( -' ' ( -p. , N, v:.-.t Yv)U STOP Jt j Borrowing YOUR Neigh- tor's LEDGER! J WE Will Send it to YOU Twelve Months for ONE Dollar. . Jk Jk Six Months 50 Cents, j 2 -I .... VOL. 17. WINDSOR, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY, 25, 1900 r:o. 39. GARP. Yoa can have a better car pet, a prettier carpet and a cheaper carpet than your neighbor by writing for one of our 16-colored litho graphed catalogues, which show Carpets, Rugs. Art Squares, Portieres. Laea Curtains, and Bed Sets i in their real colors, so that how a carpet will look on your floor or a drap ery at your window. rzv freight; sew car- ,' free and Jurntsn ' waaqea - lining without charge. Our QoneralCata- Jogue tells about every thing to eat, wear and tue, and will save you money on every thing you use at every sea son of the year. Our Made to - Order Clothing Catalogue. with cloth samples at fti. i.flB rpii y m tached shows you the 1,1,8 ,run Dea O0 latest styles of suits and overcoats, prices rang tag from $5-s to jm. Wo prepay expressaget j if you have not dealt with us before, now la I the time to begin. All catalogues are free; Which ao you wane t Aaoreesuusway: JULIUS HINES&SON, B AXTXMO, SID, Sept. 809. . DR. W. L. DAVIS Consulting Optician: All errors of ref rection scientifically corrected MONUMENTS GRAVESTONES. Our Illustrated Catalogue, No. io. which we mail free, contains a variety of designs of marble and granite memorials and will help you in makinga proper se lection. Write for it; we will satisfy you as-to prices: Wc e carry the largest stock .of finished I ntavestones. Monuments an Statuary in the South, and have unsurpassed fa cilities for the execution of memorial work of any size. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS (EstXbuskd 50 JTears.) 159-163 BANK ST, NORFOLK. VA. 1 M RAILROAD. PASSENGER 'TRAINS North. Mo. 2-A Time Table No. 2 South.. No. I-A EFFECTIVE 4-2T-. f899 E. TABLES. 630am Lv Windsor Ar 6aopm 640 Butlers . .600 ... 7 05 " Askewsvme- ' ' 5 40 : f xS Holly Grove 5 5 , 735 BRANNING Ar 5 7 40 : Powellsville 5 5 Seoam Ar AHGSKiE - ' 4 45P a- Daily except Sunday. - FlagrStation. ? Train No: a makes direct connection' with the Norfolk & Carolina train No. 102 at Ahoske for Norfolk. Train No. 1 makes direct connection with Norfolk & Carolina N0.103 from Norfolk. J -W.pBR ANT. . N BR ANN ING M.C.HINSHAW, Qeneral Freight & passenger Agent. rHPSAPPAKF MNF. U: S. Mail Steamers AND- t To all Points North East &.West. Lv. Norfolk, Jackson st. 5:45 p.m. Lv. Old Point Comfort 6:45 p:m: Ar. Baltimore, Pier-io', : Light st... .ioo a. m. B.& O. R. R. P. R. R. Lv. Baltimore..". ...W.7:55 a- ita. .: 8:boa. to. Ar. Philadelphia"... .10:15 n. 10:15a.m. Ar. New York.. J .-13:35 P- m- ":43p.m. Steamers leave daily except Sunday. For staterooms and any information call at." Norfolk Ticket Office, Main and Granby Streets J Phrkns Tn '1 E. T.LAMB,' W.H.DOLLW Gen. Agti ran An.f - lit CONDENSED Dated Nov. 20th, W. iiuniULn niiu,: uniiutii .RAILROAD1 V-t SCHEOUL- Zt,. mm No.'. .;No. No.-' No;. '. T103 49 Statioks.; 4't- ttw P. M. $M.- .' -.':-V; P- M., A. M. a 20 '' 00 Lv.Norfolk,Ar-. 5 55 10 05 ' 340 !9 20 Pinners Point!' 5 30- "950 303 -9 46 ....Drivers.... f 5 5 9 26" ' 3 17 00 ....Suffolk... " 4 50- o 3 50 70 34 Gates.... .4 0 8 39 415 io 50 .,..rtTunis-... . 4 OP.' i'r8.ai...j 4 36 11 06 ... Ahoskie.... 