: PRICE ONE DOLLAR rjR YBARI 'BhqiO i.iiviv.-v.,v!".V. Sj. i.. i . jir'"J. i .i I : r j k .. . i t , . . . - " ' . : "' . . .-. "T i - "' , 4Ulf432crecjua (-to profit lQttlfi3- iaobI5t2sIfllnltio?iibId.1 Ibifdi5lcea'4o'ifio,-quctH6n lunorintifii ; to . . gQ2V pVr&ni''; nieniclMsEliiiltfryiW ' fillet.' hUh'-Oat -tmittd thbtb H- the natMjsomehowiug.bftipr plifc!af;fiiitiUri siScdtcfiil ?rflld maqb-'tliu httafil,4, " - AVlXl.y, ;.,', t ; . cent!: prilfiH ff , VVi .pitMll itrli-.&' f,6itci?i;lartsd H,iI.!anna4t eTderF -liecUntrt 'U-Il ii'?-tTKi . In 1880 thVUnited. States 9qv pbeietj bebrJpUbchlqto-'o kia; iiko, f fetal Jotf; iclfnfhb r 1 n.H ;r9t ... t T ernmeh't : .gQnerbualj . donated -tpj OTped,4 ta!4ttbaJ Iboireatjdoa'fjltifo iaCil.VIillwk jl tli iV'TTOBByfATiAl'A - the BRsemer.ringftHePcnyfe intOoisbortJ&ngtDStb'hts.oid of :YrO?t'Jtlnu!d:JdrfVI!I j ' KCs'lm x c vonia Steel Company. and Uff co wcttrr afo dd,e.4t tobiMitfctomm thiqkr.. ytotLoatat td kti6t'itd 't!i;r4riin'clj 9,J .f - ?? : ' tnanipnI:itpr8),;one hundred and and ifiecka rdCpcorf aod nla baibcls.iisUcd whit hU iai VrS"- - - 1 15405 : tourteeu million dollar ' of ,clea jtjpecial etrcngtifiu .Tvqmred .conio UVSszt f! .-J: - - IZU "T!rrTf i ?v 7TTAT mi ftTT Tr-. ? front. $ nofciaerjondtlpnp !::tI"donn'e -bfeliclf !n!ixtnK : - I jno. w: woon; : ATTORNEY AND tOUNSElLOR AT 1AW Practices m Bertie and .'ad jo ning counties. T n'9 Cm - WILLIAMS HOUSE, - LEWITON, X..C.,. J. G. WILLIAMS, Prop,. "; 'Travelers acconimodated at low rates. Table supplied.vvitii the best the market affords. ' . K - JBCouyevanccs furnished on -appli- ; . ,audttn the fall; The "festive" ny hasjieased toi tease,'.. And hushed is the :musqiiito's song,"'-"-And people on such nights as tjliese . May slumber sweetly, slumber long The autumn days are bright with silnj r And landscapes fair around tas lie, ' And maidsand matrons .liave begun s - 'Their autumn clothes to maUe.-prT)uy. The fruit upon the tree's is.ripe, ; AV hichV glads the urchin's! heart d I addition; to Jbi, there werftabbut n v e n u ni 1 red t rio n san d d o 1 ja rs, j to add Tor six :montb'aVproht jliich ATT0EKEYSjHC;2E.llC AT y: z lhy ....... . , ti:n. ?AZ? EMPORIUM, Windsor; N. c. . ; Where you can find choice Paints, Ih-ugs and Oils, Dru-jrg'sts , Sundries, flavoring-Extracts, SoapsrPer-" fumery, & Fishing Tackle. Johh :1 Stratton-S "Musical Ins tru 1 j ; iixjbert Buist's Field and Garden Seed., till line of Fine Stationery always on nand. fe!8 tfn ' DR. F.D. STEVENS, SURGEON DENTIST, VlNDSOK, N. C ween; 1. t TeelU 'ckbracted without ain. 1 ' I Filling partly decaped teeth a spcciaV ty. All worK Avarrantea. GEO. m SIMPSON? LEWISTON, N. C, ,;, CITY MARKET, CANNED GOODS, -i ; CON FEOjliON ARIES, GROCERIES, -SUGARS,;, MEATS, ' r . COFFEES, , TEAS, etc; No more he foels the sudden iripe It used to give when jt was gieenV The boy and girlsno w wande'far - ,: .Through, woods.