-t.-.-.-"i ra. PRICE ONE DOLL AH PER YEAR, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE OUR MOTTO: ' DIEU ET MON DROIT. TUB LEDGER PUBLISHING COMPANY VOL. IV. WIKDSOR; BERTIE COUNTY, W. C, WEDNESD AY, JANUARY 23, 1889. NO. 21. ER f JNO. W. WOOD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW LEWIS TON, N.C. Practices in Bertie counties. "v. arid iadjoning Y: n9 6m WILLIAMS HOUSE, LEWISXON, N-.CM . J. G. WILLIAMS, Prop. Travelers accommodated at low rates. Table supplied with the best the market affords. jGgTConyevances furnished on appli- tbn. au3tfn THE REASON. BY ARTHUR E. POWELL. For the Ledger . "We never speak as we pass by," In silence aye we go; '. In days of joy or days of caie, No words our thoughts e'or show. Though each may wish for kindly words Neither the first will speafe; ", . Oh, stubbornness of human hearts, " So rigid, "though so weak. " r 41 GENERAL ITEMS OP INTEREST the lako bottom, and divine: after it, found the ring. Ills lost ring was received the other day by Mr. Whittemore as good as trow. N. Tf World., ; THE ARIZONA KICKER. P UG HrS DRUB EMPORIUM, bifcter wor?s our silence caused, Where ' vou can find choice Paints, Tt.nm -A To TirifTficit-s' RnhrWps 1 Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Per- fumery, & Fishing Tackle. John F Stratton's Musical Ins tru- 'ments and Strings. , v Robert Buist's Field and Garden Seed. Full line of Fine Stationery always on hand. lelo tin DR. F.:D. STEVENS, SURGEON DEJN.TIST, WINDSOR, N. C Yet for a single loving word, Each knows 'twere vain to plead. With others we exchange ideas, And friends will kindly greet, But no words pass our sealed hps, When, or where'er, we meet. - A company has been organized in Lynchburg, Va., to manufact--nrc paint, with a capital stock of 25,000. The Tin, Sheet Iron, and Cor; r iir i . . .. . , ::n?r We take the following from i tiT ZCl i l th3 ,ast 138n of tbe Kicker: vention at Peoria, 111., in the last week of this month. " . ; ; roR shooting. wu TVfo;;a nf nr.it- As wo were returning to. oar Alio X'iUj UUllUII New Orleans, La., will soon be in office frora tho Widow Smith's operation with their new machin- the "other evening (wo have been ery, the capacity being some 23; sparking tho widow for Ecvcral 000 spindles and 540 looms. Wkspast), and just as we tame The affairs ot the Charlottes opposite the old Indiau fort, some ville, Va., Cotton Mills Company person whose manners certainly are m a very prosperous and sat- need polishing up, fired four lul ifhctory condition. A" profit of lets at us from a revolver. Tho mailing, only five cents oach. Detroit F ree Press. A STUDENTS SINGULAR AJD VENTURE. A student at tho Institute of Technology, boston, was ill jn his room on Tremont street; at leant he thought ho was in his room, when suddenly awakened by a blow on the head; but on looking about ho found that he was in tho hallway of a strango house. He heard voices in an adjoining room and rapping at tho door, was ad mitted to tho room by two fellow studcuta whom he know well. They hardly know whether the visitor was-tbsir friend, whom r - pistil', and she strikes C den 1 knopsiu arlzctly 1 o'clock. Thai's tho way Brother C sometime reasons to denonitro a'clcar cae ot cuse and effect. " N. V. Tribune. 