Windsor T icn n X . , -4 ' , - ... ... )GfER TKICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, INVAKLB JY IN ADVANCE - OUR MOTTO: DIEU ET MON DROIT. BEN J. 11. SWAIX, OWNKH AND EDITOR. W 0.-' VOLvIII, WINDSOR, BERTIE COUNTY.W.C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1888. N0723. , jno.w. wo on. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW LEWIS TON, N. C. Practices in Bertie and-adionins counties. n9 6m WILL A MSI HO USE, LEWISTON, N. C, J. G. WILLIAMS, Prop. Travelers accommodated at low rates. Table supplied with the best the market allbrds. . J&STConvevances furnished on appli- au3tfn PUGH'S DRUG EMPORIUM, WINDSOR, N. C.V ; v Where you can find choice-; Paints, Drugs and Oils, Dhtg?sts-Sundries, " flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per turnery, & Fishing Tackle. John F Stratton-s Musical Instru ments and Strings. Robert Buist's Field and Garden Seed. . Full line of Fine Stationery always on tiand. fel8 tfn Hit, F. D. STEVENS, SURGEON DENTIST , WINDSOR, N. C it .. V Teeth extracted without pain. " Filling partly decaped teeth a special ty. All work warranted. . - ARM FOR THE BATTLE. Ami for the battle of glory; Strike for the cause of Truth; Fathers with locks so hoary. Sons in the vigor ot youth, V ; Mothers and sisters and daughters, With prayers and blessings come! Death! death! wherever he lurketh To the serpent whose name is Rum! Death! death! to the crested serpent! War! war! on the curse of rum! From mountain to valley the watchword Repeat, while our heroes come. Follow the trail of the monster- Trail him through torest and glen, , Hunt him wherever he hideth Stab him to death in his' dent" " Hath he not murdered our mothers Brought their gray locks to the tomb? Hath he not murdered our brothers, Yet in then manhood's bloom? y - Hath he not coiled on our hearthstones, Hissing with Upas breath? Then on to the warfare, brothers! Nor cease till he writhes in death! Temperance Advocate. GEO. W. SIMPSON; WINDSOR, N. C, CITY M A RKET , CANNED GOODS, . CONFECTION ARIES, GROCERIES, SUGARS, MEATS, COFFEES, . TEAS, etc. knowledges, in effect '.trie ihatice of; the Democratic position with respect to "tariff revision and re form, bat it also, takes' from y its stumpers all the thunder of the latter with reference to ' tariff "tinkering." What are these stumpers now to do without the argument of pretended anxiety that they hare over the con son plot w aa discovered, on Fri day,. September 23. 1780. Corn wallia, surrendered at. Yorktown on Friday, in October, 1781. Chnfch union. . THE USEFUL BANANA TREE. A youpg Salvadorian, with the re been shrieking dark-eyes and inky hair of his'nny T;ay oiKea country; ;ta,ked to a New Yorkj Cleopatra V sale dealers. They daro not drink the stuff they sell. NAMES THAT MISLEAD. Tho tuberose- it no rose, but a species of olyantb. Fompey's pillar had no histor ical connction with i'ompey in have looked for c Hnnh trflatrrtftnt of them at the hands of those in ad Express reporter a few their own household? Who but days ago about the Central Amcr those who know , the Republican iciu "banana tree. The tree is partv. its double dealing doceit- 1j - t.if It ' circumference at its,' tuisc . Jts tapenng iibrous bodyj without a branch,! is from ten to fifteen feet m height. The fibres; separated by a thui pith, are as long as the body of the or ful, and reckless course; in ihe past, its present . desperation and disregad of all "all rules of cousi9 tency and self respect - thereiu? News aud Observer; needle was not erect ed by thoEgyptiau queen, nor in her honor. Whalcbono is not bone, and if said not to