'tSSWe "Duplicate the Prices and Better the Work' than any Printing House in North Carolina. Then why no: Veep yc.;r :u-y c latirigat home. Send us your orders. Patronize home industry. . If you are in need of envelopes, paper, hill heads, any:h;r..;, fnm'a ship. : ping tag to a book. let us know and we will satisfy you in ever)' particular or refund your money. Give us your order. STOP YOU CFTD Jt Jk Jt Borrowing YOUR Neigh bor's LEDGER1 WE Will Send it to YOU Twelve Months for . ONE Dolla jfc -f-jfc- Six Months: 50 Cents. j VOL. 17. WINDSOR, N. CTHURSDAYj MAY 24 1900 NO. 1 t y 'II A II ll.yvi 1 1IIL $2100 IN PREMIUMS Vrlts tor etreolar .xplainlas. knw w irlll diitribato S41UO la premiums, with (rat any mt or without any lottery scheme to astomera. Our carpet agents are making IK to 1300 week m oaa jou write for partioalara. Onr new oata- )osiiS-6f Madu-to Order Clothing with large elotk aamples attached BOW ready. ouits can be bought thr from fl.lt to i-'u, guaranteed to iiru- frrss paid to your station, t also tells about great bargain in ooats and Teats, trousers and spring erereoats. SPENCER ADAMS' TALK. v Oar Lithographed Catalogue shows the i V.raooa Maryland" Carpets, Rugs, Art Bquares, Portieres, 1 I.aoe Curtains aud Bed Setst-t4wir real ool rs, so that by looking at these colored p'.ates you can tell exactly how a oarpet will look a year Boor or a dra pery at your window. Carpets range tn price from ie to $1 11. Vi sew eafpets free, Tar nish wadded llnlug without ebarge, .and prepay freight. - Ous SOI naaa.ata logue of erery thing to Rat. Use and Wear Is yours for the asking. 4a t a 60 iT cent, tared an ererrthinff. Which beak do you want t All re free-' Address this way Julias Mines & Son, opt909,Baitaort,iid- A correspondent of the News and Observer says: "Judge Adams said in a speech in i8qo when he was a candidate for clerk that white men of CaswelL were 1 so mean, unscrupulous and dirty that vultures had . gotten the scent and ceased to soar, and the man in . the moon puked on every gleaming star that shone upon the befouled beds of rotten degrading white men of Cas well. Again in 1894 when he and hfs Gratia j "m tAs'A . -mW .. X . Whit e Feool. ON WEDNESDAY, MAY THE oTii I900. To flip WhiA Ppnnlp nf Rprfie! .Il'$thedutyfthIsComnil!!ellVcn rrotn !I rjnj County: Lei Ikrr.ocfitt wh titl rrcr -.1 r.-.iia r?rri::rr lo'rtt j c rrr-r ! and tr. kc the i: r.w5tt! lit ci.i thir; this year. It it Itc iOi ; f ! lucked fcr lRjthirj tlx. Tl tt r.:tr.',f that c :! r--;lrct tr A- tr.fCvirnrr.t. The Ar.rr.'rff ', t'. tieni r4 it J tc H trt o o i i tc:: count a cordial mvitition to tttcni the meti!fir. Mav soth I trcald liketd hart a rtoort from the cotr.a.: By theaid of your Executive Committee we tee in each township atating how rnaay ros havc tftuilrxl ts tlo :!.-- I -t ' 11 1 J .1 r .1. I nrnmiCMl r m- Irnm Kt rnwiVrv TT, al nieser luck were in all their elorv he nave compieiea Uie arrangement lur uic upcii nigger lucK were m an tneir giory. ne r.,f. r n.n -K-. urSe as many as possible to come oa hon back IOl- J S JfUUl V.A111JX1 11 IU1 UIV. ci.iiit.iivttiiv.tsa. m. sw -'-Is' 11 . ' I 4 then. Y c-i ICC i 4 vojl!vey nun da It. li.ii it ctuc tln InO ,i . . . .1 ... J -T- . intj tvui iwij uiiiwt t a. went to the polls and exclaimed astol- v ju va.i. 5.. ..u. r.irsiMt rV m ' lows: All you white people come and work has been assigned to the various commit- d lct me have fio x rauJt birc a (1.iral!e AnvrJsttt f,rs -i see me vote for negroes. And this he tees in eac" township and from now on those 0f the crowd so as to have anan-tmcnu made for He if c ttif, it &ttt U to U ? 