."T t m i DGER 1 " ''"-:'-.v ; --- - - - - - - - : - ... , . f i , J ; .-, , r if 1'ltICE ONE DOLLAU J?JR YEAR; INVARIaBJY. IN ADVANCE OUQ MOTTO:.. DIBIT ET MON DUOIT. i .BENJ. U. SWALN, OW.VEa AND ED TOR. VOL. III. WINDSOR, BERTIE JNO. W. WOOD. ATTORUEY AMD COUNSELLOR AT LAW LJSWISTON, K. C. facticea iu Bertie ' and oadionins aunties. rllUAt.f<WU$E, J. Q. WILLI A MSr Prop. Travclcra Table supplied with the best the market . affords. "Conveyances furnished on applU tuity j au3tfn pumps drug euponiurj, WINDSOR, N. C." ' Where you can find choice Paints, Pruga and Oils, Druggists' Sundries, lavorinor Extracts, Soaps, Per fumery, & Fishing Tackle. Jn F, Stratton's Musical Instru ment and Strings. Iiobert Buist's Field and Garden Full line of Finn i vfvwuu j ainnva wu BR. F. D. STEVEKS, SURGEON DENTIST, WINDSOR, N. 0 Teeth extracted without fain Fillin 2 Dartlv decAtvd t.Aft.h at. iy. All work warranted. BED. ly.SltJPSONi WINDSOR, K C, CITY MARKET. -CANNED GOODS, CONFECTION ARIES, UKUUEKIES, SUGARS, MEATS, COFFEES, TEAS, etc I'HOTOGEAPH GALIJTRY stairs, where I am urenared to" tvke pictures of all kinds and sizes at loW rates and of first class order. ni:tO ATTENTION FARMERS ! IN 1)1 AN WOOD WHEEL FACTORY I am now manufacturing Cart Wheels, Itims, Hths and Spoke from native tim ber which I will sell from $3.50 to $5.25 per pair of wheels. A discount will be allowed if as many as tea pairs re tak en bv one partv. Allwork warranted. Special terms to Ooachmakers. Ship-; moots Fr O. B.. at Co'niot iandin? on Rosiuoke river. Address P. "R A.SCXXE. abg!0 12m. Windsor, N. C. TON SO RIAL ARTIST, W. H. LEIGH, as recently had his shop fitted up in firs class style for the coveuience dt patrons. Shaving, hnircutting and sham pooing done in the most artistic, manner. Wll be at shop from 7.30 to 9 a. m. and from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. no2 tfn 7. H. ALEXANDER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND SOLICITOR OF Patents, 60tf 7th Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. (established 1857.) Foreisrn patents procured, -.Caveats, Trde Marks and Labels registered. Exjaert examinations made, and opin ions relating to infringements, validity and- scope of patents given. Send for my circular and mention this paper, v dbJ f. a. walke. J. N. WILLIAMS. VALKE& WILLIAMS, DEALERS IN DRUGS,. " PAINTS. OILS, WADS WORTH'S PURE LIQ- U is without question the Leading economical. - CORNER WATER STREET AND ROANOKE SQUARE; ;N0EP0LK,:VA. I - - . BASEBALLS. ' BALL I. THE MOUNTAIN. And it came to pass in the reign of a king, Base ball they call bim and of him I , will sing; ; In the year twenty-three of the reign aforesaid, , , That an orange-tainted mountain took to her bed. ; The throes of child-birtn this mountain didaffrig. . . . And caused her to dread the appcoach of the night A; h t , Nonsense aniunreason and tnembther nirthr0e,-.; Were the parents of the child, or "ouht to be. r ; ' 9 And groans and grunts came out from the house, "v When this mother brought forth an IM PORTED LITTLE mouse; He was SICKLY and WEAKLY as a mouse could well be, . And if you don't believe it just go and iee; This CATACLYSM engendered useless CONCATENATION, And an abortive attempt at RATIO :" CINATION: Melancholia and histeria beset tlie motft- er mount-am, Arousing her wrath and excruciating pain '' ? "V'"v - The name of her first son was Youns Earthquake, She yerked up a tree and caused him to shake, The ntw one they dubbed 4Wee Harry, cane"- An unforseen cause of excruciating pain Then goes the