. 1KICE Q D0LIJAR PKR - "y -; ; HKNJ. II. SWALN, OWKU AND KD I';. VOL: IV.' : V::' WINDSOR, BERT 24; 1888 I v r V JNO. W. W000, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW LEWIS l ON, N.-C. Practices . in Bertie counties. - - ' and oadjo ning WILLIAMS HOUSE, - lewiston,n.gv--: JV G. WILLIAMS, Prop. "V- Travelers accommodated at low rates. 'Table supplied with the best the market -.affords. BConvevances furnished "on apptiV ti:n. au3tfn PUSH'S DRUB EMPORIUAf, WINDSOB, N. C- AVhere you can find choice Paints, .Drugs and Oils, Druwists' Sundries, Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per- -fumery, & Fisliing Tackle. John F Stratton's Musical Instru enta;andStrmgs.,- 1 Robert Buist's Field and Garden Seed. Full lin of Fine Stationery always on rnand. fer18 tfn DR. F. D. STEVENS, SURGEON DEN.TIST, WINDSOB, N. C , - i . .. v . 5 Teeth extracted without pain. Filling partly decaped teeth a special ity r All work warranted. ' GEO. IV. SIMPSON ' - WINDSOR, N. C.,: CITY MARKET. XJANNED GOODS, CONFECTION ARIES, GROCERIES, SUGARS, MEATS, - ' . COFFEES, r TEAS, etc. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY r XTp stairs, where I "am prepare ruke pictures of all kinds and sizes to at How rates and of first class order.: iw 30 ATTENTION FARMERS ! INDIAN WOOD WHEEL F AC TORY I am now manufacturing Cart Wh eels, IRims, H-bs and Spokes from native tim- Tbers which 1 will sell from $3.50 to S5.25 Itr pair of wheels. A discount will be allowed if as many ns tea pairs arertak en by one party. All work wa minted. SSpecial terms to Coachmakers. JShipr nients F. O. B., at Coniot lauding on Utounoke river. ; , : Aldress P. RASCOE, auglO 12ni. Windsor. N. C. TONS 0 RIAL ARTIST, W. H. LEIGH, : Has recently had his shop fitted up in !first class style for the coveuien e ot natrons. Shavins, haircuttinc: and sliam- pooing done in the most artistic manner. Will be at shop from 7.30 to 9 a. m., and from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. no2 tfn ; T.H.ALEXANDER, A TTOT1NE Y-AT-LAW - AND SOLICITOR OF Patents, 607 7th Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. (established 1857.) Foreign patents procured, Caveats, Trade Marks and Labels registered. ZExpert examinations made, and opin ions . relating to infringements, validity and scone of patents given. Send for my circular and mention this paper. DR. F. A. WALKE. J. N. WILLIAMS. WALKE & WILLIAMS, : DEALERS IF: , DRUGS, PAINTS. OILS, WADS WORTH'S PURE LIQ- U IV Jr A LN 1 IS v It is without question the Leading i aint on the market, and thej most uwuoinicai. CORNER WATER STREET AND ROANOKE SQUARE, : NORFOLK, VA. THE TYO ARCKER8.- Upon the hills above the heigliu. . ' Of life two archers stanil One like an angel neeming rijrht. - - JLhe other, dark and grand. First the bright angel benis his bow; Though wounded, still tljo Victim lives. Blinded, his wounds he doth ; not' know; But loves the pain it gives. " " Then the dark angel soon jor jate Doth with his strong arm bend his bbwV ownc speeas ms arrow like to fate. - And ends the mbrtai's woe. 2t These are the archers high abov The tides of mortal life and breath The cruel angel archer, Lcjve, The pitying angel archer Death. A PLEA FOR THE (NOVEL. i f Written for the Ledjei. 4 I ; We J.freqaently hekr people, some or whVnV shoul krow bet ter, inveighing against noTel reading; some; going slo far ; as lo eay that all novel reading is an almost u n pardon ablej sin, or at jeast a sin of tter greatest nnieni tude and on a par with the viola tions ofthe Decalogue. In other words so rue p eople regard novel reading as the greatf Pandora's box from which spring a great majority of the evils in life. Now such opinions hs the fore going are generally the result of ignorance or the effect of con touuding two j separate entities, two things together rhich are as entirely 'different in their natures! as" chalk;, and; cheesfe (to use a ! homely expression) o'r snint and