- - i ;ttSWe ''Duplicate the Prices - and Better. the AVorkM than any Printing House in North .Carolina. TI;cn why r.ct J;r cur. rr.cr.cy drc . laring at home. Send us your oiersT' Patronize home industry-. -If yo a are la need f envelopes, pacrj bill heads, anything, frcrna sh;; ; ping tag to a book, let us know and Ave will satisfy you in every particular 6t refund your money. Give us your order. iP- STOP YOU jt fi Jk Borrowing , YOUR. Ncigh- a X rsjuVcJ M.zrz-J. tl-i j ; it cr- 7 ; ' .... . ' ?, pOr a I -r .' vTi.tvi ,w $ w 111. it iu OU Twelve Months for ONE Dolkf jk She Months: 50 Cents. j i VOL. 17. W I N DSO R ," N ;.' C.j'T H U R S D AYi WI AY 10 .1 900 NO. 11. v- r ; - w ,.. - II Y. v. K M W .1.. . ' V I w . w X-l. a M .11 srv - - m - m t . n1 viis; . it i m I 1 "V 1 - 1 J jf ft iT- 1 A U1M1J lien's Clothing WILFRED TURNER ESQ. .t: TtMityUsli kUd of Suita, Over. . coats ud Trousers, made Djr tesi cJty merchant tailors, are made in our workrooms at about one-half what you have to pay at retail. Our 1 Men's Clothing Catalogue, with large cloth, samples attached, shows the latest styles and con .celts, and Is profusely Illustrated with the Utest fashions that will be worn by the best dressed tnts season, we snip you ow Clothing CO D., and we gulr- U1BCO vKA INUlSllt w H J so tfiat you run absolutely no risk; nd the,tylish garments we send jou-l . We publish aitteetoc UthographcdrKMk.wliich hows .Carpers, Rugs.. Portieres, Lace Curtains and Bed Sets, Table and. Piano. Corea; tc.,- In thrw- wnct colors Slid design, so that by took Ing at these color plates you can wi exacuy fomj the fabric toetf actears. and buvtnr Ironr An Toifi." , buy at mllT prices, and save tram 40 4)B per cent, All Cupeta seired firea, lining fumiahed withoot chargn, aad freight prepaid Both catalogues are free. Which do you want? Address this way: ttiLlUS HUES V SOS, Dept.909, Baltimore, DR. W. L. DA VIS lit lillf CiS BENJ. LACY, T 1 1 "' if - Short Sketches of. their. Llyes and Peerless Leader .r ... . . . , - - " "';. Charles Brantley 1 Aycock. '-t- a .. : .. ., K. Ttt Boiri cl Cc'ij Ceo ei ul- tri, r-rt at ihe ut-il h iLc if; Hi near i?reemont. Wayne county, in. u. j , Nov.ii 'His-father lasa far- ? , Consulting Optician, in AO errors of reflection sdentlflcallY corrected W. R. JOHNSON; ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, WINDSOR, N. C.';t. . . Practices In mil Courts. s - Special attention given to Collection. First-class "Watch repairing: Clocks and Jewelry and all kinds of Spectacles and Eye-glasses for ' . ; . .: sale. ' - -vv V ft R. W. HALISH, Expert Watchmaker and Oraduate Optlciaa r ; 1t4 rvTain St, next door to Mrs. Barrett's ' store. ' Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. . . .WINDSOR, N. C at"-"- W . RAILROAD. I PASSENGERrTRAINS. NoethI t Time TabIe No. 2: No. 5-a: J EFFECTIVE. -27-, . 1899. South! No. I-A (301m 640 75 7 15 ; . 7 35 : " 7 40 too am Lv Windsor ; Butlers i '. ; Askewsville '' Holly Grove ' Bran Nino At. 620pm - . .600 - 540 -.;-i--" -525 Ar . v 5 Ar PowellsvUle, r .-. rJ . 5 5 AHOSKIE" "L '44SPBI mer and a man of prominence an dtn- fluence in nl&. county ancf.hefH the'of fice of clerk of courHrom the"A'uust term 1853tothefay" term 1861. lie representecfdie 22ni SenatoHal I ine uemocratic candiaate l-or aismcx in me oenaie m 1004-05-00. I mi rv J i?