1 3 41 8 04 ; 4 53 ill ar ..Aulander.t.. 3 27V." 481 535 f2 00 ..Hobgood.... 2 53 708 6 00 ;I2 2t 1 Ar.TarboroLv. : 2 3 5 6 "45. 1' 1, . i I iii - .' . . , ; i. Ar.- - Lv. . -f. 35 I12 5 1 Rocky-',MouBt. a 55 w 6 17 P. M. ; p. m. f r-Y ' P. M.; -i A M Daily, , fDaily except Sunday. Trains No. 49 and 48 solid train.. between Piri ; ner's Point and Wilmington. Train-No; 49'-con nects at Rocky Mount with trail 2 for all point f. .1 3 r ft. l J .11 . - . -. .. 9ouu ami, eto. 70 aaiu iui an pouts xsortn G. M.SCRPELL, General Manager. J.R.KenLey, 8u'p't. Tralns.i: .? j . T- M. Emerson, . ;' Qeneral Paasenco Agent. Legends and Of Addressed to R. A. RIDDICK. WprAhiir nlnttfnor hnw to loot The fine house ancf bier plantation, so they.started tales afloat Thathe sent message, to those ' - Well. known, to'be our"" worst " " foes. ' K ' of This was done so secretly, But few people were aware Of those most wicked slanders On the ancient grenadier, There were scarce a half a dozen , . .... . Of these men of ill report Like those ancient Thessalonians "Lewd and of the Vaser sort Men who could ' filch your life ; or 'name .' v,?'-'' Regardless of all law and shame. Young Godwin was so kindly That one of those evil men, j Gave him timely intimation Of the things they did intend; They, he said, would kill this Tory, j And his dwelling o er him barn; t For they said, loyal traitors - ' . j Were deserving such a turn His daughter might shift as she pleas- J ed .. . ? This land of Tories mnst be eased. f I Godwin was at first appalled? He so gentle a.na so' tme iV,. 66-"-u ttk That he knew notwhat to do.'; But carressed and 'so persuaded - : His informant, that he told More and inofe of their iritentidtiS:: Which grew daily still more bold Until at last they fixed the night . In which to kindle such a light. Three bold fellows, who had been In the war with General Howe Were at home upon furlough, i And almost recovered now, Of the wounds'," so nobly gotten ' In the fight at Stdny -Point; They were . men, he knew would J never I in sore trial, disappoint, The comrade, who in danger dire - ; Would bravely go through blood anu are.- 1 The'lovef saw his mistress In the morning of the day, J. )d YOU EVCr w iuessthgrBea? Guessing is poor policy: tho X X i when it comes to guessing-which X j goods for. the least money w Guessing wont do then. . .: . 7: - - - - , You Want to be SURE :. STORE -fStHTE-.. PLACE. i nave jubt iciurucvviiuui uic 1 t NJrttfwHh thelargest t stock of Men's .aothrngr.'" Hats, -Shoes, $5 tots', Ladies' nice Cress Goods 'fCaGlb vm'mgs, finest ': line . of- Ladies' - Hats Al'alltneiatest iri ! ;-. Department.',-. l' . Vi f lalsb haf anice ; line of 7 Lace curtains shades,' carpets, matting, floor oil-cloth, wall pa- perallvkirids'of !.futnittirer,-and White. Sewing Machine j 'We; guarantee prices and amy. you'-wni 4 era well ?to comreatid 'exarSine my-istock bei fore purchasinp: elsewhere. If vou have anvtnme i to- seii,JsQcn ; as brass, ; copper, Tubber, bees waXftalto vr; hidest, and -produce, T will fjaV the . highest". market , r o . a Memories St. John's Chapel. : V. By ' JOHN Wv riOORE. That' was fixed to be the 'latest Of her faters earthly stay, He told her of all he danger, ' But besought her, not!to tell Eetfber fathehof what she knew. Of those low-born son's of hell' To him not 'any mortal soul Was she this secret to