)GER PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, INVAPJiv B Y IN ADVANCE , OUR .MOTTO: DIEU KT MO.n DROIT. BEXJ. 11. SWA IX, OWNER AND ED LI Oi:. r- - : . t : 1 VOL. Ill . JNO. W. WOOD; , ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW LETOS TON, N. C. 'rafrtices iu Bertie and adjo ning . ... n9 6m bounties. WILLIAMS HOUSE, LEWIST-ON, N. C, J. G. WILLIAMS, Prop. , Travelers accommodated at low rates. Table 'supplied with -the best the market -affprds. j 'r JST.CoiiveYances furnished on npp'li-. au3tfn PUSH'S DRUG EMPORIUM, . WINDSOR, N. O. ere you ' can find choice .Paints. Drugs and Oils, Dra'sts- Sundries, Plavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per- ' ' fumery, & Fishing Tackle. vlohu F- Stratton's Musical Instra ununts and Strings. tcbert Buist's Field and Garden Seed. :?ull line of Fine Stationery always on iua:id. " fp.18 tfh DR. F, D. STEVENS, SURGEON DENTIST, WINDSOR, N.-C "Tteeth extracted without fain. J! ii img partly decaped teeth a special ty. All Work warranted.v rOEO. IV. SIMPSON; WINDSOR, N. C, CITY MARKET'. CANNED GOODS, : )NFE0T10NARIES, GROCERIES, SUGARS, f MEATS, COFFEESr TEAS, etc. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY tip stairs, where I am prepared to t3"ke pictures of all lands and sizes at How rates and of first class order. m30 UVTTEKTIOX FARMERS ! .rv 1 I AN WOOD WHEEL FACTORY am now manufacturing Cart Wheels, Rubs, Il'jbs and Spokes from native tim- s winch I will sell trom.5d.o0 to 8o.2d pair of wheels. A discount will he llpv.-t;d if as many as tun pairs are tak- 'Oil bv one p-artv. Allwork waminted. Special terms to. Coachmakers. Ship- nuntsF. O.K., at Comet landing on .'liot-iuolie river. Address P. RARCOE, iufflO 12m. Windsor. N. C. TGNSOMAL ARTIST, W. H. LEIGH, lias recently had his shop fitted up in ?flrt class fit vie for the covemeiv. e ot Tpakrons. Shaving,,haircultinij and sham pooing done in the most artistic manner. Will be at shop from 7.30 to U a.i., and from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. no2 tin .Mill --"-""""""""""""" T.H.ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW AND SOLICITOR OF 6Q7 7th Street, WASHINGTON, 1). U. (established 1857.) TTrwniorn nn.lp.nt8 procured. Caveats, T "E nrlP Mnvks and Labels registered. knnrt examinations made, and opm- iJn rpliinr to inirmsrements, vancuij r-i w . i : i : i -, aid score of patents given. Bend for my circular and mention tins payei. X)k. F. A. WALKE. J. N. WILLIAMS. WALKE & WILLIAMS) DEALERS IF ; paints: OILS, , " . V WADS WORTH'S PURE LIO- . . ' i UID PAINTS" It is without question the Leading Paint on the market, and the most economical. - x . . . " f COKNER WATER STREET AND ROANOKE SQUARE, atents NORFOLK, VA. WINDSOR, THE CRESCENT MOO?f. When this new moon is old, And all the shadowy space Her slender arms embrace Hath been filled up with gold, What fortune shall we trace 1 When this new moon is old? Now crescent is her liht. . And crescent the young leaves, Wrhile May, the charmer, weave, Through all the dim-lit night, -And half-seen bloo'm deceives Now crescent is her right! When this new moon is old, And clearer on our was Hath bent her lamping rays, What fate shall we behold, . As face to face we gaze Wr.en this new moon is old? Now crescent is her light, And still the violent blows, The orchards hold their suows; Sealed are the lillies white, Undreamed of is the rose Now crescent is her light! . When this new moon- is old, The lily then shall yield What in the bud lies sealed, The rose shall then