; Ti "3 T J ITjCj XX. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PijR YEAR, IHVABIAH Y IN ADVANCE ' ; our Mbrri; 'niiju kt mos Duotr. DEXJ. h. 8 .VAiX, OWWilU AND EDITOR. VOL. Ill; WINDSOR, BERTIE COUNtY, ;N. C. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1888. NO. 25. i Practices counties. j JNO.W.WOQH. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW in Jiertle and oatljo ning - - ' n& 6ra ' 'WnUAMS&kQUSE, -J. WILLIAMS, Prop. . i J; Travelers keeommodnted at low rate. Tahlci supplied with th best the market aftonls, . y . - , I &8rCouvetvaneeft flunUhoCl on applS PUSH'S DRUB EMPORIUM, WINDSOll, X. c. . Where yon can find choie --Paints, Pro? and-Qlk; Bruits' Sundries, ' flavoring ltracts. Boapf , Per fumery, & Fishing Tackle. - John F ; Stratton's Musical: Instru ments and Strings. Robert Buist's Field and Garden Seed. Full lino of Fine Stationery always on ;nand. . felH tfn F, D. STEVENS, 8U11GEOK DENTIST, ... ' ' ' - - . " " WINDSOR N. 0 Teeth extracted without fiain. Filling partly deeaped teeth a special ty. All work warranted. GEO. IV, SIAfPSON) WINDSOR, N. G,, G I TT M A R KET , BANNED GOODS, CONFKOTION ARIES, GROCERIES, SUGARS, , : MEATS, ! COFFEES, TEAS, etc. WIOTOGAlHOALU-:ilY Up stairs, where I am prepared to tvko pictures of all kinds and siaes at low rates and of tlrst class order. mSO ! ATTENTION FARMERS ! 1S1UAN WOOl) WHEEL F AC TOllY I am now nianufht'turing Cart Wheels, Mima, IT-; hi and spokes from native thn lms which 1 will sell from $8.5Q to $5.2)5 per pair of wheels. A discount will be nlhwed if uh many as m pairs are tnk i n hy one ! party. A 11 work warranted. Special terms to Uoachmnfcers.,' tehip nuuts F. U. B., at Couiot lauding m Roanoke river. j Address .P. WAPCOT2. au.il0 12m. Windsor, X. (J. v TALK, ' Y CADRAU. ; ; And talk is very cheap (they say); v. W talk and talk the ivelons day. We talk our whole lives through. We talk on many subjects, - v Wo talk in diiiercnt strain. We talk of love andhouor, We. talk f grfcf aul pains. We talK ot Joy and gladness, - . : And we talk about ourselves, We talk about our neighbors, Our lovers and our friends, Of grief that never tarries ,i And love that never ends, But one thing I have: noticed, v : In my journey through this lifer, . That which lies closest to our heartsf The very best and .dearest , We seldom talk about, It lies too deep for mere words; W e thin k and thin k and think. And often think we'll talk It o'er If some ehanee word lead that way. But always flud it harder, So keep siUnee day by day. And talk is Ugh t!0 very light Bo meanlnsjless It seems sometimes; We talk ot weather, crops and water, Things farthest from our minds, And then of what weM like to be. And wht we really think wo need, And then grope'i ound for somethlngetie And find ourselves repeating over. So our lives are lived sometimes, Just repeating, ever. ever. Why we live we cannot see. Why our duty's never plain. Why we go fVem diy to day. Always wishing, always longing, For a'something we can't find. protevtlon, why do thoo j'rntect manufneturori Inilorio proteo tlon and spend lario iuiui of pniiov to uphoM it? ' . If utjjirotctot! IntlnitHo pay tho jinnio wnvs n tloso that nro protcctciL arc they nut' ai -vulnn blcvnnd If to. why bardfii them with n littleworlnumoMttoutionj n little ttnibur, and a few dollar, enn make it 4tblosiom us tho rose,' find make It tho most vnlunblo nuro on hia farm. 