PKICIS ONE DOLLAR - jR YEaR, INVAiU.VBlY IN ADVANCE 1 TO: 1)1 EU KT MO. DKOliY 13KNJ. il. SWAiN, uVIt'Ei: AND KlMl OH. VOL. III. WINDSOR, BERTIE COUNTY, 1 Cs WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1888. 110. i. JNO. y. WOOD. TORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT tAW EWISONlK.O. 1 ractices In-::. Bertie nties. and oadio ning . n'9 6m V ' WEDDED. , Some quick and bitier words we said And then we parted. How the nn '' - Swam through the fullen mist of gray! V A chill fell on the Summer day, v: Life's best" and happiest hours, were , done; ,' ; "''-i :: ; V.;' : I:. .' Friendship was dead. i , i" WILLIAMS fiQUSEr uswiston, c. t - J. G. WILLIAMS, Prop. Travelers accommodated atlow ratAsl I How pnlud we wept our separateSvavs, nine auncu w.ttu meanest tne market Ana spase r.o wora - ana raaae no Conve furnUhed on npplU up flo,;ing hair( I liiai l nan aiwavR rnupn r rair. his choice. . " : . lie eniereu west mint a wire cituieeu, isruuuaieu sec t .- i . ! i f 1 t i J J f . i nw ciaws, auu aunng mo luur. jcb nothing, will joa never be ti M;- : l for anything except to row monoy out or tho window!" ino listened quietly with mock :, aud said. "My dear un did you really expect not to ve to pay for the honor of bear - my name?' In hit "English -mants" occms the noted do- re r UGHlS DRUG EMPORIUM : Although sheUeornea my loving tone. . WINDSOR: N. O. PAV woru oi praise. lere you can nnd choice faints, And I! I mntchelher econi with scorn. .. inn Tfvoc, t - - 1 Iiated her w.tU all my heaxt. fumerv; & Fishing Tackle. LntU-we chanced to. meet one day; ohn F Stratton's Musical Instra- Phe turned her pretty head away; ate and Strings. . . . i " I saw two pretty tear-drops start, Jtobert Buist's Field and Garden Seed. M Jove was born. FulNine of Fine Stationery always on nd. z fel8 tfn years of cadet life he did not ceivo a., demerit mark Tor nnv breach of rule3 ur neglect of duty. He avoided tobacco amiintoxica jngj liquors, never did a deed which his mother, could not have approved. . . '. " . r Lads who think it , effeminutr to be good, and, manly to be badJbi laviul wiftf, the Frenchman provided for bnildin a panitcnti- bio for it?: How came there to be n peni tentiary in North Carolina! Turn to Article XL, Can by Co. stitulion of 1SC3, and read "Section 3. Tbo General Ai pcrabty nhall, at its Cnt mectini:, make provision for the erection and coridact of a State' Piuon or iption and contrust of EnliihPenitnntiiry.", .: . nc!v and German Ireedom:'? Tho Legiilaturo of ISoS.'CO i ic jLtislishraau loves U Ilk; obeyed orders, for a marvel, nnd WINSTON V;LIA ;X::A ATTCilNEYS tMd COUEUC AT tAW. vriNDi::. ' I" 1 I). C WINSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-lAl', I t are asked to harmonize their no tions with the nure. noble bbv! hr od" of uen, Kobert J2. Lee. Youth's Companion. : AIUFJPJLUUTISOPJIX'. 