I lou:.' ia North Car !' Ti ? ; : I 5.tma .;'1) Iv Send, us your orders. P.- oriize home inJuitrT- If yon arc ia n': 1 of cu-:! - I ". , . -; - ; ;u tag 'to a book, let us know and v. a v.ji. satisfy you in every parttctihr or rei;r.i your r,:.. v. cUc u- -,.r i :J r. STOP 1 - ' p. - V ( - V 1 v 4 4 x t J j Borrowing YOUR Neigh btf LEGEIUj,7E..7in:Sciir .it to : YOUTwelve Months for ONE Dollar - . . . Six Months: 50 Cents, , s i i VOL. 17. i H ? Windsor, r i. c, :r; : -j :is l . :;, july .26. 1900 ., 7R $ li25 fo Nothing Our presses have completed printing our v uuww mo. , ot everything to Kat. Us and WtML Kach n wi .Jl.uu ( print ana ia tnu U jA an evidence rof interest, woa iw ctnu m stamps lo Help w postage, ana vua uiav dMiiH- ths 10 ccnU sram Toar firtt h it requirea car Joads uf paper for this woit- emn -cautimrw, which con lainsrat pajras,size lUHxl inches,- equivalent to over luuw pages ivt therdinanr n .humuuv. xw yon w per cent, to 70 per. cent, on 'vervthiue , you- buy at every p leuoa aftlia vMr -.A f tnia douk quotes wholesale prices 10 . coasuiuert ua mtii it ia jronr - posses c h e r r Jthau a t T . -Or1 , 1 if fa Si 1-bere U Uttle yon can think ' of that this book ' does F""ot "contain. ..except mu- Comotives nA 4 Boats. Ve even quote Uve- Ani. dimIs. ' Everything Mn.'WDnum tr 0.1 Wvr ears. il kinds J00$ verything "office; for a hotel, fur on a f son, tea, bam, or for t cry (nown -tuirDose. can fotinti in. this calalnarn. , " , oo,-.contains . over J uluiiratxms and quotes ,r- s..on -ove. 150,000 differ. Ts-d,' Carpet, Sac Ann -... . -alefus, aadi war Cletkiay " itfc Iarr Isamples at- L? lJlLiS.5S PU4 Carpet. i ITc4 book thall mt scnJ t Aidrtsn this tvay ; JULIUS HINES & SON BALTIMORB,'MD.. mm ns The .in ihi. '77 ill Righteous Protest : of the alGovertjmeiit, namely: the riht cf ' , Nol on! are ? Kcpub'.Icia conveo- J1 se!f-sovernaenV imhirapcred .by t--nj controlled by this rh.-aenVnbu: j ' I Federal Interference. the, convections of their. roLUCil' a!-. Sofar has this thing of interference lies, the Populist, are likewise so by Federal oGce-holders gone in this cottWled. . In the il State ton Stale this year thit if we were not Tentioa cf the Tor-itt rlrt y Saged in the disowsbn and atteo o( the lead'nj and most prcsu&ent pted settlement of a " question which and influential f ures were men hold , vitally affects .oirr civilization. ' the ir posiiions to which you had . tr People Against the Attenfpt I paramount issue in this State today poi cted th?m. While there were not Z r l 1 .. ' 'I would be whether we are to - have as many delegates holdins: Federal government by the people or govern- c.T.ces in this convention as ia the ment by the Federal oT;ce-ho!dersI ' llcrat,"ca a convention, ttey were I -be2 most respectfully Ho give equally as potential ia shaprnj - its you a hrief outline and summary - of policy, and it is a matter cl jnertl some" of the facts upon which I base knowledge In this State that it i this these charge's and statements. oEce-holding contingent in the-.rop- ; The Republican - campaign in ulist party which bas forced upon North Carolina opered i with the l unnatural compact that today the tate to Regulate - t t?st"rItOwn State B-'-i;H . lections .. : - SELF-GOVERNMENT DE HANDED BY ALL . r V niinn LUllUll J fflP?! iruuuuo, n n 11 nn lilib liiL-i iuU.L . 