, WINDSOR, N. C. ' . " j Where you can find choice Paints, Drugs and Oils, Druggists!. Sundries, Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per fumer y, & Fishing Tackle. Jolin Stratton's. Musical. .Instru ments arid Strings. - " 'V : Robert Buist's Field and Garden Seed. Full line of Fine Stationery always on : nand- - ': - fel8 tfh, DR. F, D. STEVENS, : SURGEON DENTIST, WINDSOR, N. C J Teeth extracted without pain. - . Filling partly depaped teeth a special ty. All work warranted. . - T. S. TODD. E. TODD. J. S. TODD &BRO, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Fine Dress Goods, Drv Goods, Notions searched by the robbers. H-r quick wit saved nib from a heavy !o?ifrand I am milch" obliged "to voii: for tho oso of the forced loflii;'' - - Breakfast was a far more cheer tolda of.the tempest, ;.fnd; hangs the rainbowrupbrT its skirts in to ken ot Ilia trieiidahip-: for T the world. It U He who rider:. upon jKe Bformy.'sky, plants. His foot steps upon the boiling curse' ahd calm a the rbaring seas. : The. seaiful meal to the niari than the bud. stood rebuked at Ilia - presence per of the niht before. Youth's and rolled, its;, booming, billow Companion. ' - " - - trbwnins: His feet." The-stormV ' I .,v ; ' . " 'mm ' . ' .: vind folded its" wings in tlio hoi- ..Kidney? aud bludder .troubles iowofhis nimd and sm.k'. down produce u-feohnj: of; utter.. des- ??JLllit0catwillg.:zep.bjW . A Gonial ...timnlflm on iis:.brow. -The lijihtuintrr s ' ' about one lialf inch. The head in flat;-with a'tbarp flat nose curling up like a scoop, and the original color tvat a mottled Ijrowit, al though lime hat bleached all but one spot - Tho aje of tins ctiri oaitj ramt r immense. It wai found eixty fet back, from the original face ol the bank nnd ctght feet from the surface. Krom its appearance it von!d seem thst . -. . . . . I inc biiuKO imu iecn caa-M t tweeu l;o rock by the tail, ;c I its peculiar position c!o- JWINSTOX WILLIAMS, ATTOHrfEVs AND Cu'J.NSELLCHG AT LAW. . W1X1N)U. N'. C. ). c. vixto:,"; TTOflNE Y'AT'LAiy, ; - ' " . . - . . w in r 1 Ifni rl imf.iilinw r I 1 caught the glance , of liU eye. .u.- cxDreaiin- it rav In- Tho thunder echoed TTia voire tb edJ' for uch.trdnblca, may bo t cl;loni,.v c XP in lno inunaer ecnoea :AM8.yoico ..torfo. , . D . TI rf T !!... Y s v. fitead of decomposm- the bodv the trembling. eartU and the re- u.al,?,4A;.rvJ'1Jll 5-9an 8: tir;cci ont eo neriectlv thit im tr. tiringtempest bofe HisVmilei In cndnlnejr B.dm;; ' 5 P" 1 - I i M I """""" w - - w w w , Irv;t:-t $ ,u J. -tic. .v. r. ( the stripes of the rainbow. C . ; ' '. : Anna N. Irwin. AN INGENIOUS CLOCK LANoi turo's work, even the ejus bejn A TTQfifJEY A T- L A 17 r .1 r.!l l: -Better to smile - - When such a life - Gives up the battle of earthly strife, Better to know that her tasks are- done, ; Trials ended iinc! glory won; Tears are Vain "when a houI-so blight, Wings its way . - -To the gates of light. ' " LShe has passed away, - . - But her sweet good will ; ;Like a fragrant odor, lingers still. The tender lessons that memory brings, The memory of patience over us flings, We learn tb follow the path she trod To be more like her . v Who has gbhe to God. ' " ': A DESCRIJ-'TION OF HEAVEN. For the Ledger, f ' . Though bur-world has been de faced by the blighting