VOL. IV. IV INDSOR, BERTIE COUH'TY,; NC.; VEDUESDAY;' DECEr.lBER.12, 1888, y nu. id. I " i ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT- LAW ;; Y :lewistok jl c - Practices in counties. Bertia and .adjo ning I n9-6m I'ILLIAMS hOUSEf LEWISTON jN. C., J. G. WILLI AilS, Prop,- - Travelers accommodated allow rate. Table supplied with the! best the mat ket .affords, XSgTContevances furnished on applU tbn. ' - i au3tfn PUSH'S DRUB EMPORIUM, : windsokJ n. v. Where you can findj choldfc Paints Drugs and OiUrBrostsuidries, ; f Flavoring" Extract, Soaps Per- " fumery, & Fishing Tackle John F Stratton's v Musical - Instru meats and Strings. J Robert Buist's Field and Garden Seed; Full line of Fine Stationery always on nand. i; tela ttn 'mmmm , DRF. D. OTBVENS, BURGEON DELIST, wiNDBoBt k: c; - .' Teeth extracted without Bain Filling partly decaped teeth a special ty. All work warranted.! BEQ.r.SIUPSONi lewistonJn. a, CITY MARKET. CANNED GOODS,! CONFECTION ABIES, GROCERIES, SUGARS, ME ATS J- COFFEES, TEASJ etc. -V PHOTOGRAPH 4ALtEfaY: Up stairs, where I ani' prepared to tvke pictures' of all kind$ and sizes at low rates and of first class order.- raUO ATTENTION FARMERS ! IXMAN WOOD WHEEL FAtTORY T am now manufacturing: Cart Wheal, Rims, Hrbs and Spofep from native tim bers which I will sell from $3.50 to $5.25 per lair of wheels. A' discount will, be "' llowr JfcffiftnMijV ti pair art tak en by 'one party. AUjrorlc warranted. Special term ti Coacljmakers . Ship ments F. O. B.. at.Cotiiot landing, on Jlomoke rivr. ' , - '.A'ldress P RASCQE anglO 12m. , . Windsor. C. . TONSORIAL ARTIST W. TT TKIi SIpH, Has recently bad his Shop fitted Up in first class style for the! covenience of patrons. Shaving, haircitting and sham pooing done in the mostlartistic taanner. Will be at shop from 7. ?0 to 9 a. ro,, and from 10 a. m. to 4 p. ni po2tfn . 7. H. ALEXANDER, , ATTORNEY-AT-L AW SOLICITOR OF AND SOT 7th Street, WASHlNGtOiN. 1. C, Jr (ESTABLISHED! 1857i) J i Vovivn TIOIPTIDI IirWIUCUa ivi.."i nv, Marks and Labels registered. Patents lpertexammauonsae, J l J , N . wviJTZ : r. t , i rirv.ura.r m.iiu i DR. F"A. WALKB. . - - iVALKtcti')iuiArjst r-- . l- .. ' . 'DEALERS IS. DRUGS, x PA1NTS V OILS, W ADS WORTH'S PtJRK LIQ - iUlD PA1KTS" It is withont question the Leading Paint on the marketv and . the jeeouomical. ' . CORNER WATER STREET AND ROANOKE SQUARE, N0RF0lkfVA:: RECEUTS AD DISBURSEMENTS OF BEftTIE . OQU2TTY FOlfc In accordance irith Chap. 18, Sec. 752 of Vol. 1 of the Code. I herewith annex a complete statement of the receipts from'tvery source &hd disbursements on eirery account made by the County for , tne iwcive monms nainz ueceinDer, 1888. 