aMaa- ' ' v ;i -"- .--r" atirg at 1 oire. herd us cur orders. Patronize home industry- It" 'J, need of envelopes paper, till hcnl-s anyt'i;n;Cfrom z 3.!.,-1 - . H n?! t &f ;f K- ,CI us cw ana we will sausiy you in every parucuiar or remna )-our money, uivc us your orucr. t .jl f -!: 5.., . . ; ' -.-.. , I! I UU Of UU i. r . . ' - Y : s ! ; I : : ' .. t A. 1 TT? 5 1 . ' . bet's LEDGER! j "WE Will Seni it to Yuu iweivc montnstor UiNn, iolla.r '"i " ' 1 ,k Six Months 50 Cents, r i ..1 1 nnr i.Cw t. . lU'J' . V K 7-- NO 21 CTAQ u irNt"-)y'-!t T: i 1 $2100 111 PREUIUUS - Vrtt tot aimtmr xpUdnl kw w WIU 4talrlbat f iMW Im prcalunu, wttlwat mf m mr witk mar tottarr t air. Oar earpct Meat ara Making MtMa watk w joa writ lor ' Oat - - wat ,UBagrpM flalltaa aaaa tha Viwa MryUp" . .,v Caiaata, afa, ' Art .Jaaaraa, Fartiana, I Laaa Carta! aa4 Bad ' . fu la their real aoW aryaa faat T WoMaa; aMkaai aatoraa platea 1 t aa. aaa tell axactlT , '5V a trst iUik V tra aar laK a' dr WT at yaar wiadaw; CaratUraacaia -' M1 17.fV , ".' aaw aaracta ca f -. ' al waMea . : ttaoa4j-rta,l rr j!! 3 aauiitinr. ia a. I('i; rSi'. "IXC? Z ' - Cw' "L" 1 f 1 f r ....... NS 111 V ! ; I I wi: l I ' I I I I I V I -.11 I 1 1 I I W I I M- 1 I : " ..' 1 -v.! 1 1 . - . i v 1 I t!3Vi u I 1. aif. .U : III '.J 1 - aiil il' j AlP.OT3AOhL.tnnW to il h c O 8YAVJA .4 8 ii 48 C or: . t , J' i.rrt ... li . C T irS- Va . ..;H; , 4. . a ..Dtjci this illui- tr;:; ytur expef ! iV V I J And arc f 1 a nn r 1 c J f o r t V V waa fcif V C aa avantalaa. waieabMiaaraawaatT uaratraa. Aaaraaa uua way JlllM Hlae L Sl. Dopt909,laKiaMrJHId- DR. WfL. DAVIS -am-- - -v- , rw , ; - .EES':.': I j ' .. ..i. . u: 11 :Tt:n ct:t? . ;rry- f .- . ' . " . YX Icj. fcr htlp H si1-" - ; , . - v. hii. - .Y o u n c " -, ' 1 i ,t ' ''pi 1 hit via , ' " u ; : tr-t r-v Lfe !r.:a t! - t - fl f I To u rr r. LdQjii illio ' too1, r- v. K - v . -. "Jim i i v ' . it . i : j -PTI ?7I AJ, i ciui unena t rare over t ie in. u ana .vvKkru W. R. J0HN50hT,Hi 1 4- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW1 9idl MJ ww i w ? i e.- i - , - . ' - - PneUetM Im mil Court. 1 SptcUl mttemUom xV to Collections.' First-class Watch repairing. " Clocks and Jewelry and all kinds of Spectacles and Eye-glasses for sale. R. W. HALISH, Expert WatchtMker atd ; . -Graduate Opticia t ,r , ; Main St, next door to Mrs. Barrett's store. aaj Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. - " -:-ai WINDSOR, N. C ... i ! ': 1 H , i. f . . nn a . i , .. m t I r 1 . . 