OUR MOTTO: DIEU ET MON DROIT, - k W W U I W h.- . 'f VOL. YIIL WINDSOR, BERTIE COUNTY, N. C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1890. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, INVARIABLY IN ADYANCE. suoscriDers wnoso papers haya Love's Coining. u . , ... Love came to me in life so lato - an X mark With a blue pencil That Time had closed the outer gate- OY.er this paragraph will know So late u fieemed the d(Jor was barred, v. . . j. , Bolts shot, and all tho house rough scarred mat tiieir ume lias expired and That owned my habitation gave no sign ' that if not renewed within thirty Of welcometotlie God benign, mimu it vu ewe a uiw X" "' Had come so late. days their names will be stricken from the list; WILLIAMS HOUSE, LEWISTON, Iff. a .x J, G. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. 1 Traveler accommodated at low rates. Tab'e npplied with the beet the market affords. "Conveyances furnished on application. -. , anatf n C. T. HARDEN, DEALER IN Watcles, Clocts & Jewelry. Having had 19 years' experience In the eminent I am prepated to do all kinds of Watch and Clocr Repairing at short notice. All work guarantee IS months. Also dealer In and repairer of k Guns and Pistols. Photograph Gallery Over my store, where I am prepared to fill all or ders for Cards, Cabinets and other sized picture! at short notice. Give me a call. xn2tin It seemed that none would ever come In answer to his knock, though some Sweet thought stirred restless in my breast Uneasy waked from its lonjr res So strange were such fair visitors that! when liOve came and called, and called again, It was at first in vain, f orthen . It seemed so late. ' . No chamber had my soul prepared . Against his coming, none had dared Foretell his advent ; it did seem . ' . More of a sweet, unstable dream Before his snnunons, sweet and" clear, rang oua "Waking the drowsy-lidded rout Of fancies, passion-sweet, his shout Seemed all too late. No rich feast had been spread for him; 1 AH the guest-chamber lights burned dim, For few had come that way to claim A resting place e'en fickle fame y Had fled long, long before Love came And yet the close gate opened wide At his approach; bolts shot aside; All the bright soul lights flamed, and loud Rang out the welcome of the crowd. in breadth, gave ample space for all I Twice Belloni dashed atide tho point their movements. At either end of just as it reached him, but the second the stage was a smaller platform, on tlmo an omlnoui stain of crimson on which stood a tent of "white1 canvas; his whlto vest showed that tho parry and upon these tents all eyes were had come all but too late. They closed fixed in eager expectation, for they hhl a third time there was a quick tramp from 6ight tho heroes. ling of feet, a clash of a steel, a hoarse Presently one of the tents wa3 6cc a choking enrse -and tho destroyer of to open, and forth stepped the famous so many lives lay dead at the stranger! Jacopo Belloni himself, bowing con- feet, pierced through tho heart, descendingly in acknowledgment of . Tho momentary pauio of silent the thundering cheers that greeted his stupefaction was followed QUAI.YT 15 D CUHI 0 US, win Ten ordinary pound. There is an Tho mas eat. Indian chief named f The 'color ucd to denote mourn! has often beta eh as ged and cvtn to day countries diCer wlicly. A mountain side makes the bntpai- hy I tare for ycucg cows, becauwj climbing appearance. long-continued thunders of applauie, The renowned swordsman's tall, ac- whllo tho Marquess dl Scala, seeming- tive, sinewy figure was a perfect model ly much pleased, held out to tho con- of well-trained agility and strength; qucror the heavy purse containing the but his dark, lean, wolfish face, with stakes; but tho latter, to every one its. hooked nose, sloping forehead, surprise, waved it haughtily away. tends to strengthen the eoJvca. A New Jcraey petch grower went into his orchard this year and found but half a doze a peach': i C3 1,7 CO trees. Old Battcrsea briirr, th.9 bristly black moustache, sharp, white "Money that is jtalned . with blood I surriTlcg pile brldgo cn thi teeth, and fierce, restless, gray eye shall never be touched by my handi, Thamei, London, Is to be r (which was turned hungrily upon the J he said, in a tono of such commanding 1 down. opposite tent) were unpleasantly sug- dignity as to impress even the proud erestivo of , some ierocions beast of I old noble to whom he spoke. "Give lower prey. v And now the other tent opened In its turn, and a long cry of astonish ment broke from every lip.