UUIl MOTTO. ' DIIH! KT MO.s DROlY. IM) VOL. IV, j7JNDSQl& 20, 1 o p n UCU, 1HUCB ONE DOLLAR VtAi YE A B , - IN V A 1? I 13;: Yi N ADVANCE. , jno: W. WOOD, . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW . ip,wisiaN,x. c. v . Practices In Bertie and. 'adjoning counties.' . , nO 6m WILLIAMS hOUSEr' N. C.,. -J. G. "WILLIAMS, Prop.; Travelers agohfmqdaied atlow.mte& Table supplied 'with the best the market nfl'ords. - jCSTConvoTances furnished on nppli- tl,n. . auStfn- CLOUD, D J$raSII I NE. BY HENRY R. OBB. its M: h tnrilT policy; cuMs -upon ; C!uve!andJiVomtuillcd b law to muni to cnuin 7.UIU vnuir inn w t vu , vurrivu J u 10 .cuoui. i nr un i DRUG EMPORIUM, WINDSOR, N. O. 1 i Where " you can find choice Paints, Drugs and Oils, Druggist' .Sundries,! Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per- fumery, & Fishing Tackle. - John V V Btratton's Musical - Ins tin- 4nent and Strings, . f v ..; Robert Uuisfs Field and Garden Seed. Full line oC Fine Stationery always on liand. . ' ! JelBtfti. tnit..jiiiim tiiiiWMiWHwwMmtiwttMtwwyimuiwww DR. F, D.bTEVENH, :: SURGEON DENJTIfcJT, WINDSOB, ift O Teeth Extracted without fmin. Filling partly decaped eeth a special ty. All work warranted. The little clouds whldi troubles cast About tl 1 ifo ol every day, ;r : ;? Will change to golden fleece at lait F J For those wlio tread in honor's .way' Where; Truth I king and Faith is teen -Arrayed In royal robes of Hgutf . And Love Is law and Be .uty queen, . I And day's without a touch of night; . ; First the crois and then the crown r' Life's frowns are only for awhile; The sorrow-clouds that bowus down i : Will melt beneath a lovc-llLYnille." ! And all the spectres of the past . That All our souls with needless fear, Will change to shapes," like f irics cast, And crown.with Joy our future years. A shadow crept across my, path. t't I could not chase its gloom ft way, - " Till hope sang of a by-and-by (It was a sweet; consoling lay), Then all .the music of the spheres - - " 1 1 Was rounded in a simple strain,' - And faith, with love, tho hope of years, Came trlppiDg back to me aain. " t ' Nortolk Virginian. : GEO. I'.SIMPSONi WINDSOR, N. 0., CITY" MARKET. CJANNED GOODS, - CONFEvJTlON ARIES, ' . GROCERIES, i ' ; SUGARS. MEATS, COFFEES, TEAS, etc. 4 point earned mentjpvcri to- tho ff-"oxhoiistioiiii;to support thcio death-exhaling llorcra of iliu pro relief-from u i '.bnucful eficctp, tomp'orRry,' ut 'best, lias como tliroiisii thaexcrci.-o of executive tectivo "System? WhKt L vill ho 1 grower lti tho nurchnso of bonds iL- t ".i .i J --..111 ' - : t ..t.i . i . inBiran8vcr wnqn incy era uunuu nun .. mo isuuu oi cnriuicuics ny iipd n to d bc'ul o 1 n "No v e m b c r? Wc behevo if will bq in uohalf or tho ransscs fliilrist all ? corabinhtifrnp whht'socvor calculated to" iaoreac thQ'bnrdons tho people havo to bear or in a tywiso to fetter .tlicir hands in tho; work- of .; makinj: honest" liyinis.