OUK MOTTO: DIBU.ET MO.N DUOlf. IJliNJ. 11. SWAIN"; OWrCKIl AND KIH'J OIL VOL.111. jno. w. woony ATTORNEY-AND COUNSELLOR AT, LAW LEWIS 1 OX, N. C. Practices counties. m - Bertie and adio nine IVILUfiMSHOUSE, ' LEWISTON, N. G, J. G. WILLIAMS, Prop. Travelers accommodated at low' rates. Table supplied with the best; the market affords. ;. .irA--C ITConve varices furnished on Vppli tin. . . au3tfn THE HANCODK:HOUSEt . LKWI8TON, N. C. - Table supplied: with the best the mar ket affords. Every attention; paid -to the comfort of the jruests. Livery at tached. . A. F. Hancock, Prop. PlGH'S DRUG EMPORIUM, windsok, N. c. : . Where you can fiud choice Paints, Dings and Oils, Dru lists' Sundries, Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per- f fumery, & Fishing Tackle. ; : John F StrattonV Musical InstixK ments and Strings. : r " r " 1 Robert Buist's Field and Garden Seed. Full line of Fine Stationery always on imnd. - . , s . fel8 tfn . DR. F. D. STEVENS, SURGEON DENTISJTi Windsor, n. c Teeth extracted without pain." . Filling partly decaped teeth a special ty. All work warranted. - T. S. 'TODD. E. TODD. 7. S.TODD &BRO, -DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Fine Dress GoodsMhry Goods, N otions and Fancy Articles. J Groceries of evry description. Boots, Shoes and -other ! staple goods. .. . ... Xc26tfn - ATTENTION FARMERS ! INDIAN WOOD WHEEL FACTOliin I am now mahufftctuiing Cart Wheels, UimsL Ilcbs and Spokes from native tim bers jvhich I will sell from $3.50 c $5.25 )tr pair of wheels. , A discount will be allow ed if as many as tea pairs are tak rnby one partj Allwork vrarranted. Special terms to Coachmakers Slup mcnts F. O. B., at Couio t landing on Hoanoke river. . : vV ? ?! Address P. BASCOE, auglO 12m. Windsor, N. C. TONSORIAL ARTIST, W. II. LEIGH, J Has recentlv had his hon fitted up in first Hass st vln for the coveiiiente of patrons. Shaving, hairculting and sham pooing done in the most artistic manner. Willi be at shop from 7.30 to 9 a. m., and from! 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. no2 tfn T. H. ALEXANDER. ATTORNE Y-AT-L A.W AND soucrroROFj Patents COT T th Street, WASHINGTON, 1). C (established 1857.) Foiniorn nnienta rrocured. Caveats, Trade Slarks and Labels registered. Expert cxaininations made, and opin ions relating to infringements, vaiiauy circular and mention this paper. WALKS. J. N.'WIIiIjIAMS. WALKE& I'MUAUS, s - ' " ' DEALERS IF : DRUGS, paints;. OILS, I - - - ( W AD S WORTH'S iPURE LIQ UID PAINTS" : - - - . . , . - , . v without question the Leading It. T ?u the market, : and the most V-JitNER WATER STREET MD ROANOKE SQUARE,! R. F. A. WINDSOR, THINGS .I'M flOWM ON. . BY MACG HTJDElV For theJLedser. 1 ' H How many 'things' there' are," As through the World we crowd on Above, around, botii near and far, V Decidedly we're dojwn on , 2 i And inasmuch as freedom's here, ; if, Of speech to all's extended, ;. " v I hope at what I have to say, r i , -Ho one will get offended. . - - But should the Boot go tighter on ; If I your-corns should trample -Why, face about, own up the corn, Become a good example. . " For many, m&ny thingstherc are,' As through this world we c. owd un, ; Aboye, aioundi both near and far,' " Decidedly we're down on. : : ' I'm down on sharpers knavish men, 1 , Who think it smart and fuuny, To take a ucoimtry genius" in, : 2 And "do" him of his