STOP "rP)TT 2 , ' s Jt jt Jk Borrowing YOUR Neighr Ws LEDGER! WE Will Send it to YOU Twelve Months for'ONlv Dollar. Six Months: 50Cents. : Jo m mm LEDGER RTT.irr.VC'J?, t U: VOL. 17. V WINDSOR, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1899. " NO. 5. Spring Problems 13 A SYSTEM BUILD ER,G1YE5 APPETrTE O. rADIrr.TRJTM 4 1 1 C D , uwniiviw int. t fc II. ft " TASTELES ft V CHILL TONIC resold Strictly on its Merits: If is the best Chill Tonic at the smallest price, sna your 'money? refunded' it if fails to cure you. De Hoppergrass, he hop ter win : He say: "Dis spring, for sho.r ; De Mockingbird, he twitch him in, Eri he neyer hop no mo'l Dat des de way it go . . ' He never hop no mo'l De Mockin'bird, . He heah his word, ; En he never hop no mo'l- De Lizard say: "It's a holiday," ; ii-n crawl out fum desnow; De Blacksnake mouth - stretch north en south . - En down de Lizard go! Dat des -de way it go- He se de sun no mo 1 De Blacksnake say; " Des come dis way." En down de Lizard gol F. L. STANTON. Bears the Kgnatnre f of JJf9999 9999 99999 9999 99993 9 9 t as 9 A A A A A A A A A LEGISLATION FOR BERTIE Fetitioo of Jacob Barnes, private Co. C. lith Battalion, ask: eg for t pension- He win get hi first pay ment in November. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 We will in our next issue cive the miscellaneous bills, resolutions, peti tions, etc.-, offered by Mr. Winston. The following refer to Bertie county only. 1. Act to authorixe Bertie county to. Petition from citzent of Bertie county asking that Qvas. T. Jenkioa I be given an increase of -pensioa and be placed oa second dais pension roll. He was advanced frota the third to the seond grade. Petition asking that W. G. si. 22 Petition of W. II. Baxeroore ask The Kind Yon Have Always Bcagtt 1 1 11 it. yai, aiKK.11111, tu u l : 1 j. 1 1 . . -r.t 1 need a fatty rood to enncn 3 Thl8 s to thc fusion debt of . ' . n nn v, 4US. MA W, Lu.w.. .. Pul on lbc pension-Ivit. . Ha a . . . ... I , - ' I name ni appear on the 4 Lit la Jio . a 11 T a . . . . - -m m m w " meir cntew ana resiore mcir I . Act to alter the fimrts ot Keaom Tcmber. health and Strength. . -It IsS 3. Act to amend chapter i5S, acts a uic w say uvai- uicy ucuiiy w vi , w itngxo De paced on pensum rouj tuo all reicct fat with their food$ s?rinstcnn3s the county to the craven ana uertie. luocs not cnange ,amc effect. rnc wia native tls r Ume ot holding courts but provides pension b Kortmber,, Qur rcprescnUtive aJjo scared veraber 11 needed. A A L. F.PIERCE, Agent for the COD LIVER OIL. WITH HYPOPHOSPtflTES oLMSCDA - - The Ravages of Grip. That modern scourge, the Grip, 1 . . poisons me? air wun its. ratal germs, so that no home is safe from its rav ages but multitudes have found a sure it not only gives them the inv $ ei Eiij n mi 1:1 i ne jrutvce are. at a ru. io lajJi that u is feectvvirr ti t-.-J ipecially krw bicycks f;t tlUs. From Auru.t la, is j3. to Jasuary tj 1857. there wrte P-ctay 11, 5c 7 oscscf th j!i'e 9.7S eaiiv. Sckatlfx oca rrr-tra-y It!. ere o:kc acn-e watet arl jbablu-i It men. v. WAVERLEY as representative the following appointments as clerks 4. An act to increase tne numoer lana merooers 01 tne t a noes boarcs of Commissioners.