S i r f - STOP jfc Borrowing YOUR Neigh bor's LEDGER!. WE Will Send it to 'YOU' Twelve Months for ONE Dollar. j ; Six Months: 50 Cents. j ; j a .-. O VOL. 17. WINDSOR, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22 1900 r:o. . , L- iK it f""""y iMtkintr at thcM colored , plates, you on w i Yon can bar batter car ; pet, prettier carpet and a : cheaper carpet than year neighbor by writing- tore t:W 16-colored litho graphed catalogues, which hews Carpets,, Rags, Art .Squares, Prt,rt?'A.c Cartalns, and Bed 5ets la - :. - . .ehelr real colors, so um " Carpets, 32c tot bow a carpet will ery at your window. M Wtbrebav freight sew carT pets free and furnish wadded ' lining without charge. , Oar J en era I Cata Jaraa telU about every thing te eat, wear and . ae, and wiH save yea . SBoaey ea every thing yea use at every sea . son el the year. - Oar Made-te- Order and when the sr-cAcr ;aid that the Republican party had put a tax on wool to raise the price cf wool and thereby benefit the farmer they raised He Addressed the People all along route he told them that il e Republican par- iy pair a larut on .c-o;cn goous to low from Richmond to Raleigh M., floor or o dran- : WULUL: UL I fl.LV-B I'LLQI VULL 'U U P ILL Ul) I UTiv" Pniivt 1 niiLiAL iil imaLo n muni uruun runui w il inamo unudL I will tell you the difference between i speech to-a city-resident and a far mer:" When I make a speech to a j farmer I take as my text that ; every farmer,ought to vote against the Re- c'?.th..1 Catalegne, ...: I m.w:Mn T f Tsch'ed.hwryS latesi styles oi suits ajia overcoaxs, prices rang-1 ku " rr!'. ' (4"i,6k . iDi ma a5y to 911. we prepay expresaag. isiil 1 benefits he i receives and; no man should be compelled to contribute in any larger proportion. . ,iow do ie er the price of clothing, they raised canet and cried hurrah.Tbcy thought they had found something that would catch them comia' and jnine. I t t j 1 , 1 . uave ncara a speaker raaxe an arru-s coi iar i:i nana tn 111 .V!.. J ujtuk. u,c iuix itiii unuer irec coin age a mine owner could take 50 tents worth of silver to the mint and con vert it into a dollar and c.ake'50 cents hour cf -rr.l i! c f crr r. c-.. ca !ai.e 'c tr r;.-c: a sen from h: r. '-'.V.T, ro trattrt !" i - Vic much the rr.-:her rctJi h'.r, j-? an ' tv - . : hour cf peril thl gc cr.mcr.i (ii.il'-Jc! t-r -:' tike the huVar.J frcm the ;.'f;tn an (fx?: ?"-r -. r Hour cf per;l th:i g irertrr-r -can j ti r r take the father frens O-r O. ,-rrr.. ; in , . -r?. an hwur cf p-cr.l the ?a:h?r,e n ctjen-r; ci t" the hcsbar.d caa r.:is t iiani vp ;r?-1 1 . in front cf ihc tr,crr.t'j gur.; t ta in 1- r . t cl hour cf prillhl govctr.rr.c r.t ,fi-.'-d U'..f r;rj 4, I t!-c tfcnrS!; hi 1 , , J if I t it I ' - coin- of rich ar.d: make thrm tjcr O c T il -tt ! . ; i 1 It t Km k . r . L - . finditfMlayf Do fople pay thdr r . ' .L".." JULIUS HINES & S0H,T. asainst RePublican Party- j V BALTXSXOBBt SU Dept. 908. taxes in proportion to' the benefits re ceived? .Until the Spanish war broke out we collected almost all iof our rev- Ft tou hare nottieait witnMfieiOTunowa little and say that every one-in town . enue from two sources: from liquor wiich do yoti want? , Address