in i . - - r m .Ledger. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PjsR YEAR, INVARL BLY IN ADVANCE OUR MOTTO: PIEU KT MON DROIT TUE LEDGER rUDUMUNG COMPANY. I ... 1 ) i VOL.IV. . JNO. W. WOOD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ' LEWIS' rON, N. C. - Practices in Bertie (counties. WINDSOR, BERTIE COUNTY, N-C WEbNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21-1888, - ' t. : ' - -, NO. 13. , . ; -j . .. , , --? : " ' ' I m - , -mm and adjo ning n9 Gm WILLIAMS HOUSE, LEWISTOM, X. C, J. G. WILLIAMS, Prop. . Travelers accomm oda ted at low ratesi 'Table supplied with the best the market : affords. - - . - J5STConyevances" furnished on appli- DEDICATED TO MRS. ASA GAYLORD. BY MRS.? ANNA N.I IRWI. The hours Iv'c jpased wjtlv thee -shall : ' ne'er be lorgot, j Their licht tha'l glow a glows the sun, On some benighted spot,j : ; . And freshest flowerets khail ope, And yield their sweet tbjme. As fjiiicy to m3' sight sjiall ' -bring, V The hours I've passell with thee. tun... au3tfn PUGH'S DRUG EMPORIUM, WINDSOR, N. C, Where you can find choice Paints, Drugs and Oils; Druists' Sundries, v Plavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per fumery, & Pishing Tackle. John F Stratton's Musical Instru ments and Strings. Robert Buist's Field and Garden Seed. Full line of Fine Stationery always on Jiiand. fe!8 tfn dr. f. d. stevens, surgeon de;ntist, WINDSOR, N. O 'Teeth extracteckwithout pain. - billing partly decaped teeth a special i$y. All work warranted. GEO. W. SIMPSON; LEWISTON, N. C, CITY MARKET. SCANNED GOODS, CONFECTION ARIES, GROCERIES, . SUGARS, MEATS, COFFEES, TEAS, etc. "PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY It is the i tile of tho rieoDle. It ia Democracy. It is the country's safety.- Wilmington Mosseuger. i i : THE JUDGE WAS CANDID. , : THE ARIZONA KICKER: The following is from the Issue of the Arizona Kicker: last ue of tjie - . OUR CIRCULATION. There once lived in tho city of Tnere are newspaper! which do Williamsport,PA.;anold jodgewho more blowing about their circula- uo uuicu tor iwo inmgs ior gci-1 non inau we uo, ana there may ting mellow occasionally and tor be a lew ing.j llii wife ia onb of th hahd inmMtwnmrn in tho Wcat, hit daughter tho iitiust sin c r and rnubician aud the gcnt!i?mti ium 6elf bought to be President of tho United States. It is to audi m ahoad,y enterprising men Mr. lirajton that Arizona if indebted for her prosperity. AVe ill nt- W I- VTlLilAMj The hours I've passetl wih thee . Awakes no ' sorrow norj regret, - Save that those hours agtin may be, In time" revolving et So that as days and year should wane, They'd come again to me; And still the same bright hours remain, The hours I've passed jvith tliee; being plucky and courageous un-fera m a sincle : week, but the der ail circumstances a ;gamey Kicker gets there just the earae. old man. It was a peculiarity of We Jenj oo.a circulation of two the old judge that whenever he (?) copies one of which we car- 1 1 u - j. rud about in our own pocket, and got mellow he grew correspond- th nth-r r , .AmAh:'t 4 ing y re gious. One n qht be u IT -r a' A-- i . j T tb postrhaHter. We no; work wandered - into a protracted re- 10q :J .-i.t.i : r. vivaLmeeting and seated himself Tr;lu",,, Kai " liHV,V, I A U IO 19 Mil lUVtltaSV ui Who add rabrc 8Uhscrib-!tQD.tion to ln0 two column ad.. nil influence of some Kind. ' The f l?JS?lt??. " ? The hours I've passed wjth thee I prize, clergyman engaged in bispreach- "XI TJT.X. .V it Above the gems that .lue. i ing, arose to a fervid pitch of 16- ?eJ, P,e,v?PaP!r " the. world can and in the midst of it .WINSTON k WILLIAMS ATTORNEYS AXD COUNSELLORS AT LAW. 1. C. WIXrjTON, ATTOR.'