YOU jfc jfc Borrowing YOUR Neigh ' tor's LEDGERI j.! WE WilLSeni it to ' YOU Twelve Months for ONE Dollar. J jfc Six Months: 50 Cents. j jfc an X rr-xAri Acrma t;m a , c jt ledg pit . yo'j:- v VOL. 17. WINDSOR.N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 5 1900 NO. 6. . - w.a-- --J''-- ... i 4- 'If..' v Yoa can hmv abetter car pet, a prettier carpet and a cheaper -carpet than your neighbor by writing for on of oar 16-colored litho graphed catalogues, which chew. Carpets, Rnp, Art Squares, Portieres, Lac Curtains, and Bed ts la their real colors so that ftmata. a?a fa If f 7 by looking at these colored VVpsu, sa If 11.17 -i-fc-. 0J can tell exactly : low a oarpet win look, yr flM-ra arap- ry at yor wladwv v -r':'55C Wt prepay frtigHy $ew car fleis freehand furnish wadded iimng-wunout ., Oar General Cats tecne tells about every 11 PI u ! HJat'to cat, wear and , 'fue, arid will save yen -aioney oa every thing Ta nse at ctcIT -. iMAftbe year. .JJurlVlad-- wrear CI ot hl Catalexue. f y fktest styfes of softs andoTercoats, prices rang Ia5 front.S5.Mt fas. W prepay ezpressagw '.f; ; It youfiToaeaI5-wlth iob belore, aow la & tha'tUM to beglh.All catalogues' are free. .V:Vhlpl. do yoti wtarAdOresatlUa way-:. : ; y f mAX&WbUErHD Dept. 909. formance; and not only his croweded audience and his colleagues, but the country itself applauded him. " In the debate, which ended in the exclusion of Roberts, the Mormon, from the AND CONGRESSIONAL DOINQS House of Rrpresentatives, Mr. little- V ; " ; field,by the sustained excellence, the Members of Congress Who Have Won cleat reaSoning and the eloquent ex Fame. The Great Orators ofOther pression of his speech, placed him Years. New Congressnjaii and Old s-if literally in the front ranks of Con Precedents. The Modern Revival in gressional orators; and agaia in plead- rouucai uraiory. 1 oe ooum suew in frtr Vwrtn Rirn he Arnt the .. - ror a lone Utne it wa the unwTU- ten rule in both branches Congress thai the newjnan should sit juticntly in his seat one or bore years : befoie daring to jnake a .speech. t In , the House of Representatives a member of ability usully succeeded ia sayiog Business Centers. TSie? man ufactur er'Recor points out tharthe South has already its centers of manufacturing of one' kind or another,1,, which come to mind whenever the names of certain locali- first impression. His star is still risings JYhen Mr. Wilcott of Coloraiio, first went into, the Senate his briliant,- ora tory refused to remain quiet under the old precedents, and whenever he ris es to speak the .. galleries ; are filled, and the nawspapers . print what he says.; benator Uepew, a new .mem- ties are mentioned. Newport News with its shidbuildirg, Charlotte with I . , j j . ' il , - . , . . . ber, has already mada a set. speech lf-c rnttnn TLTtlic Kirminoham with lt I " . . - r. . . i--nd o good one. too.. Representa tive John M.. Allen, the famous hum- t DR. W.L.DA VIS ' ConsultiiiglOptician. All errors of ref rection scientifically corrected W. R. JOHNSON,; ATTORNEY-AT-UAW, WINDSOR, N. C. - iron and steel. Mount Pleasant with its phosphates, Corsicaua with its -pe troleum, Pocahontas with its coal and Beumont with its lumber are illustra. tions. Of course, there are other places Richmond with its locomo tive works, its tobacco factories, wood enware works, iron-working establish