'6 -7 "1 .1: ' STOP v v. l .cr. j, J , Borrowing: YOUR Neigh- r bar's LEDGER!. WE Send it to YOU Twelve Months for ONE Dollar. I Months: 50 Cents. .j ' 4 tfOL. 16. WINDSOR, N. C, THURSDAY, , MARCH 8 1900 NO. 45. . 1' T 1 CARPETS; Von can have abetter car pet, a prettier carpet and a cheaper carpet than your neighbor by wrtung ior one of our 16-colored litho graphed catalogues, wnicn shows Carpets, Rugs,- Art Squares, Portieres, Lac o Curtains, and Bed Seta (in their real colors, so that Carpets. 32c to 11.17 J tetfe how a carpet will look on your floor or a drap ry at your window. We prepay freight, sew t car pets free; and furnish wadded lining. without charge. .. Oar Oeneral Cata logue tells about every thing to eat, wear and use, and will save you money on every thing yon use at every sea son of the year. Our Made -to -Order Cloth in ft Catalogue. JSSHS& This Iron Bed $2.65: latest styles of suits and overcoats, prices rang lnsr from Ss.95 to Saa. Wo nrenay eznressaee. It you have not dealt with ub foelore, now is ine urns w oegin, au catalogues are iree. Which do you wanj ? Address this way : ' JULIUS HINES & SON,' BALTIMORE, fill). Dept. 909. . . DR.iW.L: DAVIS Consulting Optician. All errors of ref rection scientifically corrected First-class Watch repairing. Clocks .and Jewelry and all kinds of Spectacles, and Eye-glasses for ' , sale."-' R, W. HALISH, r ' Expert Watchmaker and . . .Graduate Optician Main St, next door to Mrs. Barrett's store. ' 63, Cash Paid Fer'Old Gold and Silver. WINDSOR; N. C I M E TABLES. IMPS : il. Tha following is the Preface of the Plan of Organization of These Clubs ed to any member which, is not honor able, legitimate and - proper. The Democrat party will appeal to the honor, character and the best as pirations of the people, and it will condemn any excent honorable meth- The Vote To Be Cast According To The Strength ol the Several Candidates Our. State is the only community "n the world with a majority of white voters where it is seriously proposed to take the control of public affairs of the State out. of the hands, of . the white paople and commit them to. a political combination com posed "chief ly of negroes and ? dominated almost entirely by negro influence.- ... . ; By the united effort ,pf : the gocd The State committee believes that a man can render a party better, ser vice by being a menjber than by re maining outside. But no man's De mocracy or fealty shall be brought in to question beeause he does not join The plan of o-ganiiation expressly The propriety of iqining is left to each and explicitly states and charges that person- . J the vote of each precinct in the coun ty convention, and the vote of each county in the Sutet-Occassional, Judical and Senatorial District con- North Carolina fast Becoming a Manufacturing State. That Throbbing" Headache. : If troubled with rheumatism, give ventions, shall (not "may," but shall) Chamberlain's Pain Balm a trial. It t ... . , ' -,, --r:-j be cast for the candidates for the will not cost you a cent if it does no . T. ; various offices, (where there is more white people-of the State, irrespective fhe pain lt also cures sprains and than one candidate for any one office) of party, m i 898, the'State was ..res- bruises in one-third the " time lequired according to the perfcrences of the cueci irom negro rule ana tne amena- by any other treatment. i.uts, burns, delegates to the convention or prl mem 10 me consniuuon 10 De voteu , 4"".'