: v ,' -" -STOP uu r . U Borrowing YOUR J Neigh-l ,bs.lilGERljfcWEWiIl.SeaI.tt to YOU Twelve Months for ONE Dollar. Jk Six Months 50 Cents, j J ; o i XL: : -' : 4 O 1 - VOL v. 17- WINDSOR, N:'C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 1, 1900 no. . . v .. . v r. 1 , v f . . . . . WAV Ti Tirx -tn' y ttn i I . l r , n -r 69 Gents for Nothing, Jwt laand. a wonderful -eatalosrn of everything to Mr. wir an I . It cost u 62 cent to print and X? eeu;atoiuliechC9pr. -. , ; v . fret to oil who writ for it. TDM book eoutalna 304 pagea "(tlie 14x10 In.), h . 10 tw mtwtratlone, aaA quote IU0.UUU article at whic--a price to couumer- Here la Uie book; ThUvalnaMe cata log :s lelli -U about Agricultural lipple- menta, Baty Coaches, KeUUa,-, Llojulea, ItootaViMswk. t v die, i aroets,- Clolfs. nothing, C oV e t a , rockery. Cuk 4n. atlery. Tfmtfa Aaron-, Far at.r iien'a ur nlihines olassware, " (fcferiea. Harness, Hai,. i.oatere, Jew- elrradieV lothlng, . LaileV t nuialiinga, . LMpi. MackJn tosftfs !lrror, M" t nst rumen ts.Or- i: ; fin, faints, rianos, lotare Portiere. Hfrttr-ntari.. Sad -lit-. Anvliili MatMnea, Fhirts. Shoia, SUTerware. Btoves. Tinware, Toterco, 5wela. Trnnk, Tnderwear, Tprioiatery eood. atchea. and thousands of ottK r artici a. , tWa boo In yonr possession, yon can buy Cheaper than the aTerago deaier. Ton can save targe aims of money on everything jo need, at any season of they ear. -.'iLUhoarapi'd' Cffrptt aid rvg CatalooM, V . T' and HuriClothtal Vutalogut wit ampU .. ; fy auarkfd. are free ' F.xpretng paid, h on cloltenj. freight puit o,t carpet. ITAtcA boot thaU -toe tend tout Addrett thl way: JULIUS HINES & SON taaLTIMORErMD. ;T ' Department 909 tr D IX F r-- T A Ife Ulo . VV i lrX V iO Consulting Optician. .... i tAtteiTwoirefionsxientffi MCyNtJMENTSJ 111 ..j 'j Ai, ',' ' . I . ""T'.J' - ' r -- I ' v r-i IX l h- X I C Jill 1 ' i -ar &. - m --: I r .-i Qnr.iiiuSttated Catalotmc No. 10. 1 whicn we tnauiree, contains a vanety oi design 1 ot rharDieana-granue memorials i fPi-.JMi -?iiariS?S;-1 '.mm tr nnm. Vve carry the largest stock of finished .GjMestonesMonuments and -Statuary in the squtn, ana nave ansuifjasscu i cilittefor the.-execntion " of memorial j THE COUPEIIMARBIE WORKS (Established 50 i ears-X 100-JO 3 BA NK ST. NORFOUtt VA. IM e RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS. Nobtr. I Time Table No. 2 South'. . No. J-A I . EFFECTIVE A-aj". 99 ?: i.-r ' , ", j- -, No. I-A 6 jo am ' 75 r s 7 4 Lv Windsor. Ar. 620 P m Bntlers ' ,. Askewaville r - "irollr Grove Branning ' 6 60 -S40 5 25 ' 5 .ao - .505 At Powellsville . ; Ar AH98KIC Lv 445P Xf ain No, imakes direct .connection wita . the Norfolk Sc. Carolina train No. 10a at Ahoske for Norfolk. Train No. 1 makes direct connection a. iiativ exceot nnaav. - ' riae suuon with Norfolk & Carolina N0.103 irom iMonoiK J.W.BBANNI N G.C.E.BRAN N ING ir. -i-'" General Manager; . M.C.HINSHAW, -V Qenei Freight & passenger Agent. efMAPEME LINE -13 S.fail Steamers . AND To all Points North East &' Lv. Norfolk, Jackson at. -Lv. Old Point Comfort. -'t-.:ivii,t.....6u5.1m. .Ar. Baltimore, Pier 19, Mg&t at. . . ..M.ia, Lv. Baltimore. 