unfold, The heart be full revealed Wheu this new moon is old! END OF THE TRADE DOLLARS. On a recent Friday afternoon the last "melt" of the 3,485,533 trade dollars which have Use n re ceived at the United Stated assay oflice in Wall street, since the act of Congress authorizing their purchase went into effect, was completed and the limpid silver vas poured into the molds and I transformed into silver bricks, 1,100 to 2,200 ounces in wek'ht. A "melt" of silver at the assav nffinP mftans nnn. Tlmrnl . fore, in order to make way with j this 3,500, - the whole number of 000 of trade dollars about 700 "n-elta" were necessary. A re porter chanced to be nocessnrv and stood near the crucible when these last representatives ot a deml currency ' tdowly lost their individuality and became a shapeless- irlitterinvr mass. When the last "melt" of the trade dollar? had bien poured into the molds and made into brick, the reporter observed .'that two small qnatiti ties, perhaps of u grain or two each, were put into little recepta cles and sent- to the Assaying room -"The.?, Plained A,- sistant 1 u aocuv cj u. 1, 11 uuci, uic I ure I the samples for assaying. Two taken from each -melt.' They each assayed bv different ner- are each assayed bv different oer- i .V of .:n OWIJO 1411 VA (UiA If Ul IK UJUOb IfUl V If it does not, the work is re mUSt tallV. a re- 00i.0j TPiUa, 4xir ni!(,0,,a '-t;n canon concerns iihvju iuuhl wuii peatert. It the two assays stillL. - ... , .... tail to agree the whole melt is re- meuea ana iresn samples Ken. Then the nroce&a ia ironft throuo-h ii .1 .. ji i i x i ?tir.;r Ill .u . t ' "if6 wte'8ttfare ' 18 1take-U ' inaccuracies. The nRSHYIIIff 1H done by the Gay Lnssac method. The exact amount ot metal 18 weighed and dissolved in nitric - acid. Then enough chlorihe Js uAiueu iu pruipiLuitj preuiHui' a drachm of pure silver. The 60 ntimi ltj tVinn etui rnn fV-. tli.nn minutes in a shaking machine (run by bteara), after which it is ..It ,J . M . I i. ter is added, every atom of which is taken account of, and if any silver remains in solution H shows a slight cloudiness. The opera- tion is repeated until, no cloudi- ness appears, showing that no sil- ver remains in solution: that it fipe nil hnun ni-PpinitntpH Thpn a calculation is made as to the exact fineness ot tho samples of silver in the trade dollar, which is corrected by silver proofs When the fineness is thor6ughly ascertained it is stamped upon tho uar or DriCK wnicn nas neen formed by tne me'ted dollars, to ick which' has been gether with the value, weight, meit'number and number of the bars Then the bar or brick is oars i nen ine oar or oricK is sent to the Mnclosure' before men- tioned where the other trade dollar', bricks, are kept under a combination safe lock. The com- uuiauuu oi HJie, eu aa ui iiie other safe locks iinvthe bmldingy is Knowu oniy up nn uue, ason and one other trusted BERTIE COUNTY, W. TO STRENGTHEN MEMORY. - f I In the last number of Dreia a writer quotes - an-. .extended ac count from Thurlow Weed of hoV bo , strengthened his nienWy:! in early - life frorn ' a defective memory, and thought : thut h'e could nerer succeed a9 a politic cian because he did not remember people and incidents except in they especially interested ,him. To overcome this - he becran a babit of, at its close, recalling ev erything that had happened dur ing the day. Soon he made thjs resume aloud to his wife: "Every night, the lust thing before retir ing (one would have expected Thurlow Weed to have said "go ing to bed" I told