4 PKUCaKA DR. R. P. THOMAS, rv a rv yi i vi. ivi ivi m CHAIRMAN, RECEPTION CO: MMJ Cowpcr, ,5 M UU ir i UMUiiaimu . a com: J. E. Vann of Winton Township. Dr. J. W. Tayloe of St. Johns township. . j GK C. Rcot of Maneys Neck township, - D. O. Barnes of . Murfreesboro township. , - J.O. Askew of HarreUsvilletownsnip. S'S 1. Tr 1 . n u t b cl V ?V Assisted bE.J.Gerock, Jr., O. O. Hoggard. ..;Darf(m.DavUinton : -W J mda J B Stoic, d BcrUe, 1 t-w 1 1 a .ttt I a 11 1-V J 1 t ' T- 1. rTl " rvS ion Tama Ia aaw 1 f raa! Uowa aJ V T IT aw. , Jl a XV. xiouoman, kj, w . jyiiLcneii, u, w , xsriLtoii. x , o . . , wui iui:,j x uuuiu uy-iufui-j uv . u W.ehb;.St Iieon ScuU, Dr. Wayland Mitcholl, G. Wt ;kew, Mfc Macdo Holloman, Uln ctt:3 Mitthry Hba, oxiaa, xayiuo, xr, xkx. uuiuuu, xj. j-kw- neien vanilf idizz Ida ncou wtutmti yesft. Calvert, li. A. weaver. - The' above coiiimittco will not only inrita tttir Iriesdi ( but every bite penon, old or young, great or tmll - 1 COMMTITEE ON nrTTTATIOir 1 'B. B. Winbomo Cbairman: J. R GtirrettaDr. 8, 8. Dinicl 0.H Smith. A- B. AdkinSaLJ Lawrence, JHEcoi;J H. Irtrrtrr lzi'.:h is thz hxlr, ir.J ih fx'..- It s!-jn rr.rcrti colcr t3 cr ay hilr. i thiny 11 if )t'j t rrt Lfry. fcr your zrzy Li It rxr hxi - til dui. rub cc!:r V J ! cfyccih. U W i pa. 4ot4 4a a - t ta i a awa4 . m aa i i a i tn y a aa a l hm . a a a inm ai aaa .au aa a. aw a . a - . v M a. auwM V, aa ,i i WaTa tl Paoaataa j T a-a aa a . a t aw nm rat V a ja t. a I . "X COMMITTEE ON DECORATION. 1 fz No. 3-a' J CFFECTIV ia. if ITNO. I-A f a -ja Duuen " w .1 i 7 1 n Ar AHOSKIC J-v 44SPn j , . MS C. E. Branniner. E. 1. Gerock,H. T. Waters. L M Bodham 'j:P Brett. P Powell, also Uie following. iadies.Mesdames F Powell,T J Iiassiter S L Johnson 4 c h j u JenKins. Misses ousie sna mana xaoiioman, Willie Green and Quint uopelancl. ; -- The above committee will prepare suitable mot toes and banners, suspend them across the streets ; - .... DniNERCHULHrrEE.! - ' A 0 Vann, Chairman: W. J Samne, W J Green. W H Brvant'JJ Powell, Chaa Peclo W P Willcu-bbj. J.W Po ell.E. W.Sessoma. W Ed Miller. J Mari Tcastcr. J M Powell, J A Danghtie, Jos Cotton, Solon Jemigan. 7 T CENTRAL HOTEL J. It LIVlliiHAX, r A a a - Vcjse-; t rc:u.t fr i-.'.f a,j a, j aar 14 Xilr 4fT, tat 1 Cat i.ct lo wtl &w i-a.-t L. F. PERCE, A ftil ism li a-Daily except Sunday. Flap; Station. - Trah Nn. maVr rfilTCt CDnilCXllOB iWltB' II Norfolk & Cakolina train iNa. io at.-Ahosk. I tar Norfolk. .Train No. itaiakes&rect coanectioa j 4 with Norfolk fit Carolina N0.103 irom motioik ... uuiu HDRMMIMC 1 uiiueuAUf ; Canaral Fraicht & paasencer Agoht.-- CHESAPEAKE ' ; -s.1 Mail Steamers ;call upon, the citizeand ask them to- decorata. r Browni BQlia Ncson H 0 Brett, Sam Hollomoa, Ah;cx. Par theirhomes and lose their places ofbusiness ,dup-..-. ker;.Biuben'Majcttc, SP Winloroe, .W H Jdter.