4 ' Jcrcoctu t:f ut a. J c.f aiir. wt ay tSrre .o-'J tnxt t as j this good old county.,, 1 1 C .1 I did, and at that election a negro Was ommieesare largely rebpunbiuic ur uic uw- comioru elected to the . Legislaiuretto represent ess oitne garnering, l nave no sors- ui aouDt tnat eacn person appointed win penorm the assigned duty. Every white man and wo man, girl and boy is appointed a committee to induce others to attend. Talk of the meeting at your homes! Discuss it in your stores! Urge every one to attend. After careful consideration the work of the meeting has been assigned as follows: - o Bean the. Signature of sTor The Kind Yon Haw Always Bought fj Consulting Optician. All errors of refrection scieiTjtifically corrected NEGRO CENSUS ENUMERATORS, Fourteen Appointed in Augusta by the Supervisor. Three Are Women is an- W. R. JOHNSON,, , ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, WINDSOR, N. C. Practices la all Courts. Special attention given to Collections. First-class Watch repairing;. Clocks and Jewelry and all kinds of Spectacles and Eye-glasses f or sale R. W HAL1SH, " Expert Watchmaker and Graduate Optician Main St. next door to Mrs. Barrett's store. Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. WINDSOR, N.C Augusta Ga. May, 17. It nounced here that. Census Supervisor Smythe is making his appointments of enumerators, has named 14 negro- es, three otwhom are women, to do the work in Augusta. - Indignation is expressed by the citizens over this action, many declaring they will not submit to being", interrogated by the black enumerators Supervisor Symthe today said that 107 enumerators had been appointed in - the tenth Con gressional district, among the number -feeing 18 negroes, 14 of whom were in the Augusta list, and of this num ber three are women. CHIEF MARSHALL Joseph L. Spivey-of Windsor. ASSISTANT MARSHALLS: Colerain Township Luther Monis. Whites Township John D. Hoggard. Merry Hill townshipGeorge W. Capehart. Indian Woods township Duke Spruill. W'oodville township Warland Biett Roxobel township E. B. Hardy. .' Mitchell township Herbert Early. Snakebite township H. D. Cowand. Windsor township F. IVL Dunstan. " Windsor township E. E. Dail. . Windsor township John T. Smith Jr., Windsor township John W. Cooper Jr. SPECIAL ESCORT. Merry Hill Dr. W. R. Capehart, Whites T. P. Smallwood. Colerain G.-M. Matthews. Mitchells Hon. C W. Mitchell. . Roxobel Geo. W. Lirermaa. Woodville Bursts UrquharL Indian Woods Hon. lames Bond. Snakebite William Prilclurd. Windsor Dr. H. V. Dunstan. These gentlemen are requested to joia in the pocrv sion and are also expected to occupy seats oa th awak en stand. Seats .will be piovuJed lor thctn there. RECEPTION COMMITTEE. Chairman His Honor, Thomas Gulam Mayor, cl Wis4 sor and town Corainiviioners: J. L. Spivcy, G. T. Brttt, Rhodes Tajloc, R. C Bae more and G. L. Mardre. a w;J r,:t cs?U jou a crt tf it I: Oce arx:;; J rt.cT . M th raio. It a.w twri frp a fn3rt;i.;:ci. c-.i-vrr. ra.ai3 tie I:! Ir.t are q.ci-'y cv?ri ly -T 5?a. ty J J Umt-Zit U U. 1 rr: -y !; z ?c hiv, ycj c:-i tv v c - A l.:t', - - Arc t."r; tzi'lf 3 I Ml ) k .t . s a.r::r a!:? Tt: f :r (-! ccrrct ire tclr jr: : : i i frc3 the fr;.::i !; V U ih Li i A Night Of Terror. The commltce will meet the dUtinraUhed jr;am acd visitofs at the train atd boat and welcome them to theea4cmd ty U Ut5 Su $Lr;0. 