influence of sin, there is still much left that is beautifuK Wesee it in the first, flashes -.of- morning, in tbe and Fancy Articles. Groceries nfevi-ry matured . strength of meridian "(Inscription. Boots, bnocs ami piner - : , - - , : . staplegoods. " oc2Gtt'n day, in the subdued glow of even- : " ' T" iug,Avhen slowly einking down ATTENTION FARMERS ! Wested bbrizun gllle- the INDIAN WOOD WHEEL FACTORY rich banners oT- declining day I am now manufactui-ing c art Wheels, aud night with crescent diadem Minis, H-1 ami bpok es iroin nauve um- XXgX - st.arry chandalier - and v, vo ivlti.1i T will saII from SS. 50 to S5.25 . . .. V .- - , l.ir pair of wheels. A discbunt will be trails her robo of blazing jewels aicnyed ifas many as tea pr irs are tak- throush the sky. You have heard fnbv one party. All wont warranteu. r tt , v n , 1tml terms to Coachmaieir . Shiji- of the beautiful Vale ot Cashrne arbse from "the inaction" of their kidneys or, liver. -If they would at such limes take Dr. J. lit Mc Lean's Liver and "'Kid tie v Balm. would again feel the vigor and strength or maturity. SHE GAVE UP HIS MONEY." mtnts F. O. B., at Coniot ianamg on llo:uioke river. ' 1 -' " ' ! Address P. R.SCOE,v aualO 12m: - Windsor. N. 0. re aud you have imagined in a world Jike this,siutoutf rom the ills that afflict ancllthc storms that agitate our poor world 3'ou could dwell torever in the freshness, of unfad- TONSORIAL ARTIST, W H. LEIGH,! "Has recently had-his shop fitted up in ig youth and in tho possession first cbss style for the coveuiente of of uuwitWering joy; but there is a patrons. Shaving, nairciivung auu suam finnoin ihfi most a itistic manners Will be at shop from 7.30 to a. m., and Vale (of Cashmere, the fabled from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. - W Drlouiift . rrnntlnmnn hQ 1 it n mr . . s mm n. l i r mull V .tv UUSC UlUU UUblUIiB IU O KJl I i j n e r, the feeliug.of being literally worn wUch u 9tliUi cv5dcnc8 ntlf m.H nn n y-. . w . . 1 J n A? Z ' c l' 7. r- U V : ofttbe patience, skill, and ingcnu- bly of declining years, -when ".it ,f f f t,n nf fl -. n-fn-fliil theA'.kirow what ailed .them, they . T. . :. . . e .. would find that all thir troubles E?e' .U,l8,,n thc.forni. oran egg, uui uttie larger man a tur key's, and,to outward appearance, niHhing but such an eg as might be picked np in.any farmyard. Bpt insido'of it therer"is such a delicate moclianiim that an accu rate description of it is well nigh irnnnostdhle. nntl to ret n. fair idna A l. i I .r ' o lint. tT 1 . lift 4ltSV MI.MMMA 4V n I .... uv, vvticu auo lias two tuuiULU- iu l.?!l t ' . . I skill raav reach it is necessary to act upon it, a valuable aid in an ca:n fi. 0.,.i - r c - - - . seo this marvel, ino egg shell is J' . w - . divided into two part, but so niu uiiyo. wuuii rruuu uiicius ii i. i i.?if..n.. .1 . r ci03eiy tuiu BKiuuuy uro iney joiii- abounded; in Montana, u woman ... f. . ftVft f t - was travelling by coach to join LJVcr.tho line of- iuiictiou. . The her husband. Uno day a tellow tiny works by which Its different passenger said to her: " " pans aro operated are u lot of mi- 4I tave $1,000 in my "pocket wryscppic springs and diminutive book, and I feel unciisv pbout the .. ... t. t ; ' nxr 11 , ino 101 uaru.y iivau in size iu4uih. .Huuiu yuu ininu t ,niiu Bmn Minnies which um concealing it in.our. dress, and pd in nldduue einbni.lry. returning it to mu at iho eu l ol "fiho iirruugement is . such that your journey?' It- the highway- c in each hour tlnr two abclK nm 1 i; which arc luitgcu ut the baae, ily men do stop usthev arc et-s na j ... J?. . w i n I . r r u'lin Hiiri inr f un nvimr v. view a jrcoriraoud tulip.so artisfie She acceded to m request, bid aUv and' truthfully colored, thu: the money in ber dress, and the one can hardly believe that it has state drove ou-without nicetiiitr a n(t Ped from a flower rnn.tnuPMf nn.il tntrr.l or-mn bcM l,l8Utl l btflS ITodUCtinU m. :! ' r .... to t art. The petals ot the lulu AnenLH-.,.i,UI:",ro .up your sUiWy u,,0ld, opening buo ufter hands!" was: heard.- Tho driver the other, until tho tlowcr is full promptly pulled up. txs four men blown. "Vithin it alaud u wee on horseback, with masked faces, clAirch, with Wit ry, on, tlio out-appeared-in the road and covered ',lJ officii Is a h 1'. him with their pistols. ho!ur. The latter are so verv xt to them. s moustrouA. Tho blood mutt bo puro if Ibe body would 'bo in- perfect condi- lou. DrJ. H. McLean btrvitgih ening Cordial aud .Mood Purifier lt, y. ;.'. I !jj I, la. ;(. . MOUNTAIN,. mmmm fl V t I maces pure blood and imparU GROCi;;:!, 6UC1AUS. the rich bloom ol health and vi-r or to the wholo body. MRS, VOGELo FK&T1ILU UIU). Caroline Vogel, a steerage pi- songer on tho Gotlia, from Co- pcubagen, tried to smuggle a lot ot. : material through in a novel way, but was frustrated by Mr. Anna M. Parks, an inspactrcis of cuatomf. .Tho. patienger bad among her eGecU an old hh ioned feather bed, which r;a tied with a strong cord nnd the into rior of wldch waj supposed t be tilled willi feather. Mn. Parks; ugaiua: tne vipomas proic4ii ni Mrs. vogel,- cu: tnc ropcj and ibuud in lien of leathers a largo aortmcnt of r.rticlcs, among which were twdWc hank of raro, one piece cf biu.liug, thrCc pieces of woo.Mt c'.olh, :r puces id quigltanvnu piece ol tianr.cl, I'.iur h:iiidk'crc1iivT;-.oiid piece of clalic. eleven pair nf itovkinf, tw licr Ol hr.M.lehth .i;l c piece of nljuci, all ut which were r tizcu. r. viAMi, irrc. WINK. IDIIACCO, c:n;AUf WIST!t. V. i f,C :f .:R-2:8AZEM0RE9 GKS !:!: L MK!U;i!ANniii- HAUnWAU!!, CtlTLKRY. ' TOKACCO, CIO A U.S. ' nooiv. V,JNlk.Oi'. c:. ! . JACOCXS, Por rhcnr.i.itic and neuralgic pain?, rub in Dr. J. Ill McLean's Volamic Od LhiiMicnt, jou will not ftullrr long, but will ho zruti licd with a uevtly aud - ctlcctivc cure. w - ' ' ' touLr:: xn -Two of the highwaymen then sniall that, placed iiej rode to each side of tho coach and the finest needle seem first ocn.vs stkamihl It is remarkable that '.aficr so much baa been wrttteu nnd pub lished ' m regard to early teai litd Toots. Ihrr.fM, Ajtv- iv.:;lt. lntt an i lV..nlO.:. A fU vf M-vhlr c nr o;: . tJZZ L'a . WISIKOIUN.C. T. H. ALEXANDER) m ' j n ' 1T - i ordered the passengeri to give up Tile hour strikes wth a fairy like uavigation (especially, of oceati olden garden of the Hesperides their arm8 which they, did tinkling the church' aIowIv re- ...rn wl.ir.h U nfcomMm- and Eden in its .first bleom, ere promptly. ; ; . ' Uolves on its axis, when tho rear L rPOcnt dat. it remains to I .. . I -r - the trail of the serpent was upon , t4Now. shell