sinner. Hence we trust that in this, our feeble defense of bure literary hction, we will be able to ! show to our readers "the, injustice of the literary iconoclast-, whoj in a general warfare ruri n novels. wcaiia oy vvnolesale; xtermimite hot only thoee books whoso tend-: eucy is immoral, but the immor tal .works of the great mastcra of fictiou, the pure; the dlevatetl ahd the renned iiispiruions" of whom, have accomplished io ji.uch ih the great work of humanizing, civil izing ami refining society ' ' Then let ua , iii the! bejilnhing learn to dicrininate between the good.atid the; bail; I liit;veti f the saint ahd the sinner, letweeh (he wheat and the tare, or iri other wordd, between a whblesbthb lit erature and a pernicious one, for literature like all other things under the canopy of . heaven; ba its good and its evil.jand being a just persohi one worthy and well qualified, we must at Jeasf endear vor to deal as fairly and squarely with all things as wel as with - all men. Therefore, we jwould here divide Hovels'into" twd classes; the good and the bad. Ifi the former class we would includeall whose tendency is to ennoble, "elevate, refine and instruct, wjiile -in the latter category we would place the sensational trash;1 the raw head and bloody 1 hopes stories, the detective tales aud all of -the amorous sentimentalj stuff which is now Dubnshea in the low toned periodicals 'of 'the day, such as lne JMew! x ork ledger, The Philadelphia Saturday Night, and others of the same genus, in the columns of which, we will ven- tore -.to assert-; there never yet ap peared a single article or story a discreet and godly parent wou d choose for the ediiicatioi of one ot his children. Ot course in this index expurgatoriouai we do not class such first rate masrazmes as HafpeVs, Iippincotts,or The Cen tury, and others uke . them, as these frequently con jain original as ell as renriuted tales' of the highest merit, j Possibly we may be asked the question "What do you mean by a novel?" In the most liberal sense of the word a novel is auy work of fiction, though no book in a really scientific or artistic sen so deserves the name unless the characters there drawn are exact" portraits of real and fiesb and blood men and women, and thia latter is one of the real points of difference I bet wee h iegitim ate fiction 'and its base imitation, the sensation novel. "Ara est. celare artem." The art lies in concealing1 the ait, has ever been "the motto of artists and this 8noula apply equally to the artiste in literature, which is possibly thei greateati branchVofilesa trasli.which . aTt WMMo,nJy,ar ""'Jtb are: destined ..to live 'forever.-. The; frescoes. of Michael 'Atigelo will perishbefore the end of time; the 'creations of Titian,, of, SaIvat6r,Hoaa ?d ol Claude. Loraina will bo -.resolved into. nothingr)egF;. t the :8culpttirei oi Praxitelesi of Pnidias', o Can ova.and of Ji'Iaxman will crumble ino Hast, butthe immortal .inspP ratJpTt8 tHtgre;itpe"n pictures of onaKspeare- and of iDicken and,; . nf - l. Walter, u. Scott, tUhe trreatr wizard.. o .'the. Ndrth;wiU be with.us when tho great trump shall sound and. belp to : r r : laglit the torch of n alure'a'funeral pile.- ."We. repeat then rtbat - a true uoyel is one that deals with por traits of real men and woraen,and not with .caricatures. It should also be the aim bt the novelist Mto point a iboraV'? as well as to "adorn a tale,'? and this, -most of tnemfWbo;are entitled . to. tho name have accomplished, as few novels-wntten; simply to amuse, and without a didactic purpose, have succeeded- in amusing, that is amusing those who are - worth amusing, .men and Vwomen with intellects," . '. , ; : . VV e are pennin j , this article very hurriedlyag we have but lit tle time to devote to it, but before dismissing the subject- in all earn, estness' we would ask the literary iconoclast, to pause, to read, mark, learu -and inwardly ; digest some of the reat works of