tWe "Duplicate "the Prices ; lating at home, bend us y ping tag to a booklet us STOP YOU- J, jt Borrowing: YOUR Neigh tor's LEDGER! . WE Will Send it to YOU Twelve Mont as for ONE Dollar jt j Six Months: 50 Cents. . j an X KU.rk.rJ act--. iKj t;i:t c-- . f VOL. 17. WINDSOR, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 3 1900 NO. 10. and Better the Work" than any Printing House in North Carolina. Then why not keen your rr.or.ev cirru- our orders.' Patronize home industry. If you arc in need oftnvcloptrs, parcr, bill heads anything, from a ihir know and we will satisfy you in every particular or refund your money. Give us your order. n Famous Maiyland Hen's Clotmn ad. to Ordmv Kipiwatge TrcpaM nnUMUin The stylish kind of Suits, Orcr coats and Trousers, made by best city merchant tailors, are made 1b our workrooms at aixnit one-half what yon hare to pay at retail. Our Mih's Clothing Catalogue, with large cloth samples attached, shows the latest styles and con ceits, and Is profusely Illustrated with the latest fashions that will be worn by the best dressea this season. We ship yon our Clothing C.O.D., and we guar antee each garment to fit you. so that you ran absolutely no risk; think of the large saving you effect and the stylish garments we send you! 111 lives. Then what class of white weft does it affect? only those who become 2 1 years old after January i, 1908 aud who will not learn to read and write." Wilmineton Messenzer. the platform: mammon H - m m , -v L We publish a lS-color lithographed book, which shows carpers, kuk, P.irtlAre. Lace Curtains and Bed Sets, Table and Piano Covers, etc., in their exact colors and designs, so that by look In? at these color plates you can tell exactly how the fabric itself appears. mnA huvin? from us vou buy at mill prices, and save from 40 to 60 pet cent. All Carpets sewed free, lining; famished without charge, and freight prepaid Doth catalogues are free. Which do you wantt Address this way: lULTUs HIKES & SON, Dept. 909, Baltimore, Md. Letters and Clippings From the State Papers. . : ' ' ' -- ' ; . 'v - - '" " uS-1 AM A ' WHITE AiAN ' ray I the last DR. W. L. DAVIS Consulting Optician. All errors of ref rection scientifically corrected W. R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WINDSOR, N. C. Practices In all Courts. Special attention given to Collections. Mr. Editor: I noticed that name appeared as delegate to Populist Convention at Raleigh week, and it is a pleasure to me to state that I am a white man and for white supremacy as every true while First-class Watch repairing- Clocks and Jewelry and all kinds of Spectacles and Eye-glasses for sale. R. W. HALISH, Expert Watchmaker and Graduate Optician Main St, next door to Mrs. Barretf s store. tat. Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. "WINDSOR. N. C Following is the platform adopted by the State Democratic Convention The Democratic party of North In Winston a few days ago, M. L. Carolina hereby approves, endorses Mott, of Wilkesboro, a son of Dr. 40(1 ratifies the principles enunciated Mott, of Irdell county, for a number and set forth in the 'platform of the of years the machine manager of the national UemocTatic party cl 1896. Republican party of this State, speak- v eaenounce the tartft legislation ol ing of the chances for Linney's re- lne Republicans, which hai Increased nomination lor Congress, said: tne burdens of taxation upon our coo- "Unfortunately the Republican supers and increased the powers of party of North Carolina just now, is and monopolies to rob the peo- controled entirely by patronage and V if Congressman Linney wants to be Believing that under our present re-nominated he will get it; if he wants method of federal taxation more than it the convention will be postponed three-fourths of our national revenues until after the August election and if are Pd by people owning less than it is, it means he wants it. I havnt one-fourth of the property of the coun- man should be, and hence do no heard of anybody wanting the nom- uy w