A "TT"T T'n v't . syz- " vs , l ' . ! .. T'r W liM il OR ii: . HEDGES. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, 1NVABLBLY IN ADVANCE OtFR MOTTO: .DIEtKET MON DROIT. VOL. IV, BEKJ. IL SWAIX, OWNER AND KDITOlc. WINDSOR, BERTIE COUNTY. 7, 1888 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW LEWIS i ON, N.C: Practices in Bertie counties. and oadjo ning n9 6m WILLIAMS HOUSE, LEWISTON, N. C, J. G. WILLIAMS, Prop. ' Travelers accommodated at low rates. .Table supplied with the best the market affords. - , . BSTConveYances furnished on appli-; tbn. . au3tfn PUGWS DRUG EMPORIUM, WINDSOR, N. C. . Where you can find "choice rrarais," Drugs and Oils, Drusists' Sundries; V" I Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, rer I fumery, & Fishing Tackle. 4 John E Stratton's Musical Instm- ! ments and Strings. ! Robert Buist's Field and Garden Seed. 1 Full line of Fine Stationery always on ffcmd. ' " felStfn MASTER AND REAPERS. The master called to'his reaersV - "Make scythe and sickle. kqen; : And bring me the gi ain from tjie uplands, And the grass from trmdiws green: "wui wu wie misi ciaa marsnes, Where the salt waves fret and foam. Ye shall gather the rustling sedges To furnish the harvest home." Tlien the laborers cried: "O master. We will bring the golden grain ' That waves on the windy hillside, - And the tender grass from the plains: But that whictflsprinss on the marshes awfn) than the . beggar in, bis shroud. The m arbies features. . ... , . - . - - - Is dry and harsh and thin. Unlkie the sweet field grasses. do we wan uut snuncniTu. r DR. F. t). STEVENS, SURGEON DENTIST, WINDSOR, N. O Tfieth extracted .without Bain. " Filling : partly decaped teeth a special ty. All work warranted. , GEO. W.SIMPSQNi : WINDSOR, N. C.y CITY MARKET. bANNED GOODS, CONFECTION ARIES; GROCERIES; SUGARS, MEATS, . . COFFEES, TEAS; etc; alsQcontraeteA for .?60:irroVth ot the powerless hand, the, stiffened liq lnforrnUig our read-rs- that he iiiiiua, u;c ,wuu can, coniempiaie these with feelings that 4 .can ... be dennedl These uta the mockery of all oq 1 -hopes and fears, " our fondest lover our fellest hate. Can it be, that we. now .shfink With horror from : thB touch ot that hand which but yesterday wai fondly clapped in ray own, is that tongue whose accents Ven now dwe I. iii our ear, forever claimed in silence. of death? Thee black and heavy eyelids, are they for ever ; Bealed in darkness .The ves vWliOf?e clance no - earthlvi nower . cou ia -r t-t-. 1 - p HO. 8. is . a ? buaibesi iman of tha nM school,, honest;: reliable, and truthful, and that aj a citiSca liia record is above reproach. Lonij may ht'TnrVei ' " - , - i.. - - :a 8U3ficior3.cniiiicTrit.' ' Thatod, superannuated wind bapr f who, rum the Weekly S$r andhcanshimielf- ap editor and ptiblisher .mi a'caibeexi criticii-inft-tbp political, conna. nf W ?&c!??rVe,iaviie.and car itand criticism from1 men of sense, but thd idefif-MJail hirt! Hrpn But the master said:: uO foolikh! -For many a weary day, j Through storm and drought y have bored - .. -Ji r ''- . . For the grain and the fragrant hay. The generou earth is fruitful, And breezes of summer blo w, Where these, in the sun and the dews of heaven, 1 j Have ripened soft and slow,. Spirit .which'-animates- the claj; a farmer ot hU.hog. and coming where:i8 .it now. -Isitwraptw Wett-to eUtt a paper withhe cci. cvflrvjlay lor a week. - The .mclhfxl oOibirati,, - u.w essence offlowerirorn l tU fiit U very simple. Ve'rtuU Uo harden, cut t into Rmall cubes and pat into jiiinU.oCwine. The delicato odor immedntoly transfer Itself from tte'CDZnuftX to the epiritaoui lolvcnt, and such "n etrcnth of perfumo is procured with little ubrq ia. would cost a jrreat deal at a pCrfuracr'8.8. S. K. M. in Chicago Herald. WINSTON 4.WILLIAM8. AIT0RNEY8 AND CC'JNSEUMS AT t.