4 II k Puhll s.1 1 e fl e ve r y Tl) m-s d a y, a , ' ' , . tinpsou.n.c. STEPeES W. KENKEY, : Editor. ' . C H. Swain is not resposible rthe debts of this ; paper con r rracted sii.ce Nov. 8, 18$5. t . The waves of lelOrm and pros Iperity strnclrihe shores of Windr. 'ffsor Towns'hlp'last Thursday. A well known the only result .... .. likely to flow from a Populist fttfvention are more money, bet ter times, and happier homes. why no one was "present and that i v A. h e said :. was . o w i n to want of notice. ?Xlie r?Ridtof the. business "was that only six ai en were there who did not. see in to know what thevmet for, or to have any idea of how to proceed. Untler instructions .from "Bro. Early the meeting adjourned. Bro. Early, in speaking ofHhe smallnnss of the meeting, said he had seen Jess titan thosep resent in" his old - party himself tind and : two . oth ers. " We bel i e ve boms m i s on e( of B ro . .E afl y 's complaints. Himself and two others running a township and then quit on 1 account of bosses! W e k n o w : B r o. Ea r 1 y i s h o n e s tl y on .At least that is" what tlniy claim. t If thisis true every Jpocket in the; opposed to bosses by the way he "County is now fur the.timcs are' better, an d ever v home hilarious ' with joy and gladness, because a typical third party ' meeting, was held -in Windsor last week. -, A real 'first class Populist iDeet'ng:is'one; in - which no, one -rrmi -thfv locality, in which it V J held, takes part. If it -is. in Lewisron. then the delegates are sail trom Boxobel. This meeting was held in Precinct "No. 1, and was composed of Bro;. James M. 'Earley, of Aulander Bro. James E. Tadlook, of Precinct No. 2; , & brothers Joseph & wain, A. W. Snell, John Tarkington, Jos eph Tarkirgton, and R. E. Tark ington, of Washington County, but now sojourning in Precinct ro. 2. So it will lie seen at a'1 rglance, that the conditions oi membership were fulfilled. Then 'too, there is always a spirit of brotherly love and fraternity in vsuch meetings. Generally this Tallin gof one another brother is. nideal, evolveaout of the Omaha platform , and relates to an -em- of universal peace. B"t in this "in stance, the. ideal gave wav to the t4nd real substantial; and make the title of brother secure in warne ?ancl in tact, the uonTention was: composed mainly of Bro. A. W. Snell, and his three brothers-in- ;law. The returns from Wash 'ington County all being in, Bro. . -A.'W. Snell called the meeting to order and asked Bro. J. M. Early to state thv oliject of the ; vcf the meeting. 15 ro. tiarly arose with a.nt ex- - . iression-of? longing on his face. here peeraed to be a void in hia oration. The- absence of Bro. Ben Askewfrom town must have caused a palh to. settle over the . .'sky of his oratory." At any rate Bro. Ben was absent and Bro. - Early could not get up' a full - ftiead of steam. He accounted ! . 11 ' Jtil - '1 . ' .J - . . ' i . .." 'the ground that they were all at Jhome busy; 'This is the favorite dodge of the Populist,' when he arises to add reL's a thousand, and . rsees a half dozen of his followers 'present. The absent are all 1 . Jbusy.1 After .this self-accusation that.thoso prlsent were loafers ;and , idlers, Bro. Early stated Hhai' the object of the meeting was Jto or gan i ze th e town shi p. .Bro. Snell's notice did not say so! ; rBro. Snell was made - Chairman ysatter ro. bwam declmed-owing an impeuimen .in nis speech-;-v'Bro-inlaw R. E. Tarkington was - ?madef Secretary... His duties "werje laborious and lengthy. iReve Bro. J. JL Early arose and asuggested that a want of interest 2hiight have kept soma away; that ti e political pot was boiling 5and people might be waiting to me where to go. - .This dead give "way of Bro. Early's