'It. will nll'ord a luxury tor your table but . fow now oi Joy. I will pay hero that ono need not expect to throw tin n lmio emnankmcnt ncrow tho by making thrm nay bpavy taxei branch and supply it with a few to tho protootud onci? Now York earn, ana next spring enjoy an Sun. . K endlcu and bountiful supply .of ' i carp. It will rcqnlro omo . ys- . J TII1J MOllAL 81DK OF -IT. tern, th'onghf : und attontlon, as ' , , . . . , pysteralsoud of tho requisites to Homo months no tho nnn nmke any business succcii. crowded ISXutf9 of tho Republican With tin t you will find itplcai. prty.expmscd tho.oplnion- that ant and excetjdmtrh' -profilah o, M , J 1 k . . . ifyouAsUhto eniruVeinitto tho lt, w,?f dtl,0ln Tnllttlko 10 xtott to nittko it prontabto. bolUh tho internal revenno tax Gam is of ramd i?rowth. and ox- on whlskov. becnuso it was n coetUngly prolUio, honco your great aid to tho tomporanco cauio iaiV,onV .... - . . . WINSTON L WlM.f Afs-t lu.yia iuuiimuon? nro Fttiucicnt to npen tho cyei nt tho Jnbiirsrt, Iflhcy will Mop and think. Lonif ilia Courier .Tonrnnl. TIIELUMI1EUTAX. WINSTON I WILLI ATTORNEYS AHD CO'JKHC?,S AT WJNllL.r. Lumber It taxed per cent; that means that ono iJollnr oat o1 fivo goes to tho lumber ktngt ni ncclat'ltoant for dcitrolnL" oar I iiwki 4 iiua iuiuuwi wavUi mill ber, a deslrablo thln? When 1. a WlNTON, A TT ORNEY'APlAV, 1 W!NI;-n;ux.c. U 1 l':t ini.Nuv w vvmw. i U nicnRo :wis hurncd . tlown. tho , . ATTDPNYAT Siv ror,on tho Mricken city wns to sus pend tho tax on lumber, which It did. When Portimonth, Maine, wa (leitroycfl Uv nro Itotitello TONBOUIAL ARTIST, W.IT. LKIG11, V Has recently lad his hon fitted up in llrst class style for the coven Wiwo ot natrons. Bliavinc, haircuttint; and hham- poolng done in the most ortistic manner. . Will be at! shop from 7.30 to 0 a. m., and lVorr. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. no2ttn MIMJItltflltlllt: xxtttsttf titttitttti:tiiiixiiit,iKtiiiixutitmtn T H. ALEXANDERr ' ATTORNEY-AT-L AW AND SOLICITOIt OF - ' o, although we think and wonder Trying all our lives to ponder ome deep questions of our life, You wlll mid that talk makes ealer AiJ the burdens that we carry.' All the loads wo have to bear For wo talk of all thing lighter - Never touching on our care. What lies uuxt our heart, and in them, r or be sure we nil ihnve eomutlung. go we talk of this and that, wv eem ....! merry,;': " I ' ' . ! And wo chat the whole d.y through, 35ut some day tliereMl ronie a lime When lii'e's journey's at an end. And we'll see the Lund we've wished for, ' , I That dear Beyond. Talk will not avail us much. In a palace of rea Truth ! We shall dwell. Then how strange1 it all will seem,. . ' To find our loves