'nrilir r r t I 1 i IN i 1 1 I 1 ..If Ur 5 IV--. -r c l. ifl!j',."S Jan 1- N:-. -a -Janes K Nc.-n t'.i" '. t ( 1 in c r i - r t! tf.A.-U ,fr. i-twlrat U.e I a 1 t ; - ' 1 " ;l j.uv i Oitivi: I .S of !. ar. i a.lict,Li 19 lh Rmntrt Ood: r K . N-roa aivj Ctrtf U Rac for f 3,0Oa i iat.) t. V, IT T'. 1 - .. State c( . When the AaariUe Gurye fio;;4 1 .' Yesterday lion. F. M. Simmons addressed the following letter . to President McKinley: ; Raleigh, N. C, July 1 6, . i oxo. '..Honorable 1 WilUani, McKinley, " UK. W. L. UA KO Washington City D. C. Sin The people of this State will hold a general State Election on the second day of August of thi$ year, for the purpose of I electing county and State officers and to take the AO trnrt 4 rcfrectioa pcJentiflcallv corrected I sense of the people upon a proposi tion toamend the Constitution "of the State. No Federal officer .will be elected or voted for at this election; and before the National election in November, under the State election law, the registration books will be Fifst-class Watch tetsairhsjr lor Cv aays to g,ve every elec- Oocks and TewelrV and all kinds tor not y registered an oppor- of Spectacles and EyergUsses for tunity -,to- haie his name Vcd t wpon j tne registration dooks. In the consideration aald ccjr.y. LLcia art cj.a J rr Consulting Optician. W. R. J0HN30N. ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, WINDSOR, 7 7 Practical mil Cmmrta. : -i Sp9cimlBttmttMglYe toCWedJMs. I ll iff 1 1 n in id rirv nn wnm i a niy rr v ikbiL uu wuilv.! ' l-'.v . r n. I . l w - T . l May, ,960; tle Republican State con- a part of the Republican party. the organ cf t the dcoif wU , a, cana U rr ' N aT vention. This convention was lankly a In every, section of the, Sute de coci, ib fcc CVuirr i4r. . t -!. f J convention of Federal ofSce holders, puty collectors, deputy, mirsals.- de- rge4 that the editor. had bt, lV U X Uu lf) , l" ' It was composed of two hundred and puty collectors of customs, 'orV friil -bi ter the radical U. ft ' ? ! forty delegates. A leading RepublW keepers and gaugers and clerk, ia l that sect Wa of the state Nc4!, Cc:w,,.f- t,r.'j H fJcds 1 1 " n of this city openly stated a .few tKese several departments of the ser- "f coubtrjj Jh !ttr!.; Jt ; I-j t he rOO!:, ttr days subsequent to its adjournment vice are conspicuous for tneit actirity body cou.dtraj the Caiette rf.r ai- . JtUBi:f) ll H 1 rv 1 . : : that more than half of these delegat- m locaK poHtics Their .effepsive f ai ili tt cl a ar, t.vH r? 1 ; ' esheia i Federal offices and that the, rship is subject to general re- Waed crgaa tf KU:.,. I t Ccr-iwtt 5 c frs-i; 4 V , ,,! completelydpminated its ;denbera. mark and universal scandal Mere 1 e" -ia .XgU tL co,,ty ci l'J X) tion, A leading newspaper of this mr theygo in the dUcharge o their Vt 'rV;. city published during the session of I mey aamouie pansian mera- 7 .7 , ' . . l.flr J La tr c-itlaaJ a' 1 V. f , . - - r It w - w t - 1 a this one imnntinnSi.r,mM f n,.rt ture and agitate in favor of the can. "ns gtTts,u io.-owc; aiLJat.i t.r ie hundrtKl of thci ctAtAt J didates and policies of theit rariy. " bT Wfi Wallet ; Roy It is openly charged that in many in- lh Carette in any court. Jlcrf la tS. stances persons engaged in thV;a!e i mni,r5H.r. l. rt.i..t I. Walter Roy Sotsrrt ie. ei " ' sale. " ; . R. W. HALISH, Expert Watcfcaaker a4 f t , QrudmmU OpticiM . i . . Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. Si" JWV. - 8 Wo. and- deter mination of these purely local "ques tions,! respectfully submit that l our people are entitled to exemption from Main St, next door to Mrs. Barrett's meddlesome interference on the part stoevj- V'1' r ; Federal office-holders, whether act ing officially under color of their office or individually by using the opportun to - unduly influence whom they '" may have official relations, or by parading the authoiityjwith which they, are' invest ed in a manner, intended and' calcul ated to overawe and Intimidate the electors of the State in - the , exercise ot mar. tree wm at tne oaiiQt-DOx or in 7 INDSOR. N. C A teaVr A'k-jfl ities giyenWm r. i.i iyi cIPI-olthoseLwith, RAILROAD. PASSCNQ 1 Iff Ae w 4 1 ! Tl a. rf Ta rN ii oltl i Sodth ti trrccTivr8aT-i8t. t - the election omcers ot the .state v.M-MfAIAlfit.M&i, A Vlf MO M I l"C UiOUlMltC U. klACaa AAlCaAA i UUUC5. Both as a citizen of this' - State and ' ,S " ' - lioUyGrove v's a" 1 as the chosen representaUve of a pol -la u.nnminwci. i j- ji uicai party uumocnng 170-000 voters AexcetHndaUirstst now existing in the State m making ing the- Federal office held by each. They attend, publk speakings, some- ww owM 37S cl t ii5ch f-senyou therewith the name, of 1'imes travelling long distances to do Kares cf atock in the G.tetK , . r -wi. :V 1- so. often roin? out of their dma-on. Py . evrdencr that Cocr.o svmw w aMv.7. wuv nbiw avaa a . - egates or present participating and directinr its df?lihfratinn. Amnnr them ire numerous postmasters, de- n manufacture of liqivor are shown ' 'Xltty .s puty collectors, deputy marshals, oiney or.ircaiea wan narinnesa oy ; - j store-keeper and gangers, collection these ubordioates. for portisan rras Ioc.t,c FHy I Nh Ca,?t auu customs aepuues, census enurn- ....w..... jwif erators, departmental officials, the of the Eastern District of North Car JJ fma JBrve, cntil Jwne to rolWftr TntAmsl Pr,., olina in sentencinfr two netro " poat- t5j70 1 W1 anarocruy atociwtr U or the eastern and western districts, "rs, appointed during jour ad- "e";w ZW- the district attorney for these ttor11"" tJelalcations in clhce -r districts, etc Aiok 0CCliio0 to . aulmadrtrt upon lDl,T Gasetta and tb AsJmlk W Thie convention arpointed dele- tbt seeming effort of catain Federal 'J manry ua tes to the National Republican con- ofEcials to secure leniency for these c"Tn 'u u f100 AaJ ventton at PhilaHnhia. T h.v nnt affenders." Since the berinninz 4 of hl "' M I3.4 . Art4 -r . .. . f v ... i a list of these delegates, but the del- P campa.gn an attorney charged in ..0o. M rrx.c egationwascomposedUrkelyof those court ia his address to the Jarr f d lU Cc' holding the chief Federal positions in that there was a understanding be- 4 vx. juu the State; among them Collectors of tween certain illicit dlstillrri and the "ted into an agreement with Sz Internal Revenue Duncan and Ha. Revenue oridals, to screen live for- tor Icter C I'r.tchard. Co!ctoi 11 ind postmaster Bailey, of this tr oa account of their politics, and P l) . wacu toe uuuia auoidct ucraanucui The Chairman of the State Execu- lTve the names ot places nd - ' w " ... I i. . . i ..l . .i. Ir. laorrmt tj fV.