7:55 aJJivt. 'QOj. n: .Ar. Philadelphia;;';;. ions a. nw: :is.bt. Ar. New York. .2:35 p. -jol: t.- - - ' tinmen lM.vifailv exceot Stlhdavr . " ' . For atateroomAnd any information -.call' ajt.- Norfolk Ticket Office. Main and Grsufty Stteeto. -.- .-Miph'nnM , Phones in ;e. t.lamb,: : Gen. Agt. i . r :-pass. Agt. '- R A rtTFro AD CONDENSED ' ISCHEDUL Dated Novr20tlL;a9oy Nor- No. No. N8. '.No.'' Stations. , tioa - ;r. Mi, '; ... a P. M. A. M, a o a 4 -9 00 9'20 Lv.NorforkAr. Pinners Pomt. "S-55 5 30 10 us- y-9 26 -9. 12. 8 39 8 3 oy. -9 4 Li.. Drivers.,.. - '5 05 3 i? 3 50 4 15 iq 00 10 34 10 50- ia OQ 11 ti . ..Snff plk 5 "400 at 3 41 3 27 .-J S3 2 31 .. Crates ;f.s .-...Tunis.... , Ahoskie.v'. 4 3.M .8.04;. 4 53- 5 35 6 00 wA'ulander.u. U.Hobeood... -7 4 7 oS 6 45 Ar.TarboroLv. Ar. i. Lv. 65 P. M, ia 50 P. M. Rocky Mount, I 55 P. M. 7617 Daily. .fDaily except Sunday. Trains No. 40 and 48 solid trains between Pin ners Point and Wilmington, Train No. 49 con nects at Rocky Mount with trai 1 23 for all point (South and No. 78 train for all posits North. t . G. M.SerpelC JR, Kenley General Manager. " ' Sup't. Trains. T. M. EMER80N. - Qenaral Passengs Agent. - a ft Legends and Of St. John's 'Chapel. Addressed to V ' R. A, RIDDICK. ?AR7XXV. Yet the, man could not be .found Who more proudly would uphold What he called the rights of freeman Yeomen that from times untold ; ; Had swift broken the lines of battle V- Winning dayslike "Azincourt ; '- Should be in immortal honor r l" I ' Here and on the English shore And be, Gods own anointed King ii Would to them 'right, and "justice bring. 4 So he thought of all divides Doctor Filmer ablest, best And in his every teaching Full persuaded did he rest . Scorning every turn tation vv nigs anu me pnuobopuers till! J- t - l.il I - Ventured m thev-ast up heaval Of the past forth ebming j ears When France eot drunk to vomit Crime. .And never earth saw, such a time; Of books he-had scant supply,. The Holy Scripture and; Gazette. - nl7 1 . . - Z J vanuros,,ui5 grcaies.priac ;.. i - iKe uncie iody anams, nenenman "i -r-r l r - 1 t i t I - i nai mcompararoie jraine- - He would fioht his battles over - , . , . . j .- v;w As he recalled some comrade slain.i it uuac iia.c uc uc ci suuuiu - acc or gain. - . He loved the noble sacred 'past Qf the. land that gave him buth All" the grandure 6f its" story All the glory; wit and worth Of its states men building slowly Empire from the circling Seas Heroes bearing forth her banners Wherever blows the stormy breeze And patriots "giving life and blood. Libations to the public good. ;: - - No wonder such proud memories Made the half Day. Grejidier Soiely chafe and sadly go , And there fell upon ruS" ear,' Talk of manmen around ini i ' - touching hosts of troubles sore, When the'King and -ministers-v " I With their measures Jxarshlybore Upon the freeborn colonists These. , freemen of . old. English DlQ C YOU lEvef I ' ""l' A "UJl Bee? X I Guessmg-is : poor policyjr tho. 2 -I whn it comes to guerrWwhich 2 ww. w vv . w uu w . tfc . MIC ucat, goods for the least moneyH-; i You 'want fo be SURE i LfPSITZ'S mmw . r - - - . STORE fS.JHE PLACE. t t,..