ments, shipyard and obattoirs; Nor folk with it& lumber mills, woodwork ing establishments,- machine shops and. other, activities growing from its importance , as a- railraad terminal orist of Mississippi, by his inim'ta ble drollery held in the firstyeais of his Congressional life to upset the same old precedents in - the House; and thus it has gone on, until now Congressman in either branch need not keep himself bottled up for fear of shocking the sensibilities of the older membeis. On one of the buildings of Har varH TTnivrs!tv are seven tilnf irred and point of export; Aimison with jts supposed to of . the iron interest and car shop; Knoxville Shattanooga, Nashville Greensboro, Angusta; Georgetown, Brunswick, Neweeston where diversification of QocIk and Jewelry iajidafr more or less large proportions, while in other ci ties ond- towns, too, the industrial and commercial life has been quick ened, and week by week one under- Practlcea la alt Courts. . Special attention glvea to Collection. First-class Watch. repairing. of Spectacles and Ey-glasses.. for , sale. R. W. HAL1SH, A CARD. if t V". 5 FROM MR. W. A. SAUNDERS Ml Editor: When the Faram AlUinct aor cluirJ tie rftcJt at iK t?4 ti rrry lor ari a;-Iicoe -fru:r., t ? corxf. to tLe Ytrt Trn, "xkd tuy its tf-." Icpta:o yocf hx4r:t 4t4V tt ta tie -1 i ...... .- .1 1.. ' something in bis secona Tcr, . ana, rmircd I wis one ci tU nl to iob VLxt yc-r bt.- fciy et: ct:t using his speech in his campaign for it, bellcrisj that ia ill saw rtlki to toimbn. V.t wd tc c-i renominating, added in his . owa be the fanner. , I continued a metier h?it ia rH'- tee V.V:r. half, as a". clAini for his , candidacjr, with the rxllcf aod hope that ood jvaUiiiT' that a man must be in . Corgrcss at would result to ocr people. Ect, Mr. "Hvct? a r5,ixw. least two years before aroouoting to Editor cr ad uxL'r and amot tncoo- ,Ifacoa Whhe." tMt t-.e t ak-I- anything, and that . the. ;coostUueots j ciously,io the indiridealisciUr, it jr vo.c; 1uti 'f, .l J'- wouid.ihercfcre ; would sent their drifted icto politics through the fab-e Ux V nmrn infATMtt hff nWllpn him Othv I l... Vtn .( t iV. wmAit I rv fM r-i-Hr It t J t r '-. erwise they would lose his experience, members. However. I uUl b,.irev," t1 Wooo n WaUwj J Thus it came about that m probably to its principles, bvt des;;c to aa- prachct rxjiJea ti.r4 tcaJ 1 r , ? 1 J!.i. I .. . I ... " one-nau oi uc uongreasioo! uuuiuj i nounce laroun rour commas my eo i r r ..: j tis t?--ce 14 a r:2 i of the United States it has been the dorsemect of the pending Coajiitu- rule to give every Representative two jtionai Amendment and ray pcrpot terms. - Ai-a matter. ollact.. the new J to vote for tL member, i be ImibUiiyls' often a I I believe io the rule cf the white better Representative than the , old 1 man and Acrlo Satoa ran tuner a&d stager, becaose he is fresher from the see ta the Aocndxaent tht altataatioa ojctra tfa mzci?i f people and is better able to Jnttrprtt j of the negro vote which I - bclxre to I -U it ay ks4! No I their sentiments and desires. I be a ceo ace to toe reacef ul ard or- In the . Senate the p'recteot of I derly , admisUtratioti ot cmt Suit . . ' . . i ..... t it: shiftl e 1 1 the '."1 '1 Ty' C . :;it J : : r n s I X fills i.:ct, l t:rr: i r t-J tlrtd aa fir t:t. a a r tflU-'LyC'CsiT t?