money. No; wonder that the country swains Distrust these 4fancy Vitties, - Or dearly loves their rural homes - And damn the the cussed cities. I'm down on those religious men ' Those bigots so short sighted 1 As to believe all otlie sects Are sir ful and benighted, - - No matter what your virtues tre,; --If you regard them lightly,s- ' 'i-i . The devil's got you by the nose, v J Arid he will hold you tightly? " I'm down on those strong minded dames, ('Twere wrong to call them ladies) Who 'mong the men would cradle wheat Much sooner, far, than babies. With dresses brief, and high-heeled boots They'd issue from their houses " And bravely sport along the sjree ts i A pair of doeskin trowsers. " -;. -'. '-r-'jc J. vv: . '" a.. ':. ."- I'm dow n on that peculiar race, ' ; , (I scarce now. where to ptace 'em) Vho daily throng the aYeuues. Wliilc women's shawla eucaso 'cm. A mouse upon their upper; lip; : , , ; Their feet in crampinj? gaiters, Their cretlitors aTe, usu.illr. - ! Butlittle more thau waiters. - I'm down ootnanv other thlnsrs. B,ut I've no wish t) tire The patience of youi sidcrs Noryet excite your ii But one more let uii add Since I have lit the taper, I'm down oa all who haven't sense Enough to-take your paper. San SoueCN. O., May 12, 1838. inmemoriam: Died in the town of. Booking. v---, "JM??ti Tho Broad Axe" a ch.ld of Faith, born in the-tender arms ot Hope, atio! scantily fed on the the cold charities ot a not iudulenr TfQ ;fl; public. Its age, as the crow flies. was two snort, , eventiui montns; its life, measured by the eternal fitness of things, would have been two - tnousana dussiui, - nappy years. . It was a puuy infant, do- manding most constant care, and I now that it has gone b j ma the reach of debts and duns and ad verse criticisms, we'll whisper in the ear of Deaih, "Though lost to sight, to memory dear." AVhen I it had absorbed our last, lonesome nickel and faded into pi" and battered cuts, we fondly imagine that its spirit peacefully hovers Wrnnnfl while our little boat lies StraUUCU .WreCK OU .tnO lnUOEpi- I table shores of bankrupt journal J isra. 'The Broad Axe was con ceivea ana uorn in iveeic, anu died a victim to the credit system in liquor. au mc w wao drmK, ana sincere un uCKy uay Xwistity evr, callea: . "more." JNow it w no more, net- tbw indeed ciu be. Bat -when tne-rsuvery . nloou .CUiuu8 ! 4 rnemorv oi me uays wnen we were ? editors in the land. And Undoci U encircled by these me -when four sorrow is embalmed iu moriala-pf a'divine visitation, our ! usual bug poison fwe: will : With endless variations of lin crawl to the grass grown grave of eaments aud expression,' there thO QeiUUCIi XilUttU UUU fiay7 tYes, there you lie, as we nnrelied in you. You were our erstwhile friend and tbere were BERTIE COUMTY, N: j?1 on you.; , S.iep long:, sleep well; tor hanged if : we are able to wake y ou. , V ' 7 " - V KpfrArH. . . . Leaves have their time, to fall v And flowers to wither' at the .North . " . wind's breath;". .r. 4 r:.r -The "Broad Axe" had no gall, But paid its mortgage to the world by ; - . death. . ,'. -", . -i '::.. "Chief Mon rner.in Rocket. M'atiy whose occapations are of a 8C(ferttary; characr, often . have tbe feeling of being litqrally worn out, and are reminded v ucuuuug j ears,i wncn ;ii y0 oui;rC3lul U un Known rem they knew what ailed them, thev ete8 r weaknedh, the oricin of woum nna