wu ' - -rn" ... .r-.-: " ... - . . . ' . V 3 Ac1 " f TldOB.OHK.M!ffl VOL. IV. Practices in Bertie and adjo ning counties. - n9 6m VILUAAfS HQ US E9 X G. WILLIAMS, Prop ! Travelers accommodated aiI6wvifttea. VT&bi supplied with tlie7 best the niarket affords. - ' : ' '.-1 ' I JBSonYeYances furnished on; applK 'tion. ' N;-v w--an3tfn Wen's. DRUGyEURORlUAf, WINDSOH, U. C. .Where you can find choice" Paints, Dnigs and OUs Dirsts' Simdries, j JflEavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per- j fuinery, & Pishing Tackle. . John F v Stratum's Musical Instru ments and Strings. , . - llobert Jluisfs Field and Garden Seed. Full line of Fine Stationery always on nand. - , fel8 tin - BB. F. D- STEVEKS, 22 s ... ... -is SURGEON- , WINDSOK, X. C -" v Teeth extracted without pain. ' Filling partly decaped teeth a special ly, ah worK warranted. j i GEO. 17. SIMPSON; I CITY MARKET, OA1NKED GOODS, 1 COKFEOTIONABIES, GROCERIES, SUGARS, 3JEATS,: : - COFFEES, . TEAS, etc r IPHOTOGBAPn GALLERY Up stairs, where ... I , am5 .prepared tOr tcke pictures of all kiuds and sizes at low rates aud of first class order. m30 ATTENTION tFARMEKS ! - IN ill AX WOOD WHEEL FAC TOUX I am now manufacturing Cart Wheels, Khns, nrls and Spokes firom native tira- tiers which I will sell from $3.0 to r jxair of wheels. A disctiuut will be allowed if as many as tea iirs are , tak- a by one jsirty. A Uwoik warranted. Medbil terms to Coachinakers. hip . nts F. O. B., at Coniot landing on :&inoke river. 'fT: " 'v-i ' O , . Z'-1 I Address F-B ASCOE, auglO 12m. - Windsor. N. C. TOKSOIUAL ARTIST; f " '. .":h"xeigh,; ! Has recently had his shop fitted up in 5rst class style for the coveniente of patrons." Shaving, fcaircuitSng and sham pooing done in the most artistic manner. Will be at shop from 7-30 to 9 a.m., and from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. , - ; no2tfh T. H. ALEXANDER, ATTOKNEY-AT-I.AW ' SOLICITOR OF AND Patents, C07 7th Street, WASUDfGTOX, 1- C. : , I (KSTABUSHKD 1857.) Foreign patents procured, Caveats, Trade Marks and Labels registered. Expert examinations made, and opin ions relating to mfrmgements, validity and scope of patents given. Send for my circular and mention this paper. . DR. F. A- WALKE. J. ST. WTf.T.TAUS. DRUGS, ' PAlHfi . c . ... ...... OILS, WADS WORTH'S PURE LIQ- . UID PAINTS" ft is without question the Ijjading "Paint on the" market. . and the most ccbuomical. - - t . : - CORNER WATER STREET AND ROANOEE SQUARE, i NORFOLK, VAr WINDSOR; BERTIE COUNTY1 II C ' A MISTAKE A little cloud. xne sinrimer day; . j 5 While roingo'er thip sky so blue, Began to scowl and pout and say -Olv dear! whai.is:Uier4 Tcan do?" An old man stood, wiUi hoe in. hand, tn tattered clothing, all fvirlom file seemed at work upon tlie land. uIIa! ha! V the cloudlet laughed and said, 4N6w, here's a cliauce tk have some tuns 4- V - I'll rain upon yoUr,hoai nead, My ancient mend, and make you run.1 But thoush the cloud rained C hard and The farmer wouldn't budge a biV- Till in a pet the cloud at last vf Cried out, I never saw 'such gril!H . - Because the fanner wouldif? scare, It sulked and frowned the livelong day. ITow could it know the fktire tJiern , i A X as just to keep the crows away? PBOCEEDIXGS OF THE BOAllD OF CX)TJXTY COMMISSIOHEBS- The Board met at .10 a. ru. Members present f. G. JTreeman, chairman; Wi A! Capehart, A.J. Donning, Pefer Rascoe and J. B. Miuutes of last meeting read and approved." 