her every thing that I could remember that had happened to me or about rrie during the day. I generally r ca.led the very dishes I had had for breakfast, dinner and tea; tHe people I had seen and what thoy paid; the editorials I had written for my paper, giving her brief ex tracts 'of them. I mentioned all tho letters I had sent and received, and the very language used as nearly as possible; when I had walked or ridden. I told her everything that had come within my observation. I found I could pay my lessons bettor and better every day. I am iii - klebted to t his discipline for a memory of somewhat ununual tenacity." - f JOURNALISM AND PRIZES. ITS FEW i It has its fascinations nnd fs ecstasies: Tjic niost honest man in the world in y inW coneiiml WONC 111 It, ami U OUlTS ft IMV P203 f a truly ' dz2li!iv chara'i tep ' ov'e"lhtjlofiH,- upon tlic 1 I r . f . . .1 . whole. 1 say, leave it to the . Itt outs; leave it to tho ad venturer!; leave it to tho good fellows wio have been educated out of tlio i - (MUlIlii' V Vl'tHimilN, inn, nut, iilM'l tl.fi rnonlinnrv. T.pnvo t o the sublime tramps of the intel- letter td'iutroductton to President leetual world. It is not yet t u Clevchmd that injured her u 'pri- profession to chooso, but one to vate interview. She was uccom tall hack upon. If a youncr man . , , . . , . .... , feels drawn to it by an irresistable PrtlUea h a hr,;!,t ,,,t,e Ron' a-C(1 attraction, let him striko at once i The President rccvivil into tho road that leads to master, them iu his o:'ce, ami at by hi ship, and that road generally bo- " ulT u , . . .. hnain aaa n an i a Ll II it o t . . . , . , L . W1 ,uu"B7r ' tr ' a 8? ahsolute as over the in- a. swa 8? over w austry ot tne mma. JNor can I ... " n . ... ini8 materially cnange unm eau- i i: ;t..ir . i. y OBO wu.uuuri. wu.? i i ill. iiif.ii itir icuuui siiiu uuu ilia kli i of necessity controls ucatea m1" OT necessity controls the uneducated. SOME LEADING FARM PRODUCTS, I i I m. ..1 . 1' T'Vi r Vi n r nrnn ia thft m njf Vflllll , T . "J . r - ;. in xuaine, xvew iMmpBu.ri-, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, inw Jersey and irenusyivania. ! he malze 0r Indian corn crop , ' m predorainantin Delaware, Vjr- ginia, West VVirgiuia, North Car- I I . a ill. . . Anlnn .n 'I,s..i see, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Mi3 souri, Kansas, Nebraska and Flor- ida. A Wheat is tho leading crop in Maryland, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. M Cotton-is the most valuable I nrodno.t of South fJarolinn. ! Arkan sas. Texas. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia." . . In Louisiana the sugar product is next in value to the cotton.' ) r1" h product comes second in imp or- tance is New ,York.Norfqlk lance is xxew iur Journal of Commerce L? tujs ;tuiallu ckut iii, ' UNITED STATES. J ; , . . J : : In Massachusetts the valuo of the tobacco cropjs less than Jhe product of potatoes, and mdie thnn thfi oat nron. - ' i l . In.Connecticut the vhluo of tlie ?o"W,K lii nn. olL u...4i. u '-A..