taa way : j who .lives -off the tnrmer ought to vote and tobacco and on the impprt duties on what we wear andaiseT. Do men pay this tax in proportion to tncomei No; the man with an income of $100, 000 does not te one hundred times an' much liquor as , the man with a n in come of $ i.oooThe man with ariincome of 100,000 does not use one .hundred times as much liquor as the man with an -income of i, 000. He "could not it would kill him. Therefore when we DRi W. JL DAVIS "A- i - Consulting Optician. An errors of refrectlon sctentiflcally corrected THE "BUSINESS MAN." " fWnthinor tia nrnvlcoed me mOTC VUU w Sj w -w w 1 as I have listened to Republican speakers than to hear them . talk a bout the business man as if he were the only man to be : considered, and when they define the - term 'business man they exclude the most important business man in the countir. What about the f armer? Is he " ;, a business zing this, then-explained to the au dience that under ' free 'coinage the mine owner would take 50 cents worth of free silver and mike a cheap silver dollar that was worth only 50 cent, and not make a cent", The one proposition contradicts the other and share cf the burden. Yh i 1 becauvr ihc Kerv.V!!can ra?:r r-" the dc'Iar a-;ve the rur., ar i i 5 c j Krpublicar.s thirk )C-j arc -tK:cv-h with the inccmc tax I war.! U U ):j U it r. t: r t 5 t nni:v. - . 'U that that inccxe tax r(vts: - n ;.! in the carspa'ga thlt yziS cca c;re j .Net One Ur.e cr j lUMs TaVrr. r -f.it t 1 ' f 8 r ; t Rrst-class "Watch repairingfr- " Qocks and Jewelry and all kinds man ? No. He just works; that is all sale. He cets up in the morning and works , . .5. . . - 1 prom:r.cci!j than in if;C, a d tha: this fight fcr justice ia taaatkn ;, go on until the Ccr.Mltv.tiva it a tr.coded as to spctL'.cay a.'.Vtlrc ao income tax, then neither cr.c jirc I have heard the Republicans hurrah or nine judges can bu.ld a fcr.icJs for both. I was reminded of the man arour.d the go"ierr.rr.ent cf the State who was travelling the mouatains and or lay the burdca upon the Lacks 1 1 said that the path was so crooked the poor. YVc wat.t the RepcV.icaM that he often met himself coming back to help us carry cut this doctrire, tut UNEQUAL BURDENS. . if they lefiue.'we wul try to carry it .'I say I wonder why Republicans t ihouMttir aid, but it it i t did not. in 1896, see the necessity o "ir Deneni as wea a ours. (Ap. Out tt Ihf .CMwP .rjatJ.-rm. t c s. the c;t:- 1 f til l c r-. rg ! 3 d K-i it cv:L.n it dea l. !( t-. -i Kitx tie pi;: l!.- V) il-t r.ifv'.: trail 1 collect our taxes largely injthat 'way we maVff tht rrvyr -m i f .wimm 1 mCOme tax. ti,, k; k,a Jj'.va v'.u i more revenue the RMiem Mrt. wilh an comc Is cot iU:rg to pay suoii., auvt cue t icu uiu icav i i ' i miii sin wt, atiiiwijuiiji' iiil. j u j lil li l 11 Tcrrctr.tr hca th. rt ,f J..j lo authoriM the income ux .bromrhi ,bt)r tre '1'-C";'K - !" !' P W. H'AUSH. aH.toth. ia a Suipux.' The Republican tol .P,U-.tbc, ,c- -j ' ana wok ; au summer . ana wacui r . - - Itv miffkt hai nmro.l ,m..,L ,J . , , . r vi our,income as? Not at alL . Some one 1 lv ,miS"1 nve proposed an ameocl- Expert Watchmaker and - i -v - .' I terest on the monev invested in -MaiA St, next door to Mrs. Barretts far and a reasonable compensation VJ- ' ' v v store. 