THE WlNUSOa L03QER The FubllStied every Wednesday at VfNDSOR.N.C.. Jfrr'fiR -LedqeX rtJB-;.iPliiNG Co . n gainst - voting Wednesday. October 24, 1804. fn congress: a. woodard: W ' '. C' ) - .: ' v' V'..'' - " " FOR SOLTClTORr W. E DANIEL. OR RKPRSENTATIVT! . A. S. RA3COE. " "For state Senate: C. W. MITCHELL. -for clerk of the court: WTL. LYON. FOR REGISTER OR DEEDS: SOLOMON CHERRY. for sheriff: T. C. BOND. . or surveyor: -W. H . SMITH WICK. : : : for coroner: HAtttEY.J- BLADE. RQPULISr PERFIDY." " ' - -Populist ' i s fighti n g for any colored Republican. He can stfuid - the white Radicals. In this district the fi sh t bet wee rr Populist an d Republican was to be on the idea of good tickets "with no negroes on -.tliera."- In one or two in stances ' the colored men have forced them to yield them a place. . They did this in North amtou and Roberts, colored, was nominated. That v was because Roberts sold out his party and his race. In Bertie county the sell out was complete: not a sin- gle colored, man on the ticket and the Populists giving the ticket vigorous support "because there are no negroes on it." If anything else was needed to show the purpose ,pf the Popu lists aud white Republicans to exclude colored men. from hold- fact just NOTICE! ins .office it is seen in che 'i -r. 11 ' i . i tnac tne jropmists- nave DEMOCRATS AROUSE. The Republican : campaign, is poniiuatcd Dr. Freeman, a white Naturally in the nature ol a still- man and a Populist for Congress 'bunt. Republican organs ana I against ex-Congressmau H. P. ipoliticiansare boasting that their Cheatham, who is the regular Tparty in North Car-olma was never Republican candidate, so declared before so united, so well organized by the highest tribunal of the nd so confident of success. This party, the" National -Committee, 'if true-, is largely due to the fact The fusionists started out by Hhat the present contest . is recog- telling the negroes that " they iized by the Republicans as one WOuld be counted out, but - that f principle, of measures, of policy the Democrats were afraid to n d of parties, .Mere local, per sonal and factional differences are temporarily buried and lost sight ! "of. To maintain ther old prestige, to retain their accustomed majori- j "ties, Democrats must follow, in 'this respect, the example of the Republicans. They must, as ex; decretory Whitney the other clay for Freeman weakens Cheatham. 1' J. Jt 1 1CT ... YT . 1- T xumureu me new ,Cuiu- Tnc nomination ot ureeman- is Populist on every grand jury to fallen asleep, without a single tell of all election.frauds he kuew druggie. It seemed as ifshe was of and if he did noVknow of touchedby an encbanter's wand . , , and suddenly changed from an uicm out naa neam oi tucm, u . of 8llfferini: inlo Ono.of (was his duty to give the . names trannuil beautv. Although. She i-r jay :of ,tho, persons comnnltins (he had to pass nlonn UirouKli the fraud and tho namns of those iratea of death alone to meet tho beloved iiusDaua wno irou u c Rjime path 15' vcars airo.