PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, INVARIABLE IN ADVANCE. OUR MOTTO : DIEU ET MOM DROITi THE LEDGER punusriQ cc::rr;T. VOL. XII. WINDSOK, BEKTIE COUNTY, If. C, THUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 1895. NO. 41. Lore's Aftcrmatlu Not here, but there. Not near nor far ; No night time then, Nor moon nor star No meeting smile to turn to sigh And breathe its bitter waii Good-bye! Not here not hero, ? Too dim, too sad i ": This doubting world V Yet there all glad! - V The loving eyes leArth's shadows veiled The tender clasp, we deemed had failed." Some voice perhaps Loved lost regained "Will thrill us there With love unfeigned. Bat how we know not, all is rest, They are our own God's ways are best. That one we loved. , Perhaps too well, . Can love, love so? - v We cannot tell , : . : , That one, in God's sweet holy place " : Will meet us then, and face to face! The loved caress, ; v The old, dear smiles God's Ever for - . r -Earth's little while! The mists of .pain all passed away; All lost in that long, loving day ! ' Good Words. ana marimes,-Phoebe sometimes in dulging in anjmal painting, for which she had a passion, but which appeared to us both like dissipation, because no one could be induced to buy our piet urea. The landscapes and sea bits . .we placed in the book stores for salotjtd- the summer visitors at prices varying from $2. 50 to $10. ;. When we received $10, which was very rarely indeed, we felt that we were on "the high roadlo wealth. -. Three years after ors father's death we were still very poor, but we had saved a trifling sum and felt safe un less sickness or some extraordinary; imsionune should overtake . us. One evening Phcebe was reading the paper: aloud when she stumbled upon a para graph announcing the extraordinary; success of Sidney Herbert, bur poor artist friend in' New, .York. He was now. richand famous, it appeared,, and a member of the Academy. "Why not write to him," said I, "and send some of our best works. You have Handling Boa Constrictors. Shake dealers in" South - America have a fine contempt for their squirm ing and venomous wares, though it is sometimes difficult ; to induce ship captains to "carry 'thenV as freight. The Tsnake dealers -handle the boa constrictor with great deftness. This serpent bites, but his bite is not ven omous, so that the chief danger to the handler, is from the serpent's enor mously powerful muscles. The deal ers have learned that the boa, to bo really dangerous, must have a fulcrum in the . shape of something around which he may coil his tail. -.', The boar is, in fact, a lever in which the ordinary arrangement is power, weight, fulcrum. Knowing this the dealers drop a soft hat over his head, ihat he may "neither see nor bite, and then snatch him so. suddenly from his resting place that he has no opportun ity to brace himself by seizing a fixed object , with his: tail. ' After that the essential thing is to see that he is not three, or tour excellent animal pieces,' brought within distance of any Buch and we can both send two or three hwt " marines and landscapes. He was al- THE ARTIST'S COTTAGE. ? ? k and grateful to ns and perhaps might do us a good turn. I am perfectly certain that ' our work is worth ten times the price we are re ceiving here, but we can never do better unless we are so fortunate as to be appreciated at some great art center. " That was the first daring sug gestion. It was long before we could gather courage sufficient to carry it into execution. Finally we forwarded six. pictures to Mr Sidney Herbert, accompanied by a long letter, telling him of the death of. dear father and r 11T HENRY S. BBOOKS. " V : I have lived all my life in seaport a little town on our north coast. Father was a clergyman, pastor of the First Congregational Church Never was there a more 1 faithful man and never had spinster a . more devoted helpmate. There was a residence at tached to the phurch which was called the parsonage, and there we lived until father and mother died. There were three of us children,rriy sister Phcebe and I and Edmund, our brother. I was the oldest, Edmund, or