'ai Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. . , ' , VINjDSOR.N. & time: tables; uirougn u ae gew ,cou - . , menl to the Constitution it miirht tnei . . . I., . . I . . A .i.. man is on looxing lor food lor .nisi Pvrx " uutuu"-ui iut stomach the rich man is , going from Constitution that would help the gov place: to place looking for a stomach ernment,,but instead of that it - Jajs for his food. The man with an " hun- lne burden ol the jcspons;bhty uvoa dred thousand dollars bcome does backs c lhe P60?1 wilboul iu.v 1 E RAILROAD. for the work he does himself, and pay his taxes, he will not find a great deal left, r But he is not a biistfiess man; who is? The man who - goes on the I v . u .: u I lice and without eouitv. I run acro&i j il' uukl vu UUUU1CU iiLUCS 3 uiuui board of trade in the morning and by ag the man with the , $1000 income; a stamp tax eery day when I send a betting on the prices of products of ; we make man telegram. I find that I have to pay the farmer, makes more, in a day than the 'small ' income pay more than the rate 1 U5cd to IJ. K a MapMA ei mnbA a n iTArt w ' Whft I " " I 1 I. mc inci v." t " hie share anH th man i h iK. Irfr- ana in aaauon mereio. i cent on PASSENGER TRAINS. is the business man? not a business man.: The miner 's wepme pay less than his share. North. He - goes ihtfl ;ciouS I No. i-a I .i , f ij .J1I 4 ''When the war brokft out w ne&a. inprai..aiin 1 1 iiimi iv fin iir-ii 1 1 1 Li j i 1 . - 1. 1 -Time Table No. 2. : south, i guuuu auu uiius um - jjh-uuuj No. a-A INEFFECTIVE -27, , 1899. I - 630am 040 - 705 . ' . 715 725 7 40 J 00 a m v Windsor ? At t '. Butlers f ' ; Askewsville ' Holly Grove -. '"BRANNINQ .Ar Powellsville ' Ar 1 A H OS K I E Lv " 600 540 5 S5 5 20 505 tcrr.s. My income was larrt trovrh to teach the tax hail, and 1 wa g!ii to make the returns, and I tcU try ife that 1 hoped tny itcocse c-ld alwa)se large enough to le taiaUe. (Liughter.) Tlve pccp'.e ha ha a small income are already parvrg tsrt than their share, and the can has a large income ought to t-e a snamca 10 sntris te rerv)n5u;.tT bearing his share cf the burdca. That is a question that concerns cTtry farmer in this State ar.d in this r.a tioa.. I had aa occaiici ta c'cct some lectures, on tl Nortl-era Lakes and as I went into tlat country 1 noticed the summer homes that heed the Lakes. X found ca iS j-c-j tae f r4 thai tLe S '.ict t ar J f. rt l:;r- u. it c.:av..r : a tin - hrt 1 ut K; th.rT hue rt i-f.t i r.'atcd t-at tin f.v-tt s i-Vr.t tsakir. irr '.rs;fi tvc r I - I' ll New Yk . . a Cf t; ar d d-; - S.'jt t.ve ia.-s. crc-a;- r I: , -e a.rk lt "T S ' ... V j ew Mch-a. Me, t i! ;-?? n tle CO,! Rot I. it ! '.J crcfr "X t " M?S.Iv II. lirr-irt. "!t''rS l that fcarf-J e -A' .V' - : ' t I i : t . t r fi t. ?! U it i . t C t IU r; . t r.: Hi! I: i n-sri t - :t sr l ft" i - . S f . -s J Mr f J.t Ss t . t ) t ., w ..f 5l et - there each telegram for the benevolent av :STAMP VS: INCOME TAX. , : u a-u-p.. yu tnat lne man who sends the telegram h tn n.i th tat? TVrano . iK Kv eaop moneyhelpsvery ptbducerof wealth revenue. Could we collect publican wrote thc hw thll but tie is not a business, man, Who ancunic.