.'EY'AT'IA'. i . i i I. What were gems if thy lJriht tyes; Light up love's sacred ehritie, All gems are valueless 1 hold, W hen'er they beam ont me, As to my ight I see: unrolled. The hours I've passsd with thee quence, ana in exclaimed: Show me the drunkard! Show mo'the drunkard! Of all men on earth the moat unfortunate. Show him to me!" THE COUNTRY SAFE. Because the Detnocracy has been "defeat ed an d k lie p n blican elected President of the United States, we do not deem it neees sary to sound the ajarm of im pending ruinand dire disaster. We rather invite palm and se rious consideration df the - affairs of our State, j and d?precate tbe spirit and tendency of the times to magnify the power and impor tance 01 the federal aut of all just probof'ions, and beyond the contemp founders. A cbiid beginning govrruinent ation oi its to fpa1 the Upstairs, where I nra prepared to newspapers of the day would nat TtBke pictures of all kinds and sizes at urally conclude that the Iow rates ua oi rust tiass order, raw irnvernnient waa thh loaI oofr. ernmeut uuder which he livtil. that Washiiiirton vvds he seat of .ATTENTION FARM E US ! INDIAN WOOD WHEEL FAC TORY the only government the cusi t ir. nnw mJnnfM-.tom? Cflrl Wlieels. t, a Oungress tU seat ol the llims, II :hs and Spokes from native tim- sole legislative body of the-pen-1ers wlkich I will hell from $3.50 t'u $5.25 Our people are nclcctin; ;ver pair of wheel. " A discount wilV be their baIuft iustitutioii and home .n in. -T ... r. i I i T j i r a (inI iriuihinif utio 4,n u by on? partv. Allwork wanantea. "" V" Special terms to ('oachinakeis. Ship- strange gods I of Fwdera) pOtver ancntsF. O. B., at Coniot lauding on and national grandeur". Ilonnoke river. We protesfagainjst this Port of We doirt claim that the Kickor makes kirjgs and emperors trem ble on then- thrones, or that It has bettered the moral standing of the American masses 1,000 per cent.j out we do know that T 1 cised OUR EXCUSE. We haVo been severelr criti- becauso we refused to aU which wo have inserted free, of mo lact that Jackass Uell for ialo;at 10 per acre. Ifa worth uvo umea that It is not for us lo suggctt tint other farmers bring us in jn'tn toes,' butter, carrots or apple. Such as do will find us rMdy and wimng to give them from one-1 Prri!-c , n&iiacoiamu to three column I niy of notice in return, and in our V ': .-:v' I mostcheerful vein. D.Mrnit Kmr. ' ' ? Press. AT70RsVEY''T-LAl' To the consternation of .11 pre r.;?mdTHf. ' h ""l eni me oia juage arose., un J i . v .1 teadilj maintaining himself,' ex- .5?' mn P00P'e ?Qt b' laimed: "Well, .fr.hor. lam." ZJtd fr rCad t hlng The eletomao haW realized 'Ji0.10!6 IeLwhe? our ? "?m- upoQ his investment much sooner -T" CU , "U than he anticipated didn't know 7.,, , ' tZt Z -ii T i .. what to do with it. Thev finally iMW0 w, raako a bct,cr puueu cue uiu juuge uown ana the incident bad passed out ot memory almost, when the clergy man again struck an impassioned nprinrl rl PTflnimor1 ir iht ltrn tend tho funeral of old Pete Sbin- 4Show me the hypocrite! Show fyiAbo died on tbe street one me the hypocrite! Of all men on bight lait week; It is claimed God's green earth the most ds- 'hat Old iW was our creditor in picable. Show me the hypo- the sura of 512,-and that it was crlc- ibtibby ii us not to tee him The judge arose the second planted ) time, and, reaching his cane over j In tho