'i&howme the name of every indi vidual whose account has been audited, the amount ; allowed and for vhat purpose- '! -I" ' DECEMBER, 1887: V, v Blunt Grlfln ftnd wite $5 00 3 00 10 00 9 00 ; 3 00 :8.00 Ishurnel CKerry Thoa Brogden Wm'Bvrum Matilda CKpf6r ' Harriet Robbing 5 00 :Col S B Sprain' tloibua Bowenf '- '.Cicero Strain ! Freeman Cooper ' Claripa Ontlaw; ; Winnie Ward Lydia Petersou 80 00 5 00 5 00 -.2 00 3 00 . 3 00 2 00 .2 00. 5 00 iBetUe Cook Ryan Wynn Aggy Thomport Tutj Williami 2 00 2 00 . 3 00 - 3 00 J00 2 00 4 50 8 00 5 00 6 00 3 00 4 00 10 00 5 00 6 00 8 00 200 5 00 8 00 15 00 unerry uutiaw Tom Carter Henry Cherry Royetta Boon Celia Newbern Aug Mizell i Larry Clark ! Jesse &rown and wife' Billy Tyler " Can Williams " Matilda Ontland Juan Speller v Lurinda Tille?y Amelia PhelrVa Matilda Fleeter Steven Brown Winnie Rat roe Jno Castellow , Harry Outlaw Rachel Ruffin Abby Butler 2 00 8 00 10 00 $ 00 Dolly Lawrence' Arter Gillam 1 Fcribv Outlaw G-o Clark Vina Green Marv Hnsscll j M u tildn B n nl nl Priscilla Cooper NcUon White j Petrgy Bazeinore Esther Aakewj 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 1000 . 2 00 4 00 8 00 6 00 4 50 6 00 . Jas Carter Eiioa Mitchell Agtfy ( "bet ry Daniel Harins Bottie Baeclms Ront Jacocks 1 : A Phelps and Iwife1 Mary Mardre f ! Winnie Difnlow Annette Hill . Hester Riddick ; Henry- PeeU M Wilson j ;Emelint Meyer Peter Johnson- Martha White Rachel Rsscoe ; J P Rascot & Son house $36 85, same 5 00 2 00 ' 2 00 ; 3 00 12 00 : 2 00 9 00 - : :- 2 00 2 00 2 00 tndsefor oor 10 09, H J (iodwin waitmr on court and office rent 13 00, H J Godwin jail expenses 29 $3, (E ;R Outlaw fees assheritt 67 :iU, .W L. Lyon fees as C S C 88 23, i Geo W White ees as solicitor 7 50.' C L Ndrth- rntt feea fta conBtdble 4 05. J H Brett fees as constable 7 20, CL Grant fee. a. constable 60c W C Miller officer ttf tietlt Jnrv 5. Jof i - . : - r y - athan Xircester mileage as juror rm w if ti t k .a r a r i ,1111 rT rr n D -Flood same 9 Robt Willi ord same 1 20, Chas Bond J costs insolvent State eases 2 70, G N Green same 1 25y R W Askew same 2 32, U T Harden rent for court bouse 45 00, eame school board offle rent 18 .00, J P John-, on ussistinir in settlement sheriff 2 00, Albert Bryant - raak mg comn ror Katnau Morris if uu, E S Dail stove pipie " for county use 60c, Samuel Di Youas error in taxes for 1887, 33 75. COURT BOUSS FUND. v tendent - H si v nrn 1 S' - - " i " f I JANUARY, 1888. mos L Thrower services superin- ?on ?? TS.AJPnf new court house 872 00 , C"MU "HP -r"vi"5UMTr- ,u' W Lyon writing and counted 2??''