irat tVi Pnoc n1 Ra V. o Mr.... . TT ! if x . t " t t t . r; - r-- .i, utiwii.uic. ujn uuiii uj uiiuiiy iiuusc in iioitji varouna. inen wny not Keep your money orcu jatngr at home. Send us your orders. Patronize home industry. If you are in need of envelopes, paper, bill heads, anything front a nh: r pingr tap" to a book. let us know and w will otitV t-mi in vprv r"arftil-r f rr,.n,1 r1:.. ... -t ' -r , I ft ; - U -w n ... ww..j.a JVM fi kv.utll wt (V.IU44V4 tiiVtiWj. VI DC U JAU UlUCi, STOP YOU iEBGER STbca J1 Borrowing YOUR Neigh tor's LEDGER j WE Will Send it to - YOU Twelve Months for ONE Dollar J J Six Months: 50 Cents, j Jt an X e&Ajkxi Acnao tbia 17 LEDGER. RETCHT.YCR VOL. 17. WINDSOR.N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 12 1900 NO 20. , . Bawl awawajaaaWaWaBBWiwawiBawaWaBaawaaaBaaaWJWawawa VV INBSQE C 3 I $2100 III PREUIUUS VrHa far aireatar axalalntaa how will aUtrleata SjlM la areailaau. without ur er whaoat aar lottery ichtaa U ititMm. Our carpet areata ara aiakiag fas ta JM a waek-aa aaa foa write fee aarUeaiare."- . Oar BOW " I eata- - logna of Kaaa-ta Order Ctotaiaa wita " laraa 1 w M ate A. ' EiitiS: . barcataa ia ao'aaa A ila ahnat waaa aagrapked 1 ahaara the ' TaaMaarttaryiaaa " CarpWBavH ; 'Art qaarea, ,r?- rarw .XMtalaaa4 itett l Tln'Htt aaa. fa, lfca r-hy fatUt Tea aa 'taU wiimi . at yw tadw Omnrasria bHm a yaaraae . . ftaattnat . W. - u.a r ..-0 tu pafa.aate. lafae aaverrtEta1ta ajreotY . mm for taa aakiaa. Kat. Uaa aa Vw U M ta M aer eeat. aajrad . which aMkaayoa waatT AU are tree. Addreas thia way JnUa Mlat & Sol, Peptsos.iantowd- " " " - - . Torytniac, DR9 L DAtyIS Consulting -Optician. AO errors of retrection adentif ically corrected W. R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WINDSOR.N.C. Practlcts Im all Courts. Special mttemtioa zivea toCoUectloa. First-class Watch repairing. 1 m i lata 1 II 1 1 '4EK--jaw.- eaaae tataUaaj "1.17 " " J 1 Br I ' wea y 7 1 1 ri1 Til 1 1 . T- f I i x t i i Uocks an jewelry anoau Kmjto make them heathfuh of Spectacles and tye-glasses tor sale. ' R. W. HALISH, Expert Watchmaker and Oraduate Optician Main Sty next door to Mrs. Barrett's B Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. WINDSOR, N. C if- RAILROAD. PA8SENQER TRAINS NoKf.v?TmTAiti No. 2. Not T-X'f crrccTtvc i-arv t South; i No. i-A Mia 'Ly rwm pSOR 630"" '"" " .Buflers " 6SS ','Askewsville - "705" H6Ily Grove 7 5 I ; . BRANrtlNa 7.30 Powellsville 7 5e n ? Ar r-. AHOSKIC "Ar j. 6 10 pm ' ' ' " 6 00 " 5 40 . 5 20 5 05" 445pm Ar Lv A" Daily except Sandayi V Flag Station. 5 : . Train No. 2 makes direct connection with the No folk & Carolina train No.-ioa at Ahoske for Norfolk. Train No. 1 makes direct connection with NoRFOtK &CAKCTLiKANo.J03froni Norfolk. J VV. B RANNI N G.C. E.BRANNING Pres. . r ' General Manager. m:c.hinshaw, u Oeneral Freight & passenger Agent. ill a -1 eatf J ' St. CHESAPEAKE LINE.!rhereafter; that k is to franchise U. S. Mail Steamers To all Points North East & Wst. Lv. Norfolk, Jackson st..... --SS P- m- Lv. Old Point Comfort.. 65 P-10 At. Baltimore, Pier 19, Light st....... ..7:0 a.m. B.&. R. R. P. R. R. Lv. Baltimore..... Ar. Philadelphia.. ..7:55 a. .10:15 s .12:35 P- m. m. m. 8:00 a. m 10:15 a. m. 1 Ar. Wew yoric ia:43p. m Steamers leave daily except Sunday. For staterooms and any information call at. V zonula, m ' Phones 1 12.' w. b brown Pass. Agt.; ' E. T. LAMB, - Gen. Agt. - RAILROAD CONDENSED . SCHEDULE Dated May 27th, 1899. No. fio3 No. 49 No. 48- No. fl02 Stations. r. m. P. M. to ' 4- a so 4. 3 3 3 n, 3 50 4 15 4 3 4 53 5 35 6 00 9 00 9 22 9 5t 10 05 W 35 10 50 11 06 11 31 12 OO 12 SI Lv.Norfolk,Ar. Pinners Point. 5 55 5 30 5 OS 4 50 4 20 4 00 3 41 3 7 a 53 2 31 03 ..Drivers... ....Suffolk ... 