- The man who was about to encounter the dread ed Belloni was seen to bo a slim, hand some youth, barely twenty years old, My soul's best minstrelsy did welcome him, so slender in frame, and so smooth Bright grew my dimmest, darkest dream, and delicate in face, that, but for his For after a11 U did not seem . lnfrv Btatnr anel thn siltv monstacha Ijove came too late, I , , , . . , . on nis upper up, ne migni nave occn WT.T V. TJOTTHT ATM nnrrD omnDV nr a nTTPT mistaken for a girl. it to the widows and the orphan chil dren of tho men whom this wretch hath slain." "And who art thou, fair sir, I pray In Ilome . males wore biuk for mourning, while the women Itilc4.!c4 their grief by weirltg whits gxs mcnti. iioiijhocsi, sir-sie aisd ccuL:e, formed the chief feature of th ila- II on Hi t Tl II 9 ! r: tit l c; t a rr-'-,k ' DjV-i Crrtw.vi, tz - A J 3 1 4 - l, w t . !j Fftr lie t;..:rr I A t I r ; T-'-l a t .-,,. , . - 4 ' : 1 ; r Ar. t r. . c -r ; : : i ; : - r . . 1 1':' ' ; ' i' r m. 1 - - C-: .,:.::-: .i ; i i . . . . . . t '; : Ar. t j : ; .1 .t t : 1 1 AH jeer Lcin .'. t.ti f "" - 4 1,. . t7t HUJIOUQUS, thee?" asked the marquess, looking at lichuictU Horticultural Society's iLaw him wonucringly. . in Boiton. 'I am from Scotland, answered DEALER IN GROCERIES, . Sugars, Coffees, Flour, jsc. 171HES, WHISKIES, GUIS, TODACCO, CIGARS. fe29tt 'JNO. W. WOOD, and Counselor at law. attorney , LEWISTON, N. a .1 Frtetices In Bertie and adjoining counties. n9 Sm F. D. WINSTON. W. L. WILLIAMS. ' WINSTON & WJGLLIAMS, Attorneys & Counselors at Law. Practice in Bertie and adjoining counties. WINDSOR, N. C. . felSttn D. a WINSTON, Attorney at Law . .WINDSOR, C. Practices In Bertie and adjoining counties. J - fel8 tfn " - - Ri'B.;B0ZEE30B 1 DEALER IN Dry Goods, (lotions, Clothing, . . BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, "Comrades ! have ye heard the :new8? A man hath come' forward to answer the challenge of Jacopo the Swoi'dsman!" , " This announcement, made in one of the principal streets of Florence on a fine summer morning in the latter part Jot- the sixteenth century, was quite siifilcient to gather - an - excited crowd round the speaker the instant he uttered it; for Jacopo Belloni (popularly known as "Jacopo the Swordsman," from his deadly skill in fencing) was widely renowned as the most .formid able prize-fighter in all Italy, although (according ; to the customVof . those - times) - he - fought, not with bis fists, but with his sword. ? The redoubtable Jacopo had already, killed three or four fencers of renown who had ventured to encounter ; him, and then, finding ; that people ; seemed to be getting rather shy of testing his prowess, he had;lately issued a formal challenge to all comers, and had offered to stake a pretty large sum of money upon the result. This challenge, however, had al ready 1 been thrice . repeated without any one appearing particularly anxious to accept it;: and therefore it was no great wonder that the announcement quoted above should - have been re ceived with looks and exclamations of doubt,' and even of fiat disbelief. : "It is impossible, Maso! (Tom). No man living would be so mad 1' "It must be a jest and a sorry one,' shoulders with a disdainful laugh, and muttered some coarse jest " about "whipping the child back to 'its mother ;" but the young man took no heed of him. Then up rose a' fine-looking old man in a richly-embroidered suit of crim son velvet, the Marquess dl Scala, who, as warden of tho Market Place, had charge of tbe day's proceedings. He announced that this young man staked one thousand five hundred pis. tho victorious youth, "and my name