STOP : V ' Jt ' 6 ; Borrowing YOUR Neigh- ts'LDCRIWE :WiU Send it to YOU Twelve Months for ONE Dollar. j Six Months? 50Cerits. j i i -v- -t . VOL. .17. : WINDSOR, NC.THyRSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1900 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING BY MAIL, We bare made preparations : f or takinu care of the wants -t our two million customers who lire In every portion ol we wona. . jber, of Dr. II. V. Dunstan health of- W.L. Lyon, fees various tascs ioj.49 Our 80i page Catalogue Is na 1. d out Windsor, N. C. December 4, 1899 full ot suziestiona about wiu w .wjuuiv uwuiiuissiuu ITVwTJS&SS s met at the usual hour, with a full bargainsin: - - trfi nr tn wit? i P: -" WRnViiiil- -Booacasea, iiicycies, sran 1 w r-- -"v. w Goo da, Cabinet, CanOlea; riT MrP TvS Kr-fl .nrl T o'mna ciesets, cigars, ciocKB, i - w. j. IIMciai Couches, CommodeB, Desks, u t ' Tt, vf i- W,ta 75.00. Draperies, Fancy Chairs, J . "t' : 4 nGroeiaiSi: meeting read : and approved. r 'StSSLml - On motion of T. S. Norfleet. C. W. cs?K SpruUlji w 8hoes7!8ilverware,f Sterling .- . n fnr tu arc:nf va9r - V ' J- -FF'u. ficeT he rvceived as followsr "There were no prisoners . confined in jail; there are 10 prisoners confined in H. C; there are" 10 inmates in thelllome. There is no serious case of sickness ambng prisoners or inmates, c There is' a' serious epedemic diseaseprevail ing amor g the cattleof one of our citi zens 1 ;"'. ' the report of the W. and L. Lyon," record books . " stationary for 33 36 D. W. Pittman, conveying Hewitt .- vto jail 3-9 Ordered .that chairman for the ensuing year. , Ordered that the , Branning mTg. Co. be allowed to bmid a " wharf, .'at Zf;Z'ASd the' foot bf Ihe'pubUc: toad at Sans oacikb SoucirTsaid wharf to be publicrproper- Ailrer Novelties. BtOOll. Tables, watches, etc. t L'thons Qtrpets, RugxPortiertt, 1: their r tat-colors. Carpets X J repaid. W. M. "Sutton, fecvJin prisofitrs in jail' ' ; , , 26 5o Jerry Baker iind wife tcm. help 4.00 winasor icc!ge, punung'etc. 4 50 J. S. Mitchell, Sheriff Hertford County, fees .Co Chas, Bond, settling ith SVff a. 00 C L. Mardre, bal due as Com. 4.00 T. S. Norfleet, " " "X4-So K rCLYGAHOL'S LCTTL WaslJrton. D. C, Dec 5. 1 ! .Yas!,-D. C, Ic- 5. iS I . ? 1" J attach offtr 1 Suits and Over- iy a! wra a BDisnea. coats from $5 95 f28.(X). Pressag paid on clothing every- where, we aito issue a special - Catalorue of Pianos- Organs Sewing Machines and Bicycles. . We will make your Christ mas baring mere satisfactory ; thin if. has nr twwn hnfnm 4. k. A 8m Flour, W h i c b Catalogue do you rmBarfl.txSO. wantt Aaaresstaiswayt ; JUXIUS HIHKS Ss son. ' j , BALTIMORE, HD. Dept. 909. - i DR. W. L. DA VIS Ordered that the -Treasurers state- ments of the County, General' Fund Dr w. J. itTrTrll, professional ana tne uourt Mouse tuna De approy- - . services attending 21 cases ed and-recorded. 'v ' :.