i - - ... 1 -, , ,, ; ,,- . - i ,, ... . ; ; ---,;. i - - , "-.-.. r '. -.!''. ' J - li'id t" : f ' j i- i ' . ..... - ' x -i ' . ... i V T price one dollar er;year;jn variably, in - advance; A i OUR MOTTO S DIEU ET. MON : DROIT: -1 : 'Iff THE LEDGER .PUDUSHJNQ COMPA! . r v. ' : VOK VI; ""t JV ; I J 1 - ;. t 'J- r'f' V WILLIAMS Traveler accommodated at loVtes Tab'e unpplied with the best.the market aflords. ; 1 ; n"ConTeyahces.f urnished on application., - ' '':r:vvv.c!:,.;au3tfn - . , tK 'full A,; C -K lewiston, '.sr. c. house,; lirhr ID Vvhlin WlU HOT I vfit'X ..mental balance -diaturbc'd ; lxeii"iidf f&wtomejL' to'-'sltn.1; Hir Jija , rer ' 0 VTIP (Trf QfTFA 11 L 1 1 t-l X U U 1 1 1 li II fill U L: W r - es a rival, making love to ;tlie omau tightly5 .dravm.' ( Hd cstcda, mosV u pApJillUiipOliU lIMV;S7IUIUUllvUllHll whom he ias resolved to make-Ms -wife. nfi(T hirvct: !!.; 1 . ' TOsSHEClOlltUr Wales, Clocte'S Jewelry; navtog bad 19 gears' experience in the bnsluess I am prepared to d all kinds of Watcbu and Cloct , Repairing at short ' notice. All work gnarantee( A Ioa ilAaiA In.' ann vortof iai rT ( 12 mopthf. Better the song and the smile, my deaf, a "vaf . apS ioto.m ;ine roxnan . Betterttieongaixd the smile.,. k whom he resolved to make- hw wife. 3rietis th5timee rmyWeiher - J So - Smallbore hastily decided thats he wouia stay to Keep an. eye on iJluff, but would make himself :"as inconspicuous as possible. v' I ' . ;,".' Having Just completed the largest and finest store In this part, of the Statbi and filled Itwith goods at the l-owest Prices for Cash, I am 'pre pared to, sell '-goods at V E RY LOW i !f Kiuco. dbiow i win mention po.ru, of the immense stock which I carry ' ! .,- : -H - i: .v-:-.- -.11 I ; , : : ' i t ; 1 .' l i , r ? if Tliotograpli Gleiy Over my atore. where I am prepared to fill ders for Cards, Cabinets and other 1 sized ' pictures ui Buon notice, uiya ma a cau. yfjuip all or- WM. ;E; iiMOUNTAlNi ;-v' . DEALER IN GRCXGERIES Sugars, Coflfeesr MuiiScc. vieies, v;eiise(ies; Gins, If. TOBACCO; CIGARS! .tie: C. WINDSOK, N. a JNO. W. WOOD. Attorney and Connselori at lai. LEWISTON, N. C. ,', Practices in ftdrlie and adjoining coohtlea. ' - 1)9 ! - - - . ; "-f 4 Wi L WILLIAMS. WINSTON & WILLIAMS, & Counselors at:Lawi Attorneys Practice in Bertie and adjoining counties. I- lfHJ St .IM W ' t"i WINDSOR, N, C: felSttn K'CTONi Attornev .ii fWINDSORW.a Practices in Bertie and adjoining counties. I felS tfn 4 - Mionllllllarieties .Consisting of Cheap and Fine Dress Goods, Calico, Cotton Cloths, ;:;f;;Dress;Blaids, r. , V Piece Goods, , i Curtain Goods, Etc.; Etc.' may linger here, little avails either sigh, or tear; ' 1 :: Better the song and the smile, 'my; dear' ' h - i Better thMRrrof'ttTf1 t.ba rrtil a ? v. ' ' Better the laugh and.the jest,1 my 'dear, , s Better the laugh and the jest. Sunshine of heart and of merry cheer, Ceasing the shadows that oft appear; Better the laugh and the jest, my dear, ' Better the laugh and the jest, Better, the word that is kind, my dear, !" Better the woril that is kind. Speech that is cold and perchance severe r , Well maybe spared as we journey, here;";" Better the word that is kind, my dear, ' V , setter tne word tnatis Kino., v ' 7 MisA Ad ere 11 aa s i . Hympatliies were '.touched j Smallbore might hava extricA- ted hUf'roni Jus- awkward position anu pusnea cus suit ro a oucce&siui xssuo INTER XATI Q S A Ii i:SSO ' i,lJANJAi;4 10. VCome upstairs and take a brandy'arid I on some other decision, -,trhea i batter I J ; 'J S ' I Rftd(i:".ftil SpusnrflT'ifitnn -orill fl Vr.fl enumncd f or iti but f of one little awkward. I . . . ..." ' V . . . .i i 1 . 