" Va We ''Duplicate the Prices and Better the-Work'1 than any Printing Home in North Carolina, Then uhv no: It-p your r . .- la tin P" at hnmp Spnn lie vnnrnrre T- T : i r i . . -.i 1 . PinS tag tta book, let us know and we will satisfy you in every particular or refund your money. Give us your order. .:. STOP YOU ; J Borrowing YOUR Neigh bo. LEDGER! WE : Will Send it to YOU Twelve Months for ONE Dolla : A.n X r- J J. Six Months: 50 Cents. .a VOL. 17. WINDSOR, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 7 1900 no. ( . .. . . , ... v r .. ' , . , , 1 ....... " .. . . . ! ' 1 - 1 . N. .... .. . $2100 IN PREMIUMS ' Writ for circular explaining how w. will distribute S4100 in premiums, witaont any eot er wlthont any lottery scheme to customer. Oar carpel agents are making n to IMS a week eo nan, you WTile for particulars. Vi lat. logo Of Hade-to Order Clothing with large eloth - sample attached il BOW ready. Baits ' can be bought br from $T.T( to (20, gaaranteed to fit, ex- rress paid to your station t aim tells about great bargains in ooats and wests, trousers and tprisg overcoats. .-. . A FAMOUS GEORGIAN ON THE NEGRO. lOUT look 3. Oar Xltbographrt -.. Catalogue shows- the "Famous Maryland " Carpets, Euga. Art T. Squares, ,. Portieres, ! Lao Carta! BJ and Bed Bet. in- their real ooU ors, seuat oy tooktng ' . at these oolored plater - yva Baa ten exaovl ; '--4 ow a sarpet will : . on your floor or a 4ra carpets range in nriee - fromMeto(117. We ; earpets-lreeK . .suas) . waodeer- lining without ehrge-d repay freieht. Our SOI page cata logue of arerrthing to Kat. Cs and Wear is . - ' years for the asking. ..v 40 to 60 per cent, saved - !TJ C:I I irTthtnr." Whloh book do yon want? All are free. Address this way Julias Hinet & Sob, Dpt909,Baitimorf,iid DR. W. L. DAVIS Consulting Optician, r All errors of refrection scientifically corrected VV. R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, WINDSOR, N. C. Practices la ait Courts, t ' Special attentloa given to Collections. First-class "Watch repairing;. . Clocks and Jewelry -and all kinds of Spectacles and Eye-glasses for . sale. . i - " . R. W. HALISH, Expert Watchmaker and - Graduate Optician . Main Sty next door to Mrs. Barrett's -". stoe. " Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. v in S Mai RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS. tfoRTH. I '- "Time Table No: a: ; No. a-A 1 EFFECTIVE 4.-27-. 1899 South No. I-A 630am 1 - 4 " - 75 ; i r5 : J.40 '00 a m , Liv Windsor Ar 620pm ; 'Butlers - - -. 6oo' Askcwsville . ! ' 540 - .. Holly Grove . 55 ;.' BRANNING Ar 520 ?v PowellSVille " ? : ' ; 5 05 ? Ar .?. AHOSKIE Lv 1 445pm a. nailv nrent Sunday. . Flae Station. Train No. 2 makes direct conntction with the ' Norfolk & Caroijna train No. 102 at Ahoske for Norfolk. Train Nq. i makes direct connection with Norfolk & Carolina N0.103 from Norfolk. J .W.BR A NNIN G.C.E. BRANNING - Pre. .. General Manager. M .C.HI NSHAW, -General Freight & pasaenger Agent.- ' CHESAPEAKE LINE. ; .' TJ. S. Mail Steamers ;7; To all Points North East & West, " Lv. Norfolk, Jackson st. .. ........ ..... .5:45 P- n- LV. Old Point Comfort............ ......6:45 p. m. AtBaltimore, Pier 19, Light St... . 700 m- b. & o. r. r. p.r:r. Lv. Baltimore.... "Ar. Philadelphia. Ar. New York.... -7:55 a- m. ..10:15 a..m. ; ..42:35 p. m. 8:00 a. m. . 