- - of "smallpox, including vacci Ordered tbat4iieriis"of'jie fct .?J!fii?!u5d 5- lowin? ofiicers under sec. 728 of the The following persons "were drawn Ordered that the: Chapter Pr' Code, be aoDroved and recorded, to to serve as jurors for Feb. Term 100 phans be allowed the use of the Court .:..' t r- c,;cr a t,.... - - " House on Dec. nth 1899. I J" - Ordered that the town lot of 1 Wishin-torr, D. C.IVc s. t-, ? j Mrs. Bri-ham II. KcWr.t, Mrs. Briharn H. Kobert, Mrs. Brighira H. Bobcrtt, Silt lake City, Utah. " S!t Lake City, Utah. Salt Iuie Cty, Uuh. Mj Dear Wife I arrived herejo'.rr My Dear Wife I arrircd here jr'rr day, . " 1 .. il In c: 1 . ! ( f f f r 1 t A f f " " turn : t- i '., it j 1 t t IM J I J :' !in a : My Dear Wife I arrived here yt:crf a-..-. Consulting Optician. " AI! errors of refrection scientifically corrected MONUMENTS; wituT.' C. Bond Sheriff and Treas- urer; W. L. Lyon C. S. C. E. E. Eth- I eridee Register of " Deeds: and the dence Spruill in Roxobel, be listed foUowing justices of the Peace. -- : oh me tax jisi ai a valuation 01 - H25 My j sbeM for years 1898 arid. 1899, the same Uy. E. Ballard, V navmg escaped taxation. " J. H. Bowen, Noal Cherry;" son Ruffin, in Roxobel, be listed at W. R. Capehjirt, me yaiauon 01 150 tor. year 1899, A. S; Collins; the same having escaped taxation. : f 3...- .i . r . T i -' 1 ' - rucrcu mai vj. v. xacer oe re- p. j r - Chas Bond, Wm. T. Brown Haywood Cherry Jr W. Cooper, Jr. t Simon Cherry J. R. Cherry, -, T. T.Early . .rC M. Early," TLB. Leary, D. J. Burden, J. B. Mizell, . IT. R. Uedspeth, S. W. WordswoithC 1 E J. Newsome, E. D.'HolIoman; L. W. Laqgdale Jos. D. Evans, " Frank . Ray, W. M. Davis Geo Holly R. P.Todd Jos. P. Mixell F. C Bowen G. P. Baxen ore Jos. G. Bazemore W. T. Hcckitall . - dy. and am now expliin- and ara now 1 ---1. a. ! A: ! 1 t" ' ' t t ' " tat 1 " r I : be'snj kept tcry Vly j 1S77. j. if. LAv.krj.c:?; beior kept rrry tu.T -,c"" ' t ft .i I rMt - UJ- Grander son Jcrnigan J.J. Hall L. T. White, A. W. Early, heved of the taxes on 6ooo, solvent J. W. Green, It W. Hathaway, Jos T. Mizell, OMiit arrnnaMirliT iirfW w-A .M. I I 9 Za a 7u 71 7 x ' J- Harrington W. E. Harrell I J. L. Thompson, T I . . . 7 J-J-awrence . w. . Mciilauhon a. S. Collins. Our Illustrated Catalogue, No. 10. 1 which we mail free, contains a variety ot 1 .111 t 1 r.ravpfstnnKjHonuments and Statuary ,1n the South, and have unsurpassed fa cilities for toe execution ot memorial work of any sire. , THEf 0l3PER MARBLE WORKS ." " (Established 50 Yars.) " " 109-163 BANK ST. NORFOLK. VA. North. Mo. a-A 6 30 a m 40 75 7IJ -75 7 4 Imn Keeters land be reduced to one thous and -dollars, the former valuationand that he be relieved of the - taxes rf or 1899 on the excess. . aad wiU help, you m iikin? a proper se-i v,r. ."" : lection? write fw it; we win sausfv you I Ueved of the payment of Double1 tax Wecarry the largest stock of finished j year l8oo ; . - . Ordered that Dorsey " Ward be - re lieved of the payment of the full tax 1 899, on aceo tint of infirmity :c Ordered that W. L. Lyon have until 1 st Monday in Jan. to make his office report; t - Ordered that J.'T. Morris be and is hereby is employed as manager "of the County farm for the year 1900, on the same term's-as 1 899. --L Ordered that J. C. Prudery be . and RAINS. j he is hereby elected to the office ' of Standard Keeper for Bertie County for the next twor years, and that he shall have until 1st Monday in Jan uary 1900 in which to give 1 the re quired Bond. Geo Gray Zack Jcrnigan J. J. Jilcott, Aug Cullipher . G. W. "Outlaw, explain- and ara now being kept very buy explain- ing why I ara o muchly, ing why I am so muchly. . ing why I am so muchly. Your kmn j hubby. Your knric.g hubby; Your loving hubby, "BRIG," ' -BRIG." -BRIG.