1 "v. f '"j 1 1 , v wv- i -i : , r i, i : j : i rr i , .( : I 'I Rm'al1Vn. rnVn V. - I fnrtVioi- onfl inmri'tt Anno I t-c i A t4 a T .1 . r . ' t to . AtTmiilnfA - hi' roirMio-A r Tf'woa tVift I Angelina had delicate olfactorv orrans. 1. tt ' ' i". . . worst xmnrr ne rnuici ratcn unnrr inn nr. i dud uciccicu iuu uuut ui iuiu y . ib 1 - . cumstances. What he wanted was some thing to quicken his judgment. Brandy and soda -doesn t do that, r"' 'J 'It's ihy private v - opinion i snbse- was the 'result of that confounded brandy and- 'soda , that Smallbore had taken at Seaspray's suggestion, 'iller manner i be came frigid immediately; ' ' 3lr. Smallbore, I think you "Lad better in Life's but a day at the best, my dear ? ; ' Life's but a day at the best. : . 1 Be your endeavor to brighten each year, Making less frequent the sigh and the tear; : Life's but a day at the best, my dear. " ' " Life's but a day at the best.' 7 V ' ' ' 1 ; V -Kewyort Press." ' r .1 I -iffamrwr v.iii ui.zai wnnici i. V,. ;A DENTAL TRAGEDY, Smallbore made, no secret of the fact that he meant ' 'business" with Angelina Goodtuckl She had a srood fiarure. a quently observed Seasprav. in the smok ing-room l'that Smallbore is three sheets go home at once," she exclaimed tartly..-. -t ifl the .wind with' the fourth flapping. M'r ' Then .'turning to Bluif, who had re. Pj ,'oeasrrav was something of a vachtman l mainea. ciose at nana 10 see now nia uiiiQ and affected nautical phrases. : ' J r gamo worked, 'she "said sweetly : WelI, if that's the case, he ha c? better fight shy of . Hiss Angelina,.,,1 - was . the judicious response; "she threw, over Will Iligofly last : year because she found him tight once." , ... - ' V ; Smallbore, .despite the brandy and "soda, was of the same opinion, but as he explained to me afterward when making a clean breast of 1 the whole business, ,he could not , resist ' the. .temptation to steal down stairs to see j what Bluff 'm was ud tor r ne . seiectea a Tiaco in "And his- father Zachariaa with IlrJw IlKrt) ifta I1 spent some tLree momths wth Eliz. re.tumei to hecern home; la due rvre to EMzalcth the rrurrisoil son. .tW& Jaj came toctrtnunr:. tLc chile who haa como toecther "were ah I Zacbnxia5 ' after. LIS father. mother said that he should be cad: tja father belry appeaidd to akl f Ids: table and wrote, sayinr: per tocgTie loosed vhich had been cJofel vo tuB supper. room . -j , .tongue loo-ev ,'Don t be too bard on him, JEss An-1 many mentis becaxirK) of'ualxhe' gelina," Smallbore heard , Bluff , say, as gJJlt " f. e r1 they moved off, ."I don think that he. fc1?. ..1 M often' gets in that condition." .'; " CS. "Dled bo the-Lord Golt When Smallbore reached bis rooms the i Thus todalhe first, second and fou first, thing;that awakened in bosminda rcauzmg ense pi ,wna xnar, evening naa future, for. His p?opla Israel. Tt cost him was the sight ox tnos8 precaouj 1 first found' m lix. v., 14 when ; false teeth glistening ai the bottom-of a J-Aaroo demand f Pharaoh that he pretty face, not; too much brains and a ' - - ?nr,l rnillinn .inVr1 nT, .V, Tr,orft w, deeP sb0W where he could See Without every indication s that Smallbore s m suit wrouldTbe crowneji with'succes3.", t Never before had his smile been so bewitching or ha glances so thrillingly tender. "Miss Angelina basked in the sunshine of the former and revelled in the radiance of the peopio pa ana u always assoc; God s qpeial Interest1 m that p prophet J ercraiah, CKscciat-es tho Lord4 cf " ilosts and " God of lira' ... RUBBER SHOES; Ejtty Chipper discovered him." She had been out six seasons, and perhaps