that all their troubles arose from the inaction of; their kidneys or liver. If they "would at sucn limes take Dr. J. II. Mc Lean's - Liver aud Kidney Bafm, would again feel the vigor aud strength of maturity. '' THE red' bog did it. - . There were "seven-. or eight boys nnil aVlnnr Second street yesterday as a po- w I ceman-happened along, aud af- nini,KJ-fk. a k " u ter clubbing the .dogs apart he tn thp ir.t. w? -: "Now. thpnT ; tn .roMa8hion plate that did iiot . pertain all about this." ' 44 Well, you know," replied the boy, "I was corning np" the alley with my spotted dog. That boy there vas coming down the alley with his black dog." ; "And yorr knew the dogs would fight, of course!" " : 7 " 'Oh,- no, si r. When we came up to each o tli er the dogs beuun. to play. We" were talking : about oing a fishiiiit-.wbeii that boy over there cArho along with a lit tlo red dos." v ' -.' - '. "Where is' it?:" But why didn't you se, arate them?" " v ; " Then whoM get the money?' MoDey! S you had moncv op?" "Why, after tHey got to fight ing each ol. us bet on our own dog, of co irse." .; - -v.- Tlion I iwm.f! ho didu t get ono of them. and while he halted at one end of the allev to breatho after his run appeareu. ai mo uiuer , "Bein2 aa this mill traa Inter' fered' r with by, the police I shall decide it a draw, and the stakes will ga to buy oranges forthe crowds-Detroit Free Press. --M. - :'. - ... -' -Kidney and bladder troubles nrodnce a feehnfT of ntter dM. pona2n.,y; -A genial stimulen; rtcd tonic and an tmfcilink rem- e(jy for aij BriCb troubles, may bo found in Dr. J: II. McLean's Liv- or and Kidney Balm. 7CrjE PORTRAIT OF CHRIST. On the damp ana gloomy walls ot the catacombs of sepulture and worship, in the monuments of the primitive . Christian church, oh the portals aud "in tho lapses ot ancient Byzantine , basilicas, in 8tateiv-catheilals of the middle aSe8 I.i"?" Ui lV WWWOOH,ouu-5bu vh mo uuih. ble wallsof the lowliest - homes, or in the cherished books of the poo that 6trango and wonderful ap-Rta th min(1 wittVa Cele: : o ' - - pgiiou witu tuuuP I -... '.. ..11 began ' t pick a fi2ht with my Go whcroyo.i w.ll.at casta.nonjr h.l then the black pitched ',10 1,e!rf ,cUw' v'" inf Ti.i let the red d. out. ,u,d h"U '0jli rS? proport...,, ,rf w. include, all ru.ao nnea or tne earnest sKeicnca, pr.ia the finished tou "''V"UC4 i reprcsen Ui JJiVdbt v Mtutui- ful adherence to the general type of- some ancient ideal. In tho midst of classic art, though about VEDNESDAYJUHE 6,1880 . . ... -j . ' the period of - its decline, : there 8Q ldeiily appeared the imago of a strange but complete personality, difl'eriii f-om all paqan ideals. It was the Christ! He had come into the world, and lived and la bored among men who cherished his memory, and they desired to leave to the aes to 'como some factored reminder of His human semblance. Sickness comei uninvited, and strong men and womcu arc forc ed to employ -means to restore nu 4,8UUS 13 J. McLean's Strengthening Cordial end Blood iurfier; A FAT : WOMAN'S COMPLAINT. There is a fortune for anybody who will start a Fat Woman's Journal,! 99 said a woman, who weighedimoro tban 200 pounds, "or if you want to bo more eu- nhaniiatiA n rl An . ... C -1 - f ,v"",0iT .T"?' . , rrv i i V t ,a Johe Lmboupointe.' , In this , J , , f . . - therQ 8hou!d ,uol.bo.