1 town. They are also requested to ask erery white penca In It,l:t4x4 a n'stt n c. town to assemble at t!c depot oa Tuesday af:crrvoc dot h!a, wat cTtti.:- -ty tal May 39th, on the aveuue of the town when the ;r-lc;a k;oo. H i jr 1 . ia.i a. ... a . . . a a It will be the duty of the Chief Marshall and his assis-l" "pecxea. . tants to meet in Windsor oh horse back, with proper I hope the citizens win attend la larj cctnbers. lea Ki4.i4 Tc-f -s. t-e cj regalia, which shall consist of a white sash and white ro-l I suggest that all of th places of business lx dowd I iK rla'J-tta, at a l it! lairt. t4 I sette, by nine o'clock on Wednesday May 30th, 1900. from eleven o clock a. , m, tiaa p. o, so tbe cicris caaij-t, JUtiU jetties lU rri -1 1 i uua. as sf . 1" niin atrrsr i nr. nin in rn wm 1UC mccuug wm uc ai iuc wire uu.i ....... . I UC4t CcftAt IT t9 t-.3-T, THE PROCESSION. ,ua I ISI .". ifwRAILROAD.- j . F. !PASS EN QER fT RAINS North. I TIME TABLE NO. 2. No. a-A , EFFECTIVE 4.-2T-. 1899 South No. I-A 6 30 a m 640 75 7 15 75 740 S 00 a m v Windsor Ac 620pm ' Butlers ' , 600 r Askewsville : 5 4 ' ' Holly Grove '. 1 5 5 BRANNING Ar 520 Powells ville 5 5 Ar AHOSKIE Lv 4 45Pn "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham Then the Chief Marshall will assign to each of his assist ants der ; his duties for the day. They will see that good or- , is kept. From now on it is the duty of the Chief A procession will be formed la front of th court hoave I jt lU r Marshall and his assistants, to induce as many men and ncaoea oy me loawruiTuioa oi c in wiwob i 4 lHT$ brave general rnham ssMt to Aittnd mtetlng on horse back. Captain J. T. Smithwick ia command, of Machias, Me., when the doctors ,,,500 which win The procession will move down Mai said she could not live till morning AUC v'"lcl " c,rt .nrl thn W sfrt tr f 3rt, writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who af- escort SP6" to stan(L aia Strrct to WaUcm tended her that fearful night. "All thought she would soon die from Pnuemonia, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying- it had more than once saved her life, and cured her of Consumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its futher use .completely currd her." This marvelous medi cine is guaranteed to cure all Throat Chest and Luig Disease. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at R. C. 1 Bazemore's store. - . CHIEF LADY MARSHALL. ; Mrs. Francis D. .Winston of- Windsor. ASSISTANT LADY MARSHALLS Colerain Miss Hallie Dickerson, Whites Miss Mary Leary, Merry Hill Miss Sophie Capehart, India. Woods Miss Nellie Bond, Woodville Miss Margaret Hall, Roxobel Miss Mattie Liverman, Mitchells Mis3 Lixzie Mitchell, Snakebite Miss Rachal Tayloe, Windsor Miss Eula Sessoms, Miss Mary Etheridge, Mrs. Richard Tayloe, Mrs. C. W. Jacocks, Mrs. H. V. Trcals All Disease I a Street, and then up Watson Street to Quccw Stttt arJ Uj', UQtnQnOV ville Street to Mam Street to the sreaken. sta&d. AM the marihills, both male and female will faU ia bchiaJ the Naval Reserves who ate givca