STOP , ' rV : -.i'-v , O' 'VC vvTV J ,j Borrowing TOUR Ndgh- ' V - T L3 - Vj " ' l! f" . V ""I j I ' " w tos.LEPGERlWE Will Send xt to ' : V 1 kVV U J : ( 1 it i , i ' 7 YOU Twelve Months for ONE Dollar, .V. V . " '-l.''..N r;djS . fJ JX-S. .IA.' VJ- -: ! - !j Lj y t 1 JQ 43 - if-ri ytStx Months: 50 Cents. - ' y : - r' " - ' - ' - - - ' " IGITV y. vql: WINDSOR, N. C.; THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1899. :o. - f - - ' V ' ' ' . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm A Hmhorous Sketch. What A Caroline County Experi menter Says About Shad ; Hatching Novelties. . :Many persons have their good day and tneir bad day. Others are about half sick all the time. ' They have headache, tackache, and are restless and nervous. ; Food does not taste good, and the digestion is poor; the skin is dry and sallow and disfigured with ' pimples - or eruptions ; ; sleep brings no rest and work ( Is t burden' . , ; .; 'l- 1 - What is the cause of all this? Impure blood. . And the remedy? Filipinos -Capture Lieutenant , Oil more And A Party . . Of Sailors. It clears out the; channels through which poisons 'axe carried from the body. Wheri all impurities are removed from the blood nature takes right bold and completes the cure. - If there' is constipation, take Ayers Fills. They awaken the drowsy action of the liver; they cure biliousness. ' - Writ t e W Doer We hre the excloslre cerriefla of mm of the moat eminent DhTslcUtni in Write freely all the 0 "7 th United Statee. partieuUrs In jont eae. you will re." i i tost cost. I C. AYR. - I 1 eire a sxomot reptT. witbont cost. , A4dreaa, DR. J. C. AYER. Easton, Md., April x8. Mr. Hen- i ry Carroll, the .veteran fisherman, turtle breeder, frog propagator and general farmer of Caroline, county, rJ: ;-t i ,J near uover unaffe. was m a rumin- .. . ' t ; ant mood . as he sat in bis wagon in f the Easton fish market yesterday. He saia: "Yes, there are experimenters be side me in my neighborhood. ' -There i is just as big fools as people thought I was when I fattened my terrapins on i . Maryland biscuits-and went to raising tadpoles from bull -frog eggs. For "one there's my v neighbor Jobn Willoughby. v -- . Know what John's a-doing K No ? ! Well, I'll tell you. ; 1 'He has . read a good deal about hatching shad an . other sh from the I eggs in the roe. Being of an jnquir ! ing turn of - mind he went around to the hatching stations, especially ; the i one at Coward's, . on the -Tuckahoe, i and looked about to see . how it was done. He found out . and thought he could do it better. , And .whaf do you think he's domg now ? ..Don't"know2 L"Well, I tell you. . John Willough- by is actually setting his puddle ducks on shad eggs and is hatching out fish that way, too, they say. He i commenced it.-three years ago,l but done it so secret only two or three i knowed about it, and! they were bound up not to tell. "He takes his duck eggs, makes a little hole in each end, and blows out the -stuff inside of it, : like boys do when they , make a collection of eggs. He knows more how -to get like shad eggs than the State fish raising offi PRIS0NERS, FATE UNKNOWN. lies people will get up on a man who is doing something nobody nevei tried to do before, and getting along well with it. - 'But one thing may come out of it I bet you ain't thought of. Suppose he puts into one duck egg shell .the eggs of the shad, the perch and the rock.; And suppose he does this the next year and the next with their roe. Do you - suppose- they - will -always hatch out shad and perch and rock rom the