fiction, and do this in a spirit of earuestneis and charity. Take . for iu stance the-sublime' creations of the great Sage of Abbottsford; and ; il not otherwise instructive- and inspir ing, they ViU'expand and broaden the intellect and vivify the imag ination; and on tbe whole prove & pleasant . diversion. V .Take DickenV great work; the favorite child of his brain, David CopneiC iiiu,.ono oi inegranuost Atiook in our mother tongue, or in any OtliEf Innrrnnrro " Klml If on A 1... U a... ri:"7 it . . i iMjuniuuu in vonr. lnmnvt soui inut yon are. mado belter by perusal; mo beiicficial' to tim huin.in mind ft is to redd o! the final triu mpli of virtue over, vico: and of the pjirity; and js:6pdue68 of that model Jbr all womankind, its uunuuiui. irue uuil.nODIO lier1 :iful, true and.noblo lier- ,nc. Take Nicholas oine. Nickolby aiid after reading lay ill hiown wiuvthe reiiectidu that tlusl one novel, a Ujiiiej 'OU would analJiematiso. wroueht a ereat and last reform "in the public school system of Old Eugland, uuu ujai me auuiors lnicnuao ei and caustic description of Dothe- boy'B Hall accomplished a work puipit eloquence naa long labored tor in vain. Take Charles Ueade s uHard Cash" aiid-radiute over ni gicai, ik nuuiuusaea iu ueuaii 01 me poor lunauc in a straight jacket and think of - the gi.eui rciufia iu.iho uuproveu reg i.r... ... it . I i lmen ot asylums; wmca now au- nually cast out more devils; than prevent the sale of Araericau ag the old system of restraint did in ricblthral irn)lemeut3 in that mar centuries. Take the beautiful: ket for eventless mbriev than the refined and elevated creations of Miss Mulock,-in all their eloquent uuu luuuuiuir biiopiiciiv; ana arise from their perusal feeling grate- r i . - a. i i .i ui to uieir auinor ana 10 uoa hat He in His wisdom, iroodness and mercy has vouchsafed unto us such a healthful, profitable and sinless pastime as the reading oftive taxation! no 'longer eXiets.- "John Halilax. Gentleman.- We rrisht multiDlv1 illustrations ad infiuituui,butlet one more suffice: Last,- but not 'least, we would al- iiens meeiirig in Albany" to de lude to Johu Bunyan's Pilgrims' cus3 the fssd es of the : :campai gn. Jfrogress, a wort ot notion,- but a true woric; tor tno characters are lasen ironi naiure, ior n you - 1 a - y m uo uuuuuu, rcttuer, you win in reduction or tne "tariu; MD EC it recognize tho via dolorosa which cordance with tho repeated rec every weary soul has to pais along jommendations ot President Cleve: i Li uio jwiuuoj "uwugu luio aic of tears to the city 'of our God, the New Jerusalem- ; ;- .. ., t - Among the signers of the call are We feel: that, we must -close many of the best known Repub though, we have, just-begun the licans of Albany." 'Congressman subject, as it is one dear ta our Ashbel P, jFitcb, of the Thir heart of hearts, a perfect labor of teahth district of Kew York; 6ne iove, aud O, ray brother, whoever of he three Republicans -"b'f, Ihe you be, think well before you say House whd voted for I thef Mills hareh.thing8again,of one of Gods' bill will jndili ess the ' meeting, greatest means bt purifying and which is to be held r next-Monday' ennobling' the;" nature", of . fallen The euthusiasra of tho frieWs of mahi'f "-The greatest divines of the Tariff Ref6rm in Albany indicate s world sing the praise of the legit- that' the j city- and .county will imate novel;- while , they ' with largely increase their vote for the true critic condemn the worth- Cleveland; Philadelphia Record. 