! nrr Artnvt iintitA rrniT hnrtria I - f W A Capehart services as com Brett services as constable 14 65, missioner $14 00, K Bigs & Co J B Stores services as . comity over charge m taxes (laud) 21 56, commiesioner 13 5o, Peter Raicoe H K Uarber samejl 40, Mrs Jas same 19;20. John Hughes services Boswell Bame: (poll tax) 2 00, W as coroner 5 00, H J Godwin ser- A Tayloe conveying prisoner iail 3 00, J R "jermcaii luinbei Caslne bridge 6 50, l A r mileajje ag jaror superior court! 1 00, H V Dunstsrj medical i id for jail and poor hotis 40. 3(J; B H Swairipublishihg annual sUts ment 75 00. N W Min ton services as coustanle 4 00. G W Cobb J P ana consiaoie costs insolvent! . . . tate. casts 4 60, H J Godwin commissioners and waiting ' on coun uu, same jsu ;expemes o ov, o u rreeman stgmnfiT coun r ty court house bonds 6 40; Ll Thrower suP.rintendini? , eoott house 20 00, HeiUr-Morris help outside poor house 2 to, Abram Phelps same 3 oo, . Litbia1. Cook same 3 oo, R H Barnes poll tax for 1887 (old aSe $ oo: - 4V s - J 4 Jl44L4i : -- ! Z : 'X 7jp&tr . vV: - " Jamet reels error in tales for 1887 Hand $6 50. Henrv Sutton sithe (county part) 45c, Lewis Williams same 5oc, W H Tayloe J P costs 'insolvent State cases 2 37, A B Phelps coffin lorDan'J tiagins 3 oo, H M Pearco coEa for Winnie Jones 3 oo, J P Ras coemdse for poor house 5o 57, T J Hecks tall mdse and suptnn- tendent poor house 816 2o, Xior man & Everett pork for ;poor house 84 So, H W Lyon services as Reeistef Ot Deedl ett 168 48. John Htige's holdiug inquest over Martha Bond 22 lo 11 J Godwin jail expenses 45 2o; tame convey- a - i ttii .Jtt-i!- ji Edwards & Bronehtoh blank r. :Krri V, Faitby Aria Hill eame 2 oo. Hel(il outside poor housed Blunt Griffin and wife Billy Tyler and wife Adalihe Williams Matilda Burden 8 oo 5 oo Ishmael Cherry CeHa Newoerh ' friscilla Cooper - 'Thos Birogden Axxz iliielti v Kelson White : .'Win By rum '-Larry-Clark : . leKJ Bamof & Jesse Brown and wrfaf Harriet ftobbi us Enos Mitchell Abram Phelps and! wife John Castellow Rachel Huffin Ryan Wynn M Wilson Winnie Dunlow Lydia Peterson , Harry Outlaw SB.Sproill Lurinda Tillery . Joshua Boweu Cieero Swaiu 1 o oo 4 00 0 eo lo 00 . 3 00 2 00 :eo - "5 00 8 000 & Co oo 800 - 5 .3fi 2 ?o - A iioot jacocks . Winnie Rascoe' Steven Browri Mary Mardre . Bettie Coole Henrv Peettf ; ' EmeHneflarfell Can Williams Annette Hill Tom Carter . Geo 01ark Hestef Riddicfe ggyThompson Dolly Lawrence . Vina Greett ' Tatty Williattg ' Arter Gillam Kmtline Meyers Clara Outlaw ' Ferriby Outlaw- Esther. Askew James Carter Matilda Coopef Jaan Speller x o 6 06 2 00 Xmt 6 4 00 2 8 2 c 2 3 z 2 3 y s 8 ;3f lo 3 P o Aggy Cherry Matilda Fleeter Bettie i&cerro Freeman Cooper Wijnie Ward Cherry' Outlavt Martha White Rachel Bascoi RoyettaBopn Hester Morris Mrs E R Gillam error io 4 00 800 b 2 800 of - 300 2 eo 2 00 mt OO 3 00 taxes! for 1887 ?lo 4o, Greenleaf John I An nam' nr w Kl rlrtVAr A Chas Bond J P apd constables cost Superior Court. 