- stood presentment has been made. reaQv to welcome her atthe coal. The avenues to all indictments She was a loving wife, a devoted are onen to all. Whv did not mother and a friend to everybody. the loaders ot the Populists pre- She will bo greatly missed, but it v o ttiX, L'Li should console us to know tht ter indictments?. Why not notity . . , ;n J ' "our loss is her eternal srain. the bohcitorr' it is easy to ac- Qri2Ving children is easy enough to say- everybody feet that had not walked lor o ThU 2Cth day of ijmlx-r, 1801. ..,0 loncron earth, now trend the sal - lIcHaKE-iUnQUifART, ' .K . I . a .rt) All em .. a i " 4 11 11 ILL! ilUUre UI 1 iiruUlow. law suit. be deterred by any such result. v;ct0rv over death. She is well c r? n r TIITVITA Tift? o there fraiids, inf Bertie and happy now. Sho leaves four OT-U V - rUlIU UIF d faithful children and a host ol i ACCnflATiriN mnt children and friends to rtJJUUlrillUll Ln.oMn NEW YORK. 2T.-Y. "Wtro not for hil uicro is ho cause r18 the cheapest good Company in s of woe, notici:: Ilfttln cudlHcd a Kxwutcm to ILf iraL". rilca ji Atr.'.z'HrUtt lat will uml UaLatncnt ol . is, iaj-',upon c rtuu i Alncr WLUc. ds. loc. !eccic!t we noWy nil jnon j ttucu, I i.trrhj nolify ! rxrcTj h. IiaviDR cUlnu ninil h'.B ciuie loprc-iccui wi3nrujt 10 make Isnritl i!. ncutlhctn on orbeforo Uitolr I. 1WJ, I pijmcni, an i oil rLa:r.rtU:n In bar or a ircote-r. All p- r,A"r- lu? fai'i estate art" kril toruake Imcrc-, dlalc pnjirjcnt, ThU Sept. , Irt. j W. .s. Tavi.k, 'x r Drncis D. n'iuiton, AUotocy. " NOTICE! Having qiwlincdaf Adndaltrator co the cstnto of Lewi T. Unnuhirt, tlr- rcaicd, thU b to give nollco to all per- iou owlDi; said eule talnasi imcnc dlite itaymenr, and all penont hirins claims anlitftt all tstite treieni uifm in wen not for to the undersigned on crVfcreUe Slh "i nTA tho day of September. 105. ocU.l. notice gel now, and tne wi le Jend Ul bir of recovery. Adra'r. 1st la T. Urachal t, m- - itLu. i : - L AO trive names uuxub unui: uu ui' , . s - w- w r irx 9 a nrt fliiTtAMnrv v iim I i.i ii" I . ished from her as she gained the I lflu 1I1U I UHL. HEi- rmmcnl on rr bttt c iLe 17(h ibr of !a bar tf t!a-lr rtcoTrrr. TJ! IZlU 'v of a Lobrr. It Wero county two years ago? It yon examine the list of gro jurors since last election youvill fine that many of them are Populists. Twice Populists, were foremen. yv uy uiu niu uub iuviii.i u make presentments? ,The Dem ocrats know of no fraud and had . , . i .... heard of none except the cry of But rather nrrvo t!;o spirit that It I walk " Uusliriuklngly over the thorny path be- And Horn cartli low J Glcmcnti kcci' " thee back. America. . Have your Life Insured for the BOOKS TO THE READERS OF THU - LEDGER. . Send $1.00 to the Bee 11 ir Store, 12S South WilrningtoaSL. IUleiglir N. C, and get in r. turn 10 books these bookiara a raUccllaneouj lot of old oaej cS u iuu3, iu goou conuiuoa-acti aotnc of them cost 32 ."nn.1 li each will send the beat and pertaining to moat all sob iccta. We prcJt, you pny all charrrs, . . . utrcct, ut.t: HIVE STORE,- - 12S South Wilmington St. Ralcigh,N. C;. N. B.f A lot cf old clajLiieU count out the white This smart trick Populists. V run oil some tho .Populists would namo no one..! go when a fcwflecdnn yeara have flowr. As a oonsenuenco the Democrats SieMl meet Uiceat Heaven' gate-an,i imu nit iui benefit of your family. Itisooer C , V x. - ci 0,.a c,,ci; of the best investment jou can ghooX book' in JUtm, French m mm m t J. B. NIGHOLLS, AGENT . BERTIE COUNTY. could. make no presentations. Consider what a position their leaders place the Populist 'grand