1 1 miE Windsor ifmr !' Jr -IJ J-g -yJ '!. ...-J !- -.- --hr- tftlUKSDAY February 20, 1B96. fuMlshad every Thursday a. : T1NDS0R.NVC.. CCBPHKN W. .KENNEY, Editor. rwas more thaV tfto, whole Demo cratic rote. But&5 frirfiiblrcans Voted for the measure. Ten He- blicarisf voted against Free Coinage for &very . Republican who voted for it. And still the FopulUts'fase with a Party that IB. H. Swain is not resposible uemU of this paper con- Hratted slice Nov. 8,1895. 183 Helen, are twb of the ; best and most experienced educators in North Carolina. Yonng :1a- dies entering their school will find every opportunity for ad vancement and he surrounded;by tho most delichtful and refined ented hy Mrs. W. F. Askew Mr. J. L. Spivey, Miss Susie Uuricj and Mr. S. W. Kcnnoy. I GO )D FOR STOCK AND POULTRY TOO "Chcclfonl' IlIack-I)raU;:r?t !i Ttvr . a jDR.W. G. L1IZELL r t Folio wine this tableau was a rM that tnirrxe U o!d In t!o cc boP- An vrv11ntl delivered recitation i tnt our. ha if pouod ot nmlklne .for 2 (.u .--j I r - - "The- Wedding Feo",;by Miss ccuu. immtot, f;;V? t i "n tr:.u n I t !!9Tp ul all kinI' of meoWne ljOrQ UUiiu.cmy tiai .-, ... nnl onr t , f uv, aii"?" vr cm an. I I but 1 would not onr PAck-ige I itWk.IftMilil fur all Ihe oUcr 1 erei ar It ! I'm test liunz for l.nre nr ropuusts mse witn a rarty that fcUU "uaM . -v r; r . arUd v casts, a-: majority against Free! influences in uieir , iuasu. nd Maud Gurlev. ll? ' .... - . Itinmo . " . I "f T Tt . J.T T fP I .1 (,. !. KliriTv tlf tJlfl tf3f. fill 1 woinass ; every "lime and th-r . i Messrs u. xvueo mm x. i. r . v - : " v "" nf: RrTvl for u" s.L -.1 ,r wilt -uro clcaeu tuo era CTcry mc. say iney iuss to,get Free voin-1 WA,B8 uai",i, - oraun, uuwwu mc i.i."!.....! boys ana gins nas iong,ueeH co-1 rucn oi .mo Hiuiiaui-. ThrftUnrincere nretensa i A. tibli.hefi. Her pnpU. love ; ner tnwr ,r.- . " i . .v. i : l knvicruuiMii'ig iuuuubi exploded. No man With the evoteoir. . ti.M Ninth-npon tW program w. ict to be.oon8iderfd.WeTe tvho ' V ,iT -T.7t vofcAM .with u t Li- i you neea nofcienr wuw uiui"t i j rotes .,th the Bepubhcans. I0"n. f TOinl,80r Lf the Society, Mi, Lirzie Gur- otmng has . ao retarded the 8ny." , T -here lej. " escol'ently rendered, growth of free silver sentiment in In full of pleasant nome. lhu w,owe4 a flircc the Nation ag tlie fact that those tudrtl'tg can R6t , e-P" "Witches in the Crwra", in L. ', .. tlinn in anv town in tlie State. .iU JJ,, W. 1J. Askew, in her v pvicaui ouu iiowi nor It. run ' i 1 - . i . 4u ' Patronize and encourage home free and easy way acted the part . wno vwe . .Ml lt a irtbo"r of love of MrP. Churndather (or the lnJy against it, and who stand in the terP",ei- 1 S Snr Uftho house); Clementina (or the way of its comb-. . tor us; ir wr . T 1 : dauL-hter ofMrs. Churnda.her), a . J ah rmftTle. lncu r i . i i . e are commanded to do as we w be done hy. DENTIST acd BCSCOHBEv he Senate Committee -bn For. ign Relation l.ave agreed on the 'following resolutions: 1st, Iteiolved that, fnthe oprn- '7n of Congress, tondition 'of w.tok war exists between , the Jrttnent ot J3pun anu the government 0ciirmed and for . me time maintiined by force of atms by the pcopleof Cuba; nd Hbit the TJnitea States of 'Amen ca should maintain a strict neu between the contending n mAA accord to powers " -rMlt J gettio rK all ineriEiiv" ts - i , , i ., . ?ffi!S2?S2 P-'rted the Populist ! :V. ninioo: with the and D.mocrac,- was de- Sw&ra-1"1- - e -uses that defeated American. ho have large t prty gave the death note 3s of monev invested in sugar t0 1,re" . It and De S.?r!!!J. A other enter- mocracr are the Cause oUhe Pee . in Cuba want to ... sue- Ple- When you Ktrangle one, yon lltie. in CnbJat smol,eri Ire other. Democracy is -- assured before helligerem 4 , 1C It, UoYLxau. Incubator for sale at thisoEcc ABSOLUTELY EREE Ono vaar's subscription to the Woman's Health Journal to all new subscribers nml old ones who renew for another year. OPTICIAN ! do rrjcrtl to xa raise VS fcVi sdeotiflcallvan! 