-Nbvvs 'arid. Oh" server. J . t- A FARMER ON THE trust; BAGGING FIIOTO.GRAPH GALLERY Up stairs, where I am irepared to lke pictures of all kinds and sizes at low rates and of ftrst class order. m30 1 ATTENTION FARM EBSIJif IS IANWOOD WHEEL FACTOR Y I am nov mnnufhcturing Carl Wheels -Rims, Hrbs and SjM)ke& from native tim- Tjcrs whiih I will sell from ir w.-x) !cr nlh'Wt Mr. Richard W. Knott hi the Louisville Home and Far m I goe to the root of the bagging trust matter with eingnlar force and point. ! He shows that the Jute Bagging Trust is tiothing short of an'organized raid on Hhe" South ern planters by lortherh capital ists, Boston capitalists,; hb-l bavsY "Pro t ec t ed by t h e d u" ty o n j u t e baggirigjM lie explains, 'which excludes the- foreign arti cl e. The Boston syndicate bought from the mannfactnft'r8:an the -bagging cm band, With the agreement that the mili would shut-down f r five months, or nhtH the bugging fir the crop i purchase'1. i Then the pi ice began to advaiice fron; se veil ictn t, w bf ch in r n isbes proli t totbe man u fact ii rer, lit 1 1 1 it is ncKrejeven or twelve 'cent' " W b ut," he 09kp,prv til? the 1 r " "PPnT-.TTAT. UADTnAT.isr. Colonel DbckerV, though a Southriru'born man?Ldcfenjls : "and jnsitifieen'r f rather t attempts to defend an it j tuti fy t th o ; ;Fc d o ral financial policy of bis parfy. Of course, he is ono of thodo iSoutb eru: men with Northern principles that, his friend, Judge Rusgell, of civil rights 6dorr speaks of. : OoIoner Dockery : insists, that that the policy of biR party is pa triotic becauso tlie Northern man ufacturers have flourished under such taxes. Yes,- tho i whole course of tbo Republican porty baVbeen to favor the rich men of the North who control it Firt tho bond-holders, . and -next the Northern; manufacturers. . ; lie points witlj pride to them; He (Joes not point with pmie to the common pcoplu of, the North, or to. tho grangers ot the northwest. Tbesb are? suffrripg. under : the b u rd e n s o t the ' Re p u bl ican? mcas- nrcri ; iior apes not point, wju) pride to the condition ot onr peo p! o ;6 f tb e S ) u t h , who b ay o i . . t h e opprsp i vo and ty rn n n on s y oko of mmcyed despot sin prcfFiiig them jtTb rtqulbcrn cpttoh .crop has vifldod In clear cas'i since the war '$5,000,000,000; ubat-bus, become of it?;: t"Vbit has b como fof tbi immenVe sum? It bus;: cone in taxes and under tho A'depletinu wbio, -panio and 'disaster 'was averted 'Pormanout relief can como only froni tlio enforcement ot Jbo Democratic policy of re duction of tuxeu. -That cats tho evil up: by the roots. : " . ' - APPRO PIU ATION3 - i TO THE " I' 4'; 'STATE-GUARD." " . ' ' . "Wo finvo no rcgalrir militia or gBriization" in', tbo "Etutc, ami ibu great body of bur cltizans arc ex empt from a duty which formerly C ; r. D. , i r. i v. tho "Rii.lic.il p;iriy in Nortli lha Internal rove:; no vn lmh . "h -it I , that wni n Ion;; way r.cr.d t.f the i ATT0.1MY3 naiionai pr.rty, ur nUnto n ir recent. Convention -held ot Clrcn go, 2lt.Jane, lfcSis, tho nvior.al party went no further than to rc polva thnt it w.utd favcr the en tire repeal, cf internal taxes rather than. tbo iurre:u!or of any par; o! WINSTON'.': V," I !.!.;;. n V IAV, w t r f i.6. v.''::;. 