iurors in. We come to their de- KM fense. Thcv Friend. I rcspcclxallf announce the 0pcn;n2 of my tkhool on Monday, ifeptcrabtr 3rd CIIARGI. Frlmary Branches, per month . I2.CO Music, liCO Very tcpcctfullr. NOTICE! NOUKOLK A CAnOf.tXA It It CONDFNSLD K.llI!iJtrf.r IN EmiCTMAY U inu A tootltacho honest colored men, who with drew their names in some coun ties. Are the Populists sticking up to their bargain? Did-they not agree to support Cheatham in tbis district? Every vote cast crats to do for the sake of party principle and party success sink all private griefs, all personal differences and disappointments, ill bid grudges and resentments. -X& is, alter the two great victor ies of 1890 and 1892, which lifted the Democratic party once inore into power and entrusted it with the responsibilities of fgovernment, "r the Democratic "artv itself which is on trial in this year's Congressional elec ''tions. It is Mr. Cleveland's ad ninistration and policy which 1th e Republicans are assailing !Ths loss ' of the next House of Representatives means the crip jpling and hobbling of the Demc- 4JratTc adminisistration, the tying and fettering of Mr. Cleveland's Viands for , every practical pur jpose of reform, and the absolute impossibility of any further ful filment of Democratic pledges, very Republican '.-rote for Re , fmblican candidates will be a vote directly in opposition to very purpose and every aspira tion ot the . Democratic party 3E very Democratic vote Vitheld jfroni a Democratic candidate standing honestly upon the Na tional Democratic platform, is a ibetrayal of the patty, an act oi iudividnal treachery, and a blow At Mr. Cleveland and his admin istration. This is a time to put principle and the success of the jparty before all other considera tions. The Democrat who skulks r Walters now, who "knifes" his arty candidate on private or personal grounds, or attempts to icxcuse on any grounds his fail ure to yield loyal support to a loyal Democrat, ceases to deserve Jithc name, and should be stripped : m speedily as possible of all title 30 it. North Carolina is too deeply interested in tholmai&te- jfcanee ot Democratic? principles s,nd Democratic supremacy -too deeply interested ia sound money Sariff rejfarm,'.better f governmen t ud areduced L taxation to falter ; fa the present contest; or to give j&ny sign flf iukewarmness or in- aifierence. , , Tlicri' is no medicine so often ncc!etl in cverv home ami po adratrably alarl- should resent this ed to the purposes tor which It is intend- i . . - k r-w w YTm rwr iiniir attack on their virtue and truth. , Wfck c, but gorae member ofl MRP. FKANCI& J). WINSTON: As the matter stands their lead- the family has need of It. ers practically char wilful neglect of d tion of their oath untrue. , go them mth D'SSS ra SSTlS CTBP5R "! W035' A u ty and viola- The severe pain of a bum or a ncldl 111, 113 and lUlUnkbU, l . it is iuisey I much lea tune tban when mcdklneiia I tVKl 1 r i r Mrs. Republicans somebodv to vote A. W for so they would not have to vdto for Cheatham, a colored man. Such political perfidy will neve" succeed. The self-respecting colored voter sees through this thin film of political hy- pocrisy. Will Mr. King White vote for Cheatham or Freeman? Will Mr- Madison Zarly vote for Freeman or Cheatham? Let us know gentlemen You