- 9 rV I 7M m lrmm Way " f mm There being no the Board adjourned. E. E. ETHERIDGE. - Clcik IM RAILROAD. PASSENGER ,T Timc Table No. 2. effcctive 4-27-, 1899 t South. 4NO..-A E. RT Outlaw," G. M. Phelps, W. Ai Saunders W.J.Watson, i, T Gillanr; , H: P. Harrell, W. M. Mitchell, E. JC Pittman, M. jayner, J. P. Slade, E. W. . Water s, - : : WT. Heckstall, . Jno L. Harrington, J. S. Jenkins, C JMorris," " H. K. Paiker, D. W. Stewart Wrn. Smithwick, Stokes-..:. E. Tayloe, Bryant W'alton t.l! tt' in.:. jonn IX. VVUlLC. . .. - - I lh Levi Hughca Ud. aatoraing w. r. -neips jonn Alston, J. B. Saunders j as R. Cowand W. S. Tayloe h. W. E-ans, - E. H. Walke . J. II. Holder, C. J Joyner :; j. P.,Morris, : W. W. Perry, Jr : R.J; Shield Chas. Tayloe, A. ) White, : . G, A. Harden , Henry Cowand! BLOOD TROUBLES CURED V. S. Baxemore B. B. B. F. M. Dunstan. further BY EaLnc Sores, Tumors, Ulcer. Car business I cers, are all cureI by B-B. B. (Bot- I 1" 9,m tm f T 1 W. T. M1STON A4 7 .. . Ort - A ! i ?' t tl?) . GFX). L. AP.DRE ante Blood lUica), wbtca U mae et- peciallv to cure all dnrjva't.cbji-. rate Blood Leseae. rrnijtea, Sorrs, Blood And Skin BletniiSe. Scrofula, that reiist o'Jxi trea ti. m . 'W'" . bkin txupttons, rimpics, ncm. it- Bliitcr. Red 1I79 THOS. S. NORFLUTT NOTICE! Bt authority of a decr wade by th SrTWr I Ching EdCmi. ScaleS, court of Eertia coy in U Prl rocrint I or T)rnw Pafch-. CaMfTri. Ibcrt renlinjc bttwttt 1 bo. VS . Todd an- I . 7 . , . , f X t. haVm Cm. y Ihm bidder, at tMihlic lurtkM rm Uiln Fpbcvarv I .. .' V A Tninah 5 at . at th cort 4ooc I fa nctcc3.uj.yru wj. . a. . I in tndsor, N. C Ibe loltowlnn woda J. B. Mitchell a, w j I A. ..ig9-t 111 T?rry t s f:a Iir c itf ;al ct JlTt'a Urr-T fy;--l-t a c 1? ? J j r.r ; tt t t.ti O Mi-c; ii tail a U C lit if t?. irm Orr j fcpi tf li t-' .ry m C L 1 1st, The tract of land on which CrnJrrvo Todd now live, adjoining th A y T)'.U - - J I 1 OQQ now lives, sajoin iniuidiu, teUow, and other aad co.itia Ly Ar Windsor Butlers Askewsville Holly Grove Branning Powellsrille Ahoskic Ar Ar Lv 6 20 p m f 00 5 40 5 -520 505 445P be given help outside Home for Aged and Infirm: Thos Brogden $5 Jno Castellow . Auc. Mizell Nancv Carter c. CtA w k ..v.i.i '-"-ijiiiZa Biggs -4 Silas Williams 4. Blood Poison, (producing Ukrralrd u. Jf T?y'ci 5 Throat. Achinjr Bones, Paiafal tvo .ctV, I swellings. EruotioruL Falls Hair. rlCT.ulbcmj.lbt Und on which Sokm-1 IMJLtt Tl, n Tl m,f.f.,(.T!W rodd lived ana died. . nfc.yviwu yj d. Tb tract of Und on which WtUUm Todd I Balm). FOT tile by drUCjijt CTcTy- tf-otr3"'1 Ual- ,lmoti" where. Large bet tie 4.oo,-xfor 3rd. The BiHy Miien irart of Uad. aow cand I 5- " uc 'rc rapc w -r. laad of I wrhirh Will r vnt rrrtxid, I-rrtt symptom, and personal .free medical 4th. The Powell trad of Und which Vt!oecd I adv'lCC will be given. AdircT Balm Co-, Atiaata, Ga.. . . . - . . - K t-al 4mTI V " 111 I j x . .lit . f M.1W a Ira. Ordered that the following persons I U"0 ' J ' " ' to Soiomea Todd, coatatoloc acrrs Mora oy I a. i B. MARTIN. F. D. WINSTON, CoaminMMtl. I I rrrtby errtU'y ttt tt frrr-'-s In true ia:ccT4 cl .tie cc.f' ton t4 l3e fctctber el lis Ikrd ct j Cf.ry Cteato-.wiff-vpi that y-i vtrifvai acco.