9 f; I i I 5 7. Is 646 ......Gates.... Tunis.... ... Ahoskie.... ..Aulander.... ..Hobsrood.... Ar.TarboroLv. Ar. Lv fit5. is 50 P. M. Rocky Mount. 1 I 55 P. M. 6 37 A M. Daily. fDailjr except Sunday. - j Trains No. 49 and 48 solid trains between Pi era Point and Wilmington, iram no 49 con , Rockv Mount with tram 23 for all : poi tj South and No. 78 train for all points North, sets at t .' R , Ken lev ? ' Sup't. Trains. - Qar MMr,; " s,-.Vt T. M. Emerson. ; ' Owtsrat Passenge - Acent. THE AMENDMENT; A ; By Captain Julian H. Picot of Hertford County. , The amendment now being so hot ly discussed is at one plain, practi cal and sensible. It is couched in no ambiguous terms tn temnt tVA erA. fy - - v - - f aaw . IllMIC rr rlaAanrn tka trvntZMc.. Tl language used to convey O its full MlCaamgZlS mail IV, ana CapaDie OL.nO ;! i " . j it- .- j- . o j i i cu is noi put tn ine oacK-ground cov ered with clauses capable of two con strnctions. : " , lt is not, nor does it pretend to hide.its meaning and intent. It is intended to rouse no bitterness, to uraw iignuy no party iinej. it is an honest appeal from white men to white men, to assert the dignity of our race, it makes no appeal to the i . - ' . iPegrt but honestly avows, that the intention of the bill is to disfranchise xm' zs far as lt lavs inour Per to do so m a legal way. The better in formed from reading, from history teaching, know that it will tend to better "the 'negro in every way. . No rational man fears negro dom ination in a national sense. The idea is simply preposterous. The Simoon that withe-s the foliage at certain seasons ot many a tair isle in the inland sea, is not dreaded in other localities, but still it is deadly in its effect where it prevails. Mar shes must he drainer! tn mate them productive, and their malaria aborted The bill is covered or veiled with no false or delusive covering; it does not lay in ambush, but goes straight to attain its end. It is not fevolutioiafy in tendency but proposes to affect its object by leg- ! al means and in a legal way. The Black Belts of the South are terribly scourged. It is mere prattle, mere finesse to say that the negro is nbt to blame, that left to himself, he i is harmlessand obedient, That nat ural condition of affairs does not meet the argument. It is an appeal for a false humanity, none to reason and to the logic of events. - The hooded i snake of India- is a terrible pest, I and an implacable warfare is waeed 1 for their exterpation. It would -be folly to desist in its destruction, be- cause he is confined to the jungle and does not infest the mountain brow. -? All this discussion as to the mean ingand intended effect of the Amend ment seemto me but a waste of breath. Unless a man is an idiot, he can not fail to see that it intended to dis- irancnise no wnite man learnea or unlearned from sea to mountain now i" " every negro it possible can, jcvauvx wnue man mat is comprehensive enough, registering FRE- BLOOD CURE. 4A An offer Providing faith to Sufferera. is your uiooa mirer Are you sure of it? Do cuts or scratches heal slowly j Does yourskm itch or burn?' Have , vou, Pimples? Eruptions? Foul Breath ffltarrah? Are vou nale? Tf so mirifv I vnnr "RlooH at on re with K K Tl (Botanic Blood- Balm). It makes the I Blood Pure and Rich, heals every .nyl rl .TOP a 0"kSW llA.ltlllf I ahVill. . iccp-scaicu mks itn.c .uitis, 1 cancer, eating sores; Painful Swell ings, Blood Poison are quickly cured by B. B. B., made especially for al obstinate Blood'and - skin Troubles DV . k. k. 15. is outerect trom otner rem edies because B. B. B.. drains the , Poison and Humois out of the Blood J and entire system so the symptoms ' cannot return.- Give it a triaL It . 