We "Duplicate the Prices and Better the Work" than any Printing 1 louse in North Carolina. Then uhy n. latin Of at nOlUP. Spnn US vnnr nrrlfrc Part-onir linmo Inr1tief- If . : . 1 T f t i 4 . il i i 1 ,. "'v. " . J 41 j in jjcuu ui envelopes, paper. Dm ncaa. Ping tag to a book, let us know and we will satisfy you in every particular or refund your money. Give us your on STOP uEBGK & Borrowing YOUR Neigh tor's LEDGER! j WE Will Send h to YOU Twelve Months for ONE Dollar, J Six Months 50 Cents, & VOL. 17. WINDSOR, N. C.THURSDAYi APRIL 26 1900. WlNBBOR i i Famous Maryland Men's Clothing Bade to Order. Ixprenage Prepaid and UnaraaMM to Fit The stylish kind of Suits, Over, coats and Trousers, made by best city merchant tailors, are made in our workrooms at about one-half what c: haw to pay at retail. Our Men's Clothing Catalogue, with large cloth samples attached, shows the latest styles and con ceits, and is profusely illustrated with the latent fashions that will be worn by the best dressed this season. We ship you our Clothing C.O.D., and we guar antee each earment to fit von. so that yon run absolutely no risk ; think of the large saving you effect and the stylish garments we send you I lithographed hook.which f. We publish a lfLeolor snows carpets, Kugs, Portieres, Lace Curtains and Bed Sets, Table and Piano Covers, etc., in their exact colors and, designs, so that by look ing at these color plates you can tell exactly how the fabric itself, appearsw;, and buvintr from us vnu buy at mill prices, and save from 40 to 60 per cent. All Carpets sewed free, lining furnished withoct charge, and freight prepaid Both catalogues are free. Which do yon wantf Address this way: WjJUS HIRES & SON, Dept. 9 09, Baltimore, Md. DR. W. L. DAVIS Consulting Optician. All errors of refraction scientifically corrected W. R.JOHNSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WINDSOR, N.C. Practices In all Courts. Special attention given to Collections. First-class Watch repairing. Clocks and Jewelry and all kinds of Spectacles and Eye-glasses for sale. R. W. HALISH, Expert Watchmaker and Oraduate Optician - Main St, next door to Mrs Barrett's store. t3- Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. WINDSOR, N. C I M 6 RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS. North. No. 2-A Time Table No. 2. I South EFFECTIVE 4-27-, 1899. I No. l-A 6 30 a m 6 40 7 05 7 15 .7 25 :7 4o :800 am Lv Windsor Butlers Askewsville Holly Grove Branning Powellsville Ahoskie Ar 6 20 p m 6 00 5 40 525 5 20 55 Ar Ar Lv 4 45Pn a- Daily except Sunday. Flap- Station. Train No. 2 makes direct conntction with the Norfolk & Carolina tram No. 102 at Ahoske ior Norfolk. Train No. 1 makes direct connection "with Norfolk & Carolina N0.103 from Norfolk. J.W.BRANNIN G.C.E. BRANNING Pres. General Manager. M.C. HINSHAW, General Freight & passenger Agent. r.HF A PR A K F I INF ) U. S. Mail Steamers , To all Points North East & West. Lv. Norfolk, Jackson St.. 5:45P- m. Lv. Old Point Comfort.. . 6:45 p. m. Ar. Baltimore, Pier 19, Light st. ........ 7 :oo a. m. B. & O. R. R. P. R. R Lv. Baltimore.... Ar. Philadelphia. Ar. New York.... ..7:55 a. m. .10:15 m. .12:35 P m- 8:00 a. m. 10:15 a.m. 12:43 P- Steamers leave dally except Sunday. . For staterooms and any information call at. Norfolk Ticket Office, Main and Granby Streets. Phones 112. E. T. LAMB, Geni Agt. . W. B. BROWN Pass. Agt. ' RAILROAD CONDENSED SCHEDULE r Ay "Sir. Dated Jan. 15th, 1&99. V- c- No. No. ': t"3 49 Stations. 48. ti' P.M. A.M. p.m. A. M . 2 20 9 00 Lv.Norfolk.Ar. k Sc .a J 240 920 Pinners Point. 5 o lit I 303 9 46 ....Drivers.... , 317 1000 ....Suffolk... 452 V'n' 350 1034 ......Gates.... 420 1 I? 4 15 1050 Tunis.... . 400 i S 55 436 11 06 ...Ahoskie.... 3 4i i c. ' 4 53 11 21 ..Aulander.... 27 5 35 "00 Hobgood.... 2 53 J l 6 00 1221 Ar.TarboroLv. 