"73 "li "yj --J - - j -J- '- i -jj-i -.-l i '"!... ' t III ilCZ ONE DOLLAR PKU. YEAR, INVABLiU-Y-IN AIJVAKOK uun motto;' Idiku i:r mo.-, duoi i BKXJ. H. SWAt.V, OW;;ni AND EDITOR. ( m. in i Prac covmlio l.lk.lWll.W.W WIHDSOB, -.BERTIE COUNTY, N.t., WEDNESDAY, JULY 18,1808. NO. 21. L.JNO. W. WOOD. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW C LEWIS ION, N. C. wees in Itortlo and radjo ning n9 Cm WILLIAMS HOUSE, LJCWLSTON, N. C, G. WILLIAMS, Prop. Travelers accommodated at. low rates. Table iuppUcd with the best the, market Conveyance furnished on nppli- austm PUSH'S DRUG EMPORIUM, j WINDSOR, N. 0. :: . Whore you can find cholco Talnfs, Drujs and 011 'Dvutrglsts' Sandritw, ;F .avoring Extracts, Soaps. Per I fumery, & Fishing Tackle. John F Htratton's- Musical Instiu roeijts and Strings. Tlbbert Bust's Field and Garden-Seed. Full Jino of Fine Stationery always on Hand. fe!8 tra- 1)11. F, D. BTEVEKH, BURGEON DENTIST, WINDSOR, Nr O Teeth extracted without pain. Fil ty- A ing partly decaped teeth a special 11 work warranted. . . IN MY DREAMS. , y I'lmye not Been his face for years Nor heariLthe aweot tones of his voice Pave in my diearaf;-t , , -They bring a whispered word that cheers,' Visions that make my heart rejoice 'Thank God for dreams. I see his tender, earnest eye. His manly form and graceful mien, -When e'er I dream; v ; " I hear hi& gentle tones go nigh, '' ... That I am seized with rapture keen Thank God I dream. For never more upon this earth, Bhall I behold Wb countenance, . ' Save in my dreanin; " ... ; ' " ' And shall I never ceaa to blcB, And with my whole heart's gratclul ness, r Thank God for dreams. ' ' JOHN HOPKINS GEO. W. SIMPSON WINDSOR, N. C, C IT Y MARKET. CANNED GOODS, ' CpNFEOTlONARIES,. GROCERIES, SUGARS, MEATS, COFFEES, TEAS, etc. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY Up stairs, where I am prepared to tuke 1 picture? of all kinds and sies at low fates and of first claws order. m30 Attention farmeksj INI IAN WOOD WHEEL FAC TORY I sim now manufacturing Cart Wheels, i;im. IU'h and Spokr.' from' native tiro 1 CJ H which 1 will fell from 3.50 to $5.25 Vt mir of wliec U. A discount will be allo yed if a many as ten pairs are. tak n t y one party. Aliwork warranted, hv.pt'iiil term to Coaclimakpv?. ".Klnp- nu rits F. 0. K., nt Comot lauding on 3to:thoke river. aiku:t0 12m. .Windsor, N. U. I TONbOIilAL ARTIST, xr it T I'THl ITT' a? recently had his hop titted up m (bt dftfci sivlo for . thft . covi?tiience pi imtroriB. Shavm, Imu'cmtUig huh amm- potiing donein the most mimic manner. Will be at'shop from 7.30 to 0 a. m., and frcjhi 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. noii tm Z H. ALEXANDER, UNIVERSITY. . ' - . '' Beverul days ago I saw in the fcolumttft of your pipor a brief paragraph to the effect that the now Register of the Johns IJ op- kin s University was out, arul that thirty scholarships were offered to students from North Carolina and Virginia. I have before me a copy of the new Rogister, and it may be well to quote .what h said in regard to these scholarships.'