had her own private ' reasons for objecting to a long continued tete-a-tetc between Miss 1 i: " A TM..AP . ' ? '' other competitors. had retired from the t?rtU r a i,k. 1 .v. , u '4.1.11- i. -c i ti a i40h, Mr, Smallbore, $he exclaimed, field with the exception :of Frank. Bluff, .. , ' . v. !. ,-4. ,-sj: tripping up to him, "where have you didn't leave it simply because of his con- fen keeping yours elf so 1 onft . ; I w -4.:U:-.i i v;ii4l i i , J glad I've found you. There are a lot of i I mrla xrnn n inr ri vi n rr ta navn von Rmo e" - & . v -t i . ' a i mi..i 4. i BIG LOT OF HEH'S': AND BOYS' s Mr EUl uiru MT'GOST. Hs ana 25C.tO Boys' Hats from S'J. $3.25 Eai A BIG LOT OF DEALER IN Dry iGoods.Ulotioiis, iGlothingj BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and. Caps, CROCKERY, - TRIW&RE, ETC. 4. .1 HardwareTinware; Queenswe and Groceries. JliEiWliklfl Agent for the best Sewing Machine in the marKet. Pricea reducedv on a'l goods for'; cash. f I ' V i Highest marteet Diices for peAttnts. Mill days Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Meal kept at tne store and given in exc&aege ior :-; : . WINDSOR, N. C. --: ' we can sell you almost any thing you may need. Gall and See Our Stock of Single and uouoie uuns. tumbler filled with water.- Hoknqr that he c5uld never so far sacnfi'cc his "pride r;t- nf v.A;nr cAan - Tnf n i5a as to ten jviis ATfciim tho true cause oi 4UA V MUUU OVWU. AV. AM. VMM 1 T O I . . . . . . . . i TTi world when a fellow gets ; into a fix the his seemingly strange conduct, n PQ:bad. J'ifjl ' i:fKr thing that he' wishes most to ayoid Is most I Vt hn.-TM(Bpoc4..- .,- I. . :;VIIo bnth jrisitcd ahd irrtmsht r likely to happen.. The sharp eyes of Miss - . . foxL-liis people; .(R. .1 .It was " - Lord, would com on -behalf of ;The Bubi tribe, who inhabit .the - little and many- more hundreds since island' Of tFernanda.Po, in the Gullol coTenanted with i David and ALr . ., - , now Ills time had couie to work r Gumea, recently made a raid upon th fc,r hem it town pfrSanta Isabel ,wand had it tiot ' willingT That wo should. mkly been for the timely arrival of a Spanish and trustfully Trait tho Lord'? tin the creat lessons of bcrtpturo eie patriarchs; ; prtpheta;- spoctles, a Jiord Himself. . ' C9. "And hath raised cp an hon tion for ns in the! hcose of His k vid."' The horn is the sxmbol of s ! power. Hannah sinss it her her corn of UiSianolntni-1 DTid eii horn' of 'hig salvation, which Ls . Sam,ii., 110 r. xxiiL, i rudl.' IT, ' Jehovah Himself &i Zlon . lie ' wfll , maV e -tho horn o: Lud, indicating . the 'coming of t .frora the bouse of. David. . i 70. 4As He sako by the.mouth -nmrAets. Whick hive been since session, for four centuries, the natives were j began." . TT:, sarne.fpirit now almost as little' known as though "they throdjh Zachaxias had spoken in "Thesis (He really thought something stronger he lived in Cent raV Africa' Until a few years- 7 .tte no stiffness or restraint about their hos- told me.V Earner in the evening ne. naa ago. , aney uve xar up uagng uq mount- eTen to-day- tpealc throueh tho was beaten. The1 Goodluck parties! as everybody in the social swim knows, are delightful and jolly affairs. . They -: are not sufficiently particular, . perhaps, concerning the line age of some persons they invite to - suit those . who . hold stronar . and - un- compromising opinions .on ' the sub- a duet with Miss Angelina. That sweet one, you know- about love ' "Will have its I Miss Kitty tapped hhn with hei fan and added slyly, pointing to.Tfhere Miss Angelina and Bluff were sitting: "Now don't; you think that I'm a real good of "blue1 