- Under this G. L. J of directors of the different Institutkmi Mardre and T. S. Norflect were p-of the Stale. is CXactlywhat they require I pointed Captain E. R. Outlaw, trustee 5. Act to amend chapter 421 of line University of North Carolina. the Public Laws of 1895, so that the Dr. W R. Capehart, member Board same shall not apply to Bertie. This of Agriculture. sore throat, pain in. the S;(,i,M,l1Wmis SCh01 elect'on ia Att" North Colin, Co!Jt of Ajricvlt- ure and Mechanic Arts. 1 6. Petition of citizens of Bertie Mr. T. R. White, assbunt to the poiecuon against tnis dangerous mat- a portant element (COd-IlVer 0U) ate&! New Discovery. $ -.,,,1,1.,. a'd iv Aut ryucn . bones and r 1 m rever, wun sore inroat, pain in trie J A nliMnKUt UK!-K m I 'J back of the head, catarrhal symptoms 7'Mlw j. IT itTi SIJ ana a stuDDon cough you may - knowl A uic in nervuus uisurucra uwiw ivou have the Orin arirl that vr.11 nwA I S .tl.. tii Dr.King's New Discoverv. It will . county against repealing chapter St principal clerk of the House cf Repre promptly cure the worst cough, heal a oVAJ I I o cmULOiUW 15 a g 1 acts 1897l relating to fishing nets in I acntatives. ;X5iL Y LJLlio the inflamed membrance, kill the di fatty food that IS more easily Albermale Sonnd ease germs ana prevent the dreaded X At t.A 4K9n anv ntr fnrm after effects of the malady. Price w . cts and $1.00. Money back if not a Of Wt A certain amount 01 cured. A trail bottle free at L C. $ nK Kl Tomni-o'o Cfnra " I Mk (I) UIU.UUV1V, J UlUtU I If F . 1 ! II . lou can get u in irus way. : Repaires: iy J - " BICYCLES, J. GUNS, & LOCKS. Satisfaction GuarenteecL 7. Act to amend section 114 oi thelt enrolling clerk's ofifjce. 1 CUXXD with TKeiablt These are rlanirermi tWc fnr tViol A 1 " "J- I A We Ziave known per' 9 cad 1 health- Croup, colds and throat troub- A SOnS to gain a pound a 9 I 11 ai mm mm. x xi WiP.J.-ftSllf5dly. Consumption, a Say wi7e taking it. oTrmrSro" bottle of One Minute Cough Cure 4aVr afe least two- thirds of all Bymotoms reraoT m r . . a.; I l a WWVaVBA. . A. A 1 1 " a . . ... S SmStVr.rST usea at tne right tune will preserve I A A A 9 9 9 9 Code. (This permits the Clerk of the Superior Court to be absent certain Mondays; buthc must have a deputy in his place when absent. 8. Petition of the merchants of Cole- rain against purchase tax. Petition of the merchants and The mere a taaa watches his cur ried friends the more he th'nks hew j rood be was to the rlxl he dii tc marry. Girl babies on felt w i;hct kriO j inr row to tall: slier thet rrcw vr they can do it wUhout k&crwir hcrm to think. The royal crowo of PerIa. !ikh dates back to remote arx Is ia tte form cf a pet cf ficrtts, rrc-.!rd by aa crrut ruby the stxe ci a bea'a Bc'jiaa orkrDO are foai e4 ctxk croiiag oxa pet it iocs. Th chT dayooe wtlraitie4 Urd croevJ ea kss than 46J llacs la the cvztk c oce hour. If all the had rulic lor c-ui-lioo cif acra caec were cw! reii la Mr. James C Gurley, copyist a Cubllhe Island couU txoviace t;a srax foe the entire wtsUra becu Board of Directors of Public ' I phere. . . . - a SchooU for the County. Jtrcsakta Is do raothlrj- t-t a j Aaron S. Rascoe, - John L. liar- shadow of the ralcr.t ciry ci aa rington and Phijlip T. rerry. . cimt times. It Is about three fccs Mr. Winston was chairman cf the ln cirocnferttKe a4 U Cisi'oS ta a following committees: rocc ttouolJua Privile and Hections. Trust ees AaT otoaa wiU be a maa't frktJ j o - - . Ct e: ti:.l I f t 1 It S t : - t C tl 1 r. If trrt ; t if . t ! ; C- f 3 il't if :rl 1 j t . It i ytt lea C4 a a V3 : - t 1 1 t (I I ! UtK, Tit f'turi Dr-Aycr's Cherry Pectoral Plaster over the Chest. A Cook rroo It It ft (ft L Cj 50c and fixx, all drautx. M.U1 1 a oj nnt, umuia. imw im. 1 . .. i? . I uiej neaitn ana a -large, amountriof VtgCCCCe6CSr , ot the University, trustees M ue " . money,. Pleasent to - take; children A... : r Pal..o lKase tt. - Agricultural and Mechanical College. betnwt cuke Ut likeit. ' Sold bv Dr. WI "f;. Mfrell L ' tawuta DImm . a : . aor hlin h tauit use ber ad thea There U no diieaae mora wieertala la Its " " Hewas also a member Ol the follow . . MONUMENTS, 1 nature than dyspepsia. PhTaieiana aar thai $100. r the srmptoma of no two eaaa aree. It is DR. E. DETCHON'S ANTI I therefore most difficult to make a correct Out Illustrated Cataloeue. No. 10. DIURETIC. . no matwnoirMTire, oronaei whirhw mail free- contains a variety of wnMOjggiuBeqyTOepwaartaf tfiya, HfOIUr' 4' desiena of marble and graaite memorials f iviay ue wonn ' IOVOU more than iron tfittera will care lU InTaJoable In aU . : ana win neip you in masing a prupci sc- j-j OQ u yOU ha ve a Child whn 1 ft I " T!1 ku" ""mKo, Diooa ana nerrea. ; lections Write for it; we WiUsatisfy you f1"". i, gold KyaU dealaa- as to prices. . I ucuuuii; lrum inconienence 01 -water -vWe carry the largest stock of finished 1 t.. r u j- Gravestones, Monuments, and Statuary OUnng Sleep. Cures Old and young lif the South, and have, unsurpassed fa- alike. ' It arrpst ! th frr.i,fU r t i Mfnr thii : nrrnt nn -nt mniHinal m. vii mi work of any size.. . I. bold Dy .W. S. -GuTleV DrUfffiTSt tSmarm THC rnilDPP M APR! R--WnDlTC vv mubOT of . ' t (Established jo Years.) 139-163 BANKST, NORFOLK. VA. CENTRAL HOTEL Aulander, N. C. J. H. LIVERMAN, PROPRIETOR Comfortable roomsr polite .'. and attentive - servants, v ; offers the best advantages V to travlers; the only livery t in the town; hacks to meet v all trains promptly Your patronage solicttedt;and Satisfaction guaranteed.; Til Kind Yd Haw Hhran BacgM cf Hexlena. 1 1 Petition from citizens of Windsor asking1 that Jarvis B. Hoggard be placed in the ist class pension list. No persons were advanced to the tst class oension list. Mr. Hoccard will tng commiteces; Election Lava, Constitution al A mendments, Counties, Cities, Towns and Townships, and Education. trample on hex. During 0 grade crcsw js were cUsiaalfA la Chkago, takir a total to date of 1S4 at a cost cl fti a ? 00.000. - Ordlaaaces taut HI be seen that Bert county t, . ,v 1 tut Wr. 1 n m,i m arw m - i m The Willie entnnce doers cl tie : , Rheumatism; -Sprains and Aches all are quickly ' : reieivea Dy tne use ol one bottle ot.. .... - Dr. Liebigs Cream Chloroform Liniment, : which costs you 25 CENTS. Your. horse which has been lauie for months or has had a - sore back for so long; may also be quickly cured - - by this wonderful Liniment. , Ask your merchant ' "for it and take-no other kind. J It annlv to the local board and ther will furnished one of toe busiest members k :t w:. Mt;.!o! the House of Repfoentaiivcs. She tion. This prevented the granting of w" a wy represent, mna our pa? u.v . tl, V ..t. nF . ' fc I are well pleased with the tecotd made I and are tlady balaactvl that a cictk. hispetiuon. , - La...J. L- r,.:., . LI. drxk. ; , toy ncr bcbjuw. i r"-' ' 12. PeU'ion of the citizens of Cole-j I can ciose then bstas:!y. rain asking for an extension of the TO BB W 111 1 DRAWN FROn CUBA. town limits. 