protest against such inequali- take any stock in the Rep-Pop anti- ination except Spencer Blackburn, nd injustice, and in ordei to rtm- amendment wing as run by Peace. d i nobodv else wants it Soencer dy to some extent this reat wrong, Dalby and Co. I will state that I w;n ' . :t I we favor and income tax and all coo- 1 n believe in true Populist principles,,MMrrr,r I stitutional methods to sustain it. - , uaii - liar v bja l ja. bvaau . a true as anything Mr. Mott has ever We denounce the Republican party man's government and not Bill Ros- uttered, tiue not only now, but true for it legislation fixing the gold sUd- ter negro rule, in order that a few aj tQ th ReDUblican Dirtv ever since dard uPa lhe people. We denounce 111.. T T1U.. " r I. T 1.1! t ... men use rcatc, wnu;, uwn, v,Ui it was organized in this State. It luc -epuoiican parry ior in legisu art, Hover, Gill, etc., should occupy has aiways een a, patronaffe-mled P00 by hxch the people of territory t 1 t a. . . 1 1 t t L w m. - party and has always run by Eederal actluire J ue unuea auies are placeholders, postmasteis. internal witnout representation and Ie revenue officers and their subordin- Prived of protection ofTered by the ates, who were assigned to do the Principle that the constitution follows work of organizing, &c cut out for 5e aS them by the party managers. Now We ia favor of peaceful commet the most active agents in the State aal expansion, bnt denounce imperaJ- are these Federal place holders who ,sra and militarism. are buisv in ttinr ,,n mtlnir anrl We cordially inrite all voters with- organizing the forces against the con- onl "S to past political affiliation $1.05. If thoe bo wtT:rim cs. p'red w!l rtRcw.iua tint rtkj L-v CO Monday in November for - the selec tion of a senator by the Democratic voters, at which every elector who has voted the Democratic ticket in me Mate election shall be cnt.Hrd to one vote for one man for the xnitel and the candidate ctttinz a ma onty cldifl- tis iwc wZl koJ t of votes shall receive the support oil.. - , lf .. the DemocraUc members of tii Mc- Ma -.d lU Lrrt and if none receive a maority a se-1 for ce year at the jc atoTf- wuu piuajry aoaii oc oioa ior, Swf if cr Lrrrr U enilxd end the one jetting the majority shaU I ... be supported bythe Democratic lex " " Xm r 1 a.k m isiature. 1 i tu c"cr &cl roxs let a sictt We demand that the odious lump (1:3C ArJ twt;w mn We drnounee the nriciic d feJ I 1 ' r al ofEriil controlling ronrnliont I J" a and using their official position to co erce and intimidate voters. We heartily approve of the act c-f the legislature submitting the coo it BljJU- ft ta a luuooil amendment to the people aad Wtl:m a Neradi, Wa, ll ,. :.. 1 :. m U rtccoes&c&ded la tU TwU mote peace, prospen.aod happlncst of the people of North Caroli ia. We ratify the nomination of W. K Council as Judge of the Tenth dis trict. Mrs. S. C lUfttt! Las tUUx4 thotoe'h t.-sik LcaIs and bok!s a d f kr.a fa Vtxt. S, A. cure dltrajcs wixit ocd 'S"y- - Thoe ire siSriir wUh d icaics wosli da wx3 U x tcr at I1 bcoe, Wiiicr, N. C. IM I'lel in 2 Pin RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS.w North No. 3 Time Table No. 2. I South. EFFECTIVE 4-2T-. 1899. I No. i-a 6 30 a m 6 40 705 7 15 7 25 7 40 I 00 a m Lv Ar Windsor Butlers Askewsville Holly Grove Branning Powellsville Ahoskie Ar Ar Lv 620pm 6 00 5 4 5 25 5 20 5 05 4 45Pm a- Dailv exceot Sunday. Flae Station-. Train No. 2 makes direct conntction with the Norfolk & Carolina train No. 102 at Ahoske for Norfolk. Train No. 1 makes direct connection with Norfolk & Carolina No. 103 from Norfolk J.W.BRAN N IN G.C.E. BRANNING Pres. General Manager. M.C. HINSHAW, General Freight & passenger Agent. CHESAPEAKE LINE. U. S. Mail Steamers cushioned seats at the pie counter. Yours for white supremacy, T. N. Cash, Berea, N. C Oxford Ledger. Newton, April 19. After the Re publican " convention here last week a life-Ion? Republican went to one of his Republican friends and said; "I went to the convention in the court ctjtntinnnl 