the pent cl heacr, aod after the marshals and persons oa horveb.uk the f roct sion will be coraposed of all others who choos to fall ia. All are cordially invited. COMMITTEE ON MOTTOES AND BANNERS. E. W. Gray, Chairman, Isaac T. Smith, James C Gar ley. Dr. E. W. Purh and R. W. Askew. It is the duly of this committee to -rrtpaxe suiiaW mottoes and banners and to suspend thea aaois lh streets at conven-ent points. COMMITTEE ON DECORATIONS. St. Leon Scull Chairman, W. M. Scttoa and W. Rijciva- u lc cents- It mlct . hci::h til t;rcrr trr ari c-rtrf.'-rtt, 1. 7Ji a f;f t Is'i t ; ctictt ?tr?i;i.-.a Iz tit Iiz , t c Vil ilit si c!i bt-'crt c-:lcr 5in.- Tt'l i::.-trs f:f tic ti'.:z " Oiz l :"'z cf Al cr'i It .r.i. tircc tcctct tf i-t c:d:it.Tr fra I. ia. S) M M laamsw .. an h-s t-... 1 ... -.L 1 i N . 1 a A A C0NTHL HOTtU J. tt Lt Vila.' VAN. trw aii H.ta-4 ltrUt!r Carta Alt Catrrkl, Tr-aUlLr.U4s a, liter, K Ury af Ouf C Uial, a.1 ltZ aa AU t t tla-iwa-f" luwl iaa m f.Oai is M en,, I ml 3a ka 4 ! tuutust mt Cjsmsism 4 auoa axf ensw, a.t sB U VIkM loa 4 " ." t:i.. cnj., ; Flac Station. A- IS Ally tVtjr,.vUJ. .j. c, . , Train No. 4 makes direct connection with tne Norfolk; & Carolina train No. 102 at Ahoske for Norfolk. Train No. i makes direct connection with Norfolk 8c Carolina N0.103 from Norfolk. j.wlBRANN I N G.C.E. BRAN N I NG - Pre.- - , General Manager. : M.C. HINSHAW, General Freight & passenger Agent. In a speech at , the Montgomery Dunstan. ronvpntion last week Hon. Bourke Thr Udv Marshalls will wear white riding habits. The? I son. Cockran of New York advocated will be on horse-back and will assemble at Mrs. Francis It is the duty of this committee to caU upoa ocr c tUcaa 5i '111 3 Xx. t- w It, lit. I" r f t a - t -v . ! . . . . J UI. I A n,,f tVijm f ro ra a thir r. r-r snrl r!iri therepeal of the 15th amendment as - vvinsura . pruuipujr -v i .u. pi.-v. - 71 T:;J7"- - . , , . the grand parade and act as mounted escort to the dis-1 business 00 the cay ct the speaking lad to protKie s tne solution 01 tne race question, vs 1 . w. , . , . . , . , . . ... XT" , tinguished speakers who will be present From now on the negro population at the North . . . f . , . marshall to iQrjuce olher udies becomes larger and he is -better to attend the meeting and secure at least ten other iadie known and ei CHESAPEAKE LINE. U. S. Mail Steamers To all Points North East & West. his character better who will ride horse-back in the procession. Every body undersood the conviction that it was m tne counry wpo wm aucnu ua uuu V ' to notify Mrs. F. D. Winston Windsor, N. C at once, a mistake to give him the unqualified AW iacjies 0n horse-back are requested to assemble at her risrht of suffrage seizes stronger hold house ,inon the oeoDle uo that way. As the The 30th of May is a national holiday. It is hoped - . . Lynchburg Nevs puts it: that the schools in town will close and that the scholars decorations for the public buildinji at they see atd Iso to request our citizens to close their places ct busi ness during the exercise. CHAIRMAN OF THE MEETING Hon. A. S. Rascoe SECRETARY of the Meeting S W. Kea-cy, "Windsor Ledger" CHAPLAIN. Rev. S. B. Rarocs. Mr. Barnes will open the xmiscs with r-raytTjaToilr-r the divine blessing on the labors of the hour and a.Uucg Lv. Norfolk, Jackson st ..