possess a single prop erty- of bone. Turkish baths (lid not originate in Turkey and are not baths, on ly; heated chamben. German silver was not invented in Germany, nnd docs not con- r. n. w i srrox. w. u. wi iu ah WINSTON & WILLIAMS,!. ATTORNEYS AKD COUNSELLORS AT LAW. rracUce m Btrt:r an ! adjolaln- coca1. f9 fvU tin D.a-wir. vrox, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' WINDSOR C. m! a HoTi'nr i JIKNKY P. I'i;c5IIt ATTORNEY-AT-LAV, AN IDEAL SCARECROW. Just now the crow of Leeds, Me., says the - Lowiston Journal, strings, and as cords for all pur- digs for a living, and the corn- -. . ruin n r rti r I t t ailtA uw.wi ni 1 1 I. 4 f 1 -. 1I Tit -1, 'r.ciy out are laKen iroin mo iree, us suoe IVaclkrs hi z U e i-::rt t.f t):!k lHir J tu m. U .'. . u. ItcrtT PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY YOUNG MAN. Do you ever take a drink now and then because your frieni(?) askes you? So did W. A. Potts, who committed suicide lastweek rather than be hanged. Do you ever take an occasional drink ju-t because yon like it? So did Potts. Do you feel confident there is no danger ahead of you? So felt Potts. Do you count on your good family, name and your re- ppvciability? So did PottR. Do ou sav vou are educated and above disgrace? So said Potts. Do you see men falling: around you every where, but say to your- sen, l am strong: .ma .will never do so? So Raid Potts to himselr. Up stairs, where I am prepared to low rates and of first class order. m30 Do you spurn the thought ot be- ' coming a debauchee and a liber- ATTESTIOJN FAlOIifiKH ! tin.-? -,So did Potts. Do you hoot INDIAN WOOD WHEEL FAC TORY at e ilea pt becommga crinu inaiL Ho nooiJ(Bu I ottrt. uogh vour I am now manufacturing Cart Wheels, cheek burn ajrn8t the,thone:ht of Rhus. Il-hs and Spokes from native tim- . - . , . lrs Cvhich I will sell from $3.50 to $5.25 graing your strong father, dee per pair of whec Is. A discount will be voieu momer arm er:irniug sia allowed if as many as ten pahs ?re tak- ters? So did his. )oon think on nv one i?:ui. au nanauucu. torht v of t 10 ldoii ot vonr ti imr a compound ot carbon and a small quantity ol iron. lrazilian crass never iircw m Brazil, and is not crass; it i- nothing but strips of palm leaf. Uurgundy pitch is not pitch, and does not come from Ruruu dv; the greater part of it is palm on ana rosin. Siiecwl terms to Coachmakers. blnp- nn ntsF. O. B., at Couiot landing on Ro.moke river. Address P. RASCOE, auglO 12m. Windsor, N. C. TONSO RIAL ARTIST, W. II. LEIGH, a drunkard's grave? So thought Potts. Do you know, as yon think, that no power can induce yon to commit suicide? So knew rotts. uo yon expect to -"miss hen wnen aeam comeif do ex noses. , rne natives use them fields are in the array of rage and at8 Th-0 raw matenal costs onlv jags acd junk bottles. You -all transportation to the ropewalks. know the paraphernalia of the Each-banana tree bears in the ftliernnr Ha triao . nnrrl nflT twelve months of its existence crow. You all remember the "U,J - - Scaling war docs not contain divers windmills and the Wonder L lu ru particle of wax, but it conued T., Salvor th hnnnh of hnnann J Venice turpentine, ihellac and viuiiuuur. ui is mauc iroru ine enira i Tr. . -w . . ' - I Ml - I Ul DilLVI ft- t - n y-k a - m .mill Aif u i :i .1 .u 1 ' i " -. .1, v'uuu iwuo ib noi uoni-, uui n ' i.