-iur xxo. ny. lhe telegraph company could shift lhe is? The man who goes' ia-the bfiack Because of that decision of the Su- burden upon the man who sent the room of the bank and -corners' those preme court rose up to .paralyze the telcgram They would have more 4 45P metals in the form of Vmonen he is anD3W goverment, . r influence than all th r Kinuh!U ayUt-brovokes' "J-0". 1 id 'not cans whi voted for the ticket I had Proportion ol the rorl cl ocr ctrrv rmWihess.taarf so seetluV-In 1869 the Republican aa experience with this tax out in T We to jo ci! M a few etV . , T.,J- T..-: T r.. j: .' ,v . J . . bczd fo tf. K f;'i 1 3 v (it ciy, .airg $! dcS the jr:S ta;.'r ali pc-f.c gathered to secure a few week's lest and recreation and the though: that came to cc was this: how vnaUs a the business, manrf'j; me to have the term -"A-Dailjr except Sunday. Flag Station, v - ' --Trata No. makes direct connection with the - 'Kf. w- Plfti ma train Na: tns 3t i Ahaake .for Norfolk. Train No. i makes direct connection I j ' j ZZTZ- I Tude iTustice Brown In his divntin I , ...... -irith Norfowc&CaolinaNo.io3 from Norfolk. I ucuueuu wwuuuc uiiUMsi uuii' - lOwa. -.1 lOUOd tnat the tare Car BRANNINGERANNING tant business tnaniathetryidDPinon,P danger. 1 1. CCQtJ ,-5 City and :P;?r-ft rf; " UJikegto talk .lathe taniifir because 1 rwp uw aaiac council Bluff. I was not accustooied i - -i v. ,-J5 i. i . -- - - .. - . - . rai. a 11.. i r - a - v a iKt M.C.HI N SHAW, lt' fc4i QenePal Freight & passenger Agent. r : . r- 1 V the danp'pr. .Hut.mv fnnr? if 'taVe a I . . i warn iu uuurc.; uwa ' mciiiiuicia i o j 1 to nannc ia n t. i wat u?ui y the most important estiOTibef ore b. xw cuuc pegpic UP 25 or 50 cents, and I inquired why ' irtnCiBITA tR T 1NP the tmtry,; andwanto Proposition ot political thi, was and found that it had been .VllCoArEAIVU their.interests in these qtiesticms, ami science in goverment. ..One man may a QUartcr unlUa Ux o one cent was Td'ALt POtNTS NcfRTH ,,- - ' to-day and ask himself whether these 1 Democrat warned the - - I " e r . m . Lv..Norfoikrjackspn st..,. ........... .-5:45 p-policies are gooo tor tne xarmers. L.V. via roini i,omion...... oc. Ar. Baltimore, Pier 19, Light stw..,...7:oo a, B. gtf'O. RvR. Lv Baltimore. V:.; Ar.'Philadelphia. Ar. New York ."7:55 a- mi! ......lU.l) A. U 8:00 a; m io:i5 a.m f want to apply the- fundamental prin ciple to three or four, question and ?I v. Steamers leave daily except Sunday. : . ' t For staterooms and any information call at. . Norfolk Ticket Office, MuBahd.GrulySfa; ; ' ' . Phones'iiai'.v lx. . B. BR0WN pV0;pm will have t would-, leave party to avoid a just law? TAXATION. one cent charced bv the covernment party that if a d f th tTGUbe thev the party favored, the tax, the rich went to in collecting the one cent 1 Democrats would leave the party; I only speak of this to show you hew, ueienaca xne ncn iemocrais; x saw unde RpubiicaUon legislauon, 'all these burdens are shifted over on the backs of the people. In- England they have a large army, but they hive a tax that makes the rich bear their to the summer time and tern rem and