own - person- sality did hot evoke tremehderous applause. It seems that every ne present had formed that idea i him in advance. The Ion ng look of his eye . plainly told that Bro. Ben had not arrived. After a ".'dead.. calm-, of a tew foments it- was suggested that an adjournment be in ..order came t ro m hi s 1 o w hb.1i i p and t u n this Washington Co. affair meet- possible the nomination of 'l ViiV. ill 1 1 ion. In this case it is a compro scboo for tca(.;( lisc of I. oth politic V-ind morals, lege 333, inaki roivEltSlTY aT.MMK SCHOOL rOUIKACllKl: . JO, the hcis 1 10, the in a total nf vol. r3 1 students tauirht by lirofesors and ing in Windsor. So enthused did Bro J Swain get, he even inti mated that he had bossed a town ship in his; old; party. What a fine spectacle these two gentle men fleeing from political perse cution and -bosses. : Our citizens learned that Pre cinct No. 1, did not contain a Ponulist in it. The Lord be praised. Manv rears :ago p. certain Ite publican candidate 4b r Sheriff, it isaid, expected a big swelling of his vote in Bertie County, when the returns from 'Plymouth came in. It may, be that .his success in that direction has em boldened the Populists of Pre cinct No, 2, tonmport from Wash ington Co., five sixth of the mem bers when they, 'meet in Precinct No. 1. The whole thing was a farce It was however tnme tind harmless. There will be a meeting of tiie Democratic Executive Committee ot tins the Second Congressional District at. Rocky -Mount, on Thursday May 21,1896 at 8 p m. The object of the meeting is to fix the tiuWand.rdace for holding the Congressional Convention. Mr. Francis . D. AVinston is the member of the Committee from this Countv. He will attend the meeting. The third HHsion of the sconol be gi n s T uesd a y J u n c 2 3an d closes July, 1SU6. Twenty Courses are offered n Pedagogics Psychology History, English Litciatiire Civ ics Modem Languages', Latin, A I gehra. Natural Work, . Music, Drawing, Vertical Writing and all the public school branches Fifteen Instructors from the Faculty of the Universitv of the State Normal School, University. ot Louisiana, Clark University, and the City Schools, of Wilming ton, Charlotte, Winston, Raleigh, Prof. Austin C. A pgar4 of Tren- torv,.New Jersey, will take charge of the Nature Work. Miss Belle Thomas of fhe. Cook County Nor mal, will have charge of nil Pri mary Work Miss Little.and Prot Newlandb, famous teachers ot I Chicago Ontario, will give in structions in Drawing and Ver tical Writing. Prof. Newlands is the pioneer of vertical writing in America. Dr. C. 4 1 p h b n zo Smith, of Louisiaua, will coniuct the courses in English Literature Full courses by Profs. Alderman Troy, .Noble, Blair, Brown and others will be given daily, llr. Ellis of Clark Uni vercity will con duct a Psychological Laboratory. The University LW-arv contain ing 30,000 volumes, wil bo. open every daj 'affording tuiusurtl. fa cilities or private vending and intelligent research Freeacco to the Scientific Laboratories will be given to the Btudentn of the Summer School Chapid ilill is delightfully situated in the Country of North Carolina with almost salubrious climate. The campus. of 50 crcs. wel. shaded, the spacious buildings, and libra rics, and the lteatitiful scencrvof fr a most attractive place ot. summer residence Tuition fee G admits to all courses. Board reasDnabVc, from $10 to 15 per month. Cheaper rates of board and tuitron are offered to parties coming in clubs. A ncnt pam phlet continuing f information as to ail details will bo " sent, to any applying to Proffessor Alder man, the Superintendent. instructors. Free tuition U offer ed to teachers and candidates for the minifttrv. TocndoNved schol arships are given to r.n-dy Ijovm of talent ind charactr. $D 000 is loaned in small uni to wtu tlcnts neeciing help. Per catalogue write President Winston, "Chap el ilill, N. C. Q AT YTYiri 111 11 j 'W ' A- I V Jl i J s VXD Wt nt ti)l ;n ;ihl i.