Ned, as everybody called him, the" youngest. He was a handsome, gal lant boy. We all - pinched ourselves dreadfully to get him through college but we were all so proud of him and bo hopeful of his future that our little sacrifices never appeared to us in the ' W rePly and we had almost given liffht of self denial. : "P a11 boPe of ever faring from Sid- We never could rindm-fit, xrhv ney Herbert "Why should an acade- Edmund, with all his college educa A snake dealer on board a Brazilian steamer the other day was occupied in transferring his boas from ono box to another. He opened the box .an in stant, dropped a hat over the head of one of the creatures, snatched it from its fellows, and, rushing across the deck, dropped it into the other box. The thing looked bo easy that a deck hand, waitng until the snake owner's back was turned, essayed to repeat the act. He neglected to use the hat, and with a yell yanked a great snake from the box with his fangs fixed in his fingors. Not daring to let go, yet mother,, and the sad fate of poor Ed- fearinr? to hold on. ha beffan whirling miind. We requested him to sell the the snake about his head, meanwhile pictures for us, if possible, at the best, dancing madly over the deck. The price attainable, telling him at the snake man managed to capture the same time the poor prices we received reptile and box it in security. Then at home, and our modest confidence I somebody expressed concern for the that WO OUght to realize Something rnRh rlpplr hand to vhir.h tlin unfit ft more for our conscientious work. '.'I nwnpr nnq-wprpd; . It was a month before we received "WW. him? TT'h nil nVht. Early Fire Implements. Undoubtedly the first fire company organized in this country ."was formed in New York in 16581 It was called the Prowlers, and .was composed of eight men with two hundred and fifty buckets, hooks and Bniall ladders. Where tho buckets were obtained, and whether or not they were in addition to those owned by the town, tho records fail to stale. -In 1679 Salem purchased two or - three dozen cedar buckets,' besides hooks and other im plements; also tho selectmen and two others were authorized to tako com mand at fires, and to blow up and pull down buildings wjhen such action was necessary. , This practice appears to havo been much moire common be fore tho usq of engines than afterward. Boston,- on September'0, 1679, ordered that every quarter of the town should be provided with twenty swobes, two . sco opes,'- and six axes.. The swobes or swoSba as thoy Vre now called, wero long-liandled mops, that could be used to put out roof firc&i The general use of swaba has Jong since disappeared, but when a blight blaze is beyond the retach of a pail of scientific scraps. NEVSY CLEANINGS. Electricity la now employed in tho bleaching of all textilo fibres. Whoa flying at its higheut pccd thi house fly makes COO strokes of iU wings- per second and tho dragon fly 11,500. Volcanio actionhas been observed in In lake Superior somo sixty miles west of Sault Ste. Mario. A part of the ehoro that was under water has been upheavod in the form of ridges. Another egg of tho great auk has been sold in London. It tr&j found in Iceland sixty-fito years ago, c&mo into Baron d'Hamonville'a collection. and, as it is slightly cracked, brousht SS23. . Professor A. E. Wright says it is beginning to bo understood that all our ideas of -color can bo explained by tho assumption of three pairs of, contrasting colors whito" and black, red and green, and blue and yellow. - - H 1 A guago to detcrmino tho ago of horses baa been invented. Tho ap HL-soTri bu W.ill men rlxr.tcl la r - ooracron lj tlx cr rrra ti:-r. : tig as list yrr. It U rKJlsiated them a tO.tOl lin-'i rlJers ia Hew lort City. There aro tirezitT-e.'rhr in: Li t : ' IilrrrJrt trl2jr La this Tj-r ItlC.D.O In taxts to tho Freoeh GoTerruieat. St. Louis Is tis trawn cA Crir r.r - - nenxxiy her lOCth tlrttdty La irrtij : Tho Ctlcxn Board of Ttdo r rorv t - ' la a oort Tlrorouj crul arsnrt :.. ErirViij In Chit in ! r-r' - - r -- a. lirln now br roHizT f-JVa who wcr- 'I rulaM by tt w. mia9 to nixke f armer Ixzjl la-Jim, m?ecUr. wtw