-rti were 4L:rvL ! k: r. rnrr.r.uxif; Ork u tl r-CA'd. a- Daily' except Sndayr Flag Station. Train No. 3 makes direct conntction with - the Norfolk & Carolina train No. ioj nt Ahoske for Norfolk. Train No. i makes direct connection : with Norfolk.& Carolina N0.103 from Norfolk. J.W.BRANNING.CBRANNING Praa. General Manager. 4 . M.C. HINSHAW, . ' General Freight & passenger Agent. - CHESAPEAKE LINE. U. S. Mail Steamers Points North East & West. AND I Did You, Ever it Attend A : ! Guessing Bee? . ' " : . -, - "' - .-' Guessing is; poor policy:, tho 1 when it comes to guessing which.. X store to visit to get" the best . goods for; the least money- Guessing wont do then. . . .' , row want to be UHJ Elisha Williams o Winnie Ward 3 Sellie Backus 3 . Hester Riddick ' 3 Maria Speller 3 Charlie Todd Martha Meltcn -TlOrf cale,- Jackson st. , 5:45 p; m.- y. Old Point Comfort............ ......6:451). Ar. Baltimore, Pier 19, Light -st...s.f...7:oo.a. an if B. & O. R. R. - P. H. R. ir. BRimor..'. At. ThHaSerphi-., Ar. -New York.... !..-V55a. in . -1 ioTi 5 a.m.. . ..ta:35 p. m. . .8:00a. m. :iS a.m.;1 ia:43p. m. S- LIPSITZ'S :''; store. '';V'. .7 : - -r--:rscf-THE:' place.'- " Geo Watd . Bettie Harrell '3 Clarky Moore 4 i't'a Burden 3 Peter Casper 3 3 M.'E. Copeland 3 3- Mary Bird, tem porary help 2, , . - The following accounts were audi ted nd ordered to be paid:.' - - -;G NGreen J. l. cost in Ianacy " '"icase - ; , - - $2.00 Mrs, Catherine Mizell, traveling ex . '"pejises for son to hospital 12.00 X ';. JVHWard, guarding jail 6 nights .'.-.. 600 C. Li. L-Cobb, conveying W. Isms (Dm kJJ You have used all sorts of touh remc- i dies but it does not yield; it is too deep seated. It may wear f itself out in time, but l ?i ? I O x - lumiin 1mv lailv prrpnt SunHav. J"-' For staterooms and any information-"cafi atlf3-, Jlorfolk Ticket Of hce, ' Phones- i!.'- E. T. LAMB, - ;! - Gen. Agt. - U' ?is.':Arti 1 IVIII W Wl iS-X. have just returned from the :,Maina:tyStree j.J..Mard " wm flE-Jle.' Clothme Hats. Shoes. I Wrs- J- 2MX&totsrLadiesn1ce Dress Goods $ f AY. --aricer, mayor s tees in ca I 'v v,. ' ; w . . . : . -Z 1 - ' State vs Tohn Artice 4" t-j:; - art . ; iVUdd jkjuu, oilv& v Jk v.yw tlE C Pittman " - y Mary Sherod 3.42 )v H. White case of lunatic . - 2.60 Z)JrW..B. Watford do m 2.90 R-Tyler to asylum 23 4S I if K more liable tO T. F. Rice & Bro. mdseCo. 29.54 II , t , I pruuuuc id ijnppe, J? T. Morris, ser Mgr Co Fm 2 1 4. 1 7 Mardre & Bro. .mdse " 28.85 . . . . . . ... Morris, sewing 44 3.74 case 320 fa-j''- CON DNSEO- SCIJEOUL ! And Hatr; all the latest in 'MIIJLIlSrERY ; a pneumonia or1 a scn- lous throat auection. I You need something mat win give you strength and build up the bodyr Ghristmafe No. ti3 P. M. No. 49 A. M. V - a ao V .4 i. 3 : "a 17 1 3 50 f-i. .6 0, 9 00 9 30 9 46 10 00 o 34 10 so If flfoi la 00 - a- w iy 6 P. Lv.NorJbJJ:fAT. Pinners Pwro'C ..Driversri-i ..Suffolk ...... uaica Tunis . K-.iAtooskie. ,1 .ulaader.... '..Tfobgodd.... ArJFarboroLv Ar.y RotMot;- ;Nr.'. .5 S'5 5 3o 4 w 4 00 - 3 41 3 27 V. a 53 ig,gneajte Bond 3.77 I iKive ta : nice une 01 .No.