-. : . ..LAW.. ....... fcl?j ttu HrS. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY . : "Up stairs, where L am prepared to t iBke pictures of all kinds and sizes at few rates and of first class order. m30 ) ATTENTION FARMERS i -lblAXXvool) WHEEL FAltORY t aril now manufacturinff Cart Wheels, ? Rims; Hrbs and Spokes from native nm- But out on the wide bleak marsh land Hath never a plough been set, And with rapine and rage of hungry -. waves ." .. - -i;.' The shivering soil is wet. There flower the pale green sedges, And the tides that ebb andj flow, And the biting breath of the ea wind, Are the only care they know. "They haye drunken of bittef waters, , Their food hath been sharjl sea sand, And vei thev have yielded a! harvest Untothe master's hand. So shall ye all, O reapers. Honor them now the more; And garner in gladness, with songs praise, ; I The grass from the. desolate ..shore oe Baria UnderhUl irijUarper's. THE : NATIONAL REP UR LI CAN CONVENTION. AND lio controixed.it; ing Republican "pai er, of . tho Northwestern . States, , cnntloocd the convention . ounaay ruoraingj m;t,,oa A oV,,. nore irom vrecjt w wcus. n a m- previous 10 mo nomination oi sorrows? or is the mysterious type tie tocatoah-Fbr the benefit pf dr. Harrison on i Monday npxntt that linked itith raorta'ity for- the officert of he law we would the nomination of that gentleman ever broken and the remembrance jay that ihis old cuss, who goes because of.. Lis connection with of earthly scenes are they indeed the tame oiDanielf, is about railroads, ; monopolist and lob- to the enfranchised SDirit aa the Pu ars pia,yeuow lacea, long byista; ana among other reasons mornW dream: or the dew unon nosed,' several warta on bis chin, made tho .following arraignment the -early fl- wer? Reflecttons an d; has i game leg. . Ue can, no ol tho convention i.ihowme clear- unnn k.f fkaa aoupii08 inea ior a uozeu mucr v wno conirouca it. inoioi su influence port cannot al way - NIGHT. is felt though their im- eutbriraes. Wedid thiok once lowing great syndicates as given ,t always be expressed, o shooting him, but the cost of by the Inbune were direct y rcj . me loocaca powaer asarea mnro i retentea on me uoor oi me con- d. a Winston, ATTORXEY-AT-LAl', Fractkd In Rrria ft-o sua - ctn felHtfa . Jn.NUY P. PCGlf; ATTORfEY'AT LAVA . U'lVlKiii. v 7 cn.y , - - . OUrc tour ? a. iu. U 5 p. t. tch2 than bis! carcass is worth. De The deepening Bhadows of night troif Fr Press. as she silently approaches and A noWJM ; PEUBERATK REl maj eBucany assumes ner . empire i i c YENGE. over the earth. Star after star nfen ont through the skv until I ' "I wi l . O r J I vention and nnallv decided its result: 1. Jay Gould and tho Wabash rinr, represented by G. M. Dodgo ancfother skillful lobbyists. . 2. The Central pHcihc Stanford you a itory Crocker IlunuiiirtDu rinI with ' - - i w . Tf.t. E. fJOUfflAlt, 6nOCKiilK', SUGAlU. COFFEES, fi.our. j-:tc: - WINI1S, WHISKUES, - GINB. . tobacco; CIGARS. . WlNlOIt.N.C. fctf- JACOCKS, jaai tell iho rrt nrfh nfhnTAn in .thrl. laid M. 'Foster L. Backos. "aboot Creed Iliraraoud at tho bead of ded with gems of rarest -beauty the iraeiiory and reasoniDg power tbo Caliloniin delcgition and iU Wd aappbire briRhtne.sNbw posieesyaor.ooamy fother'. TaTam.. Pa.