'JatisUi t m.i ail us7ncci:cai o tu Ti line ofg'ax4c4 cuJ vcuclt tie ma alio itrrayoQ tUUfaDjUk. Itoea ofJcoUl work NUT PLANTER THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL ONES MADE. "cuujjc wur i-upunst inenus can see the litter folly of getting financial aid trom Republicans. Juatas Democracy was srettin control of the Government and condition to civ daughter ofMrs. Churndasher), ' ttW was wtjlltalcenbv Mrs. J. L.Spi- NEARLY 2,000 IN USE. . , -i '! oW y,nndMiss Anuie Haye PnCe RedUCCCl tO Suit the Tlltlei the part of Miss Pickspider (or x 1 vwwva t i ?.i i - Ai r.i : SnMnrAn nni tn order thronrh local areot. sclq Cr I tr in a C0NUNDRUM8. It the first fusion of Populist with Republicans produces a ma- ioritv aealost the free coinage ot Silver.' how many umos w an old maid in love) to the let- ter, while 3Iessrt. J. L. Spivey, fi. R. Nicholls, and S. W. Ken nev. in their free and natural manner, took the parts of an as 8trologery a magistralo and an old bachelor flirt, respectively. . . A very prett) vocai duct was j. Wohre it It inconvenient to order through local agent, stud ibz , to the Patentee ana Mauuucturtr, . R. AYEKS, Petersburg, V c Write tot Cerculars, tit, MAUI R AGENT, omci, . i 2 very preiij Tocai uucii was mm tako tojdestroy all chance of haY-,0iowed bv a tableau represent- ins more money? inp Queeu1 Vnshti. J 11 lie IlllillV n 11.3 U I Hill, vllllllvll "Mrs. Mark Twain'a S!ioeM, and was compered. uf t vo characters, t, -.inr furRflnatora who vote Miss Lizzie (mrlev, as Mr. UJ CKVIriU w.wp- '&hts are extended the Cuban Wrgenti. They will want pay m property destroyed, and un lss the manner of warfare is changed the bill will be a big one. The Amenian resolution just absolutely essential to the cause of Free Coinage. Study the votes. They tell better than windv mouthings. every question? ., -:4. tn in. l" Kn"'"g tnill.1 hero which ViT-.'--, nit handled hundred, of thou, The Sco'tad Neck Democrat savs: L I Is it his first or his last vote, we 3 r . i i. o u,.o arn tn U1Q"B lue ccubvui u . ' . c uanaieu nunarcds ot thoim- " tbrtn Europe.- P-"" " and, of dollars during the 0a,t them.ea a five years, stand as an endorse- We never Lear the fu.ionist S i.l,S w-meDt0fAe ff0rt" mad speakoftheinterestotthepcople. .the Armenian trouh es w pure ,,staMish ,he ente ;se ftrB .Ways trying to tnoke V bCOrobfr T T; k; "Col. Frank Coxe.is the lead- peace between Butler and Wood, -people wen . 6 , ... . inS spirit in an organization that nominate Kusscll for Governor or President coua -w"-- will build a $500,000 cotton fac som. such thing. Wh.t relief rflsoluticn m-tne iaw ah-uto ! t i . - , i hi wu uruau river, at iowle s nas lusion uroun- mc exactly oppo,iU to each other on Mr. Ike Smith n, Mr We concrafulatc Miss Gurlev iiion her-cood mana'reraent and f li a arr.nimm.nf nf n1i an Snlar. Was Senator Pritchard sincere etiug proj:rara in COiupliinciit- f oNv Tli n I : At f in his iree Oliver mhj; unu 01 ine periorniers you whv not slick Up nnd put the I necessarily compliment them nil. IT. . . a 1 Monfir onestion above tne Tariff " T Iur. ino. MD;n l lDe HIUUl.ll. VIIIIICII ! I ilU l,n iraount of $li25 was realized. Spectatoh. t I Ml . HI M SEVERAL COMMISSION MERCAHTS. j DEALERS IN ; FOTLTRY ND PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS, j We quote you Turkeys lite, per lb. 12 to 13 ct. Good dc:u Chickens, per lb. young, 12c, Old Chickens, lie CSTh!p to v anil vp will t cnil too ailc etwl tteek .o arriral l tocCt. I 117 CALVERT ST., UALTlMUtu., .n t LU ABLE T MB ;r for I Toe JJOCirine we ShoaK Ravn fn T.K.i..ia .Una,tmn nf the Govern- The free .silver coinage bill Dem(lcrt- It a,so tJe ment .t passed thr;Sente is bun- HenriettrMills will build it K . mbkn6wing-'it; coiild not nnn. . .j . - WTpnr atmmkkt u j ' 1 14 i v Auuirury at P Ore8t I xAiit. (pass the House or" receive the Ci Wnuv. All around us, the sound of