-- - U . ..ui i Kinn ot chalk enclosed in the uuRii.y .ma louay ne ana ine ,tM' Tlu..K u to! rc.mina of extinct sneci crow aie not even on SDeaKinsr eocn xreo ten umca ioo vaiuo oi i ; comes Mr. Lathrop mixes his dried and p uoni up wiiii aie.icaie soiuiion uiu uuuuuu ircci iuiu'ui uu biiiuucu i Ttr VTl'V ATIINOWS'f. VMK or coal tar uutil the kernals look profitably to tno United Dtate-; like licorice cousrh drops, lie out there is no reason wny sonic ua rre fr n nr nnj ft totiih plants this, and 1! it sprouts and enterprisimr American would not for tixfli' u the nncientt Ho rows iiiruuiy, ana- no crow iaKu uiem iu imnu nnu mmy iu hrcw;. nni a i;onfIcr.ite luur sits by the door ot his porch and for their manufacture, n labor is lfitrril lur"ni the hult ot his fci- enjoys nimseii 10 see tne crows iuny iwo ininis cueupcr I'lcrc n ent ut burl U ittn: come in the enrlv pprinET Thy th n in:jSw York. caw over hiv fiVId gleefully, a it .For the aceoinpliahnu nt of tin to say here is a enrn lot with hq4 end a special cunceHaion una cx -corn trap.- Thoy settlo down and lemptiow frm cntonis' cliargc diij, and they swallow a kernar or would be easily outaineit. li. tw Som an side of the fence and sit down consists of u crank attached to ai I Vcet h rolund, and, whih nmtlinxr and even 'Tin down to think, upright board, with winch nu-x,U ntifjfiion. heiir.! th. thmP ... .... I.. . ..... i a . i i . . come or tnofii piuiniv comitate tuo tire oov twnis me unrej oi uni0f i,anct niiii icit au great couundru.n, ! life worth br.naiui and cactiM. A in in skilled I .j,, j rill living?" aud it is said that the in tho ropo inakei a art liceJ IIh imkct fell to the crtnnd. woods in that vicinity are sail I the. fibres together, o Id i n ! tliultind wnlkotl back to the cuun with tarred corn that sits uneasily I length and thiokucsd uf the ie I ritii n'n urni ewiuging heavily u; M. E. MOUNTAIN, guoci:::iks, SUGARS COFFKF-S, KI-OUU. hm vriusiciKs.'. YOUACCO, . JA COCKS, Ii ocured t n innn picketing th r.v. r uuik llmt it wiuld be unnifiu tojake cti refill aim :t ih mini on the .ther side ilo'm the name ut:t lor iiiccncin. nre. tni.Kit in Hanlarv. Cti'.lcry. (Ian. Merc , cultitral Imjiicmrnt a:i.t IjfuVnr.ct. Ihilii'... P.i!nU iukI r.!at O.I. A fll hue cf 3!ac!uV tn' 0.!. . fcil ifa vishsoR.y.c. COMER NIG AN, pn.u:it in o. They rarely swallow three. Salvador lopowalkn are found in lauh to the fellow jump up! TORACCO A CIGARS, jmethin's: sts thv-m to thinkJng unfrequented streets and suburb, mid then try aain. W CAKNKD GOOLS, id they uroii over on tho other nn Toads. The nativo machinery fired, lauifh. d dmi-p-d iii ur lOFFRIC ugouiz;ug Has recently had his shop fitted up in every single one of these things agaitut his own cal ply by indulging in moderate from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. noz tin T. H. ALEXANDER, pected Potts. And yet PotU dM the stomach of tho crow. '1 be cord L J,h nover come again. A crow may The stem of his shir. each banana leal TiltJ aurzeon soon relicve-l him first class style for the coveniem e ot af7aintt his own calculHtions sin . MP1' never lorgets, anu consists oi uic tongues! ami uuu 0r it altogether, llie p- K)r Idluw niitrnns. Shavinsr. haircuttmff anu sham- 7 , , . . , ! tne r .. ... xu i. niv ov uiuuiffiue in xnoueraie Will be at shop from 7.30 to 9 a.m., and drinking. Why not you, if you drink at allf bee. the picture! ahead!! A handsome young man ATTORNEY-AT-L AW SOLICITOR OF ?atents, AND a now. boon a uiiiiara-p layer- then a swearer then a reveller then a libertine then a sot then a beast then a criminal- then in jail- then on the gallows then LOST! -Democrat. remembrance of coal tar on threads, and these leaves, two earcd a leson. The Yank the stomach is a continual sad- and tV half and three feet wide,aj beaten Lira at his own gam ness and a riotous uightmare for- and ten to fifteen feet long, rest ever and ever. ' mg