10:15 a. m. i. 12:43 P? m- Sam Jones, the Georgia evangelist writes often tor the Atlanta Journal which is probably the . best evening paper in all the" south. In his - last article, of 26th insti l hV says ' some pointed thjngs as to "the! negro losing ground." ""After reviewing his past in the south, and saying things amus ing and sensible and harsh, he says this:" '. . '-- - ' l'-r- . ; "For the better element and better class of negroes I have always had the profoundest sympathy and respect I have: more respect today for a de cent negro than I have for a dirty white man. . The best nogroes 1 know in Georgia today were never in a school houe, and were, born and raised to manhood and womanhood before they had the right to vote. There is no place where an educated negro can find room to work in . any southern state, unless it is as a teach er or as a preacher, or m the chaing-Pg- Those are the only three places that are open to an educated negro The regro is to blame largely for this state of things, for if the ne gro had realized that the Bbest white people of the south were his friends, and he had quit gonging" with , the liquor crowd and let Yankee-Doodle alone he would have been much bet ter off today For the good negroes there is Toom in the hearts of the best southern people and they will be protected by law arid employed and maintained. It was really pitiful to see the negro look no the . I white pri s WW ' mary a iew aays ago. . ne stood a round, -unemployed -by the court house clique, undrenched by die jug crowd and he really looked like . an orphan." " : " That is all very, near the mark. Sam shoots, off-hand, but he hit's. He is for getting rid of ..all. white men who either buy or sell "a vote. He sees that : thereis a natural race, pre judice against all social equality and says: "Separate seats in street cars and separate coaches on trains for white and black teach us that socially they can't mix, and - whenever . there is mlxingrof the races, at the polls or m the parlor, it's the lowest 'down whites and the meanest negroes dur ing the mixing! . . 1 Georgia is waking up after - great 1 trouble with the bad negro element and will move forward on a line after awhile with other progressive south era states. - Virginia is moving and safely so, and it will act irrespective ofthe advice of theorizers' and Ignor amuses north of them who can tell precisely how to deal with, the negro questior, how to make the - south great and progressive. No good ' to the negroes ever yet came from north ern philosophers, statemen and edi tors.! Northern " philanthrony when not misdirected has helped here and there the negro. . White Man '1 s Day for Bertie Four Thousand White People Gather in Windsor. loon. Gilmer and Overman Speak. Horse- Back Parade. - Military Companies. THE DEJ10CRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION. A Mjij!rtcs ho tcl lo tleit li,cj the it rondiyia Jor.e. Alttr the rotaitutioo cl the Ci. ly Cocnmt ivioncrj on co( kits c f Ci, !. fc. K. Outlaw the coaretj'.ion 5t cd. .The convtatkm ai fa:irtr tit' motilco. l.Vcry body U t!1 j-trakr t the rrulL It nvct:i l v et ct all ihe txxttt in the eeurr. ihc caod;datct art the ttrtx c)oice and not ih choke cl t rt if, oa ilt face, il belt as U it a a cut and dried a2a;r. Kcntx!j knerho tury wasted ihe ttty ccaj I - . - U''.'if l.'f. i ; Ij e.r-.-t -r a al C.aitaV J e C ; j ' J , it-:. ," -jc- ofs h.3 at 5-a j " cf tf 5--;rtr :7 a;t izt . i - - - c : ! 