-si ---r. it A tive Committee of the Republican p100 oc l -mooui '.- -r. -- party is the Hon A- E. Holton, Uoit-I51111"1 hesiution. : eoamtw4 eetaom iw a-nltaS ed States District Attorney for the w caaxgea ana not oeniea mat -a . Western District of this State, and 10 Qn7 sections ol the bUte fourth- ...,a. . v i -r-rtf SunHa.14-" Flis1 Station Train No. 9 makes direct ccmntction with the 1 the r.harcre that vmir . ai irvtnt Irk. : Unni r Xr Pisni tMA train No. ioa at Ahoske I " ' J rr for Norfolk TJU No, t makes direct connection cated m-thlS State are flOW jjajly, and i with Norfolk &CaolimaNo.io3 from Norfolk. - . i J Ji -ri t . , - -.Ml.r. sitfee the Inception of the political i I : . : . i ; anera.l asanager. i v.uiigii uun m ivgitw, uc uccu flagrantly and openly, without - the slightest attempt at disguise or: con ,:m.c.himshaw. OsMsral Frstcht ft passenjsr Acent. tsaj?;a ar. 1 U taa acat5 .c.r ' aaf ftrxa cl tL-tw i atj c-e'Ttya-xra J laad lrruxcita4 L--;r- ;a ''i li-Lld $ice(J fVtri)!raa j. arU u a!J ,tcc men a 'h f.U fa. a UrrJ.: art IM ex;U ta l j r. avskj iLst I aa t3 -at ta taa lfJfT.i .- I ta.C a taVy ;Xiic as-J rtf jy t : .- 1 vgatarr LUu'-a It rc-J- s-v t-it rj cc!:r 13 f:J:J c r ; : 1 N 1 V , I , V''l . .... ' r J ...... ..... t . l 1 t W Si t . r V j ali ath cf ai :ksa f-fpc'j tj . t ' ... r ( i s t . w - iM is. V!VC ( W C av tUlaiaa rtt;rti at tr,--.fi tip la ra c tbe h ta te cl fn.a t j V raa-o. 'Th4 teatlaaoavy Li -rt Lrrr- uitj art ray tatS ar J af.x4 tbt ftl f talj ctAJt, lii t th diy c4 J j.';. tm the jrir c i cr- tL ia--!, f iL KL S S TXl. Tl A Y EX. frclico.'arf. (tearK rt jil:U Ta. I mi on tnis commiuee are many oi ine i , . leading Federal office-holders of tie 'X oaensirely actire in pohUcs. State. discussing partisan quesuons la and VVM" UV4 ,tw..j from their offices and distribatinr ufn Paeci "J ' i In its notorious in this State that ' 77 ' A- i t l w i partisan literature. ; a rrgclady written agtcotii ta th; -r-. J i . or i l J . f rearrai omcc-uoiucrs not, onij, con-i- . . .. . -7 M..,f.u i.:t t . . S L A cenlai rnemeration has , iuat wa presented to saJ Jaa. T. v- J iu? L ...J been corn Dieted in this Sute. All ofNortoa L7 ftpresenuurta cl t. e wn n a in nviiv ail i i sins itiii i b- a . rHFAPFAKF I INF H" S theiroffidal P? ty inventions of their party through- huodrC?4 f J 1' T'V.e a . WnCoAr CAlvD M . the oflens ve and Dohtlcal activitr of "Jh that l.,e tera la tae a Isyi, G3Tcrr:r PjcIL 1 Uys t-: n-: to K::::a 4 "" "v v 111 v "v 1,11 : j .. v "n ii- ii ii f v " CENTRAL liOTIi! Ai.a.I'-r. N.C J. It. Ll il. j . --t'TT a-'-T :. ' r c .r ; - tJLt Us, !-., i Vf.i st 7- i iactj-H f8i;v I L, F. PIERC . v,,J,. MJ. S. Mail Steamers 1 2&&JtS they invest them, hot only to 'control . r- . .. . . . , i tne convenuons ana me voters ot tne Tp Aix Points North East & West. poUticarpaity q which they , belong, 5:45 p. m. I but to unduly influence voters of the 6:45pm- . ... . . . opposition party to coerce ana in timidata the individual citizen in the L. Norfolk, Jackson St.. t . nu Point Comfort. . . . Ar.' Baltimore, Pier 19, Light St.. .7:00 a. m. B.&O. R. R. " P. R. R Lv. Baltimore ....7;55 m- Xr "Philadelphia. .v.-.o:i5 a.m. -Ar.;JSpaork..i.e.i:35 P- 8:00 a. m, .10:15 a. m. ia3 p. m. Steamars leave daily except Sunday. - rt : yot staterooms and any information call at.. Norfolk Ticket Office, Main and Granby Street. " "' I j Phones ii..