same setting? Not a bit of Washington April i3. -The Navy it It may be the first year, or the I Department has received thciollow- second, but the time will come when inS Qispaxcn irora Accural utwey, tc a mongrel fish will be hatched, a new species,, a kind of high bred, as it were.; Where will it stop? . No one can tell,, but just look at the possibili ties. ,i There is another thing he is Navy Loses 15 iiieri. Cups For The Ralelgli Silver Punch ncccrtcct seated By Her Ncrth , Ccro li.ia S r c a so r. Pre istars denoting undecipLeratle ords in the message: New York, April iS-Tbe prcKnta- tion of a set of silver puoh cup Xn the cruUcr Rakish took r- tclay in the wardroom cf the vcikL Mrs. A. W. Haymood, cf K!c:- N. C, who chtUtencd the Ra!e"-ht igave the cxp. She was net prcnt I Owning to the illness vl hex sister. 1 here were a uo:cn cl the I made of silver sod rc4J i::;cJ. tacit j standing three and ooc-luif indies The cups were made by Jacobi Manila, April iS. tertiary cf iht A'aiy, Jl'itiAn The Yorktown visited. Baler, east trying, but say nothing about it yet. I01 ot Luxon, April is, for the pur. tTa ie artnoliv MtvmWmfr Kio I Dose ol rescuin? and) brinrinr avav two-years old," r rather trying the the Spanish force there, consisting of lnd Jcms r; I two Diiesis. Athich were surrounded r --. - . - c , , i .ic rn,w,i),!,;,i, r.e.t rmc. Tt , A,lr , fid, T I j 4 iu5,urgcnis. oomc vi inc. in- . v-'" -- can't tell, I know many things fohnK bj M?PfM- :.Hr" . , . . bv natives. i Lieut. T. Gil. A. w. uaywood, ir.c nar cl loy can ao; wnai necan iaoi- f . - more wmiemacng w w amousncu i v4,wv' w vu , v,u. - w v. were fired upon -and caputred. Fate LJonaid, crauman ot the rtcton unknown, as insurgents refused to I committee, of Ra!cigh.' N. C; Cotanil- communicate afterwards. ' ncr of Charities John ' V. Kc!Vx; rv-Gncril Haywood, of the Marine I - Willoughby I don't know. He once crossed long legged with short legged chickens un til he got a breed born with one long leg and one short one, which could not , scratch in his garden, because when they stood scratch with the other over. .- Yes, he was the man that done that. , So you have heard the story before. ';' o "Jjjccuse me. I can t The following are . missin - . i nrn .1 rw t vwrvwi v mm w upon either leg to officer previously- referred, to Chief f thej would fall quartermaster W. Yaitoo, uoxswaia 7. f " gard, Sailmaker's Mate Vandoil. Sea-1 were among those rxtscnt at the pro V I . -. .- . m. .. I ' men w. u Kynaersanau. . uooa. entation, which was made by Aulit. jury, Apprentices V. U. enville A, ant UdUc1 Sutcs Attomey-Cervtta! towing and- description ot the luh "I" 0.-B. McDonald, Landaneo u "!-c'?',J' C' duck St. That's John's secret un- I-P-EdJs. F. Anderson. J. DUloo oL. Cenerl Ec J ru.t: ward. V ? 7 , Vl .. . . uswiy. gtitimJe for what the Rakb, let Ana Mr nenry arroii, naving ' Barter is mnety rxules northeast of ofktrt tn4 racn Utc Wlica r I 1 - I tKi chin wiithitttpfifd oiv cJ NirlK Desdemona's head Dover Bridge-1 v.r ni f I'Kr . . . . . The.caDtureoftheYorktown'smen beautiful, daughters was to CA TDP nnH rnm th discussed with feeling in naval l l? loc wuc womia ' 30 TC5UKt; ana COmetOtne . , . , 6 , w ..Jrhriitened this vessel I aadccatixl circle, ine misiorxune was xeii wimi - - added keenness as the navy has prid-p present those i.lrcr cupi. TKI t.-.u'.v... ,. 