1 think I ou-M in hire rrort? tl aa 12 Ij. "U hr, yoi I'tlJe tai! nij C. curchtat -wlat hi D o wo:!i Co tti mean? Ycu are C2t!c. ! t ,,- wotk;jou nerrr hxe ftTj,'n l :i nzhl; jou ar alwap U'.e In she vsn: u I an tnuwJ da I b.re U lo S m self, and toti Jav il.r Uc to ti; nie foran !ncria"i4A!Afr "Ilni.. Usn btft rc. lu; j. j lorrei . a tun : I don't knT h- w m w.nt-c. Alas, that hearts shcfcM be t'Sanged By tnfling things, and light Offences nursed, at last, become To love a deadly blight. r. P. wi.kktoX. r. u U XLUAJ.i WINSTON h WILLIAMS, 10 per cent, was realized during intent, tio-doubt, was to kill ui.i he lhSht ljU i ix ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEILCSS .T meyear. Ittooktis about tho millionth U"UBC" u,u o uiock, or ins (m. uusi. no uaaurcu incra mai no I TVariv otic Order ot Sons of America wi.l meet in Washington, D. ; C, about the middle of taext June, and will be iu session three dava ml j r n 1 . , a. . jLuat mis eacu sunuy Jieari .wiui jiuoui, or more. And chills sweet friendships rare, mi. - - I nurt of n. Kpjirnl tr rrnli ffiia xne nanonai camp otthe ram- . " " -,-r" " v-" , .ras vry mncb alive. batcoaldn'tLlM . C U l. A. I .1 I triflt. a run and made eood oor eicarcl lV how ho caratther, and tbty . . . i inUti.i v.;. 1 A 1- i NYo don't claim -to bo trreatr,UfcUUU uuu WUh: mm 10 nw room ana uejrau an investigation a d m nrt:c s.r. J tttjois'n; tcc i ....... ft la ttia v;inlh)i:.n.c. Until at last a breach is formed - Which time cannot repair. Teeth extracted without Dain. Filling partly decaped teeth a special- For though forgiveness soon is given, yty. All work warranted. It takes longer to fore et. The sun may shine through fading clouds tion to that State. And still the earth be wet. GEO. IV. SIMPS 0 IV j LEWISTON, K. C, CITY MARKET CANNED GOODS, CONFEOTIONARIES, GROCERIES, SUGARS, MEATS, COFFEES, TEAS, etc. However, though we do not speak. And will not years to come, The reason, I regret to say, Is that we both are dumb. creat nko nn shnntiiuy linf 5f wa can't hit tho editor" and proprio- of. Vh. rajtcry. They foand torofacreatancrowinc week- 80lQtlon- 1 His sleep ho hs Representative negro politicians It at a distance of twenty feet and educators of Alabama, in once in four shots, wo svill leave convention assembled in Mont- Arizona. We don't claim to be gomery, Wednesday, passed a a Chesterfield, but it our manners resolution inviting white imigra- permitted us to bide away behiud an old wall and begin popping at a gentlemau' without warning, we'd expect to bo mentioned in the same line with u hyena. TOO JlUCi TALK. i. a WINSTON, ATTORNEY AT'LAW, WINIuN.C. The gifts recently presented by the Pope to tho Irish churches are valued at 50,000. Among the gifts is the stole which was worn by the Pope on the occasion of the services in celebration of riftmn jtrtAtinrl tt J w! - w .ft on the mansard roof; which wa, ,,?ac,!:flBR,rt edged by a tin gutter aod six 1 .......... t ltt. stones from tho sidewalk, made nrji j . i bull, his way along this perilous path ATTORJEY'AT'LAtY past tho dormer windows of five WINlxsoP N c ' houses, stonped at tho sixth, low- rmUccl in ln ti ? tf v.a.v mm niuuvnt .MtllVVV4 IU, HUU I y U.J I J awoko wben he a struck his head against a door in the hall. Nor folk Landmark. v.ic t.ocrt v a. m. to s. y. n. Cj" C THE NORTH CAROLINA RAIL- uwjuonee. ROAD DEBT. W P. Pnnenn ma, n nnU PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY TTd stairs, wliere I am inrepared to tyke pictures of all kinds and sixes at I low rates and of first class order. m30 ATTENTION FARMERS I INDIAN WOOD WHEEL FACTORY - I am now manufacturing Cart Wheels, Itims, Ilcbs and Spokea from native tim ers wliich I will sell from 6&.50 to $5.25 er pair of wheels. A discount will be allowed if as many as ten pairs are tak tn by ona partyl All work warranted, special terms to Coachmakn-s. Ship Aicnts F. O. B., at Coniot landing on Rouuoke rirer. Address P. RASCX3E, There is altogether to much .H i . . . . .i t taiK aoxjut tuat iuuuka