1 V,- -- -t Ordered that T R Ward be and ho is hereby .relieved'. from the payment of poll tax for 1888 on account of infirmities,! . Ordered Uiat the valne of W T Slug's store be reduced from $800 to $300. V j s .iWhereaaa petition from the citizens. of "Coleraine township asking for a new road f-an there being some i opposi tion to . the pame ,the 'petition isj herebyre ferred to the snperyisiors of the public roads for Coleraine town shipj who will examine the same and. report at the November 1888 mtetinr of said-Bttanl. The Standard Keeper is hereby authorized to use one of the closts under .the stairways for, the safe keeping of his weights aud meas ' The following accounts were ordered towit: :?-,-j' ' y C M;Roberts standard, weights and measurer I, - 121 15 f li n Gill & Co luniber-1 J ; t for bijdve - . . j ArJqnes cleaning lap court house up 6tairs ) W L Lyon ! stove for Sheriff's office ; E W Pogh MD medn ical services for G Bond . . Juq WWynns repairs on New Bridge j . W SGurley MDme! ical attention to prison cr. in jaii.f5:ii-,4.--sp-tf BL J Godwin jail ex penses I . v 4- Sol Cherry Jr.; serving" notice on 50 poll holders Asa Sauderlin moving CSC aud Register j of Deeds office J j ; J M Phelps lumber, for. bridge ' ; v T'- ' Valentine & Pritchard repairing two chairs for county : y't.r. . j .-: Geo E ITeates itimrier for Maple bridge j Thos Peebles hauling 17 86 2 00 iooo 6 50 2 50 53 50 30 00 6 00 11 93 65 1 00 130 three tons of ' coal for ooacty v v.y:y i'-: :.- ;i Str Currituck freight on three tons of coal t etc b 00 j J Jatocka stove for court hbuse I tor r- 12 53 JSMizell lumber wiflrf VinnaA fftnfifl - 12 41 Daniel - isobbius con- veying prisoner to jail 2 10 Alary Hams help out- side poor house 200 3 00 Pete Nicholls same Geo Brewer i- . 5 00 5 00 2 00 Biddy Pugh . - " j 2 00 T J lleckstall for old - oraers tnis aay canceiieu.s v r and destroyed :; x I il,P57.40 - - a ! The following persons are hereby granted permissiOii to sell spirituous and malt liquors :upou Harrell, Wm If Mintbu and W Burden. - . owiAd ihkt TT -T Godwin d hn is herebv atiDOintcd the payment Ot the legal taxes, pects to be beaten wiin a reguiai- vcdtci oy a Frcfichman. In place of tho utual penauidm, the hands keeper of the court! house audi In Itcw York the Uhineso tarn a.a i ', . r t . that hi e sua I be.nllowcd ?50 au-.ny iioally for the samel , It is hereby ordered thatJ v B Stokea take' immediate "steps to enclose the stairwr.ya in tho court house and that J the said 1 Stokes "vith the assistance otW L Xyon I TT tn -W-- .1 and H W Lyon select , alt nccea- aary siores tor the. court house and order the same. V8t Jtton mandfactared by covenuff'co the Acme Company of this city1 meets with favort everywhere. ; In JSavauuaa, wtiere it was Ualea -i ' , ... v .. . . - the other day, cotton factors were mioch pleased with it. The Kews or that Jcity says it solves tho question of a substitnte for jute in X . - , the opinion of miuv. and adds: i learned, red iuk not showing to very. good advautage on it. It is stronger thaii jute bagging, and it is said tOtrK)ssess every desira- bie. quality of jute bagging. As LaabUn stated; Iboftmcr may soli the jute biKging oo a bale of cotton ataprofit of 36 cents, even ichBn h n.n--tA .t. . f. ; i v .ij l. It. tt .,iK. r same k uuiU4wt Ul tdlUS VJk U1UU I : On motirtn the Roard ndinnmnrl I ".muj, vigrfc, -iiiuauanu, prescnta