lirsfpl ice Old Tote owed to a certain shaky old. doacon, ji8 $2 borf wd monov, inMead exclaimed: 'Deacon, why thefof our owing him. In tbe neSt aevii don't yon get up when bur Sunday pantaloons needed a )i'u re QiiBuonj . I natch abont four feet pouare ut tho end onrosite the how. and wo MODERN ANCIliNT COSrrUUtES. hi,i ' l ; f , to ridienld lor the eao d allowing clul pif. We b'Kn keen onr back h'. p. r i. j When ladies were less carol own otiice Until aui;10 12m. Windsor. N. O. TONSOKIAL ARTIST, W. H. ' LEIGH, - of their morals and tho bright hind us iii our yed ones of the Court of 'France better times" arrive: and iLn.: gained the royal Louis' approval, wat we are trying to do: Wo he was very apt to bestow upon fhaTeL sf Sa r rancweb for u them a cirdle' of cold. Now. ??Me Hor ?f OUr l?"'''?'': t i aiiiii u nnn ir n rnvn; nit.i ia n'n hpm some among the commoner peo- on t0 the I spot Hichard will l e pie were old fashioned enough to himself agaiu; and ready to rusiu ihink that virtue was of value to t funerjla or addrers u puldic women, und so" there arose tho meeting ju the topics of tho day. proveru, - a goou name is Dettor jiust take tueiu chances. WILLIAM-S EMI! AUUASSM F.NT. Ono of the Kuisian officers who was present at the first meeting of the Emperor William nrith the Cztr Alexander thd other day re ports that the Emperor was vert pale, nvith sunken eyes and chnk at white Ri the cotton itulfed in both !of bis can; by the tido of the colossal Czar he looked likw n sick child. A he had been Study ing up his Russian for ?otnc time i? ft. . t i in anticipation oi nis viiit lie ie- gan by addres?iiig tho Csar m that jlsngusge. W hither ho had forgotten what ho knew or whether ho was too full of emo-. Hon to exnrett hirarelf clearlv. ho uttored the first compliments with grct difficult?. Alexander, noticiilg hU voung cous;u s em barraiiineut. s.iid In Mm: Ltt us inK in German evidently wanted flur ntull by his knowledge of tueir language auu tormnuci io peak in what he thcjht war ltii4taii. Finally he wai obiird to dm' hia nsotnr tnuwtic $o m to ba undiTit-md. When the t vnvtfcigtis r:iv8tl at the Peterhof i'ulacfc and the German Jvnpror fnT h9 piemlid Jiori o! th Oiiard u'u ytm so btit'cvihc with admiration at their magnificent npptarauco that he forgot his Uusiiau and complimented their cnionei in wrn an a niomeoi when it would bar beca timely to uir hi Uustan. frSt. E. niiw?fi jfisft GiK)ni::iKs, l f!. KTC. W!Vi;.:. WHISKIKS, GINV. . .... : ''MiAr-f-it" C I ; M t ..ik, I. . JACQCXS, V..r.r..x' II id In him: Let 1 Ti, .;:v-- an;" out William Ift1 tUu lto paralyze the hac ofiLuhcerx oN. fiiira t:utx:: ix KEY I EW1KG THE SHIMON: imc3 ddrin '- tho hst Mrs. Smith How did you like I of Statp- Sovereignty aid insist that the government of Korth uaronna snonia oe tne crtiet on- tt.. 4-lUV,;0 oWfittoilimin JPl,i yJl luroiooiBuuP .iiiuuinrwmi ,i.c .tviJ for the covemence oi North - CaroliHiaus. Ve really r,a Rhflvincr hMirrnttincr and sham- need not look beVontl thin. t"h I than a fold belt " ' .Tnst ahntl! m. UaillUUOi "'OI o I t 1 " " I " O " - I ' h.AA .. pooiiig aope m uu oura u our own ainpie your ejes anu imagine yourse-i u j , - f ,t Dr. Pulmt'a sermon laU Snudav. Will be at snonirom .ou iv v . iu., aou Vhf onon a it .tarodt l.otrr, , ;n Unb. n i,r..rt o;. t . iuuihu wu kururiscu ourseui - from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. no2tfn Ll. Dniri ntr0rJma.,.9 rtri. ?f fn anAio cin nflard th& nnlilio. Iw mnnnlnw iUn is it? Simply the general asent eown that prevailed dunncr