13. Petition from' the citizens of Roxobel asking for a. change of town limits. 14. An act to enlarge the corporate limits of Colerain town. Ia the United Slates abac there 30 law Ermscocnpos! d hzibaaii Vnn!nrton. March X. TLa Wax 1 . ....... I ..-m ' tt ' a "4iritr I . . ' Department has dcoued to wundraw - ' ' fkttcJ la ti-e cJ. ar i a: aU volunteer troops from Cuba wiih- school rrctms abocl cert a ay n 4. 4 4J out delay, and arrangements for car. for every lr la , c!ivt- 5 ActtorokrgetilimitIofRoxo. rpng o that peruse were Ugu to- The Ainu o Utv thrif faces u.i m:. ,i rhr. Mk M ' ' r , 7 reach the United SUtes they win U mUh whuk terof the town. . . . ,. ' .. 15 ccrv IVrf ::rt? I-cc4;r, i-j Dr. Ji.s.r-j tri trij jtirt i;h tir per s-r.a dr -; t c-a L" , is t te tlrtauLiijcv! rsalt rcs l:c a hcexl tutti4 la test Cc?z;y wHf!le- Irate th itf.h ar iirrrurv f '.Ve tir.h t4 G Accrt i r - ta a Ccrsua fjfcf ti-e jecaa t c tcacra:rei 2 1 as irri t- ;,t. ft U5 llrrt ilaf. A wtUktra yr-t turt sajs ortf a laJfT arrs cl Crctr! a the m4-ct ic t'Cfs d-T-a c t r-A-1 a k Dtr.a ec x ini 13 c-e rrt rt a-jcSfr c..e cm ar.i3 t.S- a : t WILLIAMS HOUSE, J.O. WlUiams, Prop. The oldest hotel in the town. -1 Livery attached J and; hack 'to meet all trains. , - , . . LEWISTONN .C. ID) RIVOTT w Buggies. I Hardware. HITE, Repairing. mustered out. According to the pre- 16. Act regulating the fees for pro- estimates of tram port service, all bating and registering crop liens in volunteers will leave Cuba within Bertie,. Hertford and Northampton. a month. This action of the depart This reduces the fees 00 crop liens roenl pt Ind pally to the enact from $1.05 to 65 cents a saving on mcnt 0 Lve Array Reoganitatioa lav, ters- The ret capita asy eirru-a.o cf the Utute S'atcs iS-4f. the t:4;h- est h this history c( the tatla. The cScial belif l- d rctaback. fraiaisv. his sUck lot S3 UVCTtX 1 There a.t ia the t. S. Some Upcrurt Ut-r'J-r been tKwmJ by Near! icocoj Trn ck l the Lclli a.1 tlUy Ul3rriv. Wheat hv trt-a gr?--a im rv"r farJxf e-.e.h tlaa 5. 'A a. AJU t j Hclai b lie ec'y r-.-r: 'ry i-a . hai each of 50c (l which the permits enlistment of a suf- salary, lie gtu a yen. 17. Act'to place the name of Sarah ficient number of rtipdara to garrison! In the laal week cl Ji--.-xry rurt-rc,- i-t ais'ts Ttx f:c cl .'. r. E. Brown on the pensioa rolh It wUl I all territory acquired by the United I tons had a slnka ef oho. Tbryl Ore a;;'? cttlsri i-Glrs D . W. L. DAVIS go on the next rolllwhich is made up States as a result of the war with I refused to take asyose bet ftct:a co I X, tu ;o ....WF.kppninctnrW ' I tn .Wnwmrvr. I Smin. 1 thtlr wav to Cnrx penoct-tscse ley t e vtx k - ' - w . au aw w a - 0 .ww r.v---Stoves and:, stove Fixtures of all...... V8 Act to regulate fishing in Albe- The first order to carry out the lock free U chargt. ....HARNESS. ..r......;.kinds, Tin and agate ware. Also...... marle Sound and amend chapter a 45 purpose cf the War .Department was The bea!:hiet pert HU wctVi ".....have Coffins ready for immediate...... cf public Laws -of iaSgc. This aJ- issued to-day. It provides that the Kot. to be a littie hasIct ia Tt.z delivery. Try US lows nets to be fished a distance of Twelfth New York Volunteers sbouJ Ciiacd Ausaoae. Tbrre are c 43 a eo Yards from the shore from Kain- leave Matanzas, its present statwja, jiahahiunta, 1$ of wbco ait S )tars PTrZAPQ! iT4T7POriT,Q! A PTTTT'QH tuck Field to Rock Spring Branch on the transport Berlin, now en route 4a cr.e Ucrtr iso. VJ,riJ'VUi , . rW? 1 1 SrUl 1 OU alonr the shore of Bachelor's Bay. to Cuba, and be landed at New York T.