JThe entire Yenezuenan tho hlimmePf the clinkj of the Hion was buncombe of the most trowel, and the hum of the ma- t j ii.m. nanr . . . j MH.MI1 bind uame near plunging the two great. Chris tian nations of the world into a terrible war over a narrow strip t)t worthless territory inhabited only by aligators, ant-eaters coce dooi and monkeys. The Talbert fiasco was bun- tjombe simply and purely. The old rebel simply stated that he honestly believed be was rischt tttWl, and would do the same thing again under the same cir 3mstanees which every man present knew could never be; but U gave an opportunity to Fourth of July cross road orators to shoot off their mouth and pull the tnir feathers of the great American Eagle until he scream ed with pain. ' The Godess. of Liberty upon the dome of the Capitol has had for some time a look of disgust; which even her face of bronze Ksould not resist as she ..contem plates this, degenerate Senate and misrepresentative House. AT rAUKER S II ALL BY THE T0UK0 PK0PLEJ' SOCIETY OF TOE MKTII- odist cnuRCH, last tues- DAT NICIIT. The entertainment given by the Young Peoples Society of the ANOTHER SIGNIFICANT SILVER VOTE- Two weeks ago the vote in the Senate showed the . hbllownesjs nnd insiricsrity of those Populists who propose to fuse with Rep ub -Ibans to,get free silver. A ma jority ot the Republican Senators voted against Free CoinSge. Last week the vote was taken fche Houss. Two-thirds of the mocrati voted . tor F ree Coin age, and tho : gallant ' Crisp led 'the fight for more money. f The najority against Free Coinage enmery is beard, bringing glad ness to the heart nf fL. the merchant, and the farmer Methodist church, and under the better food, better clothes better special supervision of Miss Lizzie credit, and more cash- Gurley on Tuesday night was a Will Windsor do some- thing'for' her idle peonle? Th Ledger appeals to you in behalf of our young men. Don't drive them away to seek employment. uiveitto them here andkeep - inem home. if vonr mvif. ments succeed in this only it will caused considerable comment the scope of the Monroe doctrin. Hayes acted the part of old lady . . i . a . i Windsor capitalists give the bovs (or Mrs- Is-ia'f)' " Pe"e.c"' u .mnlovment and nnU ii,. Miss Susie .Uur.ey. piayeu the a mv.w vuw.u a.Ct, grand success not an error was made. It was opened by a vocal duet, by little Miss Sue Mason Wynns and Master Alfred Smith. The latter acquitted himself well, while the voice ot the former and they will be responsible for the girls. .Let us not appeal in vain. . - Why send your sons and d au g h te rs away to school ? Don't you kno w that Windsor posesses educational advantages not sur passed by any town in Eastern North Carolina. j The Windsor Academy is now an establishod success; and any young man can prepare himself to enter the tJniversity or any xther college in the country, un der the tuition of Messrs. Hor ner and Kenney, or any young lady to enter at . Greensboro. If they are supplied with the principal's certificate of proficien cy he will guarantee their entry without any restrictions. Th llosefield Institute for young ladies offers advantages fllllv flflllftl trt'unr in tVtA Rfaf Mrs. Gillam and her daughter,1 "Frenchman . This was repro part of the Shop Gir.1 equally as well, while Mr. S.; Kenney represented George, ,.the Shop Girl's lover. ; Third upon the program was a tableau "Clingiug to the Cross", by Miss Lizzie Gurley and little Miss Mary 8pivey. tfnllowinz the above came a rcc itation "Lady Maud's Oath", by Miss Amelia Baker, whose em phasis and jest'culation was per fect. ' ' if:; . The next, a solo "ZeriU" by Miss Annie Hayes, was excel lently rendered and justly receiv ed the continued applause of the audience. Fifth upon the program was a charade FrenchmajQ,"in which Miss Helen Gillam and Miss Lizzie Gurley were, the lady characters and Messrs. Ike Smith and : B. E. Nicholls . the male characters. Each rendered tneir