- h .7 '.-"'" 7 ,.' " , 7. - . 1 11 - " " 1 - - " ' " '"'. " J'KICK ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, INVARLxB.Y fi( ADVANCE V f t OUR MOTTO: "DIE IT KT MOS DUOllC DEN J. 11. SWAIN, OWNER AND EDITOR. VQL.IIl W TOSO B g RT 1 E CPU NTY, N. GrW E D N ES D A Y, J U N E 13, 1888 ... 77 . ' " .. "" ' Jl"" ' .-.- ..- ..- x - . T " - ' NO. 16. JNO. Wi WOOD, : ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW LEWIS l ON, X. C. ; Practices 'in Bertie and adjoning countie. . n9 6m- WILLIAMS HOUSE, LEWIBTON,K.CV ' - ( J. j G . WILLI A MS, Pr bp; j Travelers" accommodntwl k 1 1 vi,v tA. Tabid supplied with the best the market" affords. ! .'v'-V-;'- Conveyances furnished on anlk THE HANCOCK HOUSE. : LEWISTON, N. C. ' Table supplied with the hpafc the. msir. ket affords. Every attention paid to the comfort of the guests. livery at tached. A. F. Hancock, Prop. PUSH'S DRUG 'EMPORIUM, WINDSOR, N". C. Where vou can find choice Pain ts: Dru8 and Oils, Druggists' Sundries, Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per- -fumery, & Fishing Tackle. " John F Stratum's Musical Ins tin jneutR and Strings. . N- .- Robert Buist's Field and Garden Seed. Full line of Fine Stationery always on hand... fel8 tfn ' DR. F. D STEVENS, ; SUMGEON DENTIS.T, WINDSOR, N. C extracted without pain. partly decaped teeth a spccial- Tccth Filling ty. All work warranted. T. s. TODD. E. TODD. 7. S. TODD & BRO, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I'm e Dress G oods. Dry Goods, N otions and Fancy Articles. . Groceries pf evrry description. Boots," Shoes and other staple goods. - -otGtin ATTENTION FARMEIiS! IN 11 AN AVOOD WHEEL FAC TORY I am now manufacturing Cart Wheels, IJims, llibs and Spoke from native tim bers which 1 will sell from $3.50 to $5.25 yer pair of wheels.' A discount will be allowed if as many as tea pairs are tak ipubv one oartv. Allworkvarranted: Special terms -Jto Coachmakers . Ship ments F. O. B., at Coniot landing on .llo:inokc river. - . Address P. BASCOE, aul012m. Windsor, NT C. TONSORIAL ARTIST, W.H. LEIGH,; lias recently had his shop fitted up in first elasti slyle for the coveiiience of patrons. Shaving, hairculting and sham pooing done in the most artistic manner. Will be at shop from 7.30 to 9 a, m., and from 10 a. m. to 4 p. in. . n62 tfn T. .H. ALEXANDER, For the Ledger - " ; How hard it is to find a friend On whom we can always depend; Sometimes we think that friend we've uot Till trial proves we have him not," , V i i; .i: X-i .-'-7;:: " ' 77 ? - ' 5 j There's some, to serve someelfish ends Declare and vow tiiey are your friends ; But soon as serving self is o'er, . : ' Belioldthey are your friends - no morei 4':VTi!' -r-j "7 r-''-s ; . 7" -". . . v .-- ' .7 7 .- ' Utherswill act a part more base, " - . They're al ways friendly to your face, But turn your back f.nd they'll your nam& Expose to bbliquy and shame Those who of others tell you much, -My counsel is, beware of such, Something to tell of all they know, As freely wilt they sptakof you. A faithful friend I highly prize; , A treacherous one I do despise; AH in suspense, I ask around, Where can a faithful friend be found? " Merry Hill, May, 1888. . JEWISH HIGHLANDERS. The Caucasian Jews are inorl uiately tond of green stuff, con suming it m Quantities that amaze a stranger. In partaking of food, as in the mode ot service, th e oid'Jewish customs .are strict ly followed. A wooden . platter (or, it a guest be present, a hund sou.e i copper dish) is placed upon a carpet on the floor. On thW are set two cakes of unleayencd bread, covered, with a cloth woolen "on ordinary occasions, but of silk on Sabbaths and fcs. tivals. Salt, onions, grlic and fruit r re ranged round the 1 rej.d, a ii d a 1 1 si t down ion the Hoi i r. he master ponfs water ever his wo hands, recites a l)lesaing,tben uncovers the breiid. breaks the there are mares present, and gives each one a piece. ; The pieces are dij pctT into salt three times and eaten, l ne secona loat w then served in like fashion and dis- trihuted among the ferjtalrs. The inistrt-'ss of the-house brincrfi ft- the first dish herself; thi n, if a st nu i ico r be present, "ve ls and withdraws. Everythino; is put on the table, or rather on the fa)o at once, and it is customrv to take a little of each di?h served When: roast meats are eaten, a sharp piece" of wood, is employed as an aid to the fineers. but or l- l nary Jin srers alone are de reueur The highland Jews . prepare en excellent "mountain dew, ' and drink Jafe quantities of it with was revolutionized as ;ha 'been done in Amenca. Freedom and not despotism prevailed.";.: The protection given to Franco aiid the general movement -of liberty at that time by tho influence of -wuham Fitt remain in the lari efi'ect," and, finally forly pounds vveroijsea. The wheel wus badly damaged,1 tha diamond ploui-hinc into it 'und throwing scinti'.latious in all directions. The diamond, eventniidcr these conditions.could nut ue-giyen a commercial poiisu. standing armies of 'the.di'fierpnt Tlie . wheel had to bo rcp'accd. nations there, and the: socialism Scientific Americaii. anarchism which seen.8 to : have " - - iio ; foar of; czars : 'and . kaisers, Kidney aud bladder troubles though they make n small show produco a feeling of utter des- ShK poa. a Ui .tirau,UDl : - ' r . ard tomc,-and an untailmg rem RtrtkM-nc, . t - j edv for A' I snnh tronliTp. mn Kn miucvuko9 uuuiufc uu i ii viieu. ana - -. . 7. - i TAtini nt 'i i i ii- ur iiti.'. ri strong men and women are forc-i er and Kidney Balm. ed to employ means- to restore their health and strength. The CIRCDLAlt lettku to rhirvrv most successful of all known rem- . SUPEIUNTENDENTS. edies for weakness, the origin of I . all disease, is Dr. J. II. McLean's To SupennUndenU Pubfo Instruct Strengthening Cordial and Blood tioTf I Purifier. . . . 'L v ' - jJSAff. joiRs: ueauceu. railroad rates have been Becured to Nor mals. Those, desiring to avail 2 00 4 00 6 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 .100 2 CO 6 00 noo 5 00 G 00 2 00 5 00 3 Qf 15 00 2 00 (1 00 3 00 - A RUSSIAN DESPOT. ATTOHNEY-AT-LAAV AND soLicrroii of. Patents, COT Tthbtreet, WASHINGTON, IK C (established 1S57.) -Foreign patents procured, Caveats Trade Marks aud Labels . registered mndft. und opm ions relating to infnngements, validity and scoce of patents given. : Send for my circular and mention ims payer. mi. f. A. WALKE. J; N. WILLIAMS The Emperor Paul, of. Russia,, themselves of v these rates must used to show his tyranny in hold a certificate signed by a many wayp. IfA pO0r man, with County Superintendent of Public an old.round hat on his head, Instruction. I send you a bundle showed himself in , the crowd 01 blank! certificates, and ask you which witnessed , ihe parades, an to-furnish them to any persons aid-de camp immediately pursued