2 31 $- , Ar. Lv. rfT' V & p" RoCky Mount- I5S 637 P. M. P. M. F. M a M Daily. ' fDaily except Smidx; . Trains Na. 4? and 48 solid trains Tjtftwees p,- sr's Point aird Wilmington. Train .40 . con ner ucciaai Kocsy Mount with train 2' for all noi t South and No. 78 train for all point's North. - G. M. Scrpcll, General Manager. J- R, Kenley, 8u 't. Trains T. M. Emerso h, Central Passengs Agent, i II OS II Mill Dr. Cra en Believes The A mendment Should be voted on in a Non-Portisan Manner And the Negro Elim- inated from Politics. Editors Progressive Farmer:- Some time I was interviewed by a reporter for the Charlotte News and to him I said that I expected to support the amendment, etc. His report was yractically correct. I now propose to give you the same, with a little more of the same sort, as I take it. While I realize that your paper is not partisan, let me say this: I do not feel that this matter is a Pupulist affair, and our concern with, it is to make the most out of it Wb can for the best interest of the neoDle of North Carolina as a whole. It ought t i not to make any material difference with Populists, what political party it helps or hurts. I am willing to sink any political party with it, if by so aomg 1 could do a great good for the people of North Carolina. The negro of course there are a few individual exceptions is and has always been an incompetent voter. At the close of the war he was in his best estate, as a citizen. Uuder the compulsory training and discipline of salvery for five or six generations, he had become something of a citi zen from habit, not from iiis nature 01 race instinct. During this servi tude he had the best possible advan tages for proper training as to good citizenship, etc He had the best ex amples of morality, honesty, thrift, economy, etc., and -was compelled to make properuse of those advantages, thereby becoming, to an extent, im bued with propea: notions and ideas of manhood, patriotism, religion, morality, etc. Since the freedom all ' these helps have to a great degree receded be yond his reach,' as he is left out from the direct influences flowing directly from the personal interest of the for mer master. f ; The national ber.t, the racial ten dency, of the negro is backward to savagerv , cannibalism, etc., and with out clo sest restraints, as salvery nec essarily threw around aim, he easily and. surely glides back into the old ra rial nature, a state that the Cau casian caunot tolerate. . . I believe the establishment of this STnandmant will An oil nartipc cr rwrl I .v f b 1 mean an panics uiai arc wauuuB t-: -11 .1 . nePTo is mthe wav with the deadlv club (ballot), it has been the main v-fc of tho r,itP rPnnV to fio-Vir him i U rlown the denredation which -would obtain in the land if he were not restrained. Now, if he is dis tnurl iito oon -turn nnr attpntlnn trt and profitable.; In ihis . ignorance and recklessness, the egro cannot be tiusted at any time - , a . a or "bribe, to thiow his force svnrar r wherever the bribe or premium would dictate, consequently we wm always find him on the side of the destroyer of the conntry's prosperity on . the side of those who are living and - fat- bing and defrauding the - common masses of what is honestly theirsl We ca afford to give, the Jtac. of one friend (if need be by yielding the ,,i,ia,v risu for th ln nf c.aMaa.'uvaM.MM 7 y -" r "- If trouhlpd with rheumutism. ffive Chamberlain's Pain Balm a trial. It will not cost vou a cent if it does no . 1 " j ( . mi - gooa.'; wne appneauon , win relieve the pain. It also cures . sprains and bruises in one-third the time lequired hv 9nv nthpr, rrp9tmpn.:' Tnts. hums. frostbites,rquinsey, pams m" the side -uy. ov, B.-..uaa. mgs are quicmy cured oy applying Everv bottle warranted. Price: 2c and 5octs. Sold by JJ Mardre & Bro. five to ten enemies. If I cnuld complish so much for my country I would cheerfully yield the piivilege , of my ballot, and I think any other sane man ought. The franchise of the negro has never been of profit to him. He ought to know this himself; he can not show wherein" it has ever helped or added to his racial prosperity " oue mite. It has been to him a delusion and a snare. Contracting - the franchise of a country would ;it any time be danger ous if this contraction were indis criminate. But this is not the prop osition. On the very face of this a. mendment it only p-oposcs to elimi nate the dangerous, vicious,1 fcutical ly worthless element. To illustt ate: If you have a barrel of potatoes a part of which "are rotten, no one can be hurt by anyone's throwiugout the worthless or rotten ones. If your own ranks are somewhat depleted your emeny is to a great extent demol- shed. Consequently no harm is done your ability to cope with the com mon enemy. 