and hopes Not all a dream, " Hut sweet reality. We'll lay asfde our othov solves, For there we'll need no mask, No make believe We are anything nut what wo really are. K Orange County (Fla.) Reporter. ponds will soon bo overstocked. L,i w am.a npkud for frca lumber and rllier It will bo necoBsary to' construct V:i TJ::: IWmoalli. your pond so as to draw off tho V" im,,,l ,cr w' V ,WBl Theio tacts ieqmtn in.lluata that wutor caoh year after tho hatch-pw pwrcwui. -xucrw u, "amorai nrco inmucr wouhl im n pooI inif : soaAo'u is ovor. in ordor to Uidb to thi nuotion.M Tlio In-1 tlitnir for every man whm homa blenn out all onemtes o-fih dlanapolls Journal, tho special has been dcsiroul by dfp. A pnakes, frogs, terrapins, cattish, homo organ of 4ho Republican god thing, ao. for fvi-ry" man oel, etc.; and then place in your vftridldato for Trcsidont, Is ono whu ha tin lnue of his own, bat pona it ono or ono nna a hHlf pt tnoso iwpuuucan nowpnper want ono. .HirurJournHi. aero in water), 1,000 to 1,200 which boldly occopt anU (lerenU . . , young carp; then yon will have mo unwnoicsomo ireo wntsKoyi ,wi .Muuit. no more than vour nond will iin. nlank of tha nlutform of thu nartv.l ply food tor. It will require too it saysi . "Whenovor you hear Tho IUpnlllcans s iy that to ! -.u a i .it . I J.l i ' t . i 4 i. i II. t r . . niucu ppiica io t'O luuy liuo mo nnyuouy jawpiug nuoui iuu iruui iei ino lunner cxpori c'jw.uvju, const ruction of dam, tho eultlva. whi-ikoy plaut of tho Republican 000 yearly is to drsln this conn- tion o mode out they "naro favorahlv with any or our tax on uatiors. iho.ohjocUon tnritnliti, .cnaullu them to uaner nutivo fish, ui.d strictly in season the lnu whinkey plunk comesUell our own mnnuiacfuci. Will varlv apilng or iiill hoy nro only trom tho mlvoortui of fre thu llupn -hcnii urmershiw their socnucf nnly to tluul, if properly tnido too dlshouut utid cowardly talth ly their wors and pUnt U) sorvfid no. 'II v rolVreuco to Sno- tojeonfeis tlitdr icaL oplion., vvr fiitl U nl thl ye.nr. prn- ilul Bullotlu,V- Unitvd States Fish Hcni wo havo tho cldut spoke duel nit uuh rim'juh iiir lh Iju'uc Commission, hy Charles VV. 13ml- ninn of G iuerul Hnrrlsoli at hi umr'Ket.-SVw York Wurid. inv. ho kiven 22-rinorts from 24 own homo, in etlootubttraetrmiiii; r.-. Al II I k I .Z ...all ft & ft- I I I l. rwT l kill 1 11111 III' 1 M - - 1 v f carp, their eaibloqualitioiJpap' let L lf u wcaUh; th.t ho is cn. ot: catch! n tr. when in und him down as it Jtaud. All ad- J ... ... of season. I will nssuro yon vahced umporanco thought Ma SKou lu supporunR loreign pau . nro as cood and will com vors tho repeal ot tho iroverjimcnt per cmpioyoa uy i.ngnau capi- oY,)fni.n':(rn:, Kin- t tm f ) !W !:k. V r.. m, in S. fa. r2 lULE. M0UN1 AW, ni!Ai.r;ix HTttAlIH, YUm UT( , WINKS. TOHACCd, Cl(5Al:. wisrs'i::. n. c. r-iif State-, only 33 uuntuin tho ilijht tho monslitmlicont part of ilium KKULHU l,A est reflect nm jipou carp Tiio iMris message w MyawpM and Mmsr of thumv? olj viiourt aro very sotting tho man hlmulf down n l ")' 1 wiji to lunr from omo othcri on Ourp Culturo nf nioro eVperi--one than iiiyWif.