-Cc Cre-l.t here corner pale Cynthia the .U- farm. The bprie wai in tbo bab- jJobiler crowd! reprcaeutcd by iti yer pair pf wheels W-nHiA- tiaftvi AL worK waiTaniea. " r -. ; . rtloi forme tn C niio.nmjiKers . its F. Oi Bl; at Coniot laniimg on .. aioke river. ; - V A.ldress P. RACOE,.:; auglO 12m. Windsor; N. 0. f TONSOUIAL ARTIST, W.H. LEIGH, EVENING MUSINGS. From the sbace girt island 01 which we stand shaded j with ar bors ot fleecy clouds -dipped ' in Srlds that bers whfcb X will sell froifi,!3iRQ to 5.25 tlie gallery of w ... 1., I rlicr.rtinif will hp I .. . .-: allowe.1 if ns. ninny as tea pairs are tak- gem the coronet of ora npotence . rrom ine siarurea inui 1U borrowed sunbeams pendulous cbandalier o gable sheeted couch slumbers 8catteriim their pelucid empire. nigui wuu ner T , 7 7 nrlnrmlrt. pt. nf Rtnr nau oean orouKni up on our iarra i r- - , - . c.i- OI , Slurs I J ,? r - ,1 i Thn orwf nnfltrhilt mil. andwealth ofli?iM that flo,tV so wu 'vjr ' ""'-"-l a.wnl,Tcl,t0, wU,, C.muccey M. its rennseiitaiive and burn tne heavens trer night'i of azure zone anu coron nrp iiiiiiv miiiiilt iiiKMiHiiv pxiKiiinn i fc."."! . - - - a I rv T 1. ...k'M a. . m a I H till I I 1 I II 1 IIKM I 1J1 lOl I J LA I TbebleKp-ddesirrop.t tftin down. aroun thercouclv;of Pjf1; "c ft? kJ.i',, with P-nator John C; mother caWaiid-.teWstara tber tvnd bull cd lam. .The h.p f;' 1 i rl? f Wi .con to watch Uer sluriibW.: May.wQ never sbowed'the sligljtcsVsi ol "e i'i it? i ! Zl .'!, .v ' inMAnt :n Ann...i.n hm Pin-.deleirattuu in iU ititcrcaL ,, ever nave aa "lonons rein in miai y.j v fc.4 f,v;i,' r p.;(t ... . i r... j- .n .rr.rlit Mm m tliA nrtatnrol O liie -MlUlTn 1.1-111,0, ... , i, .- . r.J.i ti. u. r,-.-. i. .1 mad rinif. retii vScaica uv u irv De waitea inrousrii tne Dianetarv mciv A1,c..uviDU dreamy l first time in the .urcaeiice of hi itv hlaced unon onr brow. I enemy andhd charge I i.lic croom -. T . - I 4.1 t '.J- 1 Anna N Irwin a snon naiiqr .wa, uruuii'i ui neck, and the groom, reized. this patrons. Shaving, luiircutting and sjiam- look onward aud awiy to booing done in the most artistic manner. U,erniaueiit glories of th at far radial5oftstlirongh:alUfacflaloiig iiEAli t'UONTIER JOURNALISM. anuMiuug on Tho hore liid. M the path'ess vistas of unuumber- -f ' strike him wjth hi tbrehet; tried The lojt issue of the Ariz Kicker contains the following: riiil- li..d ot'K ibvi H and wire pullers ul li:iJiiH aainsi .u.c loricu ui o ol 4 ),UJU 'UQ icre of laud. sjrich ;is the o:ubinHtio;i of icat ra'ilr. al cotp-ratioi.a that .irked harmoniously together to irve the Kci uhlicuu uart? a can- .. . , . : Afl . wot wis. r-anonied . bv wavv - t!. i c i. A.:nnU.,c.fA l u fum rit class slvle for the coveuience ot banners ot , sublimated ether, sve Kicker contains the following " Thetfieht- was. de-perate and to for the Prcaid. ncy. It Las . j . i - .1 : a x I the! far dis- A LIE NAILED, Thetfight- Was. Operate and lor Ta T W very exciting, .xue norso winy V-V 17 xZt. " " C:.; iuatim i ATTOKNEY-AT-L AW soLicrroR of Patents, 1 . X)CAX IX Hardware Cutlery, Gout, fc'Urti, fi ft warp TW-.1 Trv-kli ITarria ri caltural Implcnjcut na j J:mlxrnKa' iiutiiU. I'AiaU and r2at Oili. . A full lino of lUchlr err Oiln. fti3ira WlKbSOlUN.C. G. G. 1ERNIGAN, (J.Jjl JUrrj's Old.StAod.) , , . DKA1XR IK TOBACCO & CIGAES. s cOFFKt Mas,- sugars; LAUD BACON, oandi:s,- v caki:.s inc; M. MAN DEIST AM9 