-tt or a to a woman waighing at least 175 pounds-aud upwanl, as they say in the cheap stores. At present QQQ I10t !reprC3ent a 8lenPtlc , waisted woraap. For this sylph everything is designed gownf, wraps, bonnets. It is hnpossible to find anything intended ; for largo wpmcu. Apparently no body givc3 us any consideration, and avo elbtho ourselves, 'is it wxsie, by. faith. : . 'It is absurd," contained . tin lady, 4for tho lact i well estab: Halted that American women hive RUU "Proa Tru-iw 1.1 i , UI uirr ; V" wtl are worm consiaering. rnero is a tortuno In avoirdupoi: for whoever is fir tnough sighted to perceive it. Send out the prospectus A la Jolie Embonpointo r tho Fat Woman a; Journal nnd see how quickly wo will rally, to its 'sup port from every part of the land." Ifyou fiud indications of ma Fever Cure, it will .Rrceably at.d enecfaliyl eradicate ' the i.on from -your system. 50 cents per bottle, warranted. ; - ,-: - ' ' CIUCULAH LETTER TO COUNTY X SUPEIUNTENDENTS. i To Superijilendcnts Publio Instruct Hon: . : : 1)eab SiRS:Reduced railroad rates have been secured to Nor- I mals. Those desiring: to avail themselves of these rates must Hold a ccrtiGcato aigucd by a County Superintendent of Public Instruction. I send you a bundle of blank certificates, and ask you to furnish them to any pcrsoni who may apply and bo entitled to them. Tho only persons who are entitled to certificates are teachers, IUU8, prepuriug u icacu.anu suci niciauyo uo jju uj miiuuuu-W3 IU I strUctors or leclurora. Plciiso give notice through your county papers and extend all faciliUcs iou can for tho convenient fur- secure the attendance of your teachers 'on some Normal if tkku 1 Ol UIO. .... - . - rip;n.,,i:-a (r ,-,ir..-.,t i b 8,)0rtcr IillC3 operated hv them. - Tho rates for $2.7(100 miles, $3,25; 150 miles, 200:milcs, $5.00, an J bo on, ae creasing! as - the distanco in crease; over tho'tanus lino." ' ; fTickcts will bo on ealo two or three ! days - before tho opening and and bo good for two or throe day3 after the closing of tho Nor mals according to tlie follov.'inr: pchcdulc: Ashevtllc ojH.ns Julr 3d, closes July 20th; Sparta opcin July SOtli, clmes Aunat 27ih; "Washington opciM jiilv lOib closes August': lOth;: -AViiuiou opens July lOlh. clmc Jul v !27tli- Franklin open July ICth, rl.Mt-! iVagnst ISth; Tiouton rpcuj July 5th, clo. July 27lh; iliim beth Citv opens July Ptb chve.- J uly 27th; Wilson opcn July 4U, closes July 25th; GokUhor (col.) opens June 4th, clones Julv Ifh: Greensboro (col.) open? July 21, cl03C3 July 27tb. ; - ' Repcctfnll v, . M. Fi:fu::u Stote Supt. Pub Instruciion. State paper3 pleae copy. The blood must bo pure if tho body would be in perfect condi tion. DrJ. II. McLean Strength ening Cordial and Blood PuriTar ma'es pnro blood, nnd inip.ir!s the rich bloom ot health nnd vig or to tho wholo hotly. THE BEST HE COULD. Do you know that man over there?' asked ono Detruiter of another on tLo'Lansiu' train the other d.iy. -No." "Well, he's a drnmmer for n ! Jcircrion avenue house, end Fvci known him by sight 4ot fifteen i yea-s. His employer told mo the? other day that ho hadtKt lost r. day for twelve years.' nir "lie looks ttio t trture o: health.' 4So ho doos, but I want to make a bet with you. I'll b-t you a silk hut he carries remeJtci with him ttr no le?s 1 1 t 1 1 six. dif ferent ailments." -I'll do i l" , They went over and the cate was explained to to tin dj unirner, who laughed and replied: "Well, I dutm). . I carry n-iine tmches to nvniil ho.ir.