-ffi Yf . Terrell in Bullutin. u iru!id.M Kuvv Yrk Tinici. nl Lifyutte, two m . m ilium. n iiiitit i.iv. in 11 1- in.' n kill, drupptul It occidenlally t .....a.. , ..rir 1 lU " X : Ucr n 1.d tfraph wlrr, vrlmucc the (Tho. frco whiskey cpicni.'ii Hovoral ffcr in tuld formed u dujldud slumblluj block H,r- 'v l I,,,l,u . JACOCKS, x' ' ,JVl uuuu. ra!!it .uui o::.. a'u:i !u. cfMscM. cry o::; ft 23 if.i W1K!?):?.K. C. G. G, JERNlBAN, DUAW::i tx nti at id 1 Patents, A LAHOK1NU MAN'S iCAY QUIM- u,u WIV 01 ou0 or Uro oi' Un, the striiiit to wcuvu into 'rit vu i i hi ....... ... i.rutors at tbu Repu'dium falinta- V?" l '"ai umej, c Hubert II. Cowdroy, tho candU tlou mcctlni; on Tuctl:iy yoii1m. t "J r n lJ, date ot tho Labor party for Pre- The lion. Tins. R. Rued, iu thu r.it nnd.h nii:Bllkled. It provn idint. asks tlio lollowlnir nhdn oonni of his robmrk, said: tn ho n painful iml pri.xurhm tt I ... ...... .!...... "it I. i"it... nueuoiu! ' vr link orit. too uenuu ivanivariv uiui'in t in mhi n.u ixuiicrou mm 1. llavu you over aeon nlabnror iQ ravor oi frou whisko , and thn Uricd lo vMpo. Her culls were who. cared a iihjko! wliMther he nInn..,.i.,iiin t.uHv in f ivnr nrh1 nuwered by nearly n hun- worked for u prntoe.tod or uu un tttUiporuuoo.M Ono tn.iv think of clr l,H,rww' which snt in row, urotucted eumlovor? L.A ii.lnL- It i,n-.ti, ktmiimiUhtridnir, occasionally flylu down . 2 IIttVoyo.toverBOonnhiboror tml0 rcat political orL'nlzstion n !? jtniprijouea dim nenr who expocteil to reoeive more -null um tha RonnbllDun nartv ononeh to catch the iltUBtln. At . I i m. t . w m waues iroin a protoct'a than an onoo wal B tiurty of moral ldtasl,,nBint ft u u preooncvr.ea ar- unprotectea employe? shoukl havo descended into tho rf ntfemunt, mey siartua in n ur- 3 Ilavo vou over soon a rro-L;r,HiUn tnifhinh t nnw rtnn. clo round tho jmt rnoned bird. tooted mouufucturor pay hiither Luri Thn romovnl of thu Kacb bird, with tht certstnty of a .. . " " m - I WMwVw...w..w. I .( . .. . . ... wage than no was compelled toi hntcrnol rovonuotux from. whiskey Hetii aimju nrro, wprea uio 4. Have vou ever aeon u very utnr. tmnU. nn annpmnm rBrlnrtlnn itrini: with its bill. ruiallT tht Trevorv aWicnU woulthy -flrhr pay moro wajes (n tho selling prlco of that article, Jlrln0ll,ud?e?11: st every agrioui- thau a moderately wealthy ono? . ts oularired consumption, und u to nn acUolulng building whjro iko up a column . ; 5; HUve you over iriven moro Lonseouont tremendous incroaio hor mates and herself soon k'oi f civ.tc4 TOBACCOA CIGARS, i hef lie.t. CANNKI) GOObS, UOKKKEt 1 1 4 r, .SUGARS, LAUD. 1JA(X)X. OAK 1)1 !H oaki-s irrc. Ufnniniv nnrrr IJIDUllXl IlUtol CAKP CULTUltU. I nee in almost 1. . . 1 i.i.. inrai paper i uiko un a coiumn . 5. Have you over triven moro ,n,.nnnni tromn.lmit inercmo appropriated to tho various indus- for anything than you wero ro Mn drunkeness, with its attoudant cuc Uio obnoxlnus stnnw, und x. . . t ..... I 1 tV I . 1 11. 