-vr;; n? . Straw Hals. .1 o -,f .Ui 11 It- '.Ik ;a sUTTOXj . .-. ... . .... x-. r.i'.Ic M;ic aivl C'.' !.r.' NOTICE! At a meeting ot the Democrat ic ?xccutive Oommittco o Bet tie Countv it was ordered that a County Convention be cillcd to meet in the town of Windsor, N. C, on the 10th day of June lh'Ji'. and thatthc township-committees 'alb conventions on Friday, the 5th dav of June, to send dide jzates to said convention. At the County Convention delegates to the State, Congres sional and Senatorial Conventions will be appointed and conven tion called later by the ( ouuty Committee to nominate Couuty Candidates. The ame dtdegattw will meet in the convention. E. It. OUTL VW. . Chr. Dcm. Ex. C:n. Slipp ALL MUCKS AND .STY IIS. c r.rc not tc bt txr- Gentlemen's Furnishing Get P, cat: Ufa! IJao ofSCACr, -in - THIS, isJ Fine Line ot COLLARS AND r Wanthd. A reliable lady or gentleman to ditrihute Ktuiplen and make a hcue-tu-houae can vn85 for oir Ycjfihlu Toilet SoHps and pure Flavoring Ex tract $lO lo 73 u tU'tiitti eas ily irade. Address Crufu L Keeil, Chicn?o, III. Straw and Felt Hats A Select St.x! of Drr- GorU IN'DIA LINLK.S, an i CliZ MUSLINS, COTTON CT.KI'OX, DIMITII, PEHCALS, ETC Cj-Scc our line of Cigars and Tobcci. UNIVERSITY CATALOGUE. ob riiorisop.s and iNSThfcxons ; . 534 STUDEKTS. the University catalogue for lS'.JG shows marked growth in every department of the institu- koiice: Having duntifinl m ndraiidstr.t'vr on tlw t;tate of.I. U. Ilcckniall, dec i.cl iitt'Jcu i tieri-bv s;ivcu to ull pcrou$ In tchtcd to Uic i state of J. V ileck htaJl. to maku husn-dhtc Wvmmt anil all it'rsons holding claim ;iinit haLI cite will l icseiikUjctn to inc ou or bt fure tlirt 2;iy f April 1S37 or iM - kxjwjll be plealeU lu Uir Cflheirru covcry. Xi:xii cuiy or aku iwq . T. U kckstalu AUmV. t. Leon ixu.l Atlorucy. i NOTICE ! . A rdminUtmtor of estate of I. F. WiUwi. -dfccnMMl. I at I-ir.r Ilill Fishery hi tliTil a THiih?iv lkrtlc Couitv. N. f .. on Wcihic!v Uc 27lti day of Mav H'M tl to ll.e h'ch tt lil- (Icr,thQ.4ronai r.roperiy oi mui cm.i;o the rnnie fonistlujof fcliic, cotli, rojf. jtaauH. Kitr-itiK. and hUoh new lai tlit nndrihl D-iti lincU. fsilp tUUc- inntll iu. Term Caaa. Thi 7th day of Mnv 10(. Mits pA-rnn C. Wilvk. Adrn'x Finnci D. Wltitiiu. AHomcy. tim Ilia The Korthern .Se tiers Convention at . Southern Pines was n complete success. Ahont.six hundredXorth ern Captalists-Avere present as were also ;i nuniher of leading Southern men. Exscnator Walsh of Georgia was there and deliver ed an ahle address, giving tha mary Southern advantages andl s tno PLACE where inducements to Northern manu- Evervbodv Can Gel the Best Goods for th3 ists of Bertie, you had Deter get MONEY.. a hustle on or-aur yankee friend will he herf and start the band piaying ana you' will have to sit aside ?ind listen to the fume of all for the Yankee and none for you Arouse yourcelves and start . 77 UTm Out Stock is complete in every thing kept in a General Merc ban- U 'l 111 Uil 1CV tvv ( PEANUT PLANTE TJUI ONLY SUCCESSFUL ONlS HADE. NEARLY 2.000 IN USE. Price Reduced to Suit the Tin 1. - . ... j to the 1 atcntce ana launt ictUTcr, J. K. AYERS, Petersburg Write for CVrcuUm, C.E ; I MAUDUK, AGKXT. Wm TIMBER FOR St Wq otter for Sle the PINE, CYl'KESS, ASH, nnd OTHER TIMUEIt on SEVERAL THOUSAND ACRIScf in Dertiu and ' North imptn i'U'iticj, near the Rorncl , and the liues of the Ro.inbhc nnd Tnr Hirer Rill R..;J, at Norfolk and Carolina Rail Hold. inrita correijun lcirj r.ud infection