is James Crichtonl" "The Admirable Crichtonl shouted the throng, with one voice, balling the renowned Scot by the title which he had already made famous throughout all Europe. "Ay, the Admirable Crichton, ia good sooth," cried the Marque dl Scala, "and never more truly admir able than when ho thus rliki his life to punish tho guilty, and gives up his well-won gains to relieve tho distressed." The Language of Animals. Every one who has heard a dog or a horse welcome Its matter with excla- toles (nearly one'thousand three hun- mations of joy, or a cat plaintively dred pounds), against one thousand mewing tor its food, ought to believe wagered by Jacopo, ad ting that, as that animals can talk. The dog has there was no personal enmity between different sounds to express hunger. fho two combatant, tho first wonnd pain. Joy. sorrow, thanks and fear. received Dy either mignt lainy cmr the fight. But here the young stranger inter posed. "Let mo entreat your wor ship," said he, with stern emphasis, The chief supply cf cl-aves !i ob tained from the I!anit of Zautlbir and Femht, where the dove Ire wu Introduced la ! The Cblne Lave a uylr.g that an unlucky word droppr.1 from the tonsua cannot bo bronzr.t tac arua try a coach and six borses. Frigbtcauied a young lady la 1141 son, led., to scream so loaiJy, as4 open her mouth to such aa extent, she dislocated her Jsw. The Chicago Drovers Journal ob serves that southern citlet are ston wz up well la the annual sUleroenu of trade and cemmercc- The art. of veneering was knowa to the l-gyptlaas more ihaa sow years ajro. The sculptures of TbeUi ar said to illuitrato the proctii. A fat men's dub, eont-aislng 113 members, and rtprticntlng aa ajre- gate weight . of 24,C5 pour.ii, tour- To r- v I- T , r, J t. A fair c5S A V.iz I ..; Tit rz-xn win walls at..-; li cn tSi warp-ith- TVm t t5 r?ts f.r n walk tho t:.T rrtu. All LLs 't? c-51" I text col &t tlf T irj j 1- i A. , 1 1 St.; t, A tfrlz g-rzX pirij TL-f ' We all tlx 9 :. a t Birds have different sonjrs and cotes to express their feelings. We rccoguix la Mo.aGt p,tt,tt,t their songs of victory and of love, as well aa tho notes of anger and fear. It Is evident that these notes are tin Ahnre caiftih was found u.ro tiara "not to defeat the solo purpose which dcrstood, not only, within the limits of could have mado mo stoop to encoun- ono species, but among other birds; ter yon . cut-throat It is full time for dmWcnt tribes often make a corn that his murderous hand were stayed mon cause of joy and battle. Monkeys from sheddinjr moro blood: and. with express their psssipns, fears and de- the help of Ileavcn, mine shall bb tho arm to stay it. Ere I leave this spot, he or I shall lie dead." In the dead hush of universal amazement, those clear, stern, menac ing tones rang out like tho summons of a destroying angel. The spectors stood agast, and looked at each other in silence; and even the savage Bel loni seemed cowed, for the scornful bedded In a hollow log ia a mill atMartindaJc It sw as ia a small hole when' little fith and was tisabk to find its way out and crew la Ue log. - ' A rem ark able procttdtr. g i s re pcrteJi from Oiicago where, a father was ar cries . and -restarts. I retted for not taklnz out a theatrical - .... i - most uncivilized I Hcenie for a little theaire which his childrca ran la the ccHar, charging five pies for aa admlnlon. I. K. BlanilniLlp, cf !ario3,Maii,, baa a clock which was maie la 132. The works are of braj and ih tlzk keeps as good time as It did whea It sires by various Some of the languages are but little richer than theirs. Abbott tells us that crows have twenty-seven mtunct cries ot utterances. Many scientists believe that certain sounds made by fishes are for the purpose of expressing their feellnjrs. It is clear to the careful ob- Hardware, Tinware, '""Or eke Maso Is lying.. Confess rst time through tho .WaggerinS m-. that thou art lying, accordin? to thy P"ln of his look. Theio signs of custom, brother Maso. and w wUl warering did not , pas. unnoticed by foro-ive thee I" - the watching crowd. some of whom "Laugh if ye will, my