-tue-ripencdj -nuts ta seeK; 1 - And 140,978' laborerp, skilled aud .ancornposition,!ichl !:oo -6cltllfig, 8ki1!ed::obtaihed for., tho r . work "will eflectoallje resist. the actio n ot 111 vie iron niins.auring ims-yeaf Mic.n8.spiru8; inK'oycs; eic; ,i ue Poor, man; before the prices rife, . , . f tie must my m 111s wooa ami coau Poston iCourier. POINTS FOR WORK1NGMEN. WliorrOGKAPII GALfRY' Up stairs, wlvcxe I am j)repared to luke pictiuesif dill kinds aiid, sH;es at low rates aud oJfjfirst class drdeff m30 ATTENTION FARMERS ! ? INDIAN WOOD WHEEL FAC TORY I am now manufacturing Cart Wheels, l:im&- andDokes from native tim bers which I will ell from .'J.iiO to $5 .25 ana 13 , worth ; fotecttb'n. ",er iwa- of wlvS; A discouut will be vrzti - & 1 Q u nI1M y t atlowt 11 as mauy a uni psurs u e ...um- ,1 f . i -.n lrv ie iartv. Allwork warranted, oavtu. .y r v - : s now's.en2agedtheTheSti1anstan ls .10P 4tstM ic.y- LV ? s wote, tnis.is trie avcraqe tor tnpse rweivine new. naptauao92:ff'43are 4 unoauerung, t a. no ouT.wat, !o lrJ - -r t." ! v.- . ,i,'rr j . ewrniivg-higher,iay.;,.fThe;;ordi-;: enoraerationot which vopld con nib wjolnriicooa ?uidca -bow -T':4 ! 7 - - Qb!'d7rioyiaSo5t0foill nary nHUled;Utrertbe. irank atitpte :aQimidablehliat;l ftfla be -baiscrt a-f- ; 1 J r.,UJ, Hl,t - . Tliowpliiaat'ire'ithV sounds and and file; feceiVfd no: njoVe, thaa eDOUgh haa.bcgtald taIIem ""l"" " V:: fTtP ! A " scene ' ' 80 to 85 cents a dayL,, s ;r.: strata tbritithejatest detc!6praeat i???P,AlCTLANDEluJ, OROCKUMksi ' : Thy advent gives delight to aU- .... r t 6Hht -materia! tbti bptttdi5alc WSkflXfraTcTiS - i i-'SVOAU-I :1 'Except the: man of little me?ansV J PIlAROAn THTA1UFK' in ndastrbidf faintO bold. OOt t!TI?"5? ff 4 -'T J r ' ll VQY.VKYS, . -:if r: ' i:.-:,r-.u Mitwv..ia,,i,j . .'fav;-jfr:;iYr.,.rl c an unimportant .p srtlathb.Tatkd .n IOclotjcf -iSS?! .LJrXOUR, KTCX- - i . What cares he for thy cloudleps skies. And PharoabJ King rBgypt, uses now, obtain (Jd, from IpapcrJ- il;EDtTdtt;IXMi:!Aalicicrlt jl'i" VNKSf", ... . Thy J landscapes fair which ;thrill the dreamed a Tdream. And.Pharoah fifail and Exprcs'f ,;r Ji, nii' s oViarmjfifVbiVnlei tipdtf i ' j" ; 1 : VlHSKlES f iir union ttv.tt n amnll hi rt'anh. I P? r , . n .).. . 1 l i" 1, i.-; j- fiszi. Z'Z 3 ' " i ' it ''-- 1 k Ul.1.1. ' ' r ; : T : rr : no;n.,c. for. ley Pixohton .i uuueu rcce,,l,.TO ; L : -.TutsArrd - bmg, eamo -unto -him,i aad 4he - . , . new ilorci irtfhicJr -ffnfitr j V 'rn Vt.c dnld, waaVveytul And ;PrUabl Msd C .V . ! pnaroati saio nnto. .the,, cm d; ever made more qnt.of .oao j State ditoulrjg jboaserare in pToeett" of . ' ' i, -.f t. ' ; V . , . "Daughfervrbv.af t thoo; V If ' ; ? l Phar-a;,agrea The Wayai this:: JX'cajfpet'Dflff been!! laid iio'amlvmff b 'lil 1 2? ?Zz' 1.' ' . fr-yf1. 'trA&l And my. brother, for he is. wise, - . n. a'r4.vl Ir u -r.,tKt;-; 5t"iJ".4T: . f. A V lV. JT'. rdu " Itm-t, A--1 ti - iii r V-t ,?a:8l?-l,.f. VQJ, chfgcd.,tbe; toiitiifKiiiiV-hincJ fcVtfo'.fc.r.u:; r v,: julU.-lnU .nd M!3t o.:-. am! ?, rM: ?'.. 5Ti andlfi-8tateMdetlmW;The -flfJ OfMi.b.ttfar ta Itr oil,; ; ; . :Ua s. A I IU v3 - 1 1 1 1 I " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n. SI lilt . IIIVC YUll. AJ I a. t :. Ji -Ti li'Ti .'.'