outl" said tho rob - bers. handed .rX-r : m taw 'V a xrTv its bower?, are but dark aud de- beJf; ATTORNEY--LA.W A? Verted ts;. norU it the vUioo The passenger-v . ; SOLLCllOU OH ; ot romau'tic fancy nor ia jt the tleir pocketl.ooks; mim. rn.tmt.jm. -t. fm. m. t J tmm 1 works toei-ht. Then tbo petaU cw .T" " " bint . G. G.lERNtSAtJ, (I.J. lUrri't OUSUnJ.)' first rwularly TOBACCO .V CIGAltS. ocean stoamer was cn- atents, even the man the shells of tho tec reioio. nnd tructcd on his eulv of the At- no .for it is heaven ! gave up u icw .uuimia. l0 jluq uuiuitiatcd ueuoiuer noiu "v" 7 1.1 ing but a commou egg. rcw , : , ., . COT 7th street, WASHINGTON, 1). C. I (established 1857.) roreiim patents procured, Caveats, TnuW MnrVa nnd Labels registered. Expert examinations . made, - and opm- A land of pure delight, v , 'Where saints immortal reign, Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain." , St. John writes that - an angel took him upon a mountain and spread out belore hiai 'a .heavenly citv. v It was of 1 m mense magnr He was congratulating himself upon his caution, wheu he heard Orleans Times. thcwoman say in a quiet way: an 'American --shipbuilder con structcd the firit.sea going steam- crossed tho ocean, -T have rot dl.OOO. but I sun- V Utt m.Uo n onllnnt Or tbEC OVCT pose Lmust give it op."., f fit . ,nit di8ease, and wlie propelled jrholj, by Th -- Sa ting the action to the won! u n. t tt fT ...... wa CB,leJ ho "Itmul illiam, she hauded over tho man's roll of ,ed b-v. Vr- J;.If-M,cIf,a" 1 in honor of the wtlnr. kioiy uucuuciiiug " who then ' reigneu in Liiaim, greenbacks . . The robbers rode TOO inni rnifS infnnfrements, validity tude,: God was its light. It had w t. -n .VT,ro..;' tn system. jitwi-nfnotin. irivou. Send tor m f hi trli-walls, had 12 irates and at , . . . i-: i t- t j.J I - 1 A. . 1 - i 1 mS J 4 I'm rilinr ivil I nr;ulir:itrt it from 1 i i . ti-. ..!,.! ..I and1 . , r ana ino iiismnuti o rv,u-i vi dhiciiro baa ber orimuul draA'- imu on fila in iU archives Kx. iiV.. F. A. WALKE. WALKE & WILfJA MS, DEALERS IF DRUG'S, ;; PAINT'S-' OILS iv n lis Avere emeralds and ita gates j. h. williams. were pearis all richly set with diamonds. The streets there were paved with gold, and id ng the streets nowed the river ot lite clear as a crystal; oneach side of the river . were trees of evergreen bendin g .with a i Tivo8ial fruits, and the beaming; skies ; that can opied tbe eternal city were mir rored in the deep still stream that flowed : onward and onwTard lor- Hvpr: where time nor &oace can Quo of the moat interesting nat- ural curioAities ever seen in this Tho daugors of a mal.iri.il at- tno?phcfe may bo averted if you trill nrrnaintiallv take a do3e of Dr. J. II. McLean ChilU aud CANNKD GOJUS, corFEi, TK v. LAIU). , HAC0N7 CUCKS L"TC.' AMERICAN- IIOUSG, - VilaiTv-ril. tar fnjr.cd v. .t!i cl'.cc Vir.. , "Atncr.oui H m" 5:1 i "1I-V OJ",M trust through sheer fright. . Sue srailwl mysteriously. r7 I I - 11 - n nin. lull T O i i ' f XUU Will OCO, Oil, UUk . J- VUU b -. , YnWn nnw" . section discovered recently ( AVthe .end of the journey Bhe on ! the boutb bide. IJunng tho c Curc 0 ccuU, WarrautcL asked, him tp.stay.all nignt at tier dayj the chain gang was employed 't : house, aud said that her husbaudl n " oleaniu EI Paso avenue near It would hardly pay the fanner would be glad to see him. . ti10 fonntMiu;wbcrc-iho bank on to ciicasa in tbe njultry .business talrS . "Yes, ma'am, X win come to i , ... - t u- l,;. nf r..vn n? rtlVc IU t.t,u . ... - m . 