oi our popular vdung drurjrist of the Blue Front which sent Col. Jim WITH A HEAR. Charles Ford, of Shandaken, m n) n f n a enm rtTtVtn (Inmmt The State of North Carolina n' fu if- loTni " ' JaclC80n t0 b,s ravc- J,m tier amonc thewestern CaUkilli. had outstanding her bonds to the beat him badly and fired several ajkd for qoinino aud got strych- U0 is considered a henry fellow. amount of 2,795,000, issued to pistoUhots at him. Robinson mne mistake, but there are a UU nerves and muscles wero tried threatened to kill Coleman on Kou Jay. reueeiiung .iwmrcs. . Q t! lflbtno.t on satnrjar . nn altne Colonel was old, lazy, and ... I drnnk half hit time, and left nn -3,000,000 of the stock in ouo to mourn hu loss. Tho dm- C(J ftl il wc startling. Ford was which she subscribed tor, and iho emproyes t04 trvo ivinnyl'iti is a young and ct.enretic man tramping along i"gig and till linlda. ThPRe bond oflrr;a tol)acco Comlm!lTf w York,Uvho sold out a coal van! in Chi Whistling when ho taw coming 6 rer cent, interest, and were, in rajlufaf"rers cigarettes, etc., Cago to come here and go into toward him an animal resembling .a- u i r uno"ieuiy wisn inai unnstmas the drug bnint33, and it tuut he a'be&r. Uu it came atan ambling, ovivt.vy. vr u tuu Mcamo more man once a veark expected 1hat he will niak tne csiate, a nen upon ine siock, luey receivea as a present last mistakes thereby making these bonds a se ycok over ?8,000 divided accord- attention to his liberal maimer of man it ut onco stopped, and Ford aid the construction of the North I .Li 1 lrAf. E. MOUNT A I Ni GROCERIES, SUGAILS. COFFEES: PLOUIt, ETC; WIN 13, whlsi:i:s; GINS. TOIIACCO. CIGARS. WINDSOR, n.c. ffti, . JA COCKS, n fowlshufilin'r gait toward rord. in the so ou. can hen urnin cauciu sum oi tne rmefortuues ' 9t 6 v aufflO 12m. Windsor, N. C. TONSOIUAL ARTIST, W.H. LEIGH, I Has recently naci ins snop nttea up m , Rt interest wa first class style for the covenience ot the &tate a interest wa hntrmiR. Miavmff. naircutwiii; auu naui-1 -ft" j th Vicissitudes and nf tho State. I W T" . 1 When these old North Caro- Junqimprovoracni anu lina construction bond, as they Munufactomig Company wds or oroiurl motnrpfl. th rtiiiff'zed in Lynchbursr. Va., af the road had so increased ' that Thursday night week. In order is estimated lo aan111 aM traaes ano proressious worth $4 - stock wa3 placed at ten dol 000 000. and it was desired to ,ni 8 Pcr ,UBre- AUUUl advertising in the KicKcr. IU would havo had ample time to has assured ns that uch a mia-1 havo l-catcn a retreat. II o did not take cannot occur MglUII, us he do so, however neithar did brum. bus properly lubeled the bottles ! Both stood eyeing each other and karoTUEU liI isailud. tukin ii tho shuation FordV I only weapon was a revolver, and uur eaiecmcu conicinpnrary tbii he resolved to uso on the down the street charges us this bear'B teuderest spot. Taking week: with bulldoziu tho busi careful aim ho fired, but just as V r . " DlULt:t I.V IlirJirarp. Coilcrr, llarr.cM, A- lor. rSAV nViara ;n tho mn(lf ai-fi.fin mcinnor H nfl it Wftft fllftHirP.il tO I fWL Vill be at shop from 7.30 to 9 a. m., and have the State retain the benefits 8narC8 wei"e t.akon and a Commit- ftom 10 a. ra. to 4 p. m. noztm ness men of this town into adver tising with us. Wo nail th:s statement. as a lie. Our methods 7. H, ALEXANDER, ATTORNE Y-AT-L AW AEV SOLICITOR OF ho did so, the bear made a spring and tho bullet merely grazed tho bear's tough hide When within abaut xivo feet Ford fired a:ain, but without A. ' i - -1 1 1 " tViia arnrntinw in thft rain WAS appoinieu lO Opeil ULUtto 1 i . I r AnhaAMrtftiAtt n m 1 I 4Ua Ham 1 a I of the property her liberality and "FUU n" "4 uau,v' of securing advertising have al wise foresight had created. orxnecuy. been nerfcctlr Iceitimato. Of COUrse the holder Ot SUCh a 1 The Ufo.nmnnrl Terminal mnn-lTi T.r ni,;rt I t at nnrtfiP.d iinon iLl Mimv and . I Ax.k.u.uMt II U U1UU tTiiLf UCU I1UIU WUIW WW !