.F. I .. Tl "i. .1 WIVFWI' V t . . . Vv'- picusani ? ranQtiii4r i oi" ini cusu ujaie tor, tiia rjcnaia. addrehl - ; - - " . my ...tcr i tU; . o cW1:?11' ,-."? Ivai' WitLevi'P.?5I.t..J,fiutf l-V Jhtf-lfcV tl'"t ' .comriinn r . - C '3 lEIWIb'Ai'i" ' rernain.'- Am H,e ,,y,,,ftVIeaM m,e A bigprofit out" of II: Tli.Waf ii ' " . - VW--"-' ' ' . ; Mr. 35!aine jfays the. present fireneration must be taught th jbenefits of high potection An "excellent idea, ijhe Ifer aid seconds the motion, j ?jr If a lyoo tTfr bian buys ja Rnit of clothes tor $23, "the amonnt of protection; he pays for Thi clothes without protection would cost $14 r. 4 i ',: s If he buys a SI hat hej.cets 40 cehtswovth of hat and 160. cent worth of prtectioiu : It a youncr coupie' just begin- ninir housekeeping' uyja yard ol BrU8se!&76'arpt!tr tbf $1 they re ceive 45 cents i in Carpet and 55 cents in protection; or! say for a whole rciom, 12 -worth ot carpet .awglO 12nu Windsor. C. VJ W " T - V j- -V a. m W ..t i a - a V . ..'..':.-. .' i . I . - - M presents to the manhlV'Cfurer to 4tiTtect" him. i : s - TUJSOltlAL ARTIST,- Jf she buys a dress or $i8 She II. LEIGH, i ; sots wonn 01 unsi uuu 'HUa receniiy had his shop fitted up in .mivc umu j ' ; " cScsla's style for , the covenieme ol If, however,; fhe Wants a pnlt . j U lilir ended . tl.o drtta . and ,iaM', Bf olfg lU. hid ti I'barhah i.;..kPd, nd lie jr e tiuta nmuy r H.csb Hvikle-V afraid.' And lie aro-e while it jih: j..-i :t:. , .i ti 2 : . wmI very rainy; ton-tfinfenliy the 1 prjuxm , .W jiif h TOTtAccd i ciaAiis, 1 ,, 1:..lHHi Uy carhim ind : CANXK GOODS. the cheuri3i! which, fdIoircd ouo I'fii-'i.'tMN jkltfH htiViridX tUnt !fo ipir- : TK S " : U tu'tfiu.iaiiii fur t'.fc" Uuinac I ktttijt?. - 1 ... r.j... i.r--i. 1.1 i.r 1 rj" J. t; V J i 'ai HI PCU I ' -JixH!) if . - v ri&teons.' Shairang, baircutung anu siuuu- or snoep, vvnicn iormcriyvix;osi loing done in the most artistic manner. 4.50 to 5.50, she but onty to ViU at shopfrom 7.30 to.9 a. m., and . Q Qr - g to V I v- AU a U;.."L. oualitv. because some of the tiro I . ,1 MirvMuncD "' tection has been taken off ot I . n. HLCAHiyuzn, hides tVom vvhich the jleatheF in "y --- I the. shoe is made. AtTOHKEY-AT-L AW AND ; If she pays 50 cents for an iron oUiu-VJllv vJ." put ur uau one ucia uvf . cciili in woou8 anu 4 ceiH wurui 01 pro tection. If she wants a sewing machine and pavs $20 for it, she cets 11 ' I A aV "... ""' . t -"'- wortu.01macb.1ne ana $y. wortn if of nrotection. : f 1 Patents, 607 7th Street WASHINGTON, 1. C. jf she buys a clock for 3 she ock aud $1 15STAELISHED 1857.) receives $2 -worth bt c '. . .. a enroot worth of protection. TOTd.TO,'rtS. : If.be pays $16 for d w.teh 12 .Ovmai,ions made, and opm- renresents the titiie; piece: the f ions relating to infnngements4 validity other $4 goes to "protect" some .. i f,.nnto mvnii. Knd for mv 1 1 i ; i s SOIU aewe p."