-5 . The firacoa fli,tl LU rvrs -J A.R. IV F!crt, fizct tt Expert Watchmaker and Graduate Optician Main St, next door to Mrs. $arrctf s ' store. , t3 Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. 7INDSOR,N. C greatest orators of the world Dem osthens the Greek; Cicero the Roman St Chrysostom the Syrian, Bossuet the Frenchman, Chatham and Burke the Englishman, and Daniel Webster the American. If anyone should have any doubt whatever about, the practical value of oratory, all he need do would be to read the lives cxite t t!f il5ti Lssotti-iZtly. thu r IU' Ka-a xm CCtitt ccept cm el etitve rrrr .xr at4 U KtTt UZi.m Yi tule ly J. J. itirc & Ilrow h r-i7 Uzr In'.z It t: -S u zlj (. "la ara c it i rrt ; I rs ti,. e lot these seven men. l ney gave voice : neq as uusiuess organizaiious are TIM iiiiM 8 Powellsiilie putting forth efforts in support of established industries and for the pur pose of inducing others- to come in their direction. The experimental stage of the South's cultivation of its industrial en-, ergies has been passed. . 'v to the sentiments and the destinies of their peoples, and arrayedthe . for ces of civilization and oatriotism upon definite issues. , . In .this country, in the dose of the century, the office of the orator , has undoubted usefulness.: . It has . been said for many years that the multipli cation of the newsna Per and Diintin? In this new order of things Con- . - . - - r PAS8ENQER1TRAI NS.i mer habits. Randolph, j Wh. Clay and Webster the wonderful or- . And pUdty wef need wastea no ume m participation in ue . .Q - statesmanshiD and uolitics discussions. They took at ouce the Even the newSDaDers need the service i - t: i A.! i !u. J I . . . pia w wmuxnax anuues unuiioi and sUrel when orator jnt0 them, aud in the stress and strain off ; . . . , consiuerauon me . Droaaer view, nc xeet oi inose w no naa servca i yei ociteve m ifte ptiaopict o I (o a ecrslt el trm was being, carried to . ridiculous ex the Foptilist party and ara a pcpjtiisj U fcU Hrls tremes. We are now, however, that uUt, from honest coovictioct, U io-1 1 1 "f T r t ta tK;Vmer Mm in both Sen'lte tern) ft te fr Ant $-tr.: Ttlr tVvU I tl C-VT: VtUl anil llnni wt 1nvflrdUI to tM tin 1 Anmttf . . I . . . . . . , i . m that great men of other generations! . Re$pecJu2y naturally took the leadership of de- w. A. SAUN D EKS bates, and when the great men disap peared from public, me, ine amaiier rMr Saunders b a wtU letortsed ones maintained .the etiquette for their i0tcnieTO cluicn. 1 U Is "pTicti. own. dignity.- . . . -.1 callr the leader of the PoroSj riml He n h-Z oa t srrt . In tecent , Congresses there have ia Woodrille township, ad I tUoec b a ditcd ccaj.tico.'tlcfci: come to the front new , men fully, from whom hU Pc!iti,fripd b ttt? nicd a pntthj. I U4 quipped for their duties and . sensibly most cf their foforma&ct aad'i3- diiak at J cc-ial pjy fct h. tiut determined to avail themselves , CI t ruction, he beir.? the Scrrtxrv cilrrrlr. A&d iLnr tsrd rod! Yri I trl . - . . - i I - - their rightful opportunities and tnusi executive com mittre cf that towa-hrtr.try j-t ct t. the precedents have been broken. I ahip and doiog taoit of the wotk cf the chairtaaa. He is a juuict cf the RAILROAD. jrtu'I; Time: Table No. a. . a-A'rErFECTIVE -2T-, 1899. North. No, but now. we are beeinnincr to-see that vara nrftm!eriiAitetict rf tnvL eSL .;4? "Butlers y i.itie-'-Askewsville '. 