. F" . marvrvnnin , WK iK . anH rhest. tr anrln hr anrl othpr wp I- ' w ings are quickly cured by applying it. or Precinct pnmary. "!or instance 99 Democrats attend a prirtfary meeting. The plan of or ganization says that, before delegate to the county convention are chosen, there shall be a vote taken to disclose the preferences ol those prescut Say up on by the people in August is a submitted for. the purpose of - forever I wranted J25tnd removing me aanger oi recurrence; oi l socts Soid by J J Mardre & Bro. negro as ascendency m the Mate.. The necessity ; for the continued co operation of the white people of- the State for self protection is shown by the fact that the party which so . re- QUEER EPITAPHS "I have made something of a study this is aon. " d found for cently negroized the State, and which of epitaphs," explained Representa- stance. 2 . favor Cunninrham. c luiuiu duuiis.uiuci.iwuu v.wiuixiS uve .isouieu, 01 vnicago, in jusunca- favor Aycock, is favor Justice and " ::rr Tr;"""t oftoefrenwlth whlch he hs fa or Davidson. Then if there tain aaniuj: lut ucuuic ivj icsiuic ill. . . , it. I fo the control of the State! and actual- has .recent,y adorned his Congression- has Uen a f un turnout at the priman ly indulged the hope that wijh the aid al speecnes wun samples 01 torn ostone the prccnict 1S enlillcd t0 four wtM of 1 20,000 negro votes solidly, cast "l keep a book in wh,ch 1 inthe county convention one for joi aown inobe wmcu appear 10 nic every 25 and fraction cf 13 or more most unique and amusing. 1 have and the delegates roust be selected scanned the tombstones of England regaining for it, it may succeed in i 1 f iL ' 1 cenirui pi me govermenu -1 .-.I "o The purpose of organization is de- scanned the tombstones ot giana eqUally from the friends of each of clared to be so fully restored and to and thse 0t "" Ct ur rsonnern the candidates. In the county con- make permament iu North Caroliha uc W1 luc vention cunnmgnam Aycock; Justise th snnrpmsrv nf it,p i,;tA ,uc UAVC Jcl uacu IU " r and Davidson will eaca receive one promote individual effort in bahalf of es 1 ound il in New England 501116 vote from precincL Had Cun the party and its . candidates on the m ag" S: nirgham or AyTCock or either of the PBrt of the voters, and to bring the "Beneath the. monumental stones candidates mustered 50 supporters head of the organization in the coun- Lie a11 that's left of Susan Jones. in this primary of 90 Democrats, ties and State more closely and-easi- ner,ewaS ra ana was noM then he would have beea entitled to J I Tones I ..... ... !ly in touch with our township organ- Rnt Tnn.c w t rhvm, -th one-nail tne precinct vote, and one " I . . 