-" ts' t I DOUV. circular anu Tf , b - . f SI there is 55 cents in Jamb anri 45 cents a- waijke. j. v i-- to "keep the pot boiling" tor some protected inditidnal. irrsiiii. . j mi im :irii-H w 11111? it - .' .. ... . . - .k j i ;vu8 vet ni.l.t nndcal ed nllortho ,,,-v.K M,tio(iii. hHt ffi.rf) isVV. Sir UXn. will U '.V:-' " 11 wie men unto h:m and said up.to srMtUr,tt.;.ii - t'lj,,.;, .i 4f ,i.f i'r !i 'nL i I .,f - vAUIK vr;;vA;..kf .;..f "h 9aV,Vhn.-r-1Vt l!ll,onU aU,b st-te.l oJw will make i . ; iuiumiVh Hi " 'A.rf k . .,i.i3 v,f - :i wbrttir.rrprrentativer. We are ..v rivr;j v r it-- . Hriam. Ann ,tnpy count not. , - . , .i. kI-'fV sL'tfl'MK-' ' i ' i .t i ? - i.x.rji, r. tociia.H t . SlS5te?t5-a ,':&e' : lht?hjZi .yM outsail bbjettiouablautoabaldo drji iHUladdrtBitbecUirenf bf i ca'Ied, and said unto him: ; . , .... J j vri ;k ?u ' i i -li i- it,- WnWurf-.W. Jfiretfr; i- -This i the lerpreiationlof aud manaseHofg IM. . jr anl.tnmmdnitf,oh he ()jtl( (i w.uhc nj the dream aud tlie dream i and tion has bectl devised byvtbe, di; oC.the.campait. : ehpn tq rcd.u oH coben- yKkri !!:: dN,S Po;m g-?Sat.7AK t T"T : 1 lJJ"r " ? : 5t poiehtfthittiai.ihdbli'fridhdi fflffiv ort " o 't".---1A'Mil llUlidL, . - f&. torMW Sm parbHae the .totk-hold -Uy' thfimj 'which IbevAnl. tea? from them." H U' 1 14 k.Aip hL ftiLi.itM-ll.;4t.& ditidoiid Of 40' tjfaVtent. Od tha o (rr, nd. roll a haifJVonv: ma- rf;C;r. utilTctaco. - hrlfilbBpoMicafcMry,ho jg, 4tec 6(52,100,000, Jorttr for ',0ioUnd,-.n.H IWlo ,wfrkta.. ho.-.i-i.W. w loveth her children.. :The boy to -.,-:, J i i.' ii,. rl.-i..l;a mvlccotVrS'.Melit.ullalSaclIt - " whom the 4oughhut8 were, giteft .?SMa1h 1,1 9J''.- ' .'Am, U. -i& o.v' is ber favorite chd, . the iinaBtt- fE?8kll?tf ticket. U Jw .1; 7 ' Ay .cecrv ir nlia . . .... .. . ' . thirt dars. The eXDCCtation svas - I t T. ,tJ. fiLxtrwloH. . -li3oaj.jrr-:nr rtaori! mi ' tacturer8 01 tnis country, me r ;- x - at ' .t? '.v.i t:: i-i' j ..j t daughter is the ; laboring class. . . .-. La- ,1 ir : i t' rlS Li JLt,t tvi -r ti. j,n k ;ran Ios3 whifcb the borrowing of from vbu weekly. JbD.J - -, . ; .: lhe donehnut is tbe tanu given CAn aaa- J v-xta . r.- ' . : ' . 1. -.. , . . .t .1 $500,000. to meet toeso uotci - v " j J"1; l?e,fME: would Vhtail. vthe .objectionable :-..Sn5EKTHEl!IlU;AWAKii::, IVALKE & WILLIAMS I . dealers iy ; r DRUGS, PAINTS OILS, , If she has to boy a range or a stove for SBS.she, gets $27 in goods j-terpretationf thereof waa true. Q. and $8 worth or protections Ji'-V- tartie ! would eell their stock nbd nit--" i, , ' - the poor .laborers, The dough- geWlyftart Thei'did ndth . -An., cnth'flritiitfc.'.oriiitholojj not which surrounds tbe-; hdl6 r. lW?'a ilLI hot In'- V,.'. VmS h!mtr h. !'.- stead iecured' an jhjrinctton m ref inj; the-oncstion at wbfct Jloof ill the portion. that thoi -manufactur ers get. the hole is tbe portion , re served to. the, laboring cla? a.; And the holes are lost; ...!. . . And Pharoah saw that the in If she buy 8 a dozen steel knives and fqrka - tor $3 50 she gets about $2 in knives and $1.50 in pfotec lion. , - If Bne buys a dozen glass :tum biers for 1 she receives in glasses 55 cents and 45 centslib taritr. If a voung far mer buys $100 worth of implements to statt oat to farming he gets if in ma chines and $42 m tanti wind pud oiug . With' the Milts bill passed he could get a' horse and hnrhesa WADS WORTH'S PURE LIQ- as. well as implements for his mn pa iisttov nna - ! 