-..:...- -J e it. J : A, V t"w uu tuc largest slock 01 J leClothingats, Shoes! : X A,. - avwwj Ajauicgi , ui.alboa VJUVU9 2 Capes,Ck)aks,all kinds of Trim! J mings,- finestrline " of Ladies '?L -rHats ' . i-. Vd ;allthe latest in V , MHilNERY Miss Lucy Hiues attends to this " Department. " , I also .:; have a nice " line of .Lace curtains, , shades, carpets,' - ma-LLiug. nour un-iaoin, f wail pa- per, .11 kindsof .furniture, and X f the :t White 7 Sewing Machine! We guarantee - Drices and ; quality. . You" wiil do' "well to come and .examine my : stock be X fore Durchasinf elspwripr If i.-- . -.." o; : " yoa have anything ; to sell, such as brass, copper, rubber, bees waxT. tallow, hides, and produce, X I-will pay the ' highest' market l'-"Y v ' prices. " - - - . Memories : ' By y - JOH W. riOORE. v. -m y - ' - - blood . -- - ' - . .' Such measures they at once withstood d. ua i- , , .-J us tiav uvea long enougn - Midst ' his -neighbors! and good - " friends 7 57 . -- 1 For a host of kindly feelings ' ' ' . To create:such potant" bands ' Of mutual love - and conifidence - -Between men of. kindredaims. -), Bobe'rt Sumhei, Arthur Cotton v , ! " And staunchest whips of other aii iSv ' ' v 4 AH Joved him like a very brother ... I hrktlrrK noirn .a.. 1. . . I gether. -H . He mighuhve known these same men Would ne'er sit below their Dees Having Sboth the blood: and spirit Of tne men Kof former years ? Aye, of those heroic Baron 1 " Who in hour of r direst need Made theirland forever free. I On the plains of Kumemede . And a ade old England from that day i Pce wnere only freeman stay. Ever since that holy day- ; Law had guarded - life and right He the lowest in the land . .With his,claim however slight Safefrdm ainersement, tax or fine ; -, . .Save by - verdict of bis peers", - Or by law of Parliment rNpthirig could arouse his .feairs For Judges had long" ages said Without consent no tax is laid. But her many colonies v . ' .. .Jlad'.cost England sums untold iShe had mighty forces sent ' "To-secure her larger hold Upon the pathless hills and plains "Of the great states manifold . To and past the Mississippi 1 i 'AVherejita floods fast, southward ' roll- ' - . 'A mighty debt-was then incurred Its payment all her statesmen rea." 1 ' here'were other troubles Whichourgrxrf old forebwYs" had Everlsincelhe land wai settle - 4He thft king-done as-he said When -across the ocean wide tv r.:,fftts utterTwiJderness v , They had-come to seek a home ;r " rHe .vouched should be free of stress AAa.bJessmgs they had known -at ruf " home' - " f tJIWoufd hut ihe" larger '.here become. Jtin England they were free ': ti Why oqtiTf-Arberici., ' :" : . ' jtiati-uiey osi m migraung . -.Any part of'What'they were 1 - .So gainst :Iajdr Brown disputing "I; V'Pf things of-long ago v' ir 1 "rf - - - rv. 1 vxBia gooxiirnigs.say to tne ' lories x-uxua aisixessea me oia man so That he -wished a.' thousand times He'neVrrhad, come 'unto such -V -vclimesi '- -i-.. . '?:.5--v. - -. . . . ; How could he on officer - 1 crown, upon half pay"' 7 . Join in such disloyalty- s- -- Andln silence fail to 'say ; . " ' . What he believed was but treason - And deep: down rithin his soul There was not a single doubt ", . . But disaster soon would roll On all who thus in treason stood ' k - Gainst Kin and government so .