TFKE WINDSOR 'UD8ER Puhllfihed cvcrv Thursday a4. WINDSOR. "T&Y THE IjBDOBB rUB-MRHTNO CO. -STEPHEN W. EENNEY, Editor. B H. Swain is not resposible lrthe dbts of this paper con tracted since Nov. 8, 189'5. land aim of their political faith. I TiihVtni : Ieth the" PopUlist;,Sparty madly K rushes to the support of Repub licans who served their appren ticeship in financial reform in the demonitization of silver. With high protective tariff as Its battle crv the KeDUbhcan rjarty in -- ' M. W . North Carolina jumps fences to vote for Populists whose main reoutations were made in de nouncing protection. In order that the mass of the people rn ay not discover the un- cecrulrness and villainy of their THE PLACE- REMEMBER SAUNDERS -m i-UTTOX ! v0 v e call alUutiou to our nlco and c!cct t ifrUa I'.cnara aal i v. where every body can get suited. Straw Hats. 1ST LOOK UP OUR t33 HON F- A. WOODARD, Thp trne and faithful Demo njrats -of' -Bertie County at all conduct the Fusionists have de have honed that Mr. .Wood- libemtely set about to destroy tA would he permitted to re- the public -schools. The first lain his .eat the.Utle ro which Btmk is to abolish the office of .0 'nfl,-mnrl 'fl, anv ac's in County bupenutendent Tlonerress TheY rejoice at his success in the contest Mr, ig tho children of the State viimsplf aloose without a xuide. For ,our people. He has, at all tear that it might be said the Viitnes," consulted the wishes of Republicans had no hand in the the Democracy. The humblest reform movement, the Reformers citizen receives, from him the hit popular education a blow. In -smost courteous treatment. He the old Republican dtys the -Is prompt in answering letters, school funds were stolen. Surely -diligent in prosecuting the busi- these modern days ot reform must 'Tiess of his constituents, constant PRICE LIST IN THIS WEEK'S. ISSUE LOOK FOR IT YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY IT. UnClcs Mwt cs and CMUrtnk ALL PRICES AND STYES. -in his attendance upon the ses sion of the body of which he is a member, aggressive and bold in debate, and at all times the ser vant of the people who elected ?birn. The entire Democratic party of North Carolina is under obi i- ' Rations to him because he is in a large measure their sole depend ence. His four years in Con gress have been in all respects -a credit to his Democracy, h;s 'citizenship and his Christain manhood. WALIvE AND WILLIAMS, .N 6 R F 0 L K, V A. DEALERS IN Drugs. Paints, Gils, Glass. Spices, Per- tumes, etc OUR KSSEKOES ARE OF THE PUREST MATERIAL. TRY Til EM AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. SOUTHERN STABILITY- The Manufacturer's Record ' . how8 the number of failures throughout the country for the Tpa8t three months as compared ' "with the corresponding period of last year. The record of the, Southern States exhibits a phe- nominal ousiness staDility as t compared with the . failures in Nerth and West. The increase ' of liabilities in Minnesota alone was four times more than in the entire South. So in bank clear ings the best showing is in the 'Southern States the returns showing a gain of 14 per cent, as against 2 J per cent in the West, 4 per cent in the North West, 2 in New England, and an aver age ef 8 per cent throughout ,he country, showing that the South despite the general depression has made better progress than - auy other part of the country. r Three new cotton mills in South -Carolina and two in North Caro lina is the record of last week, A million dollar contract to en large the Dismal Swamp canal, and a company organized in Nor folk to build a. dry dock with a capital of $500,000 are also assur- Ihe tidal wave ot prosperity inow sweeping ovr the South will surely reach ns, Will our busi ness men take; advai.tage 'Invest their monev and enter f ptise ;where it will not only bene tfit themselves but the commu hiity; or will they wait until some ' Yankee, seeing the opportunity, tseizes upon it. The Ledgeii wants the factories in Windsor and expects ,to see them, and dvery man, woman and child an ting work employed, but we would much prefer our own peo fle to build and manage them. Iff they won't do it we hope they not kick if strangers do it tSr them. show the same spirit. And in order that chaos and r i t. cuuiusiou mignu rule in the public schools-, the Fusion- ists have introduced ninctv-aix different sets of textbooks in the State or at least made it possi ble to have that number. ; The puUHc schools have been the one fountain that