7 t Pollr 1 SS" , , B RAN NINO 7 40, y : PoweBsville Ar 630pm 600 55 5 AV twiw, T tiht tMW Xrt it a I Immk. There It h? ce-e tcsal ciuot ta CENTRAL UOTUL ThC Troubles. Of a : CaaiUdatC, I peace; an hoocit Ulicrcr.ln the prio ri pies cf the Fopcnt party bt . rrali- A nenrhv edttor who it is believed. IC1 lnC POUOO C piKJ tUM wouldn't Imperil his immortal soul w ia- This type of a PcpIrt nnnerearW; mints, the following I VOUodtM ftJpCCt fof-4S Twowll known candidates running h." Ci0 poien2 urt Ue aJ tU! U a est convktions of his own. . Ht U .lh;Ttaro,w l tU xor inc same -u. . . .JliriUlluVU It,.H vr e,' near town last weekv uoin nappen- v . .r.r: r . - 7 " , CdrT. WU Vy Ut e: rt a.'uf n. e U tc, i u tt a ed on theTsame road a short, dUiacce I ItJow hoaie oFPor- thu Acted-,r rrr. trf u a frj t! llh-'.-ll lilt ttU'3 ltd--r.t2t..tri!3Tf y.isy cf ttu t.i t;v Thry rt-mlcf xlu crr4 tht tti t : v thry t'it ttt ti-t r-tiJ-dicta thciroTS c-I'rtr, Tea cis tTi.-i 13 tr.:: 1 1 lea cis izzrz tr.:J I Si.ntrtr:;it!:uhjitr5 j f:::c4 f:r till cc-'rr. fj If r -t-f t et j!ti. t',S Ul r A ft' y.. ii ai a-m -4 iat -- K ! f act.i a 4 tX -V-". i J I t l i, .. Wm , W w Vw V- 1 X tl.UVLi.HAV. Tr'Ai"' rt:-: j " ' t at.3 ! .. tt! t Lv a. TaiW cer Sundav. '- Flae Station Train No. 2 makes direct connection -with thef j - j 1 v . 1. 1 : tUo. nnrM'c t,!cUrt mrto K nrtrmr. NoabTi &iCAxoiJNA train No. 102 at Ahoske 1 "ig" anu coiission; arew iue DngnieM ":.. vrt for Norfolkv,Txauj No. 1 makes direct connection 505 4 45 p n I those strong, tense; time which led to the Civil War. when" oassion ran must appreciate tne tact, mat never lor IS ortOlK-nlxaui wo. I maices aireci wineciion 1 , . 1 . . . I . .. . . . t with NoRTOLK&CAaouNANo.ioi from Norfolk, sparks, -.there was a vigor in the ra- . at present. Not jrW.BRANNIN G.C.E. BRANNING wry wnicn was supero. ine ieenpg pny does he addreSs a splendid COn -; rr..:' - - ' - r" TOW "-'" 01 tne times can oe juagea wnen sucn lHNSHAWr : ' a manas WendeU Phillips, one of . Qeral freight Wenger Agent. ; ,. the greatest.of Our Orators, who Was HP'Ajp AlP "I'lfVP as gentle and as winsome as a worn UnDPCAlVC . would not honer Henry Clay or Uk -rs" ?-MaiJ Steamers 4 Daniel Webster ;even after, death; b ,.,xAr I cause neither of them realized his a- iVlaiW'V' . I apart; the hindmost one called at : a fcvura v ok w Kcita tw jtu;;t ..n ..j ttJL wKere . bright little ecnrcj th peace- cl iheu nUx. He coott cts emK '4 . ' 3 " SKo to' slSS st fimidcaod protrcts the virtue cl fo el ir-.rc t ic tuCM girl came to the door. . Said he bis . . r... Suaxh ack5 Urtf txtJlt, K: te!. sie.will.yoa reasebring me a dntk iir yen ii,we tave fxa i..e u K Jrrea lrkf x - tt OTTTDr'T? of water?', which she quickly.did, then I?".: m eiettiiojT tUd whoTy cvrri srcl ieJ a-c 1 X. riXUUtl, he gave her candy and taid:' Mr. Saupdcn . ihw fnnoyoce r t-;, o,ft 2i IrcU trt' Actr.! " . . k . . himself. Edj.1 than ctr; Iti pm.: rnrtrri" . the man just ahead of men give you iVw, IJi r..; . 5A candy ?r Yes sir. Then he gave hex a ... a a a ' nickel and saio:. 'Lnp. ne ; give. you tidary troubSrt a4 tarttr !- rrk course of people, but his thoughts go to millions of attentive readers within a dozen hours of their deliverance. Fortune doeso always favor the! S 'C lUitei s ie. money? 