on the heads of native women, A STORY OF MARSHALL WILDKfJ are umbrellas iu the rainy season AMERICA'S LUCKY DAY in rootless market placet ana 1 neani an amusing siory torn streets" of Salvador. Theso" are the other day of that quaint little In Europe and the eastern part the carpets on which the people gentleman, Marshall Wilder, id of the world Friday is cenerally sit, and tho beds on which they connectlou with bis uncommon j 1 -j sleen. iThere is a fine onnortunit? Christian name. A waiter at a resaruea as au umucj&y uuv, uuu 1 . r - ----- - , ,. . 1 1 1 0 '. '' . Noi trm Hnipoflnnnn fnr mmn n dinner tinrtv. IiBTinif hnrJ him . - ' a ;.t. ill 1 r tr t.-ii I 1 TK.S. SUC5ARS, LARD, BACON, CANDIR CAKF.S CTO. WINDSOR, X. C nc!C- y M. MANOELSTAM, ' LBWIJTOSf, !f. C, WatchnriVrr. Jeweler, a;U d-Ji!rr In o?'dc ftoiu. Waia tksi c: WrNDSOR, N. C. Tabla tuj-plicil with t'w U t U.e rv. llvr nrillf1 with eIoV Wine, Ii- TARIFF TINKERING. I . I m IWM 4 W W v W w 1 - - - "J j - - tnose wno aie iu any way , super- tc.,Ari.;no. Amonrnn nritJ. n .mull snnV-nn of n MnnlislI Wildor.and it. Ccir m l Tr.NIcoi. i atition. will object to commence to do a thriring trade .and .uppo.m Mm to bo om. i?1A,X?toU$? W 1 any new enierpnse or o uo aoy-i maKe money uy miroauciog nwi- iani muiuiry vreuuac9 uurnij "Aaman an I "IUU OS," 607 7th Street, WASHINGTON, 1. C (established 1857.) Foreign patents procured, Caveats, " Thft Rennhlieans have nreteVid cd grkt anxiety lest the "tinker- thing ot importance on that day. rn v'f ing with the tar,," as they oil S.trantt! ,0 Fnday ha. exer- peopleofSa and machinery to the 1 the whole evening addrewed him I choice cinr. ns fp?v-Ultc. alvador. - as Manball. much to hie dbsruit . Uoci rtctjt:y mjoriic! cnl ing witn tne tann, as tney cat: . 7.- ,T and to bis host'a cootternotion. it, might interfere with the bnsi- .mpor aniana I Tjonoil MAKER'S C02JTESSIOS !? WM ,M euciui eiiccio uu Auienca, bqu -j to call tne-uniucxy wauor asiae U I., l J .. I - I J . , Exoert examinations made and omn- k.-,.-, v- into thwMT' "'""'M "We make champacno which order to rcpnn.atd uttuior nu . , . j r. tro nmtv i - - - j - nTH nrn mnnv riri7.niis. innitiv : a... . -. t t . ...! CI ' 1 r I A. - - - - m mm ft t 1 r T 1 17 I I 1 II of patents given. Sena 10 r my unKeriug on ineir own account 1 those ot toreign birtb, who still ""J ions and scone circular and mention this paper, tlowt cut down U 007. urtxmd the Ivo'TJ Utni' J.lLMOODV.rrn. frtlf: fv?r t vTtt DR. F. A. WALKE. J. N. "WILLIAMS. V W MLIUZ ' Ol v linnnut ' DEALERS IF ' DRUGS, ? AINTS. OILS,' w ''".- -,-- 'WADS WORTH'S PURE LIQ UID PAINTS" : : . 1 It is without question the Leading i aint on the market, and the' most economical. . UUKNEU WATER STREET AND ROANOKE SQUARE, . InWOLK, va. .: impertinence, out 'Itnrncd tr lanchtcr when lies di . .1 - - ' - . . ' - - . I -r . . . fJT I - n Tho Rpnnh hrnn mAmhPPa nf th. flhhnr HViflnv. ftlthnn h if. in Ahrtwn I It C0918 tO rnanuiaciuro Oi a I ,u 1.- Senate propose to frame a tariff that the most important events ket. We sell it for $10 to dealers. Philadelphia Telegraph's Lon- VOODARD HOUSE bill of their own, and it is to be a u"1 v,11" uwcoveiy- oi We make the stuu ana put u in- aqa better. tucw Huuauu Huuu. to onr OWQ bottles; make a fao eoce ot the United States all hap- . r A. - 4: nned on -a Fridav. - simile label of the genuine arti- It was on Friday, the 3d of Au- cle; Spanish corka for the bottles gust, 1492, that Christopher Co- and French straw and baskets to ww :a ,Jlumbu3 set sail from the port ot Uack them in. When we want ha Bi,l nt nr.h inpnimistP.ncv? Tt on bw voyage ot