an ; in : w : : V J'P' On such an occaaio ; ahe pin strati as of jute bjggirig to cbverMV TZJluil . ' 1 T a ba.e-thaJt six" The l.i11 ?J? K pine straw baegiug, it taid.wonld 7n nlT. : , . i cjst abont G centa a yard, or 3S LHM M 'V cents for cnoosh to i-over a bale. tIS , : It wonld '. wiih a fraction oyer ""f a. . ....j : . can tty to Bine, bat if it is at alt tbeVfa?rpaidf;7k:- n n11 South uould bo dtiiircd to rnuterinl it nntrl.t t l.ii fMt even if in iU- manufactured Vtate it ,h, old cost as much as -jute bagging at preWnt prices. J . It woTld H,e - bp a new and vast indnstrv in the S.intlL- : Au eucourajiins .rorrl l.ocrnr.... ,o tl, ' 1 1 . C ..a. ' : J I nwua,a OUV.U LV. 114 eration connected Vvitl, it U tbat .'ft 'p, vii - - mff to relieve Uie restraint when the - tne aavantago ortne WfnicK, and - , , ' :V ' Ul.is'.ly, tby W6o!d boatboasand the doption : of ; thb.. bd?ginE fjj j Wl,iUiin was invented i i liaici tMct Tbeo bo tronld keep a rfciy great sori of fu!? " " 5 .:JT , Iail,J taV TliiV pla'iiced nnl money in t'heSomh that now goci don t need r?! outol it; It wonMsccm that if TO. ,n E.ul. H -SSnY,i ' m! I i .ineJ a, aatUfnct-ry Ih, can be 5? J?! ft!.?Vff.f S lf, lDiJA&i mtMnI i ri?rt ttfl. ..'nJnJnolM that Jews donif histle . i -rr-r .t a DUUCAi. JLJ1 IUIUI U IUCV UilTUI mous orofitiandthe attitude of rnol - . . -. .i ; r-- - . v lmeresiea in ine trust, in wnicn ood deal Of groWIiUg against the trust is done, and in which an attempt is made to convince ; the rarmera mat tney naa Detter sncici to jute bamg. is the trust be- cominsr uucasTi wumincwni w " -w vwm a w Star. A MONGOLIAN DAME. The moment she marries the . . juuuuuau u..u,o. property of her husband a little more so than they do in America, has tho nnTilarroa- .11 husbands the world over, to chide, ' 'I X- ; .r o- scold and chatise her for her faults, and they assert that, m the press add. people has . caused P4?SVJ.?-.. " tIMto no concern. . Wo notice in ") .W,1? a very, recent rihtnber of the ffew goloEhpiaetboat 1 o clcjck n,io..- nn. : i, ,w in tho morning, who whistle "II cases of grave crime: he has thelth&t ancient raho which liTed in 1 light to kill her In his punish- ttip.nt h( mav nnt her on rhat vet jrOuId call bread and water diet, j x . r keep her locked up in a' bedroom; closetj or cellar; or t her with; I l . txfem Knn wv4 " this respect thb i Chinese law uu uouu vi ,wutuw xwa jlu almost a iacsimiie oi me common law which prevailed in England and thii country unUl aoout 1863, and which allowed the husbarid i...i. r- is l "j - r il hit. i to - correci , uis who wiui .too 1 clinched hand or a light rod but I not with "the clinched . list nor a I club:" " Under "this custom ; the I average almond eyed wornan ex.- D of English -navies" regards the j omission Of corporal punishment ing m a cnarn, uwenu o.i wmcu -be as a sure evidence oUoss of as love. :f - . . " - OUB MOTO: DIKUKT JdON DltdlT. - -ij , i . ' - . VJ.EDWESDATJ lire in thd hmn .flt hn',i,T. incr&3tbat)ri which tha nater fnm Hies d6ea hosihesa. , To the wifo is allotted enc; ijid orthrce rooms, according jtb hia wcidtlu .' From thcso Uio practically hcVer' atiral Either - her boa&ahd or acruut doea all Ihq marketing and fcboo- mn sr.. - Still wnw, .0v C " m 9 Ui U U V IIUV thtj timats n tho visitor - bows . i cpcated!y,i ! kha fees lha dsnal Mefcotvhel" -rcrhaki rnhhiit-'-thn beidth ofchQrsol' . family; icoasio