t. . LBWlVrON K. C., ... .'Watcbm-okcr, Jeweler, and dealer b Optical Goods. WtcliL Had Clock I rtpa'xed Hi thorl notice. Wort cua AMERICAN lioUSij,' - WINDS 01 N CJ J.. .vnenorsesuQ- . . Kna h.nn MtffonLi. .: . rfVft?3 T:.P: rtnim5nl bv the snirit of Drtv IUr ;PPheJ with eLok Wines Iil nn.i infti inn nuraa r -- n,. n nrt inri t,, . and sparkling streams ,or our un- that we let up on 'George. : the and told the! groom to run cnangmg nome, cueereu uy me monger Decause ne Buoscnoea iori80on as hewas gpn,e, light ot unwavering jspnerea, oi tne nicKer. . as tnere may Decided and wu a thft music of eiderial soneL 06 some one fool enousrh to believe I -1. A nAn 8nmA' anHoiianO n tl.. M htfAnAa nimn ida' mill I t ft . ' - ' 1 J x iL.ll Lfl CTlVB lid bUUUUrt.lU a ViWIWUVI. 1),-. 1- . t Hiuuu uuuu . ouiuo iwiUBwuoj m iuo uiu ujicuo d jam . " 1,1 1 aeilDerateiy Piauneu W mill luafci' : -, . . I vuj ooTai.e, irru nlnthed in nature's own simnle exnlain that Georce; who keeu3U,nAnr .t fhZ firt famrfthla on- nommaiea uuaer suca auspices. iuicocnforuu hotel la t-V eitr. lovhness where the fild flower the checkered front- saloon was pbrtunitv. .r3ee how .caxetnlly b ul the fact3 i1. TO i. . '. . Ini i i !. ji i l ' . 1 . i.t tnn witin wniri it nai is periummg ine oreeze; wnere xaiseiy . misrepreseniea 10 uy.aicnoaftvthe time ana piace..oi ine v - ; ti 1U . A loneiy pasture neia it? - I- i -1 . . i i I K' " a : i I J . r : I u vww vu ft07 7th Street, wASHI2lul.U ji. a. , hntterflv ia revellincr in a nar- rival in business, who honed to I assault . A InnMv nfttnra ' I 1 . " TO. r I - -- - . - - 1 -. - - f I QJ . - J . JIT I a 11. ,;t 0i0t rroirftd. Caveats, neaven wmcu u iuvisiuib uaui waue mw mui iur.,p oucu, uu nimsQIl.. a. vrAwn r" " Trade - Mar Expert examin; -Ions reiaunj and scope circular and mention Ks ana rrv,fcvr:y r s K--r: "r" rrr h1",!''' vrwr:r. nihrn0rtinnft0f the Northwest ations maae, auu uum- tuny Diue, wmie me sun is iook- dui we were in error. , tyuuo uerbefore.. loo grpQUi,Kepi away iw"" r " g to imruigeuicuvj inerbneux unon au oeneatn nis nas snot turee men, mer were , an from him- atterwara ..was. fcinowni a ,w.r. .wtv ofnatents given. Sena ior my Jmrii n of ;f ; a 41, nn Ijliuu ir u" ua t iinii bhiLb nuu. xux M. . mm n . b. m m m w m a. arai . a a . m a w l a. a a a i ma k a J A l ill i a i ak a w arm v a a a i r aaw a w-w a a x a. aaa. I i.ia a "Amrncan Huuse and "llxU 05. .... Ijiveo tor oxc csTr, ar fpecUlUe. - . epuoucan l(iasr. ,r - r.v.,vt- amaat r " w W) VIV 1 M V LarLAJ A at AWU aJ a a L - cannot ful to exert. uroundtiohoW: .... . . .. m had. never" hown PVpM Inflnene. o,lhe. jnJo, .Wu Mttto, roa fcfto ? aeni .voiera. oi aiuuuis wiu . . ; - . J.IL MOODV. 17. fell JOB. F. A. WAIiKE. J. N. WltUAMS. WALKB& WILLIAMS, DEALERS IF DRUGS, PA1MV OILS, and dugeroas enrrenf of the in- - ' BOSBRSOir, PROP', tricato ; cbannol between tho . . . . . I Tan ana me ;o the boa.s,in 1 WAD S WORTH'S PURE LIQ ' tJID' PAINTS" . L J 1 I - r . 