oScfmf.i! J1 ir- riBJis aad tho rfr;Uc all J;c-, SCO.Oa Tin lUUZUen kto T3,C ?,COX Uorzn at Hoant Airy, tr TLI!!; ! . . t-xul LU 1J UrU.iy la ttgj,,z c -forf. . . uxft aajpowxers oi otrraauy. . UnJtM UXm Cosj-aRlmeral IVtHay In Berlin aay that Louis SSrn,th Nnr l ort mere tact who was arrrl la KivJ Oernxacy, Las bca ucjujrUy trrtel. Tha tUpatat cf CallfomJa wis.' ti.s y.T Bat think of my snake 1 It's worth twenty of that mng ! New York Sun. paratufconsists of a steel plato baring water and moro imprtoTed apparatus a tappercd body portion, ono of its is not at hand, a longAhandled mop is I longitudinal edges being marked by I I da cuiiioa irncrar, raiaeJ at t Juo.o louay ixie most euicieut urwcio 10 do used. In Japan thiese swabs may be seen on many roof-tops. In 1690 New Yor)k ordered that Ato ladders and also hobks bo made. In Philadelphia no mention is mads of public precaution against fire until 1G96, when a law was . passed forbid dmc; tho firing of chimneys or allow- lines and figures, and it is said that the approximate ago of a horso can bo determined by applying tho scalo to its teeth, Judging from a test made in Berlin the other day, tho dwellers in Urgo cities must swallow and breatho rail- lions of tons of soot and other filth CTery year, ice sooi wnicn comes ing the same to become fouL Each house was to have a swab, bucket or urar out of tho chimney of a single refinery was gathered and weighed pail Anotherlact waspassed in 1700 I daring six data merely it weighed ordering every houso to havo two I C, 800 pounds. leather buckets. In 'the tion, never could find profitable occu pation ; but it is certain that he never did. He was a high spirited, gener ous boy, always full of the fortune he was going to make for the family, and particularly for the manner in which we boys were to be arrayed when his ship came home: 'but because of his . inability to find suitable occupation, he drifted into bad company, and one day he .shipped bofore- themast, and mician care to interest nimseix in fate of two poor women.' 9" the we said Do Fish Feed at Night? Apropos of a discussion of this again and again; when one afternoon questioa in the 8portiDg pre8s, Outing we - receiveu a letter Dearmg xne .new says: . "Do fish feed at night? Well, well dp fish swim? Country boys, how about the big fire beside the water? How about the boy who got first to the big boom and so secured the boss place? How about the spiky-finned channel cats and mud cats - that come up two at a time ; ...the goggle eyed Tort postmark, which for a long time we had not the, courage to open. Then Pheobe, with trembling hand, ex tracted the letter from the envelope, and, on opening it, a check fell to the ground, folded. I am constitutionally a coward, but I was the first to seize that check, , and unfold it . It was for that warf-the last we heSrofhim 04$ rock dt special prices; ..the hideous u, ior iwo poor vuuiu, Wuu Vcuu .mml puppiea. whichatonce went into glad to get ten dollars apiece for con- the fire along with a yard of line? scientious enqrwi . ievtir, H about the nicht lines? How blessed be tho name of Sidney Her- aboa everjrthing connected with the bert, ana oi tne august acauemxemas fc that n8ed to bo better and bet. . . i i e ii l .i I loreverj Aiargo uuiauur ui tum fe as midnitrht awuroached. till the passedv judgment upon our work, he lorioU3 'fua and occasional profanity saw, gooa, cnucai, luuuuguut j uug- interrupted by the sound of the ment, calculatea not only to neip put many years. That broke mother's heart; she was never very strong, And the very first winter following nvo buried her. lean scarcely' remember when it was that we girls first took seriously to painting. Wo were, both of us, somewhat gifted that way. One sum mer a poor artist, of all men, took refuge with us ! He was a man of exceptional talent, who afterwards made a great name, He soon detected Borne of our crude ; efforts, and to our surprise praised . them. He insisted upon taking us with him and 'made us work by his side, out of doors, from nature, constantly I developed what he termed "a remarkable gift : of color," and Phoebe