blood," but it has friend of yours? There s many a.slip. aiways been conceded thaf if any one gets .'twxxt tne cup ana ne iip, you wo w. boreoV at One5 of the Goodluck's . enter- ' - "V'oniounu. ner ; luougu. ouuuv. tainmente the fault is his own. ely' arrival of a Spanish. gunboat they' "would probably have jre duced ' the "town '' to 'ashes. I TheirKing and a number of. his followers were cap tured .and are still in, custody, f I Thej have , once . been severely flogged . in the open air, and the hews was 'sent to theii friends!.. f; ,' ' ; : The Bubi are among the most peculiax peopio ercr: discovered.' ' Though. theii island homo contains ionly about' 60Q square miles, and the whites, Portuguese," British and . Spanish j , .have been in pos, fidence, lived among them for some time, and 'two years ago he published: a boot giving the' first' detailed lnformauon about tho native inhabitan til "'.''' f ; , X u iiuuauij V-? v4j jmimw record of an island, .twenty miles wide 'That snob, Smallbore, is as , full as . a being iu possession of the whites for four tick.: He 'can't even1 talk straight. If centuries, aunng wnacn .-xuno iney were ... 1 na woll . - rrr a I nine W in- te-rnlore the interior. iSVu T VU I T j a I . . . - - - ...... . . , I w. y. .' !. i ri i or a our. ' winning game . I don't like Biuff , but I admit he -is a pretty smart fellow. t , - He at once perceived the advantages which the situation offered for him. Kittie Chipper had 'only left Smallbore r.i . men iioDiirarfflerS'! Indian Wood Wheel Factory. I am now manufacturing Cart -Wheels." Rims. Habs and Spokes from native timbers, which I will' sell from $3.60 to $5.25 per pair of wheels. A dis count will be allowed if as many as ten pairs are taken by one party. All work warranted, i Special lerms to coachmafcers. snlpments O- lJ.yat Coniot landlne on Koanoke river. Address - . P. KASCCTE. ilk : ' 1 i a .full; OTE OF 'i -anglOUnuf T TONSORIAL ARTIST, B e ft ste afls Mattre s s e s, ;Etc, JWe are Headquarters for ; Windows, Blinds,V ; Lime, Etc., Has recently had his shop' fitted up in , first-class tyle for the-convenience of -patrons. 1 Shaving, nair cntune ana saampooine aone m tne most artistic manner. Will v be at shop from : 1 :30 to v a. m., ana from ju a, m. to 4 p. m , ? noa tin n TODD & BRO., Goods, Notions, Groceries, DOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GLAeStTINWARE, TOBACCO,) CIGAES AND SUTTFF. " "Spot Cash and Low Prices. WINDSOR - - . - fi. C. AMERICAN 'HOUSE, HAVING THE BIGGEST I.OT : EVER IN THIS CpUNTRYr .V We have just received a very large shipment of TRUNKS, which will be sold very low. : house,5 with1 the large conservatory at tached to it; is delightfully arranged for '.spooning" or flirting, or even more serious amatory business. The house is aeservealy very popular with mamas with marriageable daughters. One mama who there successfully launched three daugh- ters " on the serene and placid sea of matrimony Vonce remarked : 'It t is my candid ooinion that if a mr can't cret off the hooks through Goodluck's parties to get rid of her, she may as well retire to a nunnery at once." ; i. It is not strange, therefore that Small bore should have decided after careful con sideration, . to . formally 'popn .to Miss Angelina at the next Goodluck party. The fateful evening came round in due course as all evenings do, fateful or other wise. Smallbore was a happy man and he believed that somewhere in the neigh borhood of midnight ho would be till happier. , ... , . " ,The most careful and methodical of men is apt to become absent-minded when he thinks that he is going to upop". to