1 t. it - Tc-ariu Wednesday; May 30th is gone but its purpose and effect still lives and shall never die. . ' Scarcely had the gray mist of early dawn Wednesday May the 30th, dis appeared than the great white race of Bertie County began to demonstrate its determination by its presence, io Windsor to preserve forewr and eternally the honor' of its State, the superiority of its kind and the vir- tue and dignity of its . women. From every road leading to Windsor and from all the '-four winds seemingly the WHITE MAN could be seen comingcoming vrith a strong , heart and an iron mind. ' And they contin ued to comer men, women and chil dren some in buggies some in phae that were noroirutcd. TK? d .lefts cr J xs between thii coottniksa a&J ll .! and JritJcn the KcpttUAa taJ h--iUa is the t'r C a . e.i,5 atv 1 f c Commissioners C W. SpruUlJ.II 0f late is this: the fceLIkraa cootrtv 5'ty Lawrence, G. L. Mirdre, T. S, Kor lion was cut and dried ia a lclllx:a J 15- fleet aud J. W. Mitchell. . nc&o tweat box cl a mtraarar.t by Representatives Francis D. Win- s wbi! ?" ao4 3 c . , . Tro- -This cocrtsticfa wukd the . . , . voice ol the white rcooic Ertry This is last year's ticket to whach Democratic vour l'rxi o cut aJ there was no opposition. dry it and (hey diJ it, too. at ihcit VAl 11:30 Hon. A.S. Rascoe. chair- own firMVjt (oot in ih la:k wm q12. . .... . I mocjcr and rare ora eirert.ii lal . 1 . Ktr.a. u. uarnes invoked ablesiin-. .ir t.u -r.,-. j . T;-" w-.j rx;.r.t The singing, led by Mesdames Fran. (Clfncc. Oi the cW d a lc. 7 CIS D. W inston. E. I- Calling iV.V.. ,.-!, . . I . . . V yw tf t- a-c" .t O-asr IV l '.: .ttrxet;o ICca :U; ra n n a I--1L : Mary Gillam, with a large chorus was alL excellent. The Star Spangled Ban ner. "American and "The .Old North State" stirred the crowd to great en thusiasm. . Hon. Francis D. H'instoo inUoductditbe speakers. General j Thomas F. Toon, led the discussion Catling and and the other the choice cf trany or ty Sy cha-r i:rx clu. iZ NOTES. tons, some in carts.on horse-back and. by announcbF his candidacy. - His X . . :i 1 a c . I I ten minutes speech caught the crowd. We were g!ad to see so many oca of all political faiths jfturet. ffTCtcrA, rj-iibry, taM5 the i..'t art crcL'y ctJ It ::' r.ry tc:ie warta-.trt. Hxr. it a-4 St. ScU ty J J Itanl-T & l fv J - Steamers leave daily, except Sunday. - ! -For staterooms and any information call at. Norfolk- Ticket Office, Main and Granby Streets. Phones 112. - - E. T. LAM'S j W.B.BROWf Gen. Aet. Pass. Agt. - iiilHMii lira on foot, until about five or six thous and representatives of the Anglo-Sax on race thronged our streets and as serted their inherited superiority over the black man. Not only was every nook and corner in our .own county represented but our neighbor counties Hertford, Chowan, Washington, Northampton, Martin and even Gates and Halifax sent representatives that it n ay be known that they too re our brother oud re- vex eager to'respond to the cause ofthe WHITE MAN' and especially in thisiis great effort to stay the black cloud of illit eracy and inferiority that so short time ago soared so threateninlgy and dangerously 'above us. The day is a memorable one one that will 0 dowB in history to be honored by cur children and our children's children. Windsor had made great preparations. Chairman Stokes had planned thor oughly and deserves much commend ation for the successful carrying out of every detail. All our stores and dwellings were beautifully .decorated I and the day was made a holiday, one in wh'rch all could participate- and show their desire for good govern ment. - - At 10:30 a. m. the procession form ed in front of the Court House. It was headed by the Windsor Division ! of the Naval Battalion,' Capt. J. T. Smithwick in command. The new- uniforms and shining' guns added much to the scene.