said dame, with a becom ing mien, To that dreary place where Father i Rocky was last seen, And her hands they were palsied, and her limbs they did quakel As her lips she wide opened, and thus ; she did spake: f ; "Father, how can I surcease obtain? : Nothing will appease my pain. My only food is bats and tmlls, . And I can eat nothing else at all." A cavernous aperature thii htr eyes behold, A the -bisr jrrny r moun tai u Jiia sides unfold; . And in thunderous tone heard "far away, He 4inttpa hit tetth and hat hU ' Pay: ' . - "Go, my daughter and with thee take,- The words I give thee, also the J cake: His eyes were flashing and his lace was red, As he gare a roar and quickly said: . The more you stir a stinkpot the more stinking it becomes. Out on the first! BALL II; THE JACKASS. The jackass dressed in lion's breeches, Pricks up his ears and gives somt screeches; But feeling that he is out of place, He screeches again and breaks his lace. Now am I right when the ass I compare, With the king of beasts so brave and rar? If 1 have digressed wait just go slow, And I atsininity to you will show. Chock-full of plunder, plenary with conceit. Even more plethoric than an egg with meat: In leonine ermine so tawny and The ass, full of himself, struts down toe street. The liou pne day strolling aim- lessly around, Spied the gaudy hybrid taking in - ; the town, And admonished him mildly in a modulated tone. To stop this cavorting and his identity make known. The asinine quadruped such a n dude and a swell, Then wished the mentioned breeches were i o ah well! He turns quickly around and be- - comes very pale, y ; Aud Ip and behold! there appears a tail;. t ,. .- -.-. i : .. . . The buzzards vjpnld cofne eiud . over him would pickt t ; Rot his carcass they fear wotxjd make them alldck; For where the cam'; is in nhy There will the bnzzrrds bo gath , ered together. ' ! " Misstatements and infppiisteneij - charaeHfimethejijackAss, ' Bat we believe und We think that : this iv hirlasti : ; -;f r. He tells you'pf ,rtanrtffits- rsmd - : wxictising ball, He should put his under a bushel and not talk at all. Prevarication is a disease some people possess, j And dignified silence auswers it the best; - . t- A" stands for Ass as jou heed not be tPld, ; , B ut to imitate a lion even an ass must be bld. " . . ' . Hs hair should be' cropped for uu is a great orayer, His. ears should be cut yet he lit- no player; His position, always, is in a field . ; of fools, With worn out donkeys and emas , . culate mules., . . . Out on the second! . BALL III. THE KANGAROO.' The kangaroo is an "amoosin CUBS," . - And when monkeyed with bo- ; comes wuss and wuss;" He raises up and sits right still, Then ends forth a bitter pill., - j . - From natural-history, comes '.the wailt , . "V ,.-. , t... That he is strongest in bis tail; But r other . animals great and , small, Show theiF. tails-lieu take a falL He is very funny ns this name implies, He easily catcher all the sawed off fiics; . M Biy! Mister, say! I've not hollered t all, - - , . May I do o now at your last ball? - '.. s ... ' ' Some people f u ss if others give a - cheer. r Because, they eay the' ball they ;cauthear; ' The others sit still aud their laughter contain At the dapper captaiuV most ailly . refrain:-, , . .,. Vt... 