1 do not like the present election law, and many other things politically considered, but I see only good in this constitutional amendment move. I think with this trouble off hand, the white people of the State will compel the breeders of mischief to quit their wrong doing to a, decree and allow the real friends of good government to get in some work. As to the constitutionality of the a- mendmeat, that is for Congress and courts. But I do not disfranchise on account of-color; previous condition of servitude, etc., (except it was in A- frica centuries ago) but on account of what he now is, a menace to welfare of country. W. P. Craven. Aa Epidemic of Whooping CMgh. Last winter during an epidemic of whooping cough my children con tracted the disease, having severe coughing spells. We had used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy very success fully for croup and naturally turned to it at that time and found it relieved the cough and , effected a complete cure. John E. Clifford, Propietor Norwood House, Norwood, N. Y. This remedy is for sale by J. J. Mar dre & Bros. Populist State Ticket Governor, Cyrus Thompsor, ol Onslow county. Lieutenant-Governor, A. C. Shu- ford of Catawba county. Secretary of State, J. B. Schulken, of Columbus. Treasurer, W. H. Worth, of Guil ford Auditor. IT. W. Aver nf YVV I Attomcv n.n.l W V C-,11 t 1 .....,.. . wn.. J 0f Moore KT .. . . . . . r- ot ! """" v.auuu WjramiwiQn A-" Peace' o GranvUle. " .'V vu,uulWi,oacr' J' 4- schal, Chatham. , I S Commissioner of Agriculture. T.M.I11 ,s onI7 question of nerro and Newborne, of Lenoir. . Commissioners of Labor, J- Y. Hamrick. of Cleveland. i Judge Tenth d,stnct Wllhcr spoon, of Cataba. : Elector at lartre. R. B. Davis, of Kew and Wm." D. Merrit, persou i Cold staei or taata i "There is but one small chnace to set before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge wis- by her doctorjafter vain- jaundice. He didn't count on the t . .4.v. I jnrA rtMVil I ttM riKI ties;' was wholly cured, " avoided sur IMS vt V Wa aTVtVU lv- geon's knife, now wtighes more .-and "els Detter than ever, it's posiuuve- I Itt mionnlMuil trt rnrth Qtrm rK T iv.r v s"1","" w w..v, .v. and Kidney troubles and never disap- I points, rnce 50c at liaze - HlOie S Store. , OADTOXIIA. it. m Yd3 vm ' rsr tfMii ac- rnnn t M M U STATE III The Journal is a Rcpubli can Paper. Published at Raleigh. We Clip the Follow, inz from It. OUR COLOR. The State Journal, after a short suspension, is before the public a gain.. We Lave decided to adrocate the Amendment; believing it to be for the best interest of North Caroli na. We have fully surveyed the gronnd and realize the tact that we differ with many of our Republican friends.,,. - While the Republican State Con vention has not yet assembled and declared ajrainst the Amendment we are jatisfied from present indicat ions that it will do so, and wish we could see our way clear to abide by its dicision on this question. As a Western Republican, we carce to Raleigh In 1897 to accept a posi tion under the fusion admlnistanioo. We have had an opportunity to ob serve and study eastern conditioos and have become convinced that there is something radically wrong m the East. While the Amendment may tot cure all our ills, it heads in the right direction and will improve present conditions. As a We-long Republican, we take this course, believing it to be for the best inteiest of the white people of North!. Carolina ar.d at the same time will elevate and improve the ne gro race. We take this position as a Republican who has always snpport ed the Republican ticket and expects to continue to do so, and believe it the duty of every true Republican in the State to do the same. We want to see conditioos such that men can meet each other on the stump as gen tlemen and dircuss principles and the great economical; educational and other interests of the State. This can never be done east