friends taunted bim' with' his changed look; said Maso. sliffhtlv affronted, "but I on wnicu, siung 10 me qmcK, mo dui o - - - - 9 : , server tliat language is universal smUe faded from his lips, and a faint wheroier there Is sensation, and all kcpl ja i-22. uneasiness mada itself visible for the ammal life more or less intcr-com- munlcatlve. Picayune. was made, 158 years ago. but lie ac counts vary as to the kind of thse ll The Mystery of Heraeryl "How far back in your life can you remember?" asked a psychologist yes terday, referring to great feats of Machine In the QMenSWare and Groceries, lie not. It stands writ out in the Mar- I fiercely shook off his momentary memory; "U mo sec. said h s ket Place, full fair to see, that there is ,ltJSiiauon ana auvancea upon uis ioo ..w, .iM.v,., - n man roa r v in moof .TYrrrt rrt Vo with uplifted sword. Tho latter met dents in my life as far back as my ctvinrr fmm tnav. ' ' : him with equal readiness, and a deep fourth year." "Then there fs one more'fool in tha and solemn hush settled down upon averago,' replied the gentleman, "al nTwnnM.. that great mulUtude aa the shining though many people claim to be able . . 4J " I. 1 1 " 1 omni.T. it fViofo ttt?ii v. oiaaes were seen to cross. Agent for the best Sewing . soatyet. -- , , .-. , . . Prices reduced on al goods for cash. Highest market prices for peannts. , Mill daysMondays Wednesdays and Satnrdays, Meal kept at the .nore and given In exchaege for eora. , . . .J - WINDSOR, N.a . . the TONSOEIAL ARTIST, V.H. LEIGH Has recently had his shop fitted np In first-class style for the convenience of patrons. Shaving, hair catting Snd shampooing done in the most : artistic manner. Will bo at shop from - 7:30 to S a. m., and from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. no2 tfn J.P. fflULWOOD ,1 D. Hancock Hotel, LEWISTON, V- O. , Jul8-ly ' " AMERICAN HOUSE, : WINDSOR, N. C. J. E; IIOODY, Prop. -- Table supplied with the best the market affords. Rooms recently renovated and windows cat down v noor. Doable piazza around tha hosea . Three large Sample Booms for the casavenlence m 'raveling saieameB -, tree Back to meet Cteamec. . tteerei eCse CRa&e4 '.-- less." . t "Who is the man?" He must be a stranger here, or he would know bet ter.'' "I can not tell," said Maso ; ; jt or, although his challenge is fairly writ, there is no name signed to it." " . Then it must needs be a jest," growled a sturdy, butcher, besido him. "No jest, Pfaith,'? cried Maso; "for he hath staked 'one thousand five hun dred pistoles on the event.'? Incredible as Maso's; news ap peared, however, it was speedily and surely confirmed, and the tidings of the expected combat flew abroad like wildfire, kindling a universal excite ment. When the day appointed for the fight came, not only all Florence, but all the country round seemed to Belloni pressed furiously forward, his sword nickering like lightning as he dealt thrust after thrust, with a quickness which no eyo could follow. lo recall events in their lives as far bsck as tho age of two. I myself can recall one or two events that must bavo hap pened when I wa not more than two years old. One tiling that I recall is He appeared to be bent upon bearing that I have a vivid impression of sit down his young opponent by sheer ting on tho fioor of the nursery; play strength; but to his own surprise; and ing with my blocks. My mother came that of every one else, he seemed lo in the room. She woro a haj with an have met his match at last. Lunge ornament of a big bird. All this Is after" lunge did he make, with seem- clear to me, even today." Detroit insrlv irresistible force, and arain and I Frco Press. again did the bystanders draw in their breath as they watched to see tho stranger fall; but the thirsty point was always turned aside just as it seemed about to pierce him. Nor did he once break ground, but kept cir cling round and round his foe, watch ing for a chance of attacking in turn. That chanco came at last. Jacopo, stations, as if she were quite new to . m m . ..... have gathered to watch the sport, and spent with his own