-An attractive feat ore was the'presence of twenty-Junior Reserves, Captain Gillam in command They were beautifully uniformed and marched with the procession of regul ars. Then came the marshals, both men and ladies ' on horseba ck,' head ed by Jos. L. Spivey. Chief and Mrs. Frencis D. Winston, chief lady mars hal. The men wore white sashes and the. ladies white" habits. The speak ers came next in carriages. ; Hon. L. S. Overman and Gen. T. F. Toon with Hon. A. S. Rascoe and tHon. The General . makes friends. Hon. R. D. Gilmer and Hon. Lee SOver man delivered great caaopaign ora tions. The Amendment was discuss ed in all its phases. Loud applause Orcocite Nar.haertca rr'.t rtJ 9 - t'tl that cur ccssitjsraa. Cir- TctV ri.'j.-. 1 s.-l the good order kept acd the cocsf. . ....... ... r- ,rj ctotxs absence cl a!! drunkeness. ' rowdjttra or I. ' . ' I boto coctt ftxra fee t a: r 4 cce c( ile aaU s: recast atm ia the 4.;.-.et ia tie r-eraacl Mr. Clause inert is a dcrence of opaioa as llalJat. Mr. Kiuhea U cl a was frequent and the telling poiats to Low many, persons were bere. torsrtt rtttu:,xt t she jwt J aroused the audience to hgh pitch I Some say 4000, some 5000 while oih- j Dctxtc cl the U"-r aM w .2 c t ox entnusiasra. ers say there were nearer six or ! brizLi-i a-i utmiiJeiiriii. itr At the dose oj the speaking Hon. en tho-mnd. E. R. 0q law presented both of the !f"3Tl noame wuquet We tried to ascertain which low. from the laches of ' the county. His Lrg?u delr-aliot,. ' ''J l rare H tin in dcirnr. 11 I-id.ptI ia OS Lke erenr Wile mm in rrrrv D-.1 ..I J . il w,u" grcaiinroDgoiacierroinca township was here. fa a e.- n wim a ' g.aj Ojeatotij; tm fm m i " " ea. 1 V tO i o -. a . . ! Hut .mj,, o r. c r fir-,,.'.i ...... (. 1 a 1 .... I -. r 1 3 t:;cr.i:n- t3 it. ' (, 51 .-) - j - Id tzr tz tiir. j J ( i h I n f-r rrrr- Yf crlo, ' . ' III z iti l w - til r.-.t. . . . i Fl if::r:u. ir.J sU dir.- f C il I .. . at .if tin::; 11 rr-rr. r.r i ' If . ' 14 hiir. H::::r. y o -j r 1 t yc-:h: d;nc 1;;1 c!J ( out tM f ir- aw ehm4 it . t .. ... ' j itM ey .e . u -... r t 1 a J k a.illo ur. . r , . ' L 1 a,f . W- t i m . . ' I I r I . ... vi . . . . " i . r It w I . i f I A . j ct.. fie . 4 a I n I 3 -ajs f. J 1 C I fas t-rV-S. j J 7 tt m. um n l..,.i. t ' I I ' - " -. . . i f I J T a" t i i .. I i I w white men and women "gradually re tired. They seemed loth to leave the stand when such bold declarations But this was not so for no ktrvcjtvc RAILROAD CONDENSED SCHEDULE. . Dated Jan. 15th, 1899. . " No.- No.- No.' ti3 49- Stations. 48. t" P. M. A. M. - . M. A. M. - a so 9 00 Lv.Norfolk,Ar. 5 55 10 25 a 40 i 9 20 Pinners Point. 5 30 10 10 3 03 9 46 ....Eh-ivers.... 5 05 9 46 1 3 17- 1000 ....Suffolk.. 4 5 930 350 1034 . Gates..,. -420 . 855 4 15 ro 50 ......Ttinis.... 4 00 8 37 4,36 11 06 Ahoskie.... 34X . - 8 so v . 453 11 21 ,Aulander...i 37 8 05 5 35 1200 .'