1 1 Vnir f vhreW A rfUjiuit, .will- let American lunter from buying .wftl T hk manv a tea pair nre tak-1 uhy -oneCttirty.- Allwork varraivtcd. tlllitt:pr?,wllM,.,trt.v .m h., filial lemwVto VoaeimwUcer. ' miy- '"V T ". ;!V:-T-W-.,M 1,1 . our . proincuvo syeiem, ? m cto j rovcniiie ;thau is rrqsfsito for tho of tho government, in their opinion, they left uj in nn kind of doubt, for.thoy vfent on boUl'y'to cay: - . . '. . . ; 4 Wa d c rr. r n d r p p r c p r l a r. n n f 2 r ! tlio e;riy rehnildiug of our. navv; ' AiTQR'.'HY'AT'LAl', . IN I ? ' Try I.-, I: nt-:.vi:v w r'rT:i. ATTQRHEY'AT-LAr,', for tho comtrnctlon of co?t fort!- 4lt.....-ki- ' .ru..:."catiot.snnd other uppMvcd mod- V'lu,r vihuih om mcaimordcfcnTor tho auequaic prom to tno btaio. in stead, :wo- have 11 State' Guard, a yolunjoororganizition, which is always & the service of tho Stato to toid . the civil f authorities, to qaoll n disturbance. An appro: prlatipn of 300 each to not moro than twenty'-fivo cornprtnips of tho Oqard; making . ui all 07,500, to encourugo these, companies, and prevent them from disbanding, is not thought, to , bo extravagant. It,. Is ,,too . "soon to forget tba promptness ,w!th which the com panies of tbe'Quard, unler orders from: tbo Governor, . marched .to ono pf oui Eastern 'towns where a mobUvcs; dt fiant of ', law, and comcd.(dbtcrmincd . on - riot 'and blhodsbed. ;. .This" appropriation, with!a salary 'of.. 8000 to the Ad jutant General, and $100 to keep iuu wmio o ur us mm. uuiiuuniiinii in order, is aiL tbatitbo military" orgiiDizJiippn; 01 inc ;orajo rcoi ! Tbo expcfisps, nfr the" rerrnt rtghtvillo'" Cntampmont, Ac. were pafd from "proceeds nr alcV ot niu arms donotcu 'y the United ():! IB DOUKKHY A rilOIIIUITiONIT Tbo Rbckingb'am Rock -t; pnb' iyntbiuV!of the Repuldican - party Hsljcdlti Dockery'u own county, to liu. No:th Colonel lioukorr brying been Informed that a co. d im-ntuF. O. II., at Comot landing .on 3lotitM4co river; AddrrssPHAtSCOK,. auglO 12m. Windsor. X. C. TUNfeOHIAL, ARTIST, W. II. LEIGH, . strtemeu!; The taritKon jute bnargin tit on jtb lower vgrali, 1J cents a ponud; on tf at valued at 7 cunt a eqnurtf yard, 2 cents, or bo per cent. ThnM 1 1 la 1 i? 1 1 tVn I fa tut " i .1 Has recent y had lite, fchop fitted up in ning oil the ircu "list I sii iirst class stylo for the covetiunue ot V "J'; 1 t V ' winvhicr. lmircuitinif aud ham- that it it were tho law todn V ) X wo u I d bo wort h to the Southern cannot point with pride - jo th coijdittonf our. pcop'o .beto. b North CabliiiM. wlioo favor bo now seck.i - Wo i are pnor and have made n moiiey, - npt wlth , t; n d i 11 g t f 1 0 . t w e n t) -1 h r p 0 . jv nr of hbH st toil and bnnl labor of 1 1 1 0 f w t . W c a r 0 v c f n t ie d - w 1 1 b portcrty, whiclriflf jluo . in iuro old Dumncrat bad'annoniiccd "lib punm to voio fo- i'obniel Dock cry buraiMo the Clonel um n problbitinnUf, ralc Its bund In holy lirror, and .av.j rr- tcctloo of our dcfencolf .M bnrh.) and cities; for the payment of J lit penaions to our