- ' Lieutenant Governor. V Wffi 1 f Fi .ov; ernor attended school Cnjon ana 1 r 11 1 : . 1 r Wilfred D. Turner, of Iredell coun- was Pparea lor couegc, ai ,10 . . , ." ' T- S ' ' son Collegiate Institute. Mri Ay4 J cock took rank as the most brilliant ri7U7'r',8H ?ls i' ihember'of hisrand was head or whom ne was named, was a farmer next to head. In the debating so- and the pioneer cotton manufacturer 1 cieties he took great interest and was, in Piedmont North Carolina. Mr. as a mere easi,y debater t. '.jA T-::... and speaker. Before he was old D -f in 1S70 and fa 1879 tne degree of A. M. was conferred on him by his alma matter. After- graduation he read law and in June, 1877 began to practice in Ashville. He was a pain taking, studious able and conscien tious attorney, and his practice grew sl.eadily.iv In 1885 he formed a par tnership with the late Judge Robert F." Armheld, and in 1886, . when Judge Armfield went on the , bench. Mr. Turner formed a partnership with MnXhas H. Armfield. It is one of he strongest legal firms in Piedmont North Carolina. ... ' Mr. Turner was one of the dele gates in the National convention that 1 , . 1 i- . . .. nominaieo i?ryan m 1090 ana in tne campaign which followed canvassed his district with eloquence and pow er championing and defending the Chicago platform and the great Ne braskan. He ia. a strong and -effec tive: speaker arid will be a power on thetstump in the campaign. . In personal life Mr. .Turner haS a clean record. -He has no weak place He is straightforward, manly, upright true in all the relations of life.: In Iredell county no man has lived, who enjoyed the confidence of the people to a fuller extent than Mr. turner. He is a. straightforward and direct, the sort of man who will grow in pop ular, confidence. I He has been twice married. ' His first wife .was - Miss Lanier, of Alabama." He was mar- Charles'Brantly Aycock wai 'horailli'BattleA.'L,' Coble, R.' B. John, Kobert Kansora, trntst iiaywooci. MrAjcvck read Iaw jit -th Vf y versify tonder lr. KcMp: P. BaUle and afterwards at Goldsboro under the1 late. A, K. Smeds and "bean the Drsxilce in Goldsborovin Tkouary. t58i in partiruhiprith,Ute ibcn-i atof Frank A "r-DafHets.4 ""That part r. v ti. . .1 t. . . t . I i I . . . . . . . I I '. , V n, u w -w ait I ' 1 VI - no i- arjrt. . izzzz e4j Vn fcol the mi---; --r?" Or Jerri Mtf !tf, t tit:! til c J ne-ship was formed wken Mr. Aveock and-Mr. Dahlets tatrc sclV 'fuis, and is one of the firf Iccil firms "in Ordcrtd tlut Mrv Sr, c rf . t . . f y f ju:e U rt: -cm! cl ee ri-sa til finflej; North Carolina.T lie has held the Kurd. ' The rv.l!j nrrt cl lr. 1L V. Tbe fcHorvis r act's t?t avi.uv! 4 following positions: Superintendent of Nominee Ot the Democratic Con xfrttxl i-I- T. MotU Ktt 4v Public Schools of Ware connty in VCIlUon for State treasurer. mzrr Co. larea !c Feb. J5 1881: Chairman of .the 1 Board of .. 