took to animal' painting in emulation of Bosa Bon heur ! His encouragement and ex ample kindled our ambition and the tope of achieving some sort of pecu niary independence nerved us to per severance. Before the artist ; lief t he painted tts a picture.' After he be came famous we learned that it t was very valuable. Phcebe and I still own it. We would not part with it on any account. . ' When father died it became a seri ous problem how we should - make a living. We could not continue to oc cupy the parsonage, of course. Poor as the livlnnr was. thprA wfirfl manv to encourage us. The picture deal- crp, wnose naj$es ne lucioseu, woum gladly receive our work, he wrote, and we could rely absolutely upon their, integrity and best efforts in our behalf. ; ' " : Th&t was ' the foundation of" our pretty 'Artist's Cottage." We do not call it the Artist's Cottage; it was our townspeople, who are now. very nrnn rl f tjs. Thev cannot afford to buy any more of our t pictures, but much of our early work is still here, t. tn hn hmiffht i at anv price so at least they declare. Edmund returned about two years nrm his drnams of fortune faded, but - he is still, tho same dear bright en- thusiast. ; He has settled down to the ot,iv and livinff witn ns our happiness is complete New, York Ad vertiser. , 'old man' falling foul of a wire fence, or breaking a gad from the plum tree up the bank? ;Do fish feed at night? I dunno ;they used to? following year six or eight hooka 'for tho pur pose of tearing down houses wero ordered to be made. Popular Science Monthly. " . Stones of Persecution. Christianity is yet in its formative stato in Japan, and tho talcs of perse cution and martyrdom aro recent Thoro havo been within recent years rioting and stono throwing in tho It is not true that flics aro enabled to walk on tho ceiling by means ol sucking disks. Kach of tho . six foot is provided with a pair of littlo cush ions and two hooka. Tho cushions aro covered with hairs which aro kept moist by a secretion, causing them to adhero to a smooth service. The hookt . help tho. insects to walk of cr rough surfaces. . : Sir John Lubbock, has recently streets of Japanese towns where Chris- niaao somo studies of tho alimentary tian sorviceswere attempted, and most habits of spiders. Selected specimens of tho missionaries havo' memories of wero weighed bcforo"and after a. full stirring scenes to relate, rarely reach ing tho point of - actual murder, but often very violent In general, how ever, the missionaries have been better received than ono would suppose. The Japanese,, who make poetry out of everything," call tho stones thrown at Christians in street riots "stones of persecution; " and pnt them to dramatic uses: Komatsu Villago Church rests upon a foundation into - which stones thrown by tho Buddhists have been "builded. In Takahaahi, a hakugwai ishi," or stono of persecution, weigh meal, with tho result of learning that if a man wero to absorb tho quantity of food proportionato to his weight consumed by a spider, he would de vour two whole oxen, thirteen sheep, a dozen hogs, and four, barrels of 'fkh. Urt year, op to Jalr si. r2zl ax SJ.Cmj.- cco, ; - ; ' Ofi"cTt.lh c! tha cabers of lb fm ':t IIciur!ajr. or Gerxaa rarttancst, an4 c- Cflh ct ho Senators as4 iXfUins lo tL- Trench Tajrllaacat lougtt la tts war cr 1ST71. , Th reajuyWaala nortlraUxirtI RctWr rtceatly laid tho corner- oa c f a tw t cil 1 ta ta ltl!adcipMa wblca will if futs;r homaof Ik-sorEaxLlratloa It Willi a ecmilj truerare. TbePaaaaia Caral Conrnj ta arrrl to iaj the Qorrraf-zA ct CoVcnUa Tear for military protccttoa ct frujrtT c a the caoal rotita 'iteretrUtto a cxrl c : iMaoidien. . Th Unltol Statni Nary Departcact C not know what to do wlta ihn torpcio t. -w. tmlit for thtttlahlfTcxa.)i aja4 Ka!ae. Tfcwfl toau taro failod to cak th V..o rtqulred tor torpedo crtlce aa4 wlU tot to used. When General Cas:rc wrct to Cca pmllaed that tho rtrtellica woul J t-o j-t down, asd ha would bo back, la Kjwlrtl t j Noreater. i(ow ho waau 10,003 Gfa ty Novecabcr 1 La order to cad tho war ty texi March. John Woeiley Ilardla. tho tcrrcr of ii border, tu ahct acd