soldiers; for tie cesary -works of national import anco in the .improvement of the larbors and channels of inlornul or coaitwiie acd foreign con. merr.e; Jor the encouragement ui the shipping "Interest of tho At lantic, Gulf and PaciG 3 State, rs well as for tha .pavmcnt of the maturing public dubt'- 5 Dtc any ono. ?uppTS3 that tbore will be a dollar of surplus in the treamry when all thcio tblngi shall havo dcun dont? and vet. only when thoy-shall haTO bee n done will the Nation l Radi cal J;arty con-ent to the repral oT tho internal revenuo system that h tu say, not until Mtho dnv ufter jmlgmiMit." liffuro all thee tlrngs r the halt ; of them Ptull havo b'fn dtno the very mornry even f u fforpius" will liave 1cpi? h st. " Ci)u pMo tbls1 record with tlut cf t?f i itfjTircruf io p iriv aud wbrr ihif r: ot nnpc lie- f.ir the entire rrp-il nf -bo iufarno-ii y . 10:11. The thing Is hi pluin that bo wbt run mav frad. I'M. . MQUM r 1 4 0 GiiorrnKs, SUOAJ. WIST.-;. WHi.-!cn;s. GIS'S. v.t::r 1 1. iAcoc::st ..'. . , n.nixNcr l ticu Tin; jionMoxs Apati fared lbffn wmiwn, vv Ing ier uuino n KltZib.ith Tnrf- bnll lltitlrr, fmuurly of Noitb Sliield?, Ij.il-nd, vri ptwktd up in Cb'Wo. la'tMreujIv f i'mtuju trui JfUngiT. 3,.l51 c;ainu,l to i Iim hftd noliiing .tn cat Of her ,'4 jAugoU' and ' iididtcM ' LTHCO. dffciid llP D.tckrfV it t? blbltioiiUU .Whencu rprfiu tic Ibu. wuy. to br old hmna b mcaguro to tho outrac;t'un pvmm zeal of ai y Rrpul licnu wbo won! Kngbrnd, B u told a terriUu tern pt-tho -ttopuilcan party a in)di U ai pi-ar that . Colonel Utnry t csprlcnrcs nmonj tho f'lfif i1ni 1 trtfi frtftn O.il-Mi- fffiih. rti " r " - f ' CIS. JEfitilOAf', (J. J. JIarn's UU::.:. . TOnACCO . CIGARS. CAKNKI) GOOl;Sf COrTI.T.f,; Ti. l fcL-GARS, LARI. DA COX. CAS"!Ii CAKI y.c. : Mn'rmnrw. " I!cr son, she n'Mtd, lmtrnns.. Shaviuir. baircuUhii' h pooingdone in the moRtaitbticimimier. would tboy refuo to mod mjiekeiy fu.orcd - prohibition, L Will be M saop irom Kv.ra.,Ma 1, by tho ,opo that inch im- bad bsun Indnw-d rgnb .U lb from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. no-uu er tlio one item indiiatrd nlntift I -iinti. Antt.nvnt r,A.l . " ""T'." H'IMISM MVStlWM" H' "liw 'i I inV,""l';iJl ll'Utlt III lUllUiUllkMTIIIiW" UI JJ 17 ' t UI (' I 1 1 11 I'llJ U t.f. MANDELSTA. T. H. ALEXANDER, ATTORNE Y-AT-L AW AtfJD SOLICnOR OF c r : ft r. . I The advance in tha bagging, the Soutb- Wo assert - that .this minds, would draw votei to him party of emigrant" organize J b Patents, air. noii ; snows, is a ueau ips? system caModo Uolonei uoiKcry trom the rrohibltlon party, or at Mormon mlnlminrki in I.n jiji.d. . a UMm U liuiM. to the -farmer. " The latter "can 'wiso arid boneticent' pursued least draw votes .olT the Domo Tho father, franib witli anxktv, f get nothing Jot -bis bagging; it: : is go persistently by tbo Rcpiibic-m cratio parly? . It is ono of tbo followed to Utah. : Ho found cni WINDSOR. . c. always f conn ted out' in tbo price party, exacting, as it doci, high richest thing among the '.