unfold. The mansion of theMajor Stood midway a level field Slightly overlooking meadows, That for beauty, would not yield To any in the broadest reach Of the region anywhere With their -wealth, of waving grasses With an oak tree here and there J It was a scdne that will might please All honest men with souls at ease. ' r- - - The shadows and the silence, . Of a wide and ancient grave, Made the grounds, around the house Such as dreamers love.to rove, Almost hiding the wide mansion . ; From wayfarers passing by, When from thedistant roadway it telt taintiy on the eye Inquiring how it would compare . mat a . With some around so- broad and! . fair. , - The .oid man could but notice L: The look of love, and deep care, His daughter on that evening More than ever, seemed to wear. Tender eyes ne'er shcrn before. With such wishful wounf ul gaxe, He thought her sweet soul, was heavy i "With her dreams -of formerdays, Of hinvSo lonely bent and. gray Who must soon cease with, her stay. to The old soldier, still erect In his ample chair of State, Sat not silent in his place, As had been the case of late. The sorrow and anxiety In her Dlainlv manifest Showedfcthe father, that her feeling's U ar trom beinp-all at rest. Were from cause most certainly Disturbed almost jvbeyond J degree In his utter ignorance " : Of great danger then so nigh, Sat at first, almostsilent f But! her anxious looks and sigb, At last stirred .rum into asking, Why she dropped so low that night, Why the cheek, that should be bloom ing. Was beeorae. so'ashy white - "Say my daughter, if you love me , .What can this fresh sad matter be. But her pledges unto one , Who knewj what was for the best Had forbidden him that knowledge, . And she only could protest That ier. health was never better, But so great, for him he love She was only for him, anxious, That fehe long could to him prove, How she - loved so good a father . Whom bad men so much did both er. : But be was not satisfied, ' ."" Well. he knew, freshsorrow deep, Despite all her sweet protects, O'er her loving soul must creep Then1 he thought that she was grievi For young Jack, so far away ' Ori the Brandywine low sleeping, Then forever and a day. Hhs noble boy so early gone While life was yet but in its mom; Chamberlain's Palo Balm' Cures Others, Why . ; j ' Not Yon? My wife has been . using Chamber Iain's Pain Balm, with good results for a lame shoulder that has pained her1 continually for nine years. - We have'tried all kinds of medicine" and doctdrs Trithbut teceiving any benefit fromlany of them. - One day we saw an advertisement of ' this medicine and thought of trying it, whidi-we did of the best satisfaction.; She has us ed! only 'one bottle and . her shoulder is: almost- welb Apol-ph Li . MileTt, Manchester, H,' for sale by J. J. Mardre &Bro. j Yet the lovers, still ou!i meet, And no shadow, ever came Oq their perfect urvberstanning. And still kept alive the ll.rtnc, Of their love that never ai ted On what others did, or said; Major Brown might chafe and suflcr But they like the harry dead. Were yet in all the storm serene 'He was her' love, and she lis queen. . - - . - , She too was very happy wnen ne came DacK to ner arms, i H "1 I.w 1 V- . . IT... I iica wiia vjcucidi iwuci i none He took patt in wars alarps, ". Having driven back the focmcn t From Virginias ratared soil. He was put in a position