.HobKOod... 253 ,726 6 00 12 21 Ar.TarboroLv. ? 3T'7 04 - Ar. Lv. y 6 35 1250 Rocky-Mount. . 55 6 37 " P.M. P. M. P- M. A M. ' Daily,. fDaily except Sunday. , . Trains No. 40 and 48 solfd trai-is between Pi ner's Point and Wilmin)fton. Team No. 4? con nects at Rocky Mount with traiu 23 for all poi t South and No. 78 train for all points Wortn. J. R .Kenley ; Sup't. Tra'na. G. M. SCRPELL. Oereral Manager, j - T. M. Emerson, - . ., General Passengs Agent. mm OF COD-LIVER OIL WITH : HYPOPHOSPHITES ; should always be kept In I the house for the fol lowing reasons: fiRST Because,; if any member of the family has a , hard cola, l will-cure It .' - fZrrtnrm Because, if the chil- : .drenfare delicate and sickly, it wil make them strong'; and well. " TfiTI?n Because 1: if the father or mother is losing flesh and'becom ' Irnr thin and emaciatedJK will build " them up' and give mem flesh and . strength. -' ; - : " ' FOUHit II Because it- is the ; standard - remedy in all throat and lung affections. No household should be without it. j It can be . taken in summer as well I as In .winter, - -' - - - -7 . 50c and St.oo, U druggists. -' ' SCOTT & BOWHE, Chemist, New Tork. noea:aat:rr foot. R. D. Gilmer with Mr. Geo. L. dre. Behind came citizens on back and in vehicles and on This was an inspiring scene. A tour of the whole town was made. Arriving at the stand, for audience waited the result of the "county con- vention which met in the Court house The following nominations were una nimously vmade: Sheriff T. C. Bond. : Register. E. Etheridge. Coroner H: J. Slade. Surveyor W. R. Raynor. ... a sm were made for the race pjeservation. pooDixs were here. The ceamt White Supremacy was on every Hp rProch to that iodiridual was la and in every face was seen the deter- person o( the only rram that mination to win.n I lightened tlie last KepuWica a cosnty convention No pt hc oSertd foe. the COUNTY CONVENTION correct esaia: of the ciaae cl Out - - I certain ill van mary J. The White Man's County Conen- tion met on the 30th. It was in ses- It was 1 cutest remark that, "that sion about one-half an hour. Chair 1 fellow (meaning speaker Ore man) man A. S. Rascoe called it to order I Is giving it to us straight. ana as soon as toe becretarr announ-l -J U- - 11 . it- a ... -v.w. Goetai Tooo made aa exctlietsi 'v'11" ooa were .1 impression on our fcf t. And Mr. u ucu ior, .a u apcaers Gilmer convinced our pecr4e that co naa ocen invitea 10 aaaress our pco- mi$uke was made in 1 r.:.i j . 1 the convention. ' " ; Captain E. R. Outlaw, in a stron? and patriotic sne'ech nominated Hon. rio.Urly M Frands D. Yinston for the Legisla- fof P'"n 7 w I Batan aVktAfflW aaan. aaa Our motion of Mr. . J. , B. Stokes, Mr. Winston's nomination was made by acclamation. ' - ; ' ,' Our present Register .of- Deeds by Mr. Chas. Bond, and on motion cf presence cl the eaton; Mr. W. R- Rayner the nomination Miliary company wita ue oaor was made by acclamation. ; . Naval Reserves added much toward . Mr. Daniel W. Untton, in an eu- roakinz the day latercslmr. WhlSc logistic and fo-rtibVspeech nominal. lhc Iunk5r Qxd ootJf command ol ! ed Turner C Bond for Sheriff.!., . . . .. . . . . ; - . . I captain jtaccc ou.am, u c-a :e c i n t Anaonmouon hij nonunauon was n,,,,- ,Bri r. v,f,r., . I V m J W a Wl avm - m m Wfca made bv acclamation. I I . ' . . V" . I Moody occupied second place ia the Captain E. R. Outlaw . nominated I ' . r ' THE S1C1C ARE - . L1ADE VELL, CENTRAL H0TI:i j. it. Livi:uvN. rrv.