of Charlotte until the black cloud of the East is re moved. - From now till election we shall bat tle f or j what we believe is right, re gardless of the consequences. This U a;queation"th"at sohuld be above party. Settle the question of white supremacy in XVrth Carolina first re move the danger and then battle for white Republican rule y ..Wc.shaU continue to support the Republican ticket and defend Repub lican principles, but on the race ques tion we propose to stand by our own race. The Western voter has no" con- vcpviua 01 iasiern COnaiUOOS. SUCn things as Democracy and Republi pocai pnnapies are not d.scussed, considered or thought oL wane man, ana me vote ts cast ac u. " .1 . . . cordingly. The white man will never consider any other question until the danger of negro domination is icraov ed-There are no politics in the East. except white and negro politics. The wisest course for the Repub- lican State Convention to pursue would be to silently pass over the A mendment question and arraign the menl of State affairs, its false pledges deception and reckless revolutionary lion enacted by .he U Ce,K, al Assembly. By this course they could carry ir xegisiaiure and possibly c- I . licet the State ticket. ; .A fWu DvU run Destroviwr its victim. a tvr cf I m . -m - J . vnsupaiion. ane power oi mis murderous malady is felt on organs 1 anxj nerves and muscles and brain. There's no health till It's ovctcome. But Dr- King's Kew life Pills are a safe and certain cure. Best in?' the world for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels, Only 25 cents at R.' C. Baxccaore's store. There may or may not be fraud in the East, bet there is ooe thirg cer tain; if the while man caooot ou. vote the negro he mill out count him. The white man, especial! the Anglo Saxon race was made to rule and be is going to do it, and wt tad JuU it well accept the facts as they are and remove ill causes and excuses tar fraud. The question is col asUd ia Ext ern North Carolina, are you a Dem ocrat or Republican? it is, are yo j a white aa or negro? M-iay cf the white people do not know vhat Re publican or , Democratic ptiocipk are. They do not care to know, aod wtU never inrrs?ja!e as long as pres ent conditions exist. Looking back to tie days of Abt a m m m m nam Lincoln and coming down to the present time, should not the tegTt be satisfied with what he has recti red at the hands of the KcpnUkaa party? Is it not enough to satisfy any race of people with ordinary gratitude? When asked why we support the amendment, we answer freely and proudly, because it m disfranchise the negTO voters, and lhertby create Intelligent htte Republicaa vocers. AMMW Twm. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave Genera! Berha of Machias, Me when the doctors said she could not lire till ooraieg writes Mrs. S. It. Lincoln, who at tended her that fearful eight. "AH thovght she would soon die fico , Pnuemonia, but she begged for Dr. Kioga New Discovery, aayir.g u had more than once sated her !-'c, and cured her of Consumttlon. Aliti three small doses she slept easily all night, and its f other use corapktelv ft MB ' - K " . W currci ncr. 1 hit marvelous raeJ cine is guarantee to cure all Throat Cbet and Luig Disease. Only oc and $ 1 .00. Trial bottle free 11R.C Baiemcre's store. Meet tlas&aai Wlta a naBc" "i ao wtsn some one would write a tew nues lor men, said a yoccg married woman recently. teITra aw ful tired of reading ia magaaines ad newspapers that I oust meet ray hus band when he cooes home froea hU ofSce 'pleasantly and cheeffoUy. That the bouse most be like a eew pin, I oust be prettily gowned, the dinner must be daintily 'cocked and served and that he mmnt be worried with a recital of the troubles of the daj. no matter if delirium supcrreaes for me. . These precepts are all right theer aticalty, and under ordinary circum stances are practical. Every wteaa followt them bstbctively who wishes to letaia her husband's admiration but why arena there a few laws cf this sort laid down (or men to foCo u uy isal there some one to tell them to look cheerful when they coaie in, and to fotbear to grumble if din ner is a trifle late for any good rea son, to be, a little trra pal belie and affectionate, and reoetabar that theirs are not the only troubles ia the hcse. -According to the ordinary writer a woman's whole married life should be spent ia practidog expedients to a a. a a aeep ner nusoana s tort inxa grow iog cod, while he apparently may pursue any course he pleases, civil cr uncivil, tyrannical or gtnilctnaily and" be sure of retaining her lore.