1 ! , . , , I . . . . . . c t . . a Trustees of the Goldsboro Craded .lienUmin Rice Licv wis Utn U J J 5 Schools for the pas te4 years;' Oty Raleigh, June 19th, 185 4. d ti tbc 7 Attoi ney for Goldsboro for two years; youorest 100 of the late Rrr. Drvry $ttU;A. J. Cc, rz iU. a. - r. k 1 " 1 111 1 1 111 1 1 1111 1 1 11 1 am ki.M .1 1,-,; . t ..i r-v.Ti. 11 JSfc . ,.;-, , . ,, , - - years; youngest Lacy, D. LL.' most Poesbytettan Carolina. n mce cf North 10 l-'SS J wiM8 tJd Era. tfti Co. Yrs Iitj, Ia i8jofr.L.c .eat into lU P? fcftJ Ktt'f achine shops of the RaWigh a-fi J . JI oiirottd at an appttcuct and ini in thi, shop. unLl 1875 bcn Itii3 M3 me an engineer co the toad. C ttt M He ran an engine ro tavat road for a fTtm t t?:re iv. t t . -t ...,:,. . ...4 number of ytara and made a ttpcU- ' . lion as one tf the bt centers ia c V?t:Sc 1 " Lf the rafl.sy sertice. For socral cr.. sctrxta as Cx Ccc U d WiT to cti-cr buu Ortlu years be was foreraan cf Ih Raleigh I T ara-i C.ttAn trhi Kfiri In thatl ' tVI?Ia K arva nmritf fcl i I dpfrd. r : . ' . . Tr y 7:; r. r. imtrjittx;r. oraer, winning tne cocimcjicc aa c teem alike of the off.cm of the road nd the employee. Farly la hit ad- tnIn!sttatOQ ia 1893 Governor . Can apporoted Mr. "Latj H. Cncsaiooef of Labor Statistics which poaitioo he held until the Fusicabts tcrned hls FRC BLOOD CCRll Vc - t::'ihu::i::l y - f Moci IzltZ Lt .re tri 1 - .r t:n:i i'I ethi,i:c. Tlrtt't .:: cc rt : jr fcr j Li S 3 ouli lid liull re- IL. ic-r i3ciSini;t:. " MSmrxrUls ft-.; i CTtr the :rti. 1. rr- Lie la ir t-5 I -hiicr cf tt:.- 1 J j It ro-r Pure? Art yt t out in !897.r Mr. Lacy otgacaied to J it! 0?iclf fl 'i- . , . . , . I i)oct yocr:a Ilea ct l Iiac KM-". .t as.aMte4 sr. m. liii"wtT.' t:, t fc -4 ati'n mm 'm .. wk :V aw I wm 4 r . t , au.-w rt m imi m. M rxMi so i i'i w a4 iM. m f t wit. i mum n CENTRAL HOTEL, J. ILL! VIDIAN. IWjv 1 ... . . utme 2anng3 wou wiia CaXamhf Axe Jtau pak if x Cet:3ui rv-- .t ; . ri. cf'li'cfrJ1 which be to ciJt focr riwi at oa ;A B. B. B.'lrt tW.iv-. '- cashier., As proor of !r. Lacy t j,: p,. aaj Kkfi, - UaH rrrtr o tr-t t, ul lr -tt r r 1 popuianiy ana capacuy, iiic oaca tcte asd gtrri a tkar, iwch, Uaily rrco-f?y bow has deposits aggregating fnt. tkia. Dcrp-teaird curt tie trr' . . ,.. 000 and there are oflen of in for cancer. eaug riprw, Pa.rlU St-K . ,.7".. . K:rs (mouu 1 ooca lie r.j v; w , IKw IL IL U euHfl MfTaf-!!' f -r a!l Hslfe.te?,'lV oin:inuLk)oi atd tila Ttt.Uci,j Upon the return of the Democrats I c a B. U dJicittt trto uUi rr! . i-v:i QiinHav Flap- Station. Train No. 2 maces curcci cvuuwuuu w - , . - , . r NOBVOUC& Carolina train No. 10a at Ahoske ned a few years agO,a Second to MlSS for Norfolk. Train o. I maites uireti "V"C'-'.Y" with Norfolk & Carolina N0.103 from Norfolk. J.W.BRANNIN G.C.E.BRANNING Prekf ' ' if .General Manager. - ? '-.,-r i ' - -- M.C.HINSHAW. U General Freight & passenger Agent. - . CHARLE BRANTLEY The : Democratic Nominee (to power, Mr. Lacy was elected tolcdics becaeje B. B. B. d:j Cue his old position, wilhtomc cJungts, VUoo aaJ lltctt o.t cl tie Tioci AYCOCK-'.' Us Commissioner of Ubor and Priat. I "-Vr. T 9lr.A ' ,:,'j -'.: :. .1 ; I. . . . .ii caaaci cc:ra. . mix a uut i for Governor of N.. C . idcidoociwwtowi. voc w vc m3 e!fce Tla3tscrtl L. F. PERCE, Arcr.t tc ti CHESAPEAKE LINE. .. .U.: S. Mail Steamers : AND. To all Points North East & West, Lv. Norfolk, Jackson st..... ...... ..."