Democracy and the people of the Stale have kept pure. Its waters are now muddied and a dirtv -stream will soon ooze therefrom unless Dernocra cy this year wrests the school sys tem from the incompetents and j corruptiorjlsts as it did in 1S76. No surer means could be de vised to make the people tolerate Fusion and its villainies and cor ruptions than by keeping the people ignorant. So they close up the window of the public school in order that the people may sit in; darkness. But we believe the light is breaking. ; Mm Wc stc cot to ht cxv Gentlemen's Furnishing Go; Jhxiutiful Line of SCARFS, onJ TIES, rn4 t!.e btctl Jrtii b COLLARS AND c Fine Line ot Straw and Felt Hats A Select Stock of Drss Goods INDIA LINENS, aaj CUl MUSLINS, COTTON CI1EPON, DIMITI PEHCALS, ETC CS"Sic our line of Cigars and Tobacco. BARRETT'S, THE P 1 A E U T P L1NT1 THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL ONES HADE. I now have the Largesr, Prettiest, aud the CHEAPEST Stock of' NEARLY 2,000 IN USE. Millinery; Dress Goods and Notions Price Reduced to Suit the Tr J ' Wchre it :s inconvenient to order through local agost,.. to the Patentee and Mauufncttircr, J. R. AYERS, Petersburg, i ETE(iANT LIXJi OF PEtWAX SILK'. TAFFETAS. ALL SUADI I AND COLO ICS. BUOCADK SATIN. EVEPv BROUGHT TO WINDSOR. CALL AND SEE THEM JCeSRcmeinber 1 have again secured the ervice. of the skilled and exjierienced milliner, Miss Penrl Mason. i.v.: Wtite for Ccrculars, etc. MAIlPltr, AGENT, In this insf tan sole is correct, be-1 the location ho sclents. Aside cause there is no clearer headed, from tw association, tho un t. ,.n:.Kt lmnnmlili I urtrthit -yellp of the unfortunate more Hist, upright, uonoraniou ' J, . . . . j , v n t lunatics who have to be confined and learneil juuge in norm vr- - . nt.time, woud a -ve alS olina than Hon. A. W. Graham, persons from tho park. And He holds our court which con-1 who could pronerlv enW thetn- venes on Monday of the coQitng selves under its to bo cool fihadca , . .. and delightful odoc of floer mm- tuber FOR Wc offer tor Sale th PINE, C VP It ESS, ASH, and shrubs if a prisoner's fcel QTHEIt TIMUEIt ca SEVEHAL THOUSAND ACH W 'X0 "1:: nJ Korll,,.n,to Conu.ic. nc,r the 1 to see if they ment beJn pi4Cej behind the aoll the lines of the Itoanokc aud Tar Hirer Rail tt-- After a niht am in ternhc strusslo to see n mey ment i.0:n!? Di - 3 W could, to tho satisfaction of both, jail, I take it that all soldiers 0rfoH: and Carolina Hail Rod.- is The Republican Convention is in session as we go to press. Its deliberations are a study for trie man who believes that fusion and Populism are good for Ber tie County. No good citizens can possibly endorse the conduct of some of the participants in that body. The Honorable United States Senator, Marion Butler, the mul tieloquent chairman of the mul tinominous party , would have been edified could he have look ed into Windsor Court House last Friday. The gymnastic performrnce of the Republican gynmotus chairman was fully equalled by the grandiloquence of the ekmember ot the Legislature. He missed the opportunity ot his life tostudy the science of phyloge nesis. " divide out the offices, tho Repub- their wires, sisters and fricud limits and Ponulists have decided w"iU ol,Jcct 10 - . - 4 fuse vet awhile. Una We iavit s correipon lenct! and infrclion of ll Call on or uddros cilhrr ofu at HOXOBEL, N.C LEUOY CAPEIIAUT, A. OA P. U AT M. M. CAP ExccuUhji of W. J. CapclurL PERHAPS YOU THINK - ; . FUSION- The main v result of, a fusion of Republicanism and Populism is a febwering o the mental and dsoral standards that have hereto We congratulate the Republi cans ot Windsor ;precinct in elect ing Augustus Robbins to preside over their convention last week. He. did so with fairness aud im partiality. There are no native whiteRepublicans in this tow'ship fit to manage the colored Republi cans, who look out for ' them selves. The white Republicans can accept-nominations but they cant come out in the dav licrht and be been in convention vith the negroes. N ii is irue inac there is no uot to fuse yet awnue. xnis . . uuu w mow j Vtfry uppropnato pbico in the family quarrel fools nobody, lne conrt UoWQ VAra tor il; hut the Populists are now and iia'e al way County Comufisaionern hare been uRenublican annex. We arc I granted the permission for its speakingof Populists, notof those crcciion tiicre, ana i tiiu.Kiia . i.