a young lady within the next fewbours. .I do not speak from, experience, but I have been so informed by those whom I have consulted on - the himself told me afterward like an automaton that thinking all the else." ', " . It was a lonff drive mansion, but the wav. didn't seem Ion iousto see you all tho evening . that, , by similarly absorbed in their own conver&a to SmaUbore. The rain fell in a dismal I Jove, she has been hardly civil to me." tion.' Jt is ;not everybody who, caught drizzle. , The contrast between the cheer less ; streets'.' and' the ' brilliantly lisrhted parlors full of fragrance and laughter and welL bretl men mthI - hanrlanmn . w'nmp.n was eoual to'that betwppn tb ncnV Apn ' There had been nothing in the terms sensible man and liked to hear a sensible and the fairies' grotto in the-pajitoinime. of their acquaintance xor .tne past six So it served to the' nobr rjeonle fathered months to justify . such familiarity. In outside who' 'occasionally' caught- frag- fact their relations had been decidedly mentary glimpses, of tho scene;, within "strained." . But ppor .Smallbore was when a door was onened. and thev -wished Dowerlcss . in Bluffs. , hands. . lie "was . wistfully that they, too, might be rich, hustled along until .he found himself being in imagination in soma important pitality. They! possess the happy faculty looked, . forward , with great .deal of amS thatpcdipy.th interior of the island., unto HJ of making'eveybody feel at home The pleasure, to singing with .Miss Angelina, For generation, at a tune they didot irftMnnon oll'er unless they ventured into the interior. t ' 'Thu'll have to excuthe me," mumbled They ' kept a breed of ferocious dogs, emies, and from tho hand of all th Smallbore, vainly trying to control, his which ero a greater source of terror to tSSaSrtu. writSlcrlS? lisp.' Tm noth feething thwell." ; tne wnites xnan xne uuoi, inemseives, "Indeed I think we had better excuse though the latter were well armed with , you," replied Miss Kitty with emphasis, arrows . and spears. At, one time when lifting her eyebrows. , - ' . , ' they-were at war with the. whites they Smallbore didn't appreciate the signifi- were accused of stealing into the settle- cance of that emphasis. : He was only too ments in the night time ana poisoning tuci to get rid of her. ; . . v ' "wens'. iney nave 'never yet uceasuo;. Mmnwhila a false theorv concerninsr iugated, though a while ago? aJ'whito the cause of Smallbore?s defective speech traveler,' by exercising great patience and had traveled like lightning. f Tom Jenk- I perseverance mansgea to win tneir con ins; who bore Smallbore a grudge lor a richly 'deserved snub which Smallbore had once administered to him) found an opportunity, to .whisper the news' to Bluff. I got it afterward from a -friend of BlufFs that this is what he said: i i - :; - Talking to Oneself. f .ETeryonb has, 'doubtless, at some time or aaother caught himself talking to him self and smiling as ho walked along the J(Rom. xv.. 4) refers primarily ai Israel and her salvation irfm ail 1 as theprophets had foretold. ' T2, 73. (To perform the mercv our fathers, and to remember tl enant: tho oath vrhich Ho swaj ther Abraham.". In Pa. cv enarit U ppoken of as one nuule ham: and confirmed to Isaac, Jar rael, and one of the promLs in t is distinctly sail tobetopive trw of Canaan- If anv one will tatc to read carefully Che oft repeate with Abraham la Gem xiL xiii stxiL, they "will see the full trras cnant, and rarely be ccrsuailed t ciaily for Israel, and loola bcyo: da vs.