- gooa. . . He would surely have' returned '- Old and feeble as he was ' To the land from which he came But he had a boyand lass . ; -Who., now were all in all to him ' '" : Who' ha'd also hearts and wills "." So they pleaded long and tearful -. '. With reverence that love instills . That he would such intent forego And think no more of "doing so. Dark eyed Sarah arch and free -As the jayest of her sex Ne'er before in' all her life ' . Did a thing his soul to vex -" But she with all her guilty : Had a tender link that bound : Her, unto the land she loved so And she was unwilling found ; To seek in realms beyond the seas "Another home her sire to please. CASTOR I A . For Infants and Children. " Tlia Kind Yea Haia Absjs Ecrt 1 Bears the k Signature of She, 'and young God in Cotton HadLeen loving since the'days When in Pmafores together 1. They as children had their plays These old fellows" o'er and often Fought their battle o'er aain Major JJrown at dire Ilommiiiers Captain CotlorT tlie Main Seaman and soldier thus- once more neara saures cttsn and cannon! roar. Thus a strong and lasting link, Ancient vetcrans o d Bound the two in tender bonds 01 which both were- st:ll so fond When HawVe on.lJ;caii, r-ii;.,' wild Triuir.phca in tU midnight , storm And Wolfe on plains of Abraham Laid down his' own heroic form And every where frcm East to West f Lord Chatharns fame was at the best., ' , , ; , ItlI' "i L. j t j- i i cc lovers naa noi aisciObca . Unto others what they felt , . ' Qnlv in their mutl trrLtin- o Hoping they could some way meet I ne stubborn will ox Major Brown When he knew how long and well j They had loved each other scf: They. were sure that he wokj! tell Thenvthat he blessed with t all his heart "',"' " . These two, that held " so large a ; part. ' But the courses ortrue. love . . Have ever seemed doomed to be Subject to perturbations - " Like all things that are.carthly These two; ho had been so fondly Counting on the:.rfnture bliss Were told to meet no more forever - And the way it came was this Major Brown and Captain Cotton In a quarrel t.hey had gotton. . . - . The Prettiest Calendar. Each year when receive the Hood's Sarsapanlla Calendar we wouder how it b possible to originate such clever designs. The '"Proverb Calendar it- self is suspended fn form of two little tots, one robed. in . delicate pink and the other in blue. On the reverse side there are the usual astronomical calc. stir-Nations and other facts. The Calcnd- arts made to stand alone en dnk or table, or it may be suspended on the - .. - , : . w You should be. sure to gtuoae of these Calendars from 1 :,your drug- gist, or one will be mailed .to you by gist, or one will be mailed .to you by sending 9 cents m stamps to C