1 I - " ' lklB4k.ljkM-a m V A .A At AV woAQCirNiftCR TRAtNS. izauoa ana tne taaividuaiparty.vot-L stones. ",c wwn cucu onoii h us in inn tin -none. Kwr.irr itonti- The jr-licn : ? '4 cl li'ic i..: in. An Itbcf i.;;h iin Sn .r- t - t 4fk dr.ii a iScI'ct 3 t. t.r-t tl a i vcr!:y. aitl.r;; a Kir I ?t 4 y ii s 4 i u rca bt, fr- L, For the last ten years it hx txtn evident to the casual observer that North Carolina is taakiog rapid uid es in industrial development. Tl has been especially true in the cct:on manufacturing induiuy. For over f-fty years Notth Carolina has had cotton mills, but to-day they ate fat more numerous than ever before. Counting those recently oijanixcd, there are now in the State 214 mlU having 1,649,000 spindks sad 4S.tCo ooms. The combined captUl teach. es $13,000,000. Smcc January in sixteen new mills hate been iacotpor atcd an average cf one every three days. As the farm lands sre valued at only $110,000,000, it '! be rrai'y ven that the cotton tnH industry U second in importance only lo the aj," rieu'.tural interfciti- If the race of increase during the past year tte to continue for ten years, the State cocld no longer be called an aricuitutal State. Those who do cot live in a tnwl community can froea only avety !:ht " A lie i;:ho-;t I: e it a pcrn'i t:rr tla-I .v,: q-irtw!?', a I'xze hcre tr i $;'! A A MM, ra ct t-i:j:e, c-icy ar i Kir. 1 A ptlfti, C-U tr. rT.tfenr-h ch bolh vde el u art Ktn. Thil jort tf cscilit? hkJ c.h doc- tvot f!y artt4!f, hx.! tl r j ftXir ora aad taaiics-i tis;y t ' ire, h the er.'.iilc prt-cta-f frtKVhkb lhf tU r-h:!y ! ue. A hire ia h;eh, tie th la4si. ov t-r, jo-:h i.r.t: th rei ar.4 trctotict cl Ue U1 ajr to r c i ate arl fredi vpon. The lot flat iot a currie4 after l.L-vci fc.:-.: t. Heme Is the cc;Wi. i:2i:fn t-"T r.:?i ij t 5s a ll lu t rrf ,-.:i i; f ks t ( ;.t 1 1 cat i J ? r I Mi t ' t f'; I tm i 'f 5 i.' sJ 1 : :t; t iii I 1! i-tim r:t. I Imi i in7 !f f j U e-T i'-i-; I t,- ' r 1 1 . se. ' in a t Sf"1l t 1 I ". t t S "! I I 3 t 't ; ' J t v I is f'ti 1 r t et.:t ? S4 J l- i-" V i 11 i T"ft r.-:if f 7 "! itM?ff.!(f-va in- i J rdett fUcc la 3 the the ih RAILROAD. North. No. a-A : CTi'me Table No. 2. 'EFFECTIVE 1899 JSc South. o. I-A er Article 3d of the plan provides; ! Lv Windsor . - Butlers . : ' " ' AstewsvHle V.V 'Jlofly Grpve a -v -Branning 6 30 a m 6 40 . ' 7 05 yl 7 15 'r"r' 7 25 ' 7 40 V- ..PbwellsvHle 8 00 raJ i A?.,w" A H OS K I E Ar -Ar-Lv 620pm 6 00 . 5 40 5 25 520 5 05 4 45 P n ("My own theory . about many of proportionately. Neither oaths; grips, signs norpass "t c" c fc M"aus wnrds shall alWrl J an .mMh'nn " P". 4uicn, , mai icjr a- DaiTv eieeot'Suodav. Flaar Station. Train- N4fa.maltes directccaiuccUon jwith ; the NoBFfw&tAiroLiNArtraia- No. 102 .at Atooske for Norfolk. -Itaiii No. 1, makes direct connection 1 v;rf.' J .W.fii ft AN NING.C. E.BRANNI N G ., Pre'1.. " V 1 :' General Manager. rVr?C, HINSHAW, is . "General Frelghi &"pas6neer-Age.htv CHESAPEAKE LINE. ,a?U.IuilSte.aejri j!? shall be open j k f? , .Any club may, if it so desireSj a- dopt a badge, . buttoninsignia or uni form NO UNIT RULE AND NO "INSTRUCTING. "Now, whet the county convention meets the same modus operandi must be earned out. If the county is en- composed and chiseled into the stone by somebody else than the immediate friends of the deceased. Some of them undoubtedly were written as a I The - fifth section of I the "pln pro- Xill think k Pr?bable that the titled to 24 votes in the State conveo- f - .UT . ? 7 , , 7 vention and it is shown that one ol Every white man who desires white . Pc7 UUK,B the candidates for govcnorf (or olhcr governietit in-North' Crolin,;and: is r-" u State office) has one-half or two-thirds wUlinff to userevery ' practicable ; and Ul luc u"u'ul1" Wliav v,ltu of the votes of the precinct, then he . .. . . ., j ... . 