-'humor nlovment with a ilormon, Jorepb ri5? -1 ' paid or in the weight" The tar- taxes unnecessarily 'from: tho ree- of the eumnaliru so far. Inasmuch Ilolbpit. but lit on bagging, he insists, "is a pic, is 0 tyrrany nod o despotic as it Is a matter of.. history- that enough fo help cnntimitf tho uuuus pam jor ine ipnnauon 01 u ufc or power. : Jt . na . uecu pari uojonoi iocuery .not only wrote sonicii until ho prot-inde.i m jm bagcing truHt' : v ' -1 !- ticularly hurtful to tho South ever a! long letter to tbo Wilmltgton tho Cliurch. Then ha 1 n ency "The tarm on cotton ties fcoes sinco the war, but what is good gtar against prohibition, but In and sent some to her. but all bli to ono or two establishments iin for us the Republican partr.ncvcr the camtmlirn oi 18S1 canvaMcd letters tolling of tho condition of 007 7th Street, WASHINGTON, D C. Pittsburg." ; . - ; cares to consider or rcsranb' " '"portions ot the Htato aaalndt It. a Hair In Utah were !nercTtc 1. Yestablished 1857.)- "Thescar illustrations of bow . ; WeJnsit that tbo. Republican and actually mado bold enooch to and others nubnltutcd nrgiuu bar . y , . r-aflf. tne ttxrm rob8 tn farmer. m party ought not to havo impoied draw arguments from tho Riblo to corno tr Utah with tha miMion- SkAr. Tho tarift' on cotton tics is 85 such heavy taxes on the Vpeop 0, in lupport of bis podtions. How rici; Ruttcr was murd. r.- l Expert examinations made und pin- per cent. ; That is to say, the (particularly, on the peordo jof tho could the old gentleman of Foy shortly after Jdned him. Hiie ions relating to inrrmgements, vaiiouy pianierpays .91,00 lor i.uy ;worii) eoutn in our.impoverisrico conui- ettoviJle have Decomo so wolully was riisfrandc 1 rv UrHori er per and scope of patents rfven. Bend for my 0f tics;a,4v,.;; :.f ' 'v: . " tion 80 soon after tho warpthat it misinformed? Wo would be gla'd hu-batid's lavluVs, but il-elng to circular ami roeiiww ynw .-- f aa n ha r . An Urna hodr tnftu r( U n nnt m M,n . n,. t .rt .1 " -' pj " "'-' inn. iikh IH tivan IW VI Ulil IIIW HIV UHUW HIIU" I I VkU1 111 il t . . ' r.. tf 1 . : iitf 1 : ! . . . . . I I . . 7 ) 1 ;r 1-w 1 ai d f rr t V V MAtirr-t 1 !f f!; ' " ', 1 1; -T- r - v- r r.iv. J. n. ?!m;v. 1 If DB. F. A. WALKB. baging;Mr. Knot says; "When ot us In that way, tbcro being no workirg j, ,a..wiuum! in couon pianier senas nis cargo necessity; and if taxes cou a vo yxiin iiajjiu.m iuiu t a.m iul nij;? money. ni coiron aoroau nun poib m exi fpftnnri in tin my nnfrnr in cbango a cargo of juto bagging havo, been taken off the people iS,!,-.f SL"!"- ?."?.l,",?;..",S?c.! -S-.'?S i What record tf.o IU4.c1 cwHUDVttie uuo.timu ui io ruvuni 1 millionaires vi uicjorui who nuu 0 earned vriough money trnrr in a bold to p.,y her J JUUii'lU tiu cargo at the custom bouse, claim- amassed great wealth by plunder Part' rnC(1 ,n the matter or in- b IUI lUTbliMV IH1HIIVIII k r I I . I bono ii soon curncd, and , tbc tifon i nnlrktv tnld." Tiifl RadU .:ii:: .ivii i.j ilA . i a r ' a 1, , " . ' ' i -v r : as xoiiows; - x wo ro ioju map wHn:oo,ow,uuo, 1 is tyranni- ua, fl t pQt iho tBX on tho