9 t " - r 7. ' - ' . .. ' - - 1 ' It . - rt. C., WEDNESDAY VOL. IV N TipSQRi BERTIE MuriTY ; JNO. W. WOOD. ATTORNEY AND .MDRSEUOB AT 6xi LEWISTON, K. C. - Practices bounties. in Bertie and . adjoining n9 6m AYILLIAfJS HOUSE, lewistonn. c.; ":: J. G. .WILLI AMS,Prop. -v? Travelers accommodated at low rateV: Tablpupplied with the best the market S CS"Cohve varices furnished oii" appii auouu PUB HPS DRUG EMPORIUM, WlJNiSOK, N. C. Where IjrfiiiITTiaints, rThTTrr ri71e TVi.:.4 C. JI- Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per fumery, ;& Fishing. Tackle., ; 'K John F-..8tratton,8rMusical:''Ins meats and Strings. Robert Buist's Field and Garden Seed: Full line of Fine Stationery always on toaDd- fel8tfn BR. F. D. STEVENS, SURGEON DENJTIST, WINDSOR, N. O Tee'th extracted without pain. Filling partly decaped teeth a special ty. All work warranted. BEO. I0. SIMPSON i WINDSOR, N. C, CITY MARKET. CANNED GOODS, CONFECTION ARIES, GROCERIES, SUGARS, - . . , COFFEES, TEAS, etc. The maa I wed.n the youni ghV'said, "Must be a noble cavalW. ' , - Fit for romance, with shlefd and .lance, -.jtx noble heart, devoid of fear. . . " " '-'V. ? ; r A year or two, that quickly flew, . Had changed the maiden's will in pat t VTheman I wed,J thtfliipe she said Mus t be ixjarof loving' heart " " " Her beauty grew.. Wjen sought tp wob And win the way wardlittle witch; -She tossed her head, and prondltrsaid iue man i marry must be rich.' "She scorned the true hearts at her feet, Her heart: was steeled; she would not yield, f . The dream of wealth was all too sweet: So time sped on. Her youth had zone. And still her maiden hand wasfr ' She hung her head at last and said: ' L wonder wh will marry me?' receiTintr rennrta Am iuj--.i- ofiicerg of the'gchcdl i jstcm. - Miuats ; ana uarpot ; bnera cursed fhft Inr, : iSEPTELIBER 12,1 888. OuOt of bonds that w6to tceo tab: no. 3. . . ' UU to.tcall, pajabfe-at a xej dai in years to-comedo' that there aro , r ..-w miwi u cm DOiloaacr.ant? hrtnJrffhiif : d rur eminent h:it.ai-r(riitrt f,ii zn 1a W a their face ralne, and to jrot EDUCATION. PHOiOORAPH GALIJERY Up stairs; where I am prepared to luke pictures of all kinds and sizes at low rates and of first class order. . ra30 ATTENTION FARMERS !.V. INDIAN WOOD WHEEL FACTORY T am now lYmnnfaphiM'tnTporf WlJn , ... Mw.iKvmuuig VW , JljUSU,1". ri i rm ift. ?ii Tint 1 JsrnVrj& -fTArw o?Wr lers which, I will sell from 3.50 to $5.25 ler pair 01 wneeis. a discount will be . allowed if as many as ten pairs are tafc en by one - iMirty. All work warranted. Special terms ti Coachmakers. Ship- jurms r . j. d., ai uomot lamimg on JUo vnoke river. . . . - - Address P. RASCOE, augl012m. Windsor, N. C. TONSORI AL ARTIST, VT. H. LEIGH Has recently had his shop fitted up in ttirst rlnSR si vlw fnr fhp rnvaniono ft J w w.v VW1VU1VUVD , V vpatrons. Shaving, haircutting and sham pooing done in the most artistic manner. Will V. of oV. i ii uo ui oiiv iium .ov w U. 111., UUU urom iu a. m. u p. m. noU tin T.H.ALEXANDER, .ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND SOLICITOR OF Patents, C07 7th Street, WASHINGTON, 1). C. (established 1857.) rForeign patents procured, Caveats, Trade Marks and Labels registered. Expert examinations made, and opin ions relating to lninngements, validity And scope of patents given. Send for my circular and mention this paper. JDR. V. A. WALKE. J. N. WILLIAMS. I'ALKECi I'llLIAf.tS, . DEALERS IF ' DRUGS, PAIKTS OILS, li WADS WORTH'S PURE LIQ UID PAINTS" It is without question the Leading J aint on the market, , and the most economical. I . . CORNER WATER STREET AI) ROANOKE SQUARE, m 'NORFOLK, VA, The men who founded our State government were renr crjeat men The Constitution framed bv them wag a monument of stesmanshin. C30irise was it in its creneral I o scope, so admirably compacted in all its parts, that it existed tin- cnanged for more than half a r.n tury, from 1776 ta 1835. Then, ana m 1854, it underwent some modificationr in a few particulars and remained until 1868, The scheme of education was more