- The paragraph heuded "Scholars from North Carolina and Virginia" reads a follows! "The experience of twelve years bus led-the authorities to believe that the Hopkins Scholarnhip? allotted to -North Carolina and Virginia will bj more uoful if ollered to graduate students rath er than undergraduates; Accor dingly these honor vill hereafter hb iUHirded' like Fellowships by the Academic; Courujil. Fifteen are opvn to ntudents from Virgin ia. and fifteen to students trom North jCtuvhiiA, who huve rccciv cd a creditable baccaiaureate de gree, or its equivalent. For each Btto thero will be 'nine ordinary and nix hom.M'ary RuholuMbips. The tirvt selection will re made n October .next-; from students tfien in residence; lien?. Apnii cations in writing nbould be tUed it the president's o0ice prior to October lt,188V' ' . The nine ordinary scimlarsinp pay fiee. tuition only, wbiio the six honorary scholarBhips pay free tuition and frlQU stipend. It will be remembered that . ATTORNEY- AT-L AW rat&iits, AND 7 7th Stroet, W ABIIIKGTON, 1. C - (established 1857.) - Foreicn patents procured, $ Caveats. T . forta and Labels reaisiereu. kpert examinations roaae, aim upm Lu iHnff to infhnffcments, valuuty .aid Bcoue of patents given, gend for my itciuar ano roennon.mw payc. pjt. F. A. W'ALKE. j. N. ."WILLIAMS PUOC33KDING8 Or TIIK HOAHD OP COTOTY. COMMISSI OKLRH. Wikpsob N. O., July 7, 'SB. The Board met at 10 a. in. Members present J. C. Freeman, chairman; W. A. Copehart, A.J; Dunning, Peter Racoo and J. 13. Stokes. - Minutes of lust meeting " read and approved. The following persons wore granted pormiflsion-to retail epir itnous liquors, to wit: ,W. J). Rice, E. D. Ilarroll k Co., 0. k R. Tav!o(5. C. Mnnutuin, W. E. Mountain, 6tb!ccg b Afoodv, 1. T. Harrell, Harrington & llro., W-.. M. Bretfcr, AV. P. Mitchell, D. Gnakins. . W.. W. Morris R. W. liollomcn, J. R. Robertson. W.-1I. Todd, W. I). Hoggard, T. P. Small wood, J.'N. Iloggard, P. Freeman, "Jos. James k Co., . J. Webb, L. D. IL.ylcy.T. E. Rcnsley, J. J. Dairy. Ordered that the tax Pi it taken of each township be allowed the sum of ono dollar for extra scr vic?ao on said list. The following accounts were ordered paid; T ..t! a. o rj muvuvn uiKiug tax list Windsor 23 00 G W Cobb Whitos 10 00 TC Bond ' IndianWooda 10 00 J W gniitli 4 Merry Hill 16 00 T F Lue Woo.tvillo 10 00 J W Cherry " Snake Bite 10 00 A Jenkins Mitchells Ri 00 J II White Colerainw 20 00 RoauoUcfc Caiblfi Tele-. graph Co. messages for the Sheriff C Miller guard for petit jury Geo A Harden coflin for Lydia Peterson Jesse Fbxxl coliin for Emidina Ilarroll lWm L Hur t build in. Indian creek brido MariuaVrtkcw .berviyes rendered C L Northcott ecrvicor at court L Thrower services Supt. court hou?o II J Godwin " j dlor H W Lvfu " U. D.euv J J Jacucks rtMit lor iruii safo Snmo iron for C. II. K S ibdi boltrtotc' Mitchell MJscll A Co. lumber l'sr enurr bouc R W Gbi.de & H-m. anlo J U .JVrnigmrcamo II V Dnnstau . lumber Roquiiit Biklger A J rntchaid examin ing Roquist bridge llanindi-Bakerholp out- r large and permanent area of evap orotlng . surface, enpportod by n g-eat'j extent of boating imrrac?, the prewnrts to bo curried being 21o, pound por. inch, which it but onithird (ho bursting prefs uro ai its weacTt jminu. The cylindoTi? aro in tho r-ar instead of bojwdrttj tho truck lic!?. All. r- V;iLL!AMS.i .water. ThoyrR such pity rv- j !. vr ,ru;. qucn to the fisherman tm! tW . Ti;;f, rN of them mind n.wln .nt fr . filtv dollar to havo'th M l i ATTuSNtY3 IXJ CO JNLLCr.3 AT tbclr biggcit nb rtnlM, rcr- l.V. nnhcd, nud mounted on .a :rrt i Pn.u- ?:, r;r.