recreation! That was the , fin" thought. And the scccrd thcurht that came to me was this: that a smaller pcrsentje cf the pftducrr of wealth are able to lake a tuxtnei vacation than tf those who arc rscre traders in what ethers ptcdce; .arvd as I saw those beau' Jul summer .1 , homes, and minc'xd with theve j were there enjoying a few ctks rev:. . XT I tctd 3 cre a4 lYt - j!. C': ! Lcr- iKw-avri. C-.'r ;c a- s.c. Trial totlk free it fc. C, I . '.ai. t t" tt ere. '"" k. i l f. . t I n k i.e , , , , "n .4 llll l , 1 . ,;H.1H IH.H Cli.NTRAl. liOTHL j it t . . livi: itj-'i'-tfs !'it' r-: -j a cattr'i u ' ." . i i 12 H i "t i4 . t'Sr ATTO U N I IV- AT- i-V. v. is;jsok s.c my thoughts tcr-Dcd back to th-e farm I t " ot Nebraska, and I aAtrd c:jk,4 AU4 f:''i -jhow many farmer ires are altc t3 ' , " E. T. LAMB,-i , Gen. Agt. " 3 Pass; Agti : 1 did r not know them then as I did ' afterwards. I said suppose they do leave; will not fIkeMLhe subject of taxation: Is the poor Republicans come in to. Uke ct,ar. nf tK L.,rfi,n there anyrute that enables us to deter I their places? .But I did not kno'f the co away irora home icr a lew etai io the summer to get a Ihtle rcif frci their, toil? And. the a the r;jes;l:n came to my mind, Mhy is it that those who work thc kat ticxe arj get more money to enjy a rri,n asd mine irrwhatproportion people should J poor Republicans then as well as 1 t 'MONUMENTS. V rz&A ipcrnnf r.Q Ti mi MiialM laniaim imaiii m in m naaa hhi i. i ' "" i .r . j ft - l I tu a v 1 a!. iia af ae.aa S.iJ ear. t ai -' .a 15 A SY5TI H E V: LT IKCH 13 V J HITS ' 1 - -- - - - ft C0RRtCT5 TMt LI V Eft. f I - ' " - -1 i r .,. f - . 7, .1,. - I " 'Ts. RAILROAD CONDENSED "SCHEDULE J Dated Jan. 15th, Io99. m '-r No: -fipa II asked rnvself .'Is this thc rev-tt cl THEDOLLARABOVETIIEMANI ., , I natural laws? if so, we car.r.ct cco- piy-.taxw? in I did:afterwards..r..I. thought that whenl - "In this country the. Republican plain,' but X deny that this is lie tc SaV" that there is. ' Every citizen a poor Republican saw a rich Dem-1 nartv wants the countrv to have t an I suit of natural laws. I believe ti.at should contribute1 to the support "Of ocrat rush out of the party to avoid a imperial policy, but it wants to throw it is because we make the poor ' c:an j liis goverment inthe exact proportion just law the - poor - Republican would an expense 0f xhzt policy on the strug- ,Kxr O'rrdcns that they ovjht rxx tr to : the benefitfreceiVfed from that gov- rush in to secure the just law. That gling masses instead of making the It U fbr that rea-,n tha: rmt.?lThat is a just rule, j .4 is. what' I thought. I thought ! he tichbear their part. If you could not ba$ t0 ojoyrt!axation from loS- il U'. "Everyman should be .willing to . . . . . . 