'Yes, sir. -ne. gave, roe ten pj. urt the M acayunk Fhiusophcr cents. Then picking her up In his The bad e is not vsuaHy the eti arms, he kissed her and said : Did lie soonest broke. . . kiss yon? Yes. siry and, he klssedma ycJ t? jhcd.the ash man. too AND CASXORIA - mm a a w w . iiiW H--S?-r--'i U bolitioniewsi -v':'4.i;,j..,. -, j.- hW'ww y4". " To-AtL Points North East & W.l ::Tt,J : "'.t,;,! Tlia flwrl Ypti Wva Ilwsv RfS keinorieA iia Z?:Tt Lv. Norfolk Jackson st. , LVr55lf PbTnl Cinifbrl.n.vV.V-.. v Ar. Baltimore Pier 19, Light st. . 545 P- m .65 P in. ...7:00 a. m. B. & O. 8..-R.. . P. R R. An Philadelphia. . 10:15 a. m. 10:15 a. m, Arl-lewYork, :.-i'f. tia:35 -P- - "V21 P- fitMmets leave dailv exceoit Sunday." ' For staterooms and any information call at.; ' .-. Norfolk Ticket Office, Main and Qranby Streets. -?:' - Phoes .iia. .. " Esjk LAMB, ; X :WvB( BRpyN; Gen. Agt. .;-.!V': - ' ; JPass.AEt. themes but by reason of the fact that I ra ef . U .1 n- ... 1 t. I . t j - f DOtn Drancnes 01 congress were muui smaller, taan -tney are to-day. and were not held in . check' by cast-iron rules When Speaker Reed reyohi- ion.ized the parliamentary goveni- meny Of 4he House of Representatives tie made7 tt a better business body, but he didn'dt . hold its oratory, Spring coats are being sprung. Spring, fever germs axe walking I ashes. The road to success is seldotn easy TBeathem Rallwty Prtrarlaf Fo z . frj(jMBNTS. to ride. j' Saipner Resort TravtL I " ". -Poor penmen rive themselves bad --- - GRA VESTO N ES. characters, . .F-RiI pLOQD .CURE. RAtL.RpVP Ntfi! ' Not,-: 'fe1 -No '.TNoU'S t'l 49 H SAtipfjak; i48-,- ..fioa ' T5T a. m. 'Mtt- 1 . j r ' ,. '"'. s& 9 00 LvNVrfk,Ar. S SsXidasI sj4P 9 Pinners Point. s jo . , w;io 9 46 .v.prNffw . 5 os' ,-o,4$:.; jt 1000 ....SBffolki,? -450- -.o3- j'jo 1034 ......Gates.?;: 4 so S-tf' 4 .1S ib 50 ......Tunis.... eg 837!: - 436 11 06 ... Ahoskie.... ' 3 41 8 20 tSS- :K aiv Anlandeji.,. ;-.r3raj&.' JSCoj 5-3$ ia 00. Hobgood.... -2 53 s-a . 6.06' J 12 ai' 'Ar.TarboroLv. ' ' 2 31 . 7 4 3'S ! ftockV NfoTinfi 4 1 55 ' 37 .- . iu 4a auiiu llama uciw Trains Nofcao aad 48 Solid" trains tief ween Pin nerTToint nn, WHnuagtonvi famTSd. 4? con nectst aokf0iwtitb..trTaa4ifoalfi)o South and No. 78 train for all pcuats North.. uensrai.aianagsr.,;, tup 1. 4 rains, s T. M .. C MEB50 , wnwai r-ai lianas. Agent. r- An offer providing faith to Snfferars 1 . - Is your Blood Pure? Are you sure of it? Do" cuts or scratches heal slowly ,' f Does your skin itch or . burn?. IJave vou PimrJes? EniDtions? Foul Breath many; a. humilia; Catarrah? Are you pale? If so purify 'tionior artemberrtd. get an opportu-1 your, Blood at once with B. B.. B. hity to speak, for it bad to be literally tetanic uiooa uaim;... xi maaes uw ivnfl.rcrtn :W ,J Blood Pure and Rich, heals every i; 7 - . sore and gives a clear, sooth, healthy flWtstnctrbTiJlhis commitue on ... : neerseated cases like ulcers. t..!. VilJ ,nnn tV,. I . - - n ' r n jutirMijuv"wiu upuu.. 11 cancer, eating sores,, iraiuiui aweii speroaking. . ' : . i ' ipgs, Blood Pqisonare quickly, cured f-iTheomenan'-the present ConT by.B. B. B., made especially, for all cress Iwbsraorexthan others, ; have I obstinate Blood. and . .skiq " Troubles. . r? - t - . . , i 3 I n t- j'x . t .1. . -. madereputauons Dy nrst speecnea i a. s. is aiacxeci ifom.uuacr jew are-peoapr , ievenage, oi tnaiaua, eaies oecause ix. ix. ix. -ui aius. uic andRepresentative- Littlefield, of Poison !and.Humors out of the Blood dafi-Mr. Beveridge was criticise4 and.e.ntire systemso ;" the symptoms fdroresumin2 to make a set speech cannot return .'