-i bettor one than that benind the tfhose nolitical cowardice is hid ... nn.lor tiA hirrli Konndini? nseildO- ir.i ft '.I..' 11 1 "" " " i i xi i lit '.nviiur ji jiCiuus-om unr- . ... -r i. . -t- nym 01 wer jjiiu uum iiunufcc mat. ns a whjIc lui,ur ntm n, cn:t!a::y at trurkcr A v Lxrvtrt raaM i ST TTnlfnn u-nnt in so uuless he site for the inonument in uddi- n!e tlunkso. hat ther lntor hziz lau;h :r.iotii-. lira !.u i . . . . i . . , . . . . t?. ., i i T..l I tinn to Iii4 iilroaflv .pnpnm MWtl IDU tou ouiu in w wwi jour ica qi or T"n m-u ets tho larger share, and Butler "on to li s ",r xVc hve ni objx: i wont fuse unless ho irets enough ' , , " . ' whoe WJU ma en in 11 mmcimu wi e nr coi i- to make up for what ne lost id giaft tcsiJcs adding to the beau- lluilitU wcrth Tour while lo teoJ to a f.TcrrSot intttlw the last deal. ly of his charains home, would 'A?51?'!.J ' "TiT ""t"! "' Anil these aro tne woruuw ianu n cvcnusnu iuuuui who, as knights ot old, essayed "n. to .us gencrosuy, anu re- GEQ TA1T & SONS, ....... ..i : resnect anu jovc ior tne me otmma hptioiuvtc to hcht tho battles oi tne ucaun- . ollu jidiiwuuc i uw suuii u uiuuu ciorv uvur uur n . -w-. I w tuilieiorm. sunv-Sonth. The thin gnrb in wljich Re Yes, let us hhvc a town park- form is now dressed calls for po- bynall means; but do not put the I . L 1 I 1 . 1 Hcq interference. The statutes ou' "ocoreu ucau . .. , . behind the lail. Coc against indecent exposure suuuiu ' be put in' force at once. This disagreement fools no body. !:- : It does one tiling in that it makes very plain the duty of the Democrats. ,That duty is tc subordinate all personal aims to the expressed will of the major- 31 Cmr.e ;xtt.t. A Good Showing. ity. The battle is on. Its first notes were sounded in Bertie County last Friday, and today in the court house is being tin acted a scene in the Republican County Convention that should nerve the white men of. North Carolina to stand in do- unbrok- on column to keep down the co horts of ignorance and vice. The Patron and Gleaner says many complimentary things about Hon. A. W. Graham who has been holding a twoweeks term of Northampton court. Mr. Conner, the editor of that paper, is a discriminating and L t&re prevailed in North Carolina, observant man; little nVen n XTslhas ta'ught that office is the end .praise and never unless merited. . Town Park, Mr7Editob: Mr. Aekew's proposition to al lot a plot of ground in tho town for a public park to be adorned and beautified for the pleasure and comfort of the public, meets my hearty approbation. But I must take issue with him as to ill ine last written review n orthography; had on Friday, the lGth inst ,by Messrs. Horner and Kenney. of .the Windsor Acad emy, the following scholars stood "A" No. 1." Ladies Missei Eva Mtzell Moella Rice, Irene Grant, Millie Rice, Lena Mizell, Bertha Bazc- more, lary Moore. Mary Smith, badie Davis, Teari rreeman. Gentlemen Messrs. Lewis Thompson, Alfred Smith, Jona than Stokes, Chas. Byrnm, Hugh Lee Sutton, Tho. Alston. John Hoggard, Alton Dail, Geo. Dai, John T. Smith, Geo. Mooro and Frank Gillam. NOTICE! Ilnvinit ilurtlificJ a Bdra:nlslr.t-r en Uio eUl ofJ. W. Ilecksiall. Htceifed notice U hfribv nken to all tversons la- tfebted to the estate or v!d W Hick stall, to make I:oair,lKlc ray mi en l at d all persons holding cla'.nh Hr.l:ut 8Ald estate will incsont tht-m lo mo on or bc foie Um 23d ay or Arril lb37 or thU n -tico.will be plc.t letl in tur ofth-rre covcry. rlh;jU3nl day of Ajt 1 ISG W.T. ur.CKSTALi- AUiu'r. St. Lcoa Scud Attorncr. Japan Peas will find a itidy salo in -Windsor bring them ia.; THE PANIC OYER, Cofidence and prosperity ? turninsr. business circles an ting lively. Now is the time to look nroun for ptirchue mosJ value unless used tor the convenience ami cemtort eft ready nnd cmc ti, WINDSOR i and do your trading-Thc place aborc all others to raakcl- Anything vou need can be found with him acd JJ pnC5 use goms; to any other place nis pncxi vj His supply tne pretest Clothing and tnocs arc ity xn his fine New Store filled to it! brin A CROSS 'THE STREET- with the Largest, best and cheape?Oupplyao( gentles and ladies and gdnts cr.on. In thi new hocie found sidr-bargins which means cheaper than any Don't fail to visit the new department when yon cos. ANOTHER HOUSE is filled to its utmost, with a full cornpletc ncd taried Jr i FURNITURE, MATTRESSES T) jnst such as you want, with priro to mit the HE IS NOT SELFISH , . but believes he can cfTcr you selections and prices in ' i will induce vou to purchase Call and fXtr j

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