'No other game will be played hre today, If the yelling men are not taken f .; away; , . . . For my men are hacked and that's deuced queer, And to catch the good ball they j. can't even hear.9' The Masons, you know, gave a dinner oue day, And ball players .were invited ; their prowess to display; One of the clubs, I've been told,1 to the bat never went, " " . For mi8ing aud muffing and not . catching what was sent. Bain falls from above, basprink ' lihff the drv earth. . And ot it the 27th there seemed a ereat dearth: At last- the- marble clouds the skies fully pavsdi Then a certain man sung -out: ' Thauk heaven we are saved!" Now, one and all, we will cease - this arcru mentation i,-. . And live as iriendly people com posing oae nation; - ' - Let us ; . visit one another then give and take, J For the kangaroo says: "Come boys! lets shakes Three out! v ' V - . Man to the bat! v . ---:;-'vc TJnohoov" Lewiston, N. C. July 19, 1888. REMARKS OF HONp. M. SIMMONS , - Tuesday, July 17, 1888 Mr. Simmons eaid: Mr. Chair man,, my absence when the amendment offered . by my col league, Mr. Johnston, for repeal of the internal revenue system was .under consideration, is my excuse for now . troubling the Hop8e with some general remarks upon the subject oi that amend mnt, - . i- ' ; y I am, as I said in tho coomo nf my remarks submitted to this House during the month of May, in favor of tho total repeal of ev ery part and parcel of that odious system, and so are the people of the State .which I in part repre sent here. But anxious as I am for the repeal of this the removal of the restrictions it which imposes upon the liberty of the. individual citizen and upon the commerce of the country, I tecognize the fact, as do. many other gentlemen upon this side of he House, who agree with me in wishing . its abrogation", that un der present financial conditmns its repeaPat this tine is uot only Impracticable, but out of the qustinn; t it must bo manifest to every mind should the Government surrender the $120,000,000 annu alfywdeiived from this source, with an annm l surplus of lew than' 870,000,000. there would be a; deficit in the Treasury as. tin? end ot the present fiscal year of fqlly ?5O,O0O,OOO. i Of course no party responsible fpr the legislation ox the country can be expected deliberately to provide for a deficit of 'such pro portions, or by cod legal enact ment to invite financial disaster. But worse than this, if tliis sys tem should be-1 tota!ly abolished there would be no room, even to the extent of a Dennv for tha re duction of the extravagantly hgh aqd utjust taxes now imposed by av.ivuo nuu iuciuuuutu ianu law upon the uecessaries of , lire con sumed In evei v huusehold in th land. When it 'comes to "mp. si has now come to me, to choose between cheap whiskev and cheaper food and clothes for the masses ot the peopl (which nlu means larirer coin for ti ritul h,fr cduaitionl, do not iiiorafiry, hu- ..wiii.j .iinu nnunu jioucy rcqHirc that 1 should make choice in t'nv or of the latter? (Applausn uu the Democratic aide.) in so choojiug, the Dcmocmtic party does not ubate one ' iota u opposition to the iuteriiul revctiue system nor its fixed dctertuiiia- tion to release the peonlo tnmi U operation at. Uie earliest nHsiblu niuiueiii. -tm satisfied when the people nave come to understand, that this bill removes $24,000,000 of ine iju,uuu,UUli of taxes now lev- V4 uwuii Mjuucuo, inai, li repeals theMiccnse taxes, .aiiil.that.it greatly modifies the mauhinerv if the system, elfctuolly providing many in iuo vexatious and aunoyauces which have here tofore rmarked its enforcement, theyj will accept, if not with satis faction, at least good grace, the stepwhich it makes in the direc tion of the repeal of the whole system. (Applause ou the Dem ocratic side.) They will accept it m:mu