who'may apply and bo entitled to the. culprit; who fled to avoid be them. . The only personsnvho arc mg .bastinadoed at the nearest entitled to certificatesare teachers, guard house. The chaSa was of- those preparing to teach, and such ten: continued in the streets,, fo pera0lis 08 g0 by invitation as-in- the great amusement of the peo- structori or lecturers. Tlcase pie, who hoped tho unhappy man giVQ no4icc through your county would succeed in making his es papers and extend all facilities cape. . Lord , Whitworth, the ou canjfor tho convenient fnr- Britisn:A.!nha8sadort was -eddiced nishiDg,ot thco certiticiites, and to have a hat of peculiar shnpc 8'cnrc the attcnthmco of your 4iiado for him, so as to he able to ner1 on omo iNor,nal lf i,(r9' walk about in the mormnir with- The aVrangement include, nil on contravening the r Emperors the principal line, or railmad in orders. Paul dn.yo d. ily thrnuah lhe State, and the l.urr. line, the town in a siedu or an open a.a k ti ... . - ,. 'Tmicu iv ilium. Aiiu ruic nir a ornuirn if r ir..- ,1 41. . ...... L. " .fc,.nr, ...n. cents per mile; for 80 milo, man and lootnun had to take ofi q? ?n. the r caps , ,1 tho persons tl-e 4.30 200 nule (-oA0 u,, ' i I w t ' decreasing as tho imanco in- pndonnd.hoxy to ho Empt ro vrvnhQC tho ,amc lihe who observed who her it was .uf Tickets will be on sale two or hdentry respectful. Sometime lhrco i 8 bcforo thc op,ninjr women., with . their children trcm ,;tl.i A u .. r..- ..I . "v ' !n:l' WCr- ,e-cl after tho clo.ins of tho Xor- jeemlinjf into the sn.r i., a-hard ma cordine to iho tolloti-ini: v. .r ...uu ...... .. chedu e: Ashcville opens July tha.v, to accomplish this sahila o.i (.lLft t.,iw oni.. - tion. Paul alu ays thought that .jnly ?0lh J.Io6ea August 27th; jailor " people Avibed to hght him as AVnshiiigtcn opens Julr 19if-, K K Ontlaw icrriect at thcydidwhen he was Grand cIo,es August lb'th; AViiutoii ihrritr Duke; Tie lik.?d everywhere to opens July. 10th, closes July 27th; S Todd's hcin error lu meet with marks otfnr nnd flnh- i.it v V.. J . ' 4 i t . . " . - i r raiitiiiii ODen-juiv linn, cioieai uixt. lanu. nnssion. When people, went out August 13th: Newton opens 'CT Hurden rent f.r C II into ine Bireoia in parrmaea nr ti.. ll -i ir. . i o r c.. t r i j . .. . . . ' . r: uuiy oin. cioes juiv in: n.nza-1 camo mr oanu r in, 4 : I nil rrt nr all TrtnLr - no tA . tn , ovimM I .r-... r . . I ... rr .. . uui Btciuiu- iu uxueneuio am ; " - . . w Wl" Detti Uity opens d ui v Uth. c oes I tYnitd servient at intoxicating efiects. - . ; meeting; tnpir imperial master, juy 27th; Wilson opeun Jul v 4th. constable " I i.np.v n pii nr na nnt ,rry n n omi t t-r y-M " . . . ..i u tr y .... ... - .-rr "v -trr- " ,.. I closes j my .otu; v?oiuboro (col.) Manv whose occupations aro of went down a side street or hid open8 j Juue .4th, closes July 4th: -- - - v- - ' . I tlliriop o (rutantott . I r . ... -. uuv, H6ul6OJ. Kircensboro fcol.l onena -In r "rl i . ' closes Juiy au. . Iteepectfully, Bettie aok Can 'Williams ttjan Wynn Aggy Thompjnii Tatty Williams : -Cherry Outlaw ' ; .Tom Carter IZosctta-Uoon Larry Clurk irolliojBrowa . Joan Bpcller - Luiinda Tillery Matilda Fleoter Btercn Brown Winnie Ka?coc Jno Cajtellow ' Hdrry Outlaw Bachel Hoffin Dolly Lawrence Artsr Uillarn Feriby Outlaw Peggy Bazemora Father Askew Jas Carter Fnos Mitchell Aggy Cherry Bettie Bacchus Boot Jacocks .A Phelps and wife