1 nn.. n 1.1. . I tha flaw with It to hpF!iit ' iries periairnng o ngrHumura riu,,v' w . pociai . ovns . iuu ; ikcjiuuucaui , - y - interest, and wlnle'I am a small men, iuo unproicc 1 should certainly bo.willini: to ao- fnrmnr nnrl Unci with interest HiHuutacturer pays Just as high feopt Mr. Dlalno'. authority on tarmer, ana reaa wun interest wtitrn n,i ,,: u . n mni n t.f m... . i. ...r..fci... r . ivukW;a:Mii va MvaiMauMwviwwv.KvavvvvwwvivriiHHiiiiivirT mill' iin 1 h l 1 1 k i i i v - . suoh artioles, ind it being vory . nnifit hv what method of reason- . .. tinM tim Hfntft mn. A tslo comes from tho tar north, n. 1 11 11 1 nil iu i u i ' w - .ii u h n u m u w ' . . . iiunftrtntit nntlto ne'lect tha lar- (jiff do von arrlvo at at tho con- above tho Arctic circle, that hru 'rnHfttm. UfAr nwlnatHfia' fop tha smaller, elusion that tho protectod ;manu- cup comtitutlon. to urovent tho mammoth csrc4ic nro found pert examinations made, and on n- Btill I never or seldom, see an woturer pnyi mg her wages ue- raoniifacturo and salo of intuxl- froreu lu the ice. and that th unurw ul uiuvvyiiMui VUOZKK FOOD. 007 7th staoeVW ABHIGTO, 1 h 0. (ESTABtlSIIED ,1B57.) Foreign Trade rfilatin to lnfrmeeraents, validity and scone of patents given. Bend for my clreulnr and mention wis yapey. outing spirits on tt greatly ox- Alaska! Indians chop tharu our Dll. F. A. WALKS J. N. WILLIAMS. wmke&wiuiams; DEALERS IF . DRUGS, PAIKTS, OILS, . WADSWORTH'S PURE LIQ- IUID PAINTS" article onrrur Uuiture." Ana 7 And f tho protucted mnnu. ' - ' Thorolsno wink. "VrW.T Tr.ixA whv?, I it of iq little imnortanoe .,. Mn o tUn onuv a.fVtt,V . ti. . .1 A Jl and feed tho meat to thvir do- "J- ihuiuivi yii. uv rj ..mm i lnrr ni mil IQUL (JUL OI lilUl. WiJUL I .hi 1. thBtJt is not entitled to little tlio unprotected on., what be- 0V"Br the .iHt g00,i charnot.r i.f ' "r" ifi'd".":." V.V .pace in some' pnper? Or it. so. come, of onr protect ion tl.oone,! tho uxMn pty may bo.- A Jti? !"T .V'?" "V ' nroiitabie thutthoso engaged.in it - know.WnW u,o.n.l yen, iiftt want others to onffase in . .. "1 liti h nlldlv frozan it.ttrs. lln . ir-My experience is tobeHmited ) enlighten not protected from foreign Jmmi- Wdrkluirrnou nro "organlilnff . At. MANDELSTAM, i tswifTox, c, Wslchnuker. JeircUr. sat c!pi!rr Li Oi'ltcal Uo!i. WsV.u rnl Clixli UM, r irons, io,r.lcil. U l tr 1 AVIXDSOH. N CI. H it ft.n;VMr-1n!i3i wl-s Wlact, Iii- "and fort .!.!, h- trl Li t r ;!t. Arr.frlcvi Il.-i:t nl H.U Or c!;o!cc i!irt. a.t rxU!rf. lt:oru mr.tly rr norm'nt nn 1 ;n " dflw nil t!n ti t!r. lJu'e rxiia . ...... U-JTrro HarV 1 rr.ee! rU-i-r.tn. fcTTclc.Tsrn oca fttiichciL J. 1U MOODY, ircp. fel!ii. for me to attempt to Uiiriiiiiiiuu if t i . i u . r . w .nnirvnr. nt.a Fn t . irtiiiu 11 others in an enterprise that I am giation, you.must ofcourso m. bul,dln ni8odallonB. Tbcj ZZQ mu, , nav ciuao mo raising o ui wacs in i . ,hmlnnmmm iUv Uvn :r r " ; " . V'-; ignorant ofj howovor, what I may sav mav draw some others out f " ... !:.. i !J . wno can giveus soidr new laewe and information on nsn, or , more esnecially. MOarp Oulture, I - rilrtrioiTHtttiuiSwo, wanttoowntb.hoa.e.tboy live that all .In. period .n.. how about tho. pauper wages of in tt iil bo bottor for tho coun- mot lnstananeouilrf nil livnu 10. It you say ca WW 1 HHIVf- .W MM-.KW.W-.l hlf A llfflf flTlll 1 1 1 I T I P fl fl 1 II 1 uuicago ri pltal wPl not AVolt, the tax on lumber col- QW: fc1"" ' Ln' it ? nrntftfttnd . . , .V . . - , t j. ..: coulJ putrefy it bac.tmo frv'ien. think the grtest cause tor nfi- C " u';:;" 1 3 oieu oy Aipcr bdu incnui in cblcilio N()VV,( elect or indifference on this ject on th part of Jarmeis is that . n(jngtrje i - . ; Mumbor to build a cottago cots tney imp notconsmereutnomat- u ,f l)rotcction pr0vont8 ui 8500 tho tax is $100. ' terut bus. tney nav noigiven u a i- ., nrft?"n n.a' Thft Mliii mil nholUfi thli luuugui. v..w.. does not protection mako less lutnbertax. do, too worKinc- conceived ot the immense protiti wdrk lugleH'a of nioro? . .1 ra0n object to freo lumber? the rapid growth m(X enormous 12. if there is tree trado in '-lo-i Tho Milts Dill reduces tho tax It ia without question the Leading size thnto trp will attain in cne k ' ud hj rro:octivo pricos on hlindi, doors, sashes, pumps, I i v J y Ty ' t , I tor tnoso inuigs wuicn laoorers sianuir, woouoipwuro, mm wuwu ail adapted to them. I venture i.f hnv;ig notthfi laborer beinfflen-turninss 5 nor cent. Do 56u - - n i - it i . Paint on the market, economical. and the . most CORNER WATER - STREET AND ROANOKE SQUARE- . NORFOLK, VA. . . . .1 lllJMOfcWMT..RIW.l..MW tne assertion mar. every larmor roDbGd insteud of benoflted? ' in on who are hnilding your cot woo owfli imm nuy u),gn nun- 18( Jf protcclioui8ts desire to tncoH object to -that? dred acres of. . ana has one or . wuizei.whv do thev- at- You want to buy a woollen more acres wen adapted to carp Va employ -tho chenpest labor drc'fs for your wife. Its cost 'mis culture, and said aero is a, worth- tU cauuJd? . been 8; tho tax $2.40. - This, tax ' i m Vl WVJ VUM UliMi J I WWV Vl nwmw ( ess. banen acre, oniy a renaez- WGODASD HOUSE. KDEKTON, X. C. , ROCEHSQN, PROP,- n.!ci.Un i wr'.i ttui::h j not t!w tnvcl.n ;iib!U. TKitMd J'.K.ViOKAllU Thoro was lately lold m Paris tho original contract of lUdicl with tho manager of the Purls Gymnaie, dated Junoary 7, 1837 and running trom telmisry 1 that year until My 1, 1613. lu chol's annua) ftlpend wrs sot atj rt rtA r 1... I... ...,f tAA.it o,vuu iraiici, iu wo niw tu-wu ivvw franc each year. Tho irrmM Sa rah cams as much In a ni?rk (somctlmei, when on o star tour, in a night) In theio days, i 1 Subicrihe to this Paper. Only oua dollar per ycar.tn ndv.iLcc. " Ktni! room U-t lrrrV.:i ic..e:i. tn.l ttmreynnzt fLrr.'! f ! wlim lrt d HACK AT ALL Tit A INK AM hTIJAM KltH. nUJIiM tUrat.v.wM. t; m t ir.;l ' STEAMER OURUtTUCIC. two Tttim a wrnx r rrr r ? xomvi.- ': fiv'.rj Xrrf ilk crrry M iiir rn ! P37 etc rt 1V.,4. j .ml itr i vy. ( - i- lUt.to Ir tu UMr. Utn in t nil tc'u mclu' l i'; rot !. . All fr.'ht hn l t w!iir rr, m 1 raw- ' . . . . i y.v'' . t --r.4,' ,

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