-J 0' S.rTi .:.... . . . :...'f f Vnnffhrm. Iw R liohh W J Yantrhan. U A. MitreiL.r. A COMlynTTEE .ON ARRANG! Glais. ?0 J cIenlnns, J J Askew, J C Sumner, J A Mite- l, 2--1T J , 4. : ir v T - h rr ell, JESoman, JACopeland, J M.' Bunch, DL 'I l-Mso the foDogladics: Mcamw Jrfiaa Eromj 0 TT Mrfl p. j w ,VLawrence.V1B Newson. ) TarkerABAdhns, SM Aumaei. J IbcaAI PaUirr It is the duty of this committee f to meet at the f Robt Hollomani Ro3a Mitchell, OUTo PernrflH 0 Prctv. it To all Points North East & West.; ! Lt. Norfolk, Jackson st. . :...l.i.-yAS P- Lv. Old Point Comfort. ."......wj-.-.o-45Pm' Ar. Baltimore, Pier 19, Light st...V.....7-QQ .? - - B, & O. R. R.j ' P. R. R- Lv. Baltimore... .....t7:5Sa m.i I 8:00a. m. Ar. Philadelphia 10:15 a. m. 10:15 a.m. Ar. New York.....f .i-:35 v- m ia:43P-m. Steamers leave .daily except Sanday. For staterooms and any information call at. . ; " T a r. t 1TF T can 01 tneir cnairman auu prwtw bu wuio owwiu t v x urown. ueo jjaruen. u u 1 1 lunin, j iv uarreu, for speakers, also provide seats for the audience. t Scssoms, W H M iUcr, and J P Freeman. ; " , ,.,':::MARSHALLS,-,,.,v,r. ?-,!.,U' W 'J "".'. .v j - , ., . Tt mil hn tho-ontv of thia Commiltte ta tec othtn Eid S-WST16 TaSrS' -w" ' em to Mn ticir tokcb and to mo that lis ilzzz: MlftfflS MStJI: ' b properly Ecrrcdand that no cri roc a, ?itbcutUT niiuiiiiiviii n - 1 iiiiiiiuin. i u fLii iini illiiajuuu w a aauiAi wawi . . a. . . - i - - - lnesometniniTtoeat. 6 . - WAVERLEY BICYCLES hCYCJETa, . &LC03. ' loe. C. H Pruden, Thosi Brown Jr. Herbert Bntton, Vernon "J": . si f f -i ' " ' . , Norfolk Ticket Office, Main and Graiby Streets, , x , vt H Phones', i'.tviti I J ' I O 21 V AiVtKL E. T. LAMB, Gen.'Aet. ' . Pass. At. 3D3JJO-3 JAIHTSUa.'.i h JAr;fOV1 3TTO 2HT ..... - . . 3 liiliiMl tlieday . a.pfle f 14 I v. . M I RAIL-ROAD tt t ant one. ' t r a. a ; r.ONDCNSED SCHEDULE ; No. J p. m: NoV A. M. . .-a ao . a 40 3 03 3 7 3 5 4 15 4 36 .4 S3 5 35 6 00 6 35 P. M Stations. , 9 00 9 9 51 10 5 4 10 35 I50 It 06 XI 31 13 OO Jl 31 Lv.NorfolkAr Pinner. Point. ....Drivers.... ....Suffolk... bates.... ,. Tunis Aboskie... ..Aulander... ... 13 50 P m. .Hobsrood... Ar.TarboroLv Reeky Mount no?; 48...'. P. M. 1 5 55 5 30 5 05 4 50 4 30 4 o 3 41 J . -3 37 3 53 331 No. fl03 A.M.- i, to 35 io 03' 9 34 : '8 33 8 05 o 46 1 ladie hnnv !'; m i lt -r J "l . ... .1 ' is uiYitea to attenci ana espe.ajiuiLy f.i ! ". s is. ' '-. f' ,l : . ' 1- 1 " 1 . 1 . : ' . i 4- 1 . ' 1 . . W4 B.Wi I 55 P. M. Daily.vS:ii5& tDly except Sunday. (, lc r:: vi - r turn . . , j t At t r 1 r. t 4 1;; i :-.-: r;- 'ir i . . 1 ;7..a r fills ? ; ? 'j 1 . ,.Tr.:n. Na'm an d solid trains between aers Point and W ilmingtdn. Train No. 40 co Beet, at Rocky M ount with trail 33for all poi South and No. 78 train for all poiuts Norths : r 'H 1. ,1 v-"Jk L w I " M aa (I n aifpoi t X-v.. -i:u.. --- .V -: r.-- ..Mvai.T , .-, i . : - rains. . .-rr;i;:--v-rv--i- i'- " 5 v " : . . -, t- " " Q.r.ral Manager, Sup't., Trains. 1 . 1 1

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