6 see what the Republican policy was oecausc. we pacc upon u.e urccr ; j -iiv-. I the Irishman cUd in driving the mule ; .oA)t J .v., I, v. -'- s v : ' ' The yile got to kicking and at last lhe Republican party has put the dol- that the wie is Upi h thc bce-ti1 Wsa:.;:; got bis heels over the dasher, board lar lbove ihe man and makes money months in the year a:J car.r.ct ;tt' XMrrlUlV Oliver, of Barcelona the Irishman said: 'Alright, you can m.c;mi th,n ln 't,,,. trt:i ,i ' eakisule get in if you like, but if you do 1 1 get tice Brown's opinion he said: 'I fear I a domagog or disturber . cf Kt vere'pains ia- - the back of : his :-head" 0Ut that in ome hour of national, peril peace because I d net endcrse- thb' 7 ao, I On .using j Electric Bitters, .America s I A- REyERblBLIi ARGUMENTS J this decsion will ns j up to paralyze result of the law? I protrst asa;r.it( 7 4 I t)i j j xt . r : j.. ii I ' . ' I .i . .t i-t , I ............. . gicdi uiuuu tuu i.icc jxcjuiujt, Aiii . , j3Ut i foimd that poor Republicans lDC aiuI inc overnmcnu ane nouriine injusucc oi ioc , ana i craw oain soon left him.' - He savs this 1 . .. ... ... ... t ; .k- . il.' .. 1 stand medicine is what his country I " wouw cur r r - ri"- 1 - . - j A-MlLeAU America knows thaHt rah- for anything in ithe platform- l out that in the hour cf peril the gov. tion and what is improper. That is . mr7 , tPiy except Sunday: : curesliver and kidney trouble, puri went over Into Iowa to hear a gTeat ernment could draft the citizen, but like Jickson dtewjt.: li tt i J k J X I 1 ( - II..., ..I ir I c 1 1 3 id curt y;u u ..... ! '. No. No.';- . . No. . ti3 49 v : Stations. 48-. j:i P. M. A. M. P- M. : v 2 ao 9 ooi Lv.N.osfolk?Ar. ; s 55 ': a 40, 9 20 pinners Point. 5 30 3 03 i 9 46 ....Drivers.., 5 05 u 3 17' 1000 ....Suff611f"..y ,4 50 ' : ' 3 50 .1034 ......Gates;... 4 i' 4 15 10 50 .......Tunis.... 4-00 . t 4 36 11 06 ... Ahoskie.... 3 41 . 4 53"' 11" ..Aulander.... -' 327 ! 5-35 jaroo .'.Hobeood.'-" . . 2 53 ,6'po " ia ai Ar.TarboroLv. ' a 31 h V - Ar. , . Lv. t 6 35 12 50 Rocky Mount, v 1 55 p. sr.y p. a. , p. m. A. M 10 25 io io 9 46 AGREAT- BANEFIT TO YOU In order ta make room for SpHn; 1. : Train's No. 49 and 48 solid trains between Pin fies the blood; tones up the stomach Republican make a speech at ner's Point and Wilmington. Train No. 49 con st fengthenS the nerves, putSvim, Vlg- 5"?'? r .nW - i!fr--ntn rprv rnnit time I wanted to hear the best one 1 South and No. 78 train for all points North ' J. R, KCNLEY,'. ; f.6up't. Trains irfC-S? 4'Tt M,-XmeRson, . , ' Qeneral Passengft. Agent. 1 G. M. SERPCLt, , Qeneral Martager.. for andnew " life "into' every muscle, time 1 wanted 10 near tne Dest mat i nerve and organ of , the body, II could be said on that subject. I could not draft the pocket-book. S lieve tTut the goV cl nmc r.t j! ou!d talc j (Applause.) and I want you .Rcpub- from the r'ch and give u tl.e . pVr. i'-.t llicans to understand now, that in an re-1 u yt j.--. v . r v. . weak, tired-or. .ailing you need it I . t, , - ' -. .. W4 , vhnftU mi.rarWrl. nnlv cn rt,. ttember there were Republicans ernment is hraited when dcahng with I farmers there with con stalk canes, Uhe property of the citizen. f m 1 Every' bottle guaranteed, only 50 cts. Sold' by R. C Ba?emore. In an I mean sirajrlj that th'c g xrerr-cvest should potcct every C'i.'cn in t? ? enjoyment of ha: he txjc,! cam.. Jackica said, that if the Mens and Boots and i I liavc reduced all Over-coats, Suits. Ladles' Mats and Goods and rr.anv other low prices. . Don't fail to call,. and ce for your. I?OVi can 5. LIPSITZ

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