comDrehenstre. than, ithai contained in the Constitution of Wlv. y imo iun Qtaiea. J? etr of iucbo vuauiQuons contained any provision for education. In the Constiution! of. North: Carolina was to be; found this provision: "AlLuseful learning hall be. en, couraged and promoted in onctr more . Universities. V -.Bat the frameri'of bur Constiinh that a cpmmohwiialthreTnds' the manner in .which the duties of us nigner omces are discharged, uut equally upon the manher in which those offices are filled to which any citizen, mav f i v moment be calledae raaeistrate. Biierms, eic; Ana tnose which are devolved upon every citizen bv .u iiiere iaci or citizenship, as jurymen, etc. The d interest of all was to be nrnvirTArl tor. It Was therefor nrrlninnl DEMOCRACY INTElt AL UEv! tho'tp inltt has td pai , whafe?ej ' ENUE. ' "T. bonus thn hnnr1,.t Vff The answer of cW J SiVSoose to a,k toromo . .Vrw uMwlM,,!U1 ior bond cat intr Vongress, both iri the 'Senate nmt onlv torSlOOO, r nL-ht l?a?e ;9 .Representatives, ?n. Kinit it;ngbt : to ,l?ay that lHTesponw to the iUstruciona; of , , fffl'P m f: ! the. Legislature, and to the' utter. J??Il&?kW ances oftheir p.rVjafltatoCasf JKSh: ,W YmUons'iissembled in, the matter ncs on everv bond; fri,?.: of internal revenoe, has ; been ?nd benificeut, f .The. IVciuTcrit both.persistent and unmistakable, V - ;-K0at 0w" ths . ::Year after wSMftvCMBj. jVoIonel Dockery aud his nartv efforts to hlTva 701 repreeentativei trnrt ml,i. lThe P.idcnt ..ays. in teolv States w?ro hotdJOT iepue .tueir persistent ad vdcacr ,i . v vongrcw baa it, .eason and out of .eaadD of hi' p" T-8 to.cot measures calcnlatnd to ffn ,fa- .Congreis .has said that pcopl. relief in these X DO,ulJ.W -J bought at a pre- system remains, a !a,tIUff meSen- Th- th5a bo" to ot the time when the ttcpnoH. SihVn it ii .nf H0-Mc "P? cans put the law on' the statue ! ok. - -vvp wuuy irom gemng tight In the matter of U. aPlbnWnff on a panic." have accomplished much. Onlv L Z Ie.ve,?aDdfona the Domoct uu ruV atierjartv inula!: tfinf TircEnr or miss.- ..Dob Tncsrsothenoriuljaodrt.i WINSTON i U II.LIAV-; 0. wi.vio.f. a fe years' ago the Federal al,eP""7"it.tbat the true rem. CWts used- to be crowded with !ff " ? t0 coll.ectjB much defendants, dragged from their fr,om "he. Ppop'o sorely to homes because oTsomoXged in. Kf,l'il,lrtl, ,)? it.to. bondhold fraction of the tnhr t,. "P8! wttout anr consideration crowds of witnesses also !Z SSg'S? Vto, .-,ho P??r'v uThe, compelled to freqent the cou,U 8t ,th,at ,f P"""''. hU Pelicj from all ovgr the distnet. ' ? ,dotr7 ih Prosperity of.the Men were arrfp,l ft,. i,iAu'-j. P0P'. And that makes tjd tho ing tobacco, and infamous spies l!"0""00 Ao Democrat and infested the land," ready tow22 th,?"Pt'''can. Which.is ncbtt away the liberty of men. TTit- ' -:- ' T.nnrAJmV- ; -i nesses were detained day after - ! .VHf? : 4K ' "ku v oat 11 the record of tho Ibid "wwwjucu rcre ocincr tried I it ? i. i: : and the miserkhl VJ the matter .or.pnW, sneaking around, tboJcontempti- rff cdcaUon-in Xanh Carolina me to be believed by 0!iy"honost hndJ'howWW it comparo with part of the same Constitution that "schools shall be eahihlial, tor, the convenient instruction of youtn with such salaries to the masters, paid by the public, as way euame inem to instruct at low Drices gn obedience to the first injunc- uuu, h university was tounded. urom small sDeginnings it at tained larere orosDentvi at th v ginning of the war the number of uo uiuuenis was nearly ouu. A large majority of those who hart won renown in the servinn of tvo btate. whether noon thA Sfnfo l National theatre, had 'been trained mere, v ery many or the illus trious men of other St had been trained there. Fulfil liner the second irnnnrtinn a system of common schools wa in time, and after manv fltmorrloo established, and from 1852 to 1861 our educational projErres3 at- tiauicu general attention and ad miration. In th ceding the war, in large measure owing to the influence of the pub lic schools, emigration nearly provement felt a new and