1 woman was the dacchter cf the then AiOCieV UiUA eVe&A VU lka tUlULMJ Aiil W T I at at m m. m a Be. a immm;t fmmiwwM. ' lOTemer 1 ioit, ol crtA uariiu. .w-t "In DresentinJt these cur?s we wljh ww; i - the o Seers and crew ot the Kaic-H, I wish , here to emphasize the fact Kad that the Yorktown had rone on wherever they may be, whea they Lp t : i 1 j - I . FUN MAKER, the week beginning May 2211B. j immunity from reverses. 'The "Admiral's dispatch ' was 1 first knowledge the navy Department Conic; to the PUN .MAKERS ininn May 22, it you wr.nt M M ERCI. HOTEL GO 1 I . W. S. HAYES.! PRO'P. Alx. Coxvretf ;f i fftz r. Tablm Th, tzrtr. WINDSOR, N. G. MAVC. 4 ei Lata Hwd 3 I) C. cVR. TAYLOE, , AND ,C. fi. R. TAYLOE, WILL ... v ALWAYS K.CCPTMC 0C5T fORTMUncUtTOMtnS Ca t a -Jx- tMt.ltAttV Larore line of 'Stoves this Season! A Narrow Escape. '5 Thankful words written by Mrs. cers do, and always has on band Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was plenty - of shad eggs ready to set taicen witn a Dad cold wnicn settled when a iduck wants to set, he Ukes on my lungs; . cour set inland finally ten e p rduck egs and fills them Shoali lasfct aa Altowaace. ,a aaa vaaouiaaj Lkivm. xuui j i Doctors gave me up, saying I could Wlth hve feh egSs whlfh has live hut a short thmp. T rav mvoplf I miltered and kept in water, and nuts up to my, Savior, determined if I some water in with them, and waxes J which so . many husbands and wivxs U cial : m;ssion t0 rcneye these cups, they may feel that old could not stav with mv friends on n tK a Km : seem to for?et that marriace is on-i c ' t,i.. n., I North Carolina feels proud of the earth,! would meet my absent should have been effected KP of5ctr cwr arxve.,My nusoana was aav;4to r. - . tvw-. . U. other oarnershiD.'and demands L.J:t. .v a r - . The health of the dooor was then get lit, lying's New Discovery tor I -"T . ..w-wj , - . I wv.. v. v i . a r-i j I ha h Mn tll tr o Haif whpn tri- fih I exactly the same business treatment I r -,rri tv CmnUS I drunk. T craw- ?f ?. trii trrir . ?A oil p.,VHt I ;ii Kfok Anvknm i, v.i,;me The husband is the earner. the wife I .i v.. . r I vaptain LXruaa maae iuuaDe xr "Z ' A I&T . - r1 v - py tothe ptesenUtioo speech. lod, 1 am saved and now a well and tn MC Mrt a zcu o, r,o- two her work is really the more com-e :-i m r....v a 1 1 n ...m s, v. i chet YVTien thev are he onens '''oiitf pl "d'ffio11 The only J t0 for outionninf the rood filth with during the presentation ceremonies. of the nin holes to eive them air and carry on this business partnership wKIch thl American were aekin to a ceremonies ; commenced : - 1: , -,-f 1 successfullv in a financial wav. and L- .u. c !.u UUaAm i- Br7 came down the pvel them alone for forty-eight hoursj without friction, personally, U toputkrf--- ... ; -' healthy woman."' Trial bottle free at R. C. Bazemore's Store. . MONUMENTS. forty-eight hours; when they are big enough to go into on a oasis. Mt is ngnr, mat his shad pond. He says a poor hati wuTe should msist upon having an prisoners. Doubt As To Their Fate. with several friends. A fcij; crotrd of people were on the hail rrc- ognixed hint and cheered vocilcrouaJy. SOME TKiNOS T1UT COST. Our Illustrated Catalogue, No. 10. designs of marble aad granite memotkis cluW will give a thousand . shad to allowance. I think the reluctance Although the dispatch gave no h lection. write for it: we wii saUsWyoa th frt or tpn thrtiisand tf- the ti with which many a.manlooks upon I dication that Lieut. Gilmore and his as to prices. v . ... - - - . llrJ.: -11; v: :t : I- . nJ&&JZSltoB. - . - - . i w , wu w. ntn ma .osi idw us, yci grtu Scmeolthe things to which we m the south, and nave unsurpassed. ia- Mtx V,flc caM nonp wf Hp will I "-" - -w"v I juciv wa aiuvwu