3.,, ,;,k k to unite us with us in S UDDOrt of our house to-day. There were about voted on bv the oeoDle. Thev do candidates for congress who favor the half enough white men present to fill do this work whether it be congenial I principles of the Chicago platform. the bar. I went in and sat down in or not, because they are ordered tol e adm: re the heroism and ability the convention, but when I saw two do it, and if they refused or showed I witla Jihich William T. Bryan has de- big negroes, wearing glasses, sitting lack of zeal in the doing, they would I fended the principles of the Demo- over at one side, by George, I could be marked for slaughter and a pret-1 cratic and thereby instruct the North not stomach it and I had to leave." ext soon found to dispense with their Carolina delegates to vote for his re- 1 1 This is the kind of men with which servises. A patronage ruled party. I nomination. the Repu61icans are trying to defeat We should say so. Wilmington Star. We denounce the administration of the amendment but at the election I the Republican party in North Caro- they will find that these men "can't Why the Republicans and Populists I lina by which negroes were placed in stomach it," and vote for the amend- n .fllf. -n-i,.. high and responsible official position ment. which ought to have been filled, by white people. the words, "White Supremacy for AUC xPuoiicani ana x-opuiisw wm we approve of the law of last year North Carolina," have been reeeived Put out separate State tickets and the 1 to prevent removal of suits by foreinj here and there and are being distrib- public is thus made to believe that corporations, from state to federal uted among the voters of the county. tnere ls n0 alliance between the two courts. We commend the legislature Men who have been "on the fence" parties. Senator Fntchard has au- for the election law of last year. before, can be seen wearing one of thorized a statement that the Repub- We favor economic expenditure and these buttons. Concord Times. llns and Populists in North Caro- abolition of unnecessary offices. ;nua wm uuiiusc uu mc ouiic ui&ci. I vve commcna tne legislature s op EVERY WHITE MAN CAN it was stated in the journal batur- propriation of for pubUc aay mar a secret conterence was neia 1 schools and pledge oarselvs to in VOTE. in Atlanta looking to a coalition in I nr tK eKrv1 fn o I " v nw the approaching election. It is a fact at least four months term in each that a close alliance on the terms jchooi district. white men then stated was agreed upon. ;,k r,M- rv.. iMnta K&aXKm ia 1x4 ta tsn inm tags . - .... Any Iciow tt Uxl 14 IVM u dcocc la a tAtt ruxa a ratlr cl them, for &i csoiur FREE BLOOD CCRH PS? : 1. t t .v . ': Is lt d ti t Iz U:y til - shiftiest when the tit J:a t 'j U ii. Scciait:..y,tiCy r t4 Crx4 i3 t:c. 1 ; AZ2 tit! eta yc-a et fed yriJix brr're t!:sl i-i htrti:- lj S-zh t:U art ct Jcr-f--r tc!;:d it trzi '.r V. M 1 M V U "Si.' ' cyrr'.iri-it?.7r 1 mm m. Hssirtiicftiutii ttutzc'-tUlt hire ulta It dzXz r ttt r a !0 years, Masy cf titte t':U htTt tzzzn tt tz.Cs cr . Thry rtztzitr tin CZTti lit, zi tZV titf tUt tit ttr,c cz cist to tl zItcvzx tlZl rzz Tea C13 t7cr d 13 trx s StrsirifCiilM hittcra 4 traitd for hCJ a cter;rr. If JtnT lrvt'. 9 3 ttrT. I44 Ktle Aits' f ' t If im ..xf il'-ui nt It t Mt 1 S '. f The Democratic party prcmixrs in its Sute platform to jive th? children of the Sute at least four months cf public schools a year, and the prom .... t. laws must be passed as i3 bcrta c h Do cut cv tcrirct WI tier.?; the efficiency of our country pvUci Dot yowtiia lith c tt! llttv sd:ools, and their children have aa I ytra rrio- e!c5.tJ, TcU t.tJ'Ji oorortumtv to rtt an rdacatloa ia CalamhJ Art yea fMU w r-' free schools. The country schoc!. (lk)Uak yj juv fetW. li snouia nave wc-tr lerrat, mere moo- Jl re aad Kki, Uili atttj ey must be spent for schools. We I scte as4 trrrs a clear, ct kril will never be satisfied usta the coun-1 Dcep4cau4 ttfcct t-U tkrft. try boys and girls, ik otltet 1 rxr wrcaIf 1 --J have an