Largely free from death and toil Still serving well the patriot cause His part was to uphold the laws i So it was, he oiten'came To his own ancestral farm, Guarding well, his- a,ed sire. And his neighbors, from all harm. I In his way, it was nor seldom He met her, bis spirit blessed, She, that was doubly faithful Unto him, and sire distressed; The veteran so old and broken Was then of "sorrow but a token. Old age and grief had their worst Done upon him, when his boy Too, was gone away forever Whojiad beensogrcat a joy, He that once so sternly banished; All his royal love and . zeal, Now in silence, sat -dejected, I As the heavy hours would steal O'er him with no hope of pleasure Now he'd lost his greatest treasure. New-come soon from Btandywine Whereby, La Fayette's own side Jack like, he had glory won, ' And alas there, too, had died, The noble Marquis, message .sent To the old man. of his boy reeling now ne Draveiy cnargmg I .t.? I' YVtr rame notning couia qcsuoj But th'en recurred the fatal thought llis son against ' his King had fought, Every body save a few Men of evil lives and fame, Felt the deeper tympathy With the old man, weak and lame. I These pretending to be zealous uvUi Do you taka cold with very chaot; In th weather? Docs your throat feel raw? And do sharp pains dart thro ash your chest? Don't yoa know thess art danger slznals which point to poenmonU, bronchitis, or coaiumptloa luell? If you are alllas sad bavs lost flesh lately they ar certainly danger signals. Thn question for you to decide la, Have I the vitality to throw off these diseases ? " Don't wait to try SCOTT 3 EMULSION "as laitrt sot.,, There is no remedy equal to It for fortifying tho system. Prevention Is easy, Scott's Emulsion prevents 'consumption and hosts of other diseases which attack the weak and those with poor blood. , 5C0TP5 EMULSION U the one standard remedy for Inflamed throats and lunjs. for colds, bronchitis and con sumption. It Is a food medi cine of remarkable power A food, because It nourishes the body; and a medicine, be cause It corrects diseased conditions. - foe sod fi-oct all eVerjrlcta. SCOTT A BOWNE, ChcmUu, Kw York SUBSCRIBE TO THE LEDGER mm n Hill. SeCrtrYof Stat Ooard cf Nah Sara the Diaeaia U mora Pr Than tr. Ir. R. II. Lewis, j,e iccrrUry t the Stale Board of Hcafih, dcUxtd yesterday that snul'jcx is rr.uchr..c;c pre vaVnr n North Carolina- tew than last year, and that ualcvi f rsmj? and viperous roeaiurc arc ta.rr - -jcnlcrce cocnpu!.iryaCini:iaa l-i-c iowr.a ana cou.T.rt iue C.vcac w. spread to much greater pojoctsocs. The reports received from the vari ous counties in the Su'.e by Dr. Lci January i,-1900, showed that there were over 175 cases of the ducatc in North Carolina. Since then saS- pox has made Hsappcaranccjn many more counties and the ntt&lcr oJ patients has undoulcd! doobkxl. Dr. Lewis was strinjrr.t i the cri ticism cf physicians, who (or rarioui reasons, deny the existence o( tzzxZ pox ji hen it breaks oct in acotsra jtil. ty. Several instances cf this kiod have been brought tolhearimka cf the State Board c! Health U late. , I . a a out the disease comes from kicktr.,Tj3U 12j l ccU!fc li"iV f physicians," Dr. Lewis iatd, "who deny the diagnosis. In many ls!a ces these doctors dcclart the dluxn chickenpox. It is Mklom that chkk eopox atucks adulM. The kkkief physicians generally caue at! the . 