'LINCOLN'S LAST LAUGH, "What is tho tanfi? A tax put j hdou imnorted articlea in order yu iuo ui APm it, looj, that euch goods shall - be manu DR. F, D. STEVENS, . SURGEON DELIST, , WINDSOK, N. O Teeth extracted without rain. ' Filling partly decaped teeth a special-' . All work waiTanted. GEO. IV. SIMPSON i , "WINDSOR, K C, CITY MARKET. lAKNED GOODS , CONFEOTIONARIES, GROCERIES, SUGARS, : MEATS, : COFFEES, . TEAS, etc. ,. FH OTOGR APH GALLERY Up stairs, where T 1 am prepared to Some fond, repenting word I said, She answered only with a sigh: Rut when I took her hand in mine j A radiant glory, half divine, :' Flooded and filled the sky - Now we are wed. - . PURE AND MANLY. General Robert E. Lee was a tb'bugbtrul boy, for his mother had taught him to ; practice e e 1 f denial and self-control, and to be econ omical in in expending m on ey. His father's death, when the boy was but eleven years of age, made him a,'Iittle man.' .He did the marketing, managed out door affairs, and looked after the com lort of his nvalid mother; A Kcnooi closed lor tno noon recess he rushed awav from the froiic- oiue bo vp, nnd hurnefi homo to arrangj for his mother' duilv nae..vxiuiijr nit ne wus ne car- V-o mot.nrns of h IcinflR find ftiP.S rA I ''lie w rates and-' of first class order. ; m 30 ried her t the carriaire, arrjined ATWTThSr ATJVWPR t (the cushions, und seating himself ATTh riON r AK.uELd ! jby hk,f ehU trpd t0 eutt;rtain her, nr ax .WOOD WIIEI L FACTORY eni-veiy reminumir mr i a hride, the Gerrruin like hislary... Once filled, and kept filled, 1 .1 . ! t m. A 1 ranamomer. uic quesuon wos ivubi 10 no vruu the convicts. Wo cannot tblnic T-'ith pat! earn ' ;'off rnr'ct . -NMr eilJg made to compete wiih hon est luboriin any measure; and by employing It on railroad work tho Democratic party has avoided that competition as far ni Dot siulc. id trc compete with Torn upymga DOxat ; i!ora s tnea- in vf 8t thelr ra0noy n maimfactnr - once more to Article XL Canby tre, iiubo; City of Washington. :ncr t re9Qn? Protection, to Constitution of 180St and read The iilav; was Our American Lu ,ntn..nA M ,iri,t; "lection 11. It shall be Umi1- flnnain tvit, RntUrn ?r, tUJ . tk k-ptin VlCW bj tllO LciTU'a- , ...... " ai cnarrre to every man, woman i,IM ..(.t, n.'-4 c iv.i.i:. principal jole. Mr. Lincoln was ami child who purchases their Churitievthat nil penal and char enjoying it greatly. Lee had sor articles. Bnt it is claimed that itable infinitum ftboulil b m&Ac rendered ou,tbe Utb; pntbe.l3tj the tariff increases the waces of ft9 nearlv self-supporting at is con the war was regarded everywhere the Americau mechanic. Ia this distent with the nurpoict of their as enled, and upon tbat day bee- true? It micht do. so if there creation." retary btanton had telegraphed to was a tanfi upon the importation That is the reaion nnd the ILid- general jjix, uovornor or .wew of woikers 1rom abroad; -out as iCa i are resnonub o for it. - , i ? ' 1 A il ' ... ... .1 x orKj rcqut'Biing mm 10 biop ipe such is not tue case, it aoes nor. dratt. i there are more than enoueh for- Sothern as Lord . Dundreary eitrners landed on our shores to was at his nest. Liincoln was supply the increased demand for delighted. Tho lines which care workers caused by the opening nf and responsibility had so, deeply i.ew factories. Ou what baiU trravfcii iui his .brow wero now does 1he nreent tur.tx rest? A r r l'.N.C. fVIN!t Pracilr !n ztt O: Ve r n. n. :. i r 1. J P. At;;:; I f GROCi:::iKsf CO:'KKK5. j'l.ori:. ktc. WJN!4. v-ni!:n:?. GINS. T()::.