5 4o, J H to vices as jailor 57 83, H H Luter Sharper White for serviceafai poll holder 3 00. E E Lnuie Ward Iane Outlaw eerviccs as sheriff .132 W ih 135 73, eame blanks and station ary!? 6o;E 8 Bail coffin for pab pcr po,Dr W j8 Gurlty truss fcr pauper 1 oo,J J Jacocks stove and pirfe for court hodte 5 5o. J r " r juacos c- Boa- mdse for . . - jail for for 7 7i W T Htckitall wbs.l I jail 1 5o, J R Moedv board jury 10 oo. . j y ; APRIL -' ! . "J? r?.5 .0 ??P. .oal! Pr nouse lauida uutisnd wlooo, Abby Butler samt r t?!? ShsrperYbitei same 2oo, W W JlmniT lBJ0WT!r3 . L-Biltnan Ayers, coffin for jJivmti Mitchell 8. Ob Geo H White so- hcitoff fees' insolvent State cans 5 otf. tt W Haehes error in taxes for': 188?; (poll) 1 95, W Jj Myert rails for county road' voc, HJ Godwin isfvices as Jailor 23 99, J.C Freeman services as commissioner 25 oo. vllelp outsida the poor huie. LTvia Phelps . 'loo rAbtam Phelps . ' - - , 2 oo riercei oo K R Hogfcar4 . 4 oo rauinajooes . loo 'Patience Hod ees 1 bo Edwards i Broughton plank i dooei ana staiionarv ior i.erisiir OI "eeai " station- for OSC e 25. Sol Chen-T fees insolvent 8tate cases 14 5o.l WILvonC8 C fees insolvent State easel ilY 6. R W Askew 5 oo JP fees ineolvent State' cases Brett constable m StKtevs Wat a ooU 45.Chaa Hohd urns lo'55. J FJoii Gdol 2 2o, A J Pritchard re- I Mitchell same 1 15, j E Mitchell I same 6 2o, J1 E Mitchell same o oj, w o jacocKi conveying i 1 XV rryier to insane asyiura ay yo, I K U Gatlinc convevinc J E Moore to Bertie' county juil 12 80, C C Jackson con vet in if Jordan Wright tov Bertie cimntyVjail 12 9o, U .C "Jackson ePnvyine Wra Dempsey to Bertie connty Oeljail 13 4o;L Thrower Fefvices sopefinenaent, pew court rmnsa 28 00', A J P'riichatd repairf on winusor or ago 1 xu,- ,A f; Hewbern and others bniMiii,r 00 urlel "PS? tflr-V ,n; 00 8- Dai 2 cnfiin for iamo 6 o OO j lUOi KOUlIiaC puryili CnlUsrm 00 Bowen:l eo,B II Stvaifi pttbliah minutes M comii iiiouer -00 12 5o. W L iv llliatus aflislini: uuiwim seiiiemeni 01 snenu a on.- J Godwin expenses ol Jail 00 Aptil 46 26, same expenirJasi.erL;.. nr? n r.T:v.,,i,. I .vvL . 1. I .a ' Til 1. 1 . 