-v -1. aalians4 0aa4.rftVsti,i 1 1 t U T- I ! i I f V f.f - . J atBMlsfWn.liiaTWa. ! a 1 1 S . I Hit V tst JLrwYeaa ui. a f fftcjf t. i.i 7 a at-4 t : .v f ra. o aw .m .io Itia-ikf, 'aar aM v. . . . t W . a, m.u awe a a f im. 4m f W. - a-. i .i i .... O ajMiw-. a. m. a4 i . mi. . a. a fco.arKa' atf ana w im. 1 ssj aisi i j hi:' nil .M a. L. F. PIERCE, m afcJ a H f tMaw 1 sa... fca . a .iai ar f t m c .awaavaaa i ft. law V a.. rt..aw4 " awtrMat at as) Waawrw -. ftra. roaay tu'4 t -9 is 4as If a t mmf rtt . aa a fe taa Jraw wa - m Kaa' Sa.MBw awi-..at tva vim i1 . 1 , 1 a. - - . ... 1 - ( 1 " I VI T" J in t.ii. tf HrK5jWAVERLEY i . a-a a - at CafMaaatJaw sW aaaWaWMBW The hotels utmost. were taxed to their ae-aA t-mm4 fw.. . ... m-.m j,m fc VaMaaa aw4 . a KsTaWt3 4 . v. 1 W4 VM fciil a aw.;)m4 ... .-! V. ar-''-'4 nm mm 4t a a-.. a aw. ta o 1 i-wh. o.-e a-.-Mir-. a ssi V-3k. -i i. - .w a-a wa -a - rw. .- il w . -Tt-oG Gvarrr.'.xf i. M T T a j wawA.i . a s aa... L- fj " 1 I- - -- " ". .. - - aar'is.ta) aw, - t Prntfi oaaa in i f T , . v a.-tt aw. i 4. MWTCa tUTMIwiT, at, D-. ix.nMtser a l wwm s.ai a. ii 1 1 mnm, a il laajrrrr a nil iftau vaLrrtaa. .a i mill r Mill ' M I I I 1 i I ' a ' t I a a a ; t v av. uaj -a. t "ft The marthaUs and epecia!ly the motion Mr. blade s nomination was made by acclamation. ! Mr, W. R. Rayner was: nominated Udy RHaHs presented a goodly for Surveyex by Mr. J. W. Green and J .... his nomination was made ' by . accla-j - mation. - :': ; - tor vujunty yommissioners pu A(uUnxiety was felt for the E R. Outlaw nominated the old I widow cf the brave General Bumham - jM-t . , of Machias, Me when the djctoca board with the. addition of Mr. J. v. n r,Va t;ri r;-. Wash Mitchell subject to the board writes Mrs, S. H. liacoln, ho at- A. R. De Fluent, editor of the foutnal, Dpylestown, 'Ohio, suffered for & number of years from ; rhsuma- tism in his right shoulder and side. He says: "My rigt arm at times' was .entirely useless. I tried Chamberlain "s Pain Balm, and was surprised to re ceive relief almost immediately, lhe Pain Balm has been constant com pan ion of mine ever since and it . never fails." Bro. AKtgat 04 Tw. " A nt Dar-0 ru ...Destroying .its' victim, is a type of Constipation. I The power of this murderous malady Is felt on - organs and penes and muscles - and train. There's no health till it's ovtrcoroe But Dr. King's New Life Bills are a safe and certain cure. Best In the world for Stomach, liver, KiJncys For sale by J. T Mardre & and Bowels.' Only 35 cents at R. C tended her that fearful t'ght. -AH thought she would soon die from J Pnuemonia, but she tejed far Dr. i King's New Discovery, sayir- it t.a.l 1 more than once saved her U'e, ar.J; cured . her of Conscrnjtica. A.'tef ; three small doses tlt s!rpt r;'y a'l 1 niht, and its firther eve cc-mj-ictcW j curxl her." Thi nineloi; rreJi cine is gvt ranter! to cure a'.l Th:::it Ch.et and Jm Dcav. Or.'y 3 :c. ; and Ji.oo. Trial : frt: st II. C. rrc:r.res s',-":. A GREAT BENEFIT TO YOU In order to nuke room for Spring stock, I have reduced .ill Mens eind Boy's Ovcr-ccats. Suits, Boots and Sluvjs. Ladies Mats and Cajcs, nice Goods and manv other "nods' .it vcrv a low prices. Don't fail to call, and see for vourrtdf.

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