- Lv. Old Point Comfort..... Ar. Baltimore, Pier 19, Light st. ....5:45 P- m. 6:45. p. m. ,...7:00 a. m. B. &O. R. R. P. R- R- Lv. Baltimore..... -7:55 a. m. 8:00 a. m. Ar. Philadelphia -...10:15 a.m. ;io:i5a.m. Ar. New York....... . .1335 P- "-43P. Steamers leave daily except Sunday. . For staterooms and any information call at. Norfolk Ticket Office, Main and Granby Streets. . , Phones 112. E. T'. LAMB, Gen. Agt. W. B. BROWN Pass. Agt. RAILROAD I tit A a m.(!nfrSn 9 Iwltf Intelligent Southern men, and 1101th . ... . - :ns-irin- si-ht to have several hundred the -Giver of .'lie and light to guide us icty ia cr I em men as well, know that the partic- cjj TtQ attend the meeting which is held to help laiselgreat sttugle. ipation of the negro in politics has the standard of citizenship. - Immediately at:er prayer ise auencc wuj oa ia -rg Kppn a'rurse to both races and a blessl When th amendment is adocted everv white bov and in The Old North State. Every body ia the cova:y imr tn npither I . " . . , j . 1 . I is asked to learn tne tune, ua uui cari&f wnorc wi.j mg to neitner. , . hrirl will be riven larcelv increased educational advanta- " m ,! , a o " I DC OCSXriOuica UU :cai it. 1 Jv , .c- rv t-4 KCS. ... I t" ivin( from the front corch ct Ckttle H?rL tt,t,lMlwlrftifrt The teachers are urged to bnng the scholars. It is f.emesFinis D. Winston. Chairr: Man- T. Cd I hoped that they will be taught the Old North State and lAra aod L. Galling are rtqucstcJ to K'.ett a thir tt I America so they can swell the patriotic chorus that day. amj gcotlcmcn for the occatioo. Other rutiktic COMMITTEE TO ARRANGE SEATS AND-SPEAK airs will be $ucg. Fno ctanTI I I h undertaken this gTtat taectirg at the rtvtsl cl lot sm.iiirou'j 1W jl 0 t, av nsM am nmas. twf-rlMit - mmm ? rr fa tfwaUl" Os :.sfHH m.r ' rwtrsw t rK Trw-4. f- cwv asuia.c:i. a tte Xatf t '". r.". Twin- ( Wlittltt M , paiajni u-tt a CUhsm 1 M witaJ f c" srm, w-mJ li 1 1 I 4 f ina tf wa sj aMt rimna av-s ,r:i't , . . , r It t f l tiT!i w at- t r It'iRiaiib ec im si'.Munswt 9 H ' A?aa M S Cl sjfriair? t w-ra i 4 ta m aa ta snr tasr&ta. ea.1 . f cia C'.""u, ' tLK'U-i44 tiajM awtmp f ka T.s swinnrMaasw. L, F.. PIERCE, 1 WAVERLEY BICYCLES. : .Ci it si sit li t ttaOJ - jMt."t ft tjii-i , t r ' 1 aariMi e wir n.a.jiu iuul I H ri ( '. . Ill1 JV " '" twaiM L- ill Does the Baby Thrive 'CONDENSED SCHEDULE ' . Dated Jail. 15th, 1899. aUMll. "? lt mm sjnbt mm aj-jC': m- U I. t0 W hsmq.. ... t C' i imina . .fat tja-wrro i t a iKw-r , ( rtaO wt l cijKa f. m.'r 5:w-t'U ,v sssjsuut-ia 4 rnttm turn ff. sitlM . t- . t. a Co. til IIS I l m 13 ajrrjr rs.aa ws w ?-.. t Vs " i S Swi- lPIUi II t . s . . a I No. No. - No. No. tio3 49 Stations. t2 f7m7TmT P-M. AM: a lo 9 oo Lv.Norfolk.Ar. 5 55 10 25 a 40 o 20 . Pinners Point. 5 30 10 10 303 946 ....Drivers-... 5 05 946 3 17 io 00 ....Suffolk ..-.1 4 50 9 30 so 10 34 Gates..- 420 855 IT5 10 50 --..Tunis 4 00 8 37 4 7,6 ix 06 ... Aboskie. . 3 41 8 20 4 53 n 21 ..Aulander ...... 3 ?7 8 05 5 35 ia 00 ..Hobgood.... . 253 7 26 6 00 ia 2i Ar.TarboroLv. 2 31 . 7 04 - Ar." Lv. 635 "50 Rocky Mount. 155 ,- 6 37 Kf. m; P.M. - ' P.M. A M. '-'- Y - - . I OaaH OUUU Emulsion Daily. fDaily except Sunday, ' Trains No. 49 and'4? solid train3 between Pi rVi Vnint and Wilmington. .T..uin No. 49 con nects at Rocky Mount with trai?i 23 for all poi 1 South and No. 78 train lor an poi-iis ni. . G. M. Serpcll. J.R.Kenley Qeneral Manager.! . 