pco. 1 tuv JiJtii w mwvuivi iMvuinuH 1 vtJJ IUJM uiiJUOW IV iuvu JJVUJ , luwi ' . . . . .1. . j t agors ot trusts and tho officers of people now 5379,000,000, for P,c CIH1 mPi uujca,rCni the Frptectire League are send- onofourth of which" tbo govern-; eptly refusing to repeal it or even ing money and men into the dis- raent has no use." ! ; . V - - r. to "modify It essentially. llll ll U9 HU I1JJUWI W IUA IU lMULCUl UUTIIIET WOT. "Vllli lYU IDrillLT 1111 tliejtitb'bBgiiiff:troBt isftbat if ten or liftecu years ago And be concludes indignantly the covernmcnt could xrot obmjr I'ALKE Ci WILLIAMS, DEALERS IK ... . . .'.'. DRUGS, PA1KTS Alt - UILd. . : - " iner money and men into the dis- raent has no use. : - " l to "modify then fiix year aero the Radical party op to defeat binvbecause in the bill bonds, the kbU'tlng of taxation in "this Btate, in Stato Convention ax) . he introuucea ne put cotton L.-Dag- from. tho lncomei of tho rich to assembled, wa at uiuau in uvor dner and cotton ties on tbo free tbo dally used and necciary ar of tbo coutinusnco of tho'iyitcm, WADS WORTH'S PtTBB MO- n'M&Uy T v V; tides of tho noor. tho -deiirjda- and advocated cxpendim: tho uijj rAixo'F MV hat reply," tie the farmers ot Mr & It is without auestion the Leading make to the- demand Paint pnthe market, and the most that Mr. Mills bo kept at home?" vor the powerful aud opprcxi tho farmers il ot tber whole country I thinrr that they ghould not have CORNER WATER STREET make to - the innumerable de-uloiio and have left undone every- AND ROANOKE SQUARE mands; of - the various ..trusts? thing that they should havo done. uai rcpiy vm uey inau iu iuu inu cniei cause ui atprt . nun iu CUAClwH i: TIIIl Vi'ASlIINfiTO." 'HUSUMTH. ...:vVi tides ut .the poor, the -uegrjiua- and auvocatcq cxpcnuing ujo ie' asks, 'will tion ;of the poor man's money, money derived tbcrclrom in id Mills', district silver, were heartless and despot- ucating tho children of our com id of the Trust ic discriminations intended to fa- mon country' Four v-.:m n;;o, nnJ nJ riAinA?'' ..M.ln nnnini'nl .! r . - jlm tiniiuut iii f i n ' i.f -1 I ll i ( l','irn The bwo of the monumcr.t ffbatt Iticlf continues to fbow mora markedly a time fry a cu, the-'weight ot tho tremerj.'.ms haft nb.'vo it. Tlio mc;ilni: cd.'cs ot tho hu;:o marbla b!o-.-k? are spliltbu' And crunildin n..i int. tna!l yiL i, end am sensed, rcarred end crJc!;cd by th c"r?r inons . pre !iro npati Ilcd. 'i bri'Ugb 1!k :o crevr: m V, j it cntr :!icr foreign m :tt r i:di:kto:;, ::. r. I NO- I, ROSSRSOiW f- i , V - r ; liniquitous demands of the Ro-i money '.matters i thu rc:ult of 'jN0R'?0LI?j VAf J publican party, w'bicb, .through. Radical legislation which Mr. having in tho preceding (wo vcan become 'Kiddcnly cud vlof.ntly 9 virtuous, it solemnly rcrojwd, in titite Convention tb.it all -internal t;:: by thu f, Jk' J I U w 1.1. -'' i It 'Vm-1 ! penctrati- J, t.-'. Jdnt :!'.') t:;v'Vl tl Vi'b ether tlii" rn y;i !i i r .vill crcr:!r: !!" i: olt!: -' .h;Al i i i i i j In HAC :ir': ,".h' 9 1 t rijnu'ui I r u n k i i 1 t . ! I