- o 31 8 04 V"6.4S Sahyt, TraSftlfd.SFS and 48 solid tfaw between Pin t n4 Mount witr South and No. 78 ttata f 5al! po". tts" Norths - tier's Bint.a : nects at -Rocky Mou,nt Wilmit6n,iTriDC-No vtjcefa-. tn trai K 23 ror an porar ;,' C. M.SERPELt.?5 . f. R , K E N f. E f ,'2 '' : - B.J-a.fipynj, : General Pasaenge Agent. AMifLalso ?Flr Lace cuttains,: shades, carpets, 9, sov 4 i mattingiiloor oil-cloth,: wall pa- . per, all kinds of furniture, and The S Vhite Sewing Machine. , -:- We", guarantee L prices tf and ualjty.3C0Uf to J come and eiarriihe friy 'stock be- fore ; purchasing: - elsewhere. " If t you Jjave anything rtq -elli such fls.Tr!KR. -mriTipr. Tiihnpr rMR w -T iiTtvnv'' ' tK" tiio"Kpt' martpt I7 E.E. Etheridge, ser. bill on file, S2.18 John Mitchell, lumber and work i': Wills Qr &r Cashie bridge?; ' 87.40 VlT.:HeckstaJl, lumber for b'dg 23.88 G.' W. CobK work op bridge and .:' road at Holley's mm 7.50 J.R Gray, rep-rs to Cashie b'd' 51.37 W. E.Daniel, solicitor's fees, . .5.00 .-SGOTT'S ..will do this when verythinc; the fails. There is no doubt about IL - nourishes, : strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthyVrtot only to throw off this hard cough, but to A A i" AO I A I fortify -the. system against UAO U11 1 A II further attacks. If vou arc r 1 m W goods : For Inia&tt and Children. TtaKbi Ycu Ilata Abajs B::M 1 SUBSOUBE -TO THE LEDGER I . Bears the f Blgnaturdof run down or emaciated you should- certainly take this nourishing food medicine. SCOTT A Bo W S t, Umum. I.w York. , Sterling slUxr cbods, . . . . .-. ..':- Plated goods - ' Chlnaware,; V . bolls, 7- Baby carriages Toys; : ' - - ; ' Alburns and " . ' other Plush prcsants. Mirrors, Etc - - : . ;Mjr. JU .P. Oi,xx, tl ' ZUrt-:va Spaio, rrrsd hit wtrtrm at 4ikrv', S, C.. Weak rtr tt Ixi i -vri j acre ptis in bck c4 h On euojr FJrctric I-t:tn, Axss0rrvcS gTtiTc5T 5 -mar. ?crt Kri. ! rain vxxj kit., tin. He a j . j pnrrd trriCTT.e if whit K1" err. Mnr I fcrcdj- AH A-t c:Lca . ko i!.4t is 1 . t. kviacT f.rt t!e t!o, t--r cp r.oru ureojtixcji U, r-crtrx ri t x r arcj tw . lie ir?o rrtrj frvar'-e. r.erre" ar.d cn ttC toiy, Il weak, tfrrd t- n'.r? fXM er4 H fcV-U by C ilaicrve. . . I ALL KIH03 OP - Second'iiand Goods xcnr.fct sn5 r ci5 Cxit cf! Cillr.r. l--l Hal a Speoa'irr Vi'l a ct.?e cf the" "a? 4 rrt .-frs ! rt-v ey ia $ to i $ -1 u - iLxicrrrxr Ii V" - 4. . . .... WCCLtAH AMOfHt jj vUJT3 . ron to czuiZi t -1m ti, i. -i. ty U j.-.-4 I r. W rwrwui mm f- w RAtXTQM. N. C Sallenger & Keeter. V. r ri,1 c:f f ?r? ' la rrir.f tart tiry U lx a Jci- - PR1C05: X!r lCtj AU-lr? 5 - '-I t.: ir-'-c i f S I t- I'ite ii:cv ........ -f I IJ 15 I a Ijit" r.-e Sloe. -1 - 13 I . We ; Carry, A ek !- "! I-y tt C--:..!t aery aaw f . r: -r- S 4.00. 1" Privott Buggies. " Hardware.- m,3n.r mimJSmmsiumn.. m . ' , ' .. . - ; . . : " ' en ''.- w m t Ail 1 Repairing. CENTRAL HOTEL Wr. keep in toclc.....J. : : j ...5t0vcs and stove" Fix:i:rr of all ..t Harness. ..;....;...lund. Tin and arpitc vrare.' A!w ....have Co:;;as ready lor unrr.Vi!".:c .... ..... .-.deliver).. .Tr'. us i 4 I x n A. -- n r LlVLiir.AS. i f '1 s t ? ''JIT 'tt. ." list l r . i-JK A ta t ' y . C -in- 1. 3? . i mi Ok r -s-lta ; a - a y 1 fe a at .. I