ad friends, and departs without " ."T - " , .T wnere is tqe American who conld do that? . T' " : !, ( -- ' v ' i. ; REASON WUY 21EN - WRESTLE. I rrrv;' ... " . ": .' : i Whistling was invented to cive 1 .i4 ..P. in man Hhtniui m & . . a the other noises in ereationl 1 The iUier noises in nature are all at tuned to the character of tho artl cie that produces rthcmV "1 The h'reeio makes iU genUof sigh, tho u.!r ftW 'ar5'"1. tho th ?d. lts- f" Slxt A h worid.oicept miai when ho was alone. A man can't talk1 to him- M"; idiotic, althouirh it is 4 U ' Li '- ' . I r ' t". V, rV1 "T, vvc" .u,cJr l Ui yii.cr u nunimii " U?luVW l cr;- .."V. ml,n "4 solitary ;s ate he.. WF ;f!tlo ho iaS rg uuu.hu! ...u n u..yf ..u i cuiici u very truvu iciiuit ur, euner a verv ijooii ieiiow Xry IC1IUW, XflU OU VVCr raueni iudy naven i iror. rauini . fT?K- ' a. 1 04 in their - own busiuesa they I Darts, takes tho bakerv ai - OITAN ANCIENT RACE, i .".. . . . v, cxplbhitibna ib Spain by lKi -, . .- T.rr,fe: T , rr. n n ri n - aT n r a vi u I I T 1 air n t 't . v "fc race bavo j been louna in rrrcat Abundance rabfflrii from the stone I A At.-a. r 1 I .1 4 1 ' w ! , i I ThrtQA tivtn- A nnnftn tnhirnMn lint oulv in stones, nravca ana ccii: I but also in gfeatjarsbi burnt clay. I accompanied by pieces of xittcry and other articles of value. This I r -i : ' 1 lorm J'J! uumi. " T was rl anH avnfnrilna hatrn 'rinnn r5 rT-. t- nn,. rclica are subDOsed to . belonxr to iuuuuituiu upu au a. v u. aiibov jEaropo previous to Arvan imini- I Jtm Y..'k i iiiouuu. uiu lauuua - m nuviu va Wh i irnown Theriina: Pel- aaknalLipunans. etc.: according tothe country ih which they iivetl; '. .''.'--. is Udorhedwith silver andgotdbrnti Nflvprai RVrf,i pinna rrr.rQ - innmi mcnts: Ouo of the moat rcmark- UbleTeUcs is a fetualo ekull cucir- cied by a baild of jrer, to which :a ; attached a thin . nlato of the i . . . - same metal: A NOISUaKSS clock: A noiseless clock has been in i u c3iiii mi iivi. ajju iuuu WU21M j : : aro BCl .in mo"? ,UJ,ul0ru.nlru; his 13 issicncu ao a uuoy uoaung in iianKoi umu., uum .1 . -a- . - I ai a unuura raiu, and can -t f BENJ. 1L BWAIN, . i OCTOBER 10,1080. utilired to food a lamp Wick; thns giving tho apparatus tho dootlo character of a clock and a limp. vfh?n.tbo, lamp ii lighted the nccc?arjr diminution of liquid takes placo by harnio, at other tiraea by care lull y regulated drop plng:. Homo Journal. " -ac- AN KGUSIN I WOUA2T. I bepme intertttcd fn the 'con versation of , the Joan-; Boston man and" the naughty. KngHahi woman who aat bcaido hini. Tlic Roitoh man had gioVn plain tiVe. "What always ttrikes me," he said, tboughti ally, as. ho. tamed his handsome and boyUh .face to- it is the coldness and apathy of KngtUh ladies." '. .... Ueally.Eaid the cirl, looking into tha Rtonianybi eyes with a stony stare, in which there W&4 joat a trace of admiration. -.'I forgot to say thattho young stcr i a tremendous rnashcit on both ; sides "of tho water, and what it more importaot a thoi oughly pood iTcllow at tliat. Ycs, ho said, -it takes ycani and years; for in j American to find out whether an Rnelishwo man likes him or not. Yoafor instance,4 though I liavo riown yon for a year, met yo& twuuty or thirty. times, slopped at yoar hou?4 and al that, ynd still talk to , mo ' about , itie tber, and look at mo with tKe air 6 a ooun toFa ; cxaininTtig; tiio points of a fox hound tur whicli eltb haa