( PRICE ONE DOLLAR Piik TEARINYABlABT 1 AbVANtE 1 - OUR MOTTO; DIEU KT MON DROIT. vol, hi; ; BEBTIE COUNTY N.CWEDWESD AY, JULY 4, 1888. , . . HO. 19. JNO. V. WOOD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW LEWIS I ON. N. c. rjractices jn Bertie andVadjo counties. nmr n9 6ni WILLIAMS HOUSE, LEWISTON, N. C.t J. G. WILLIAMS, Prop. i Travelers accommodated at low rates. TaMe supplied vvith the best the market affords. . . ; - - ; . . . JSSCouyevances furnished on appli- SEA FOAM. ti;n. au3tfn THE HANCOCK HOUSE, LEWISTON, N. C. Table supplied with the best the mar ket affords. Every attention mid to the comfort " of the cuests. Liverv at- A. F. Hancock, Prop. tached. PUGH'S DRUG EMPORIUM. WINDSOR, N.' G. '' Where you - can find choice Paints, Drugs and Oils, Druygists' Sundries, . Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per fumery, & Fishing Tackle. N John F Stratton's Musical Instru mepts and Strings. Robert Buis ts Field and Garden Seed . Full line of Fine Stationery al ways on naiid. fe!8 tfn ty. DR. F, D. STEVENS, y : ' ,"v . SURGEON DENTIST, WINDSOR, N. C eeth extracted without Dain. Mlliug partly decapod teeth a special- Ail work warranted. S. TODD. ... E. TODD. 7. S. TODD &BRO, . DEALERS IK ". GENERAL MERCHANDISE. . Fine Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Notions Vf CI Upon the.; sand by zephyrs fanned The ocean sleeps at noon, - The star-fish slumbers on the strand ; The grass uj on the duue. r While near and nearer to the lacd lievolve3 the dark simoon. V - ' , ... :... y ' ' ' " ' ' A bark is sailing to and fro ' Upon the summer sea, " -' In golden glow the ripples now Or.fUt&h in sparkles free; And slowly sinks the shore below The turquoise tinted sea , The surges thunder on the sand Beneath the cloud-veiled moon; The night winds croon unto the strand - A dirge in doleful tune- ' While swiftly to the far-off land , llas sped the dread simoon. . ; " v - ' " " " ' - . A wreck is floating black and slow ' Upon the sombre sea, - A corpse upon the undertow - . Is tossed about the lee, ' , Then all is gone as all shall go - Into eternity. : SPECIAL ANNOUNEMENT UNI ; VERSITY OF N. C. ; such special tndios iu Chemiatry, 3otanj, Zoology, 'Physiology, olc; as are iucludedan tho qprricqluru of all Medical Colleges. By tak ing this short course at the:Uni versity, they will uot only receive ine .oenent of training m general i studies at the "University ot their State, but will also save puoi year at least, vhitl would have to; ho spent lit a Medical College. . Eull"--. particulars . concerning these'shorter ,8peclil cx.jurscs, well ' as. the regular iourycar ,Vourse3; may ho had, by address in. the President or the BuriarcOt the University, at Chapel 11:11. v - j A.'M. Scales, . Chmln ex-Officio B Trustees. V::L, Saunders, Secretary of State. Raleigh, N. C, June 18, '88. . ; The blood must be pure if . the body would be in perfect condi tion.. lr.J. tl. McLean a Strength ening Cordial and Blood Purifier makes pure blood, and imparts the rich bloom ot health and vig or to the whole body.. . The legislature of 1885 passed an act providing for the establish" ment of an Agricultural and Me chanical College, and translerred to that college $7,500 of Jucome then used for Agricultural and Mechanical instruction at the TJn. i versity. This transfer of fuuds has made necessary the reduction -4 of the Faculty of the Univeasity, m certain spociai uepartments; and a false impression may b made in regard to the effect of this reduction upon the .general work of the University. . The an- and Fancy Articles. Groceries ofevvry thorities deem it proper, therc dc.scription. Boots, Shoes and other - , , , fctaple goods. - . oc2(tln . fore, to make a statement of the ATTENTfON FARMERS ! facts. IV had been demonstrated " l INDIAN WOOD WHEEL FAt TOllY experience that there was little L V . . ts f ,xn v demaud anions our people fur in Y.rv Tint' ninnntu.tniin(f lvr Whan a I xt ..... 