klUf4 ta tho A:rzi aalooa of IU Fano. Teiaf by Cocjtallo Jc ta 8Jlcxa. Uardla ta.1 lhrtirsed to run 8Uaaa mt of town. The taea met la U- naa a raooni oi alliii; nlao raa. firings froza which tho waicr TV7 Martoa. Iowa, ha bea drawn. Tlilr company ta beca cotstlihd to tal wsir froa Indian KiTer. which U wholly nzZt f r Aa a rprolt, tho towa l raC-riff v ti aa c; of tyjhoid and cthar trsJ of temr. THE LABOR WORLD. Hcf rchaam- Mining. MccrchavDauicrirftctcd in tho amo way as coaV" Till' from twentyfiTe feet to 125 , fet aro dag, and as soon as "the vein is struck, horizontal gal leries, sometimes The late?! ta!btir how that Swn bx ! la lf?3 i'Oi fa-ctorl, rarloylcj Hi.CJ !--borer. I Ttirty'labor onraalr-vtlsnji taro draw:: c; a r UlTorrr: acd ar rtatlr rct::.' : , eclcr pouil thU year. ytTala aad !cw 3crcj. ccicr pouu Lnu year. et!fc Uxiii la' Scn'Tor iVcrurytTaala aad !cw 3crcj. iSroa their dersaad for th r : Cif of contiderabls length, 4aremado,- duI mofo than two ing four pounds, iskept for exhibition j galleries aro seldom lo befound jn to the faithful. . one pit. The stone, a extracted, it Nativo Christians aro patient under called ham.taah,, (rough block), and persecution, and under sermon !" They " enough to bo easily cat with a will hold a "kirisuto kyo sek-kyo- knife. It is white, with a ycllowiab .A Curions Ceremony. A curious ceremony - was witnessed in tho parish court house of St. An drew's, . Holborn, London recently. IJleven of twenty-three candidates re ceived a reward of $50 each for faith ful service to their masters and mis tresses. The servants fidelity com petition was originated by one Isaao- Duckett, who died in 1620 and left by will $10,000 for the encouragement of faithfulness among , domestics, The will provides that they must have lived at least seven years with the same master or mistress in order to be eligi ble., ; The awards range from $25 to $200. The fir st distribution was made iu 1629. . ' kai," or protracted meeting, at which one speaker follows another for aa many as eight hours. The audiences get interested in long sermons. After hearing one, they sometimes ask for a second and third without leaving their seats. And Japaneso politeness adds to' the Christian ceremony a na tive and peculiar touch, in that preacher and audience bow low to each other at tho beginning and end of the sermon. New York Becorder. A woman- . Mortal Foe of Potato Bogs, ; r A farmer of Prince Edward's Island Remembered Lafayette. who" well remembered - - Lafayette died in Portland, Oregon, tells a local paper that a mortal foe of tr and tn nhuta it. StilL it recently, -Her name as a tho vouto bug has apearca m m, flad seemed like ours, and we 'never, realized how absolutely destitute 1 arid homeless we were until called upon' to surrender it. had been painting a'. j . , . , . : VyK l-'A-- whifih was sound until near her death, and she often told of seeing : Gen. Lafavctto talk, with his old soldiers, r T,ia fiflfpfttionate manner toward them. New. York Sun.. . C Bhonimus, her maiden name .Dever, J greal Held of potatoes and cleaned the arid she was born ; in Fjedericktown, bugs out in short order. It is an in- Md ' a little more ' than ninety years sect "resembling the ant, with a great rative Art Association, or "Woman's Exchange," as some people call itJ Tho remuneration' we ; received was cry trifling. After -leaving the par Bonage we rented a' couple '6f rooms t the extreme north end of the town, fiear the beach, and there ' we began to paint 8maU studies 'of Jaftdscapo v The British flag floats over 13, 000, -000 tons of shipping out ' of 24,5Q0r qqq tbrou;shoi;t' tb vhol worldr taste for bugs, and an insatiate appo tite. " in two davs the crop wes cn- tirely rid of the bugs. That insect ought to be cultivated and introduced to the various portions of' the United States. The potato bug is ono oi liio worst of agricultural pests at present. The clocks in this country are esti mated tq number 14,000,000, Exciting Scene at a Funeral. . An exciting story of a scene at a funeral at tho Mt. Moriah Baptbt church, on Bull Skin Creek, near Louisville, Ky., is traveling the coun try." Miss Madie Walsh bad died, ap parently, and the funeral was being held at tho church." When the coffin was opened for a last look several per sons declared that the girl was not dead. The undertaker noticed a spas modic motion of the girl's hand. In a moment tho. supposed corpse ro and sat up in the cofnn,' exclaiming: "Thank God 1 Sho said she was con scions all tho time, but could givo no eign. Atlanta Jour nab A Early Paradise. Winks "So your friend is married. I hope 'ho in it Mrs. Georp o happy. 