L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. ImLi--- ' m Ask yrxa- physician this quci tioh, ,M What b the one grcit : remedy for cortitOTplion7V He . will answer, Cod-liver .on.?. Nine outoftenill answer the same way. Yet when penoni . havc consurnplion they loathe all fatty foods, yet fat b neces sary for their recovery and they cannot take plain cod- liver oil. The plain oil dis turbs the stomach and tafces I away the appetite. ;. The di agreeable - fishy odor- and I taste maXe It almost unen durable. What b to be done ? - This question . "was ans wered when we first made of Cod liver Oil with Hvdo- f phosphites. . Although that i was nearlv twentY-five vears I ao, yet It stands alone to day the one great remedy I for all affections of the throat ? and Junes. - The bid Liitt irA odor hsx been taken sway, the oil ibcif has been I partly ditsted, tnd the most sen- i sitive stomach ctlcds to It rarrJy. Not one In ten can taKe and oat the plain oik ' Klne cut fcf ten can take SCOTTS B'.L'LSION tnd d- I gtst It Thaf s why It curts so Smany cases of early ccnssriptLoa,. Even In advanced cases it brino tUilUUTl mSV liuujf ;iwwiia tufa. oc and Ii ock all 4nutrta, f SCOTT A BOWht, Omrmmtm, tirm York. . (DIM 7Mll January i, 1900 The Loard d County cstrrrijjicwv ers, met at Izc usua.1 hour, ;:h th JO. .owing racTTir rrevcr.t to i: C. t W. Sprui!!, chairtaxn; G L Mafdrc ana j it Lawrence. The rt.r.utc of last meeting were read tud appf av eb. - Ordered that the fol'.oitirg r?K.ni be granted pcrxissbn to cluia l-cr-- " se to sen srirnout. vtnou. a.ti rr ,if3r fr the r.cit ix wor.thvMx: j John Haste, loo K Hcatd Co. P T Harrell, C and R f-yk. J II Matthews Jr. C W Joyrer, J II J. cocks, and Co., S P Freeman, J II Simons,-1 M Mixd!, J C Ixary, and Co., C CCaiper, McDooa!d and AJ lea, B ' Renfrow. J Lawrence Hax ringtoQ and Co.' and J L Bowtn. TheofJicU bond of J C Ptoden, Standard Keeper was accepted aud ordered Ttcofded.' v Ordered that Mrs. Amanda Browra be allowed to list her taxes year the same rutin been reflected ia June. . ! Ordered that R G Wlms fe re lieved of the payment of tax 00 f 1 000 valuation error in listing. Ordered that J L Britton, be reliev. cd 0f the payment of tax oa 5too. t li.,:: - ma. I , . . . . . Ordered that the land of Bctt.e L I Gray be luted lor taxation, for the 1 ... year it has escaped taxation at its for mer valuation . Ordered that the odaI report tf W. L. Lyon C S. C be ipproml ar.J recorded and also" the following , Jav lice of the Peace reports; W J Parker, Rabt IIS f tvtT, J P Whedbee, J "W Tatkeotco, Ufji Parker, A W F-arly and C W Spn.ni II Dunstan for Uie moo'.h of, Dec I .Wored, . T io!ir1 acrouctjxe Jui'.fk! I na oraered paid: 1 - . I 5 B, f rccrna luaUr ndwprk on Lvans Mul brid-e - ,15 I " Lasuter Jo. HanUoalridge j SpfiiiIIdor . - . : - 4.1 Lvans Mill bridge ' "ilfiS f J4 I l - aF7111' ur - ' -r - 4 00 v " na)vt erng jcry. ;j 15 T P rtlyaoveyia-Joftt lUdy to jail v j f , . soo A S Rascoe; Sfdjc for Co,faic '9 79 R C Ei rem ore do. I Gus Goddard, do, J J Mardre A: Bra do. far Ptivott atrd ,"'stov pr 11 fT'JfUtJr, HcrTT5t