(ro. 1ACQCKS, FREEDOM OUTYRANNY-WIIICII Wo cannot afford to destrov or - 4 9 weaken Democratic party. .It h;ss rescued the State trom Radical mis scarcely viHible. Reforo Icavinc war basl . lias tho war ceased? ruin: it bus broken the al iaiue for the theatre ho had. pronouncud Gen. Grant, who knew all about tult existed fo loinr between now if in iiuppir uuy qi. rm nie. K, eaiu ho, anu rejoiceu hi m .Pllllli ,..!, it hat cWkcJ tho realized the consummation of the STiti in of public p'uuder whub P.nwarc. LVed Too!. 1!. a am now manufacturing Cart Wheels, is, llds andSpoke from native tim- which, 1 will ftell from $3.50 to 5,25 !air f wheels." A discount will Ve iwed if nn many as tea pnh-s nre tak hy one pr.rty.' Allwork ..warranted; cud rerm to Coachinakws. .fclup- tbat the ride would h il to.bcnetit her un less 6be wm cheerful. "Robert ' is ' both a son and a ugbtor to nie,V the mother used to nay. -; j . . . . , . . lie was mojt methodical of long cherished' mid fondest aspir jition of his heart., lie was at length th undipnied chief mag istrate; of u cunfedernfinn . pt S ale?, copHtituting the freest n?jl 1 ORMATION OF MOUNTAINS M.Faye, the well known Froncl wa druwitii: oar people ti ttnk -t2ral Iir.p'.cmuu r. I.-- .-t:. r. runtcv :tn 1 ruin, aud u h iim.r.v l1'. rf j,u V V J cll rc'tot.cmtrol of tho Gov. iV;; v H" .. ..... i ttLNDron.C. tHtfonomer, has dtav;n attention eniniciit't tliu intelurcnce G. G. JERNlGAN, (J.J. IUrrr 0!!.) i F. O. R., at Coniot landing on nnuiajci, inoke river. . , . . Address P. RASCOE, Windsor. N. C. TONSOUlAL ARTIST, W. II. LEIGH, an I the - neatest ot bonsekeepersi. Unlike many boyf, he did not think it beneath 'him to attend to details; or to d litrle as much carelu i?e s were lurire. Whily ttlUl ... ... - - nt ft recent mQ.jnnir oi iiitf r reiiuu l tt .... i r-.i:.. .1 - .i - . i .1 -w ivi. m iu h ii ik.ii cat ru r i niiisr iivirrn i i i i n ntiu-mi mi ii . I - , . ACaucmy ni nciencc. in um np h,nur hmom, piun icr. umurtiLJicv, u ILlMltClll III1IVP. I - 1 l - . . I ... .... .. I . i1 : .. ; i T. -I cooling of the terrestrial cmtt tMntitnfio;inl L'ovcruiiioi.t. -n- THTt xr.m i rr, AT? . . . i irnPA mi morn rnrici'r utiiier i nr i r. r..i i.nt .it i itv. mh i mi'ni - t t tx - r , a stMirc-'wit i ,:a:sti Meredd 1. the r" TV 'I "r ' ' Vf 7.. uww, , ninjr i iiiv(M niiiinr nrnan ni s& i i it. ihiiip..i'..hiiii. t it.r tv tnv oilier, xuu muui sf.nun nn thiciis wit! us if they -v lf npon a garden lonn-e plucvd . . 1 t.Ai: (i !;.,l,rt ni V. f. i 1 .v.,M u '- , I 'l f! 8r. "..'" the .lunner ,...rt..m ol Use rrl- lMr! nm-.o their .id by the Pre.nt om th.a i o.:- ; olher uor.lM tl,o f.-tmuti..., Lrw. nn.!.ir D,.n..crutic n. e. oanon. , J.or. D.,m Wy retire. ()f moaiit!,ilI c!lftin,. , 1 -Will it l. , then-will It lias recently had his fhojitltted up in ts0 diagram on a slate. lt class M vie for the coveuiento, ol . , r ., I i ,:Wving,hMrcuUin- and .ham- hd knewbe ohe he wm Doing fill b nt fihonfrom 7.o0 to 9 a. m., nnd bnv 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. . no2 tfn I tR. ALEXANDER, VTTORKEY-AT-LAW Patents, fc07 7th Street, WASHINGTON, 1. C. : (established , 1857.) . ; Foreign patents procured, Caveats. Trade : Marks and -: Labels regisiereu. tExpert examinations made, - and opin Eons relating to infringements, validity fuid scone of patents given. Bend for my circular and mention tms paper. sludyiiiir conic' sections he d rew ; Though was ura w in would be rubbed out to iu:ke ioom for another, he drew it. with as much accuracy and neatnes- an it it weie to be engraved. - After his return from the Mex ican war, his wife, on opening his ANT) trumc. found every article of