.Give', it a triaL It so, earl v in his Senatorial career, but cures, when all else fails. Thoroughly t jeyifisnwasausw yj ir-1 iwicu.wi . . rr:,,-.. : -w j stores at i per large ootue, o lare.. '- ; - -j i bottles (f ull treatoent) ' $$. So suf. vi th&balhlhat bit GI B.-V Stead awav absolutely free.- Write for it. WILLIAMS HOUSE, 1.0. WCisj, frrjv. .The oldest hotel in the town I have seen better days. I was once an ice man, but I was f.rrd. Ah I set I Uvcrv attidicxi said. toe Udr. yott were reduced; to UnCct all trains. SLOil hick IO LEVVISTON N.C. Mk frMt. ., .War, .m VAVERLEY- i.. a3 10 y c,! (i) a CLTTCji. The rassenf,er Department of the . . 1 . !. I ft ". t . : k. . . -T"' . '1 'ine piano nas a 101 oi cys,,o ioouxocan jauway mi k eux urw a M4,4wvi..i)M,M -When the .critics roast an actor helwilliog toet;teruin.sucx.bcardcf, rT cZt'SJZZZtTZZ naturallv feels hot about it ... .Ircsidrng on or ceir the Southern RiiMli .t ? 4mZZm'mt Hens are workiog overtime lo an- . " 1 . r . 1 tt iiapauon w urc iasv iuu. i - rtijwsiTiuii r- r CI..1. - inrl I ' . -. . . . ..'It -. TJr-o ,r' .-t?fc-i BUnks can be had cl 5UtoQ A WogssYesshe gave me the imarble - bVddrt!cg. if. W'Al heart. , I Turk, General rasscrer Agext. t I. . ... T-k When it comes to fare, the - Street oumcra auway, .wio. C. i-)- i t, i .1 i- a.-" ' . ' W MA 7 a a . til it. 5 car conductor doesn't confine Ws be- I - . lief to love and war. u IJoax He.Ukes things easy. Joax 'Yes; he manages to get every con. tagious dissase that'a going. . . 1 We have saved many doctors bill since we began using Chambarlain's Couh Remedy in. our home. e tr asT. -a rv-i i i i jiw ri an. iiirr nine auu . ,r . - ; , If troubled witn rtiesctisa, rrrt 7 v Chamberlain's Pala'Cala a tiuh It Mr. Begins I thought yoa writ going to cut Mrs. Wtai:. The very first time you meet her yon stop asd talk. Mrs. Bvggins I know but the had a new hat on. That Taraaatef rwla A GREAT BENEFIT TO YOU tnanxJfewjkiMicKin; theCiyi Address BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta w War?"Itcaused horrible "Ulcers, that Oa, Write Jtoday. - Describe trouble t Tib treatment-.helped' -for r 2 o years, land free medical advice given. fTUAM.llMaVlAM'. A C.lfM iivawl 1-.'" f ' . . t ..u . V ; ....f oegin to eaten coia wc ucgta w . . . t the Cough Remedy, and as a result . ;ri.:Lfllli5a a : ttikte him. "Cures-Cntsi -Bruises, -burps, BbilSt'Ferons; Skin Eruptions. Best Curer-fniaranteed Sold bv R. C. W ,a703TLS-cV.. 1 Tits l&ijta UrBlim El it -""""r:w V r;;Kr. the pain. , t a? cures . -J orandmcuraUrge doctor bl g b ;t , tor. hamDeriam-s iga cocaj .. ttf. ncv fails to cure. , It is ruin!y a f,JlcJi nu:nxy in . ec lK!,l medicine of great rnent and wwth- I , , Ja ftri f J t : , D S. TUahkIe, General Mexchint . J w 4 t , , u and Fanner Mattie Bedford county, - :TH Vrr, :S 1- ! Pa. lor sale by J J Jurdre Bro. " t-.. n T t 1 1 ; ' ;In order to make room for Spring stock. I have reduced all Mens and BoyV Over-coals, Suits, Boots and Shoo. Ladies' Hats and Capes, m nice Drc s. Goods and many other goods at vcr .low prices. Don't fall to call, and sec for your: elf. i