corneal on me pan ot. the Democratio; party that they will TepeAI the whole system when the opportunity offers. , From'the'Republican party we have j nothing to expect: That party, not only inaugurated this system of taxation, after a disuse of more than forty years, but .has daring the entire -period of its su premacy in this , country main tained it, with certain exceptions, iff favor of capital, banks, manu facturers and insurance companies i If the platform of that party, recently ' adopted at Chicago, nn. on this subject is stripped of its viiouisd uu uujeciea 10 a iair and honest interpretation .it will be Tduhd :to rbe a declaration against the repeai of this system, as well as a declaration In . favor ot high tariff taxation! Fairly interpreted : that platform means that ' the tax upon whiskey will never j be. surrendered so long as that party "can : prevent jt, and then only as a last resort to pre- serve lis unnoiy system ot protec tive taxes. Here the hammerfell.l i Onmqtioir of Mr. McMlllin, Mf.- Simmbns was allowed to pro. deed five' minutes jonger. . , Mr.! Simmons. The .reasons which exist and which have bceii urged with such" overpowering" tbrceby ! the' Way a .and Means Committee against the totui re peal of the internal revenue sys tem cannot, I think, with justice, bo urged against the-amendment of the gentleman from Virginia, Mr. a Wise, f to remove f tho tax from cigars, cigarettes and che rootJ, nor against tho amendment of Jbe gentleman from Pcnosyl .ania, Mr. Snowdeu, for the re peal of the tax ppon fruit brandy. , The rerenoe at preeut received by the Government from the tax es imposed upon the tniclcs cov ers J by these nmcnrimnnii amounts to but little over $7,000 rjaratiTely small amount, and I believe it can r bo ttirrendereil without '. inconvenience to the Government or. perceptibly in terfering with the DemocrUc policy of reducing taxes cpon ne cesaities.' I have beer surpriiod'at some of the; arguments advanced on - t v uuiu. iuii is a com J these two amendments. CcYtaia ootn s'dea of this Hooje against centlemen of inn WW nr f Commilteo tell cs that there is no way of distinguishing between whiskey and brandy, and it tho tax is retained upon the one and removed from tho other frauds will he rife, and the whole system demoralized. I thiuk tho gentle men underrate the delicate taste of our deputy interual-reveuue collectors. 'With the system of detectives, espionage and surveil lance which the Government em p!oys in this svstera, I cannot be lieve that the fraud of subititotiu whiakey and brandy one which will prove too formidable for the Government. If .there is no scU entitle teat (aud my irieud from Tetiuesetj says there is notie) for detecting the adulteration; of whUkey with brandy we may with good reason hope, if tho amend ment of my friend from PenruyN vanni prevails, inventivo geuius will bo stimulated, and una will in due time bo discovered. . Tim 'ptHiitioti of our Bepubli can friends to the repeal ot the tax on cigar nnd cigarettes is the same old aruttteut rhiclt Wo are accustomed to hear Irom them duriu the last two moutlis. The gentleman from New York, Mr. Farquar, informs the- Houe ii uiee tAXraare repeal eU it will iniircerhiiu lare fctdriea in hi State, and throw their employees out of work. How much same nei lucre 14 in tho arguments of themj gentlemen. If we propoie to reilueo tlirtxt taxes we are gain Uirvatttetl witlr caJnmxties. Do the jcentlemeii mean to aav that high taxes beget prosperity? Do th-j ineau ti say that every in . duntry mut be