pace tic seat; ben Miks .Meredith, hinciif hnnrnidly at hiB lord ship, oxclairi t: I MMy lord, - w ill yon kindly ihrnw my nhawl over my shoul ders? There appears to "be-a draft here!" ' Sothern, at once prudent. -lor us ti change TAXES .MUST COMK. OH HOME-1 mat ruicT Let comervative. HTEADS MUST u! thuikitie men thrnnzhont ti.e J JStuto consider tin question well. cOKFi;i SUGARS, LARD. BACON, . cakj:-? irrcv wtm;so;l n. c. M. MAA DElSTA.f, I HARIUSON HECOnD. WUlo in th7U,iited State Senate Gt'neral IIurriMm voted IpB. T. A. WALKE. J. N. WILLI AM.S. 1 r- WALKE&IVIUIAMS DEALERS IF The Constitution does not pro tect the homestead from the sher iff's hammer. Taxes muat come, complywr or homesteads must go. And with the request, advanced with w mo verv near rroinc once. themincing'step that immortal- - Thft Tnfi:pai Legislature of uKft",8t r'lucin5 the taritTou n-- hnnda ricultural imnlcmenti and too!s him and a bottle of brandv which k 6 .,ho .,e?e and.? 8,en.,faca.nt to the amoont of 823,680,000 of meclmniw. Se-s C..erc.ion:lI bad been put in for medicinal;U8e f 1 -1 ?2 It"1 was K ". W Record, VoWmo XIV. ,?,Sc 1.734, unm-eped. 4-;; v v . ; - . , . nrrnnfm" . . " .' " mot too mc lor o. poor pwipij 47th Co ncrcss. lie:; ever iirantt uranuy or , lt-tr . t nr ' oi nonu oruiiuu iu uuuinmuu . , . . whiskey and rarely a glas of . uffa,r MliafMar without stating what it was, It . Uatfl92 Jlf Tf ? wine, and he never psed tobacco he.dft l,"alr?,a een popped F Ve arl n.third of fll, the To a pmehend the Waning of this Vrder of ;tbe Prwdeut ; , tne.yCaVprop.erty in North Caro n J"cTd fact and the powerful illustration f y u.Bu mr. u" tfna; .- Tho taxes collected for tbat Ul . . 1 -.i . to lauffh, and an outburst of mer-l r - :-t n. ri He votud ui u au Buuu.uuu,, u mu.i pimonV ppflnnnfiAfl frnm nflpta one wjim-. - v nenl f l!lG tobacco tax. Sr-o reca l the lito and V u V . t i YL bankrupted tue people, ana am ,"";.- W7: V vnt!in, j . l' TT v 1 or the bouse. It was Air. Liin . i .1. t?:,k..i it I leisionai liecoru, volume drinking customs ot Virarinia du wvu. . uu.c , . ' V bankrunt . tho Kadical party. It . rir i wrt,i hnvhnorl nrl coin's last irtugn. Jx. . . . p . . nnother Ldrisla- P3 ... . VVUX . r v , . . lie alio voted against rcdncnu y"tn I R()MFRTORITOOFHElki5. h01!0" . . . thf far nn tohnccn trom 12 to S During a school-vacation, die : . ..... .J I Since ibenran 9 Jives, iiner . n . g c . . was a guest in a country bouse r if f.,,u t,v. aii;A ties and property nave neen r puie, i . . . ... Vnr ..; o -ir whero theliosvafascmatinen, o coa nd Q th peace, J?Je ndffTO He also voted aiu.t rcJoci,, tleman ot 1 culture, lived a gay, . . ; - F ? itv have once more gladdened - 1 vhu uie. xuung ivuueri, Jirt. "Iu 1' i : . " i II l.n . . It. '- from ! 90 .to 50 cents. See Con- naa ueen trainea 10 sei conrrou wuu buuu'U uuiuuiuiy, oeut au the otaio government ruiocr . , mlnmn rV and selt denial, was shocked.-He ask him to come and tako coffee, through tho blessings it bestows U3", coru, volume .vit f 1., ra,.c!:ro.',.kfr. Jeweler, ri ! i!-:.: teed. PlTon-i: f - j;, J tf 1. 0 It wixdsoi:, c. raMe PuppIIcJ with t':? Vl l';- np;!!fH wrll'i t '.s'i' Win- n r". CLnr nnJ Tt'cv.i. 'n?( rn!r f r:- !.. -snilcomfVt'.'T' ! H t'.? 1 j'r. Anunca. m 1 "II d) cut down t.i J!.-r. 1 V.o j Priv.uc fining rvn fr!x!t J. IU MOODV. Pr.