1 . " I a.1 X I honorable means to restore and .-' peri manently : establish. white tupfemacyj F"61' therein and who p oposes ; to support unusual liberties in the range of ex- caiididates-pledged. ta: effect th?t' pur pose, in the ensuing election shall be' eligible to membership . of the town- Toga.L Points North East West. I ship club. - -: " The fourteenth section of the Negro Postmaster Arrested. plan Raleigh, N. C, March 1. C. W, Battle, the col&red postmaster of Bat tleboro, is in jail at Halifax for em- convention and to there cast, their 12 will receive in the State convention 12 or 16 votes of the county in ques tion (as the case may be) and no more, unless by an unanimous vote the convention decidastothc contrary. The remaining one-half or one-third of the delegates are fully entitled to have their Represent at icn in the State Koe 4 cjr ryictt earth! as4 c;f deepest ztro' u The cly rt et etr.h hrt th fa-.U aad f:.r ci tx'Mi hv-t4i are hUdea eidcf the cna:k c4 chr. ity. Aa b!e ia h ch the issuif, th svctiot tL- ca.ic-4 tua,"cta jay idea of the good a cotton tnal cirvj w" f Tl;e Henrietta Mi", the tarjnt trtj: every laupact that tas fett la the State. ith a carhal of Ijso.coo, Wvanvi dsn? the d4y. lus 60,000 spindles, iwvd looms ioj The riace here ih trrvat arc -o-proportion. Every day they weate I e'.o ssoaU a&J the ci.ra rrit ocr6t.ooo yards 4 tkih enowrb J Tte father's air riao, the ch-'-4:t 1 to cover a road 2$feet wi-e far r.eaifylpradUe, the ex-chct's otH einht miles. The Und arooad tUI Ibe )tt'.i catict cr?a- mill, which was $to rxr sere, is oow It&vrtt ptt;i cl H tt: il curt;,: worth I50, and nearly three thousand I Kapf-soea-s. - Where a:t trta'.t-d t5 im yra jrcn-l'c rrc-:. tccral'-e wire el sfec:-c toay c4 which thevjh titrr.i.r tho.ui4i cl ra.Ut are errr dlKccexetrd frco lh ooe t7tal tcra svi The cettcf cl ocr a rout 4 which cr hcaru, tcit tire. A t::ie hctljw scsx e.t ci the wlcdyhuUti the wct4 wh?t we can be shielded frcea l:s carts aad a ooyaacrs. A popvUx tct raradoaka4 tiot), ia which wooaa w-cL la Lhc a m A a&ienctr ct eaa a&4 tsaa fr.u ia preser.ee cf wooaa. b f -y c , V) C ' 'Z J1 P ni r T" It-t-i S: I t r'.r-t.rs t tf y; U4 SU- 11. fit if tt - J from his friends, the others being sc-1 people are "directly or indirectly Sep. I " . - ... a. A ported by the milL in tne same pro. portion, prosperity has fo'lowrd the cotton mill wherever it bos gone. The cotton mills ia North CatoLna now use all the cotton fctowa ia the State about 300,000 balcs. At Sc per pound this is valued at 1 1 2.000, 000, and this Is all it brought Uf ore LvT Norfolk. Jackson St. . 545 P m L,v. Jia romi voraiori t. ...... r. p. ur. i : ,j j & ac u. k. i HPUi? f "V r ?6'j,v .a.-1 Dezziing 400 oi money uiuci luuujmr a VOics mc case may ixj iui t 'tin: n v m c. 4 m I .... ihn rf cool' rn intl iTanflrrndttAm I - . I . t 1J -J J-... a' Pk i.HHnh'iV ioYra' m V """T kW.l"""w"VA- "v and failure to make returns ot post- meir canaiaaic or nuiuaie. Arijew Vork 12:35 p- m- w43p.'pi4matl6nsof candidates, nor to mfluen- '"" ' . iL . 