-sv!r..:,va,:-m-, panel of pinih for- exhnnthn. in; mt ' M-ik4 tbolr dining rooms New Yrrk j ''l':,Jl: bun. tho combinations of parts ro in jTHK STORY OF AK.NIi: I. VURtK. r,xact harmony, and It is un:j?c lj - to easily muko tho tlmo ofti i Tho famous song that i tiv.r. mi'c an hour with trn conches and jean, without violent strain, bo brought to tfnotyfivo mlloa fbotir with the fame load. This) gain in porformnnce over tho present machine i obtained by a mathematical construction witli reforenco to tho distant o of rail centre upon which It is sup-. ported, and U the urst nnpiica tson'mado winch has embraced and specified cvjrv portion or lo conttlvo and tender constructed matbomntlcally with refcrenco to the limns within which tho most bo confined and sunforU'd. Ai a result of exflct proportion with refijrcncn to uch bao, tho cot ot maiutcnanco will be trrcntlv . . below trio general nvcrngo of present constructions. Waihiuc;" ton letter to the Philadelphia Lcilgor. by all singers of the prercnt ''nr. I nni informed. Is a'roy?ttr.j :u tj the author. I waj ralfrd :?' the next farm to .Tamci Lnur'ir, An- uio Lnnno's father. J. ttm prr-j sonnlly ncquaintcd with b'.)fh hrr rnd her father, and aUo witli the author of tho song Kncincr thco fact, I have been reqnmed bv my friends to giro tbr public D. V. Wl.:;TON. mr.ntrEY-fjr-tAiv. i t mOF-MEY-AT'lAlV, i.. .k. i . n 2 the benefit-'of my kuowiedeo,! orii icviur WM, c. sVQUIJAIsV, TUB WEATIIKIt AND CilOICK. TUB f9 2 00 3 00 3 00 43 00 2 00 1 2U 48 00 82 7d M 00 r, oo 2b' 40 85 n u2 Thcro nro eomo people who will not buy cither shoes orglovoi onj any but a quito dry day, when tho hands and tcet are thought to bu smaller; tbeso aro the people who like close fitting hoofs, ct? TJiero nro others who will chorne a moit, "sultry" dny for the pur pose, when all articles fitted must bo looker than nro rerptirod m Hi!, nrv woathor. inwi are dhvrt when ulinott nobody look.- ana tncro arn "nncorning" (btys, us cvorvbody know, when the ntmo-mhore, or soma unknown ipllnrncc in t!o wind or weather, rtnewK vjidb; or t -ome unbe coming wry niukcs moM pvoido took ninnho-1 or shsrp mud or ill. Sir Hi-nry Ti vlor knew hM Lom- don W'll, and ho aid: ,fI drive thmn-'h Jiomiou trrci!, aim ev (rybody I fee- looks ill n?id uu!v lhe wind in horn tho iv.,U. llnvo thour;ii tho t'C1h which I hnvo consented tn rlo. r i i ! and was about Seventeen fa old when tho incident occurred which gnvo riio to the sonc bear ing her name. James .Lam:c, Aiinio's father, was a farmtr,tr!'o lived and owned a very lari;e farm called Tbrn,lctTCn, m Dumfries shire, 6cottand. Ho hired a grcft deftl of help, and anions thco be emploted was a man brtr.v nstnc! while in nil employ .r. wn Iaca fell in love with Annie Lriu. ric, which fact her f.uhur toon luanicd, cid forthwith di'chnrgctl him. IIu vrcnt to hi hbiMO, which as in Muxwplfnn, and wii taken dek thu very night be renchud there, nnd the next moriib'ir. when Annie' Laurie bLi iiiul WHir'f.! ..n hbri iiiilll I. died, and mi hi d.-albbod he composed th.j oif nntiftcd 'An n?, Ij-iii ric. Ivltcr fo ho. Chi c.vii) IRruM. Wiir-Ki::?, cr;ai;. 