- BaMmvn dYrtrs. A. R. Ie lloent, editor cf the Jeuaf Dpjkstown Ohio, suScrtd for a number cf years frora r hiuas. ttsxa ia his right sSonldcr a&d Side. He says; "Mr light arra at lioes was entirely useless. I tried Chamber la la's Pain lulm, and was sorprbed to rt ccitre relief almost immediately. The Paia Balm has been constant ccsra- iba of mine ever since and it never bils. For sale by J. J Mardre k Bra gpjBkKL aMk BlBmtaak h .aWaak. aaaaVaBBk aW aa CASTOR I A . Tor IiZaiU as! Qllfrta, . Hi Kti Yci Kits kkijt E:;ii Baars tL Cgsafrartcf F $1.0l If t!tone hmc siVKripcoa Kjrt ctu paed will ttztm n'.:Ui f:vt eL cl-odisg this i.u-e, we wi'4 scai u for oo year at th p?ke aJUrrr. See it yit tjtltt it ear kat co the f :j;U ha ad cotter cf live tnt pv This cJcr b&mij gtwi (n a iSett lis,; ocly. A3 sh-KttWrs wS it cme a cr t- 1 few days. Mrs. S. C Rarrtit Lis fU Wiml a thofocjh csxttineja cax'.ic a ad bTiJis a df e-a frco lroL S. A. Wc:, c4 Nevada, si IS rttttetseftded t the iVlk 13 cure dlfrite-t ithod tztdistt et srgrry. Th mho are safer ir wiJi & i vases mewil da t3 la sec lf S irf heme Wiadnot , N. C Ay fclbw ts UaUe detice la a pcirr gis theta, tot thai taanrr -f a pair ti RICE BLOOD CURE. Is yocr tlx! Tat Are ttra sc?t of it? Do cess or scr a:dbc 11 rmj oes yocnJua lith et tctsJ Hate Catamh? Are yoa ea!c? It so it Jf -ma liiaaa at cece ith IL U. h d Ime is4 Kkh, Ir t'i crt?v sofe and gites a clear, c teahLy cancer, eatie; soers, Fa.tfa 5t IixS J'oIksci are qtklir cvtd y.B. KL IK eaade eircti:?t 1st aH Trtl5n. IL B. XL Is dif erect tttm ceVrr ft say eds becasj TL H B. drafts the rouoo a4 Htsssort ovt el Ube t2otJ ad entire tritesi sa the its;cse.i cannot ret urn. Cite k a trial It curt hca 3 else falls. Tho?-acl !y tested foe jo 3 ears. Sell at tlrvg itorts at ft per large tuaJe, 6 t?i beetles (feU treatment) ft. $0 SiS- lercra may tea it, a irul l.ck gt iay absolcScty frre. : Vf"t U k. Address BLOOD B,LM CO-, Aisa Ca, Write today. DrKrl and free tnedal ad nee g1ra. OAOTOniA. cu y4 i ubi m IX 1.! LuI MONUMENTS GRA VESTONES . m awam. - Gvaiuyrtt Sf a Dairitat. "ItiXfiiuTTii Orauss Fata tMctn Srooc t titt Sxrrst TltE COLTER CURDLE WOKS ltiMaa y fa 'i WILLIAMS IIOUSOIAT)'iiIV)1r.ii:i.r'i . J. O. TSaais,' Pmp, . J The oldest hotel in lHc town' Uvco atuched and Hack to net I all trains. tEWISTON N .C. A GREAT TO YOU in orcicrio maKc .F I have reduced all Mens and IWs Over-coats, Suits, Boots and Slices, Ladies" Hats and Capes, nice Dfo s Goods and many other eoods at ven low prices. Don't fail to call, and see for yourself. . j ! t- t , itC CI 51 t:U j-c-atsy r then, Tc-4 Xztnr L;-r dtrt CTfrys.?2 tools z fcsw ye trc aVv-t t havt yo-a csal ihrs-r c ' tic tx.llc tfcrrr.3 Arc iMtgi mZf 1.-5 t !s t ? 1 1 s"i it yzzrz t net-, afscf aS? Thu s wl err ihc treble it. Tour c err' ts tit bt lzt?z i v: c4 frcrt the t-ru:ti. Is . r m w f .l! " m tt ft- r-riict lis IkoJ itj r I ;rcs pdrcr tii KilCT 1 13 its tcrrti. li ruiti LI tdk tii t:.Ttrt, i.tr. nr is4 ctccr:.:rcs.i. , This ts w til A cr't irQifarcr -c It's tic eldett SirursrCi ta tic tisi, the lit J itxi w rs c:d trie re cctcr Stns rsrCit it err Isevs. This t!w tracissa f:r ttc sjyl-x. Orc t-:cc cf Aitt'.s ts vcr-.h ttrxc tcctrt cf ttt triizur 1 1 . sv rt o aaaaWaWarfaaaw C0NTR.L HOTOL, J. It LIVOIAN, fWfv trttirt stvatl cert t-t !ra s tas -t.sgv l If aitkt-K, tSe I-t--t ts t!be l awe, I.K 1 1 is t? t e1 f ? s rvxit?y. , Yca runugt , futbai asAi isssf, a:l s - aLa ita IP 1 L!iQ f A gtr.l tcv the 1 W AVclLb Y BICYCLES. Rrra '?ra js A OLTvS i Salolaxtjoa Cvarr.trri- ir-4a4M' a . it"-aaa a. J I I t w a m .., . . L I I i f .' I I f f ,., . ... t V t l i a . a a . t . bMt. a. wu t BENEFIT room lor onnnirtocK. ST IDCIT7 if y i

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