1 . . .1 Man ..IT aIca lie rTlirfirrr1 tested for 30 years. Sold at drug ' stores at $1 per large bottle, 6 lare ' bottles Tfull treatment", - $. So suf ferers may test it, a trial bottle given away absolutely free. Wr te for it Address BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta Ga, Write today. . Describe trouble t and free medical advice given. . ; t W. R. SBITH-S COLLEGE. iEXlJlGTCft, Iff, bwhavenma ir. after htvartlof from S6f to Soo for talUoi I OwaKStaat I' .fw positions as TeSex- ' rapbers. aadsew Stao salary 'per year.,- Ksntncfc; awardad his eraduates. . tti 1 Worid's EstiwP&lilrrfrs to tawotsrwn a y yMinfxgei TSbpardrrtOwhavw hawa BookRteDers. SterKfapliera rwcejfafreni S90wt vl University DUHJWja lEwceTVatf aUdAUat tw av a an saw frifaMKe. SawdaoVsrt ar tiirm wrty w. H. yUX loL&Zn, ir, NOW or until looS.ia forever put on the roll of honor,citizens endowed with no saving clause of the right of!to lighten, and . will cheerfully . ... . A. , I spend more in the same -righteous ballot forever. After 1008 the ed-j 1 ... cause. Every white man feels the uveuvuu IMt WUiri HI, 4UU Ui4t 1 where the demagoge and fool comes in with their pretended alarm at there ever being a time in North Carolina, whea a negro can vote and a white mamcannoL Well, that is just what the bill meant, nothing . more - and nothing less. But. that application . (.. " T V 0t is iui auij. wmic w uiAiK, wou at tain majority after the lapse v of that date." The veriest tyro in politics knows and knows well, that any other fram ing of the bill would have wrought its destruction, and simply because it would have brought a clash between Federr 1 . and State laws. And with it how poor a grace does this, argument come from those that employ it, from the Very men, who for thirty odd years have used the negro to affect political results. And these results waving politics, have been disastrous to society. A determination is fixed to push aside thenegro from the ballotnd the object will be accomplished in no other than by an honest and legal way. Sifted down then the question to answer is this: a Is it good policy to UNBALLOT the negro? Has he in a political sense done any good to the state or to the country at large, or rather has he not done harm? Every one will concede the fact that his vote has done the Republican party no good effected no results in the nation and for the nation. He has and is still confined to the South and that is and ever will be solidly .democratic just as long as the negro votes. ' Then whatever good has been done in State or Na tion has been achieved in spite of lira. He is endowed with no power to do good, but a vast deal to do tiann: he is an annoyance and a nuisance to be gotten rid of. His political presence excites anger, hate, bitterness, whether responsible or not. The bill proposes to make ' him, iust what the antagonists of the bill claim him to Vp, harmless, inoffen sive and obedient. History teaches that no two races can live together in peace and har mony. The Superior will dominate, the inferior must submit. In no oth er land save in this has the inferior been treated with justice much less kindness. England practices no such magnanimity among her Hindos- tanes. The intention of this bill is to put the negro in position wherein he can be treated more kindly still, and that is into hb noimal does not attack, nor does it dare to attack any personal or religious rite. It only desires to make him harmless, to !o him no harm. . The negro is incap able of self government; this is no dogma, but an established facL A reply in denial comes, saying he has never hid a chance. Is this so? He come into close touch with the Roman and Phoenician absorbing neither their militiary spirit nor intellectural glory. In 1792 the island of Hayti ' was a flourishing province of France, anoth er pearl set in the coro et of the In dies. The negroes rebelled and by foreign aid, gained their - individ ual and national - freedom. Since that period anarchy has reigned among them. The negro never has or ever will establish a government. He is an infetior a subordinate. Place him in his right position and there let him ANlfht Of Terrwr. " Awful anxiety, was felt for the wjdow of the (brave General Burnham of Machias, Me., when the doctors said she could not live till morning writes Mrs: S. H. Lincoln, who at - tended her that fearful night. "All thought she- would soon die, from Pnuemonia, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it had more than once saved her life, and cured her' of Consumption. After, three small doses she slept easily all night, and its futher . use completely I I . . .. r.L " 1 1 curra ier. - mis marvelous' meai- CUH-U UW. a....7 m.:.VuN;ur' tcine is euaranteed to cure all Throat. ikJ KL.J I.J u.-i L..Aai ' rur.A Tr n;c ..Anlw . J x T-! y-t up-'stay. The White man his lavished money to educate him, spent millions nameless, something 'that 'sepermtet him from the negro, a barrier, and let that barrier of race. and blood be made impregnable by the fortress of disfranchisement. J . ; no honest politics in our state in many years, nor will there be, until this great, incubus Is removed. White men dare not tin vide on political issues. The color line is fie only burning issue, some arefrightened that theirchildren(whiie) may not be able to vote in'iooS.Why this fear, why this fright? Does any one suppose that a white man is tol unlarily ignorant? Does not every one know that it is the result of cir cumstances, isolation and poverty. Give him free schools, and his little ones will mock your fears. Fools uix, wise men tnin. The system of free education U . . .... widening each year and that rapidly. In Prussia education is obligatory and all read and write. In the New England States, 'education is compulsory and nearly all read and write. In 1850, five decades a o, I beard the immortal ' Clay, and the great Baptist preacher Fuller, speak to a large and intelligent audience. Their theme was Liberia.the negro republic on the West shores of Africa, it had been aRepublic many years before that date. Theymade a burning appeal for material help for the young adventure. Theirappeal was successful. Captain Canot writes in his twenty years a slave, that Liberia is a fineertile and healthy land. Has Liberia retcgraded or advanc- ed under the fostering care of benev-1 olence individual and" national? " The but a few years ago in Africa, assist- A Kv rwi mt k itable energy, converted a wildemes- into cu'tivated farms, and has become so formidable as to meas ure swords with England. Read and think. We exclude the Chinese a cultivated and a learned neoole. net onlv from the ballot box but from our shores. We exclude the Indian also, whose ancestry ool the Andean and Mexican plateaus es-1 'tablished governments, built cities whose tuins attest their ancient glory and in metallurgy and agriculture and architecture were tbe equals of the denizens along tbe Nile, yet many are aghast at the idea of an exclusion of the negro. Why did we or do wel exclude the first two, simply because I at the other. It meets every Thcrs their instincts and civilization were I day. The next meet ine will beat not and are not ours. The negro disfranchised for at least eight years w3l bring peace to our distracted councils, will restore order and harmony in State and local government. In those eight years new conditions will arise. In the meantime let us confront present con - ditions. The future will adjust It - self. FJiminiate this element from politics this bone of contention, and all friction between the races will vanish. The neT0 if in those years becomes qualified to vote, will vote, if he votes at all, intelligently- along party not color lines. If this column of color