1 1 "Chairmen and Dartv leaders are :J- 'vrrHce -Gfrnveniions" i nev win De con- t . " .u: 1 : .:.wr..ti- Steamers leave daily except Sunday:- I If v i '.'. . ' ' to have been Committed TanuarV ,4. urgea 10 cc iui vu .u .uu.j For staterooms and any iniotmation call at. Vt Tinea IO , DUUQing Jip ana promoting I . . . I J M.iUAnln mnt l,v Norfolk Ticket office. Main and Grahby sbeets;H t V ' . Og. n.. 1 A. white man named btokes succeed- -j , , . - - . ' - 7 it na on TOrPer ri i rii- nariu uptih ri nv 1 . .dhimas Dostmaster. -. - , which a representative btate conveo. wR"ftftnwNr: I ana tne eiecuorvo. canaiaaies, aiier the cotton mills were euablbbcd. Now, however, in the forra cl cloth and yajn, its value Is doubkd, arvd more than doubled. Instead cf teL ve miUion, the State now gets thirty million. It U sometimes asked if there Is not danger of our overdoing the thio of building too many mills. The answer is, "No, not while we annually import mihions of dollars wotth cf goods from England." So long as English Spindles can run and nxaie twMhrnJs meet, ours can rua at a af ceVbes, wishes td U it GRA VESTO N ES, E. T. LAMB, Gn. Agt. A. R. De r.cr !. Jim! Irjks:owa, Ohia, profit. Besides this, the demand for L:,- la his rht shower as4 .u cotton goods is rapidly iacreai.cg. mjc Mj-k "My r-x-t r t-- u ,1 ... ire ia AsU aadand Africa. I eetirtly caclcss. 1 Ukd ChastctUla , P A- VI te tu I--iT-V r4vl u4a( U WI I4 4-im?imm. "n f V ba 0 a Vmwav Mil ! ('- WU if . f f -Mtnr t i i .m . . l. At.tv.Il l ' I.m4 t i-A it.nin t t. CENTRAL HOTEL, J. It tlVtVHAN. Prs il tt"e rttu tCtft ti.t 5 a the ii- t-. t la etrl - ATTO R N IIYAT- LAW. tmmm la 9 Cim"W. a c rmi'i MONUMENTS. 4n III fi Ml .m.iif There are i 800,000,000 people who want ocr J MS r.'-r.-- SHsarne have beenlregularly nomina- tedj and inculcating among the peo- pie the necessity ot establishing and maintaining white supremacy, as the ii' -Tidt. xUion of our f- Jvl--. civili?atiba:?J';'-rf ; ' 1 CON DENSE D SCH ED M.LE iai -The following is -.th&' concludinff .r .'. . . . A white man ed'him as rx) : attlo the fifth nero nostmaster tion can assemble, antf the only way . r-. o-- r - ...... . . . tfieastern Morning to get into trouble in North Carolina recently. Post. ouh "Because two-thirds of the Democ rAilroai ;;no. No. : - ';. ,. - No,4 ' ;, Nol ...tl03 49 STATI9NSr 48- - tia .V- p; m. a. m. ; . "."'c A- A'u:. - 3 20 9 00 Lv.Norfolk, Ar. "S 55 ao 25 " 2 40 9 20 Pinners Point. -5.3 - Jpxo--3 3 9 46 ....Drivers.... . 5 05 . 946 ' S ;.Sr ..Gats,i.. ,,r4.,20i g 55.., .4, 15.; id 50: ..rr.t.Tnrirg.... -.4-00 -837 Ahoskie, ,v ,3 ,41 1 8 jo , 1 53 ji ai3 ...Aulaader.rf.. .1 3 -27, .' g 05 .5 3S-HvoJ -wHot0dd.A. 2 53 y-iSt ;6 00 25. Ar,TaiboroLy. Ji.31 - 7.04.. '. ' ; Ar. r Lv.- , . . .. .-6 35"; 5tt Rocty; Mount. !ri 55. f 637 ; ; ;Dai5r: . s ;t .tDaily except BiBiday. 4 ra a lu;m. ar-4 wit dTvdJ 3 goods. As cmluatioa advances the r4;3 pla kai coet: Lor demand becomes more crjtct There icn cl rs;.re rref tlzcc a-J it t-rrxt uuuwiw - ..... . . v" ,K. are in North and South CiroUrva faus.' Icrsatyj. J. Mi,t i Northeastern by which the popular will by the a m r.o cljalJ llrts- t 1 r : r Tifmnrnt of the Slate eran r carried I - i t . j .w 1 v . j 1 1 ) 1 11 1 11 1' 1 ' w " - 1 .... . . . every yard cl wnicn is espor.exa to China. While such cood.iioas es'u'.s BLOOD TROUBLES