tho floor Witli assailants, while on two Pci"ftct,y gfdt didn tjou! of the States, to perform those time of these fair but frail ladies Occasions we have ignominiously I cg' The way ho pitched mo functions of eroYerumont for -the is acrain in vosrue. Tho full. Soft Uv fl;i,t w I people for talking aboift thir ' J i.. . I t. l. i il . ifll- I -O I i Lh.ff'i t Till f TTV rt n FT ft tt IT ll l enm mrn rrurifi fi 'um nrin nA a iotto mar rrnna rna Tnn nnoi i l tt r i -1 r j v?iiiv. ... ... i m t ii 1 i ' i v i V , i js f I. : . . . . I rrnrwl :r. H. ALEXANDER, WINlW)II.N.c. r. i?. JERNtSAN, -i Kiu:;: ix toacco a cigaka coffi:?:.-' LAl:i), . liACON, CANDIK3. ;akk3 ktc WI.NIilt.N.c mcmT . B M f1. mandeistaTl tEv.:iios, x. a, W MchtrsXer; Jen tier, I f'ralft in 0;.ii.i v5:.?.r, A3 cixV ATTORNEY-AT-L AW SOLICITOR OF AND one oi tnem eiugiy nor an col-laimpiea arm irceaom 01 move- timoi toAn liari b Haf fifhtu 6VUi4' J WM wmw m jated backt that rtnyrt raeU. ftnd other times whu 90nlem.PDI. ewn-ivw in 1.5, Patents, lectively, could acdiifnplish; andtment, tho pleated to look after tho exterior . affairs showed the figure with of all the States, country ae a common revealing, halt concej backs that doz'eri men, and other timoa wbou coniempuo.. ith the half w6'd rnar from a good siied boy. Mri- BTW aling charms; Parties preparing to lick us must 00 ont et tolored npf And for I ni sure don t the artistically draped skirts that, be nrenSr'ed to tako their chances. DrcllJ? a worJ ol V u:ou-u We utterly despis the doctrine made of soft stufis, lend them- w mav fieht liko a Hon of ran -"lnRt.9n0 13 not .no b.7.. Utt!cr of centralization. iWe aborai- UelreB to each ensuous curve, uek rabbit. - than she ought to be. lyt lu-r C07 7th Street, WASHINGTON, 1, Q. nate the concentration of power drapo tho woman of today. Bomo f husband goes away nti4 h ave V fKSTABLisnED 1857.) at" Washington. We deprecate rude man says it is the age of the lnrcoLONEL das gone. her i for a week at n ttmo. hhe , rnvpflfc the tendency 1 of opr politics to demi-mondaine, the coquet, are Tony society pretended to be "aj uo iruennp u. ju Foreign patents procured, mrAa a ' vulaflrized edition! of theaa ladies In U.t w.oV Wnt,aA n. like to know where ho gcU the JUtDeiS : icgiBtwcu. ""-7- . I ... 7-.. V .7 1 u ,ovl uvv-uou vw - ,.1 "Exnert examinations made, and opin- Against these, thd Democratic of long ago, aud the modes they ions relatins to lniruigeiueuto, pariT was oroutrm- ipio exisicuce, iii&eu iu kuwiib huu liuuuna, iu and scone of patents given. Send tor my and majDtained thrdugh all vicis. shoes and girdles, were perhaps situdes, to the . pteseut hour, coquettish, but they were always Thouch often defeated, never dis- feminine. Ex. mayed. And look at the wav iWU owuv t' m circular and mention thisyaper. DR. F. A. WAIiKE. J. N. WILLIAMS. onel I)o Clairo was arrested for a Uorso thiet and taken to iN ebrasKa dresses!'1 to stand tial. It-was only a prei 0, it's awfal.1 She -ought to tense.- we navo known ior curtuu. months past that tho colonel was 'luat'a just what A tuir.K. ho The election of a President is A MOONSHINERS QUEER STILL. a beat and an impostor, and many Texas Siftingjr.