-- - , . ' W. B. BROWN Pass. Agt, . E. T.LAMB, ' Gea. Alft. . " RAILROAD CONDENSED. SCHEDULE Dated May 271b, 1S5J. "'" ' T " "' - ' ' ' " 49 Stations, ns. to" - --.'p.m. a.m. y A M s " ? '; ' ' i . . a 20 9 00 Lv.Norfolk,Ar. 5 55 19 25 ' 3 40 9 aa Pinne" Point. 5 3 1003 - . ; . 01 9 51 .... Drivers.. 5 5 " 9 34 ' a 17 1005 ....Suffolk... -450 919 j 1 50 1035 ......Gates.... 420 842 i1' '"'-iij' 1050 ......Tunis.... 400 . s 23 . .. 14 36 11 06 r. Ahoskie...- v 3 4 .8 05 ; n ai ..An lander.... 3-27 8 50 ' -S3S '"la'oo- ..Hobgood.... 353 708- g i ia 2i' Ar.TarboroLv. a 31,. 646 ' - Ar. . Lv. - . ' -- " 6 35. ta 5 Rocky Mount. 1 55 6 37 - T. M. P. Mr J-. A M. . ' 1 ' '" " " ' - ' " ..r exercise of his political rights', and to browbeaiand.intimidate the election officers of the Stat in the -tlischarge of . their duties, to the great scandal of your administration and in defiance of the letter as well as the spirit and ! principals of the, Constitution and the so-called Civil Service Laws of Con- grss, to the maintenance of ! which your administration is pledged in the most solemn manner. In making these charges. I hut gve expression to the righteous protest of the people of ; this State 'against this open infraction of the highest ; politi cal nghts guaranteed to them Dy- the compel between them and the -.reder ' fit ': Dailyi - '. tDaily except Sanday," Trains Not. 40 and 48 solid trains between Pi con ! ; ,.'-'"ner't Point and Wilmington. Train No. 4? V l ,ectS at Rocky Mount with train 23 for all pot y South and No. 70 train iot an pouits ortn. J C; M. SCRFCLL, J. R .KlHLtV t s - OariaraJ Manaajw. , , Sup't. Tmlna. 7 - Csswal Paasanz Agant. this siimnitr?. Then tddTa ntfl;;-.-.Vvjr' r-'-v.r" - I to his rr.i:X thrc ti.T.s$ a diy. , It b :tcrJsMt how fist hiw'l'A improve. If hsr.rr:; l;t v ths mclhrr .; .U!:s0lhs Orr..:!:!:n. joe. aad ioj an e-.-. greetner.t for theve terriers oa ths VI bf tv- tors'.t o lney!nut thr Statf Tkfv dictate the affnrrianH thi nower . with whirri . I these otticcrs while enzaced in the - r--T- . , nominations, not oniy oa aiate om- .. . .... . - . . . lMrf v ... ... .1 uiscuxrire di tncir amies. no dq r iu 1 d eieaors, Dut . -, thouiaod dcllara ta U raU tr r r tl - 1 AJb UUthVUIIVU Vt l- H l.tllIVIt I ot county omcers as weu. . . ' : . Rrw-vt;,.. t -... J . IKv tKTTi 4 thv mt aVwMit- . frftr I KertDkicaa viany ia isaa.. revenue for this State, by reason of I . . . , . , .... lirrrA numlvr -! r ffi r-r Iirtr1ir I ' I thpm. are the reorpanized managers 1 n J I ' i i mm t v . ..t . ... . and dorainaUng spirits in nearly . vJ. .t ..ta i. r v-,.. ics s vu iac jjjuuui icw a wu j.t.i- i j'v r.A j -'- - w -i. WAVERL3 . bicvc: poses of the citizen, with reference tolsoaaHy, and that drpotxrr.t in cenvtr the conventions of their party within Vkta amnAtif4aa A xj i rr t TVi fr. " . . , .. , . . 