CURED BY rats of one county are in favor one " w - man for a State office is reason why could please us morn than to see two j the entire vote of that county should I roUU where there arc col but csc.arv4 j Eating borest tumors, Ulcers, i,an- be cast for him. The minority can-l et us .tt that ssch cosdit ...1 in every county are entitled share of the county's vote. Tilnnn njvc Pers sten. "Mate omcais are voica ior iuuiv r T11EC01TCR .VARDLE ViOSKS ,J 1 .HMO J 1 t B. B. B." 1 rrnArl 6"" w nate Sores, Blood and Skm -Blemishes, hdually by every voter in the Sute, "This work will be such as he can puu.v.. n0l Dy coumir f:t;l :; .-iJi.-v-.i? . btan - luuptions,-. rimpies, . aoiis, u- . th- ooouhr vote of the State as a pertorm .wimout loss or time rrom nis chin'Ec2ema, bcales, liiisters, Ked : . snot far in ths lutorc. va-;r Christian Advocate. We have saved tnacy doct is UJ ;.My .mother suttered-. with.. chrome mood roison, producing uicciaicu datiTlioer BWalmonth's; , She Sore Throat, Aching Bones, Painf ul was attended by. two. Dhvsfcians who swellings, Eruptions, Falling Hair, D ince we began vvr.g ChatsVarla'a'a Cough Remedy ia crur h r.c. V.'c 1 v keep a boti'.e open all the llae v -v- 1 nr Krnvn KatrhPS. f latarTn. K HPUma I owtt-.ousiness. .an-wut -not. oe assign- - vr ? i: cS..j ,,1,, of th- Dcmocr - - - - . - tism, etc., are an aue 10 uauuiuou, . keep a uott.e open C1 XX " r r-" T -r nnU honro ;iv rnrorl hv. Tt. 1L It. f lK entire State. lUit aS thOUZn I ' 1. . .1 . e.,.rV nuu ii. .uwu , . . . i . - i I, v 1 1 C . V Awl wtfc., -. .. i w. w 4". " 1 ! TT1 J I ... . .. .-.. there were no county imcs, tor coun. tcgia to catch ecu c i a w t ties have no bearing whatever, ii inc , , ... I we never have to send away l.r a such on the election, and should have jwtor and incur a larre dctif V J ' J-Trains No. 4o.an(l 48 solid trains' between Pin ners Point ana Wilmington, iriin .-so. 49; con. riects at Kocky Mount vritn tram 33 tr all point .boutaanfl koa78' train -lor au por.its worta. , . . G.' M. ScWpell, ' rJ. R j-KEtiLEV,- General Manager. - Sup Train a. M ", r 4 1 r Ji M Em erson; . - . General Passengs Agent, " ! at last pronoun ed ber case 'hopeless She procured One; 25 cept bottle of Chamberlain's pCytict Cholera and Biarrnbe-Rfentedy7and five doses gave he paneotritr?r t;' pleasure in-recommending it as the best on! t.he market. Mrs. F. E. Watson; Aiken, -Ala; i Sold by-J J M&cdre & Bro. 1 h .4 etc,)cured by B- B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). For sale by druggist every where. Large bottles $1.00, six for $5.00 Write for- free sample bottle, which will be sent repaid. Describe svmDtonsI and personal free medical advice will be given. Address Blood palm Co., Atlanta, Ga. - ' A GREAT BANEFIT TO YOU none in nominating candidates. Btaa A IU UJ Yin ATI Ut for Chambcilaia's Cough lUfitxly; never fails to cure. Il ii cc::;r.'y 1 medicine of grc-it roerit and worth,--: D. S. Msasxtr. (cncral 3-lctchar.t and Farmer, Mattie, iVrd covr.:y,; Pa. For sale by J J Mardre & Hro., In order to make room for Spring 5toc:f I bavc reduced all Mens and Hoy Over-coats, Suits, Hoots and Shc Ladies Mats nd Capes, nice Drc : Goods and many other i;hh! at very low prices. Don't fail to call, and fee for yourr-clf. 5. L1PSITZ. -r?y I