opportunity to tt a rJ br lLELa.ri t;rrr English education al blic eipease. oict! iCarxS al ti a Tr'-lck The State owes this to thra, and it U E. XL & It d imtl trco ctixv rrs high time some of the debt was be- edks Ucaw XL IX tL dts tt inR paid. The new century must tt cn4 ei e tl giowuhagreateduotionai awskm- M C Ls a uliL It ening in North CarolinaMtcot. Cwrs when n el ft.Ii. "Hxrci: letted for 30 jean. SU at drcr If troubled with rbeumttisa, rirt U rt U-'jr Ue. 6 Ua Chamberlain's Pain lUlm a triaL It tct'es (Ta trratrses?) ft. 5 sci- will not cost yoo a cent U it docs no trs lT it. a trul Uc.U mod. One aenlicition win ttVt I aiT tUois'tlf f.'tc. Wi U f &. lhe pain. It also cures sprains and Address XlLOOD UAlM CO AtUtts Vccs titiej-t btu'ises in one-third the time 1 equired Ca.WrUe lodtv. lnovl tre&Uc br.a C?fl, by any other treatment. Cuts, bores. d free medical adtke jirra. f frostbites, quinsey, pains rn the sJe I j and chest, clandular and other swell-1 0A.O,X,0 3rLXyi. ( logs are qaickly cured by appljieg iL Every bottle warranted, rnce, 15 and 5ts. Sold by J J Mardre H Ero. ' w r lfcl.-.l CENTRAL HOTEL j. tt uvjxnv. rrw,-v r -f t To take from ignorant is ssiss 2e T,h',nZb Jhe. Re.publica." and.. opu,ist? wwi 4 .v...... --c-- ------ wm pui out seperaie aiaie iicneis ana me uuuu'j is iuus maac 10 Deueve lina. It is a lie to intimate that any j white man can be or will be deprived i of the riffht to vote in iqoo or iqoi. o ' ' . QMttzsria. ANDe JrWz I No white man i3 really distranchised To all Points North East & West. Lv. Norfolk, Jackson st.... 5:45 p- m. Lv. Old Point Comfort 6:45 p. m. Ar. Baltimore, Pier 19, Light st 7:00 a. m. B. & O. R. R. P. R. R. Lv. Baltimore.... Ar. Philadelphia. Ar. New York ...7:55 a. m. ..10:15 a. m. .12:35 p. m. 8:00 a. m. 10:15 a. m. 12:43 p. m. Steamers leave daily except Sunday. For staterooms and any information call at. Norfolk Ticket Office, Main and Granby Streets. Phones 112. W. B. BROWN E. T. LAMB, Gen. Agt. Pass. Agt. RAILROAD CONDENSED SCHEDULE Dated Jan. 15th, 1899. 'I03 49 Stations. 48. tio2 P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. 320 900 Lv.Norfolk.Ar. 5 5S a 40 9 20 Pinners Point. 5 30 1 ?2 303 9 46 ....Drivers.... 505 "2 3 17 1000 ....Suffolk... i50. 9 350 1034 ......Gates.... 420 I?? 4 15 1050 Tunis.... 4-00 lf2 436 06 ...Ahoskie.... 3 4I o 4 53 11 21 ..Aulander.... 327 q 1z 5 35 1200 ..Hobgood.... 253 ,,2 6 00 12 21 Ar.TarboroLv. 2 31 p'm3. p1. tocky Mou: 55 by the amendment. If any man is ever disfranchised in Carolina it must be white North consequence of his own folly, crime or.indifference m that there is no alliance between the two parties. Senator Pritchard has authorized a statement that the -Re publicans and Populists . in North Carolina will not fuse on the State ticket. It was stated in the Journal Satur- The article itself does not disfranchise 7 J. 7 in Atlanta looking to a a wnite man. it a man s tatner or grandfather could vote in 1867, then any white man in North Carolina can vote now. it ne votes nowm 1900 he will vote always. Ex-Senator Jar- vis states it correctly in this: "Every white man who is a qualified voter now will continue to be as long as he lives, so far as this amendment affects his right to vote. Every young man arriving at full age before Jan- coalition in the approaching election. It is a fact that a close alliance on the terms then stated was agreed upon. The proposition to have seperate State tickets was agreed upon and ment of institutions for care of the in-, sane,and pledge the party to increase the appropriation" for this purpose, so every needy insane person in the state may be cared for at public expense. We approve of the act creating lhe corporation commission and of the administration cf affairs by the com mission by which fairer rates have seen secured, which are more just to the people and to the transportation and transmission corporations, and we approve such assessment of rail way property as will make it bear its fur nrnnnrtiAn nr ti9iin Wm rrn ,ne PuDi:cauon that the fusion prop- demn ffce OSltlOn had fallen thrnuo-h. antrmrir I 1 - I 1tf J 11 . IT-. for the purpose of influencing those white Poplists who oppose fusi- ana uaae coraoinauons ana aemana on to vote against the constitutional the passage of such legislation, state 1 amendment, which is tHe issue of the or national as will suppress the campaign and for the further purpose A Night Of Terror. uary i, 1908, can register and vote if he Duts his name on the registration . 