11 . auuuw uicu fu uu.av ow 1 cervices ua couuiv . commisiiouor w pa oo,- vv A vpcnart samei ou ;nelj OudidpttoT bcnseV Marina Bond ' Amy Higgs oath MoUie Browri K R Hoggafd Pauina Jones Patience Hodges' Bettie Pierce . Litia Phelfri Esther Askew Ryan Wynrx . Hester Riddick . " Rachel Ruffitt ' Tom Carter Can Williams Emeline Harreli v Henry Peel Bet tire Cool. 1 Maty Mardrif Steven Browri Wih6ie Rascoe" 'Robt Jacocks Cicero Swain . . Joshna Boweor Laufina Tiller S B Spruill . r ? Harry Outlaw - . Lydia Peeraotf i- Johp Castbllow' Abram' Phelps EnorMitchelh: r ... Harriet Robbmr, :.; . Peggy Bajemore Larry Clafk V Wm Byrum r. i- Nelson White , :, Aug Mizell : v ThorBTonden .PricjUa ?&op : - iCeha KewbarU; , ' . OO 00 8 800 8 00 8 00 tO I 00 00 8 3 00 600 oo 00 00 800 8 oti 5 00 3 00 3 00 00 00 00 00 3 4 6 00 00 00 12 00 00 2 5 00 o 00 SOo 4 5o! 00 0 00 00 . 15 on . .1 " 'Ishm.afil Cherfy.., 'V Matilda BuTdf-n' y. -iBilly Tyicraiid wia' '.. itfluatGnfin ;: - lo, tAbby Butler .Winnie Dunlow Matilda Outland Sarah A By rum Hester. Morris Dolly Lawrence Rosetta Boon : Rachel Ras (fre Martha. White Chtrrv Outlaw Winnie Ward Freeman Cooper Bettle Bacchus ' Adaltne. Williams4 v Matilda Fleeter ' ASffJ Cherry Juan Spoiler' -Matilda Casper ' Aprjy Thnmpsod r Jas Carter. Ferriby Outlaw 4 Clanss Outlaw 2 oo lo oo 5 oo 3 oo 3 oo 2 oo 2 oo 2 oo 3 oo 3 oo 2 oo 6 oo 8 oo 2 oo 4 oo 5 od 3 oo 2 oo lo o4 3 oo 3oo 5 oo 8 oo. 2oo Emehne Meyers Arthur Gillam .Tatty Williams il.Wi?son, Vina Greed Llthia Cook Nellie Rvan li oo 2 oo a oo l oo . A 8 Itascoe mdse forjVil 216. same for troor house 29 15. W T Heckltall wood for jail 1 5u. II J Godwin tef vices as jailor 23 83, ER Outlaw services as sheriff 149 85; 8 Tod-i's hcirt error io taxes (land1! 1 63. C T Harden tourt house 6o oo,- tame i Hituiuusiuui xuwut; iu- .." mie .trice coniUbU 2 00. oy Uooper making cotan for Joey wringers i w. A Jt UancoCKcon Iey"fi prisoner to jail 2 oo, J H P1"0 Windsor brido 1 5o, J II I f110". uoara ana joaging ior " M" ", uu" uwot ' Tcri,,l,uuoai n0TT cvun couso 44 00; : ; ; JULY; . I AViods.r 2S oof G W Cobb samel v-.-.j . y T4aa., W bite 16 00. T C Bond same asl jnrj, ian Wood., 16 oo,-J W Smith to Mrry Hill 16 00, T F L- ie WoodvilU 16 00, J W tm Llm Cherry fi iie tfnak'e Bite 16 00, A jankinViBrae M-lfcTl,,u 16 uQ j II White same Coleraine 2) od, o, Li0iiJl .c for lhe lheriff 5Cc, W C MUUp a.rurtl rtit 5urr 9 00. Oih. - 1 A If rc8I C0&Q 0Jf L aia Pclcr. son tf 00; Jesse r lowi cutiin ior itrf n 6 .. tV... n 11 u,:ia. 1 a- i.t- forU..;,! iqf ! ,vi- a.v .. coll serticei at conatubl 1 2o, I 1 p ami mau services as county commissioner 12 So, L Thrower services as superintendent court house 48 pp;. II J Godwlri servlccl as jailor 32 76. U W Lyon sir 00 vicei aa Register of Deeds 83 J J Jacockl rent ftfr Iron 5 00', same iroo for coutt house 23 4o, E 8 Dail bolt i etc for court house 85c, Mitchell Mifell & Co lumber for court house 17 o2, R 00 VY Goods & Son same 8 00, J Jernigan same 0 