-rn'. J carry U tile of congh niedioiue to ward df ptiruiuoni.i. I have a porn p!;tr in uiv yr.p to put on if I tet a lame' Hack. I have fomt 6lv n littlt' of J.ituaci iinrcrr mhiiu cpiiniutf capsule, a I phial of peppe-mut ces-uce, a Imix! mm o niauurake Dills, a livi-r meili- c no, a gargle for sore tlrost-nnd a -Good landi!" cried both ccn- tlcmo i lti chorus. - "Oh, WiJ, what did " ron 'ex pect, he inquired tvirh injured air. 4A niau mi 1 1,200 a vtmr can't ' carry nromd a whole dfu store, can he?4 Detroit Free Prtsa. . For rheumatic and neuralgic pains, rob in Dr. J.1I. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment, you will not suffer long, but will be r.ti ficd with a speedy ami effective cure. A NOVKL ENTKUPIUSi:. Mr. Clinton A. Snowden, . of the Chicago timci, if the origina tor of a scheme to save tha bitons that still remain on the plain. It has been ascertained that of the millions which once roamed on the prairie of tho West, only 75 or 100 remain, nnd Mhee ere located in tho extreme South western portion of Texnj. An expeditiou is roon to turt for Toxas to round up there for the buffalo Tim leading purp)-?o if. to perpetuate a s fcic-i of annual which ia thoroughly typical of Am3rican anim.nl life; onu of the controlling idea of tho trip Inln to kill uuno of t!je nniinil.H tfi,lo corralling them or after thci capture. Ncwi of the work o! the expedition to bo ptAl to tiiu Timed by carrier pigcou3. It is to to hoped, ea; ; tho Sji cntific American, - this ).;udab!e expeditiou will Buccocd. It wnahl aicm tJi if Congress might " do something to promote end cn courage tho preservation of thu wonderful breed of anirna!. For sick hca'Jachr, fcraalc tron hies, neuralgic piin in the l.ca.l j take Dr. J. It Mc Lean's LiUlc! Liver and Kilnv Pi!h:!.-w ! . r vial. no. 15. t. WI .V ?TU."f . V. WJM.J A U -JWINSTON L WILLIAMS. - AITOahEYS AND CuUNSEUGHS J LAW, 1 U;t WIN! Si!!. N. r ATTORNEY-AT-LA', wrNn-i?i:. :;.c. (u- f-itrt A TTOj Y'AT'lAyt f ' it- 1 t . l'5:.U: ;; v.i CWFKKS-.v fluui:. r.Tcr GINS. TOUACCO, CIGAUn V!NI s. c - I ff-C- BAZEMQRE, tr.f. i- . G H . 1 : 1 : A L . .M K U ( II A N I ) 1 S Fj dry goods, " g::oc:ki;ii; QurKSswAUi:, HAKDWAin; C-UTLKUY. ' "TOHAirco; -. ClGAliS. SKUKK. - IHKJTS,. H!lOKf Kte.- win pfo'iL y. c. r -r, i:x J-J.JACOCKS, DKALER I.T ' Hardwrarrv. Cuttcrr. fiurM, yrr rmwaic Klred TxU. Harrw... Arr - v-cltnral Impicn; . a:..! IinKrnu a ilUiU. Patau .. ! I'ahil Olla. A full !:ae of Machu cry OU. fc23 ifa winio:ln. C. ZT.. 1ERNIBAN, (4. J. lUrry'4 OM SLiaJ ) n k aiji xx TOBACCO i CIGAUS, CANiVni) GOODS, COFFKr,. TKSt SUGARS, - LAlUt DA CON, . CAN D IKS. caick's irrc- vmwm naisi:, : - WINDSOR, X. C TaVe top; lil lth tl o U t t!w ir. zr hti a:! nh. lUr nj;.lcl vlih cl-cico Wine fly iut. CVpirs aa 1 TV-.rr-. ar. l cr.iC rt.l l.Sa in iz r ir. Am r.r.:i H.7" anl or." twf-c c:,rirK, rrr pn-ia3U'-.. Uvj , rx nt!y r ji:tt:1 r.r J t!")Ttuij fnb'!K;. I !.' j'.-.v-.-. 2jrr;l 2 (-.Lcli . - PiU.ilo .:Lat nxr.n f. r l x. t-Jr.-rc Hick tt rr-f :!.v.":i r!. -Ti alls !.c I, J. ?UKUr. Pr . 1. 1 0. P. SHELL, rnorniETo;; LKWISTON DIIUG hTOP.K. pntcnt nvr T'-L-v. t .!-. pTwuruTj a:ul c'x:frc:"nv",.r tlrrrljiai acurzU Ir-ot r.; sti: a i Hit conrjTU c i;. fvoT.r:iii a viir.r: r:T'n-x ..r tj: - ! 7TU " ' - "1 i ; . r j v : -fcL J I