1 ino vinn tiiib iiimm . iii v iii':iv!wtui. i nviiuii niu r.vi'..' w --w-- vour house, ' he answerea in tne " ' . v r, . . ,rr Trv - - tone "of an iniurcd man: "uita least you can do tht vou have djtt tul ii t li l!jvr I1-- r.nxind i!ic l..?'.! tV.tA :t'-ri rVj;rv .it &J1 .i .-, m the Oflil-er Trcston, who 15 in charge tb-ec dorort fowl for family ue, . ' I ' . . . ' I . . 1 . . -4 t 1 I m - m. - , ma'am, i seeing of the gang, was. Bitting, tn , oiiol unless there snpuiuue eomc uuv. - . ... ; f. . , ... - I cia business-to look after tm u,a i ,.o. hly , prodding the . bank with , -to-l!o uj &mie- I 1 I ft m mm mm v.. m I J. IL Mi)01Y. r.. irl "WADSWORTII UID ciMg cent in the world don.Ebe pinaments of this city .. ; A . ..,A-rlr.a. - V m - J UDOU eera. . GoId ; glitters: upon , nl gold. . xiuoy peams upoii. iuoy. fere(1 uim one vvord of explaua- lodged and broKe at bis feet, dis suow-whito suako coiled ready to spring. It looked uuitet& t neither host uor hostess ot- lump 01 earth and gravel was dis- -.- - - .- i- 1 . ' .. ,Tn,Tln i.ano..d sparkles upon diamond ,iou that night, and. ho went to clo8w a T?-, m' with the sapre'8nll.ant . hlae. bcrl a sad . nt'ated Jnan. , . , PAlMb'l , Thohnghteet - amber ; heara.ns ,:-ThVrieitmormog a.' Centered 1 innrnintr as ne eniereu 1 . .7 .11? .l 1 . blends vitbvtb fainbow'sVvariev Z u. tAW1 lue "'?.icouui U iS Withnni nnMfinn tli'- TADINCf " ,ocl Kn. A rnn nrl M h C thrmi ft " . " . I it' WUS allVe, but tOCChlUg It Willi ' 11" 2:: :a7 .t V" tiandi? witn mnranq saiu: , - eiini, .linvl Ut it onomicalV '' v" " transparent Deuus Hamca 01 6Piou-; .lUere u youf l)0oa which my r;,' t; rim ..l.nfc,.,, Om )vllc veutureU to . .orrpw in an AW MuiIiati0I1 ,,,owcJ . . ,llM COKNP.R w,t - STUKTCT Zfrr emergency. ; : SDe nauj .,uu u, v. axa. lW ftCU ,,IguViUb ... . ; ? . . whifihB he was orinffini' 10 ne ROAIsOKE SQUARE,'; I hurls the . bolted thundei:lrora.UODCealed in .her- dresi; She His hands, walics serenely pu ine tb(n rht by Mvinr Up at once the wings or mo v.i .uB - -gQ entrusted to her Uy you - 4- NORFOLK, VA.. His sublime throne, on. .the, dark 8JQ would 6ave hersclffrom being e snake was of a peeic3 totaliy unknown in thu section, but somewhat resembled a ground rattler. ' Its length, would bo about a loot aud- iu diameter m ' times tho aervico bfa good', ttc-idy boy, who irauatural lancier,may b j secured at a Bmall ccst, and all of his time may be profitably cm nlovcd.in cannir 3or200 or COO, or, if h3 be experienced, probably 500 or GOO. Iu embarking in the buVmci3 it is not best to start out 0:1 too large a scale. ' 0. P. SHELL, Dat. latent tr.r . . jV. . ; .; ivrfutuery aa 1 coafitll'-narv;." cd nr!.t or tLi v. For eick headache, female trou blej, neuralgic pains in the head take Dr.;.i: II.: McLean V LittlPrV.'v- ;ll V .'l:r : ;i V;.1' ii" iii. . ..tl.s.. ...-. Liver and luuncy i u.c.i. -o ct. .x.rl:;,fl j a$ i0. r - ir r : a. vial.- - stkami::: ciniiirna;;:. Tv.oTiui-i a w ::'; r.rrrwri.ns . I. . ' it try Tu. 1 :y a:. J. r.rc'.". r. rr.ra'. A- :! :: 1

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