- C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1888. " ' ' - 1 - Ii Mir!aid tho four princip 1 1 crop are in order, wheat, corn, hav and tobocco "Tho foa- leading arcnltnnil pfoilncts of Virginia are in tho orJer 'named, 'com, wheat, tobaco I In Kentucky, the gretcst tobac cr growing State, the four lending products are, corn, tobacco, wheat and hay. Florida has for it3 tour most val nable pfo.lucts, corn, cotton, oats and tobacco. It is only in the-'fix States above I moil thnt tliA trnliia rf trtiMr I named that the value of tobacco 'crops comes. wiiDin tne tour nrin- cipal products. . In no State does tobacco coma first in value. In Kentucky to bacco take3 the second place, iu MaRsachusetts and Virginia, the: third place, and n Maryland and Florida the fourth place iu statis tical value. Norfolk Journal of Commerce. A HINT TO OUR PRISON ItE! FOR MERS. A curious step has just been taken in the administration of justice to criminals in Belgium. M Lejcune, Mfnistcr of Ju&tiue, is the author ot a law according to which criminals of a typo re ceive no punishment for the first offence. First offenders will bo tried, lec tured and sentenced, but tho sen tence will not bo carried out. If convicted a second time, however, the criminal will bo treated with the greatest severity, und in ad dition to servinir ont the sentence meted out to him for hi second crime o will undergo th pun ishment for which he was lir-t let olr. The law will relcaQ thorn mid) of King Lerp!d'f uljjct who arc now in j.ul. It w he 'tivcd it will hav U UlliU'iiiic cucu't .in preventuiir cruuimil! from beenmiMir hardened und - . - 'yiMIIIL. lilt II ItftVUMU'" VII I ' V i Li i . i i i i XO THCONCINKIHT. unp iiy n wceK or two ntro a v hidv from Philadelphia brntiirlit a es.k nnd talked Jii his fiiendly tho'- mother nortccT hVr boV frnwiiinc mid fliilkint in hi chair. She wh 7nerd an iiui u rv nV:Vo the cause of his nnnarant trouble 4h ."0 of his apparant trouble "Why, mamma, he isn't sitting I - n n K rt r r A K ft n a r r n? r r:;V:"J, " rVV,: ITil ' 1.:! n mi iiih iikkii. . iin i unit il innii . A . r v Waahincton Canita . ETOIUE "CORNERS' 11EU MAXIMA I ' Little Eoioco, between three and four years old, had to bepunished lnnnlrr lint ri rktMflf nniKintti IK a I J ' . . ft O . ..... . . operation wun tne rcmarK tnat eho was forry to do it: she onlv did it-because 8be loved her so much, etc At night after the g , "cui hor motbc .t0 her. thrw h.e.a O rm O fl frill ti (1 tllr llfrLr Q n fi B 1 1 1? I aMamm8;W0 love ono another, don't we?-' "Yes, dear." uYou I rlAa.'f lil vnrvi.nioli m A fnr'w "No, I do not." You woul 1 rather punish your own self, wouldn't you, mamma?" "les." ,Well, then, mamma, I wish you would." Chicago Advanco. -, INTEIJJGENOE OF RATS, Rats are usually considered nox ious animals and little mercy Is shown to them. . Doubtless thev were created for a useful purpoeo h toacl J 6cavengera 8od , L : Whcn they destroy young ducks orrii-ViLrrna nr tiilmnn rrrnin in Ufm .uWe,. it -V- rirht to WPn - a, " "-."Y ' where they, had become very fMKioanflS ' -n- mm- in troublesome a barrel wa sunk in mid faaU flHe1 with walcr flat 8tiyk wa3 glanced aa a swivel .'.,,MrSt ..n.Wnntnn tU t.tl over the water. ' -Next morninc hr hnit trnc frhnp hnt nn fhnnrnr.l ,a iS tk man pointed out from the marts left on the wood, that a large rat had pat on tho shore cr.u of .tll(. stick whilo a smaller rnt had in safety removed the bait from the other end, One or tho more human vrav to get rid of raU b to rm coa inr into.tho holcj no;; ai.d tucn. The i rats aro exceeding particular nboai their fur coat o:u! ill li ci.j v coming in contact with the tar. " j A PROPHECY OF EVIL. . . Crermany i di.cu4!n-' the au thenticity of a r.1 r- n'ihnt ed to a friar in a llavcrin:: con-! vent,who lived in the t5ev.