embody 'iyi;iyiE:RciAL-i HOT.E . . - ... - I . . W.. S .H A-N El PRO'P. Tamlm Thk Ccir. . . --Xjvxjty-Arracxo. WINDSOR, N. C. rs-r-i-r-s-.y IN BUYING PEAS. Xom tn mats l try tVj etx l i caawcc drcW. lb vratio Mia Otmt auk tU c4 aMtka, la tary trovMsV it tl'a KXT tt UvlH ti4 ara is oflv. as rrflUI)t, mimmlot Yoa cano4 at j4 to kat l r" bavt lo lakt lnU Ima'U i ft Tah's Kaira Elf Kopil aJ Tai Frtr If yo I kink tais stalSMsl U r4f. u. ""(Wf-fi'l T". rw I -. - what tat record o4 la y Xummm ta . cf'1-' ' "- W MritiWf mi Tb ffks this ao CCO. TAIT &.SONS, Std Grower L. Merchant a. I?RiyOTT Buggies. Hardware. We keep in stock ...Stoves and stove Fixtures r f a!!., '.Haknlss, kind-. Tin and .irate uarr. A! o., I v " r r. ? r - L t tr.dr.t ls-'ft. Ma'f-rf r.f.' Ir !! V I)wr.'a5. r--' i ii! J(rT r 5 : ; t j - cf c- T C !. lr.i j at A;'..r. , J Jj Ar J II Arc!.-, er ernici: 1 1 - - 3 J-!rik l-crry V TTxrt ttr. ej vtt lwisti belli J;:-rt.r.l. r. r. irriu:rjiK;r. Are jrar.d, twt Mi'n t'.rc; e-ci rti, Ue t f ?y. I;-ci.,.c' Arr..c $ f j cfctUta;U4 OJm, iCtfr.-.rj l.tt.j Vcrxt Sre, U'ctrt, 1.:. )eaij Ccr.i, V. att, Ci.'K i:at Seal!. Ha-Ct .i.t Cc: Pic cvrtcri ea;:x l? . 1 ,x Paint arvd avcSci- ' Ocly ; Cc;e rniarAr.!ttxL R. C taieswre. ex. Tit HomUrn -Jtl Lrtun"" An. Anveiuan Uutt" w-ZttxxTil the kler.lJy cf cre cf Ct tc;tJ f;cx' ih p c( a xjrfi tf ri Jar 7 lust ir tk.ies abrn;t to 1x3 Ln TV l-v-ijc' 1 1 oce JotrrtsaL T r.',c!U dtal w.th te tiul xUi-ti er '.rrr i&tacicccta AracTKia w.tt iz. and the difrxtcj. ci ittt cha-ivr is a way re-ixaVil la tlx i--c lie ifjU irtick-, Hat W;cn HctU i MeaolTrir P.t wJ er tc'ily ar jxr o l-e tire." Tm !. ti-ra csi'l) deal wi:h the exact coftd.iKCi ftrr4-; ir.in r.;r'rxt', nu-i; 3 v- moaTr Vc-iii'h'jUc J:a.r j; locac e:r ,: '.c dcd -'-ke waken v5r ri.ry U:rrrt. iV Jy." . J. 5!irJrt !& I -.- w 'm t f I y.'.t nct.tr if j rr r- l i s'J orr - j it "I:?! tl.it f --.r; C it ! f .iV It u jV f i"", n't ' SUBSGULE TO TI IE' LEDGER - -3' S r:. i r-1 tay tt traa aa fiatM wm fm tt m4 ay- fww wf-a ar ry kmmwM T, tij v. ai . ZJ-: ' lti m I a lane a.4 a.- k il iw mt&omf. fa. smoh -f 4 w a t ' 4 T.it tn i rtw itli tmk r4ra. 7 a cwnift;i Put. Hi; a. Vsl, V7 HITH ' ' 111 I Repairing. ,. deliver), -..Try us , j " '"a.. I mmZ !-" 1 ' 1 f f :l ' !" 'I Vl'l ii I . - j c? . t - t : t t; :'. I '. v t f t: !J (1!! ' t 1 ' ; -1 - . I r 1 ' ," i : ; t : . . -' i " ' - . i ' v " k u i ; 1 t I t V ft - : i c t 't- -v j tn j r if t.t lit :f : ; t - -: . Ci -1" r mm, ,-: : . J mm-J 1 1 M j ( S r I ; t'St j . a t tt -. --t . At.J. a! :! ft i ; At 11 -f i-irr mi $it.f ef Di .cr's ' Ch:ro Pectoral . Plaster. . t f mmt m-m ,i.m' ml'"m f"-mt mm tnmm . . mm m mmm . . m , V mm V. t . . . 1M. fc--r a Sallenger & Keeter. t. V Cl It' AS tljt Jri'T tr " l.'ttl !'f t T PR1C115: i!rs." Hrjsy V. 't? $i-"a t; - " ... 1 s t ii. JtfH I V: J t We Garry, A t ce I -r c tVnt O ; I-e cl Cf ttvC t . . ii Wc v:: a e r I i- - t n.t . I f4 , ) ! S 4.00. ' w Ws ! j mwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1 CENTRAL HOTEL I; !-l'. i-5 t-f , t -.11 -3 ' A- IP f n : iT.-