-" j . . J ii ir h v ru ikj r ir ri tt i r. w n m f a i i .. . . . . . m a m ari i-i r i i a r a. i i i i aim .t uiu twuuiisu b w utLUkiu" I pirn r ni:uy iinmuii iui MiBuiii.t4wti.twviAw-.v . WISIl-OR.N.C. . JERNISAN, (J. J. lUrry'i O.TuaJ.) bond would surrender MULM IX oven stopping tho shaggy mon- TOBACCO A CIGARS. CANNED GOODS, Patents,; - . m I ' I -w -i w - (.iLaun U.Ui JI nothing short or its lace value, so ting a scheme with the Baltimore opens a grocery hero wo drop powerful psws. IIo struck at the that any compromise w?s out of aud 0hl0 management whereby around' for a fnendlv chat with boar's jaw with his iron fiit, and the question, trovernor dams the latter is to extend its lines be. h?m. nnd w let him know that wbon tbo prcisure on his waiit na pn nnnur. rurii ruts MiieiHi. uiki i it i t.: i i - , , called about him the abelst and wisest of our financiers scheme for the refun bonds was adopted V 07 7th Street, WASHINGTON, IX C. ure.was passed through the Leg- the lattljr a 8ll0rter outlet North enda iL Whll e advigJ al, (established 1857.) itiaiure. . than its present route over the to advertise, wo nover bulldozo, SX. licw.u uci ui. uuuu wan VVatorn Nnrth urn nn rort If ITII I 1 ...... I --! . .I.aiIIm I. . a I trk lrcn anrl tVioia f onnnof I 4. . U ..:.raln:M-. unit Sn. I 1 r Knf Vtv om n mi tfVinnOft lift I va" VI lUkUlf MUVk bliWa W iUUUUW I lUlll! UUi 1 1 M U 1 0 1 1 1 U Hll'J 111 I W U . W a w w M w ... . aa .. w w a. a fling ot these .;th tho Mct t- , and the meas nd oenri pnad. Rf na to civa I nr. ,fAADn'f .onf rt .nlv.ftitn I hrnlfir tnathor down tho sidft cf COFFEES, TEAS. SUGA1LS LAUD. ijacon; - CANDIES, CAKES ETC. WlXIJIU N. a rrw'. r Foreign patents procured, Caveats, ExDert examinations made ions relatins to infringements and scope of patents given-. Send for my roa(j permanently in the State. as all can testify. It ba ldozing a mountain. Ford says: "It was all right! when I was on top, but when I in exchange for tho old, to h. intended an a mpnaoA tn the AnM e.nf ..aH!.;. hn nlrl htsii nndirnath. tho brflath was d ruQ forty years, thus retaining Norfolk and Western road Tho cl Jtp-trap concern down the street uoarly squeezed out of mo, and as l6Swld the ownership and control of the new construction will'bo aboiit covered with mort-a-es would be to snorliog and blowit.g-wcll. circular and mention this paper. DB F. A. WALKE. J. WILLIAMS. BesDectine this exchange of M r bonds the Governor, in his mes sage, says: "Amount of 6 per cent, renewal bonds when all are 180 miles. FOUND HIS RING. WALHt & WILLIAMS DEALERS IK DRUGS, v PAINTS ...... OILS, exenangea, ass -yuuu. ut tne w . rlri hnnrli lfcanpfi in n.in nt thftl . ' T v w " , I . rt i I . North'CaroUna Railroad $189,000 oultl ailD some years ago, 6-lderabie feelmg. It was in rela- quito apt to try it. APOLOQEIICAL.