are ask ing: votes. How do you stand? to be sent for. .A p. aln may be prorapt lly treated before inforaatfon ct In, insures a cure iu about one-uun! IN MEHORIAM, of the time oUicrwio rcou'rcil. (hi'a n;.Lvc t -riv.'lf . and bruW phould rcceWo ,hnmcliato who oi uonii u. uruion uqmncu uff0lK w!;v:h can only ImJ dune when this lite Oct. 14th. 1894. after, a Pain Ralra at hand. A sore throat , - . - i.. ii . . ..... . . removed by nz it twien iwy lorawccK or two. A larao back may lc cured and cvcral LAitoi: stock or nxunr.D MONUMnS-GRAYESTOHESM RKADY ron lMMHOIATr SlItrMI3T. t3taTicljn trr. No. JCo. t!03 cm J V? i ll mt . No. ?Ck statios. t Ufa I'kl-I. AA1 MM Kim I nl f IiilT, TUaily rxnrt t jvadiy; No 21 ml:a rooorvtioa at Ito Mncnt with W. A YT. Trtla No. 25. fur il to'nU Snaih, a&l Nu. 71 Ur all point North J.IL KlJCLT.San'CTranr. T. M. Kxct aox, n f n. Fr t A ttr . 1 t i i t n r . i ? -n i smipiy to give o. i!iaa1Son Jinrjy.j . f j illucss of more thin two ny 'lora " co King White and other whtfbl Aged-Jl yCar8. 8h. wat SV ti . .1 . n . i- - r i l. 'i . - a consistent member of Ue Cole MONTH Y PRICES CURRENT JDNETI89I- I S W C1-1 W mWyr null w , ff JL ff raino Baptist Church A. short days of valuablo tlmo saved or apain In oiiks, ouc. to i. per yaru. fthamci, O to 2tfe. per f nJ, timp hpfora her death -flho; re- I(fo or cV.cU re,!eved without paying n Henriettas, 25 to iOc. per yard. Tcrcalt, 10 to ISc. per yard, time betore tier ueatn, sno re- tlockol U!L irocurcR50ceutlottloat Giahnierca. 5 to 70c icr rard Oriental 1 fo 0 Lrt.Jl marked that she would soon be nnco and yon will never icgretit, V5 . f V o- 1 i c. ft ? 't - f n J l home. She passed away as one For sale by Dr. E. W.ruh. .- )"V?rftcJ. 2i,c- Pcr prJ- Stripcjl Indian Linen 10c rr yard. , , Pnuts, 4 to 7c icr yard. Lace CnrUins. 73c, to $1.25 a Ttti "It is a very good ticket because ftiere are uo uegroes on it. ANOTHER VIEW CF FRAUD CHARGING The Popnlistic cry of traud in the last election in Bertie county puts some of their followers in a hole .when the facts are consid ered. In the first place any man who brands with infamy and fraud a whole people without proof is infamous and a fraud himself. The man who thinks everybody a scoundrel but liim- self is UilD ONE AND SAP GOODS ARE try AYo are just receiving a, large and well selected stock of , " " generally reflecting hi3 GOOdS, N6tiOnS, age in bis thoughts. Was j -9. ' Boots, Shdes, Hats, Caps, LIGHT. AND HEAVY GROCERIES, i : r -r - 3 men doing Hardware. Dfugs, Tobacco and Cigars. adfullknowl- i-iO. V 11 JLUtJiU AH IllO IUUUqI there fraud in Bertie county? Let us see. Five grand juries have sat in Bertie county since the last election. The grahd juries were composed of eighteen men. There were at least, each court, thirty-three ury service who had edge that they would so . serve and that they might be caught on the grand iurv. Remember that the Solicitor is and has been a Republican, an aetiye and vigueut. omcef. - VV e say it to ha credit that he has not been swift to originate indictments and that he has been fair and impartial in the discharge of his duties. It is his jsworn duty to act upon and draw bills on all presentments. When present ments are made he draws bills Is it not remarkable that of these ninety grand jurors not one ever heard of an election fraud. - Pre mi An Unbleached Cottons. 