1 the dohtical questions now pending I satioa with sakl Jatnca I- Ncx'.oa quently attend in person the district. , . . ,nd hit i'i'm- Mm if irt SVci la . .u . in this State, and in . attempts laca ms s.s.er. Iim siary ."scr a, ia i r w aa w-w-i r nTW . persuade, in behalf of Lheir party, conventions within their, territory, and through their influence and that of their subordinates, effect nomin tions.' The Hon., Thomas. Settle, of Asheville, ex-member of Congress, and the Isaac M. Meekins, of " Kliia , - . . . - . . office-holding body in tL is State, in beth City, who have been victimised ,. , . February 190c. was ir.fotTrd that . a . a .ar . - those whose poliflcal views they tri" 01 l?5C mta..cr.ta taj Lca tliought they might influence. -,v ipaad. thougn no record was.tiade c . It is also correctly rumored and 1 the books of aald Gazette Tul'lihg understood that llic entire Federal! Company. t , ,. '.. by the machinations of these office holders, can furnish you with confir matory evidence of these statements. , I V . v '. - ' ANlftt Of Tarrar. service 1 regulation have been assessed for Kepubllcan and fusion campaign purposes. -Ot course, I do not; pre. tend to know for what purpose this en- HI! QUI ii A ItlaV. .; C;i;;r Ltit Vctr ail r l.-J rvj. t---oc-t. F" - t - m: lx ; n j r ,tT' 1 tv, a, - closed afildavit of W. Roy SumcrviHc of Machias. Me., when the doctors (Continued on 4th pa) said.she7 could nof live till mornUijr r r . , - t -4f 1,., thit" frfi niaht all I It speaks well f or ChamberTain's thmmht she uould soon die from Cough Remedy when drug-tits use it Pnuemonia. but she berced for Dr. 'ir own malies in preference to irincr'c Niw nicoverv. savin it hid any other. have so'.J Chambar wirtfc tnin once savea ner me. ina -o" ..v. . ...v. V w rntnmnhn aft-r five years with complete - satisfaci ion 4UaVU eVAW V v a- w a ex w three small doses she slept easily all tu myself and customers." says Dru night, and its futhet usecoapletely lst J. Goldsrruth, Vann Utcn, N, Y. currd her." This marvelous mtdi- '1 hiye d) ud it in my own cine is rruaraniesa to cure an inroat. j Chest and Lu lg Disease. Only 50c and Jr. 00. Trial bottle free at U. C J Ener.cre's' store. - is, asa ho'di and for the cou'h fo','.uir la rrippe and find it very For said by J, J MarJre and T,ro ) )tlf ( '-, tl 4 ija.a fci 4. . .r -v' A. swat-. l'l - - I t'r. , ' v - i 1 t 1 ta r - a a-I raa'. l - "' t.i tut -X If B .. V . 'X H t . t M ar t XX n. w. -. . bajL ti .tin S ar. 1 etTT ct oklT UU( r-"J-' U-a. a 1 W I J ILwwIj t--.- .j r ..-x rtrixw i i 1 iu 1 1 t ia, i.rri"'. s -. J ; 1 r rt t J m- s C i.as- I Hit . : t a-. - a t . -. j ' a or, y r 1- a . r. - - 1 r ? ' - - u.l t it ! The JUU-casr axt iaUg sa eiiy t.r:e j.U tx-. - Ttcy harr f cr. 1 Cat it j-t lii aa eary Jb ta f-Ii. r-r-gra r.'-r ;.a a Su-'a at uVy hal Ad thry an rc-?g lUta ti Ms M'rpr'g i:j iw.ai ia i.t-f. ltia teat 1 j a -C X U, dr.'rct; U tLat ti lit aaja li Atrfoi -rit w t aicjf?dly a U: ci;;.7. He ar.r.l z'tt ti? lat et r r Is the bcg'--g ti lU"-:a wheca t arjUa as ""that d o w':liJ- J T ; G-r-ff&:t aatt tS arrrit tLe rti itrara at V.zj:-o wat a a- C thit it waa fatal ta a 7 ctat-f il r.fp.l'cat c'i-t hare Lad ci ci; r)ir.; ie Jta.. ia er .s'c-rtrv ir eJ-cf. Fj- - s. - 0 a r ta;i tf 11-t t.icf.- tl 11.- tH' ..r r-Vr r '-tl ta 1 3 t3 o t-'f taa:'.;; I t,e tni'.'.rr ta ancu- xi v rr- Tiri af W.:::v5 x: i taa.de it ta McK carry the i 'a' t v etrr ry Cx 4 ury tae y c La -c-c n it t ? t A : a . '.f d r a ILL e ortvrd t y a U ,r.rr..l..r-t Jrctv :.:y. I' tv lets t.aa i.cro A atcre ; I a . a .1 jr-t 'i f -; .r ! r- : ' t! !'.; rrlv. J!;-. tivt !jt t :r,'j t: a c. rr Fcr Sih ty Dr. scr, :i C s. las m M I i W a t f a .-