- an imnortant national event, bat others , have known it. Ho sent t nnf. an nvfirwhelmiW oiie. Tho Bascoe Johnson, 17 years - old, n3 an order for a new hat as soon MIXED ELECTION NEWS. mora kg, .win boo rf, c. r'alja tuVr!:cJ Whh UH lis rau- Irl aijufUi. lUr.niiel withcLt tro Wlat, U CVr an I To:.;fni.!r fri-rU.. hotr.U, frr aiHi-ofiifurt.i!) !trj i! Hfr. 4.t:rfn:i atv! "IU, u Itx? n rrrr:i:Jy ur.oiaicvj r.J wtal a?i;i:i.l i'ic Ji.Uh it.vaic a;.;;4 room I J. IL MlMUV. ltn. Presidential dffi and exalted iffice 5s a very high living in Franklin county, was on as ho arrived here, and thus put j - one, hat it is not a trial in the United States District us under obligations not to give Mrs. Winks ! don WALKE& WILLIAMS, DEALERS iy DRUGS, L PAINTS, : OILS, ' "WADS WORTH'S PURE LIQ ' TJID PAINTS" - We arc a disci D I e . . ... . . T .. i i. n . ; j w -. .r-i i rvi A k.-k a m - ii ft-krv- nil -w wr t n a rmr i t It is without question tne leading aDOsea ana mucn .iflisuuuerbiuuu snuju numu uwu i NOT ON J1IM.- economical., - Lare R orshippef at the shrine of derediom Smith,-hU partner, to i Thefo nro no flics ou J. -M.-1 . . , " SUteSbveret-'dtyt VVe" know be brought into court this morn- JBrayton, sq., who owns that . CORNER WATER STREET that Ucal self government us' the ing, and said that it he found the Deautiful ranch commonly known " AND lio'A'NfVKE-fiOITATiTC: essence of liberty, lhat it isat the tacts to be true, as detauea u Jackass' Dell. He entered our toundation oi au our lnBuiunona. i J3auu uouuiuu wuuiu.. That it is everything. The- local both of the boy moonshiners I Rvstem is the i American svstem home. Ex. t see yn:r WC0DARD HOUSE i:i)KNTON, Ii. C. JND L. SOCtRSOU, PROP, Si :ffiST !ZDSnsI ?osVafto3 a UmeTind'n. the col- MMiuks iot he'a on n un - arealhonsand menin theUnited illicit distilling, Ue put ma plea didn t come in with a cash - ccl,DraUn' tho election ot --U-- Statea, identified with the various of guilty, and in answer to Judge 8Ubscnptidn wo leit that wo had j teuM-"" r.KAtfJSAtJML financial, trarieportktion and in- Newman said: I used a powder given himjropo enough. Wo just .Iia"ioi i dustrial euterprisiesiof the coun- can for the still, a common coffee dropped.aint to ithe sheriff of "Uo is? Why don ou J simV.o room f.trr trv. of more power and influence pot for the cap, and connected Henry-, cosoty, and a week later your hutbaud la bring ium , 'jp, for the weal or woe' of the people, them with a gun barrel which an- ho colonel had the iron on. home? , n ck AT AT.l Tit.MNS ANI than the Cbiet Magistrate of the swered tho purpose of a worm. I Ve arokilone every Evening af- 4tOan t. My n4J1 ',a;:1 !! ' srEAMltr - patiop." ! 1 j - mashed a peck ot meal at a timo ter G. Wo can't be bribed, but Wednesday night that rcw lork r -1 mtviK T. -c t" While vve shall not seek to -do and got about a pint audahalf of there are parties in this town who had gono Democratic and no o IfMtor;. anj i.,i. li,u -r am preciate the importance of nation- mountain dewfrom it." That's Had best C9mo in and subscribe a spree celebratm the election jj,ni , . . ' al affairs, we shall magnify those all I know about it My partner's 0r copies to seud to friends. Oof Cleveland. I biladcipnia ucs. , CUUUITUCK. c ctntn Wo JVH tovRtif norfio ii Tnm Smith, a hnv who forma nr ncr vear strict! v in I ord. ' rir, I disciple lot ; the much lives in Frauklin county. - Judge advance. NORFOLK, VA. 6fljce ..the other day and left a peck oi pptatoes ot his own rais- A 3faiden lane jewelsr recent-j rv.-OT:.n- a wrinc iirrwrJ".M :. :;oijC Iv received an oruer irooi a w. V. ; - i.,,. v man in Montana for. tbi be-: j ltl'AvXe. xi-hr m i M r Ur. C -welkin ring" ho had in .tockJt:. nt.x ?V H retlied" hat he didnH hv. ilLILt.. l: . ; any, but that agoodtnmp pk l4 r;!.?il?1 n t j . I 7 n ,inh1 maka a welkin nu ' ' ,, 1 r, le i a. ,, S r I for her ou short unticc J.J.JONKn M-Vcr 1