4 r j pure, elevated fiction. Hece, ln,;novel9 os, in- all , other fhings pertaining tatlii life nod the life Y1 'let m a Clvistian spirit en SST?,?. discriminate between the fale SLftTn Wl!2S ihJ, L t i- n nr,: -' rove .u: WJn5; hold . fast . to tfiat which' is gooi." We ask,you to do this; (he cause ! of ChrUt uuuwuus -'iuo word that teaches temperance in-all tilings, also nika us to bei.inst. op ;niwrh aicctidim, too much puritnnwm m region dor the cause oi God harm. In Uiis by of 'enlighten ment a lasUn wron?can be done the C0D-cuenct3 Df the mio- generation; h? a too rid proscription of .brjnmn rfcht. anil., winch toortcafoUdivodtr a re action of sentiment. f ' ' ."Tlien while In iustlce to onrsclres,' as well as to', our innocent . children, we banish from the homo circle all- that i if Impure and unclean in literature, let ua at, the same time, pivts . God the 2lory. uizi amonj other inestimable Wc sin's lie has sent Hi sweet singers f anion"' us. to purifri and ennohl Hence amon the other cood. giOs. we V 7 v . wi'mcuicius iail 001 lO UJTCt their minds to & I nuro and tcTu.tnrin literature from which wo would not dis card some cf I ta . nohleifc nirtfiirti- thou-h they bear the dispised , name, of raithfully and in charity, f GLKNDOWEn. NEWS XDTE$ AXDrEDITOUIAL j EXUH AN.GE CUPPINGS : ' Two corporations al tilens i'aUs, .Y. the Morgan.. Lumber Comparand the aiena Falls Pa per Company i-hav'e bjen bulldo ting their, employcos . With: the threat to do so their.f factories in case of Cloveland'a ire-eroctiou and the pasago of the 'Mill" bill. But loBIr. J(7. Fitcliof Qleiis Falls; a lumberman and a Dem ocrat, expfes.se8 his 'entire-readi-ness to buy out the two corpora tions at an v time, and tliu relieve their employees as well' as' their stockholders of anxiety in regard to the effects' bf TJriif Reform Vbiladelphia Uocord. ' " '" " "There is no Tr:f! on '-pornpr." sayg Mr. Carnegie, in tl.e Kew York Trihunri we "export i. - - . .r-i it. J5 JS r? uv pciroicum.y. 11 .Mr. .rneie ehouhl unuertako to hriifg. either copper cti-pVelirn llto D1 'country; lie would; icr- baps;- be astonished at bhi ,ou,ied to bay a la'rill . diiiy nt 4 fhts a pound oil ten per cent, on c I" u,,v n'P vr, himi rude I'ltrnlcuiit ixl 20 per cent, on reiiuei iruicum, unuer me swi-opm. on.- provision - oi oecui'ti t the Kovisdd bt itutes. r. Cir negle-U. too ti ban) nib; aud too tresb. LMnl.lItccord. t.. ..:ij r.t tt . a . 'n r- r ' i; " ' tatca Cq0?? LoQdou Ontario, yyui"uieu iu uuoiuo coiunin U will be seen' that the sale of Disston saws at cut prices Is by uu meHDs on uoiaiea or sincuiar instance or putting prtectea goods ia foreicn markets at comretihe l '? 7 mi . r . 1. m. prices. xne tarnt tiuty ot ijo per cent, collected in Uaniua does not farmers bf Pennsylvania can buy I the'same goods. Facts ofthiikind ougni 10 open ine eyesoi consu- mers to tho'enormity of a system wuicu eoaoies iuonopoues. torn- i. i i r binatiOns arid Trust to caocc their profits by thb measure of war taxes now that the necessity tor exesp- ; Furthe.r vidonco .of. tho pro gre88 QfTr.rxfft Reform .in :liew I York ts seen intbe call -for a cit The call declares that the best iri terests'of the American people I . - . ... . demand a substantial and -fpeedy jauu ana me wisest siatesmen lot both great parties in the past." novKAviTii i:agi.u eyk; Tho talk of Paris jimt now U a romnnco in real lifu, bf which the heroine is a young KricHsh- uo e hero no Icis a per on than .Lagtc Kye, one of thc bravei of Mexican Joe. Joe and his redskins have come vcr to tho hip anno aV fair at Nni:K. outside Tana; where they daily flhd n!ghty amare and . amme I -risians. by their diabolical ye!l their borscmanshiD and . thuir Prairio drunks generally. It aiw pears that dnrin ana ot tho rr?w rcFntDtioni givctyy the troupe in ,Eug!ind n yoaui: lutiy ' who was present became ensmourod of EigleEyc. " She shortly after wards diirtppeared from her home, anlK hef. parents learned on in quiry that fho had nu'away to France with the Indian troupe. A detcctivo us cnt to Paris and; he,, accompanied by the Commissary ot Police of the Nen illy district, went to the csmp of the redakms at tho Porte Maillot, where tho young lady was dis coyered in tho ti nt of Eagle Eye M. Martin the Commiisary, and the English detective had . mnch trouble with the savage, who as sumed a threatening aspect," and would have shown fight