Mary Manlro "Winnie Donbw - Hester Riddick Iltnry PeeU M Wilson Fmcliuo Meyers Martha White llachcl Huscoo Ithmael Cherr'. Celia Kewhtni Priscilla Cooper Harriet Bobbin i Krnc'ino Hurrcll Adaline Ayillionn Heeler M'irrts IC IX Jlnifganl Pituiria Jtiiien - Ptieuct llolgcs Bettie Hcrco Sylviti IMiclj Lvdin IVterftii Sharper White -IC!ini Wunl Atihy Butler Matilda Oittaml Rirah A Bjruiri ma (irecn Li thin CHk . Marina H.n-I Nellie Uynn "Amy Higg Soulh -'Tho tolhmtii ' ncconnti nudilc l nnd orderc! paid, A S i(ncoc rndse lor J ul ' Snmc for iH)nr liotino WTIIcckUll wol firv jail 11 J U'XJTTiri SSTICtt ns w. U fIU.!,M: 1 WINSTON & WILLIAMS ATTCl'iEYS KO CCUNSEltC.IS AT UVtT WIM'.-.mln.i 5 00 3 oo 10 00 4 00 4 00 C 00 4 50 8 00 6 00 2 00 3 00 12 00 200 00 2 CO 200 3 00 4 50 3 00 B 00 G 00 3 00 3 00 8 00 3 00 8 00 fiOD 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 10 00 10 00 ii 00 '2 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 wr 1. C WL6T0. ATTORNEY-AT'LAV, W!.iiii:, r lYaciTUi lien ,J lies. - r m;;j:v v. vucm A7T0FNEY-AT-LAI', a -i: t emu i f y, 0":ur. .Vit-l-UU tin,;. ..5 p. ri. IW.E. ; MOV WAIN, GUoc.:j;i::f i-houij lire. v;i.m:. WllI.sKIKS, 7oi:.ci'ot CiGAl. a sedentary character, often have the feeling of being literally worn "mL,,, . :r out, and are remind body would be in perfect, condi- they knew what ailed them,' they ening Cordial and Blood Pun tier would find that all their troubles maespnro blood, and imparts . .1 . . - e i ' i. ui .1.1 iii. i arose irom trie inacuon- or ineir iiie.rwu uioum ui.ueaim aim vig - ' ' - - ' -vo. . - . I " . .l l'l 11 . ' kidneys or liver.- It ttiey would or 10 inewnoie oouy. at such ti rnes take Dr. J. II. Mc Lean's Liver and Kidney Balm, wTould affain feel the vigor and strength of maturity. SM. Fikoer. State Supt. Pub Instruction. State paper3 pleaf.o copy. AN UNPOLISHED DIAMOND. W II Cnwan s?rvlcef as time riorthamntou Ua Granbv Coner makinp" cofiln for Judy Bridgcra u r iiancoclc convey ing prisoner to jail J 11 JJrctt constable rcea State va Watson Gool A J Pritchard repairinc "Windsor bridge J H Modr board "and lodging for jury " k J J Jacocks tndio for 2 IC 20 15 1 50 2G83 113 85 1 C3 CO 00 13 00 2 00 G70 1 CO 2 00 2 20 1 50 .15 C5 5 WALKE & WILLIAMS y DEALERS IF DRUGS, paints;-,. OILS, WAt)S WORTH'S PURE LIQ UID PAINTS England which pointed to a purer It. JAINT lam rut uui yesieruay wno un- . . . . v , m.. ' v.n t ,nn LBUU..WU' muiuK dcrtook to 5ght theho:e orEu- c crysiai, contannug a iarg , fu v,, ,un Landing and running along a a ? -a : number of twinnings. It 18 of Minutes of: last meeting read public cart path near C L keet- extreme dur- and approved. er'w residence to Jno V llcck- - . in .i - t Tt i i . tu-tj.,i . i t a IstaU a reimence so at to not the . - tare dv ino prencn. ll naa neen i jluw .uumu -iijcu ui iu u. ui. i . . representation ana plain common , . - '-, t Tri,M r said rxccter in indsor township, rijht,. lie- not bnly. engaged c' 0 thr.6ene?' ?hP 0 0 r 'T . The Boanl ot Justice, cf . . e i -kt i i- l orHiiaut, anu us - ' . - - . I Kin . .it na f hat bat he pat down the petition aud . . , V right of meeting in England and '""S . fina iv ne louna xnaievervwnere , , " LWrtwnf.'n,i on . 