21 tf . JACOCXS, 2 4 rnuTBcrno:; Ko-.tnuiTixTioN HA KB. T!io fftvrwlri ') p!nn In t!t Rcpublicai. platform survc fo s!kw in tloj oiopI viviil Ilhf whnt the policy of protection iV pr fecttsnV Fuku" rcil'y mnri. It tni'Xc it c:iv i:ir.nrrir t'ocr fo I j indcr'i!ii..d i'f dit:Vr'iire bctwtN-u ISouMiwcHt wind, ami only nine in ,uc :,'i' h'x Hdr'v.i:od by tin tivn itt... n irtt. Tho Democrats m d 00 Itrn'h? Of tho pr.iplo look n-lv u wi"irv. c m.or . c r. x -r i) iff, Jitnd .ill. TJmobiu 1 wNi-n-'o ;vo..l. cliprr plr rneaper cm- fliU- rcnt, and a!o I pcj them lr- i JtepuMiwiniiinrtf o 27. with dilllrcf.t even. Toll hjvor cheaper wbUkcy rather thrn LM l.Mut.ii. rAw."r.r ti m.in ichn i cbcopcr wool, or Knt. o. lombcr. ClI c v. fit,-.. SMtr. ftrf .rf. Klvf T't, K.in:", Arri- hitherto these scholarships won? fl'itt1- onlv to iiudr Tfidnatfl students from North Carolina and 8llTu V . r "Vuu Virginia; and undergraduate tffm t inert StHtfefi thft Wflrfl praoticiillvuFelesa; Besidot it nrwioner will pay to no . County J tfay. gecras naraiy rair tnax trie uop vr wv ; V1CC3. . iirAnr i,nmr,etitioii with tho col- On motion tho Board adjourned 2 00 iniudidou enonch to make her i 1,i,w,,ni l ,,-f a proposal in n Nortbea?t wind; 2 00 nor yet hastily to accept him if he NOT GOOD GOVBRNMBN r. cnlv very few It J,roby ordered and agreed comei in a Southwest wind, hot nnnnMiTnnrte in .t r,r i .tndert n bat e cr m e that after the 1st Monday in- Do-: in cither case to beg him to eull Hcprib ica i part in i, for- R itP? thev wero oember next tb Board of Com- ngnin when tho wind is the other mal platform having dcbrM ns KURIA'-S WIIWTIJKG TltEB. stantiallv thut the first concern nf 11 good government U thr m-!:n tenanco of a hixh and opp.-t Wc . 6'.. lEBti'lGAH, (J. J. IU rjf' OU Fu-ul.) Dnir.it ix ronAcroA oKiARs, CAKN't:?) GOOD55,- fclJOARS.. LARD, L AfON, CAN I !!:. OAKK5 CTC". m. J'jIlstam, L'.'VMor?, x. c, f i ? t,il U.vi.. r.-i I C;.1 n j '.'TliI r o-..-. Vr?rJ; r--ui WIN-PSOR, N. C. leisres ot tnese States I do not think that the founder intended that it should be so. Indeed, I heard-a" gentleman who knew Johns Hopkins well, say time II. VT.Lvos, Clerk. GRAIN B AOS. The gram bag trade on tho Pa fbm nrft rnvns if protective system, vej nt tlto e::- acacia extending over 200 mile, "J 9quare. "Tho most conspicuous 0f upen, gioM -nd pbln 'snvcioV snys Dr. Schwcinfurth, stultification when in ib. cfMnr and agaih that one of the object V1 Wl 11181 B,UWUHWW lV nflmft u Rn7l.r . thn OHO OOO li-irra nwl thn i nlirn ,ul w 1 - ' University was in some measnre none aro that 2,000,000 moro will P'P0- ro, . ,n"cfl' iUo nnd .obrioty of thj j.v,flc jo rucompormo tho States of North ,)0 wre4 or tbs wbeat trw,t .liny: ,a t!,C,r Wn)'.,," C'''i?" 'r'm"'. In''- I ,V i R.:r M f it. 1:.- .TK ir.'.r43 W uje, I.-j- . . . .. .lit ! i it r i ! n! -11-n OC," r lor n..; .V ri f, r, Ikclla -.nr. I lt?e si.; Hf.- WALHE& WILLIAMS DEALERS IN DRUGS, 9 PAINTS OILS, Carolina, Maryland and Virginia;. . r,rt fi,r L to the inside, thoir ivory white from whose borders he gathered 1 V7, 1 1 J 01 ft ,i rtlftl.nlnr tthiilrlnr tilfn cm! I I rri. ,l.tU ArilArtA.i C! S:... bPtl hoot aro often distorted in form LirrsAVeDTilfiKAi;)!:'. Ul f:. a largo part ofhis vast wealth. If go wneai yiem ner iw f -vvoljcn utlt ul tjicir ba.so in I. mistake not there is some such ter. The entire nag capacity expression' in his will. But, the California'' Juto.Mill companj'. about ono inch in diameter. Af- Dt tho oiro of fbhv?i? ii heretofore, a graduate student is 1,250,000 per year, and not ter the insect has emerged from a ' . V.M . , fA.'