4 t 10c Piano, Uble spread, $1. to $2.50 " Bleached Cotton?, 5 to 10c. per yard. -Ruga, Mats, 75c. to $L75. Ginghams, G to 10c per yard. Oil Carpets 25 to 35 prr yrd. Lawn, 5 to 20c. per yard. Vine Laces, all kind, trom 2 to! 35c Sattecns, 10 to 35c. per yard Plaids, 5 to 7c. per yard. Laces, 2 to 35c. per yard. Harubnrgs, 2 to 35c pcr yard. Piece goodsi for men and boys 10c. to $1.00 per yard v ilen'a and Boy's Hats, 10c to $3. a piece. Men's 4Shotf , OOz to $C ' Men's and Boy's Clothing, $1.75 to $15 Ladies shoes and slippers, 50c to $3.00. Calf Boots, $2. to $3. Straw Matting, U to 25 jcr vard. 2 Inch Cart Rims $1.25. Spofcrs, $1.25 Buggy Wheels, $G 00 per set . Go Cart Wheels, $3.50. px set Cart Axlen, 2.50 to $3.00 per act BSY Arms, $2,50. Kana-va Pumps, $1.50 to $5.50, 1G feet stcra New Goodnch JSewing Machines, $22.50. . ' . Hcfrigerators, 24x3G, $10. Riding Bridtfi $1:25. Baby Carriages, $5.50 to $10. Fadd.cs, 1J2.50 to G,00 Uarncfs, $5.50 to $10.00. . Double, 20.00 NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. A GcncraT tiwc of Ha.nlsrar. Drc.' TlnwATtu Qaocu r. Ut l.-o rr WUIowwarc, Ploi.CajiUnzt, fatal. OH, f!u X(xrt, WtoVr (;!. IUr IJelUxir. Furniture. Mattrt, B hy CanUrct, New c;oocrif h S mlrz llicLW, Barrel and Lnrie Lime. IjiuJ fbtcr. Salt, list. Cora 24al aeS LIGHT GROCER IKS O F ALL K IN D S. In fact cvcryttilfi ilat U kept m a cocaUj tawru All I aik of ttcr la cerd cf anr otU4 above h Iq ctc roe a trial. WINDSOR, N. C. R. C. BAZKMORK, ' ? THE KECHT-HIRSCHLER COr.lPANY, SUCClLSSORS TO LOWKJtBKRG AND lIECHTr ' ' ' 4 mt mmm. .... " " e " WHOLESALE DEALERS-IN Dry Goods and Notions; Mr. W. F. Gallop re presorts tho firm ia Easlera North GsrolLx-;, We carrv a fine line of CONFECTION ARIES. - We make a specialty bf GENTLEMN'S FURNISHING GOODS Below we, give a fewpricesi.;. . ' . Best Calicoes -6c per yAj -';:rv . " . ;-t Unbleached Cotton Cloth :4c i per yard, Good Boots $1.25 per pair.- . ' ' . Ladies Shoes 80c per -pair, . ' ' - Gentleraen's.Shoes $1 per pair, all solid, Good Flour 2c-per pound, - Better Flour 2Jc pcr pound, " . The very:be&t Flour made 3c per pound. The- price ot nearly all goods has been reduced. Give us a. call and see for yourself. ; , ". , We buy all kinds of country proiluco ana pay niguest prices. In due iime we will carry in stock Cotton Bagging and Ties, sentments axe made on hearsay, and Peanut bags. ' . :. t . . The grand jurors speak of crime Thanking our friends for their very liberal patronage in tho pasi they have heard of and give the and asking for a continuation ol tne same, . . J r - , b; . . Wo aro yours to command, names ot persons who can prove 78 and 0 WATER ST., NORFOLK, VA. IT IS kASY FOR YOU TO GET,' Tho Beat ol Seeds and at Fair prices. Wo will send you Tail's JSced CatAlvuel gralis f and overy package of Seed you order by mail er by j express. will reach you promptly and in 'good order i We guanteo iL Don't bo satiaikd rith"aiy seeds poorer than tho beat poorer than theso uo offer youl . P. O. Box 217. GEO. TAIT &o SONS, SEED MERCHANTS, 4 i; Subscribe to the Ledger. Only $1 per yeax in advance. persons wno can prove it aud present , it to the court It was the sworn duty of -every SAUNDFRS & SUTTON. KTOBEOLS, I

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