- ., i . U - r " t4, 75. "Delivered, bi hotness and ri Ateot llim all the da js 6f our life."' C firaell preient condition, lOQ j tVfur land, ft ill rifted among all yet preserved, the rebuke still ' them, clearly indicates that .the Spirit through Zachaxias and t have not. yet been f ulSIiol ' Anc i3 not far to seek. They rej-ctoc did a they pleased to him M they rejected Jesna, their Meawlj eified Iiun. and ', the kinj lotn vr hand, includin? Israel A iin ivtn 1 A ... fl Tl 1- TT1 I II 1 I 1 X V I I r I I . 1111111 RL1 111 11.11 U II 1A1 I - - n M m 9- hif Ml PA I V. Kl M. kV v i V - - suDiect. s jsmaiioore rr 7' . " M b' "u r.n.iw hr c that he dressed hun.,:; ' ; , . ',; . wondered how, many people had , ob, I TDtuCevea EliahUtrJelt evening. ' he wasL 1 'What's this I hear, old fellow; you're served him "and put Turn down as an I runner (!dal. iv. 5. , n. , ' Uat time ' of 'something! not feeling well? : I'm. deucedly sorry.! escaped lunatic.' If ho wants to see just bdndne&s continues .f? -.; ;r! ; b I'll take you ,-where; you'll getell in a exactly how ridiculous idioUc, ; the . Xu: t.ft t bo fhwliiirir iiff v. Miss Ansrelina has been so ant- I action is he can observe other , people .-i whoever u trilling to rec their o n personal Saviour t o; a chill oi Acraaam not an m , "Come right along', old fellow," added m the act, can get outj of it as; wittuy as 7 .- 1 BlufI with affected good nature" patting did the Irishman who, when rallied upon r.; Itceaas to jrt heir Smallbore on the back, "you'll get well talking to himself, said he had gwd rea- a. fft Shj in ho time " , . .. ' son to do so as m He liked tof-.talk to a Tlt ihu rm. aral before iriasi a- man talk." .The shame people feel at be- tall down (Vr. lxxiL, tl). ing urprised in l thi. talk to taalml. f.t"i due, if the truth vrere known, to the fact cf hi son the herald c that the talk is' generally of . a supremely and tfce r,rF"et c' tha ' Mcrt egotistic character.-the. talker generally lonr douLu the word.? of U&i tA crenare 111$ wjrt" If we I - - -c . ...... iiut no sooner had Smallbore opened piumpea aown aiongsiue 01 jiiss Ange- posiuoa wuercma ; ujuj. W1J nc'j ctJonawo wuhoi,ik my his mouth ; to greet the .first friend that linal ; To add .to his - consternation he He is not seldom complimenting himself, glory xorourwlre, but be gL he metyoung Tack Seasprav than he found that he had dropped his handker- as in his mind's ear he hears somebody J-l1" f made a discovery which caused him to chief . and could no longer hido his em- else com plimenling 1dmSC, Ifuu tar. .U7J To rive knowlcil cf f feel that he: would" gladly change 'places barrassment behind its protecting folds. Sayings. , ' t . Hispeopl by the rciion-o wittthe T.oriwst of th tIoot-; r?aV out- "Whv. Mr. Smallbore, I'm just awfully t , : 1 . - - - ';J 4 - Ncnabutthe rio-or can give ' . 7 -ST r T.. I ' " . .. . - ...i ,rm 1 . 1 f T).41 CT.An I llll SeiTlllM CM Cli O v-u vv Dry We can also sell yon a nice Top Buggy, Open Buggy or Road Cart. - In fact this is the place to come and get the most for your money-; , . ; WINDSOR, N. C. J.'RvnOODYProp. Thanking the 'public for their very kerchief,' the absence .-4- a . 1. .a -w ' I .. ' . ,Sr 11 liherttb vaironagv iji wv.wusf x can 1 1 only say t will guarantee satisfac- ' ' . . ' . JL side and Temain a TMjor chaD f or the-rest sorrv to hear that you are sick. What .. .. An, Ancient Batcher &nop. . - . . .- - . - - I l T1 J . X .Tl '. I . .. ' of his days.' That he told me himself. 1 ran 1 do for you 1 jrieaso uo xen me. 1 The iluseum or Antiquiues ai jjresaca He had forgotten his false teeth! 'v.-1 ' perhaps if you come witn me into me has come into possession . 