patttO the entire satifaction of the audience. . ' a nWeau "Bliss Dissturbed tl:15 A. M.," followed the NEWS FROM THE U. OFN.C The Glee, Mandolin and Pan jo Clubs gave a concert last Fri day night. Our friend, Sir. As kew, Was looking his best and captured many smiles from the fair ones among the audiance. T. The 'board of trustees met the other Say.. They addedanother year to the Medical course. Prof. Alderman will deliver a lecture in Jacksonville, Pla., oi the 18th. Our base ball prospects aro not vory bright, but we hope to put a good team in the fied, when the time comes. The Fresh and Sonh clashes nicked out tcames and plnycd a ame lat Wednesday. It was hotly contested from beginning to end, but the bopbs won in tne tenth inning, by a score ot four to three. Tho Superintendent of the Summer School has decided tc give tuition to all persons who will influence six others to at tend. Mr. Ed. I wish you would trv to organize a base ball team, and mako the bays practicj so wo can have a first-class nine next sum mer. M.- B. Gillam Chapel Hill, N. C. Feb. 16 1806 CoLEUAlXK NEWS. Mr. J. H. Etheridge, spent a day in Windsor last week. Mr. D. W.Britton killed three hogs a short time ogo that weighed 1.250 lbs. Miss Sallie Jones of Branning, is the truest of the Misses Ether iljze, this weefci Mr. J. F. Wilson's steam fiat is nearly finished. . Mr. Meyers, .of Ahoskie, is clerking for Mr. T. E. Beasley. . Miss Imo Garrett has returned from a visit to Ahoskie, bringing with her Miss Mollie Jordan... Mr. J. A. Watford has a new bicycle. Mr John GilUm, the Deputy Sheriff, spent a night in the il Ltge a short time ago. An infunt daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. E. Beasley, died on the J:h of this month , You need not be surpricd to ce, at any titnej invitatious out or the marriage of Mr. H. D.L.j ifd Mis J. K. S JosEPn H. ETnERiLon, Jr. . We have au incubator for sale We offerorlSalo th- PINE, CYPRESS, ASH, and I; OT H E R7T 1MB E Ro n SEVERAL .THOUSAND ACRlof in Bertie ami Northampton Counties, 'tear the Roanoke l and the liuciof the Roamk and Tar River Rail Road, ail r Norfolk and Carolina Rail Raul. We invite corretponlaow nnl ioipection of tht Tidi; Call on or mldrcs either f at ROXOEL, N: C LEUOY CAPEHAUT, A. OAP-HATt M. Si. CAPKHAKl.L Executwrs of W. J. Caprhart. THE - PANIC I! OVER. . Cofidence and prosperity are turning. Business circles arc? ting -lively. Now is the time to look arotin for purchaei mosey ii d value unless used lor the convenience and corLfort of da. i rcadv and come to, WINDSOR I and do yonr tradiog-The place boveUo.i. era tomaketar "- "9 V ri.L.nazemoref . Auytlnng you need can be found with him and at tit price No use goint: to any other place Ilia prices are the s ills aui'piy ricik biutuii(, mmv. ..iwv - j ity in tis fine New Stors filled to its brin - A CROSS THE STREET . with the largest, beit and chcapet supply of gentleman's t-i a ad ladies and gents sho-s. Jn this new nousc wm found eidfl-bargins which means cheaper than any.wberr.'i Don't fail to visit the uew-drpartment when you come to ANOTHER HOUSE is filled to its utmost, with a full complete and varied asirorts--t FURNITURE, MATTRESSES &C-7 jnst suda as you wnnt, with price to tuit tha tine HE IS NOT SELFISH- but believes he can offer you selection uud prices in any 1: will induce you to purchase Call ai AZEllORK.03 EARLY PEAS. Ought to be early enough to get in the first market "and get the top price Tho earlier.they are the better they are That's why TAIT'S EXTRA EARLY NONPARELL is thp best pea for Southcrn'trnckers. It is the purest pea also as well US tho caalieit. They will tell vou the same. Thoy havo done fo seTsral fc-j A fact you may not be aware of but easily inveswgau. - In,t tho beat pea in cultivation worth $3.i5rcr btshel cash, and will you not lot us have your order this fexson? If yon haTO a particular fncv for some other brand try at least a bag of the NONPAREIL bsstde m