1 IL J X' it. - I:. . . I t "l tall upon some Bpreaumir vai ueorge nas. Buuscnueu ior mo the groom wouia nave oeen TnQ woraen of these coants an wnicn reposes me peaceiui nerus .aacKer Decause ue mtea iw, uuui rnuraer in-me nrsi.uegree,.iormB 1 . . . . --lif ' ,i n cn npon its couch of tui;t and the we have Jet up on Dim because element ot deliberation was there, 1 r , , mOOn, I1KO B peon in iuvutuj tuO wftu-onwpwing.oiiiiron wno f,r boro xm.JfA roawin,-""" 1r.vi1 nKinmutinna An wViot ia fl TT: Wa hi. r Amnu Imok-1 Thfiv knOW eVerV SUnKCO rOCS of her silvery car as; tne snower return our thanKS .iqr a oouie 01 iVn JSagle- of the dust ot aiampnas was port, seLt us yesteraay. ja ior sprinkling "the shinibg air, and old Mose, we've bought , the' rope the starry hosts that 1 rejoice - in which will hang , bim witbia a ner train are eereuciy uuuuug weeis. il uo uuesu l jcavo iwnu. . amid wavy undulations of subli- ' a bad, bap man. ' mated ether, t See there how God has left his impress. The moun- If there is a meaner and more tarns enthrone him in nis sunlit coniempuuie wjw grandeur, then his smile is in .the ot mis ioouwui iu u rv.u sunshine, and his son is on the Jackson Doty, the old skinflint the gale. The flvingjstorra bears grocer on the corner ot bitting upon'its bUloy tolds -there -is Bait we send AoriAt ia thfl o.lnnd .and his voice we'll give sou ior uu--uuibbb. r .-.a,fnmn., trr t is in the thunder. ' - . . we oojeut , -P- " :Lftthl,pil easier br more woman- nonmnariar. nni wb musi ear u ni i . . . ucyy-w., .j v than to maKe tne peuaipea OL Ull lUO IU" uu" u, uv66v-r- a WOODARD HOUSE RnPATfiV. v n TO MAKE YOUR OWN PERFUMES -at ialalld 0f i Uur granamomer-i -wcu uc bq QQt iQ aiif weatheu. xor. he delight of stealing thepei raany yeaa a .Grace Darling oi ume from the flowers, and their tbia Western Cvat," the daughter ThUolJaxuI well eAtalUAJv5il'..LDi till ofTcra Crst-cla axco-nUl w Irate Unrabuc- TERMS UEAOKABLE. still to'om.V wh'ere were all con of a pil 4e the machinery oi eve uuiuo. country vast .quantities of our DEATH. and IUCK 10 lOW UUWU, UUggWUpu w a U:Trrrr tltn There is perhaps no feeling .ol old wm backs in this. Territory "" It is without question the. Leading our nature so vague, so compn- Iutp tv'h'rk livnd nn Eik?hW 14 via .,v. V"T7. ..fi ...... ' room fjf tmrtUnz went oui in norm uuu Va4 - " - f.w,,hfrj wh- 1J ........ I IUU iv.m'-uiv- . tMbting him altne; as shekpew hia weakness ior ma. iuiujf. This brave girl, never tliuched from facing the wildest galei, teariug that dtiaater.might hoiuii her lather ana tne vesec; 11. uu-i IX.fl Paint on'the market, economical. and thej most as that wtih the colo!; fe-v mortals. The cated, so mysterious which we look upon vr.Aoxr iviT? RTRTCKT mains of our fellow AND ROANOKE SQUARE, . ? SIl" Tj.I . even nio VlCliuJa lueutitsa ud nivu an awe no livihg thing can create . il... MaifVi Anna roi he takes the cake., ne a cnea. ar -n- " 'nmft nnrifiQ fat tard a - C 41. 1 V r-n.TCii " a J U fU W ffkAam W v - ' blind woman oui oi.aer utu . miT,, . m(d . nfflc.. baby'sffiu, and( he'd lie .r ot- TO- Hld;. .Throw ftred 5100 to tell the truth.. , n0'ft BCeDled flower of NORFOLK, VA LATER. Maior Dotv . has come in and anhsr.ribed for ' the Kicker since 1 . J . 111 AAin' l.ar one- Kina as win wuuwoiu. . romnihv twentv-four l ours cover- iiion trnin oft the tat and add U. - ' ... vesecl 11 wu hia buiineas to cuide to a safe chorage, if sbo wcro not a. iiit: belm.' Many a ship's crow beating 8hoat.btweon Aran and vjwre owed its preservation to Bovle Two sisters aive uikeu the r.oJt boat into Aran for muny enr pat. tucir lather, John Kancv. beiaz now o'.d rnduuuii- Sl4 h.. mo flower., repeS the pro-, ffodd ft " a a icu AT ALL THAIN3 ANIi STEAM nas. FinUJUv BaratUcliM.- TH l-t-on Mn'1 ' STKAMnitCailUlTOCIC AI Wl.HDtiJli. LTi Kcrfo'k rXH,:',1 tor every TucaJjt an 4 J- l-'m an 3 !l io!r.: rrt h- y r AU fr.i-M tva !V1 ., ' r, cwrmtfr i ti lew n- - -nr c: -r a. n-

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