steady imDul8e. Our coll ft C A A Worn w 1 ' . ' VI V doubled,, the number of pupils in each more than don h i Arl ; . tw.j mum u & u schools and academies were quad-v rupiea. yur people were aade n tucii uwu kJlulC, UUU ove and Dride followprl tnnwiri.ro of it ; The common schools, un der God, made the bone and sin ew, the soldiers, lieutenants, cans tains, coioneis or tnat great array which made North Carolina glo rious in the late war. A fund of two millions of dollars h ad hAn accumulated, and with the income from it, supplemented by taxa tion, the schools had so prospered that thet were kept onen even during all fthe ifloomv ne w ... u the war. and when Gen Aral .Tnhn fitOH W&8 nePOtiatinor hR turron , , ro o der the State Superintendent was ry 3But rrad tivej inft)o modified an despicable scenes hp.wn common, and eventually the worst ..-uiuics vi me internal revenue system in regard to the tobacco tax were abolished. For this the people of North Carolina have to tinuiw tiur ntiriu Carolina Demo CTiltie.ConerWsinen an. I RiM.fn. By their constant extrtions they succeeded in having the law so changed that very man f who raised tobacco could sell it like other property. But that is not all: the tax ha he duccd, and during tho present W1 vuugrtj!?8 ic oas oeen repealed by the Mills bill so far "a L"a xwmocrauc jiouso could repeat: it, except as to the tax on ana vcigarettes. Tho lux', ury of the rich men is still taxed, but those items do not araouut to much, and we may say iu general terms that the entire revenue sypl tern, in regard to tobacco; has been wiped trom the HtatntA hAw so far as the Democratic Housd couia act. - j ; If our Democratic Renrpfl pntn. tives had never accomnliahl anything else they "deserve the thanks of our entire people "for what; they have done. Remem ber h0W a few Vearfl uhnrlr ti people were harassed because of this matter -uuv ova them today free from alf causes of irritation and annovunnAMn gard to it. Such ja one of the ro suits of Democrntin wnrL- Tmi ye shall know a' tree by its fruits. RADICAL FEDERAL FIN ANCIEIS- About $10,000,000 over and and above the needs of the ebv- ernmeut is collected and paid in M. ""Vt -'"i ". ..." . to tne treasury at wasningtoa-cv-eynnonth. . And why is all this monev col- lectd? It is collected because the Republicans laid the, taxes, way pacK yonaer to enrich the North ern bond holders and other fav orites, and persistently tefusedi to reduce them or td repeal them: : . . muu nuji iB ih umu out ' as neretotorer in wnw fViA ........ & the gloomy period of got it out tormely was by calling -. aim paying mem dollar for dollar. Buti the Republican in 1877 made . about $100,000, party loot charge the public schools,- they wro wvjvsiv vuuipanson. lno school housos wcro !a a stato of decay and ruin. Tho- iucompc tency of the teachers was pro verbial; Thsre were ho Graded Schools; not"; & -Public Normal chool; no Countv Teacher In stitutes; no Couiity Superintend- ( , Practical earnest, capable,com Idou sene snperiutemlentf; Qov irnors thoroughly in eamcit m tjhe cause of educating tho people T-notouly as the Stiitn'ft'i? the people, but as the moat eilc tent agency of State development ioard of Education have changed all; that Much, doubtlesa. ire- at once invented and perfected. 9ar Stat0 ia not an exception to wo tuiu. i ma mrjit nn fore the benefiti urn fnllV-if w. - - - iviu iVl thA nrrwoA Al..ts. J of tears with Vach Yet it must bo seen that a system has -been establish'ed which, if uuiy loscerea and wisely admin- V - . . . "m Willie uuujo uciuru many years have elapsed, tho blessings of educa vvr witijr LUUU to IUO DOUnCS tne oiaie. This subiect of nonnlar rWn. tion is Derhana thA ont: involved in the political struggle now agitating tho State, and -WO shall refer fn if ;n La ogam before tho campaign cloaes. On a subject so momotous mis takes must be carofnlir hat tt would be a fatal mistake y permit tue coiroi ot tne State government to , pass once more into the hands of tho Ronnhlirti party a simple recital of facta : ta- Kcir irom tue puDiicrecordj, opeu to the exfimiuation of cn; will make very plain indeed. i?u uucit .jor tne present. The 1'simple re6ital of fnrta made hereaitor. Let evory man . 