1 iiiii uuvt jiKuuiifiviuiiii. V.U1 u ii in Lie, . lii m TT-1 nndKiwikP. from nntivft t m-- : uru"u- uenuriiiiL'UtB bets, which 1 willseU from $3.50 to $5.25 of the University, uol'vtthdluiiU- r pair of wheels. -A discount will be owed if as many as ten pan s are tak- bv.'Cne iwriv.v All work, warranted. ecial terms to Coaehmakers. - tJhip- ml nlsF. O. B.. at Coniot 'landing on llo:iuoke river. : ' Address;!3. lAF.COE, kusrlO 12m. : Windsor, N. C. insr TON S 0 HI A L A RT IS T, W. II. LEIGH, V Jllas recently had his shop fitted up in tt,orities have omitted the follow. ntfst class ftl-vie lor., tiie eoveuieme oi . . . r. their importance, and the ef- ficioncy andvzeu mamfHsted by the proferisors in clinrt; and ;t viia 'evidently-, the desire -ot the legislature that certain other special Ptudies be taught at the Agricultural and leclianiual Col lege instead oi at the University. Hence, in the readjustment of the work of the Uuiversitj', the an Nature usually makes a gallant 6ght against disease, and wheu helped by Dr. J. II. McLean 'a Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier will eradicate it from the svstem. - FORAKER ON TIIE RAMPAGE. s The waving of the red bandan nas has already had the effect of stirring up Gov. Forakor,of Ohio. He not only denounces Mr. Thur man as a free trader, but says the Republicans . have, several other things scored up against the ven erable e-Sanatorl "Itls a mat- tor of common report says For aker, that Judge Thurmuu and U hia (aniily uHrried-di iicncies to Confederate prisoners whim luck ed up at Cani Chase, thrco or four miles from hero,' during the var, I never heard that anv Ftd oral soldierd got any of the deli - boon a Republican after the nio3t straiglitc3t soct" that is, when ho loft Watauga county to go as a delegate to' tho' lata "black-and-white" couvontion which nomi nate Col. Docks ry for Govornor. He says ho was out-and-out op posed, to tho present sytitem ofi joaeat for tho eimplo, reason which hinda every imtuorUl aud accoubtablo man to bo houett. Iu ray humblo opinion, dishou City la profossiug Christum- is a matter which should be' de nounced by the" pulpit and . tho press 'more frequently, moru fca tcssly, .moro eoveroly, thuu it ir. COUntv 'PGYernmorit. n muttni-i "V- y nuaiu iu warn 7 . " :l:hrifiana lii .1 , .. !.- t. . iuqrau, uuu.reauy inounwnai mu?t not llor t!rrra!1I, tKocry-of -'m?to1' bnuht agamsi ino jepuDiican party. was originated by demagoguos for political purposes. Uut. that, al ter attending the convention and seeing (not necossary to'montion item No. 2 as inseparable whero the crowd was thick and the wea ther bot) tho officious nrore33- iveue?s of the colored brothors.J uut only to the extent of ccting( a3 eecretaricB, but in actually managing the body, a dusky chairrnan onco wielding tho Speaker's gavel, ho took on a big disgust and resolved ever after wards to stand with tho Demo cratic !narty. He no longer ques tions ho justice, not to mention a propriety in taste, of the East e'rn counties demanding tho pres ent, oisbme other form, of couu ty