5 f If a farmer purchase a barrel ol tt is without question the Leading salt for $1 he gets 64; cents in salt 1'aint on tlie" market, and the most and 36 cents in protection to com couonucai. In'iinps in Slrnfiidip. Warsaw . n ml Saginaw.. -"'' CORNER WATER STREET On alcapital of $2,000,000 the AND ROANOKE SQUARE, Pennsylvania Steel j Company in - . one year-paid dividends ot 22 per . cent, in cash, 45 ;per cent Jin a. - NDRFnT.K- VA ' ncw method ot stock dividends M. E. in '.Chicago. Globe.. : P AlEli llOTrUES. ; uai pronra oi xne uusioeas um uoi-1 fcfr ,"v '.f .1"t rr; exceed '5-per.cenvatxd- that the rt9.it; pipes. a?.afly a haltpait dividend should bo 'Itmlted td J in'tho morning Arbout bU thatl' amoanri ; Tlio":;: "Micuati the;l)t bc.no; aud tCri'rtc Hack to racrt Hir-.-nrn. rfelrjraplrcetiic!.c-l V00DARD 'HOUSE The paper bottle . industry has achieved considerable success in the VVestj'and "is gradually el-': tending "thOughoOt the s United! States. Foremost amoog thq ad- van tages aceraibg from this , new adaptation of paper is the (act thit the bottles are unbreakable while the cost at' which they cari be placed on tne marKet u conm- erably lower tnan tnat oi an arti cle ot the same size in gla8artib or stoneware. A great eavinz tu the weight is moreover effected desideratum ot no smai) amount whefe cost "of carriage Of : lafgfc numbers has to: be taken i n to consideration j while the cost of packing is reduced to a minimum for breaking in transit, which 13 a court wiurnow aec.pe wneiuvri trie fluaiij appauunr nwc3 up ibis . noTetreeling 'ou?jJtbem ft haUf uuhmfr later, i fvjt tjCiHy j cari'bb cKrricd to a;euccessfnl iff- oVock a'odJha -idrt UoltWvc sue' undefthc; laws of thobtatci . lhe"bbrif.on before ,th& frd thng Itr. rX'Y:. : ? V etcrJapriVs ift'.tbn n;:-1:Cf thr r-ZitsyrAXEVr, bia6kbini..:jHQUib5:a n.Imlf Ut11 JVJ;V h6acrore;UJ?;lhtil. fiUlvx iV;'C. SLiL6obard tod- cjf aa Ub of thf-: rbln. ben-3 -Ntlt rVenermebVhi the'ttrne I?nctrf..pf , . '.betorp ne rierree oY his wl tb a i'd-'Q end thev were "nuirJcd:..Sbtf declared tier intention of preEent ly leafing iheir'servtca aud going We.t with her husband. It waau foarrpr . . . . i . . . 2 f u I . . 1 ie !fr nr.- a on u: j i: i : ? ... . . i fingftrcbduccmentt-ar ;b0 Hr!:V.rtrpu!atiot v. i a j : : rr.f. pot :befcHl considered marfiifgc Hrly ri?rf, ,Th-t r:tJch ce'eUI . .. ",1.AJ(U . , able quantity; VJIhcfd bad Pet-n iira 1 1 qm f',-.- - fAV,:: ft.r rrdlina H3 WHO una nnY -KlIO-vi- 1 innvin, - m m-sv" i : . - - ' c ViV'liROBEnsOlh PfiOP, -!.. ' . ' - - - " tlie trafctr.trj'b'.x-. , . . - ; liAJCIi ATAUT . a:,, ANI); .:iVrM;u'i - H. : H; l I week before they even rw" blh!sj:dt-a be-q up aud aT"it tur Wine time. Subscribe to tho Lcdocs, a .. i ... t .... iuw btmJ breezy and spicy j'rjsl- iti.ti n 1 all p-vu: rr i 1 1 4-..-All frv. 1 Kir. ' i r.'" 1 . , .:.. j

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