- Is .-him turns cut crerr rtk ' ... I O I . . .......... I city lor muster out. ian t ue um ts ify on. Vrw York regiment to remain ia the rm acrra tliZZt'i'-M K:Ur s en C- tJ C t1w I Cl l.-t w ,,X o;-3 tret c- . 1. ; Consulting Optician. ., All errors of refrecUoa sdentiflcallv corrected ALEX. LASSlTEfli - - ATTORM feVAT- LAW " '" 1 J OrFICC IN CENTRAL HOTSV." " A.P aCa: lk' EarlvaAuf.. w w mm lmpotency,'Lot -Vigor and health faliy restored. Vericocele cured.. Parts cnlaiged, strengthened: 30 years' Practice. Uoox oa special diseases sent freer D I O D OOQ North Fifteenth U ti vr LU U D VV-"' Street, Philadelphia, Pa Call or. write. AT C & R TAYLOES Is again aboard in the, land. The Federal service. The War Depart- air you breathe may be full of its fat- mcDt u inclined to believe that ao, Poa f Hin?-ci Ul be sufLoent you will open the door to pneumonia .o."4 and uonsumpoon ana invue ceain.11 - Its sure signs are chill . with fever. headache, duu tveavy pauis, mucous . oaMt Medici at For U lurns cut crery wrt 1 00.000.000 'CWt tl"V. UiUocs, 400 miles d Le cf d-uer est si ics. re toes cf hair; -t, t: a tons cf cull 14 io,c:o rln ci apectacies. A Kentucky farrver, ctorg a trre oahii place tr-cd t-z t S 4 1 IftUsJ his t! the vJ -i t'rl arra 4 4 Cia"l ri.rrir f-r i?e- licn Kr, i.t si e as 1 ;"t la HamI 1Aifam Tet I flHrMll . . . Tfc fit '.Urcest and best assortaient tharV ever been broozht diseharnes from the nose, sore throat 100 t lcJt lr,"" I forr W.Waittcf South Gardner.! it more cbv!r a.vj dLKXTitred that ! to'Wmdsor,INC' : " . lorecious time tteatinirthbcijush with Me.. ! hare had the worst wrKlhWrcf tckhlrds were frcrea ui troches, Ublets, or poor, cheap syr- cold, cnuis ana gnp ana nave taxen tbejtnibs. lif -3 ! -r nVr at Sweet Violet. . .... . ........ SC. each. Cap't. Sigsbee. i ............ i .V: sc. each. Fontella. . .. 1. v ....... . .. .. . sc. each. Sandow... .1. 5c. each: La Patriotica..r.. ............. 5c each. Ixmbardyy......' 2 for 5a White Sailor...... a, for 5c. ec ups- - Cure it at once with Dr. King's lots of trash cf no account but prcT.t cc New Discovery, the.inlaihbie remedy to the vendor. cnaroDcriaia a 1 UVUUlJ. 4J ...v. I M...wr u Fragrant Magnolia..., : 3 for Big Three............"........... 3 for War ligle Cheroots.......... .3 tor 5c disease germs, heals the lungs and any good whatever. Old-Cfory........ American Beanty. I have uved cr.e 1 a"- 5 for 10. prevent the dreaded alter etiectstrom 150-cent txu:e ana tne ciuis,! ana vigareus M zci if not cured. A trial bet manufactures cf aa honest medic ir.e. Virginia Brights. ........ '.. i Money tie free at R. C - rrNfct LonrnT3-TAST 1.1 CHILL TONIC l ta t2s-s talta t ! n. CCJT :0TIIi:.3 tf tl t: U rxrv 24 Tit li'.lt tii C tv r -' Y i " " 1 1 to . . - Baiemores Store For sale by J. J. Mardre ar.J Bro. I ca tu eertu t7 - i-tf C ' II