govornmont, as a security against negro control aud ucgro domirjation Ho declares him self now iu .favor, unqualifiedly, of thejpresent system as a menus of protection to the white peonle. He takes' occasion iu hia caru to formaly withdraw from the Re publican party uwhich i respon sible.for any danger thore may be of foisting uegro ruU upou Xsorth Curulina." Ho cloaca with an appear to tho youn men of the country, warning thorn not to bo carried . away by the apecious and:doccptivo sophistry ut Re publican orators." . IIu would h iveahom, onoaud all white iuhm. ro ji..itu iu-utai vu--ii tin ir hi.nds oi i'U colmout'iou wiih ucti a party. Roekinghum locket. xi you unu innioaiious oi ma laria in your py3tem tako at onvo D J.! II.-. McLean's Chiirs aud cHcies. Ho was a copperhead, Fcver;Curc, it, will agreeably and out and.out, tho Republicans iu eliectually oradicato tho Doinon their I from your systetu. OU ceuts per forget this Slate won't fV... uoujo, warrantcu. t;ur steal, and 'th'atnho IVird U thu avou;er.M' Too oftou w aro painiully rcmioddd that thcro ii nood bf thta warning now mid horo.. H. D. iu Living Churvh Sickntsi comet uninvited, aud strong men and women arc forc ed to employ mens .to restore their health aud trcngth. The most successful of all known rem edies forwoaknes. tho origiu of all disease is Dr. J. H. McLean Strengthening Cordial audDlooJ Purifier. r. r. v. , u ?.; s : , d V1LL1A?1KT AncaiiiYs akd cdujiseiicis at UVr, t i ii " 4 -A a 3 il?.si:r i put; n. ATTQRXEY'AT'LAi:', ANECDOTE OF LAFAYCTXLV ynllitv. !,. Ml . tl. Ii, Many whose occupations uro of sod." Mr. Thurmuu laughed out- called to Foraker's utteronces. a Bcdeutary character, often hare In regard to the charge of boing the feeling of beuii; literally worn a copperhead, he said sufhcient out, ntid ore reminded very forct- Shortly after Lafayetto's second roturn from Americarh was at Vesnillea wheu tho kingf wai about to review a division of troops. L&tayetto waa-iuyitod to join m tho rnviow. lie was dresso-1 in tho American auifurai, and wa standing by the aido of the . Duo do Coude, when' tho king, iu hi tour couverBatiuii with the oflicora,. camo ti him, aud, after apouking ou 'eovoral topiui, mkod hira questioua about hia unlortii om tuj military con titiiio iu tl.a United Slutca " Tht king's ttttculiou was tttract-d by a lilt 1 o me-ittl, which wn utUcluK tu bin co.it iu lLo luaiuiur in which tli itibiguia of order arv usually " iiVKMruj, and hu tanked wh.it it wu. Lafdyutte replied that it wa u aymbul which it wni tho custom of the torch: 1 1 opevirs In iho Atnuricaii ervico to wour, uud that it oru r. device The kiirg aked' what was tho device:-to which Lafa yette unworod-thut ther was no uovicecoiuuiou to-all, hut that cAch ulHccr cho"U fuch as plwsiscd t.u tancy, 'SVnd uhat h pleased your luuc? inquired the kiuir. KAf. f . MQUfJTAM, GUorKi(ii:s( HUG A US, win.sKii:, TOiJACC), (:iGAl:d. wi;riu s.i r, j) ir ?. BAZEHQRE, . GKMKit.Mi Mi::;ciiANi)h-:i DllY GOODS. G;;oGi:nu: IIAUhWAUv;,. CtlTLKUY, TOllACi, .x tr r, iiOO'iV. tfHOKS, Ktc )atrons pooing - Will be ft . ATTtfRNEY-AT-L AW SOLICITOR of; om 10.to4 p. m. : no2 tfn nr aud Breeding of Animals, 3,000 votes whereas the previous arose from tho iuacti01l of ,bc1r add Practical Horticulture.' : year tne Repu iblt wns carried tho neya or liver. If they would T. H. ALEXANDER, No diminution nor change has State by 43,000 majority. This at such limea tak Dr. J. H. Mc- been made in any ot the regularlwua .".when his , war record . v . -. i f r i r- ai ii j AND collegiate courses of study. The Ja wj People woold Bffain fcel the vi r , a larse Fac-oi ' umo. -in regam o tne uon-Utrength of maturity. . f WAS T oon'o T.Waii Ott.f trt.litAr. TD.ilm UVU U XIII VI UUU iWIU It WJT UUIU and atents, VERACITY AND HONESTY. University ttill has nllv nnri rvrrnrs fnll and thnrnntrh UeUeratO SOlOienT QOllcaciea OU81- infltrnntion in all ypnrfil hrflnlTnA lieSS, Mr. ThQrmtJU Baid: "HOW of study. Its Faculty : now con- tenderly do 1 remeraber.what a slats ot a Professor of Constitu gQ0& ' Samaritan my wife was in Who dares think one thin-, and another tional and International Law and those days.: Gov. Denmson and tell. Political Economy , a Professor of Gov. Todd often spoko of the My hcaVt detests him as 'the gates of hell. Mental and Moral Science, a Pre goodness of Mrs. 'Thurmao in nAmor Bn:fi it;a nnA wft trrllrt lessor of 'Mathematics, with an distributing to the sick, fbilorn wUh him. veracity and honesty assistant, a Piofessor of Latin, a captive ones fruit and fresh wun veracity ana honest) PnrnU-pr dnoa nnt are qualities in a man's character 1 1 uietseur ui. ueuerni uuu iiiuub """b" . . . I - . a. i ri ; j. -ii : I a tf nn Ir' ri ft- tVon Vi a ondntia I WnipJi H n m naf hn Vf if tVArfnV tr -7, . j.:r. oio . ..nri nmn- iriai vjuemisirv. wun an assisTanr. "w " . fens relating to infringements, validity a Proleesor bf Gtology an d Nat- tn09e. 'incidents.. He attacks be called a man. If in ony case and scooe of patents given, benaior my urai History, with an assistant, a iU.ary ana ie ',a i:0,n?an 8P0KQ theao : are wanting, bothine can 00 7 7th Street, WASHINGTON,.!). C (established 1857.) Foreign patents procured and Trade Marks and Labels registered. DR. F. A. WALKE. J. N. WILLIAMS. WALKE & WILLIAMS, ' DEALERS IF - DRUGS, PAINTS A C 'WADS WORTH'S PURE L1Q- UID-PAINTS", . " It is without question the Leading 3'aint on the markftt: and the most Protcor of .KaturaL Philosophy .h pathetictendrnesa riof. - the takc-their plnce.. A mad may be and ELgineenng, a Professor ot woman. who always speaks oi h.m ; v J English Language and Liteiatare, as ?'Aiien,aear,- aua no to uer fc"'-? w th an assistant, a Processor of a "-uary, my near. vjohciuq- 'iuoul ,u i uiirav;u vo iu Modern Languages, a Professor g nls reference to this matter, manners, liberal in' gifts, a boon of Greek, a fully equipped Law J hurman &aia: Uut let companion in social circle' ho School, making a total ot hlteen oraKer nowi. xx uu, aii ui hav0 a 8aiutly face and garb proieBbore auu bu uls - o- T" , his tirnfeaaiotif mav be aanintlr. A HnAii rr r tha Viain VF InolOia HarrV. JLUeV CUIUIOI - TUUIO " ' . T . . ios- lms been aholished. vet me. Let them howl, I say." It I and. he may talk very piously if course of study 'extending through 13 very eviaeui dcoraier- nas ne.is no; irmniui ana uonost, u two years nas oeen arrangea ror l.uuu4 ur .uc yU4,b no intentionally anu naoituany the special benefit; of students ume. ine oiaaomun una wuu deceives ana defrauds, ho is not Drepanng to teach; and a ppecial an ungloved, haud. Baltimore fit to livo in any civilized . corn- course ot three months is offered, pun. -: - , rauhity. We may have somo re- each spring, to teachers who de , 1 T " spect for-a highwayman and- an sire to extend their education. O xne uaugors ui u miuunm. av- outlaw. Thero is no hypocrisy The general' studies of especial mosphere may bo averted if you about them, they a,ro what they benefit to farmers, merchants, will occasionally