can be broken, he w.u u.bxu.h w.u, ujciwo great panies, ana uren uve aoua of danger will bey anished forever. In desperate stra.ts we resort to neroic remcuics. vt nen a snip stands in clanger 01 wrecK, eacn good sea man, burying all personal quarrel, watches sail and shrowd and springs with a will at the trumpet call tu ! save the good ship from being daan- ed upoc shoals or rocks. Let us imitie him and when the storm is . . , . over aud tun for'h ain . then we can discuss our private dif- ferences and settle them in a able and peaceful way. J. H. PICOT. CASTOR 1 A -Tor In fa Tits axd ChlUrta. - . y, n a . p 1 v Bears Ml , C'jnsrgr of flftD WHITP VIJx If II lit. MAN'S CLUBS An Dolor Some Noble Work tot Their Race. KELFORD CLUB. TheKellord Cub sends gretUrf to the other clubs of the County and asks for fcllowslip among tbrw. Onr last roeetiog douUed the eapectatloo 01 lhc 10011 dbUtf. Roxobel to-rv. in,P ' P w ncr lull tiety. " e re "gog grounds by leap aed bouD1' 0ur PpWn'e wkirg lth vengeance Out mill ull 00 e ICCIon cav POWELLSVILLE CLUB. The White Supremacy Club r4 I.w:. . !. . a. I... -T-a. I W-,UUJUU"; o Such a glorious oeetiag was never heard of before ia this sec tion. At 8:30 Pres. Stokes calktl club to order. Eighteen new men connected themselres with the club. Short talks were made by nearly all members. We have fifty three tnean bers unrolled now. The club will meet again at 4 o'clock Thursday af ternoon, July nth. Come forward White men of this coraamnity, array I yourselves in battle for the future pre tectionof your virtuous aoos and daughters. -1 1. 1. DL" THE CLUB tt PERRY'5 SCM0OLlamrP rtporxd to lU cWb ce At our meeting of June a 6th 14 new members were enrolled. Tbe membership now stands 3 S. More .enlisted at the next meeting. I Messrs L. C. Stoke A, Ftaak Ujtn I and C B. Tomer, addressed the club The committee 00 registration also made some remarks aloer Its line. Our invitation stands ooea to ,tj no lve their race to attend cur mett In h M. PERRY Secretary UKLLiNS X CLUB Our club organised June 14th wkh 15 members- Now we hare 57, one I of whom is 78 years old. At our last meeting Mr. Sl Leon Scud a4- dressed the dub, The Cub has two places tor meet ing one at school house No. 15, I and the other at Ray's school bom It meets first at ooe place, and . next I Ray's, - J. A. WHITE Sccmary HEX LENA CLUB. Hexlena White Supremacy, Cuba 1 met June 30th 1900. Good fetllors 1 prevailed. Expressions were madejby several members of the teed of tbe Amendment, even by those who have been of different political faith all are exceedioely hopefuL . The following committees were ap pointed. Committee on Registration: J. IL rjowen, Joalah Early, J. R. Pbclps, w AfJieW( W. M. MHchelL W. j orris, J. A. Early, A. O. Askew, Committee on Literature: J. P .orris, J. W. Barnes. W. II. Wyoa. - 1 ir n? A Hll II O I J f fc I U i II A L flLljO f, all rfcikf rw e aa. I-aJ CO -r Isali PILLS! 1.fihm Uk a'm m mil CO aaa ava4 reel aa fr sx rwaivS r su 1 VOtklf Wf a Saw cm I ear rr&4 VAe 1 aa4 socryialeatf l!;m!aTaDiols tlH liaaTir! rTl Craxtvow fcm vTarrrc tov. UrttwKa, lba, I.aava-tr. " mIh of Xxrian.1 t L 4 Mrmrr. M-r sna!! l wUa MMe. . blX-J at a asi A m er, Im tAt ear 9-awA saey UA. AJAra nunviTA r.:rciCAL co. CSncan A atactacn da, c: ZZZO CJu ?7T77sAYct Sale by Dr. W. S, Curley ' Wad sor, N C J. Walter Ear, TWeua WLJct3 M.T. rtvc!p,M. C M!.-, WVy P.'