01 an interest He turned Dale and clanned his hand- conservatory and get some fresh air you ing marble relief from Home, which rern kercMef9..1iis,mbuth.hHe:harT0wmgrtfiU feel better." ' :'f.S..--. . " resents an ancient butcher s shop, of ob Great heavens, if hd should smile he..was divinely .sympameac. , it was in xnai. two. unequal parts, lame greater sianas a lost mahl He could, not 'sinff.' He conservatory that Smallbore had fondly the butcher, with a high chopping block, was robbed of his accomplishments and imagined he would -ask Miss Angelina to resting on three substantial legs, before transformed into an awkward body. -. - be his wife. - Here was the opportunity him, while behind him hangs the steel- '. uat a tne matter, oiu , ieuowi ; ouereu' jum..'. jjuiud jua. oa th- jaru aau a ticani, uc 4ujhu v.- asked SeasprayVwith genuine solicitude, less to take advantage of it as if he. had cupied in dividing'a 'rib of meat with u" "Nothing, ' nothing," "muttered poor been bound hand and .. foot. .., le; had another cleaver. On the wall above him, Smallbore behind the iolds of his hand-' never before in his life,' he told me, felt W as with lis," is a row of hooks neir to nf h?a tflpth malcinff so abiectlv and completely miserable.. , each other, on which hang pieces cf meat . Table supplied with the best the market affords. ' , Rooma recently renovated ind windows cut down yj uwr. nouDie piazza around tne hotel. Threelarge Sample f Rooms for' the' convenience t v. unvcuug salesmen. , v tPree Hack to meet Steamers. , fj ' ' ' - ' ' . Telegraph offlce attached, ' ' y tion in the future. hinl lisp. "I gueth ith only a thill, buth I think I'd betther go home.". :. V ' ; ' Wise decision.. Why didn't h stick to it? ", Because fate , had ordained that at that moment he should see, through an open door. .lTrank Bluff 'paying ardent "Ith hothing; ith nothing; I atthure thu Mith Anthelina," ho said pitiously; tfl'm a lithlo thiclcthath all; 111 get over ith." . I . . ; ? . -t- Miss Angelina looked at him earnestly There was no trace on his facet oi that already "dressed; a xib and a leg of meat, a' pork joint and udders a tid-bit of the Romans; also lungs and liver, and last cl all, the favorite boar's head. On the left, in the smaller division of the shop, tho wife of the.tfutcher .sits ii anfeasy 'vation,' and they should ail t salvation from diy to dar (!'? 7S "Through the ten -it n Ooi." .AH salvation wLvthcr dividual. It of grace, an 1 oil Ion',? as we think in any "way ' cannot have ft; but , velrz we cry in Gcxl bo merciful to ti.n yilvati?n U curs, f ' ' Whert-by the d.ys;-rins .hathviilVsj ns,". The dsrr: to the marfin. fipniflM -Branclx,'" and ritJtrly rcfcri U Uhe riun, the Menus? Star, IJ;ht of l.9 V.crM, the - It Tlie ReTi.l Verri on f-vrs V f.tca.1 cf Lath Tk;UV a--doubt. His ccruir t hZr r to rvi: To trive l'i'ht tn attention to Miss Angelina. - Smallbore's affection was, under ordi nary circumstances, , of a well regulated and discreet character. But even the rnost temperate of wpoers is likely to get :. bewitching, i mi table smile with .which chair, with an account book on her knees, he was wont to meet her gaze. Alas, engaged m assisting the business of her poor Smallbore 'did not, dare to af tempt husband by acting as bookkeeper. Her a smile. That would expose a cavity headdress points to the' time cf An- where four pearl-white teeth had been tcnize, ' noss." Darkni-s3 and ar ths' expressions U5vl in I K-ril-J tho m !;t; :j ct t!.e p--comini. ""Darkr.es ar. 1 "r- - ; tHo expressions "ured ia I- 1' Uie stat of thin wV..-n 1!? Iaxnauch m liht si rr.. t;L it i - t -: t h""f :;i Gc-i i f : t