ur iwc ij J I haralV EVC a tnourni COM a VZl love 01 money liseu, as irom real surroundunr their late while in the nennr. tor exam nie. tiarAr to ta lute the rising and the set tun 2 f (Established 50. Years.) -IBQ'163 BANKST. NORFOLK, VA Dr. W. L. DAVIS sun. f 4xlr9 a An A tTAf cilities for tbe execution of memorial sum uu,H-;' work of any size. - . lafvc awav tv an- oiw whrv has a I o : rf J v:i: . t 11.1. ....... . m tub 'imr?n a 1 nor c urAnic r j rJ iirusi 01 a- woman s aoimy 10 nancuc hands ot unciviliiea . warriors, i Qil I11C WUrCR jTlARDLC3TTUR Huanuiu urn; egg iiw u v. . t ... v.. .7. " ' . . . rmlt Unck Sua lio.Ooa i rtit . - " . . i ii"- wi 1 v np iimiisn man. ciriiiiii i e a vNritrA n w a me t i . . Heen half a dozen ot ladiesin iia TTr: ,;::i7 T A . Wk.. M J.," . ammunition, or t4-79 each day. tonlastprmgforVrariuin- me. J soioaers orsauors in we rnuppr:St for r!caSure cf nulntaimcj a did?!" " jwv caiucu one--i ana it is unknown now ine nauves royal family the united K.jnraam ex Helen Watterson Moody in Ladies' will treat the men. If civiured meth-1 acts from her lax ravers a sura in the Home TournaL " H wri nurnucd an Mthanre mMI neighborhood cf wtcily Cf - be quickly effected, as General Otis f.0-000 W cot May IU 29 lS ;ine ,wccK nas a urge numoer 01 ruiptno prison- -p 0( WaWs docs tax hare Fun Mlakers . will be crs bot naUvcs havc b"1 TCrs tic r"1 c franking tis oaii. thus tar to exenanging apanisn pnso-jana nis Lamps, aiaixanary ana c- expect you saw some. You Then you know what I am talking a- ibout.- I expect' John Willoughby will be able after a while to supply the State I with aU the fish it wants for planting, The Famous SHEET IROS HEATERS 75 per cenf Chczpcr then 7rc-prccr Almost any price. Come to see me - before buying. t Do Not For rtt My Buggies. Carts, Harness, and Coffins. $35. For a Buggy. . Engirt as J JSf f.jLturc, Dff. Ttfi. luhst. ' ' ' KcJutcrs, Grnftinr. O.ttk re:. GLUvzha en. f.w'j ftr cuHir.f ej c.J thm.u".' fif fJ:. ' E. S. DAIL. BERTIE HOT El - GEO. T. BRETT, PROP. Axcxrioo'JocJt cxztZea- Tailca tvpxi wilh thx licit- lixiil t3 ' nvct au Trair-s ar.J Z'jcxxxtt I nc. . FcxLi'cry aJtaiKci. WINDSOR, N. C CTOPPOSITE CX)UKT HOUSE ON ?.LT STTJ J3 CnnmtiHincr Clniicifin. AU errors ef refrection sclenUfically corrected " ."v fe- . r . 1 III VY UlUbUr. invented, for the duck when ' she is A word to the wise is , Having::purchase4 We H. Leighs hatching fish; they'll come cheaper S3te.TS tothe State and be'H make afortof. S,, siodd spectf uliy isolicit the continence of You "see the duck eggs ain't wasted- sufficent, but you ask, who are sufficient" be the The oft ners, and this raises a question what they will do with the Yorktown's One trial is all I ask FAULK A F" X 1 Jaflylrayin?A?ulef f - Impotency, Lost Vigor, tud health fully" restored. Vericocele cured. Parts . enlarged, strengthened: so years' Practice.-Book on special diseases sent free. r D I ODD OOCY North. Fifteenth Utl. LUDD Oal9 Street, Philadelphia, Pa.. Call or write. Honrs, daily and Sundays, 9 A, M. to q P. M. J. Sheer; Sedalia Mo conductor on electric street car line, writes"; that his little daughter was. very .lowwith croup, and her life saved i after-: all physicians had failed, only by using One Minute .Cough Cure. " For sale by Dr. W. G. Mizell. - ." DROPSY ' CT7XZD with vegetable Remedies. Have eurad . rnant thonsand cases miA hoD.leam.4n tci isyt at least two-thirds of all symptoms reraoy eL TeetiinoniaU and TIH DATS treatment free. 11. 