'Mr. Winks "Happy is no name for it. His home is a littlo paradise en earth. His wife is an accomplished . 9oaky" New York Wpeklv, ' tint, and is covered with a red clayey soil of about one inch thick. In this stato tho blocks aro purchased br dealers on tho rpot, not by weight nor by 'measurement, but according to approximate quantity, either per load of threo sacks or per cart load, tho price varying from $23 to $150 per load, according to quality. Those rough blocks are dried and subjected to certain rronara- tion beforo being conveyed to EjU Shchir. Somo of them aro as small as a walnut, whilo others attain the size of o cubio foot. Tho so who com bino regularity of surfaco and sizo are the best. Tho manipulation required beforo they aro ready for exportation is long and costly. Tho clayey toil attached is removed, and tho meer schaum, dried. In summer exposure for five or six days to tho sun's raji suffices, but in winter a room heated to tho required temperature U re quired and tho drying proceaa take eight or ten days. When well dried tho block are well cleaned and pol 'ished; then they aro sorted into about twelve clas&a, each class being packed with great care in separate csaes, and each block being wrapped in cottoc wool. Engineering and Mining Jour nal. . A red sunset fortcila dry weather, becansa it indicates that tho air to wards tho west, from which quartet rain may generally bo expected,- C3 taun littlo raowtare. thH r tears cr wacsrM 3 --ni Jvf j.-y. TLtOpier f HIlwy Trlrm;ter t j ! IU graai c2cn al -? lD,t aalarln nv-h Trr ac J toelt ttat It grs tLn c;-7 I ---i. In 13"" !- . Tbo IttwAtioaal Co-c-nUlT C-r.r-. at Lon Joa t.rsl rt-ti. o ' '- tr-cerfe'.-tiTiii ta'lfc tuli't--- : co-opraliTo woriho;- Tlio nan:o of rrrry teCTr h orrai. rvt Consd la tLAc:rlraa lullr CfiJc a :r l la oralv aaoou:l br tie Wcrtrra t!:a to bo oa tl t!aa lUt. Tbo tf t$9 .Ti&a Mill c-f 'oy : Bests, Ma.a, taro l3 lc-majMsl Ctt cnt. Tb action U eillrtly tolaciary q tbo part of tho clll' taaaarocst. Bnrcctfa tbouJ&4 intU wrirr wrr.: a trtko at Dos ScctUi 1. TLy a;rrrrV! t iroQtso work If fafilM Ct pr c-?- lz erraj In warj. lsj:ca.3 of lea per crrX Mr. Tbrc:aj LrwUr, wi!s of a r"r 'A rnioor of KribUTtl lai., hi )-tt l.3?l tbatfboUtbolo heir to W.i ty aa u&cio lo CaUforsta, of wtca L9 b J t : heard for tbirty yrara, Tbo WIa.lwrLu W?rkn Vat O-t,-riittv of tbc E-vfra, Wrrtera asi ?C . n ti -em Dl4rici tzct at Atlaitii C.ty. J.. i ccccj4ete4 tbo wtgo oraln. " It call f;r f t teca per cext. adTaaco aJoc tbo rx.!!r L-t JL, ThiTrW. tbo Preab wr-rVlz IVpaty, haa Jast 11M- llo ciao It a r- ? to a?pr la ibo Ciastrr la a werU-tlott-w. aa4 ba4 o&oo iralJy t-rva a n!:'r, bet lor tclaro hi ectioa ha.1 glrra l; work. of tbo waHhlit wck3 la Hsjla, ta. t-"-a caroUe! la tbo rolllcf cajtertalVcrt cf Wc- aaw. EboU at tbo heaJ cf tb e.:!'n' rhool la tb-at eity a4 dooi cub ta It:? t tbo poor. Tbo Scwiiarirt (. II.) Hacofj.-t .r r, Coix3J ha lorrrjvl la r r Tbla eoapar'tM roa tLru-j I i-; tlsira wtrbout a bat don. arvi hs, f-ii 1 r help la cab otrry week. Tbo t-n 'w' feet all o'ratlrn. TboBaUetlo of tb Ac:er1aa Ires Elwl .Iwrteiiiloa mti tbat ilzri-z ll r. Of Jco tbo Zcwl rail tr.lil ct till o : rj recrirJ order tor IT3.CCO Itl c f t?S r Not lor rr.aay yrtuTi taro car y rail t- - . crZfrol la ess rr.crtb. Tbo rt27U?yr cf tbo Frat.i.1.3 - lllae, tlocxbtcr. txtf ta.! - wrwJcTJiufL 2c-ro t-"' ' ' ext racjfcM ly tho pai cf A r eut waii rca-ii th"a la all tb c -; r t: r tao lake CL-.f.-i. ex: Fraz.klia woj ctber rclsa. ty MJ llrir a TtBr! Vy tm, Him Cr.4is A'.s. cf F; :'. .-'.-' tl a!tf ctkrjw -3 aU with eruc'.l, i; tiic-'.i.