't-. . X.,. at the rate ot ,auu revolutions r . tT'-wt without mip.stion the Leadiko .... .. . . . .: - . on me market, ana tne -mosi ouoniicul. c0KNEU WATER STREET Arf) ROANOKE SQUARE, NORFOLK, VA. : - For. rheumatic and neuralgic pains,' rub in Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment, you will not Jintinr Ion hut will 1a t-frtl I t. . , remarkable diamond was ex-1 fied with o ueedy and ciiective LThrdwer superintend hibited at a recent meeting oft careM lent new court house the 'New York Academv of Sci- 1 ' ' : Ordered that Uio line between tne js ew 1 or K Academy JpBocTGSOPTnEBOAllDOP Merry- Uill township and Wind- I was reading the story, ot Wil- ;noca mT' eorge i?. iuiuz. . COUNTY COMMISSIONED.. gor township be changcl so as to CAREER OF WM. PITT. 44 0 R-C BAZEAfORE, !nM:ts G KN Hit A L M KUCtlA ! DIi:, DRY GOOn.-. uuocKi:u-:?. QUKKN'SWAllK. llAUinvARi; CUTLKIIY. TOIJACCO, CIGARS, SNUFK. HOOTS. SHOKS, K:c CSUlltHt prxr lv-1 f-r I!c-. WINDSOIL N. t irt if t JACOCKS, Cti:rT. g:g. jermsai, (J. J, Ilcry UM vf ) TOBACCO V CIGARS, CiVNNKI) GOODS, COFFKKS, TKS. SUGAR-', LAi:t). DA COX, CAKliIt;.. i- caki:s i;rcv JMERIMX HOCSB, . WINDSOR, N, C. I'atle f urr'.ic! wit!i llz U X Vx r. vr- J l l a:T.7rl. lUr nip;if4 with c!!cti Whici, Ii it. r-. cr ir au 1 T 'lo.ee . '1 l.c only tlrsl-c'.a.s. ts om?-rAct fic am: vjfurtil.c hvtc 1 in U.a city. - AnsrrVna lLu? H-U O.T." drttc ciir, are f pccbit-t-. it-vrnf rrccally n-rwvat! nr.l d?t-3 cut iljira to !ixr. DoL!c ar ju irl t!:2 Iioici; lri4le t;:i:u rtKnj f r IvI.-a tj J. 11. HOOnV, IV: . fflfi' he was a beaten man.; Auster below for help outside the poor T . - . l - l . a. TT1. 1 U V 1 IU 1 U UIVI U V . U1U IU IU1U . . Utz strocK mmin onepow Ueld npon the rotating snrfaco at nr , t o " m i ". " e struck Thim j inanother. ,- He a distance of abt Amen inches " $ a on ... k -y . -. : " . - - - . ... -. . .. I AiatilfiR Isnrdoti tw w , , '--j - y --- ...w Matilda Durde went "oft and died at the early age figures, a calculation showed that - yho .Broaden p fniT.coiDn ITo hail - hPii thft nnrfaeo niisaed over hv the . ... Ul , -tj. s"'""" " - . v- ... r- : - ' I . Ann 1i-rr.ll- u twenty-five years in riarliament, diamond ? amounted ' to 75,000 whinh he entered as '-a mere bov. niiles, or.nearly three times the had fought France for' thirteen circumference of.tho earth. Yet .. i . i j i n i l i i : .. 1 1 i . . i 4-.. vearP. naa : TUieu xuugiaiiu UwBOr I it , vvus . an luuie, ua uio biuuu jiiie ia from LltWI fJ uwv.w -I . , , try, iinallv. The Ketorra bill was two and a quarter to two auu a riJaAd in finite of him. The basis half pounds. This wa3 increased of representation in ine country i uy -iuur auu yigui puuous-w.iiuoui Kelson AVhite Wm By mm" Matilda Cooper Coi S B Spruill Joshua.Bowcn Cicero Swain Freeman Cooper Clari-a Outlaw Winnie Ward 3 00 5 00 10 00 4 00 2 00 9 00 3 00 80 00 5 00 5 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 S100 peonal pVopertr and S2 on each poll. The same taxes undcrsched 'T- l uie i aim v was icrica as i lev ied under the S'ate law except liqnor license, which was not changed from the State Icry. The Ikraid of Commiiuiones levied a ep?cial tax to pay interest on tho Court House BontU of 2c on each 100 of real and perioual property and 7c on each poll. On motion the Board adjourned II. W.LToir, Clerk. !- Subscribe to this paper. Oily 1 per year in advance 0. P. SHELL, rnorniL'Tor. LKWISTON" DllUG bTOi:i:. s rn am n u c a u i : it u c TWot::ii-h a r:;r::c i:vr'n . a:.h win : Ixati;? N. rf.t'.k cv-rr ?! T every T'k '.v.!.iy an I H !-;: ncct:''.3s r: i t--n ! a'l : n :ir t t j t