95V H V Dan- . reaovaiedanJ wia stan Umber Roquist bridge 27 35, JZTLlZVr, CoCT: A J Pritchard examining same lMnu shtiaj rooni for lt m 2 00, Hannah Baker help ouuido tairs- ? poor hoii2e'2 00; " "k to trs. ' AUGUST. J. 1L MUQDY. IVop. f.ig, Help' outside' the poor hoasp, tr n. pugh ,nd wir. VOODAflD HOUSE Kepoleon Holly 800 Wlbf L- 00 00 00 ool 00 Kepoleon Holly 00 AhrtaJ Fbelpr Penny. Thompson1 . Lennp Ward n A O0 . 1 XnikiiniiaWo- UROCEnsath Prop, rvilpn'iipt finWift tiri' Norm an h. """J- a 1 r . t r still oiTcrsmtbt..accc-x-U 8000 A S IUscoe mdso for pof hoosa the traTeliupublx, .2 00 16.39, same nidfa for court house 2'ooU 42. J J Jacotjks mdso lot court . TEIuiS REJtbOAULE. 00 house 14 31 l Mitchell Mirell 8 ool Co lumber for court tooie lo 4 001 J II. Bell work-jon coart house anJ c .vyanccs" tetiivI . 1 ,5 00 il 85,Xouis Floy I tame 2i 5c HACK AT Af.T TK.tiK AS. Soo Aug;, Robbins; fame, 4o do, L STKANfElW. "600 Thrower same 60 ioa-ThooI.Ralph . Hrueiaf Tir atta'Aei. T - 2 00 J W Cherry, balance doe on tak ; 4 00 ing tAX.list 1 00, T F Duo roe do 00 1 5o. J.C Blair blanks for ccTunty 3 oo commiisionera 7 oo, J B Spiroy .4.5o rent for OSC and Register of- 3 00 tico 96 bo; F I Winston rent for 5 00 sheriff oCce 40 Oo,-John Haches SV) holding inqutit on H White 5 00 14 2o, sarao witncf ses tc on in J 00 qnsi 23 Dr W S Gurle") ar 2 00 vices ut inquest 2j 00, U J God. looor Ccutiaued cn fcuxth yac, WINSTON t WILLIAMS, ATTCRKEYS AHD C0U!(2IU0 AT ' LAW. IYacUce xsx trt: t:e st i.a WINSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAl', WlKDSOIUN.c. rrxctices la Ws n iMlZ CCJ fdttTa HKNRV p. pp,ij fiT70nltEYAPtAl- WLNt5.0iUSC. rracttslarllths-x,-, . tlk Duaty . . - - CV'- OlSce, ifanrjf: v . . ... 1'. . Pia;ca rx QROCEHIES, COFFEES, FLOUR, ETC. WINES. . WHISKIES, GIN'S. TOBACCO, CIOAPo. T irnciK.y.c. fin if 1 COCKS, fJ&ALXM IK. : . Hardware, Cctltnr. Gent. hi.T. icunnrai impjeroeats aid Ixuura'.- tou; . rainu and ivat oils. Afu!" w.4AiiierjUiii; . smfn WINDSOR. N. c. B. Si JEfiAffA. DALra ij TOBACCO 4 CIGARS CANNED GOOLS- COFFEES. ' SUGARS; LARD, BACON, CANDIES, CAKES 2TTC. 1 MANDEISTAM, Lswmo.x, .v. c, OpUal izo. WaliiiM rM -iv. J r?p!rtd al short oct:c. Work rama. teed. Ptrtmiirt snliUill hi a iwmm mm, AVTNrDSOH, N. c. - ok, fabfesirppU'eJ tit Uii ths -safe U'laSfofdi. r., Czst and ToUcco; - Thecal llrst-dM. home-trtr. fog comfortabJa hoti in Ui dtr. Ameriam Hntiet nd Hi u (- choice crt, art .prcialUn. R 1 00 EDENTON, IX. C; OO Ev - & o3. . Saafpln rbnm fortrsrhr' i-r.t on 4 o.l STEAMF.R CUU (To T -5ct ,'' i Thu.- 1 .r. l 'tin All fr ! eji lew n br rnr c... 1 c;23tfa - .

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