11 mm. a - irouoic. 11 one payviciin m a coav- munity denies the dLagry$U In a caw of small pox, there trc hundreds cl pcopic reaay to espouse hit Where the profession is cnited in the diojjnosing cf the disease there Is m trouble whatever. -1 tie only posiioic way to su&p out the disease," Dr. Lewis declared. Is to etiforc compctaVTty vacdiALica. M J?: ..,1. -"ul" " : ( COMMERCIALr- H W. S. H AY EL PRO'P. AH. COarvSWfffcaS SSCT TAB LM Th DT. Uvtmr attack o. 0"T"ElL;i WINDSOR, N'. IN BUYING PEAS. vf coawe ti ia m m w ra a M m4 ra an.t DWliaaasrutMf aKkl ll iWf 1,rf Kti!. 1 a l.r troattle. ht h' lt xx1 c4 trwwti tt mm imU k im b r. - w ma cf U oftra, M mnWjlKJoMWfM kt0 Yoa caaao. S4 a t k IW to4 4 m t have 10 uk a Cttie rrw- la f-rt ia Tali's iUirs Itatt JjHUa a4 Ta Cat I It rom taiak ttia hat the mvr4 a eV 1 Taa pi k lhs aoj 3 jj pt M ! CEO. TAIT& SONS. 1 Seed Grower & Merchants. Privott Buggies. Hardware. ....We keep in stock....!. , llievrcc l-tnr? ....... A lIV. 4- V ........ ...... w , - - ........have Coffins ready for trr.-r.cdatc dcIivcr'...Tr- us C its t i Ja-sirjr i. t ; l?-? . t ; t' f ' i.i:!.a.r.. LXrt ! 5.act tKcf? I if. 1 1 t.ri c! t?e s;7r stir vr iris, ri-i Datve. Rem Vu:r.;i. t$ ) c; ar. i r, ch-:rj. 1 mete tXTtrcl ll tit C r- TT f i 1 a . . a a - tn;sjm wfx w ton trab. GREENSBORO IUS SMALLPOX Dr. Wcrttr.t iUt, c lU Mi: tt bto Mcsday xzl ftp;r.s t!ll cxv-1 d scia'.Icx ia liui asJc-itf 1 ca citt ta tte coystry. Twt cl C: t k'-t ia lh c;ty are rtjar.cvi ta l i.rtt pet scat fi ttt rcsulsticf a:t t-fX"f t ed les. tbaa a yrar t-" M? ca; to last rrcry ym.. let stn:pr c-t Ibc d-aeAfce i4 lute aj-Xia lti'ei criera call-j; tvon cct;picfy. First -cUa TatcH rcrAlricr;. Cocka ini Jewelry aoi all kinia Scctacica aaJ Etc-cIuj for txk R. W. HALISH, Main St, next doer to Mru Eamtf a sie. t. Cm f m4 f (M t4 mI .rr WINDSOR, H.C a4 Larvafi-r4 Uv fi vtprytUL.-, ; tUty la at ffcm'jMTS .At 1 ci.r.a. r tii ir ciiTtrr tttu cf w : : s I f ttXCHFTlTl UTilCin Is rf a 'Jl cf LL tra SJ.J f.rr faasi UTuf ea'a att aJ Sccdi Per Soathcra Miatbx.' Il siioci! U ia LU 3 tt Xiaftl a!, aa.4 'J tsaj :i fc ;a T.V.WDDDLSCru, lzz::, t:tii;i, . r.u:iu: ! I S T: wont. aw aan H I to , t fat rffa I a ..' t ta Sra ia7 rasa vim TB C6i"v-"ert "al Ptaca, rprfra,Va, t it r. j h;r I r w H1TE, Repairing. .. .Stoves and strive Fixiurtrs of a.l IIIK . TTf In and ar-atc virc. A!.. I 1 - ' i - 1: ; x , : i ; c i - , . - , .... w m , m m . 0 ? - ' . ti Iu::j-:: t t:j - r . cl t; i r. a ; 1 t.v i rt r.-.-r 1 1 ccc cl llz zrtii cx.;:s rj to a ill. It rr-aUt I z'.'.zr zlm l:I;s is the ul; i 1 the li.: .--r: c:-'r- c .t. 11 rrcveds c:l II Aytr's H r V - r .1 tzrxlf trite tt'r c- v e 3 ll3t!su:; tzzrt trr tic jny c:::r rcr ituSCscTiritf rt:f cf : tilt l: f 'i::, wc!i 1:4 tic 1 ctrr cf ccr tcot ca tt Hi;r w Wi .t. Sa'Ilenger 5: Keeter. V.r i e ;? f ' f it y v-- J5t J -:n4 If I; t. PRICES: JirVl tfraty '.'.t i er -e rp-i a!... t 15 ta i II. v. i J j 1 1 : lira's rrw ?. i f M I,t iu:cv f II J Ufa, I-t ! tl r'f Si.-rt i ;.. t I r. .We Carry, A e :t tHrrf 4 t?ta C i tty irw ( - 11 a a ft.'.rr a S 4.00. ..I -W i CENTRAL HOTEL, A . a - !f. N C J. If. LIXi!3tAN. Pr'rv C-f aV : l-e", it i.':rsv is-t. - '? a r, c ta,'t"i ??'at-r'x i.-.e . . J , 1 I j r. ;1 a ' " I Vc-.j z i 'f C.a .-ti. a.J. I -ttry ! : a a - a-

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