.WKoi. t.oflA Sfntna atnrt .1,.,., tl(1 nnmU. on r ti i,.i- .1.: . r.i.A .t.... nntiouncoa at tonua. ncii, 1M no more chanco of receiving aid produced by the double shift becomes a sort of musical inrtro- I81S, tho lato hmperor ot ("r trom the University than a grad- prison force at San Qoentin. Tl)0 moat, upon which tho wind, as if many, then PrincoWilliam, Kvi uate student from any other State; rreat bulk of theo goods, or over nlavn. produces tho rosulir sound to fly from Berlin, thti Duronc.' or, as for that matter, from Japan, thirty 'million bags, comes to the 0t a flute. On this account the k-hvo 1 hi life by hidini' him in And since the opening of the Uni- coast from Calcutta. They ab natives olHhc Soudan namo the her hou-tc, and lending him rrne versity a large majority of stu- filled with grain and shipped to acacia the whistling tree." ol her huslmnd'e clothtf, wbitb wUUD Ait) HOUSE FLORIDA'S GUISAT HII. dents from these Btates, at least 'Liverpool, and from there thejr from North Carolina and Virgin- are returned to Now York sis is. have been graduate students, second hand ba's. whicn can ncy From North Carolina there have er ngaiti be used for- wheat, but Tho tarpoon, tho great salt wa been only two or three under- are used for bagging vegetables ter fish caught in Florida, is . . . I t ' i- ... . i . i i - , ii . tr . . J. 1 WADS WORTH'S PUliE LIQ- graduates in aiiouuance mere. iana mm ouais. ocieuum; uxmvv naaking its appearance In tho tax North naroliAahoird be credited I It is without question the Leaping P'aint on the market, and the most economical. CORNElt WATER '-. STREET AND ROANOKE SQUARE, " .NORPOLE, VA. "ulermist stores in this city. Some enable I him to lcaro the twr? uunot ced. , The Emperor n vcr torgot thi Incident, nnd r?n ::? cd gratctullv attachel to her, nnd the orient Emperor was clr ycr fon J of her. with preparing the statistics which NINTYIVE MILES AX HOUR, of them am moro than lour tcct iw infliiftMm thfl 'trnefAAA" in . I 1 lnii and wciifh trom 100 to 200 their action; a special thanks are IIn application has been . fif?Uunii, " They .nro distinctly of due .Dr. iter Dermis. Adams, Asao- DyaiNew xorKfsmi engineer iur tho salmon family, and although ciate Professor of History and. dU a patent for.a locomotivo .nd caught with hook and reel, often rector oi me xnsioncai (, lepari-. tocaCr designedvfor making fa busy a therumn tor two hours ment, whowasoneot thc prime m h ' b m0 n beloro tbcy aro landad. During movers m this much needed uo ,r,lM h the battle they nro likely to carry change. Walt Kit P. Stiupley this or any country, .Ihe boiler hU toat IH:0 JInu(l ihr ihi in News.and . Observer. ' , - iB -rectangular ni shapo, ha viijg a , . 'WO- L, BOSEftSOf, PROP.- ar?d t j.iry.n; ft rn nhiIk;: i ti HACK AT AT L TWAINS AN1 0:1 hn l . tSTEAMiTiT c u ! ; i ; it i; t ic. a:0 'iMj'i. 1 C , 1 ... . r.:i 1 Ono of the Tx&$ deleat-rt? to tho National Rep obl'ican, Conven tion nt Chicago, has f.h"no-i to hnmlomcly mounted. lbfy lH.rir .r. 'n.vj'UiicL manure three ff et from tip ti 'XVii Dr .!; .. itv tip. andoYcr them i strrtcbl a r V1 ? ,n ! 4 ',t!r v, hi 1 l,y J J biiiuer bearing the inptmisjJ-. ,.; v:,;;L7: u. Tt.ixa Ileadiuart'jr. m-inf t j. j. i r;u