take 'a doso of teem to be, and .we can . protect manufacturers and. other business Dr. J. II. McLean's OhilU aud ourselves agultiBt them. For a . - j. v . . . i tit t on the market, economical. CORNER WATER -STREET AND ROANOKE SQUARE, NORFOLK, VA. ' ; 4My duviw naid thu.'youuir ouern!t poiuiug to his ined!, is u hbcfty rolo atandim: on u rul:cu crowu and uoiitro." Tie Kins Muilcd, uvl. with some iluutauti y about tho ronuMijau prorlousiti of a Frwuch marquu in American uniform, turned tha coufer&atio'i to anotlicr to:; Coude looked gravty hot eiiid . JA COCKS, , , f nothing. Ex. Kidney and bladder trouble produce u feeling of utler dc- pondeu3y, A genial stimulca aid tonic, and an unfailing . rem edy for a'l such troubleamay be found in Dr. J. H. McLean's Liv er and Kidney Balm. . ANECDOTU OF MUNKACZY. H-mlwArc Cuiltxr. Cum, Mrc,. Tinwiirc. liiltJ TojU. tlani.:... At.- HuUlU. luhiU ftn4 l.t 0u . A f-.i ff. S; JEJISA, . (J. J. lU.ryfc O.a Ur. I ) TOD A CCO CHiAlLS, CANNED GOO,. . SL'GAICS, LAUU. DAttlN. cakdh;-, caks inc.. AMUIOAN" IIOISC, WINDSOR, c. A yionna gentleman wont tu see Munk:iczy.tu Paris the other dayi and explained that Lu would like to boy somo picture by him; Atilv 91 ttrlioif ni, ford to pay tho prlco you now irT?. .- . . v,-. Could you tell me whero I culu j i.. c-.jts i Vmij. tind some of your early wori. paiutod when you were a yuui.,; mau in Hungary lomethiuita; I could bur cheap?" ;CvrUiu!y; thec ure two or . three houdra i iu my native village of Mcnckacz tho houtas I painted whuu I wa Miclmol Leib, . painter and, glaziei. men, nave been groupea into a "Jb'ever Cure. 5U cents, warranted, sanctimonious nar aua aeirauaer, small course of two yearsj for the -- -- ' we instmctive'y fcel contempt, benefit of students who are una- CAN'T STAND THE NEGRO. thongh o must pity hira for Ids Job I rst to air. I)--L'c ; 1;: -.1.11 tv.u . 1 .1 0. P. SHELL, LWLSTON DP.UG STOUi:. hie to, complete a full course. The completion of this course would .be of great value to any business man. - , Students of Medicine will find at the University a short course of two years, '.comprising such. baseness, and for tho shame and One "ot the richest- things :vo Uuflerinc which- ho brines on havo-seen is the card addressed to tbos'o who love hira and - aro de the editor of the Lenoir Topic, pendent on him. whatever .,. , , . :anc iq.l you say and do, be an honest man, published inits issue of tho 13tb, .,;oue8ty u tho .bcd and .signed J. I . Robbms, hailT noj;cv. uut it is in accordance general studies a3 are esseutial to ing from Boone, N. C, Juno 4tlr, vritli tho standard of eternal lite, the education of a physician, "and 1888. The writer" claims to-have and. has the favor of. God.. Bi No need to take, those big ca thartic tiilla. Dr. J. U. MeLcr::o Little Liver and Kiduey PliL are morw agreeable aud eficciivc. Learning will accumulate woJ. derfully if yoo add a littla every duy. Do not wait for a lou pe riod of fei a a re". Pick up tho book and gam oue new idea, if no cure. Savo that ono and add auotLcr TwoTi:xr-SA wuu: mww-x Rnnn n rnn rnn. S.v fhn nl 1 l XU Tl5r-r.CU. w ' J . I I i f J tl uvui vr day iSTKAMEIl CCJIUHTUC::. Scotch adage. ''Miuy' a makes u nucklo. hlllo For sick headache, fenu!o trou bles, neuralgic pains iu tho head take Dr. J. II. McLean's Lit;le Liver and -Kidney PilleU. cti. a vial. " TUtJay. 2;tin;!rv will !uc '.T::. U tcr tvry Tuc z I NU' jr. t "'. L.cvU a iAc &; At..:-; vi ;t'i . ,c !:. 11-lLto D.vf' -uu.a. Mi. v,.vr. j.-. v. .... . T ' i j !