no sort of adrniraiioii( . "It's stjch a .sbijlly tbinj," said the feirL with Jntt a trace of a caretislu'r I r look in her ctm, "to t- r i - - rfU- i a. fechna. Then she ihow oub bIns!ieL Well, if Kog.'uh women," eaid tho youngster; beaming back at Ucr lowulr. Hrcrc a iulo tnore litdACTV IN S.VN FUACISCO. . Tho most beaatSful woman In ii Krxiicico at 23 looks Iiko m All bcr'umturil charms hare beep enhanced 2 ;y a sensible ife and diet, as a result of wh.ch hnhna i t rt ill Bin fillfl 1 IL'- hod.!. Sho indulges Jn a sponge JSlTSt; xSZl l V .i'-." . . I rTTl at wwxt noljoc. Wort rcxr-i-batb.cYcrj dajtu toartieolar about ir lnwoaasoiicitM. . frt: IDC TCDUUUUnui uct juuiua .. .-' i v ' L .1 i a bnak fbur-milo"wl cVery.day . - ' alter lunco; ana ' corac3 - lick to diuu'er flushed witH health and hunrV -One of her. fails is to drink cofTei, without cream; not! for dekerti hnt with Uie mxjn course in her 'dinneri .winch ii usually a verv substantial repanl. Sho is of course; regular id, her hahUs, and 'U hipbily, married . . Somewhat dilTercnt from this is Uie daily ' routine of one of the niu3l pruuiiucuk suju iroiuut society worded of. Chicago; wh takes nearly all the excrciws she gets in her roam. The major portion of this consists Jo f qoiek a d graceful mbtcmetits of arm and limb; performed before a fine largo j mirror; each i moveraent being performed a soofe of Iimea, until tho whole number (fifteen) ha. rccciTcd duo att mtibn; Then aho "rcsta at which sho is alio an adept, and rises rcirivi go rated. . .' TlIOUGirr IT MUbT UK Tit U EI Mr. Dixcj's iiitio bvo year old daughter wai possessed of a dog with which sho uscxi w aupon herself in the garden; whc.ro la bored a crdcQcr yclept Eooia. One rnorainp her lather wai more astonished . than t etliUca lo near her remark cmpliatloJly to Lcr l,c : .. . . "Well, you are tho damnedest do;r I ever taw.. . . .. .. Fcdiic,"M cried her arnard j a- fent, "tthcrn in tlio tjorh! did j 6a ever hear euch Lnuat! . VWhy; paj' ehe rtion(!Dd, Willi perfect innocence, ho W lie dahincMet "dog "you' ctcr ranr. Ixuia "said eot- c-'id bo ocLt lo knoTT.. n be OWtfUU AM) KDITUl;. K.0.7. K xx. Wi.-mrox. w. u vm.ur..i WILLIAMS, Anci'xvs md CGu:;cEucr,s at D.a V1N.stoN 'ATTORf.'EY'AT'iAVi . . WlMisilt.N.(:. jikxry.p. mum. . 'ATTGRfitY'AT'LAVi E. AIQUN7AIM, ' b.TALsu; u OUOCKtrUlS SUGAltS, i louil irrc. wiiLini;y (tl.VS. wiNi Mm. uir . JACOCXS, - . . ' , -umu tt i.t lUrdwvrw C&tlcrr. Ouitiu Tinware. KAVTk lln- I hxU.U. - I'kujti and 1'aiat Iiaa 0rilaaurrrr o;i,. Oil, A lull wixiyoiuy,c . V.JERmGAt, . J., TOBACCO CIGAIuS, CANNKl) GOODS, iSUtiAIW, LARD. 1IACOX. LMNDIIIV .oak us vnx: . JAUOElSTlFf, LXWtSTOX, ?f. I V a tfl,w. V T T t ITllUUla, It, c. rilcrupp:kd Hi the Lent lite tr- cl JToriU.: d-txrt ami Trvi-T". The ccilr Cnkloc L-vnl-. f.- 'dvomrocuUr l-otri Lt iV tii7 . Hr" r,l -nal, U-4 6ow cat cJown to fw. lW: my rirj the bou I " Ilnratc isJtici room for li.r i t&tmr .... J. IL MOODY; .Tp tfl-::i 1700DARD HOUSE i:bi:.s:T0N, ii. a . - - - wo- baouEnsou, phop. TLu oU &iul veil csLtltlv!ct jaju. U! Tionis iu:asokai:u 'Fimnle room for larr Tint irai coat rym area fum".urfxl wlara HACK AT AU, TUAlN.i AM I'rt-Clav liar aUjifi. imrwytrt! acJ tvU: a i 1 STEAMKi: CUlUIlTL'Ci:. . Iz-atir: Norfolk cti-tt i. - Tl.cr-.'ij. IL !.r. 1 tt ctrry TiUj jui St: ! 1 T AU fr,: -M .m : ! t..i:.i J.J---' - .

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