discovery. to ,raitate a genuino imported is of a piece of all Radical action On Friday, the 12th or October, witjej we buy a barrel of it. Our TXT" I tann reiorm meaBure. vvno wculd have expected it? After blaming the Democracy on every stump for "tinkering7 with the tariff they proceed to do a little tiukering themeelves. TllEIUON DUKC. EDKKTON, K. C. was I 4Ua v tvnnM Ii a i wh In n rl I - t t 1 1 . ft. within recent years. The Kepub luf cooper laices mo oarrei as njai licau party irames a piatiorm ana r"no i IT o f;,ul11 ilt,tinftiirrira &J inst -f its representatives in Confess aci 1493 ,he .? .ot tor Spam to on- aroiiew and bright. , Wo put 0 members dodg nolicv of the moment seems to tern; ifcaming process, out old and musty ;o tuo genuine Thirty-two deadly the continent ot Amorica. sjn nniRnna aro nsod m tho manufac TVi n Wr-r nf Wfllififtnn a7 ardent sportsman and a good MO' L, ROGERS ON, PROP, shot, and to fife at game before it - .avi got fairly away Uieaut forfeiting t:u vJtr CnKla acowialA his friendship. Au aristocrstic traicl nik rrencuman wa3 inciuucu muno tiuvk nr vn ?n rlirPPt nnnnRitinn tn ita dftrfar- UOQ.D.B.w gionouB umcovery. xio them thrOUCll a e ation8. nartv assumes a no f nd?. Aoda ,36?.?,Q f and they come c;;X th rftpnt uml 5t. 1&ttl ot xMarcn, 14yd. Uu un- Und worn iust lik 0,UVI. w. . . , lnnA19 1 f (11 Un. A0nn.TrrnA I. . ' u- .nK.n k I i uuuo f " " uowc,cu 1 lmnoTiaiion. W & I V V uvti V V & ft,WI demand uch action: , ? 'V , j a. 1 ' ' .V " i U unknown witniu its ranks. It Jendez founded St. Aagustine, tho fifty, Cyer eaw i'rnnco. Wo eend bends ' all iu energies . to vote oldwtcity in the UntUd State. thooiand. ot gallons of whi.'ey .. On Fnday, November 10, 1620, to Fronco to -havo thcra corao tcr itartiugneunwncuawcKHJcucK c,.- r-intf'in; beforo it had barely risen over the Ltij icjamr funuM Vu a iJ headi of the beaters, whervuputi tho Duke took hi lo,dcd gm awjiy and ordered him ofThis prw miies. Moniieur hud to go und va never invited again. making, at whatever cost of con- n ix if. in: v in in i iii.i uu:. i niHV ii ini . - . T.u JU-:- ' Fathers at Fnucetown. Un U rt- ndiBbnoua liouora with one minor party, tomorrow with, another by turns and uow lt'is desperate ana . preteuds the Mayflower landed the Pilgrim back" something else. Of all tho iiiu rruriu in MitF Uopomhor 91 100 tho mi It -is evervth nff utV " -,X"-r ,lMLln i, - " T.,.t niigrHnw reached riymontn Kock. nothing long. Just . Oo 1700 xxru - bourbon whiskey i tho deadliest. Strychniiie i only one of tho poi Boits in it. A certain oil ii need inntnn traa Imrn fin l?ifir .Til n 4 r I 4 lAit rvT in the Senate to offer, the peop e V? T,;r7 I ..i -Tti 7 . . . ... T .. V a measure of 'tariff reform, Ue&g .fS 'lt n!! virt fo' " j which 'will- k,l aoat.n thai such a measure is mpera Ti-ft Ou l riday.Oc. eight mmotw, aud a dog m mue lively demanded. It "thus ac- toberS, 1. 8 -Burgojno surreu- nnnutes. Tho most temperate Crotonnc of tho cheap sort ccd for decorating rooms turns oat to bo as artenicaliy pouonoui m green wall paper. Out ot forty four eauilea recently cxarniucd-in London none were fr from ur neuis. Tho greens and b'.uej were tho least harmful, "while rci, browns and blacks were huTily leaded with the poison. HACK AT AM, TK.MNS ASl srr.A!n::i- STEAMER CUIUUTUCK. Iavk?:; Nllt, trrzy li ThcrU v.- 1 U Uir. t. r ul , .. 1 v. .rtr t:. 1 J . J . J J S i-T. ? i . '"' 1.:.t W 'lit. " .4' AUfrvl'.: " t- ' , uereu ai oaraiogii. rnoiu a irea- mCQ lD JNCW 1 OIK are IUC YQ9lc-j - - v . i . -- .1' , - - . . .5'. . ' . ' ' - ' , - - . .. . - --

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