4 0 01 caDtunn? tnose uemofraft hn ar . ..... .' ... I X o - ' "w w.w books oetore mat date and he will . . alleged to oppose the proposition to .uunuuc iu uv. a. vuiti as iJiiii as lie I ... . . . . lne leaders ot the two parties, "Awful anxiety was felt for the Butler and Pritchard. thorough: tin- .- j . c u 1 r : 1 ti 1 I . o J n( ukioc tut n hor, derstand each other. VI f AfAAAAAJ) HlJUIl UUVlUld said she could not live till morning writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who at tended her that fearful nfehtT "All thought she would soon die from Pnuemonia, but she begged for Dr. King s New Discovery, saying it had a la Ls4 ta ts ttn tst " s;.J st,- T F IP 1 LI C.I A fti,! ior I.1- The white people of the Smih MONUMENTS have, since the close of the war, vol- unfaril enntributed f &cvAoa,ooo tr wards the education of the nerrol v3rM VcLZ I UVCo race. I . Tk rrrr. t ff Kmo-'f riuf I 1 Wf PV Tt Tt$tMT At I 11 CvtiLkvtxt Sat DtLzrtav. vnu never oo 11 oy procrsjes rquva-1 11 - i . . . wm m u" entto tujnrnzalBiaoirarxwt-sUJpi. MY-lr iixcttiatio CaTaidart tail His rise must be along industrial and not political lines of adranctmcnL Durham Record. 1acut Srxc t rst $wn iWAVERLEY BICYCLES. WHY HE CURES. T110 COLTER MARBLE W02KS trt IOOt03 DANK ST. HOrOLX. VAt &LOQ3. QiLtM. - . - . . The oldest botcJ in the town I Livery attache! ami hack to ncc: ail tratns- jtam iwwu m fc, Tl " WILLIAMS HOUSE, f:iaQ;ir,l.,i,L'i X. 0. WCiaj, Ftv. i s IW f At- t LEWISTON N.C; nw 4 f I 1 I 1 I - M w Xrr Cam SpUIty ner Daily. tDaily except Sunday. .T's'pninnl? 4? SoHd tralns between Pi :r s Point and WilminKton. T.-iin No o mi nects at Rocky Mount with trai-Y ssfor'alfooi South and No. 78 train for all pouitl Northi con t G. M. SCRPELL, Qereral Manager. J. R, Kenlcy. Sup't. Trains. T. M. Emerson, . General Passenye Agentr An Epidemic of WhooplBg Ceagli. Last winter during an epidemic of whooping cough my children con tracted the disease, bavin? severe same. We favor election of United States e senators by the people. We favor a law for holding prima ries for nomination of state and coun ty officers. We hereby instruct the state executive committee to provide for the holding of a 'primary tie first 1ZT?iL m - ""v1 WM,rtwMo4(lriUUK A. R. De Fluent, editor of the JoutnaJ. Dpylestown, Ohio, suffered had uied Cham- 1 ?r P1". Lf ' rHrkM. p- vrr: , i , --g I r in 1 1 n VaHeeie 9mm m tVm Wkr U'.n. )-- l4k 1 w U. mm m ' ' ' Kldr Mi 4 - 4 - tfea 4 W W tM. . ; . . , - to it ar mat me ana iouna n rciicvca . ' . . . . night, and its futher use completely Ue cough and effected -a complete P tnd "f? 10 tun uw, iu uiiiivciuua u,cul" cure Tohn E. Clifford propietoTl cine is guaranteed to cure all Throat k'a u Mnrttn!vi m v I Pain Balm has been constant compan- Chest and Lvng Disease. Only 5oc xhis remedy is for sale by j. j. Mar. ion of mine ever since joT it ver x and Jr.oo. Trial bottle free at R. C. ' dre & Bros. " fails." For sale by J. J t Mardre &; JUazemore s store. Bro. 1 r t i ..iii I ff. tra Vw t a at m4 lai a m ....- M'-iilH'f- - Mtfc-.4r aaai ka ". t y i L HrWTOM HATHA WAV M. O. Dr. riMkanr A Ca. SM tWtk ttra4 awaal. AlUavte. m jumoii ti i r a rue i vrrui mix. A GREAT BENEFIT TO YOU - In order to make room for Spring stock. I have reduced all Mens and Boy's Over-coats, Suits, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Hats and Capes, nice Dress Goods and many other goods at very low prices. Don't fail to call, and sec for yourself. S. LIPSITZ. r s 3 1 j 5- i i.

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