-i. ' j made nb ' obnimept. on- wtot he ..present' ray borate and than through tho injuries tt did '."ft "j,. fhe 1CtU nt rcbra saw, but be refused to jam in the ,1 i,. ., j tt.!. .u. ti;. inflict. - - ieii J c..,., nm-n, rr re:;---.- v . ank ? Hne to the gau- jfc t0 the Legirintoro! Db- T5 f.h. folio li, r The nnspoken rebube .'brought "", "but explain that u u rny hooesty; iI)eorni,etencv, extras Gi"r? Bn, ,n ,h Mil W to his bedaide the night' before habit to taxo coffee where I dine." Baut and wastell expenditure of "'"Ondincnt to the bill ti c.i V00DASD HOUSE EDI'KTON, 2. C. ttO- L, BQBERSOU, PROP,- . r 1 nuifniiiini'iiL llj cram anu uslciui exycuuuuir . , , u 1 hia I'oKini.A n.o honiionf h.iit Anemia v strikinir storv- nfhia Ut... wrO. monov will rntt iUU k-uuu' ' ' r : . 1 y . I.UW- L'-wpiw - ...w..wT ..... . , fir .r X UO ? UUIU B ; tlUOllUCbbO ;. UOUI woyimw v w w v. w v. w m vvn w vvu. w iu rjUW U3 1U iOIOt UUU WU v thamed- him. aud he. a man of connection jvith bis four months' render hizh taxes inovitable. .... .. ' ' ' I . w .. ........ 1. I - f' . . the world, came to contess to his visit; to .bnglaud, wljether be - And taxes must come, or home youthful rgaest sorrow for the wild wonf in 1827, and wboro, thanks Utcads DiUt go! - 1110 H Wa leauintf- ; I U UIO UUUIU o uuwuoi uc nujvycu 1 . Earnestly be warned him to be himselt wen. ins uncie, trie CONVICT LABOR. ware'of drinking habits and urged millionaire ot Hamburg; alter .PAlrlTS OILS, , iV ADS WORTH'S PURE LIQ- him to persist in his lernperate providing the necessary expenses- Radical talkers and Radical UID PAINTS" ... course ot life.' On leaving bim of "the voyage, gave buna letter wrjtera raoan about the wicked . . : the: host promised he would try of credit ou Rothschild tor. 400, of tincr penitentiary ' con" the L'.iVc.:J 1 nc f-.' It is without auestion the Leading vint on the market, and' the most aomical. - . ORNER WATER - STREET ND RO A N OKE SQUARE, I uie.VpoM :;. prouiibeu: ii wuma 117 m u cuu uu u.,..u , wvt . of puttinff penitentiary to reiorm. ; : . : " . explaining uiaui w uihj u iurm . -, - . - - . . . Yet this methodical, self-con", aud to give more weight, to the vici iauor iu,u., ,, trolled, affeotionate, serviceable introduction. . What, then, wa honest labor, and about Uemo boy was no "goody." He was his anger, a few. days, after, to re- crats taking away tho chauco cf the son of 'Oagbt Horse Harrv," ceive advice that the money had tufl tnechiuic to earn an, I . - '' . . ..... -''.I. ' . . r. .. ...I . ot the . Revolution aud mbonted beeu . drawn outl U11 Heine's liis father's martial spirit. He presenting himself on bis return chose the army for his profession to thank bim, "Ah!" cried tho and - friends and - relatives ap iurious banker "empty beaded riMtndinr fur the collection rd ti tHt. known as internal rovcri'ie is laws, on whiskey and brnndy irc berel-y repealed." On t)ii ... ....(mnu (Ka rlflil HIV UIIUIKHUV.III kUU mm,, . . wo 0 called, aud Senator Harrj s ni voted iu-thi negative- S ' C njrc?-i'-nal Record, volume XIV, v .1-0 1,7ST, 47ih Cougn-.i, II .iv,- dy: this record of Ujdicjl c.;:ul:date 0 1" the United States t!;;? average oriu -rj- .r. f- - 1 cv.i HACK AT ALT. Tl'.AIN.- mi:am::.- I the for Prc' i itrihn ,A a: . V . CV-! (U penny by doing all contract with convict labor," and it not to be. .Out who is' rc:; I 1 V I ' C 5