8up't. Iralni. . T. M. Emerson.,- -; Qanrl Passenga Agent. If not, something must be t wrong with its food. If. the i mother's milk doesn't ish it. she needs EMULSION. It supplies the elements of fat required for the baby. -U baby is not - 1 :i. -i:R:-i nourisnea uy ii u uhuoi food; then it requires In i) Half a teaspoonful three or four times a day in its bottle will have the desired effect It seems to have a masiical effect upon babies and children. A fifty-cent bottle will prove the truth I of our statements. Should be taken in summer mm well as winter. ' ' a. m TI Aniptnsts. crriTT RnWNChemts. New York. 1 ,.I''t't''w'Q'' nr.i.ni mn i n all tirta rl iKr- cnfifv. Sol Cherry, Chairman; J. T. Nicholls, Geo. L. Mardre,! q Miy 30ln our county contention oet to eiceih Frank Rice, G. T. Brett and W. L. Privott. - white men who will manage the aiTairs U the county for It is the duty of this committee to meet on the call of two jT4Is. Let five tbousar.d white rxeje Rather ia the chairman and to provide a suitable stand for the! v;ntis-r that dav and erett the ticket that wiU U .tasrJ It't nour- I speakers and to have the same properly decorated; and Let tQe canaidatcs not only kr.ow tut stc that the whcZc SCOTTS t also to provide such seats for the audience as they may whi:e ricc 0( rj., t;e County Is staadlcj behlsd thcta ai deem proper. . - supporting them. V - COMMITTEE ON INVITATION. The railroad and steamboat will rua a social eicnZia Windsor W. L. Lyon, Chairman. ' with cheap rates. They iU imr.;e schedutea to at 13 rolerain D. R. Britton. Chairman; L. C. Stokes and reach Windsor by ten o'clock ia the momirj; and Irate at Kader Bass. . Whites John H. Jernigan, Chairman; G. W. Womble ina w. r. xvitvji-uuuiij. Connections can Ik be raJc t.to in the afternoon. rith Norfolk and CaroUca Shoo Fly tralst Uth way. j j The white people from the ado;n:n co'--t'sct art ccrir-. I A GREAT BENEFIT TO YOU In order to nuke room for Spring; tec Merry Hill P. T. Perry, Chairman; Thomas Allen ally invited to attend. Remember the date May 30th. Remember the cause White Sup rosary. Very rcspctt Jwny : J.aSTOJ:i Chalrr ia Smithwick and R. E. L. Smith. : Indian Woods Hon. E. R. Outlaw, Chairman; A. S. rnllins and T. S. MizelL Roxobel J. J. Brown, Chairman; W. J. Watford and C. L. 1 Codd. T7 tk.. I We are authorized to state that Mr. and MrvKrancit l. Woodville G. S. Norfleet, Chairman; E. C Pittman t . . . , . j t f rerer ; - 1 msion, wiii. nou icvct tii a.... 1 . . . 1 . . . . . ... .1 Mitchells J. Ross White, Chairman; jonn 11. lirown sor Casue on uve mgai 01 ivay jouv. 1 and Toseph Mitchell. : Snakebite J. R. Cheny, Chairman; Charles Tayloe and John S. .Drew. Windsor George Gray, tnairman; v. .much, G. White Jr., Irian Gillam, B. A. Moore and C. L. Kce-ter. The diit.r.,s:ih i speakers who will address the prople will be ffvKt ar i the reception wul Ix ccapUracstary to thrm. Ttcy cr d'ully invite their fellow ciiixens to a:t:o-l tha rccr-'-c-i and show their arprecuton cf the c::otts the wu'.ot w..: make to help carry the co-ty. Mens Boots a:ul Qipcs. nice ! Drc:.' li n I have reduced all Over-coats, Suits. Ladles Hats and Goods and many other iuxkIs at very low prices. Don't fail to call, and sec for your c!f. S. LIPSITZ. 4 -T

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