1. e). CaXIf'S SOXS, Box K, Atlanta, Ga. cake and .pie crust. When his busi r.ess . gets so bie he r will have to u$e a million or so duck eggs season. He expects to can their substance, and js now experimenting on a process to do it nice and cheap. See what a grand thing this is going to be for Caroline, don't you? . He expects to raise the hatching of one duck egg to 5,000 pr even ic,obo fish. V " I : T "Some do - say he has an old duck that will get into his shad pond and tell among the thousands r and thou sands of voung shad he has there her own hatching. And that her own brood .knows her,, and when she quacks foHhem they will come to her and hover-under her: wings. But.J don't believe this. It is one of them to grams cot him S$,ooo per ana urn. The maid ot honor in ' aitetxiancc unon Uuccn aoru rcctite aa an- men. 1 - Mul a11nr r.f f roa hut rvrirl uwvi . . . - 1 J - - - j Officials here will spare no effort to entire amount is spent ia drtiv secure the speedy release of the raen.mavtI1 fJU; it is an unwritten U;t mandatory regulation of lc court that the same drrs shall aot appxr more than twice in the royal prcv cnee. . - . I PS The total coil to Ruiila cf tLe imperial family is 1 17,50-0,000. The German Emperor ctnti his cour.iry person may be taken for knowledge Fun Makers will DC In .Windsor Mr. WI. Terry saysChamberjin's tfa k beginning 22nd. tion than others in the market. .He has been in the drug business at Elk- v . Dtsteiss s ton, Ky. for twelve years; rhas sold Permanently cured by the masterly fc.000.000 tcarlr hundreds of bottles of these remedies .p. of Souih Aroericar Ken ine Th- tnrv rar rlrarlv fcr the and nearly all other cough ; medicine yon . Invalids need suffer ho long pleasure of havinz a M iLado nJe manufactuied which sho-s conclusive- rr rieraUc. this meat remedy can cure r,r tkrm nmrthir like li.c 03. 000 ly that Chamberlian's is then most sat alL It i$ a cxnc for the whole A Teir, nd once upon a tlrr.e it was isiaciory 10 me peopic anuis uic WQrld o storaach weakness and ino U cTinie, puniihaLlc wilh dealh. ercn For sale by J. J. Mardre and Bro. trestion. The cure begins wilh the to mcciioo the r.irr.e c( his majr-rtv. - first dose The relief it . brings b The funeral cf . rredest Yclx marvellous and surprising. It makes Enure, cf France, ctnt the rpvcrmcr.i no failure never disappoit.ts. No 0,ooo; the larg-wt sura ever cxpcr.J- matter how Jong you, nave suiierea,!. even m t ranee, lor snoi a pur. t-eadilj J your cure is certain under the use of pose. Camel's . f uneral eipcr. amounted to, wrle to tury Victor Hugo only f was required. . Eapecially valoabl to women. is Brera ..Iron Bitters. ' Backache raolsbea, headache ' dlsappearm;- atrength taxee the place t weaxnesa. and the elov of healta. j eomes to th peid cheek when tbls won. at bcalth-giving force. Tleav derfal remedy U taken, lor sickly children t 0 ieroyenrorked mn it has no equal, ohoms ant and always safe, bold by . b. -ahoalii U. without tbi foua reinedy. Gurley, druggist Windsor, N. C , row&ifXron Bitten U tali Ij all ikaleia . .T..r', , . .' I have jus: returned frr.-n the North v.i:h the Urt;cs: s:ok r(l-aJ:rs nice Drc n00" v, Vctc: a-1 Kitlons al'o keep a r.Icc Y.r.r. xi rr; l;ncr. LadicV an l Chn-Ire.-t'i Ha: Ijxzc CurU:ns.CirjcLi. 1iv.'.r lJ-es an i Men Shs. Ha! Cap Mcnv ard Ikrp c!: trJr.. ! " Wc jniarantcc qiullty ar,4 j.Hce. What uc ifivtie )t j totlo is t come ar.J cxan-.'r.': tn:r s tCt- ' - - - - . f f i f Cl ea , 1 f ,' ' 1 " ' t- aissiot randaiN Mbtt i an una Gf0vJ5, Prices ar.J ev v a i w . , f itjiat T x t f : t i e J v .

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