. - . . ea. c tnem&crs, 71. Adavroed lomccl Je!y jlk, J o' clock p. aa. j. 11. rxnvicN Srcrtlarf. The citirras tf MiJcheaTowttiJp Baft ia Cctm&fhoa Jeat atutxt fhOcnlaAXe CotJb'c fof.uVi icrvv ship 90 BK'.aya by J. A. irfy. fr. W.joe V:ach3 wai Ld ir actUsu:a. Ecirr m UtietA cottrestioo -vird. A- LASSIT1CR CVVia, j. 11. ranvtiN s-.'y CLUO AT DROWfTS. Tbe hlit u ternary cLb tf Whitrt IcrsrriiiJp mZi rrt a! Vm't School Houm 00 Sarafiiiy tirf 14th at S o'clock t. U. r.rrrjb&lj U b- vltrJ aaJ ctprcially tLe lTw Vtr. r, y. Aiir and others 2 iak tUn w2, u by' lU yooog profit. Be sere a&d cocac- CLUa 0ROAN1ZCO. By rixtae cf a ca3 taa-e bj A. LaAsiter, Ctalrmaa of th Drtaacr tic six. Coca, of f cci:i tmiiJa the dtixens tf Atlaaier ort txst Twe4iy n'ght and crjaftlxtil 1 Wkhe Sopremacy Cub tf (44) Uxij Urns toetabeTa. SeTtridcotiirnfttrsta wtxc appointed aad a secood aaectlsg cxZ- ltd for Friday IgU tut On Friday bU iLe ccaftic:r co hundred aod ciLty-ciTa tctXxn who arc tvetire eneigrtic wickers Prrsxlcct A. Laaaltet. . Hon. O W. MltcbcU took sur4 and dellrrrtd aa tloqueiat aJdrcxa fee as boor and a cpetrter, he d".ccied the leactleg Usuc aad held t a dieft tn'Sc ,uu forth tJ ar tal k4 to Li aic tion of tbe CocitkttfaOQil ATirst and tbe reajoca why it iVx;I be supported by every white asua la 0 stale A goodly ouxeber cf perfie wrrr J present baa inm litruara cxHstty and this covert a rood ssaar cf l beta had been btttitfait tode cided. Mitt Mr. MUcbcITa speech tbey eiprtoed tbceserrs .at tbor cag hly auUSed, f vt on. - scree (CAcy bjktfra aad tbey drciucd ibry wouU wuuejly sepport tbe axfrad oewt. - Tbe neat rawetlcg 3 ba bcij Thoradsy aigbt JsJy 191k, 1900. Dr. W. W. Ear! wi3 adirma tbt ciib. Hurrab for Aycock a4 tbe . it-czd-aaest. A. LatAlier, T midest. Dr. E. IL Havrtoo, Secretary. COS ETl EAD CLUB. Tbe Wbiu STrttArr Csb aid at rerry School Itocjc teai IOm- aeAd Jc3y (UbMr. SUyooc in tbe chair. Tbt Rejiatrauso Ccta&4U aad a satisfactory were s&ade by Mzivv D. W. tod W. R. Jocea, aad tbe rrriiir&L ych Utciesta34rtsa&r t.'nn . .t 1. . .v- tip. Tbt oest saeetlrg tf tbe cJ-.b be at IiscbeHa acbnel boem Jay I lib. Oct ncmberabip aabm tl'.j Wt invite everybody ta Md cr J. meeting. Let tbe ladiea atd jx attend aod enccragt tbnt tzxt fathers and brotbera. DmOCRAT. Imm at Mr. W. S Wbrdoa. Caabe of tbt First KttkaJ txs k cf WYsirmt, lora, ia a rrctcl let :tr g-its toca cxpctietc wi;b a cafpes't U Lit tra- ljy, tbal witi be tf It la cxber taecbacica. IUtav"ILJ a eaf pca'.er rorklr fot ca bo was tUj ed to atop wxtklbe iwrtTrsi daft ca arocst cf beig trovtScd w.ib dorr bars, t aoe&tsaced to h'm tbai 1 ha.1 been tua?-ary trcJ led a4 l: OaKberUiVs CcZx, Cbclrta asd DlarrboeA r had rred Height a ? A t le e ' tt froea U!orctd ax ooe dcave mtd tlmi, ad L it 11. 5 at h:S WOIIL fct 14 1 ty J. J. J(f tiftar Era. " ,-, a4 tlliltt (J( 9m 4 aA r TTM Doct'J yrcr htir -pill it !1 the cr.J? y t Cm you 1 1 handful lI:i:rcri h it? r CENTRL HOTEL. Aalitwrr, N. C J. It LI VIDIAN. Prw Csf;ftilt wet, ft-Xit af i serrasu, uns tie brtr V v as taxes lo ttatvirr.. tb cic-'rl.r.t a lie ta-srt; tai in al ft .a factlaa Cca-x.'jed. L, F. PIERCE, A rrr:X Cot tbe WAVERLEY ; BICYCLES. . ccL003. n v tJ A miTM t r 12 H i -rrn A. rr a cc atr-T TrtcLjvr t. .J - mrj 4 e - S i . - . f iti r ( " i I 3 Dct 11 Jccna dry t lifdni? l( Give your ht!r 1 V II chance. Fcc4 Jt.fl l 5 The rooii-arc rrt M WciJ; they arc ci y J beciute ihcy arc V j) ttirrcJ that't a!l. y 4 The I r v . v f ben V . Jt r 1 b a I r p At Vll-vv 7 j f o o d prN, n rD ikix UoLiL . tJ If vcu cca't tract t ytr-T hi!r to die vis y i Ayci Hair Vlror r o.i & clay. It 3 ilea f f j the hair rnrar, step i drufJ. - n it It al-rayt rtitcrca v j J color 10 gray er fidrJ II Ik ha!r; It cntf fill- LI T Omm Wncio 4 4 yaw-is fce aT" C 1 Saaai I aw 4 It w r e nl f I Jrwwe Sf. ' Ik We BK ry . TfcA. A rMewbai(kif.4eve4 v oo(m)tJlM. Ila y-w- .4 A a m-f awe m a .i i a Siiia A 1 L I aUwH4 at K I S I ltOHrt. ' t 1 MM A .4 It la. - l m T VI mvmw 1 - .1 s--- '' ' - -"V J as a-.-v.a.-jr m am iwavl Cmilltonic; r:f O 1 T:: : f,r tn'r.' I . a A 1 I in mm 1 11 i 1 ii.n ... i V, l : ; ! i . , ' . T M . I m - - -. ,j

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