violent exertions, x'arts, ana dta not know wnere to go. in the ranks of the spectators were to could no longer maintain this exhaust- I constantly happened that gentlemen be seen young nobles 1 from all the ing attack". His breath began to fail took pity on her, and proposed to Uko greatest famiUes in NorthernTtaly. and his hand to tremble. Then, tho ber to a hotel. On arriving at the The stage upon which, the two stranger sprang forward, and attacked hotel, the gentleman, of course, de- champions'wore to meet was a largo Belloni in his turn, with the light of' manded to bo shown rooms. The platform of smooth planking (thickly a sudden W .terrible gladness upon young lady invariably flopped down . strewn with sawdust to keep their feet his beautiful face, which .made tho suurs, ana ueiora ;c wuruiu from slipping), which, being full hardiest, spectators shudder as they jumped into tm can wan uio jtaw iLl.a 4,it I. 1ntVt Yttr at Too &f tttrantir saw lu lUXi Lj XCCv 111 icugvu J J wu vw mivukj Several old villages la Can Cos sty, Michigan, have durg lo the ascleal custom of Hnglr.g itm church belli whenever anybody diet. ..The dxtcrs say their me!av:holy tolling at rJ.ll has deprtued many a deipsaiest r tlent unto death. . A borne In Georgetown, D. C, txs Jaitbeen shingled for tho Cm tlcr.9 since 1SC3, and the carpcsler aayt t-t has found sawed shingles thai had been laid within ten years in much worao coniitioa than ti.e shaved rice shingles which bad Wa la wcardhty seven years. On Col. Crockett's raossmT.t will be Inieribcd hfs famnni declarailon In Cor-grtJs: "I ara al liberty to vote aa my conscience and Judgment d;ctal to be rigM, without tho yoke of asy party on me or the driver at my heel with bis whip In hand commaiisg tua to geo-wo-haw JuU at hit pleajtire. Oplam, or rather the popp? p!ant from which it is denved, can t-e culti vated la the United State, tut net nrcfitablr. Ttc rUnt yield eo UlCc ... - t of the milky' white Jatce from which the narcotic is mid that with the h'.-h I a success for several weeks past. Wear- price of labor la this country tha c til ing a traveling drcts with a traveling Uvation of opium is riot commercially bag in her hand, she waited about tho I feasible. Dr. Mary Walker akM Oozrttt to pist a law to appoint a nubs-ilf coitumer. lie will (t a member cf OiO Cabinet, and will mako de!grs' everv three monthi f r tho drc w-s of every lady In tho knX T1.-5 Uul'.-l' Slates Gorerx.ment will Isuo a tarsi-j some quarterly magaxir.e cf faM n " plates, which will be mallei to ctc:; . curs thr n;f;rtutf t ' la the t tiCs of lit a Xfb if always aillf f.;r r-utfr Ae a. m!e the wai ri ta ! t " : t t t- trve HfrYcu are a r -,:S. r (eowiy) nc.J, i-a-i iv,.' A! iiiL :t 1 1 ? i li'zt i a.sd rcver mrc o thia la '.: r his drTrr. '1 cas't ifp m ft',zzl,m rtr th? lem:s v!c, aa.il y. "I a3 t gtttlrg ih yzXJ" "1 lay, 0juy( Cxi tztz gceis He locks t3 t; . Van liuitlcx Vzr.'i t-. vsi rm vt'.iii trif.fr 3 a be fur cn r ;r. If ycu evtr dzztv-l t.it a coul I i$ i ;:xt y;ts d : l tra.i;sg yc-r e:.'f. mjuked aa c-i - tLit It's grtUr - t.ls all 'He (rt"v-ll'r :).3 llTe?i Iiftrti!.. I th- v rt :;t ti f .r ? t k T 5 f -1 1 zCt? I a: t -if . frcm the c! 1 fcii, If It tre-e Uks5s ly ! c-necf i- i I 7 re u'c c f Is thai t. p-:!4 trr I' very jct h j-r J: r IZtxC'-x'S 1 Sr.: 1 1 1 -C It!. ? -1 1 : rri mta, ths..; thff I t-l ycr-a, even ltd:!, i: 4:if cvlj call t-iyn with el ycur Civiy t a t f rjl' tco ;!jrr. Vt y dlia'i jc Lla?' 5 (wi'.h rc-cauf, mtr.es, L aiwajs uki It. New Vc rk l a rr- the tJUfli.. Ls-i o iu 7'- f t rr r l ' I A New Method of Kobbery. A young lady of Paris has invented a new method of robbery which she has carried on with a good deal of la ll Trcrr-i c. : au i a Chi- qtiajrter; waiter, couiln. lv .x.rj (t: th !r. I-anuM n f it, Jsrr.rt? Fc-:-: I'm sure, i!r: t--t there a gf ztlrr.aJ w. the rc--;il ?3 r: 3 w Walker? 1,:-:. 5 ;c 1 1 .1 a 1 T tli 4: 4,t : IV- .. ... . " .1 4. . 'r. IT, It . . I U,3 cu-cr ej c - 11, iP1 I I r.i : th-re - p-f man's lnggage and driven away. c a lady Ln ths country. Thli ii whit Dr. 1 1 1 . t M C t