441 uu viuo ui cuuca tion exammo the fecoixl fnV him. self and make up his own mind. "-HMfI, T-TH sr Wfit? : friend.' and " "GTo worst, eriemy; cud -w 0 1 aT0' r03. derfollv strnel- wJff. . teLi: KI of! rit f . rcu on enemy tol noaghv to-induce thn tbow Who cld bo -heart , bj Rr:n It WOOM IrafmiV frz r.t M , v wiiaq loaf iiie last.veitfft nf drunkard shall come to mveitr doubt It imporcriahet tberwr it crarcs the mind; it blunt the uucnuiuung, and ruijs ihi intellect; it impoTcriihr. land and I borne; it robs the wife and child I U4 .j c.aj uuntt out of th SOUu and at lft t .t soul and Imil t .i...- FUH;0uajent. MHIjons both cn earth and in belt ViU .:r- iruiuiumcM or tbcie deplora bio and heart rending facfr.cauied iJ V ol intemperance. The drunkard's Afr.ifahard h?.r n'7u,7 -roadrfora to heil: for God h. ;r.t ?4 drunkard? shalPinhcrit 'the'kin aom of hcAnfi. : Lf elf.mnrdcrer; and God fcay. Takoitallln a Lit .i moit complete and surett ways of . M.u4s wu,iym una oody.' T.el truly wttewiljarow it, and none .iwy ,wiU. iau victims to it enrsa It is ind?d one of th moat, .deitrnctir : weapons that Hail- :-oe rdtsg--poof "iooTi dnrrn. to bell. , But the saddest picture in life, u the one in which a man, after, leading his lovin tni.tin-bride to the matrimonii nn there pledging, before ??V vfl,ntI man that be-will be a faithful husband unto her so Ion' as tley both ihaltjire, and yet alai! allows, thfs de:idly enomy, intemprrarjco, to caoto him to break that solemn tiled is seen com? into tho .Ti,(?m has promiieil to love,, and protect, with facr auiheil with satanie fire, iid mad fenfd tvith hatred and rv-vrn-e;. and .home, .which nlionld uo !1B nwceiesi spotioo tartb, ii sad to say, robbed of all its pcac. And tho troldon stirnh;n r and joy which Htavcn sent upon the happy inmates, who once bid h,r a peaceful voyage over the soa of life, is all taken away by the arch Cond intemperanctx. Oh, man! koowest thou not that for ail theto .thing God wil surely bring tho intaljadgmcnt? Yonaikme, VJit, tor late to reform!" , Nof God promises ar tn graco to the,worat of - sinnera who will torn from their wicked way, jou ask me. ! It soon to avoid tho fatal, effucci of Iron- dnnk!7.No, for let trs near the Lord. who.KAr Tnn,h uot, laSiQnoi. nandlA not n unclean thinV ''.laAn t'YV,T-i in Potecasi Patron. t " c JTTMXEy-AT'tA&. .... .n:::r:.;VJc .::AnQR.vAT'iAn - . .'.TV- K -- -:e.i:j. rt . IA20CXS, 4 LJl TOBACCO A CIGAIIS, v:..i :;d GOODS, L.U:i). B A COS, - - CAKDIK?. f WINDTOIN.C rv AXAfA'MSlSrAM, vi.trvro-, y. rncmlal ti-,.a o;..f. - r-imv Extended obserrnfint.a t P..4. m . - - w A Mill and at Munich. indicata that ih depends oa the amount of wafer contained in tha cmnn.i tk ? ea! I" .thcra, fjas boca n iru qaauiiy- oi ground water . , - vwiu situ healthiest, while thrnm In thereby been a smalfer qnaniit? iave invanaoiyoccn the unhealth .cat. ...... . VAU the Uto savin ir stallons ! on ;he Atlantic Coast ot Lone Inland lire tb bo connected with ekch ft telephone, t and 4hoo lltolatcd from thn, rniirt . In1 H? be connected by tetcphoTio'or T v o . vvu vijc nearest village A novel means of destrovinr catcrpiltara end other animated Ijeiua oi irecs ana tnrubbery in the iuiCO Of tho IcarM anrl fm of tomato plants. Boil tho leave aid stem of the tomato nnil! tT jatce has been extracted and pour this npou thoafilicteti thrabs and treei. : - - . ....., -t 1 1 On the Lehigh Valley ILtiiroad. at Glen Onoko, Penn.,tbcre is a sitch connection con listing of i era pipe whch exlondi IZfc fest front tho p3int where it i$ . fK te W t !.e mu- v f : t e f i . ... i. r . t ; V00DAHD HOUSE AV- L. HaScRSOt;, PflOP, arid co..rr.n -r fTm.'ied rfja J ILVC- AT T7TAT::. AND Hr.;..M:?.t-, on t3rr- tr ctery Tee i i : 1 1 1 'M t r. rr.t 5. ft -CL ( I r -3 troit.! ! .. - w i ! r . - ! racC3lfa

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