fostered by taxin its prixluct? I have uo doubt the larger man ufacturers of cigarf and cigarettes are benefited by-this tax and that they are loath to give up this ad vantage. The great whiskey rings are likewise, no doubt, benefited by keeping the tax upon the poor man's orchard and suppressing the competition which would bo the result of distillation of the fruits of those orchards, but nei ther the small manufacturers of cigars and cigarettes nor thopro ducera of the weed out of which they are made, nor tho poor man who owns an orchard in the dis tricts of my colleagues and myself are benefited by theso taxes. Let us bo done with arguing in favor of these millionaire manu facturers and these great whisky rings and combination, and let us do for once some sort of justice t j the small dealers, who are net tber able nor disposed to combine Into unlawful trusts or to influ ence legislation for the advance nientot their selhsa in Urea is. I hope both the amendment for tho repeal ot the tax on cimra-ete.- and tho amendment for tho remov- el of taxes on fruit braudiej will prevail. Hero the hammer. feluj PORCELAIN TOWEU OF NANKIN. ' " The celebrated porcelain tower of Nankin, in China, was built in l4lS-S2 and was of an octagonal form 2C0 tect high, in nine stor ies, each adorned wjth a cornice and . gallery, and covered with a "jm - m mm . root ot green tiles, with a bell suspended at-each corner," which sounded when moved by the wind. On .the top was a pinnacle in the shape of a pineapple, snrmounted by a cilded ball. A spiral stair case led to the summit It was destroyed Dy the Taipiug rebels 1353-'(H. r. D. WI XSTOX. w. L. VILLI X 5 WINSTON & WILLI AM SJ ATTORNEYS AKOUNSEUCRS AT tt-... fcHt:a D. a WIN6TON. ATTQRfJEY-AT-lAi', rrscUctj la IkxiU aj.J a-ijotrJrr ra. IJKNIlYr.PUGH, ATTORfJEY-AT-LAV, - WINDSOR, N. C. PrwUc in sit tbe ccurt of OJce f itrJc IvMZzz. Kin- sUru OCke roor 9 ra, to 4 r. tZ ' Y'M.E.MOUmAIN, PlUUEt XJf GROCEIHKS, ' SUGARS COKFKKS, FLOUR. KTC. WINK. WHISK IKS TOBACCO, CKSAIto. wjxtxon y. c?. ftf A CO MS, Hsrdirarr Cutlery, ft'iait, h:Tt. m 1 'nl,lncat and Inn!-ormcti' JHiiflu VaiqU and Vxlnt OiX A fall ImeofMadurtrjOili. - fcJifa WINDSOR N. C. G.s; fEBNIDAN. (J. J. Uarry's Old 5iand.) TOBACCO k CIOAItS. CVXNKD GOODS. COFFEES. TE8. tiUGAKS, IUtD. BACON, CANDIES, CAKES ETC. WrXDSOn,y.C, mch?iy If. MANDELSTAMf LnVLSTO, w. c. Watchmaker, Jeweler, aa4 dcalrr in Optical Goocli. Wuhc nod Clock repaired at s!ort no bee. Work pruon. teed, rtronae oiidtod. jjltf iHEwciv mm "WINDSOR, K, C. : f 5? e orp!!cd with the best ti;e mar- lUriappiiedwiajo'Ice Iii tLr. dzzn and Tobacco. sndcorafortAble ltel In the city. "American Hmi-e and -IUu 05. wvw cin, are peciaJ Uc. dows ret down to CLjt. Double nuzxa Uln 4 raTrrc Hack U mftrlSmcn. WTclesraph o.Tice atUcliL J. 1L MOODY, IYop. felPtiit IV0.0DARD HOUSE EDENTON, N. C. WO- L, 80BERS0U. PROP, Tlili old and well eiabli?ted IIoUl till cXcn Gnt-clxM acconinviaUoaA to the trarcllnsiTubUc. TXU1LS KCUK)NAULi:. Sample room for trarelin-f ialeimtn. and coaTejances funxUbed w Iieo- dcU d HACK AT ALL TltAlNS AND STEAUTIS. Flrm!-CUs IUraUarhed. TJie N-t importfI and TrmrstLc JJuort &lwaf on hand- STEAMER CURUlTUCiC and wimxiu Lraring Norfolk every Mr;ihy .nnd ThurKiij. llclnmui will K-arc Wh l-?-ar crcry Tuct iUt an 1 SLrrJj. On. nectioaa inndo at Atulln w:.th C. A; II. R.U. to DrtJtrV SUtloo. Mu Olirr, Iw. Ut-Mi and all i!ntrr.trhrl by l.iir"'. . All fiV::M lun i!v-1 t:.'i r.-r .V:; l r..- goaranlettt r lewr an Iv wiv rV.er 1.::-. xnc23tf;i J. J. J"j;Ct', Lvr. i