of t!w fi: " Call on Waddro rithcr if tu tt ROXODEL, N C. LEROY OA TEH ART, A. ;APi:ilAT. M. M. CAPKllAlH Eec!it'rK f V.. J. C.ip?hirt. PERHAPS YOU THINK , TIi.it htrmc vou huv o:! a f.t r ;ic li u) c.rh tlit." vv.njc to l uy itu ni nr cn.r.uUr tnvkti an ! fuTrc; rtio! TVnn n--p!c tanik-Ao. but then. MU't any I la rro.,i.. Vc . hir t! a the iiyct uu:t nlut r u c lave no .jj, u, whojc laU tua k la inn !.um'rr! ti wc 5rc r.a ttntin- U,:t h.Im. .or Uicia. lh.y..n.tiii,,l thUkin l srummu U n.tt rnM:.u t!;it it nor:', vt tir u!..!c t m! t, -.s f , r cv.rv S ct:ii jckel .!Ut 1 cculIy Ulto ,ivr,.uc!i .anu: .fr-u MjrjcrcrL.i T.-.tLj Uui AYe carjv.tlie largest STOCK and Latest design in ail klndj of Woolen and Silk Fabrics. tide of prosperity; swim in. the disc Store. GEO. TA1T & PONS, SEED 3IERCHANTS. Hi CcJarnercUl NorftlL, V:: THE PANIC I OVER MIUINERY AND FINE OR ESS GOODS A 'SPECIALITY I V -1 -. J them ciie.vpe;: than any uuuculc ciuu uiubucriiv arc I Drug it.iiin ui.lt ..j , Wehuy them Cheap and if voit will coii3 v ne tx wa will iixiiin v mi uiucui.- viuieni, Hull r " . .. . I nrfll'a tn linn liof irr nnri .rtll tlmi . '. n j . li' 1 I'll lllltb V.U OV;il bllWI oiuiiiijr bchsiuu ui- mree uavs ana J BODY ELSE nignis,inexiepuDiican state Uon yeotion nominated D. L. Russell for Governor, Zeh. V. Walser for Attorney General j -Ruff Hender son for Auditor, and R; M. Doug lass for. Associate 'Justice of the Sunreme Court. This is a com bination of hate and .hitterness, youthful incompetence, and un couth demagoguery and a mod erate drop of respectahle carj.et- bagism. V There has never t been a dav when this ticket could he elected in North, Carolina;- We do not believe that day will, ever come. As k duty bound the" Ledger will from now on lay betore the peo ple : tho private and political characters of the men composing WALKE AND WILLIAMS, K O RTO LK, V A. . . .' DEAiLEBS IN . s. Paints, Oils, Glass. Spices, Per- fumes, etc OUR KSSENCES ARE OP THE PUREST MATEIUAL. TRY THKM AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. tu rni nor. Now ig tho time value unless used JVIR. THE g. Mnm OP I-now have tho Largest, Prettiest, and tho CHEAPEST Stock o. Millinery, Dress Goods and Notions, business circles are 2; ting lively. to look nroun for purchase nocer it c! lor the convenience and conifort of zr.zs. f rcaJv ar.il cme to, V1MDS0 And do your trading-Toe place abate "U othors to nak;Ur"4tif r.L.tlazemore "Anything you need can le found with him nnd at the Is1 price No use goinic to any other place His prices aro the Ills supply tno pretest Clothing. nr.d shoe arc xarvde iper iiy in ins unc ow moro uiica 10 its bnin a cross thk stukkt with tho largest, bent and cheapest supply of rcntUmcn'i els'- and ladic and gents shoes. In thi nc houfc will aW found eido-bargins which means cheaper than any where Don't fail to visit the new department when vou como to t' ANOTHi:U HOUSK- is filled to its utmost, with a full complete and van d fijurortaa FURNITURK, ilATTRHSSKS jnst auch zs you want, with.priccs to tuit the tines UK IS NOT SELFISH this ticket. A s a sample of Rus- VrTAi vt t.i v k Op pppcdiy crrwi TAPn-TAc tt f... sell's violent, opinions we simnlr AND COLORS. 3JUOCADE SATIN. - but .bsIieYcs ho can ofTer vou eelcctinni anl nr7rf in n-ir llzt - recall his 'assertion that all the EVER BROUGHT TO WINDSOR. CALL AD SHE THEM wm you to purch:ueC;ll utA cxaino and n& sell's violeut opinions we simply rftfiall his assftrtion that, all flip Here. Bro. Earl arose' TA gave 'negroes, were savages-and ' that' JRemCml)er I ll.avc ain secured the services of the skilled and , . t ; : . - experienefd milliner, JIiss Pearl Jfason n. c. razeiiore; ;

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