- During our absenco last week an item crept iuto the local col umns which has stirred up con- tion tT Judge Uandy, and the have not been surrendered for he as presentea with a magnih- exchange. Of these tho United cent enameled gold ring by hiB States Government holds $147,- friend, Hardy Solomon. The S2 nr8' $42r ring was appropriately inscribed In conBiderins the State's in- and waa .dated Columbus, S. C. debtedness we are not required 1873. It was also engraved with f . d d ad b -d 0 ajuc of wbis io lase accuuut oi tue xxunu var various aiasonic euiuiems. xn Tho friends ot the ucceasea olina Railroad debt; for the rea- 1886 Mr. Whitteraorej then a ar0 justly indignant at this ex son that tho railroad takes care of resident of Massachusetts with noae although they do not dis- luio liecii. iuo iwu 10 soou mi i liio lauiiijr, noncu umu xjawg vitj I rjute tho cCarixes. Y o are very 6J per cent, out of which the in- and bathed in the lake. When Uorry'that any thing of tho sort . A. aaL l . .feA " A jW 1 k aBaaft I L - - m S . 0k A l aaa & aL f ama. leresi oi lue uouu 10 icguianj ne eracrgeu lruiu mo aier . iuo .Unnld hannen. and are now Dre- I never heard such noiiy licks a that bear put it in outsido of a railroad locomotive." A cull? stopped their down ward career, and landed Fori several yardt in advance of tho bear. Hruin was quickly on top of its victim again, however. bat with an adroit movement Ford, writer of it, supposing truth was who had retained his hold on bit demanded said the dsceased was revolver, struck tho barrel aamit , i t n .u.,r,i-ri tho bear,s mouth and fired. Tho an old loater, bummer, drunkard animal &x9d u boM foll over and deaa heat, ana mai no was fllll j irinnon Faaeman. a AMERICAN HOUSE, WINDS OK, N. C. ra!-!t::n-cd tie Utl ll rsir- HArarVi'.e.Iiriiiitk-fl Wine, tly iv vi. C;r and T.xcco. The culx f.rt.!xM. bor. Ut siul cosiforUL! hold ia IS til t. "Atnricxa Huc' ar.J iliu 0-,; Itooov mreatlr rrtjorat-rvl an! Ln artyjnd the hoU lrivatc t'.lCz roctn tain- rcyFrrc Hick t D rsrf ti-arr.fn. ZtrTe.e. h o.lkc atlicUO. J. IL MOODY. IVop. fc 1 ? W00DARD HOUSE E DENTON, N. C. WADS WORTH'S PURE LIQ- met, and there is a sinking fund, ring was missing from his linger. Laring an article for next week, in ling ono of his colleagues in the UJ-U r aijm lb" which is expected to he ample Last August his tnend wrote him the judge is complimented SENATOR VANCE'S STORY. Senator Vanco was dticciiing in a party of Dtmocratio friends!. , ffORSDNf PROPf. tho other day the curious rssjon- V.t,,,l tTr'-r! for taking care of tho bonds at It is without question the Ijbadinq maturity. Paint on the market, and, the most This was also a hamrv stroke of economical. 4 vw v. tiA tVi. bonds mature, the State's interest CORNER WATER STREET in the North Carolina Railroad 1 AKD RO ANOTTR RDTTAHF. will approximate $5,000,000 Uur estate nuances nave Deen . . ' ' ' . V- '11 - ' ' 1 v h v and n.nmianiv manacrea j j - :a Wilmington Messenger NORFOLK, VA. from Wichita Kanss3, that Cristo- for eobriety and loVo ' of cold pnereini, vsrauu oocreiary ..oi water praised ,for bis honesty the F. and A M; of Utah. had Rud integrity-complimented lor iniormeu vxrauu uiasier Anglesey, y8 public charities, and relerrad ot ooum uaronua, oi me aiacov- to airone ot the roost upright men ery oi tne iosi ring on mo oouom vC8t of Chicago. While all know of Salt Lake by a littlo Mormon better, and while tho wbolo thing girl named barah Ann Hughes, will be a falsehood, we shall be 13 years old. While bathing she 8ra0othing over for his friends. noticed tomethlng glittering on Extra copies, done np ready for Senate freely does. "It U about as satisfactory," remarked Mr. Vauce, "as that of tho darkey about his crazy old clock. V hen twitted with ua jerky and spas modic behavior, ho declared that ho could tell tho time ot day by it a well as bv anv clock iu the world. Yer see, boas,1' said -he whea do hour band pints to 4, aud tha xainit hand pinU to hi!fn Hi ii Old & I WC II C ll -i :. till o;Ters Cnt-cUis accciiilcs.s V liio trarcl.nrub.k- TEHM5 ilK.VONAlU.!:. room for i-ic..z AND HACK AT ALL TT.AXNa , sti"ami::