but for the intervention of Mexican Joo himself. Eai;le Etc was: almost foaming at the mouthy and threat ened to kill the Co'mrniMary if he led the i young lady uway. The detective; however, taking ad vantage bt th general "confusion, quickly seized the girl in his nrm, ran with her to a vehicle, and was speedily, driven oil, leaving M, Martin to dral with the red pkin us best he cou'd; , - : - . ,1. THE WEDDING XllSG. "The sup'crstiiiom. drpftrl thnV oiu iiijrricd lilJles havo of tak off their wedding ring leads -nnttimi'--1 .inucn trounro ror ilix-in." ' rfnld a leading jeweler Ilo olhar d iy. 0'ico wo were called np:m to do a very nice job oing t .ihu focling. A married yronjan 'had groirn . qnit t.nt nf'?r pho Jiud changed her stute, a 1 Hi r"u Iwg.in ' to. chl her lUsli ai.d piny the, miethicr gen Tllt jSt.ll ?lio had a horror of ro'iiiivitig. fi r tear tt Voold alenl no lilr .hu-liihd's loio or bring iTonict ; oiher. doinelic disinter. Sho wouldn't ovn slip it off long cnougiijto have it enlarged in tho uual w.iy; tun i, by cutting and ailiug jin; aid then uniting the ring again. In this cmcrgency? our workman w!io attends to ths branch 'of the business said he believed he . could enlarge the ring without taking it off the la dyV finger. It woold bo a long and delicate arid costly operation. he s ddf but !ib-was willing to try it it the lady wished. She gladly consented ad tho job wdsb'can. Tho workman went tb the, !a-'r houso .with his toob, and for tlto days, night and da, ho- tolled over that ring. She iuiifltcd tint ne must not so mucn mM eatmcr its circle, fcnd he did uot. Very carefully and patiently .hit tools rubbed away one sido ni thf ring, which was then pried opsrt so as to make a V shaped grp. This was tilled with nn'fal itid fused. Then the other side ot tho ring was operated on in t.'.o tamo manner, and so on hack nr.d forth in a seesaw two of three ttm: ill gr&dully a belt of new hold had beeu inserted clear airoi!.' It was n mighty ticklish j- b in more ways than one. " -The Uesh had to be carefully prolectrd againft tho hot tnela?; tho eawing and cutting hurt the ecna'tire finger, already inflftn cd by the 4biiiditlir no ir. and tho woman couldn't sleep for excitement and tear, leat while uncomcioti tin? might break the already weaken ed pledge she wore. So" she kept the man hard at It; except for t-hort ; nap on the lounge and b meals, till tho thing was fixed and fho could slip it around her linger easily.' , ' . 'She paid us oof bill without a murmur, or rather her husband did; and she seemed very grateful and happy. IJut if she were to et fatUT Ptill and tie ring hurt ngAin I tloix't believe hc would hare,(h'e ?pcfat ion repeated." Why?" asked tho reporter. cller drilr -Vines thru ehe irot a divot cc. tt "i ATTCRHEYS AND COUNSELLOR n . tm lutttiz,, . . . . ie. . , - , , 1 " ' Wi:!rjl;.vJl ' ' :ik c w ins tonT ATTOR'YT-LAiy, l-r-0. A7 unlr ' 1 . A, . IT. MM.'E.lWUMAi;', hiut.; ts GnncK?:iK ' VLUVIU ETC. Wl'E' WU.SKIE5, TOBACCO, J A COCKS,' J ncAUra -Tinware, TA; Tool. l!-r.;V.s iatiaacipto;:.. AS.;! Mjuz cry O.U. - fla' wixnsoiN.c. Hug . . - TOBACCO ClOAUS. CANN'KT) GOODS, COFKEK3, TKS. ' . SUGARS. LAUD. BACON, b AND IKS,- . ... .cakks 'yn( .WIXIisomK.c. rr,d:u M. MANDEISTAM, LKwinc.v, .v. c.. d Ur r - . l I . ... u,.m,.h.. aWiM an! :,.. rrrnirttl at !. rt LjLta. Won. . tcl. . rimn-o , j y 4 ff AMi:nic.i. iioTsif WIN-DSOK. .V. C. I aUa r.rj.,J with the tr.: ti.- it . ... . . . r.-.vr I- IV; rate for lv.!; fccf Frrc I Trek in irr '. v : CJTc'c nr o-x-e atu :e i. J.1U MOODY. iV.p. fcl';;:i W00DA8D HOUSE - iiDK.vroN, . c. INO Li BOGERSOf, PROP, TIiUoMat.! well cUl!-0.-l u-:-: tlie traTcllapubl-c . TlUtMS KUA0.AI5U:. Simple room fct tr.trc'.'.r.; tDcl ro:iTctan:t fumr.!.cj n .-u HACK AT AW. TIIAINS AND sti;amki;- I. STEAMEIt CUUUITUCIC. TWOTRII-3 A W1JZZ riTWi:' AMI win: v;. Thur-lw. K p r every Ti: n-'vlln tr.n f : It.ILto lre i.in nn I nil ' Allfr-.i!.v; : 1 " . 1