-5T45 P- m- Lv. Old Point Comfort .......6:45 m- Ar. Baltimore, Pier v, Light st 7:00 a. m. B. & O. R- R. - P. R. R- Lv. Baltimore... .ii. .. 7:55 a- m Ar. Philadelpbia.-.....io:ir a- m At. New York ia:35 P- m- ; 8:00 a. m. . 10:15 a. m. 12:43 p. m Julia HMcCall, of i Statesville. He 10 wnie m speecnes, 01a ana f c xrU.i LI a young were charmed at his talent J as is a trustee of the State Normal, and ' ,.; . . . - , . a declaimer. Dunng his school-days anauuiai. at wilson he boarded in the country m .' : ' -r-.l I . I . . I Mr. xurner is a einuuisu - ; and uaiked to and from school every .. Mr. Turner - is not only an able morning and : evening. 1 His school and successful lawyer but a. man !of mates had faith in his genius '"and fine business qualifications, as' wclL ave always had confidence that he ; - . i . t , .i- - , ,. I was enaowea wua nig a guts ior some He is president of the Monbo Cotton , , -& r- ? 6 , . - s , r; r 1 1 exalted station and high public -servi- Mill Comoanv. ' located in Cataba I ' . , 7 - tr. . , ces. , , ."" ' '- - "j couutyt. which his brother is secre-. , Mr. AycckVntered& tary and treasurer and is connected at the fall term ot ',1877. "He r was with most of the ' important' enter-j elected, after a hot contest that show prises of this county. ; "i; y. y. , Count. Attorney of Wayne four years; District FJector in a 888: ; F4ectot large in 1892 i U. S.' District Attorney 1893 to 1898, and has also .beta proofs-of his wkc" and 5cnnratite.tHic)i Ut 30 years. Soil at cirtg cdutse It the fact that la ht$ contest 1 :am at 1 1 per Urge Uiie. 6 U-'xe Ir ..... w! i I bcclIC 1 1 tm'.ari!i IL 59 Il!- IO( we ouic i icuum cwyvix 1 1 7 j . - ' M . , . . s I (crm taay teat it, a trvil bdiU r rra , uuiun. aw . r: I A&Jrtsj !JtXJlJ BALM CU-, A'.UiU I Steamers leave daily except Sunday, i ' ; For staterooms and any information call at, j Norfolk Ticket Office, Main and Granby Streets. .... , ' Phones ixa." : . : - F. t; LAMB. ' ; " f - ' W.B. BROWN Gen.Agt. ' : Pass, Agt... imnrm 1 nm nnnfii m n 111 IIJLI ii IT II ml I limn IN II llUiiiULiv iiiw uniiuLiim trustee of the University. Mr. At- 97. Xacydkl oacb to teojit Ga.Vi.:c tcar. IMxtiU ivo cock was married in.i83i.to Ywini the" passage for' the Fellow1 Semnt WVl? nC rta r lrvwiiu, uui;mci v wuti. ,,MI ACl WulCQ IS OOW a Uf vt II.C CU.C. I . WoodardvofT. Wilson countyar.who nu earnest dumpbnship-of thU MONUMENTS dl-i w! measuredlnsUW -'aom5 Jl . . 4.. a enre its nassare rreaOir etsdtartd him I tfP A lMTO - I Sj b V V aasanav -sw ar -mww m w nwnw -mmmw mw ' ' WAVERLEY.. BICrCLES. Rrr a It a l::cvn TTV. ed that then' he had politicaTisom t rtAf rarriat in 1878-- He PTaduat t j ' ""' " o ard. a sister of h s deceased "wife. lffc'"" - He has seven children,' j the oiaeit to the ertgioem.lmecaaaics and a3 Chares B. Aycock, Jr iS now a stu-l labor unions ol tne stale, lie u a dent at the University. I -I member of the Brotherhood of Lo While at the University,: Mr. JAy ctlta Eag?neers and hat dim r . ! cock joined the Missionary Baptist - ? .V . ' t:.- . . a- prexnted thcta la the national asseta- cures. &LOC33. I liaHLl Wi PaTTttt FatiortT A5' , Cct axttx Sara Pi-mT. 