-ntcen:l; lAtttll.t tk m . . - l t.. m i t. . .i ... . i 8.nauoweu. ino lrac compile:!. J tlon of evils with which Ctcnn&nv! io threatened. Trm c:Tci of ti c! prophecy is alk-ced to be that a Iloheuzollern pnnco v.;iM unite. all the German states under o:v i crown; that he would li.c to h S 00; that ho would bi iirclcct-'axcd by his oo,anl that the h i to the throne wonld hav.j bat one hand. According to Li- ccy the emperor wou'd bvv had five years to liv , n d thv uowtors say the crv.-n p:ii.cc miv live for four. written he has dii d En.l ?t.t the re?t, crown Princo ?iilbr.ij has haJ a s!irivcllcd trm fmu h; J birth. It U ?md that documcni i ar prouf ol ihM rcnuricaMc vn I ticinatioii u:-?i Uc produced, b;! . i'unt stuted Ihtx: nny t;:c i a. I seen it. The nb-jvu fhov !i.vl lime trntn then n in th:i liko prMjihoi 'rj. Kx. A CH CAP Tit A MP TH!t lUvJI! A P KHJA. to Til!iiiietr: i:;l I I .... .11 1.1 . . . ! ii... ...... ..i.... ...... i - - ti on that j tju in- by nuxiitj th.c with a vuj.;:.d ufj..n C:;.;o.:r..v.: e'ed North to w iihui n !.nrt dig- tunc? of Tiiiibucttn ..ntl won !.' hii ry l.ici; to :ii! lupnv in tho fact thiiLlte haJ fonnd n lover l niit llnl L.Mit Iiim h r-.rw! I ie:til!i niter ni tiiMt ie ivu it J lie j.iiirin-yed u!tue. I'fc I i:o va-i on ot niiv Mr!t br-jed !.h . tta ! or v Xcbai.l rut dicul v-rcic. fo 1 d und M-trUer, .unl i::!l rave'ed nJx it t'.ri tim rr.:i !! mile.', mncit nt u u.; known ctnutry. It i.c :i mi- posed that Africa va$ a poor place tor tramp., but t.'iu p'oit of Dr. Krauie, wht, by tho wnj, is a Tery competent explorer-m.iy b cnmtneiHled to thu attention of auy.of tho brotherhood who fii.d the pickings poor nt hoxe. ew York Sun. WOMAN'S INNOCUNT WAY. What a womnn dnrsn't k;mw about newftianer" i-:i: rr rib knowing; Thft othr mtif?itil n - - - . . - - w Mri. B. was tal!:inz to ' hor 1 1 a - f band. 4I notice by the TnbitH that Mr. Jone dicI or. Ii is a mistake, nr dci. fc- ..la 1 al. I... ,1. tt. . 1 I Monday." -But the piper -id j Vi UU ii a 1 XJ riUUt, Sunday."- I kniw it, !u:t i! w.-.- J an error in tho pr;t.t." 44I th ;:h: so, too, at nJ. b 1 1 a bs'fi i:iS:CTON N. C. ilozen copies of t!u p-pcr, and it! . was the same in all of thin. Tcyj , nnr,,entJ PMIP ceruinly couldn't have mlc xhiNu- L, r.UGtisbUN, ftiUr ... Thft htifthrttitl tn.v.1 f.i MMnnr..! To'ld Ml rt htr, out it was i.o ciff Ami gave it up. MAKING A' MlCUOiCUlIC ILN'GINi: W. A. Lyman, of Milfrrd, Cu nccticut, Is making the smi'deft possible specimen of sa ccpcc. It will bo made with n tiivc r ha't dollar. Tho boiler ij to ho!d aho.it ciht drops of wr4cr, but with fvjr drna tho eutuo rtn workrd several minute. "Wheu liriihri9 Jt-ot:::i.v -a i;.ttp-rvi ::r. ; it is to be placed -nnd jr u vdoi-j N: cac thrco quartcra of an inch m T'--,: N f - cr-rr M diameter and an ijch nnd onM ' 11 1 : 'r1 parti will be so tine ar.d d di rat t.x t'-' M'.. f,--thnt thov cannot t o ma lo withn-it i nr. i V.I t : : P. r . tlC t.16 Ot A mannitVlIlir r'HfV .Jn'. Y. Word. ' NO. 22. r. d. vri 5 .fro. r. l. wi lli a i: 5 WINSTOX ; WILLI AM 8,1. ATTORNEYS AKD CGUEtlCHS AT LAV, r 1. (1 WI.XTO.V, fy V.'?Mr;"t,v c. I i r; k;i if. f lvat i i a ' r 1 ,. r. i. 4 tr 0 L , sift, L ,UU: CtS. t::act.), (in.Mc-. 1 . JACuCXS, -iii.irv. i r...-rr. i ":. - t . . . ... 1 . - 1 u G. G. w',y, ;Vvf?-J vj .X" LAUl. CANUIKn cakks irrc. v.-i :;: i:u n. c. n.,- v Af. MAS DEIST AM, wikdsor, c. n ld c :c;fx j I .j . J i d It. "Atscri !I if" r. i! -iIU Or." V" '-"'r vf. I'-' '.mi - '', . . . i 'I1 ' ' ;t?lV !!-. J. is. !: V. P.--X i :.. w-i l.u . . : . . . Tlllt: 16 V.HA-UNAUl.f:. f t - ! f, dV-.v-. ;i j HACK AT AU TltAINS AND i j 6TI :AMKU CUlliUT U C :C. i J i. 6 ..i.- . ' I . 4 t t STS u" toeS and lea, than the y. crop, rat tvas , the uutcr.