'it-iV'U -.uH Xuxrnurat CATaixaica Fa ta " w r -. . tui 4 , a. J RAILROAb CONDENSED t SCHEDULE DatedJan; 15th; 1899. ;' Cr . a t ua 111 t s mathemat $ nccdrtofe nwHrnsummw J; that he had no Ulent as a y. if vnii Jit f ht nrnner. means ian, and got through on . - f' 1 vTif! v... lL'lt f hnni Viv mtiin 4rrrnffth and awkwaid-.-- m 10 nrevcni l- 'iou uuniv a ; YOU canH take ; SC0TTS f ness." He-was highly esteemed at S EMULSION m hot; Weathtf, thp University, being yarded asja Conic SeV I i U -J U cn H I Association. . . , I 11 "t-r. V v-v,v V 1 "'' r . . 7 US '? ' twill not cost you a cent if ti does tw compli- UlI -r Rood.; One aFpHcatiotr wt3 relieve w 1 riaws. . No. No. Nov No, ; t3 49 Stations. 48. - t "aTmT ' v r. M. A. Mv , 3 30 900 LvNorfolk,Ar. ' 5 55 1025 a 40 9 20 Pinners Point. 5 30 0 10 . . 303 946 ....Drivers.... .505 : 9 46 .- . . 17. 1000 ....Suffolk.,. 4 5o'. .'936 3 50 10 34 ......Gates..,. S4M . ;8 55 . 4 15 1050 ......Tunis.... .400 '837 , i 4 36 11 06 ... Ahoskie.... 3 4. '8 20 . '-' 4 53 11 21 ..Aulander.... 3 27 . " 8 05 , ni 5 35 la 00 ..Hobeood..., 2 53 : 7 26 .'. 6 00 ia 21 Ar.TarboroLv. a 3 1704 ; : Ar. ' Lv : :. r 35 .1150 Rocky Mount. 1 55 : . I' F. mV P. M. - P. M. A.M. Hrr ' '-" -"" - A"fnaily. ; . - fDsuly ept Sunday, l; wtll; and has scvea chTVdrea. He is aVncmbct of the Pcabyteriaa church aa 'active ason, member ti the Jua ior "Ord"cr4Amcric2a Mcchaoics, f aid president of the State Sunday School ' v-. Trains No. 49 and 48 solid trains between Pin r 'mersPointand WilminKton. .Train No. 49 con nects at Rocky Mount with trai-i 23 for all poi-t ; South and No. 78 train for all points North.; , ; r'-. G.M.Scrpcli., ; . J. Kenlcy,' " W-T General Manager. A-'j, Sup't. Trains." plain cod-liver oil, which is f him, 'who . Idifficult to take at any time. ' j: state com J - If you are losing r fiesh,. J hl J you are Hosing ground andJ: party J you need; -, lxZXk Scott's tmuision; and must have it io keep up J uate1 could get to Raleigh convention, was there the hichest honor the Democratic 0 . has ever conferred upon in North Carolina-the ment of an unanimous nommation Chief Magistrate of the commonwealth The class in which Mr. Aycock grad t T. M. Emcrson. tt Oaaaral Passengs XgWlf, I ,Av',' s-" , . V . m, - 'X. was composea or tne louwing- . Stf ' l : mrV V V, ? . AVMir nK flnrf e.trpnc.th. It " - -rJZA .AM 1 V . ? J , -r " -7" . 3 7 : j 3 all ot wnom are now uving: v,uaic ?? C fi-XS ( youvebeen Ur,g . Henry R ri ;"V:P' Jt J prospenntf on it, don trail to J . T , w W-rSJ,.:;r, i "; 1 ibntinUe ! until you are thor- Craig, Alex L. Phelps, W. Pv. sjade 4 ... . -, J ouemy Sirona ana wcu. , ? 5 v-- -r ' fV '-3-rSttii'21deT For Com B0WNE,Chembts,KewYork. - - u , CV -. rf 2 1 1" f, 4 9 , btuises in one-third the time icquircd bv any other trtatrocr.t. Cut, burnt. fro5tbjtrs,'quincy, paia i and chest, glandular and ether c.V Trigs are qiicUy exred by arplyisg L Every bottle warranted. 1 rice, aj axu 50c is. SoU by J J Mardre St B?o, , 11 5 OAOTOILXiV 11 SaanUa 1 Lai 1 3 tr L-c 1 tt A GREAT BENEFIT TO YOU In order to' make room forSpnngocc;. I have'rcilucxMl all Mens' and Boy's 'Oycrats.fSmtsf Boots and; Shoes, LadiesVlIats-and Capes, nice Dr C5 5 Goods and many" other goods at very low -prices. . : Don't fail to call, and sec for yourself. S. LIPSITZ. ..a ! M t I l t: X 4